00001 <?php 00002 00031 class AddNewPageTestCase extends SeleniumTestCase { 00032 00033 // Verify adding a new page 00034 public function testAddNewPage() { 00035 $newPage = "new"; 00036 $displayName = "New"; 00037 $this->open( $this->getUrl() . 00038 '/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=edit' ); 00039 $this->type( "searchInput", $newPage ); 00040 $this->click( "searchGoButton" ); 00041 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00042 00043 // Verify 'Search results' text available 00044 $source = $this->gettext( "firstHeading" ); 00045 $correct = strstr( $source, "Search results" ); 00046 $this->assertEquals( $correct, true); 00047 00048 // Verify 'Create the page "<page name>" on this wiki' text available 00049 $source = $this->gettext( "//div[@id='bodyContent']/div[4]/p/b" ); 00050 $correct = strstr ( $source, "Create the page \"New\" on this wiki!" ); 00051 $this->assertEquals( $correct, true ); 00052 00053 $this->click( SeleniumTestConstants::LINK_START.$displayName ); 00054 $this->waitForPageToLoad( SeleniumTestConstants::WIKI_TEST_WAIT_TIME ); 00055 00056 $this->assertTrue($this->isElementPresent( SeleniumTestConstants::LINK_START."Create" )); 00057 $this->type( "wpTextbox1", "add new test page" ); 00058 $this->click( SeleniumTestConstants::BUTTON_SAVE ); 00059 00060 // Verify new page added 00061 $source = $this->gettext( "firstHeading" ); 00062 $correct = strstr ( $source, $displayName ); 00063 $this->assertEquals( $correct, true ); 00064 } 00065 }