MediaWiki  REL1_20
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00001 <?php
00031 class ApiTokens extends ApiBase {
00033         public function __construct( $main, $action ) {
00034                 parent::__construct( $main, $action );
00035         }
00037         public function execute() {
00038                 wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
00039                 $params = $this->extractRequestParams();
00040                 $res = array();
00042                 $types = $this->getTokenTypes();
00043                 foreach ( $params['type'] as $type ) {
00044                         $type = strtolower( $type );
00046                         $val = call_user_func( $types[$type], null, null );
00048                         if ( $val === false ) {
00049                                 $this->setWarning( "Action '$type' is not allowed for the current user" );
00050                         } else {
00051                                 $res[$type . 'token'] = $val;
00052                         }
00053                 }
00055                 $this->getResult()->addValue( null, $this->getModuleName(), $res );
00056                 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
00057         }
00059         private function getTokenTypes() {
00060                 // If we're in JSON callback mode, no tokens can be obtained
00061                 if ( !is_null( $this->getMain()->getRequest()->getVal( 'callback' ) ) ) {
00062                         return array();
00063                 }
00065                 static $types = null;
00066                 if ( $types ) {
00067                         return $types;
00068                 }
00069                 wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
00070                 $types = array( 'patrol' => 'ApiQueryRecentChanges::getPatrolToken' );
00071                 $names = array( 'edit', 'delete', 'protect', 'move', 'block', 'unblock',
00072                         'email', 'import', 'watch', 'options' );
00073                 foreach ( $names as $name ) {
00074                         $types[$name] = 'ApiQueryInfo::get' . ucfirst( $name ) . 'Token';
00075                 }
00076                 wfRunHooks( 'ApiTokensGetTokenTypes', array( &$types ) );
00077                 ksort( $types );
00078                 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
00079                 return $types;
00080         }
00082         public function getAllowedParams() {
00083                 return array(
00084                         'type' => array(
00085                                 ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => 'edit',
00086                                 ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true,
00087                                 ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => array_keys( $this->getTokenTypes() ),
00088                         ),
00089                 );
00090         }
00092         public function getResultProperties() {
00093                 return array(
00094                         '' => array(
00095                                 'patroltoken' => array(
00096                                         ApiBase::PROP_TYPE => 'string',
00097                                         ApiBase::PROP_NULLABLE => true
00098                                 ),
00099                                 'edittoken' => array(
00100                                         ApiBase::PROP_TYPE => 'string',
00101                                         ApiBase::PROP_NULLABLE => true
00102                                 ),
00103                                 'deletetoken' => array(
00104                                         ApiBase::PROP_TYPE => 'string',
00105                                         ApiBase::PROP_NULLABLE => true
00106                                 ),
00107                                 'protecttoken' => array(
00108                                         ApiBase::PROP_TYPE => 'string',
00109                                         ApiBase::PROP_NULLABLE => true
00110                                 ),
00111                                 'movetoken' => array(
00112                                         ApiBase::PROP_TYPE => 'string',
00113                                         ApiBase::PROP_NULLABLE => true
00114                                 ),
00115                                 'blocktoken' => array(
00116                                         ApiBase::PROP_TYPE => 'string',
00117                                         ApiBase::PROP_NULLABLE => true
00118                                 ),
00119                                 'unblocktoken' => array(
00120                                         ApiBase::PROP_TYPE => 'string',
00121                                         ApiBase::PROP_NULLABLE => true
00122                                 ),
00123                                 'emailtoken' => array(
00124                                         ApiBase::PROP_TYPE => 'string',
00125                                         ApiBase::PROP_NULLABLE => true
00126                                 ),
00127                                 'importtoken' => array(
00128                                         ApiBase::PROP_TYPE => 'string',
00129                                         ApiBase::PROP_NULLABLE => true
00130                                 ),
00131                                 'watchtoken' => array(
00132                                         ApiBase::PROP_TYPE => 'string',
00133                                         ApiBase::PROP_NULLABLE => true
00134                                 ),
00135                                 'optionstoken' => array(
00136                                         ApiBase::PROP_TYPE => 'string',
00137                                         ApiBase::PROP_NULLABLE => true
00138                                 )
00139                         )
00140                 );
00141         }
00143         public function getParamDescription() {
00144                 return array(
00145                         'type' => 'Type of token(s) to request'
00146                 );
00147         }
00149         public function getDescription() {
00150                 return 'Gets tokens for data-modifying actions';
00151         }
00153         protected function getExamples() {
00154                 return array(
00155                         'api.php?action=tokens' => 'Retrieve an edit token (the default)',
00156                         'api.php?action=tokens&type=email|move' => 'Retrieve an email token and a move token'
00157                 );
00158         }
00160         public function getVersion() {
00161                 return __CLASS__ . ': $Id$';
00162         }
00163 }