Chinese (Taiwan) (中文(台灣)) More...
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Variables | |
$dateFormats | |
$datePreferences | |
$defaultDateFormat = 'zh' | |
$fallback = 'zh-hant, zh-hans' | |
$messages | |
$namespaceAliases | |
$namespaceNames | |
$specialPageAliases |
Chinese (Taiwan) (中文(台灣))
See MessagesQqq.php for message documentation incl. usage of parameters To improve a translation please visit
Definition in file MessagesZh_tw.php.
$dateFormats |
array( 'zh time' => 'H:i', 'zh date' => 'Y年n月j日 (l)', 'zh both' => 'Y年n月j日 (D) H:i', 'minguo time' => 'H:i', 'minguo date' => 'xoY年n月j日 (l)', 'minguo both' => 'xoY年n月j日 (D) H:i', 'minguo shorttext time' => 'H:i', 'minguo shorttext date' => '民xoY年n月j日 (l)', 'minguo shorttext both' => '民xoY年n月j日 (D) H:i', 'minguo text time' => 'H:i', 'minguo text date' => '民國xoY年n月j日 (l)', 'minguo text both' => '民國xoY年n月j日 (D) H:i', 'minguo fulltext time' => 'H:i', 'minguo fulltext date' => '中華民國xoY年n月j日 (l)', 'minguo fulltext both' => '中華民國xoY年n月j日 (D) H:i', 'CNS 7648 time' => 'H:i', 'CNS 7648 date' => '"R.O.C." xoY-m-d (l)', 'CNS 7648 both' => '"R.O.C." xoY-m-d (D) H:i', 'CNS 7648 compact time' => 'H:i', 'CNS 7648 compact date' => '"ROC" xoY-m-d (l)', 'CNS 7648 compact both' => '"ROC" xoY-m-d (D) H:i', )
Definition at line 76 of file MessagesZh_tw.php.
$datePreferences |
array( 'default', 'minguo', 'minguo shorttext', 'minguo text', 'minguo fulltext', 'CNS 7648', 'CNS 7648 compact', 'ISO 8601', )
Definition at line 63 of file MessagesZh_tw.php.
$defaultDateFormat = 'zh' |
Definition at line 74 of file MessagesZh_tw.php.
$fallback = 'zh-hant, zh-hans' |
Definition at line 26 of file MessagesZh_tw.php.
$messages |
Definition at line 106 of file MessagesZh_tw.php.
$namespaceAliases |
array( 'Image' => NS_FILE, 'Image_talk' => NS_FILE_TALK, "圖片" => NS_FILE, "圖片討論" => NS_FILE_TALK, )
Definition at line 56 of file MessagesZh_tw.php.
$namespaceNames |
array( NS_USER => '使用者', NS_USER_TALK => '使用者討論', NS_HELP => '使用說明', NS_HELP_TALK => '使用說明討論', )
Definition at line 49 of file MessagesZh_tw.php.
$specialPageAliases |
array( 'Ancientpages' => array( '最舊頁面' ), 'Block' => array( '查封用戶' ), 'Blockme' => array( '封禁我' ), 'Disambiguations' => array( '消歧義頁' ), 'FileDuplicateSearch' => array( '搜索重復文件' ), 'Invalidateemail' => array( '無法識別的電郵地址' ), 'LinkSearch' => array( '搜索網頁鏈接' ), 'Listredirects' => array( '重定向頁面列表' ), 'Lockdb' => array( '鎖定數據庫' ), 'MIMEsearch' => array( 'MIME搜索' ), 'Randomredirect' => array( '隨機重定向頁面' ), 'Recentchanges' => array( '近期變動' ), 'Revisiondelete' => array( '刪除或恢復版本' ), 'Unblock' => array( '解除封鎖' ), 'Unlockdb' => array( '解除數據庫鎖定' ), 'Unwatchedpages' => array( '未被監視的頁面' ), 'Userrights' => array( '用戶權限' ), 'Withoutinterwiki' => array( '沒有跨語言鏈接的頁面' ), )
Definition at line 28 of file MessagesZh_tw.php.