MediaWiki  REL1_19
Todo List
Class _DiffOp
Class _DiffOp_Add
Class _DiffOp_Change
Class _DiffOp_Copy
Class _DiffOp_Delete
Class _HWLDF_WordAccumulator
Class AnsiTermColorer
Fixme: Make this more generic
Member ApiTest ()
Finish filling me out...what are we trying to test here?
Class ApiWatchTest
This test suite is severly broken and need a full review
Member Article ($reason)
FIXME: Move to another file?
Member AtomFeed ($ts)
Member BackupDumper ()
Fixme: the --server parameter is currently not respected, as it doesn't seem terribly easy to ask the load balancer for a particular connection by name.
File Benchmarker.php

Report PHP version, OS ..

Class BitmapMetadataHandler
other image formats.
Member BitmapMetadataHandler ($filename)
Add XMP support, so this function actually makes sense to put here.
Member Block ($address= '', $user=0, $by=0, $reason= '', $timestamp=0, $auto=0, $expiry= '', $anonOnly=0, $createAccount=0, $enableAutoblock=0, $hideName=0, $blockEmail=0, $allowUsertalk=0, $byText= '')
FIXME: Don't know what the best format to have for this constructor is, but fourteen optional parameters certainly isn't it.
Member Block ()
FIXME: This should be an integral part of the Block member variables
Class CacheTime


Member Categoryfinder ($article_ids, $categories, $mode= 'AND')
FIXME: $categories/$mode
File cdb.php


Class ChannelFeed
document (needs one-sentence top-level class description).
Member CleanUpTest ($head, $tail)
Member CleanUpTest ($head, $tail)
Member CleanUpTest ($head, $tail)
Member CleanUpTest ()
Member CleanUpTest ()
Member CleanUpTest ()
Member CleanUpTest ()
Member CleanUpTest ()
Member CleanUpTest ()
Member CleanUpTest ()
Member CleanUpTest ()
Member CleanUpTest ()
Member CleanUpTest ()
Member CleanUpTest ()
Member CleanUpTest ()
Member CleanUpTest ()
Member CleanUpTest ()
Member CleanUpTest ()
File CologneBlue.php


Member CompressOld ($start=0, $extdb= '')
Member CompressOld ($row, $extdb)
Member CompressOld
Member ContribsPager ($row)
This would probably look a lot nicer in a table.
Member ConverterRule ()
FIXME: code this function :)
Member CoreParserFunctions ($parser, $page= '', $raw=null)

FIXME: This doesn't work correctly on preview for getting the size of the current page.

FIXME: Title::getLength() documentation claims that it adds things to the link cache, so the local cache here should be unnecessary, but in fact calling getLength() repeatedly for the same $page does seem to run one query for each call?

Document parameters

Member CoreTagHooks ($content, $attributes, $parser)
break Parser::renderImageGallery out here too.
Member DatabaseBase ($db)
Explain what exactly will fail if this is not overridden.
Member DatabaseMssql ()
Remove magic date
Member DatabasePostgres ($destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname= 'DatabasePostgres::insertSelect', $insertOptions=array(), $selectOptions=array())
FIXME: Implement this a little better (seperate select/insert)?
Member DatabaseSqlite ()
: check if it should be true like parent class
Member DatabaseSqliteTest ()
: currently only checks list of tables
Class DateFormatter

preferences, OutputPage

Member DateFormatter ()
Member DateFormatter ()
Member DateFormatter ($year)
Member DateFormatter ($iso)
Member DeletedContribsPager ($row)
This would probably look a lot nicer in a table.
Member DeletedContributionsPage ($userObj)
FIXME: Almost the same as contributionsSub in SpecialContributions.php. Could be combined.
Class DeleteOrphanedRevisions
More efficient cleanup of text records
Class Diff
Class DifferenceEngine


Class DiffFormatter
Class DumpMessages
Make this more useful, right now just dumps $wgContentLang
Member EditPage ()
This doesn't include category or interlanguage links. Would need to enhance it a bit, <s>maybe wrap them in XML or something...</s> that might also require more skin initialization, so check whether that's a problem.
Member EditPage (&$editText)
Member Exif ($file, $byteOrder= '')
FIXME: The following are broke: SubjectArea. Need to test the more obscure tags.
Member FauxResponse ($name, $value, $expire=0, $prefix=null, $domain=null)
Member ForeignAPIFile ()
FIXME: May guess wrong on file types that can be eg audio or video
Member FormatJson ($value, $isHtml=false)
FIXME: "$isHtml" parameter's purpose is not documented. It appears to map to a parameter labeled "pretty-print output with indents and newlines" in Services_JSON::encode(), which has no string relation to HTML output.
Class FormOptions
This badly need some examples and tests :-)
Member FormOptions$options
Member FormOptions ($name)
Member FormOptions ($names)
Member FormOptions ($option)
Member GIFHandler ($image)
Member HistoryPager ($row, $next, $notificationtimestamp=false, $latest=false, $firstInList=false)
document some more, and maybe clean up the code (some params redundant?)
Class HTMLBlockedUsersItemSelect
Do not release 1.19 with this.
Member HTMLForm ($t)
FIXME: Integrity of $t is *not* validated
Class HTMLSelectAndOtherField
FIXME: If made 'required', only the text field should be compulsory.
Class HttpStatus
Member ImagePage ($metadata)
FIXME: Bad interface, see note on MediaHandler::formatMetadata().
Class ImportStreamSource
document (e.g.
Class ImportStringSource
document (e.g.
Member IPTC ($date, $time, $c)
Potentially this should also capture the timezone offset.
Member IPTest ()
Most probably incomplete
Class JpegMetadataExtractorTest
Could use a test of extended XMP segments.
Member Language ($text, $isTitle=false)
this should get integrated somewhere sane
Member Language ($number, $nocommafy=false)
check if it's viable to use localeconv() for the decimal separator thing.
Member Language ($seconds, $format=array())
Member Language ($format, $ts)
handling of "o" format character for Iranian, Hebrew, Hijri & Thai?
Member Language ($str)
Maybe translate block durations.
Member LanguageAr ($s)
FIXME: This is language-specific for now only to avoid the negative performance impact of enabling it for all languages.
Member LanguageMl ($s)
FIXME: This is language-specific for now only to avoid the negative performance impact of enabling it for all languages.
Member LanguageYue ($string)
FIXME: Only do this for Han characters...
Member LanguageZh_hans ($string)
FIXME: Only do this for Han characters...
Member LegacyTemplate ()
Exterminate! ...that, and replace it with normal SkinTemplate stuff
Member Linker ($comment, $title=null, $local=false)
FIXME: Doesn't handle sub-links as in image thumb texts like the main parser
Member Linker (Title $title, $file, $html= '')
Handle invalid or missing images better.
Class LinkFilter
implement the filter. Currently these are just some functions to help maintenance/cleanupSpam.php remove links to a single specified domain. The next thing is to implement functions for checking a given page against a big list of domains.
Member LinkHolderArray (&$text)
FIXME: Update documentation.
Class LinksUpdate
document (e.g. one-sentence top-level class description).
Class LoadBalancer


Member LogFormatter ($key)
Would it be better to require replacing the global context instead?
Member LogPage ($type)
handle missing log types
Member MagicWord ($magicarr, $subject, &$result)
Should this be static? It doesn't seem to be used at all
Class MappedDiff
document, bad name.
File mcc.php


Member MediaHandler ($image)
FIXME: I don't really like this interface, it's not very flexible I think the media handler should generate HTML instead.
Class Message
  • test, can we have tests?
  • this documentation needs to be extended
Member Message ()
FIXME: Merge with isDisabled()?
Member MimeMagic ($path=null, $mime=null)

analyse file if need be

look at multiple extension, separately and together.

Member MimeMagic ($extension)
Be more accurate when using fancy mime detector plugins; right now this is the bare minimum getimagesize() list.
File Modern.php


Class ModernTemplate


File MonoBook.php


Class MonoBookTemplate


Class MWDebug
Profiler support
Member MWDebug ($str)
Add support for passing objects
File mwdocgen.php


Member MWHttpRequest ($args)
overload the args param
Member MWNamespaceTest ()

Implement testGetCanonicalNamespaces().

Implement testGetCanonicalName().

Implement testGetCanonicalIndex().

Implement testGetValidNamespaces().

Member MWNamespaceTest ()
Implement testExists().
Member MWNamespaceTest ()
split groups of assertions in autonomous testing functions
Member MWNamespaceTest ()
Write more texts, handle $wgAllowImageMoving setting
Member NamespaceConflictChecker ($fix, $suffix= '')
Member NamespaceConflictChecker ($ns, $name, $fix, $suffix= '')
Member NamespaceConflictChecker ($key, $prefix, $fix, $suffix= '')
: do this for reals
Member NamespaceConflictChecker ()
Needs to respect interwiki cache!
Member NewParserTest ()
Needs some work to not eat memory until the world explodes
Class nextJobDB

Make this work on PostgreSQL and maybe other database servers

Member Orphans ($fix)
DON'T USE THIS YET! It will remove entries which have children, but which aren't properly attached (eg if page_latest is bogus but valid revisions do exist)
Class OutputPage

FIXME: Another class handles sending the whole page to the client.


Member OutputPage$mDoNothing
Member OutputPage$mInlineMsg
FIXME: Is this still used ?
Member OutputPage ($header, $option=null)
FIXME: Document the $option parameter; it appears to be for X-Vary-Options but what format is acceptable?
Member OutputPage ($source=null, $protected=false, $reasons=array(), $action=null)
Needs to be split into multiple functions.
Member PageArchive ()
Does this belong in Image for fuller encapsulation?
Member Parser (&$text, $options=0)
FIXME: Update documentation.
Member Parser ($url)
This can merge genuinely required bits in the path or query string, breaking legit URLs. A proper fix would treat the various parts of the URL differently; as a workaround, just use the output for statistical records, not for actual linking/output.
Member Parser ($tag, $callback)
better document or deprecate this
Class ParserCache
Member ParserCache ($article, $popts, $useOutdated=true)
Document parameter $useOutdated

Make this more independent of the configuration (and if possible the database)


Member PostgresUpdater ()
FIXME: Postgres should use sequential updates like Mysql, Sqlite and everybody else.
Class Profiler
Class ProfilerSimple

document methods (?)

Class ProfilerSimpleTrace

document methods (?)

Class ProtectedPagesPager


Class ProtectedTitlesPager


Class RCCacheEntry
Class RebuildRecentchanges
Class RebuildTextIndex
Class RecentChange
document functions and variables
Member RecentChange ($timestamp, &$title, $minor, &$user, $comment, $bot, $ip='', $size=0, $newId=0, $patrol=0)
Document parameters and return
Class Revision
Member Revision ($row, $overrides=array())
FIXME: Should be a subclass for RevisionDelete. [TS]
Member Sanitizer ($class)
For extra validity, input should be validated UTF-8.
Member Sanitizer ($a, $b)
implement merging for other attributes such as style
Member Sanitizer ($attribs, $whitelist)

Check for legal values where the DTD limits things.

Check for unique id attribute :P

Member Sanitizer ($attribs, $element)

Check for legal values where the DTD limits things.

Check for unique id attribute :P

Class SearchEngineDummy

FIXME: Dummy class should probably try something at least mildly useful, such as a LIKE search through titles.

Member SearchIBM_DB2 ($filteredText, $fulltext)
Member SearchMssql ($filteredText, $fulltext)
Class SearchResult
FIXME: This class is horribly factored.
Member Selenium$url
this shouldn't have to be static
Member Services_JSON ($data, $code=null)
Ultimately, this should just call PEAR::isError()
Class Services_JSON_Error

Ultimately, this class shall be descended from PEAR_Error

File Setup.php
Class SkinCologneBlue


Class SkinModern


Class SkinMonoBook


Class SkinNostalgia


Class SkinStandard


Class SkinTemplate
Needs some serious refactoring into functions that correspond to the computations individual esi snippets need. Most importantly no body parsing for most of those of course.
Member SpecialBlock ($lang=null)
FIXME: This uses a rather odd syntax for the options, should it be converted to the standard "**<duration>|<displayname>" format?
Class SpecialBookSources

Validate ISBNs using the standard check-digit method

Member SpecialContributions ($userObj)
FIXME: Almost the same as getSubTitle in SpecialDeletedContributions.php. Could be combined.
Class SpecialCreateAccount
FIXME: This (and the rest of the login frontend) needs to die a horrible painful death
Member SpecialRecentChanges (FormOptions $opts)
Uses radio buttons (HASHAR)
Member SpecialRevisionDelete ()
FIXME: Wikimedia-specific policy text
File SpecialWhatlinkshere.php
Use some variant of Pager or something; the pagination here is lousy.
Class StripState
document, briefly.
Class TableDiffFormatter
Member Title ()
check if needed (used only in SpecialBrokenRedirects.php, and should use redirect table in this case)
Member Title ($action, $user, $doExpensiveQueries=true, $ignoreErrors=array())
FIXME: This *does not* check throttles (User::pingLimiter()).
Member Title ()
fold these checks into userCan()
File update.php


Member UploadBase ($element, $attribs, $data=null)
Replace this with a whitelist filter!
Member UploadFromUrlTest ()
Document why we test login, since the $wgUser hack used doesn't require login
Member User ($uid)
It should not be static and some day should be merged as proper member function / deprecated -- domas
Member User ()
FIXME: Need to check the old failback system [AV]
Member User ()
Member User ()
FIXME: This does not belong here; put it in Html or Linker or somewhere
Member User ()
Member User ()
Only rarely do all these fields need to be set!
Member UserrightsPage ($usergroups, $user)
Just pass the username string?
File Vector.php


Member wfAssembleUrl ($urlParts)
Need to integrate this into wfExpandUrl (bug 32168)
Member wfClientAcceptsGzip ($force=false)


FIXME: We may want to blacklist some broken browsers

Member wfExpandUrl ($url, $defaultProto=PROTO_CURRENT)
this won't work with current-path-relative URLs like "subdir/foo.html", etc.
Member wfLogProfilingData ()
Member wfNegotiateType ($cprefs, $sprefs)
FIXME: Doesn't handle params like 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8' XXX: generalize to negotiate other stuff
Member wfRemoveDotSegments ($urlPath)
Need to integrate this into wfExpandUrl (bug 32168)
Member wfShowingResults ($offset, $limit)
Member WikiMap ($wikiID)
We can give more info than just the wiki id!
Member WikiPage ($rev)
This is a shitty interface function. Kill it and replace the other shitty functions like doEditUpdates and such so it's not needed anymore.
Member WikiPage ($fromP, $summary, $token, $bot, &$resultDetails, User $user)
: seperate the business/permission stuff out from backend code
Member WikiPage ()
: move this UI stuff somewhere else
Member WikiPage ($title)
: verify that $title is always a Title object (and never false or null), add Title hint to parameter $title
Member WikiReference ($page)
FIXME: This may be generalized...
Class WikiRevision
document (e.g.
Class WordLevelDiff
Member Xml ($text)
Error position reporting return
Member XMPReader ($content)
In serious need of testing
Member XMPTest ()
This is based on what the standard says. Need to find a real world example file to double check the support for this is right.