MediaWiki  REL1_20
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00003 class BitmapScalingTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
00005         function setUp() {
00006                 global $wgMaxImageArea, $wgCustomConvertCommand;
00007                 $this->oldMaxImageArea = $wgMaxImageArea;
00008                 $this->oldCustomConvertCommand = $wgCustomConvertCommand;
00009                 $wgMaxImageArea = 1.25e7; // 3500x3500 
00010                 $wgCustomConvertCommand = 'dummy'; // Set so that we don't get client side rendering
00011         }
00012         function tearDown() {
00013                 global $wgMaxImageArea, $wgCustomConvertCommand;
00014                 $wgMaxImageArea = $this->oldMaxImageArea;
00015                 $wgCustomConvertCommand = $this->oldCustomConvertCommand;
00016         }
00020         function testNormaliseParams( $fileDimensions, $expectedParams, $params, $msg ) {
00021                 $file = new FakeDimensionFile( $fileDimensions );
00022                 $handler = new BitmapHandler;
00023                 $valid = $handler->normaliseParams( $file, $params );
00024                 $this->assertTrue( $valid );
00025                 $this->assertEquals( $expectedParams, $params, $msg );
00026         }
00028         function provideNormaliseParams() {
00029                 return array(
00030                         /* Regular resize operations */ 
00031                         array(
00032                                 array( 1024, 768 ),
00033                                 array( 
00034                                         'width' => 512, 'height' => 384, 
00035                                         'physicalWidth' => 512, 'physicalHeight' => 384,
00036                                         'page' => 1,
00037                                 ),
00038                                 array( 'width' => 512 ),
00039                                 'Resizing with width set',
00040                         ),
00041                         array(
00042                                 array( 1024, 768 ),
00043                                 array( 
00044                                         'width' => 512, 'height' => 384, 
00045                                         'physicalWidth' => 512, 'physicalHeight' => 384,
00046                                         'page' => 1, 
00047                                 ),
00048                                 array( 'width' => 512, 'height' => 768 ),
00049                                 'Resizing with height set too high',
00050                         ),
00051                         array(
00052                                 array( 1024, 768 ),
00053                                 array( 
00054                                         'width' => 512, 'height' => 384, 
00055                                         'physicalWidth' => 512, 'physicalHeight' => 384,
00056                                         'page' => 1, 
00057                                 ),
00058                                 array( 'width' => 1024, 'height' => 384 ),
00059                                 'Resizing with height set',
00060                         ),
00062                         /* Very tall images */
00063                         array(
00064                                 array( 1000, 100 ),
00065                                 array( 
00066                                         'width' => 5, 'height' => 1,
00067                                         'physicalWidth' => 5, 'physicalHeight' => 1,
00068                                         'page' => 1, 
00069                                 ),
00070                                 array( 'width' => 5 ),
00071                                 'Very wide image',
00072                         ),
00074                         array(
00075                                 array( 100, 1000 ),
00076                                 array( 
00077                                         'width' => 1, 'height' => 10,
00078                                         'physicalWidth' => 1, 'physicalHeight' => 10,
00079                                         'page' => 1, 
00080                                 ),
00081                                 array( 'width' => 1 ),
00082                                 'Very high image',
00083                         ),
00084                         array(
00085                                 array( 100, 1000 ),
00086                                 array( 
00087                                         'width' => 1, 'height' => 5,
00088                                         'physicalWidth' => 1, 'physicalHeight' => 10,
00089                                         'page' => 1, 
00090                                 ),
00091                                 array( 'width' => 10, 'height' => 5 ),
00092                                 'Very high image with height set',
00093                         ),
00094                         /* Max image area */
00095                         array(
00096                                 array( 4000, 4000 ),
00097                                 array( 
00098                                         'width' => 5000, 'height' => 5000,
00099                                         'physicalWidth' => 4000, 'physicalHeight' => 4000,
00100                                         'page' => 1, 
00101                                 ),
00102                                 array( 'width' => 5000 ),
00103                                 'Bigger than max image size but doesn\'t need scaling',
00104                         ),
00105                 );
00106         } 
00107         function testTooBigImage() {
00108                 $file = new FakeDimensionFile( array( 4000, 4000 ) );
00109                 $handler = new BitmapHandler;
00110                 $params = array( 'width' => '3700' ); // Still bigger than max size.
00111                 $this->assertEquals( 'TransformParameterError', 
00112                         get_class( $handler->doTransform( $file, 'dummy path', '', $params ) ) );
00113         }
00114         function testTooBigMustRenderImage() {
00115                 $file = new FakeDimensionFile( array( 4000, 4000 ) );
00116                 $file->mustRender = true;
00117                 $handler = new BitmapHandler;
00118                 $params = array( 'width' => '5000' ); // Still bigger than max size.
00119                 $this->assertEquals( 'TransformParameterError', 
00120                         get_class( $handler->doTransform( $file, 'dummy path', '', $params ) ) );
00121         }
00123         function testImageArea() {
00124                 $file = new FakeDimensionFile( array( 7, 9 ) );
00125                 $handler = new BitmapHandler;
00126                 $this->assertEquals( 63, $handler->getImageArea( $file ) );
00127         }
00128 }
00130 class FakeDimensionFile extends File {
00131         public $mustRender = false;
00133         public function __construct( $dimensions ) {
00134                 parent::__construct( Title::makeTitle( NS_FILE, 'Test' ), 
00135                         new NullRepo( null ) );
00137                 $this->dimensions = $dimensions;
00138         }
00139         public function getWidth( $page = 1 ) {
00140                 return $this->dimensions[0];
00141         }
00142         public function getHeight( $page = 1 ) {
00143                 return $this->dimensions[1];
00144         }
00145         public function mustRender() {
00146                 return $this->mustRender;
00147         }
00148         public function getPath() {
00149                 return '';
00150         }
00151 }