MediaWiki  REL1_20
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
_DiffEngineClass used internally by Diff to actually compute the diffs
ActionActions are things which can be done to pages (edit, delete, rollback, etc)
ActiveUsersPagerThis class is used to get a list of active users
AjaxDispatcherObject-Oriented Ajax functions
AjaxResponseHandle responses for Ajax requests (send headers, print content, that sort of thing)
AllmessagesTablePagerUse TablePager for prettified output
AllTransMaintenance script that gets all messages as defined by the English language file
AlphabeticPagerIndexPager with an alphabetic list and a formatted navigation bar
AlterSharedConstraintsThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version
AncientPagesPageImplements Special:Ancientpages
AnsiTermColorerTerminal that supports ANSI escape sequences
APCBagOStuffThis is a wrapper for APC's shared memory functions
ApiBaseThis abstract class implements many basic API functions, and is the base of all API classes
ApiBlockAPI module that facilitates the blocking of users
ApiBlockTestAPI Database
ApiDeleteAPI module that facilitates deleting pages
ApiDisabledAPI module that dies with an error immediately
ApiEditPageA module that allows for editing and creating pages
ApiEditPageTestTests for MediaWiki api.php?action=edit
ApiEmailUserAPI Module to facilitate sending of emails to users
ApiExpandTemplatesAPI module that functions as a shortcut to the wikitext preprocessor
ApiFeedWatchlistThis action allows users to get their watchlist items in RSS/Atom formats
ApiFormatBaseThis is the abstract base class for API formatters
ApiFormatDbgAPI PHP's var_export() output formatter
ApiFormatDumpAPI PHP's var_dump() output formatter
ApiFormatFeedWrapperThis printer is used to wrap an instance of the Feed class
ApiFormatJsonAPI JSON output formatter
ApiFormatPhpAPI Serialized PHP output formatter
ApiFormatPhpTestAPI Database
ApiFormatRawFormatter that spits out anything you like with any desired MIME type
ApiFormatTxtAPI Text output formatter
ApiFormatWddxAPI WDDX output formatter
ApiFormatXmlAPI XML output formatter
ApiFormatYamlAPI YAML output formatter
ApiHelpThis is a simple class to handle action=help
ApiImportAPI module that imports an XML file like Special:Import does
ApiImportReporterImport reporter for the API
ApiLoginUnit to authenticate log-in attempts to the current wiki
ApiLogoutAPI module to allow users to log out of the wiki
ApiMainThis is the main API class, used for both external and internal processing
ApiMoveAPI Module to move pages
ApiOptionsAPI module that facilitates the changing of user's preferences
ApiOptionsTestAPI Database
ApiPageSetThis class contains a list of pages that the client has requested
ApiPatrolAllows user to patrol pages
ApiPurgeAPI interface for page purging
ApiPurgeTestAPI Database
ApiQueryThis is the main query class
ApiQueryAllCategoriesQuery module to enumerate all categories, even the ones that don't have category pages
ApiQueryAllImagesQuery module to enumerate all available pages
ApiQueryAllLinksQuery module to enumerate links from all pages together
ApiQueryAllMessagesA query action to return messages from site message cache
ApiQueryAllPagesQuery module to enumerate all available pages
ApiQueryAllUsersQuery module to enumerate all registered users
ApiQueryBacklinksThis is a three-in-one module to query: * backlinks - links pointing to the given page, * embeddedin - what pages transclude the given page within themselves, * imageusage - what pages use the given image
ApiQueryBaseThis is a base class for all Query modules
ApiQueryBlocksQuery module to enumerate all user blocks
ApiQueryCategoriesA query module to enumerate categories the set of pages belong to
ApiQueryCategoryInfoThis query adds the "<categories>" subelement to all pages with the list of categories the page is in
ApiQueryCategoryMembersA query module to enumerate pages that belong to a category
ApiQueryContributionsThis query action adds a list of a specified user's contributions to the output
ApiQueryDeletedrevsQuery module to enumerate all deleted revisions
ApiQueryDisabledAPI module that does nothing
ApiQueryDuplicateFilesA query module to list duplicates of the given file(s)
ApiQueryExternalLinksA query module to list all external URLs found on a given set of pages
ApiQueryFilearchiveQuery module to enumerate all deleted files
ApiQueryImageInfoA query action to get image information and upload history
ApiQueryImagesThis query adds an "<images>" subelement to all pages with the list of images embedded into those pages
ApiQueryInfoA query module to show basic page information
ApiQueryIWBacklinksThis gives links pointing to the given interwiki
ApiQueryIWLinksA query module to list all interwiki links on a page
ApiQueryLangBacklinksThis gives links pointing to the given interwiki
ApiQueryLangLinksA query module to list all langlinks (links to correspanding foreign language pages)
ApiQueryLinksA query module to list all wiki links on a given set of pages
ApiQueryLogEventsQuery action to List the log events, with optional filtering by various parameters
ApiQueryPagePropsA query module to show basic page information
ApiQueryProtectedTitlesQuery module to enumerate all create-protected pages
ApiQueryQueryPageQuery module to get the results of a QueryPage-based special page
ApiQueryRandomQuery module to get list of random pages
ApiQueryRecentChangesA query action to enumerate the recent changes that were done to the wiki
ApiQueryRevisionsA query action to enumerate revisions of a given page, or show top revisions of multiple pages
ApiQuerySearchQuery module to perform full text search within wiki titles and content
ApiQuerySiteinfoA query action to return meta information about the wiki site
ApiQueryStashImageInfoA query action to get image information from temporarily stashed files
ApiQueryTagsQuery module to enumerate change tags
ApiQueryTestAPI Database
ApiQueryUserInfoQuery module to get information about the currently logged-in user
ApiQueryUsersQuery module to get information about a list of users
ApiQueryWatchlistThis query action allows clients to retrieve a list of recently modified pages that are part of the logged-in user's watchlist
ApiQueryWatchlistRawThis query action allows clients to retrieve a list of pages on the logged-in user's watchlist
ApiResultThis class represents the result of the API operations
ApiRsdAPI module for sending out RSD information
ApiSetNotificationTimestampAPI interface for setting the wl_notificationtimestamp field
ApiTestAPI Database
ApiTestCaseUpload* Abstract class to support upload tests
ApiUnblockAPI module that facilitates the unblocking of users
ApiUploadTestAPI Database
ApiWatchAPI module to allow users to watch a page
ApiWatchTestAPI Database
ArchivedFileClass representing a row of the 'filearchive' table
ArrayDiffFormatterA pseudo-formatter that just passes along the Diff::$edits array
ArticleClass for viewing MediaWiki article and history
AtomFeedGenerate an Atom feed
AttachLatestMaintenance script to correct wrong values in the `page_latest` field in the database
AuthPluginAuthentication plugin interface
AutopromoteThis class checks if user can get extra rights because of conditions specified in $wgAutopromote
BacklinkCacheClass for fetching backlink lists, approximate backlink counts and partitions
BackupDumperLoggerTestTests for log dumps of BackupDumper
BackupDumperPageTestTests for page dumps of BackupDumper
BackupReaderMaintenance script that imports XML dump files into the current wiki
BadTitleErrorShow an error page on a badtitle
BagOStuffInterface is intended to be more or less compatible with the PHP memcached client
BaseDumpReadahead helper for making large MediaWiki data dumps; reads in a previous XML dump to sequentially prefetch text records already normalized and decompressed
BaseDumpTestTests for BaseDump
BaseTemplateNew base template for a skin's template extended from QuickTemplate this class features helper methods that provide common ways of interacting with the data stored in the QuickTemplate
BatchedQueryRunnerMaintenance script to run a database query in batches and wait for slaves
bench_HTTP_HTTPSMaintenance script that benchmarks HTTP request vs HTTPS request
bench_if_switchMaintenance script that benchmark if elseif..
bench_strtr_str_replaceMaintenance script that benchmarks for strtr() vs str_replace()
bench_utf8_title_checkThis little benchmark executes the regexp used in Language->checkTitleEncoding() and compares its execution time against that of mb_check_encoding, if available
bench_wfIsWindowsMaintenance script that benchmarks wfIsWindows()
BenchmarkDeleteTruncateMaintenance script that benchmarks SQL DELETE vs SQL TRUNCATE
BenchmarkerBase class for benchmark scripts
BenchmarkHooksMaintenance script that benchmarks MediaWiki hooks
BenchmarkPurgeMaintenance script that benchmarks Squid purge
BitmapHandlerGeneric handler for bitmap images
BitmapHandler_ClientOnlyHandler for bitmap images that will be resized by clients
BitmapMetadataHandlerClass to deal with reconciling and extracting metadata from bitmap images
BlobUtility classThis allows us to distinguish a blob from a normal string and an array of strings
BlockTestDatabase Blocking
BmpHandlerHandler for Microsoft's bitmap format; getimagesize() doesn't support these files
BrokenRedirectsPageA special page listing redirects to non existent page
CacheHelperHelper class for caching various elements in a single cache entry
CacheStatsMaintenance script that shows statistics from the cache
CacheTimeParser cache specific expiry check
CapsCleanupMaintenance script to clean up broken page links when somebody turns on $wgCapitalLinks
CategoryCategory objects are immutable, strictly speaking
CategoryfinderThe "Categoryfinder" class takes a list of articles, creates an internal representation of all their parent categories (as well as parents of parents etc.)
CategoryPageSpecial handling for category description pages, showing pages, subcategories and file that belong to the category
CategoryPagerTODO: Allow sorting by count
CdbFunctionsCommon functions for readers and writers
CdbReaderRead from a CDB file
CdbReader_DBAReader class which uses the DBA extension
CdbReader_PHPCDB reader class
CdbTestTest the CDB reader/writer
CdbWriterWrite to a CDB file
CdbWriter_DBAWriter class which uses the DBA extension
CdbWriter_PHPCDB writer class
CgzCopyTransactionClass to represent a recompression operation for a single CGZ blob
ChangePasswordMaintenance script to change the password of a given user
ChangesFeedFeed to Special:RecentChanges and Special:RecentChangesLiked
ChangesListBase class for all changes lists
CheckAutoLoaderMaintenance script to check classes definitions in the autoloader
CheckBadRedirectsMaintenance script to check that pages marked as being redirects really are
CheckImagesMaintenance script to check images to see if they exist, are readable, etc
CheckSyntaxMaintenance script to check syntax of all PHP files in MediaWiki
CheckUsernamesMaintenance script to check that database usernames are actually valid
ChronologyProtectorClass for ensuring a consistent ordering of events as seen by the user, despite replication
CLDRPluralRuleConverterHelper class for converting rules to reverse polish notation (RPN)
CLDRPluralRuleConverter_ExpressionHelper for CLDRPluralRuleConverter
CLDRPluralRuleConverter_FragmentHelper for CLDRPluralRuleConverter
CLDRPluralRuleConverter_OperatorHelper for CLDRPluralRuleConverter
CLDRPluralRuleErrorThe exception class for all the classes in this file
CLDRPluralRuleEvaluator_RangeEvaluator helper class representing a range list
CleanupAncientTablesMaintenance script to cleans up old database tables, dropping old indexes and fields
CleanupPreferencesMaintenance script that removes hidden preferences from the database
CleanupRemovedModulesMaintenance script to remove cache entries for removed ResourceLoader modules from the database
CleanupSpamMaintenance script to cleanup all spam from a given hostname
CleanUpTestAdditional tests for UtfNormal::cleanUp() function, inclusion regression checks for known problems
clear_statsMaintenance script to remove all statistics tracking from the cache
ClearInterwikiCacheMaintenance script to clear the cache of interwiki prefixes for all local wikis
CliInstallerClass for the core installer command line interface
CLIParserMaintenance script to parse some wikitext
CommandLineInstallerMaintenance script to install and configure MediaWiki
CompareParsersMaintenance script to take page text out of an XML dump file and render basic HTML out to files
ConcatenatedGzipHistoryBlobConcatenated gzip (CGZ) storage Improves compression ratio by concatenating like objects before gzipping
ConfEditorThis is a state machine style parser with two internal stacks: * A next state stack, which determines the state the machine will progress to next * A path stack, which keeps track of the logical location in the file
ConfEditorParseErrorException class for parse errors
ConfEditorTokenClass to wrap a token from the tokenizer
ContextSourceThe simplest way of implementing IContextSource is to hold a RequestContext as a member variable and provide accessors to it
ContribsPagerPager for Special:Contributions
ConverterRuleParser for rules of language conversion , parse rules in -{ }- tag
ConvertLinksMaintenance script to convert from the old links schema (string->ID) to the new schema (ID->ID)
ConvertUserOptionsMaintenance script to convert user options to the new `user_properties` table
CopyFileBackendCopy all files in one container of one backend to another
CopyFileOpCopy a file from one storage path to another in the backend
CoreLinkFunctionsVarious core link functions, registered in Parser::firstCallInit()
CoreParserFunctionsVarious core parser functions, registered in Parser::firstCallInit()
CoreTagHooksVarious tag hooks, registered in Parser::firstCallInit()
CountMessagesMaintenance script that counts how many messages we have defined for each language
CreateAndPromoteMaintenance script to create an account and grant it administrator rights
CreateFileOpCreate a file in the backend with the given content
CSSJanusThis is a PHP port of CSSJanus, a utility that transforms CSS style sheets written for LTR to RTL
CSSJanus_TokenizerUtility class used by CSSJanus that tokenizes and untokenizes things we want to protect from being janused
CSSJanusTestBased on the test suite of the original Python CSSJanus libary: Ported to PHP for ResourceLoader and has been extended since
CSSMinTransforms CSS data
CSSMinTestThis file test the CSSMin library shipped with Mediawiki
csvStatsOutputCsv output
CurlHttpRequestMWHttpRequest implemented using internal curl compiled into PHP
DatabaseLegacy support: Database == DatabaseMysql
DatabaseBaseDatabase abstraction object
DatabaseIbm_db2Primary database interface
DatabaseInstallerBase class for DBMS-specific installation helper classes
DatabaseLagMaintenance script to show database lag
DatabaseLogEntryThis class wraps around database result row
DatabaseMysqlDatabase abstraction object for mySQL Inherit all methods and properties of Database::Database()
DatabaseSqliteStandaloneThis class allows simple acccess to a SQLite database independently from main database settings
DatabaseSqliteTestsqlite Database
DatabaseSQLTestTest the abstract database layer Using Mysql for the sql at the moment TODO
DatabaseTestDatabase DatabaseBase
DatabaseUpdaterClass for handling database updates
DataUpdateAbstract base class for update jobs that do something with some secondary data extracted from article
DateFormatsMaintenance script that tests various language time and date functions
DateFormatterDate formatter, recognises dates in plain text and formats them accoding to user preferences
DBABagOStuffCache that uses DBA as a backend
DBAccessErrorException class for attempted DB access
DBErrorDatabase error base class
DBFileJournalVersion of FileJournal that logs to a DB table
DBLockManagerVersion of LockManager based on using DB table locks
DBMasterPosAn object representing a master or slave position in a replicated setup
DBObjectUtility class
DeadendPagesPageA special page that list pages that contain no link to other pages
DeferrableUpdateInterface that deferrable updates should implement
DeferredUpdatesClass for mananging the deferred updates
DelayedParserTestA class to delay execution of a parser test hooks
DeleteArchivedFilesMaintenance script to delete archived (non-current) files from the database
DeleteArchivedFilesImplementationCore functions for deleteArchivedFiles.php
DeleteArchivedRevisionsMaintenance script to delete archived (deleted from public) revisions from the database
DeleteArchivedRevisionsImplementationHelper methods for the deleteArchivedRevisions.php maintenance script
DeleteBatchMaintenance script to delete a batch of pages
DeletedContribsPagerImplements Special:DeletedContributions to display archived revisions
DeleteDefaultMessagesMaintenance script that deletes all pages in the MediaWiki namespace which were last edited by "MediaWiki default"
DeleteFileOpDelete a file at the given storage path from the backend
DeleteImageCacheMaintenance script that deletes image information from the object cache
DeleteLogFormatterThis class formats delete log entries
DeleteOldRevisionsMaintenance script that deletes old (non-current) revisions from the database
DeleteOrphanedRevisionsMaintenance script that deletes revisions which refer to a nonexisting page
DeleteRevisionMaintenance script that deletes one or more revisions by moving them to the archive table
DeleteSelfExternalsMaintenance script that deletes self-references to $wgServer from the externallinks table
DependencyWrapperThis class stores an arbitrary value along with its dependencies
DeprecatedGlobalClass to allow throwing wfDeprecated warnings when people use globals that we do not want them to
DerivativeContextAn IContextSource implementation which will inherit context from another source but allow individual pieces of context to be changed locally eg: A ContextSource that can inherit from the main RequestContext but have a different Title instance set on it
DerivativeRequestSimilar to FauxRequest, but only fakes URL parameters and method (POST or GET) and use the base request for the remaining stuff (cookies, session and headers)
DeviceDetectionProvides abstraction for a device
DevicePropertiesMediaWiki's default IDeviceProperties implementation
DiffClass representing a 'diff' between two sequences of strings
DiffFormatterA class to format Diffs
DiffHistoryBlobDiff-based history compression Requires xdiff 1.5+ and zlib
Digit2HtmlMaintenance script that check digit transformation
DisambiguationsPageA special page that lists pages containing links to disambiguations pages
DjVuHandlerHandler for DjVu images
DjVuImageSupport for detecting/validating DjVu image files and getting some basic file metadata (resolution etc)
DoubleRedirectJobJob to fix double redirects after moving a page
DoubleRedirectsPageA special page listing redirects to redirecting page
DoubleReplacerClass to perform secondary replacement within each replacement string
DummyExtensionsTestNeeded to avoid warnings like 'No tests found in class "ExtensionsTestSuite"
DummyTermColorerA colour-less terminal
Dump7ZipOutputSends dump output via the p7zip compressor
DumpBZip2OutputSends dump output via the bgzip2 compressor
DumpFileOutputStream outputter to send data to a file
DumpFilterDump output filter class
DumpGZipOutputSends dump output via the gzip compressor
DumpIteratorBase class for interating over a dump
DumpLatestFilterDump output filter to include only the last revision in each page sequence
DumpLinksMaintenance script that generates a plaintext link dump
DumpMessagesMaintenance script that dumps an entire language, using the keys from English
DumpMultiWriterBase class for output stream; prints to stdout or buffer or whereever
DumpNamespaceFilterDump output filter to include or exclude pages in a given set of namespaces
DumpNotalkFilterSimple dump output filter to exclude all talk pages
DumpOutputBase class for output stream; prints to stdout or buffer or whereever
DumpPipeOutputStream outputter to send data to a file via some filter program
DumpRendererMaintenance script that takes page text out of an XML dump file and render basic HTML out to files
DumpRevThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version
DumpSisterSitesMaintenance script that generates a page name dump for SisterSites usage
DumpTestCaseBase TestCase for dumps
EditCLIMaintenance script to make a page edit
EditPageThe edit page/HTML interface (split from Article) The actual database and text munging is still in Article, but it should get easier to call those from alternate interfaces
EditWatchlistNormalHTMLFormExtend HTMLForm purely so we can have a more sane way of getting the section headers
EhcacheBagOStuffClient for the Ehcache RESTful web service - TODO: Simplify configuration and add to the installer
EmailConfirmationSpecial page allows users to request email confirmation message, and handles processing of the confirmation code when the link in the email is followed
EmailInvalidationSpecial page allows users to cancel an email confirmation using the e-mail confirmation code
EmaillingJobOld job used for sending single notification emails; kept for backwards-compatibility
EmailNotificationThis module processes the email notifications when the current page is changed
EmptyBagOStuffA BagOStuff object with no objects in it
EnhancedChangesListGenerate a list of changes using an Enhanced system (uses javascript)
EnotifNotifyJobJob for email notification mails
ErrorPageErrorAn error page which can definitely be safely rendered using the OutputPage
ExifClass to extract and validate Exif data from jpeg (and possibly tiff) files
ExifBitmapHandlerStuff specific to JPEG and (built-in) TIFF handler
ExifRotationTestTests related to auto rotation
ExplodeIteratorAn iterator which works exactly like:
ExportDemoTestTest for the demo xml
ExtensionsTestSuiteThis test suite runs unit tests registered by extensions
ExternalStoreConstructor class for data kept in external repositories
ExternalStoreDBDB accessable external objects
ExternalStoreHttpExample class for HTTP accessable external objects
ExternalStoreTestExternal Store tests
ExternalUserA class intended to supplement, and perhaps eventually replace, AuthPlugin
ExternalUser_HardcodedThis class supports external authentication from a literal array dumped in LocalSettings.php
ExternalUser_MediaWikiThis class supports authentication against an external MediaWiki database, probably any version back to 1.5 or something
ExternalUser_vBThis class supports the proprietary vBulletin forum system <>, versions 3.5 and up
ExtraParserTestParser-related tests that don't suit for parserTests.txt
FakeConverterFake language converter
FakeMaintenanceFake maintenance wrapper, mostly used for the web installer/updater
FakeMemCachedClientBackwards compatibility alias for EmptyBagOStuff
FakeResultWrapperOverloads the relevant methods of the real ResultsWrapper so it doesn't go anywhere near an actual database
FakeTitleFake title class that triggers an error if any members are called
FallbackFallback functions for PHP installed without mbstring support
FatalErrorException class which takes an HTML error message, and does not produce a backtrace
FauxRequestWebRequest clone which takes values from a provided array
FeedItemA base class for basic support for outputting syndication feeds in RSS and other formats
FeedUtilsHelper functions for feeds
FetchTextMaintenance script used to fetch page text in a subprocess
FetchTextTestTestCase for FetchText
FewestrevisionsPageSpecial page for listing the articles with the fewest revisions
FieldBase for all database-specific classes representing information about database fields
FileImplements some public methods and some protected utility functions which are required by multiple child classes
FileBackendBase class for all file backend classes (including multi-write backends)
FileBackendGroupClass to handle file backend registration
FileBackendMultiWriteProxy backend that mirrors writes to several internal backends
FileBackendStoreBase class for all backends using particular storage medium
FileBackendStoreOpHandleFileBackendStore helper class for performing asynchronous file operations
FileBackendStoreShardDirIteratorIterator for listing directories
FileBackendStoreShardFileIteratorIterator for listing regular files
FileBackendStoreShardListIteratorFileBackendStore helper function to handle listings that span container shards
FileBackendTestFileRepo FileBackend medium
FileCacheBaseBase class for data storage in the file system
FileDeleteFormFile deletion user interface
FileDuplicateSearchPageSearches the database for files of the requested hash, comparing this with the 'img_sha1' field in the image table
FileJournalClass for handling file operation journaling
FileOpFileBackend helper class for representing operations
FileOpBatchHelper class for representing batch file operations
FileRepoBase class for file repositories
FileRepoStatusGeneric operation result class for FileRepo-related operations
FindHooksMaintenance script that compares documented and actually present mismatches
FixDoubleRedirectsMaintenance script that fixes double redirects
FixExtLinksProtocolRelativeMaintenance script that fixes any entriy for protocol-relative URLs in the externallinks table
FixSlaveDesyncMaintenance script that fixes erroneous page_latest values due to slave desynchronisation
FixTimestampsMaintenance script that fixes timestamp corruption caused by one or more webservers temporarily being set to the wrong time
FixUserRegistrationMaintenance script that fixes the user_registration field
ForeignAPIFileForeign file accessible through api.php requests
ForeignAPIRepoA foreign repository with a remote MediaWiki with an API thingy
ForeignDBFileForeign file with an accessible MediaWiki database
ForeignDBRepoA foreign repository with an accessible MediaWiki database
ForeignDBViaLBRepoA foreign repository with a MediaWiki database accessible via the configured LBFactory
ForkControllerClass for managing forking command line scripts
FormActionAn action which shows a form and does something based on the input from the form
FormatExifFor compatability with old FormatExif class which some extensions use
FormatJsonJSON formatter wrapper class
FormatMetadataFormat Image metadata values into a human readable form
FormlessActionAn action which just does something, without showing a form first
FormOptionsHelper class to keep track of options when mixing links and form elements
FormOptionsExposedThis file host two test case classes for the MediaWiki FormOptions class:
FormOptionsInitializationTestTest class for FormOptions initialization Ensure the FormOptions::add() does what we want it to do
FormOptionsTestThis file host two test case classes for the MediaWiki FormOptions class:
FormSpecialPageSpecial page which uses an HTMLForm to handle processing
FSFileClass representing a non-directory file on the file system
FSFileBackendClass for a file system (FS) based file backend
FSFileBackendListWrapper around RecursiveDirectoryIterator/DirectoryIterator that catches exception or does any custom behavoir that we may want
FSLockManagerSimple version of LockManager based on using FS lock files
FSRepoA repository for files accessible via the local filesystem
GenderCacheCaches user genders when needed to use correct namespace aliases
GenderCacheTestDatabase Cache
GenerateCollationDataGenerate first letter data files for Collation.php
GenerateNormalizerDataGenerates normalizer data files for Arabic and Malayalam
GenerateSitemapMaintenance script that generates a sitemap for the site
GetLagTimesMaintenance script that displays replication lag times
GetSlaveServerMaintenance script that reports the hostname of a slave server
GetSlaveServerTestTests for getSlaveServer
GetTextMaintMaintenance script that outputs page text to stdout
GIFHandlerHandler for GIF images
GIFMetadataExtractorGIF frame counter
HashBagOStuffThis is a test of the interface, mainly
HashtableReplacerClass to perform replacement based on a simple hashtable lookup
HistoryActionThis class handles printing the history page for an article
HistoryBlobBase class for general text storage via the "object" flag in old_flags, or two-part external storage URLs
HistoryBlobCurStubTo speed up conversion from 1.4 to 1.5 schema, text rows can refer to the leftover cur table as the backend
HistoryBlobStubPointer object for an item within a CGZ blob stored in the text table
HistoryPageBackwards-compatibility alias
HooksHooks class
HtmlThis class is a collection of static functions that serve two purposes:
HTMLBlockedUsersItemSelectItems per page dropdown
HTMLCacheUpdateClass to invalidate the HTML cache of all the pages linking to a given title
HTMLCacheUpdateJobJob wrapper for HTMLCacheUpdate
HTMLCheckFieldA checkbox field
HTMLFileCachePage view caching in the file system
HTMLFloatFieldA field that will contain a numeric value
HTMLFormObject handling generic submission, CSRF protection, layout and other logic for UI forms
HTMLFormFieldThe parent class to generate form fields
HTMLInfoFieldAn information field (text blob), not a proper input
HTMLIntFieldA field that must contain a number
HTMLMultiSelectFieldMulti-select field
HTMLRadioFieldRadio checkbox fields
HTMLSelectAndOtherFieldDouble field with a dropdown list constructed from a system message in the format * Optgroup header ** <option value>=""> * New Optgroup header Plus a text field underneath for an additional reason
HTMLSelectFieldA select dropdown field
HTMLSelectOrOtherFieldSelect dropdown field, with an additional "other" textbox
HTMLSubmitFieldAdd a submit button inline in the form (as opposed to HTMLForm::addButton(), which will add it at the end)
HtmlTestTests for includes/Html.php
HttpVarious HTTP related functions
HttpErrorShow an error that looks like an HTTP server error
HttpRequestHttpRequest was renamed to MWHttpRequest in order to prevent conflicts with PHP's HTTP extension which also defines an HttpRequest class
IBM_DB2BlobWrapper around binary large objects
IBM_DB2FieldThis represents a column in a DB2 database
Ibm_db2InstallerClass for setting up the MediaWiki database using IBM_DB2
IBM_DB2ResultWrapper to address lack of certain operations in the DB2 driver ( seek, num_rows )
Ibm_db2UpdaterClass for handling updates to IBM_DB2 databases
ICacheHelperInterface for all classes implementing CacheHelper functionality
IContextSourceInterface for objects which can provide a context on request
IDBAccessObjectInterface for database access objects
IdentityCollationCollation class that's essentially a no-op
IDevicePropertiesBase for classes describing devices and their capabilities
IEContentAnalyzerThis class simulates Microsoft Internet Explorer's terribly broken and insecure MIME type detection algorithm
IEUrlExtensionInternet Explorer derives a cache filename from a URL, and then in certain circumstances, uses the extension of the resulting file to determine the content type of the data, ignoring the Content-Type header
IEUrlExtensionTestTests for IEUrlExtension::findIE6Extension
ImageBuilderMaintenance script to update image metadata records
ImageCleanupMaintenance script to clean up broken, unparseable upload filenames
ImageGalleryImage gallery
ImageHandlerMedia handler abstract base class for images
ImageHistoryListBuilds the image revision log shown on image pages
ImagePageClass for viewing MediaWiki file description pages
ImageQueryPageVariant of QueryPage which uses a gallery to output results, thus suited for reports generating images
ImportReporterReporting callback
ImportSiteScriptsMaintenance script to import all scripts in the MediaWiki namespace from a local site
IncludableSpecialPageShortcut to construct an includable special page
IndexPagerIndexPager is an efficient pager which uses a (roughly unique) index in the data set to implement paging, rather than a "LIMIT offset,limit" clause
InitStatsMaintenance script to re-initialise or update the site statistics table
InstallerBase installer class
InstallerOverridesMediaWiki installer overrides
InterwikiThe interwiki class All information is loaded on creation when called by Interwiki::fetch( $prefix )
IPA collection of public static functions to play with IP address and IP blocks
IPTCClass for some IPTC functions
IPTestTests for IP validity functions
IuConverterConversion script between Latin and Syllabics for Inuktitut
JavaScriptMinifierThis class is meant to safely minify javascript code, while leaving syntactically correct programs intact
JobClass to both describe a background job and handle jobs
JpegHandlerJPEG specific handler
JpegMetadataExtractorClass for reading jpegs and extracting metadata
JSParseHelperMaintenance script to do test JavaScript validity parses using jsmin+'s parser
KkConverterKazakh (Қазақша) converter routines
KuConverterKurdish converter routines
LangMemUsageDumb program that tries to get the memory usage for each language file
LanguageInternationalisation code
LanguageAmTestTests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageAm.php
LanguageArArabic (العربية)
LanguageArTestTests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageAr.php
LanguageAzAzerbaijani (Azərbaycan)
LanguageBe_taraskBelarusian in Taraškievica orthography (Беларуская тарашкевіца)
LanguageBeTestTests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageBe.php
LanguageBgBulgarian (Български)
LanguageBhTestTests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageBh.php
LanguageBsBosnian (bosanski)
LanguageBsTestTests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageBs.php
LanguageConverterBase class for language conversion
LanguageCsTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/Languagecs.php
LanguageCuOld Church Slavonic (Ѩзыкъ словѣньскъ)
LanguageCuTestTests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageCu.php
LanguageCyTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageCy.php
LanguageDsbLower Sorbian (Dolnoserbski)
LanguageDsbTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageDsb.php
LanguageEoEsperanto (Esperanto)
LanguageEtEstonian (Eesti)
LanguageFiFinnish (Suomi)
LanguageFrTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageFr.php
LanguageGaIrish (Gaeilge)
LanguageGanClass that handles both Traditional and Simplified Chinese right now it only distinguish gan_hans, gan_hant
LanguageGaTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageGa.php
LanguageGdTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageGd.php
LanguageGvManx (Gaelg)
LanguageGvTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageGv.php
LanguageHeHebrew (עברית)
LanguageHeTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageHe.php
LanguageHiHindi (हिन्दी)
LanguageHiTestTests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageHi.php
LanguageHrCroatian (hrvatski)
LanguageHrTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageHr.php
LanguageHsbUpper Sorbian (Hornjoserbsce)
LanguageHsbTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageHsb.php
LanguageHuHungarian localisation for MediaWiki
LanguageHuTestTests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageHu.php
LanguageHyArmenian (Հայերեն)
LanguageHyTestTests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageHy.php
LanguageJaJapanese (日本語)
LanguageKaaKarakalpak (Qaraqalpaqsha)
LanguageKkClass that handles Cyrillic, Latin and Arabic scripts for Kazakh right now it only distinguish kk_cyrl, kk_latn, kk_arab and kk_kz, kk_tr, kk_cn
LanguageKk_cyrlKazakh (Қазақша)
LanguageKmKhmer (ភាសាខ្មែរ)
LanguageKshRipuarian (Ripoarėsh)
LanguageKshTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageKsh.php
LanguageKuKurdish (Kurdî / كوردی)
LanguageLaLatin (lingua Latina)
LanguageLnLingala (Lingála)
LanguageLnTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageLn.php
LanguageLtLithuanian (Lietuvių)
LanguageLtTestTests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageLt.php
LanguageLvLatvian (Latviešu)
LanguageLvTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageLv.php
LanguageMgMalagasy (Malagasy)
LanguageMgTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageMg.php
LanguageMkMacedonian (Македонски)
LanguageMkTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageMk.php
LanguageMlMalayalam (മലയാളം)
LanguageMlTestTests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageMl.php
LanguageMoMoldavian (Молдовеняскэ)
LanguageMoTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageMo.php
LanguageMtMaltese (Malti)
LanguageMtTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageMt.php
LanguageMyBurmese (Myanmasa)
LanguageNlTestTests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageNl.php
LanguageNsoNorthern Sotho (Sesotho sa Leboa)
LanguageNsoTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageNso.php
LanguageOsOssetian (Ирон)
LanguagePlPolish (polski)
LanguagePlTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguagePl.php
LanguageQqxFor all translated messages, this returns the name of the message bracketed
LanguageRoRomanian (Română)
LanguageRoTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageRo.php
LanguageRuRussian (русский язык)
LanguageRuTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageRu.php
LanguageSeNorthern Sami (Sámegiella)
LanguageSeTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageSe.php
LanguageSgsSamogitian (Žemaitėška)
LanguageSgsTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageSgs.php
LanguageShSerbo-Croatian (Srpskohrvatski / Српскохрватски)
LanguageShTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageSh.php
LanguageSkSlovak (Slovenčina)
LanguageSkTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageSk.php
LanguageSlSlovenian (Slovenščina)
LanguageSlTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageSl.php
LanguageSmaSouthern Sami (Åarjelsaemien)
LanguageSmaTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageSma.php
LanguageSrSerbian (Српски / Srpski)
LanguageSr_ecSerbian (cyrillic script)
LanguageSr_elSerbian (latin script)
LanguageSrTestTests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageSr.php
LanguageTgTajik (Тоҷикӣ)
LanguageTiTigrinya (ትግርኛ)
LanguageTiTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageTi.php
LanguageTlTagalog (Tagalog)
LanguageTlTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageTl.php
LanguageTrTurkish (Türkçe)
LanguageTrTestTests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageTr.php
LanguageTyvTyvan localization (Тыва дыл)
LanguageUkUkrainian (українська мова)
LanguageUkTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageUk.php
LanguageUzTestTests for MediaWiki languages/LanguageUz.php
LanguageWaWalloon (Walon)
LanguageWaTestTests for MediaWiki languages/classes/LanguageWa.php
LanguageYueCantonese (粵語)
LanguageZhClass that handles both Traditional and Simplified Chinese right now it only distinguish zh_hans, zh_hant, zh_cn, zh_tw, zh_sg and zh_hk
LanguageZh_hansSimplified Chinese
LBFactoryAn interface for generating database load balancers
LBFactory_FakeLBFactory class that throws an error on any attempt to use it
LBFactory_MultiA multi-wiki, multi-master factory for Wikimedia and similar installations
LBFactory_SimpleA simple single-master LBFactory that gets its configuration from the b/c globals
LBFactory_SingleAn LBFactory class that always returns a single database object
LCStoreInterface for the persistence layer of LocalisationCache
LCStore_AccelLCStore implementation which uses PHP accelerator to store data
LCStore_CDBLCStore implementation which stores data as a collection of CDB files in the directory given by $wgCacheDirectory
LCStore_DBLCStore implementation which uses the standard DB functions to store data
LCStore_NullNull store backend, used to avoid DB errors during install
LegacyLogFormatterThis class formats all log entries for log types which have not been converted to the new system
LicenseA License class for use on Special:Upload (represents a single type of license)
LicensesA License class for use on Special:Upload
LikeMatchUsed by DatabaseBase::buildLike() to represent characters that have special meaning in SQL LIKE clauses and thus need no escaping
LinkBatchClass representing a list of titles The execute() method checks them all for existence and adds them to a LinkCache object
LinkCacheCache for article titles (prefixed DB keys) and ids linked from one source
LinkerSome internal bits split of from Skin.php
LinkFilterSome functions to help implement an external link filter for spam control
LinksDeletionUpdateUpdate object handling the cleanup of links tables after a page was deleted
LinkSearchPageSpecial:LinkSearch to search the external-links table
LinksUpdateSee docs/deferred.txt
LinksUpdateTestDatabase ^--- make sure temporary tables are used
ListredirectsPageSpecial:Listredirects - Lists all the redirects on the wiki
LoadBalancerDatabase load balancing object
LoadBalancer_SingleHelper class for LBFactory_Single
LoadMonitorAn interface for database load monitoring
LoadMonitor_MySQLBasic MySQL load monitor with no external dependencies Uses memcached to cache the replication lag for a short time
LocalFileClass to represent a local file in the wiki's own database
LocalFileDeleteBatchHelper class for file deletion
LocalFileMoveBatchHelper class for file movement
LocalFileRestoreBatchHelper class for file undeletion
LocalFileTestThese tests should work regardless of $wgCapitalLinks Database
LocalisationCacheClass for caching the contents of localisation files, Messages*.php and *.i18n.php
LocalisationCache_BulkLoadA localisation cache optimised for loading large amounts of data for many languages
LocalRepoA repository that stores files in the local filesystem and registers them in the wiki's own database
LocalSettingsGeneratorClass for generating LocalSettings.php file
LockHolderLockServerDaemon helper class that keeps track of the locks
LockManagerClass for handling resource locking
LockManagerGroupClass to handle file lock manager registration
LockServerDaemonSimple lock server daemon that accepts lock/unlock requests
LogEntryInterface for log entries
LogEntryBaseExtends the LogEntryInterface with some basic functionality
LogFormatterImplements the default log formatting
LoggedUpdateMaintenanceClass for scripts that perform database maintenance and want to log the update in `updatelog` so we can later skip it
LoginFormImplements Special:UserLogin
LogPageClass to simplify the use of log pages
LonelyPagesPageA special page looking for articles with no article linking to them, thus being lonely
LSLockManagerManage locks using a lock daemon server
MagicWordThis class encapsulates "magic words" such as "#redirect", __NOTOC__, etc
MagicWordArrayClass for handling an array of magic words
MailAddressStores a single person's name and email address
MaintenanceAbstract maintenance class for quickly writing and churning out maintenance scripts with minimal effort
MaintenanceFixupMakes parts of the API of Maintenance that is hidden by protected visibily visible for testing, and makes up for a stream closing hack in Maintenance.php
MaintenanceFormatInstallDocMaintenance script that formats RELEASE-NOTE file to wiki text or HTML markup
ManualLogEntryClass for creating log entries manually, for example to inject them into the database
mcTestMaintenance script that makes several 'set', 'incr' and 'get' requests on every memcached server and shows a report
MediaHandlerBase media handler class
MediaTransformErrorBasic media transform error class
MediaTransformOutputBase class for the output of MediaHandler::doTransform() and File::transform()
MediaWikiHelper class for the index.php entry point
MediaWiki_I18NWrapper object for MediaWiki's localization functions, to be passed to the template engine
MediaWikiBagOStuffBackwards compatibility alias
MediaWikiButtonsAvailabilityTestCaseTest Case ID : 30 ( Test Case Name :'Back' and 'Continue' button availability Version : MediaWiki 1.18alpha
MediawikiCoreSmokeTestSuiteStubs for now
MediaWikiDifferentDatabaseAccountTestCaseTest Case ID : 04 ( Test Case Name : Install MediaWiki with different Database accounts for web access
MediaWikiDifferntDatabasePrefixTestCaseTest Case ID : 02 ( Test Case Name : Install MediaWiki with the same database and the different database prefixes(Share one database between multiple wikis)
MediaWikiErrorsConnectToDatabasePageTestCaseTest Case ID : 09 ( Test Case Name : Invalid/ blank values for fields in 'Connect to database' page
MediaWikiErrorsNamepageTestCaseTest Case ID : 10 ( Test Case Name : Invalid/ blank values for fields in 'Name' page
MediaWikiHelpFieldHintTestCaseTest Case ID : 29 ( Test Case Name : Help field hint availability for the fields
MediaWikiLangTestCaseBase class that store and restore the Language objects
MediaWikiMySQLDataBaseTestCaseTest Case ID : 01 ( Test Case Name : Install Mediawiki using 'MySQL' database type successfully Version : MediaWiki 1.18alpha
MediaWikiMySQLiteDataBaseTestCaseTest Case ID : 06 ( Test Case Name : Install Mediawiki using 'MySQL' database type successfully Version : MediaWiki 1.18alpha
MediaWikiOnAlreadyInstalledTestCaseTest Case ID : 03 ( Test Case Name : Install mediawiki on a already installed Mediawiki
MediaWikiParserTestThe UnitTest must be either a class that inherits from MediaWikiTestCase or a class that provides a public static suite() method which returns an PHPUnit_Framework_Test object
MediaWikiRestartInstallationTestCaseTest Case ID : 11, 12 ( Test Case Name : Install mediawiki on a already installed Mediawiki
MediaWikiRightFrameworkLinksTestCaseTest Case ID : 14, 15, 16, 17 ( Test Case Name : User selects 'Read me' link
MediaWikiUpgradeExistingDatabaseTestCaseTest Case ID : 05 ( Test Case Name : Install Mediawiki by updating the existing database
MediaWikiUserInterfaceTestCaseTest Case ID : 18 - 27 ( Test Case Name : UI of MediaWiki initial/ Language/ Welcome to MediaWiki!/ Connect to database/ Database settings/ Name/ Options/ Install/ Complete/ Restart Inslation pages Version : MediaWiki 1.18alpha
MemcachedBagOStuffBase class for memcached clients
MemcachedPeclBagOStuffA wrapper class for the PECL memcached client
MemcachedPhpBagOStuffA wrapper class for the pure-PHP memcached client, exposing a BagOStuff interface
MemcLockManagerManage locks using memcached servers
MergeMessageFileListMaintenance script that merges $wgExtensionMessagesFiles from various extensions to produce a single array containing all message files
MessageMethods which fullfil two basic services:
MessageBlobStoreThis class provides access to the resource message blobs storage used by the ResourceLoader
MessageCacheMessage cache Performs various MediaWiki namespace-related functions
MigrateUserGroupMaintenance script that re-assigns users from an old group to a new one
MimeMagicImplements functions related to mime types such as detection and mapping to file extension
MIMEsearchPageSearches the database for files of the requested MIME type, comparing this with the 'img_major_mime' and 'img_minor_mime' fields in the image table
MinifyScriptMaintenance script that minifies a file or set of files
MostcategoriesPageA special page that list pages that have highest category count
MostimagesPageA special page page that list most used images
MostinterwikisPageA special page that listed pages that have highest interwiki count
MostlinkedCategoriesPageA querypage to show categories ordered in descending order by the pages in them
MostlinkedPageA special page to show pages ordered by the number of pages linking to them
MostlinkedTemplatesPageSpecial page lists templates with a large number of transclusion links, i.e
MoveBatchMaintenance script to move a batch of pages
MoveFileOpMove a file from one storage path to another in the backend
MoveLogFormatterThis class formats move log entries
MovePageFormA special page that allows users to change page titles
MssqlFieldUtility class
MssqlResultThe MSSQL PHP driver doesn't support sqlsrv_num_rows, so we recall all rows into an array and maintain our own cursor index into that array...This is similar to the way the Oracle driver handles this same issue
MultiWriteBagOStuffA cache class that replicates all writes to multiple child caches
MWDebugNew debugger system that outputs a toolbar on page view
MWExceptionMediaWiki exception
MWExceptionHandlerHandler class for MWExceptions
MWHttpRequestThis wrapper class will call out to curl (if available) or fallback to regular PHP if necessary for handling internal HTTP requests
MWHttpRequestTesterClass to let us overwrite MWHttpREquest respHeaders variable
MWInitSome functions that are useful during startup
MWMemcachedThis is the PHP client for memcached - a distributed memory cache daemon
MWNamespaceThis is a utility class with only static functions for dealing with namespaces that encodes all the "magic" behaviors of them based on index
MWNamespaceTestTest class for MWNamespace
MwSqlMaintenance script that sends SQL queries from the specified file to the database
MWTidyClass to interact with HTML tidy
MWTidyWrapperClass used to hide mw:editsection tokens from Tidy so that it doesn't break them or break on them
MWTimestampLibrary for creating and parsing MW-style timestamps
MySQLFieldUtility class
MysqlInstallerClass for setting up the MediaWiki database using MySQL
MySqlLockManagerMySQL version of DBLockManager that supports shared locks
MysqlUpdaterMysql update list and mysql-specific update functions
NamespaceConflictCheckerMaintenance script that checks for articles to fix after adding/deleting namespaces
NewParserTestAlthough marked as a stub, can work independently
NewUsersLogFormatterThis class formats new user log entries
nextJobDBMaintenance script that picks a database that has pending jobs
NukeNSMaintenance script that removes pages with only one revision from the MediaWiki namespace
NukePageMaintenance script that erases a page record from the database
NullFileJournalSimple version of FileJournal that does nothing
NullFileOpPlaceholder operation that has no params and does nothing
NullLockManagerSimple version of LockManager that does nothing
NullRepoFile repository with no files, for performance testing
ObjectCacheFunctions to get cache objects
ObjectCacheSessionHandlerSession storage in object cache
ObjectFileCacheObject cache in the file system
OldChangesListGenerate a list of changes using the good old system (no javascript)
OldLocalFileClass to represent a file in the oldimage table
OracleInstallerClass for setting up the MediaWiki database using Oracle
OracleUpdaterClass for handling updates to Oracle databases
ORAFieldUtility class
ORAResultThe oci8 extension is fairly weak and doesn't support oci_num_rows, among other things
OrphansMaintenance script that looks for 'orphan' revisions hooked to pages which don't exist and 'childless' pages with no revisions
OrphanStatsShow some statistics on the blob_orphans table, created with trackBlobs.php
OutputPageThis class should be covered by a general architecture document which does not exist as of January 2011
PageAbstract class for type hinting (accepts WikiPage, Article, ImagePage, CategoryPage)
PageArchiveUsed to show archived pages and eventually restore them
PageQueryPageVariant of QueryPage which formats the result as a simple link to the page
PagerBasic pager interface
ParserPHP Parser - Processes wiki markup (which uses a more user-friendly syntax, such as "[[link]]" for making links), and provides a one-way transformation of that wiki markup it into XHTML output / markup (which in turn the browser understands, and can display)
Parser_LinkHooksParser with LinkHooks experiment
ParserOptionsSet options of the Parser
ParserPreloadTestBasic tests for Parser::getPreloadText
PasswordErrorThrown by User::setPassword() on error
PatchSqlMaintenance script that manually runs an SQL patch outside of the general updaters
PathRouterPathRouter class
PathRouterTestTests for the PathRouter parsing
PatrolLogClass containing static functions for working with logs of patrol events
PatrolLogFormatterThis class formats patrol log entries
PermissionsErrorShow an error when a user tries to do something they do not have the necessary permissions for
PhpRefCallBugTesterTest for PHP bug #50394 (PHP 5.3.x conversion to null only, not 5.2.x)
PhpXmlBugTesterTest for PHP+libxml2 bug which breaks XML input subtly with certain versions
PNGHandlerHandler for PNG images
PNGMetadataExtractorPNG frame counter
PoolCounterWhen you have many workers (threads/servers) giving service, and a cached item expensive to produce expires, you may get several workers doing the job at the same time
PoolCounterWorkHandy class for dealing with PoolCounters using class members instead of callbacks
PopularPagesPageA special page that list most viewed pages
PopulateCategoryMainteance script to populate the category table
PopulateImageSha1Maintenance script to populate the img_sha1 field
PopulateLogSearchMaintenance script that makes the required database updates for populating the log_search table retroactively
PopulateLogUsertextMaintenance script that makes the required database updates for Special:ProtectedPages to show all protected pages
PopulateParentIdMaintenance script that makes the required database updates for rev_parent_id to be of any use
PopulateRevisionLengthMaintenance script that populates the rev_len field for old revisions created before MW 1.10
PopulateRevisionSha1Maintenance script that fills the rev_sha1 and ar_sha1 columns of revision and archive tables for revisions created before MW 1.19
PostgresInstallerClass for setting up the MediaWiki database using Postgres
PostgresTransactionStateUsed to debug transaction processing Only used if $wgDebugDBTransactions is true
PostgresUpdaterClass for handling updates to Postgres databases
PPCustomFrame_DOMExpansion frame with custom arguments
PPCustomFrame_HashExpansion frame with custom arguments
PPDStackStack class to help Preprocessor::preprocessToObj()
PPDStack_HashStack class to help Preprocessor::preprocessToObj()
PPFrame_DOMAn expansion frame, used as a context to expand the result of preprocessToObj()
PPFrame_HashAn expansion frame, used as a context to expand the result of preprocessToObj()
PPNodeThere are three types of nodes: * Tree nodes, which have a name and contain other nodes as children * Array nodes, which also contain other nodes but aren't considered part of a tree * Leaf nodes, which contain the actual data
PPTemplateFrame_DOMExpansion frame with template arguments
PPTemplateFrame_HashExpansion frame with template arguments
PreferencesWe're now using the HTMLForm object with some customisation to generate the Preferences form
PreferencesFormSome tweaks to allow js prefs to work
PrefixSearchHandles searching prefixes of titles and finding any page names that match
PrefixUniquenessTestChecks that all API query modules, core and extensions, have unique prefixes API
PreprocessDumpMaintenance script that takes page text out of an XML dump file and preprocesses it to obj
Preprocessor_HashDifferences from DOM schema: * attribute nodes are children * "<h>" nodes that aren't at the top are replaced with <possible-h>
ProcessCacheLRUHandles per process caching of items
ProcessCacheLRUTestTest for ProcessCacheLRU class
ProcessCacheLRUTestableOverrides some ProcessCacheLRU methods and properties accessibility
ProfilerSimpleSimple profiler base class
ProfilerSimpleTextThe least sophisticated profiler output class possible, view your source! :)
ProfilerSimpleTraceExecution trace
ProfilerSimpleUDPProfilerSimpleUDP class, that sends out messages for 'udpprofile' daemon (the one from mediawiki/trunk/udpprofile SVN )
ProfilerStubStub profiler that does nothing
ProtectMaintenance script that protects or unprotects a page
ProtectionFormHandles the page protection UI and backend
PruneFileCacheMaintenance script that prunes file cache for pages, objects, resources, etc
PurgeDeletedFilesMaintenance script that scans the deletion log and purges affected files within a timeframe
PurgeListMaintenance script that sends purge requests for listed pages to squid
PurgeOldTextMaintenance script that purges old text records from the database
PurgeParserCacheMaintenance script to remove old objects from the parser cache
QueryPageThis is a class for doing query pages; since they're almost all the same, we factor out some of the functionality into a superclass, and let subclasses derive from it
QuickTemplateGeneric wrapper for template functions, with interface compatible with what we use of PHPTAL 0.7
QuorumLockManagerVersion of LockManager that uses a quorum from peer servers for locks
RandomImageGeneratorRandomImageGenerator: does what it says on the tin
RandomPageSpecial page to direct the user to a random page
RangeDifferenceAlternative representation of a set of changes, by the index ranges that are changed
RawActionA simple method to retrieve the plain source of an article, using "action=raw" in the GET request string
RawPageBackward compatibility for extensions
ReadOnlyErrorShow an error when the wiki is locked/read-only and the user tries to do something that requires write access
ReassignEditsMaintenance script that reassigns edits from a user or IP address to another user
RebuildAllMaintenance script that rebuilds link tracking tables from scratch
RebuildFileCacheMaintenance script that builds file cache for content pages
RebuildLocalisationCacheMaintenance script to rebuild the localisation cache
RebuildMessagesMaintenance script that purges all languages from the message cache
RebuildRecentchangesMaintenance script that rebuilds recent changes from scratch
RebuildTextIndexMaintenance script that rebuilds search index table from scratch
RecentChangeUtility class for creating new RC entries
RedirectSpecialArticleSpecialMypage, SpecialMytalk and SpecialMycontributions special pages are used to get user independant links pointing to the user page, talk page and list of contributions
RedirectSpecialPageShortcut to construct a special page alias
RefreshImageMetadataMaintenance script to refresh image metadata fields
RefreshLinksMaintenance script to refresh link tables
RefreshLinksJobBackground job to update links for a given title
RefreshLinksJob2Background job to update links for a given title
RegexlikeReplacerClass to replace regex matches with a string similar to that used in preg_replace()
RemoveUnusedAccountsMaintenance script that removes unused user accounts from the database
RenameDbPrefixMaintenance script that changes the prefix of database tables
ReplacementArrayReplacement array for FSS with fallback to strtr() Supports lazy initialisation of FSS resource
ReplacerBase class for "replacers", objects used in preg_replace_callback() and StringUtils::delimiterReplaceCallback()
RepoGroupPrioritized list of file repositories
RequestContextGroup all the pieces relevant to the context of a request into one instance
ResetUserTokensMaintenance script to reset the user_token for all users on the wiki
ResourceFileCacheResource loader request result caching in the file system
ResourceLoaderDynamic JavaScript and CSS resource loading system
ResourceLoaderContextObject passed around to modules which contains information about the state of a specific loader request
ResourceLoaderFileModuleResourceLoader module based on local JavaScript/CSS files
ResourceLoaderFilePageModuleResourceLoader definition for MediaWiki:Filepage.css
ResourceLoaderLanguageDataModuleResourceLoader module for populating language specific data
ResourceLoaderModuleAbstraction for resource loader modules, with name registration and maxage functionality
ResourceLoaderNoscriptModuleModule for site customizations
ResourceLoaderSiteModuleModule for site customizations
ResourceLoaderUserCSSPrefsModuleModule for user preference customizations
ResourceLoaderUserGroupsModuleModule for user customizations
ResourceLoaderUserModuleModule for user customizations
ResourceLoaderUserOptionsModuleModule for user preference customizations
ResourceLoaderUserTokensModuleModule for user tokens
ResourceLoaderWikiModuleAbstraction for resource loader modules which pull from wiki pages
ResultWrapperResult wrapper for grabbing data queried by someone else
RevDel_ArchivedFileItemItem class for a filearchive table row
RevDel_ArchivedFileListList for filearchive table items
RevDel_ArchivedRevisionItemItem class for a archive table row by ar_rev_id -- actually used via RevDel_RevisionList
RevDel_ArchiveItemItem class for a archive table row
RevDel_ArchiveListList for archive table items, i.e
RevDel_FileItemItem class for an oldimage table row
RevDel_FileListList for oldimage table items
RevDel_ItemAbstract base class for deletable items
RevDel_ListAbstract base class for a list of deletable items
RevDel_LogItemItem class for a logging table row
RevDel_LogListList for logging table items
RevDel_RevisionItemItem class for a live revision table row
RevDel_RevisionListList for revision table items
ReverseChronologicalPagerIndexPager with a formatted navigation bar
RevertActionDummy class for pages not in NS_FILE
RevertFileActionClass for pages in NS_FILE
RevisionDeleterTemporary b/c interface, collection of static functions
RevisionDeleteUserBackend functions for suppressing and unsuppressing all references to a given user, used when blocking with HideUser enabled
RevisionItemItem class for a live revision table row
RevisionItemBaseAbstract base class for revision items
RevisionListBaseList for revision table items for a single page
RevisionStorageTestTest class for Revision storage
RollbackActionUser interface for the rollback action
RollbackEditsMaintenance script to rollback all edits by a given user or IP provided they're the most recent edit
RSSFeedGenerate a RSS feed
RunJobsMaintenance script that runs pending jobs
SanitizerXHTML sanitizer for MediaWiki
SavepointPostgresManage savepoints within a transaction
ScopedLockSelf-releasing locks
ScopedPHPTimeoutClass to expand PHP execution time for a function call
SearchDumpMaintenance script that runs a regex in the revisions from a dump
SearchEngineContain a class for special pages
SearchEngineDummyDummy class to be used when non-supported Database engine is present
SearchEngineTestThis class is not directly tested
SearchHighlighterHighlight bits of wikitext
SearchIBM_DB2Search engine hook base class for IBM DB2
SearchMssqlSearch engine hook base class for Mssql (ConText)
SearchMySQLSearch engine hook for MySQL 4+
SearchNearMatchResultSetA SearchResultSet wrapper for SearchEngine::getNearMatch
SearchOracleSearch engine hook base class for Oracle (ConText)
SearchPostgresSearch engine hook base class for Postgres
SearchSqliteSearch engine hook for SQLite
SearchUpdateDatabase independant search index updater
SearchUpdateMyISAMPlaceholder class
SeleniumSelenium connector This is implemented as a singleton
SemiMockedFetchTextMock for the input/output of FetchText
Services_JSONConverts to and from JSON format
SevenZipStreamStream wrapper around 7za filter program
ShiConverterConversion script between Latin and Tifinagh for Tachelhit
ShortPagesPageSpecialShortpages extends QueryPage
ShowJobsMaintenance script that reports the number of jobs currently waiting in master database
ShowStatsMaintenance script to show the cached statistics
SimpleSeleniumTestSuiteSample test suite
SiteConfigurationThis is a class for holding configuration settings, particularly for multi-wiki sites
SiteStatsStatic accessor class for site_stats and related things
SiteStatsInitClass designed for counting of stats
SiteStatsUpdateClass for handling updates to the site_stats table
SkinThe main skin class that provide methods and properties for all other skins
SkinChickInherit main code from SkinTemplate, set the CSS and template filter
SkinModernInherit main code from SkinTemplate, set the CSS and template filter
SkinMonoBookInherit main code from SkinTemplate, set the CSS and template filter
SkinMySkinInherit main code from SkinTemplate, set the CSS and template filter
SkinSimpleInherit main code from SkinTemplate, set the CSS and template filter
SkinTemplateTemplate-filler skin base class Formerly generic PHPTal ( skin Based on Brion's smarty skin
SkinVectorSkinTemplate class for Vector skin
SocketArrayLockServerDaemon helper class that keeps track socket states
SpecialAllpagesImplements Special:Allpages
SpecialBlankpageSpecial page designed for basic benchmarking of MediaWiki since it doesn't really do much
SpecialBlockA special page that allows users with 'block' right to block users from editing pages and other actions
SpecialBlockListA special page that lists existing blocks
SpecialBlockmeA special page called by proxy_check.php to block open proxies
SpecialBookSourcesSpecial page outputs information on sourcing a book with a particular ISBN The parser creates links to this page when dealing with ISBNs in wikitext
SpecialChangeEmailLet users change their email address
SpecialChangePasswordLet users recover their password
SpecialComparePagesImplements Special:ComparePages
SpecialContributionsSpecial:Contributions, show user contributions in a paged list
SpecialCreateAccountCreateAccount --> UserLogin/signup
SpecialEditWatchlistProvides the UI through which users can perform editing operations on their watchlist
SpecialEmailUserA special page that allows users to send e-mails to other users
SpecialExportA special page that allows users to export pages in a XML file
SpecialFilepathA special page that redirects to the URL of a given file
SpecialImportMediaWiki page data importer
SpecialListAdminsListAdmins --> ListUsers/sysop
SpecialListBotsListBots --> ListUsers/bot
SpecialListGroupRightsThis special page lists all defined user groups and the associated rights
SpecialLockdbA form to make the database readonly (eg for maintenance purposes)
SpecialLogA special page that lists log entries
SpecialMergeHistorySpecial page allowing users with the appropriate permissions to merge article histories, with some restrictions
SpecialMycontributionsShortcut to construct a special page pointing to current user contributions
SpecialMypageShortcut to construct a special page pointing to current user user's page
SpecialMytalkShortcut to construct a special page pointing to current user talk page
SpecialMyuploadsRedirect to Special:Listfiles?user=$wgUser
SpecialNewpagesA special page that list newly created pages
SpecialPageParent special page class, also static functions for handling the special page list
SpecialPageFactoryFactory for handling the special page list and generating SpecialPage objects
SpecialPasswordResetSpecial page for requesting a password reset email
SpecialPermanentLinkRedirect from Special:PermanentLink/### to index.php?oldid=###
SpecialPreferencesA special page that allows users to change their preferences
SpecialPrefixindexImplements Special:Prefixindex
SpecialProtectedpagesA special page that lists protected pages
SpecialProtectedtitlesA special page that list protected titles from creation
SpecialRandomredirectSpecial page to direct the user to a random redirect page (minus the second redirect)
SpecialRecentChangesA special page that lists last changes made to the wiki
SpecialRecentchangeslinkedThis is to display changes made to all articles linked in an article
SpecialRecentchangesTestTest class for SpecialRecentchanges class
SpecialRevisionDeleteSpecial page allowing users with the appropriate permissions to view and hide revisions
SpecialSearchImplements Special:Search - Run text & title search and display the output
SpecialSearchTestTest class for SpecialSearch class Copyright © 2012, Antoine Musso
SpecialSpecialpagesA special page that lists special pages
SpecialStatisticsSpecial page lists various statistics, including the contents of `site_stats`, plus page view details if enabled
SpecialTagsA special page that lists tags for edits
SpecialUnblockA special page for unblocking users
SpecialUndeleteSpecial page allowing users with the appropriate permissions to view and restore deleted content
SpecialUnlockdbImplements Special:Unlockdb
SpecialUploadForm for handling uploads and special page
SpecialUploadStashWeb access for files temporarily stored by UploadStash
SpecialUserlogoutImplements Special:Userlogout
SpecialVersionGive information about the version of MediaWiki, PHP, the DB and extensions
SpecialWhatLinksHereImplements Special:Whatlinkshere
SqlBagOStuffClass to store objects in the database
SqlDataUpdateAbstract base class for update jobs that put some secondary data extracted from article content into the database
SqliteThis class contains code common to different SQLite-related maintenance scripts
SqliteInstallerClass for setting up the MediaWiki database using SQLLite
SqliteMaintenanceMaintenance script that performs some operations specific to SQLite database backend
SqliteUpdaterClass for handling updates to Sqlite databases
SqlSearchResultSetThis class is used for different SQL-based search engines shipped with MediaWiki
SquidPurgeClientAn HTTP 1.0 client built for the purposes of purging Squid and Varnish
SquidUpdateHandles purging appropriate Squid URLs given a title (or titles)
SrConverterThere are two levels of conversion for Serbian: the script level (Cyrillics <-> Latin), and the variant level (ekavian <->iyekavian)
statsOutputA general output object
StatusGeneric operation result class Has warning/error list, boolean status and arbitrary value
StoreBatchTestFileRepo medium
StoreFileOpStore a file into the backend from a file on the file system
StreamFileFunctions related to the output of file content
StringUtilsA collection of static methods to play with strings
StructureTestThe tests here verify the structure of the code
StubContLangStub object for the content language of this wiki
StubObjectClass to implement stub globals, which are globals that delay loading the their associated module code by deferring initialisation until the first method call
StubUserLangStub object for the user language
SvgHandlerHandler for SVG images
SwiftFileBackendClass for an OpenStack Swift based file backend
SwiftFileBackendDirListIterator for listing directories
SwiftFileBackendFileListIterator for listing regular files
SwiftFileBackendListSwiftFileBackend helper class to page through listings
SyncFileBackendMaintenance script that syncs one file backend to another based on the journal of later
TableCleanupGeneric class to cleanup a database table
TableDiffFormatterWikipedia Table style diff formatter
TablePagerTable-based display with a user-selectable sort order
TempFileRepoFileRepo for temporary files created via FileRepo::getTempRepo()
TempFSFileThis class is used to hold the location and do limited manipulation of files stored temporarily (this will be whatever wfTempDir() returns)
TestConverterTest converter (from Tajiki to latin orthography)
TestFileOpPerformanceMaintenance script to test fileop performance
TextPassDumperTestTests for page dumps of BackupDumper
textStatsOutputOutput text
TgConverterConverts Tajiki to latin orthography
ThrottledErrorShow an error when the user hits a rate limit
ThumbnailImageMedia transform output for images
TiffHandlerHandler for Tiff images
TimestampTestTests timestamp parsing and output
TitleRepresents a title within MediaWiki
TitleArrayOnly exists to provide the newFromResult method at pre- sent
TitleCleanupMaintenance script to clean up broken, unparseable titles
TransformParameterErrorShortcut class for parameter validation errors
UncategorizedCategoriesPageA special page that lists uncategorized categories
UncategorizedImagesPageSpecial page lists images which haven't been categorised
UncategorizedPagesPageA special page looking for page without any category
UncategorizedTemplatesPageSpecial page lists all uncategorised pages in the template namespace
UnifiedDiffFormatterA formatter that outputs unified diffs
UnlistedSpecialPageShortcut to construct a special page which is unlisted by default
UnregisteredLocalFileA file object referring to either a standalone local file, or a file in a local repository with no database, for example an FileRepo repository
UnusedimagesPageA special page that lists unused images
UnusedtemplatesPageA special page that lists unused templates
UnwatchedpagesPageA special page that displays a list of pages that are not on anyones watchlist
UpdateArticleCountMaintenance script to provide a better count of the number of articles and update the site statistics table, if desired
UpdateCollationMaintenance script that will find all rows in the categorylinks table whose collation is out-of-date
UpdateDoubleWidthSearchMaintenance script to normalize double-byte latin UTF-8 characters
UpdateLoggingMaintenance script that upgrade for log_id/log_deleted fields in a replication-safe way
UpdateMediaWikiMaintenance script to run database schema updates
UpdateRestrictionsMaintenance script that updates page_restrictions table from old page_restriction column
UpdateSearchIndexMaintenance script for periodic off-peak updating of the search index
UpdateSpecialPagesMaintenance script to update cached special pages
UploadBaseUploadBase and subclasses are the backend of MediaWiki's file uploads
UploadDumperMaintenance script to dump a the list of files uploaded, for feeding to tar or similar
UploadFormSub class of HTMLForm that provides the form section of SpecialUpload
UploadFromChunksImplements uploading from chunks
UploadFromFileImplements regular file uploads
UploadFromStashImplements uploading from previously stored file
UploadFromUrlImplements uploading from a HTTP resource
UploadFromUrlJobJob for asynchronous upload-by-url
UploadFromUrlTestBroken Upload
UploadSourceAdapterThis is a horrible hack used to keep source compatibility
UploadSourceFieldA form field that contains a radio box in the label
UploadStashUploadStash is intended to accomplish a few things:
UploadStashCleanupMaintenance script to remove old or broken uploads from temporary uploaded file storage and clean up associated database records
UsageExceptionThis exception will be thrown when dieUsage is called to stop module execution
UserThe User object encapsulates all of the user-specific settings (user_id, name, rights, password, email address, options, last login time)
UserBlockedErrorShow an error when the user tries to do something whilst blocked
UserDupesLook for duplicate user table entries and optionally prune them
UserloginTemplateHTML template for Special:Userlogin form
UserMailerCollection of static functions for sending mail
UserNotLoggedInShows a generic "user is not logged in" error page
UserrightsPageSpecial page to allow managing user group membership
UserRightsProxyCut-down copy of User interface for local-interwiki-database user rights manipulation
UsersPagerThis class is used to get a list of user
UtfNormalUnicode normalization routines for working with UTF-8 strings
VectorTemplateQuickTemplate class for Vector skin
ViewCountUpdateUpdate for the 'page_counter' field, when $wgDisableCounters is false
WaitForSlaveMaintenance script to wait until slave lag goes under a certain value
WantedCategoriesPageA querypage to list the most wanted categories - implements Special:Wantedcategories
WantedFilesPageQuerypage that lists the most wanted files
WantedPagesPageA special page that lists most linked pages that does not exist
WantedQueryPageClass definition for a wanted query page like WantedPages, WantedTemplates, etc
WantedTemplatesPageA querypage to list the most wanted templates
WatchedItemRepresentation of a pair of user and title for watchlist entries
WatchlistCleanupMaintenance script to remove broken, unparseable titles in the watchlist table
WebInstallerClass for the core installer web interface
WebInstallerOutputOutput class modelled on OutputPage
WebInstallerPageAbstract class to define pages for the web installer
WebRequestEncapsulates getting at data passed in the URL or via a POSTed form, handling remove of "magic quotes" slashes, stripping illegal input characters and normalizing Unicode sequences
WebResponseAllow programs to request this object from WebRequest::response() and handle all outputting (or lack of outputting) via it
wfAssembleUrlUnit tests for wfAssembleUrl()
wfBaseNameTests for wfBaseName()
wfBCP47Unit tests for wfBCP47()
wfExpandUrlUnit tests for wfExpandUrl()
wfRemoveDotSegmentsUnit tests for wfRemoveDotSegments()
wfUrlencodeTestTests for includes/GlobalFunctions.php -> wfUrlencode()
WikiCategoryPageSpecial handling for category pages
WikiDiff3This diff implementation is mainly lifted from the LCS algorithm of the Eclipse project which in turn is based on Myers' "An O(ND) difference algorithm and its variations" ( with range compression (see Wu et al
WikiErrorSince PHP4 doesn't have exceptions, here's some error objects loosely modeled on the standard PEAR_Error model..
WikiErrorMsgLocalized error message object
WikiFilePageSpecial handling for file pages
WikiImporterXML file reader for the page data importer
WikiMapHelper tools for dealing with other locally-hosted wikis
WikiPageClass representing a MediaWiki article and history
WikiPageTestDatabase ^--- important, causes temporary tables to be used instead of the real database medium
WikiReferenceReference to a locally-hosted wiki
wikiStatsOutputOutputs WikiText
WikiXmlErrorError class designed to handle errors involved with XML parsing
WinCacheBagOStuffWrapper for WinCache object caching functions; identical interface to the APC wrapper
WithoutInterwikiPageSpecial page lists pages without language links
XCacheBagOStuffWrapper for XCache object caching functions; identical interface to the APC wrapper
XCFHandlerHandler for the Gimp's native file format; getimagesize() doesn't support these files
XmlModule of static functions for generating XML
XmlJsCodeA wrapper class which causes Xml::encodeJsVar() and Xml::encodeJsCall() to interpret a given string as being a JavaScript expression, instead of string data
XMPInfoThis class is just a container for a big array used by XMPReader to determine which XMP items to extract
XMPReaderClass for reading xmp data containing properties relevant to images, and spitting out an array that FormatExif accepts
XMPValidateThis contains some static methods for validating XMP properties
ZhClientClient for querying zhdaemon
ZipDirectoryReaderA class for reading ZIP file directories, for the purposes of upload verification
ZipDirectoryReaderErrorInternal exception class