MediaWiki  REL1_20
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00032 class ApiQueryAllMessages extends ApiQueryBase {
00034         public function __construct( $query, $moduleName ) {
00035                 parent::__construct( $query, $moduleName, 'am' );
00036         }
00038         public function execute() {
00039                 $params = $this->extractRequestParams();
00041                 if ( is_null( $params['lang'] ) ) {
00042                         global $wgLang;
00043                         $langObj = $wgLang;
00044                 } else {
00045                         $langObj = Language::factory( $params['lang'] );
00046                 }
00048                 if ( $params['enableparser'] ) {
00049                         if ( !is_null( $params['title'] ) ) {
00050                                 $title = Title::newFromText( $params['title'] );
00051                                 if ( !$title ) {
00052                                         $this->dieUsageMsg( array( 'invalidtitle', $params['title'] ) );
00053                                 }
00054                         } else {
00055                                 $title = Title::newFromText( 'API' );
00056                         }
00057                 }
00059                 $prop = array_flip( (array)$params['prop'] );
00061                 // Determine which messages should we print
00062                 if ( in_array( '*', $params['messages'] ) ) {
00063                         $message_names = Language::getMessageKeysFor( $langObj->getCode() );
00064                         if ( $params['includelocal'] ) {
00065                                 global $wgLanguageCode;
00066                                 $message_names = array_unique( array_merge(
00067                                         $message_names,
00068                                         // Pass in the content language code so we get local messages that have a
00069                                         // MediaWiki:msgkey page. We might theoretically miss messages that have no
00070                                         // MediaWiki:msgkey page but do have a MediaWiki:msgkey/lang page, but that's
00071                                         // just a stupid case.
00072                                         MessageCache::singleton()->getAllMessageKeys( $wgLanguageCode )
00073                                 ) );
00074                         }
00075                         sort( $message_names );
00076                         $messages_target = $message_names;
00077                 } else {
00078                         $messages_target = $params['messages'];
00079                 }
00081                 // Filter messages that have the specified prefix
00082                 // Because we sorted the message array earlier, they will appear in a clump:
00083                 if ( isset( $params['prefix'] ) ) {
00084                         $skip = false;
00085                         $messages_filtered = array();
00086                         foreach ( $messages_target as $message ) {
00087                                 // === 0: must be at beginning of string (position 0)
00088                                 if ( strpos( $message, $params['prefix'] ) === 0 ) {
00089                                         if( !$skip ) {
00090                                                 $skip = true;
00091                                         }
00092                                         $messages_filtered[] = $message;
00093                                 } elseif ( $skip ) {
00094                                         break;
00095                                 }
00096                         }
00097                         $messages_target = $messages_filtered;
00098                 }
00100                 // Filter messages that contain specified string
00101                 if ( isset( $params['filter'] ) ) {
00102                         $messages_filtered = array();
00103                         foreach ( $messages_target as $message ) {
00104                                 // !== is used because filter can be at the beginning of the string
00105                                 if ( strpos( $message, $params['filter'] ) !== false ) {
00106                                         $messages_filtered[] = $message;
00107                                 }
00108                         }
00109                         $messages_target = $messages_filtered;
00110                 }
00112                 // Whether we have any sort of message customisation filtering
00113                 $customiseFilterEnabled = $params['customised'] !== 'all';
00114                 if ( $customiseFilterEnabled ) {
00115                         global $wgContLang;
00116                         $lang = $langObj->getCode();
00118                         $customisedMessages = AllmessagesTablePager::getCustomisedStatuses(
00119                                 array_map( array( $langObj, 'ucfirst'), $messages_target ), $lang, $lang != $wgContLang->getCode() );
00121                         $customised = $params['customised'] === 'modified';
00122                 }
00124                 // Get all requested messages and print the result
00125                 $skip = !is_null( $params['from'] );
00126                 $useto = !is_null( $params['to'] );
00127                 $result = $this->getResult();
00128                 foreach ( $messages_target as $message ) {
00129                         // Skip all messages up to $params['from']
00130                         if ( $skip && $message === $params['from'] ) {
00131                                 $skip = false;
00132                         }
00134                         if ( $useto && $message > $params['to'] ) {
00135                                 break;
00136                         }
00138                         if ( !$skip ) {
00139                                 $a = array( 'name' => $message );
00140                                 $args = array();
00141                                 if ( isset( $params['args'] ) && count( $params['args'] ) != 0 ) {
00142                                         $args = $params['args'];
00143                                 }
00145                                 if ( $customiseFilterEnabled ) {
00146                                         $messageIsCustomised = isset( $customisedMessages['pages'][ $langObj->ucfirst( $message ) ] );
00147                                         if ( $customised === $messageIsCustomised ) {
00148                                                 if ( $customised ) {
00149                                                         $a['customised'] = '';
00150                                                 }
00151                                         } else {
00152                                                 continue;
00153                                         }
00154                                 }
00156                                 $msg = wfMessage( $message, $args )->inLanguage( $langObj );
00158                                 if ( !$msg->exists() ) {
00159                                         $a['missing'] = '';
00160                                 } else {
00161                                         // Check if the parser is enabled:
00162                                         if ( $params['enableparser'] ) {
00163                                                 $msgString = $msg->title( $title )->text();
00164                                         } else {
00165                                                 $msgString = $msg->plain();
00166                                         }
00167                                         if ( !$params['nocontent'] ) {
00168                                                 ApiResult::setContent( $a, $msgString );
00169                                         }
00170                                         if ( isset( $prop['default'] ) ) {
00171                                                 $default = wfMessage( $message )->inLanguage( $langObj )->useDatabase( false );
00172                                                 if ( !$default->exists() ) {
00173                                                         $a['defaultmissing'] = '';
00174                                                 } elseif ( $default->plain() != $msgString ) {
00175                                                         $a['default'] = $default->plain();
00176                                                 }
00177                                         }
00178                                 }
00179                                 $fit = $result->addValue( array( 'query', $this->getModuleName() ), null, $a );
00180                                 if ( !$fit ) {
00181                                         $this->setContinueEnumParameter( 'from', $message );
00182                                         break;
00183                                 }
00184                         }
00185                 }
00186                 $result->setIndexedTagName_internal( array( 'query', $this->getModuleName() ), 'message' );
00187         }
00189         public function getCacheMode( $params ) {
00190                 if ( is_null( $params['lang'] ) ) {
00191                         // Language not specified, will be fetched from preferences
00192                         return 'anon-public-user-private';
00193                 } elseif ( $params['enableparser'] ) {
00194                         // User-specific parser options will be used
00195                         return 'anon-public-user-private';
00196                 } else {
00197                         // OK to cache
00198                         return 'public';
00199                 }
00200         }
00202         public function getAllowedParams() {
00203                 return array(
00204                         'messages' => array(
00205                                 ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => '*',
00206                                 ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true,
00207                         ),
00208                         'prop' => array(
00209                                 ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true,
00210                                 ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => array(
00211                                         'default'
00212                                 )
00213                         ),
00214                         'enableparser' => false,
00215                         'nocontent' => false,
00216                         'includelocal' => false,
00217                         'args' => array(
00218                                 ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true,
00219                                 ApiBase::PARAM_ALLOW_DUPLICATES => true,
00220                         ),
00221                         'filter' => array(),
00222                         'customised' => array(
00223                                 ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => 'all',
00224                                 ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => array(
00225                                         'all',
00226                                         'modified',
00227                                         'unmodified'
00228                                 )
00229                         ),
00230                         'lang' => null,
00231                         'from' => null,
00232                         'to' => null,
00233                         'title' => null,
00234                         'prefix' => null,
00235                 );
00236         }
00238         public function getParamDescription() {
00239                 return array(
00240                         'messages' => 'Which messages to output. "*" (default) means all messages',
00241                         'prop' => 'Which properties to get',
00242                         'enableparser' => array( 'Set to enable parser, will preprocess the wikitext of message',
00243                                                         'Will substitute magic words, handle templates etc.' ),
00244                         'nocontent' => 'If set, do not include the content of the messages in the output.',
00245                         'includelocal' => array( "Also include local messages, i.e. messages that don't exist in the software but do exist as a MediaWiki: page.",
00246                                                         "This lists all MediaWiki: pages, so it will also list those that aren't 'really' messages such as Common.js",
00247                         ),
00248                         'title' => 'Page name to use as context when parsing message (for enableparser option)',
00249                         'args' => 'Arguments to be substituted into message',
00250                         'prefix' => 'Return messages with this prefix',
00251                         'filter' => 'Return only messages with names that contain this string',
00252                         'customised' => 'Return only messages in this customisation state',
00253                         'lang' => 'Return messages in this language',
00254                         'from' => 'Return messages starting at this message',
00255                         'to' => 'Return messages ending at this message',
00256                 );
00257         }
00259         public function getResultProperties() {
00260                 return array(
00261                         '' => array(
00262                                 'name' => 'string',
00263                                 'customised' => 'boolean',
00264                                 'missing' => 'boolean',
00265                                 '*' => array(
00266                                         ApiBase::PROP_TYPE => 'string',
00267                                         ApiBase::PROP_NULLABLE => true
00268                                 )
00269                         ),
00270                         'default' => array(
00271                                 'defaultmissing' => 'boolean',
00272                                 'default' => array(
00273                                         ApiBase::PROP_TYPE => 'string',
00274                                         ApiBase::PROP_NULLABLE => true
00275                                 )
00276                         )
00277                 );
00278         }
00280         public function getDescription() {
00281                 return 'Return messages from this site';
00282         }
00284         public function getExamples() {
00285                 return array(
00286                         'api.php?action=query&meta=allmessages&amprefix=ipb-',
00287                         'api.php?action=query&meta=allmessages&ammessages=august|mainpage&amlang=de',
00288                 );
00289         }
00291         public function getHelpUrls() {
00292                 return '';
00293         }
00295         public function getVersion() {
00296                 return __CLASS__ . ': $Id$';
00297         }
00298 }