Simplified Chinese (中文(简体)) More...
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Variables | |
$bookstoreList | |
$dateFormats | |
$datePreferences | |
$defaultDateFormat = 'zh' | |
$extraUserToggles | |
$fallback8bitEncoding = 'windows-936' | |
$linkTrail = '/^()(.*)$/sD' | |
$magicWords | |
$messages | |
$namespaceAliases | |
$namespaceNames | |
$specialPageAliases |
Simplified Chinese (中文(简体))
See MessagesQqq.php for message documentation incl. usage of parameters To improve a translation please visit
Definition in file MessagesZh_hans.php.
$bookstoreList |
array( 'AddALL' => '$1&type=ISBN', 'PriceSCAN' => '$1', 'Barnes & Noble' => '$1', '亚马逊' => '$1', '卓越亚马逊' => '$1', '当当网' => '$1', '博客来书店' => '$1', '三民书店' => '$1', '天下书店' => '$1', '新丝路书店' => '$1' )
Definition at line 263 of file MessagesZh_hans.php.
$dateFormats |
array( 'zh time' => 'H:i', 'zh date' => 'Y年n月j日 (l)', 'zh both' => 'Y年n月j日 (D) H:i', )
Definition at line 257 of file MessagesZh_hans.php.
$datePreferences |
array( 'default', 'ISO 8601', )
Definition at line 252 of file MessagesZh_hans.php.
$defaultDateFormat = 'zh' |
Definition at line 256 of file MessagesZh_hans.php.
$extraUserToggles |
Definition at line 249 of file MessagesZh_hans.php.
$fallback8bitEncoding = 'windows-936' |
Definition at line 72 of file MessagesZh_hans.php.
$linkTrail = '/^()(.*)$/sD' |
Definition at line 247 of file MessagesZh_hans.php.
$magicWords |
array( 'redirect' => array( '0', '#重定向', '#REDIRECT' ), 'notoc' => array( '0', '_无目录_', '__NOTOC__' ), 'nogallery' => array( '0', '_无图库_', '__NOGALLERY__' ), 'forcetoc' => array( '0', '_强显目录_', '__FORCETOC__' ), 'toc' => array( '0', '_目录_', '__TOC__' ), 'noeditsection' => array( '0', '_无段落编辑_', '__NOEDITSECTION__' ), 'currentmonth' => array( '1', '本月', 'CURRENTMONTH', 'CURRENTMONTH2' ), 'currentmonth1' => array( '1', '本月1', 'CURRENTMONTH1' ), 'currentmonthname' => array( '1', '本月名称', 'CURRENTMONTHNAME' ), 'currentmonthabbrev' => array( '1', '本月简称', 'CURRENTMONTHABBREV' ), 'currentday' => array( '1', '今天', 'CURRENTDAY' ), 'currentday2' => array( '1', '今天2', 'CURRENTDAY2' ), 'currentyear' => array( '1', '今年', 'CURRENTYEAR' ), 'numberofpages' => array( '1', '页数', 'NUMBEROFPAGES' ), 'numberofarticles' => array( '1', '条目数', 'NUMBEROFARTICLES' ), 'numberoffiles' => array( '1', '文件数', 'NUMBEROFFILES' ), 'numberofusers' => array( '1', '用户数', 'NUMBEROFUSERS' ), 'numberofactiveusers' => array( '1', '活跃用户数', 'NUMBEROFACTIVEUSERS' ), 'numberofedits' => array( '1', '编辑数', 'NUMBEROFEDITS' ), 'numberofviews' => array( '1', '访问数', 'NUMBEROFVIEWS' ), 'pagename' => array( '1', '页名', 'PAGENAME' ), )
Definition at line 223 of file MessagesZh_hans.php.
$messages |
Definition at line 276 of file MessagesZh_hans.php.
$namespaceAliases |
array( '媒体' => NS_MEDIA, '特殊' => NS_SPECIAL, '对话' => NS_TALK, '讨论' => NS_TALK, '用户' => NS_USER, '用户对话' => NS_USER_TALK, '用户讨论' => NS_USER_TALK, '图像' => NS_FILE, '档案' => NS_FILE, '文件' => NS_FILE, 'Image' => NS_FILE, 'Image_talk' => NS_FILE_TALK, '图像对话' => NS_FILE_TALK, '图像讨论' => NS_FILE_TALK, '档案对话' => NS_FILE_TALK, '档案讨论' => NS_FILE_TALK, '文件对话' => NS_FILE_TALK, '文件讨论' => NS_FILE_TALK, '模板' => NS_TEMPLATE, '模板对话' => NS_TEMPLATE_TALK, '模板讨论' => NS_TEMPLATE_TALK, '帮助' => NS_HELP, '帮助对话' => NS_HELP_TALK, '帮助讨论' => NS_HELP_TALK, '分类' => NS_CATEGORY, '分类对话' => NS_CATEGORY_TALK, '分类讨论' => NS_CATEGORY_TALK, )
Definition at line 93 of file MessagesZh_hans.php.
$namespaceNames |
array( NS_MEDIA => '媒体文件', NS_SPECIAL => '特殊', NS_TALK => '讨论', NS_USER => '用户', NS_USER_TALK => '用户讨论', NS_PROJECT_TALK => '$1讨论', NS_FILE => '文件', NS_FILE_TALK => '文件讨论', NS_MEDIAWIKI => 'MediaWiki', NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => 'MediaWiki讨论', NS_TEMPLATE => '模板', NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => '模板讨论', NS_HELP => '帮助', NS_HELP_TALK => '帮助讨论', NS_CATEGORY => '分类', NS_CATEGORY_TALK => '分类讨论', )
Definition at line 74 of file MessagesZh_hans.php.
$specialPageAliases |
Definition at line 123 of file MessagesZh_hans.php.