MediaWiki  REL1_20
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00001 <?php
00050 class Html {
00051         # List of void elements from HTML5, section 8.1.2 as of 2011-08-12
00052         private static $voidElements = array(
00053                 'area',
00054                 'base',
00055                 'br',
00056                 'col',
00057                 'command',
00058                 'embed',
00059                 'hr',
00060                 'img',
00061                 'input',
00062                 'keygen',
00063                 'link',
00064                 'meta',
00065                 'param',
00066                 'source',
00067                 'track',
00068                 'wbr',
00069         );
00071         # Boolean attributes, which may have the value omitted entirely.  Manually
00072         # collected from the HTML5 spec as of 2011-08-12.
00073         private static $boolAttribs = array(
00074                 'async',
00075                 'autofocus',
00076                 'autoplay',
00077                 'checked',
00078                 'controls',
00079                 'default',
00080                 'defer',
00081                 'disabled',
00082                 'formnovalidate',
00083                 'hidden',
00084                 'ismap',
00085                 'itemscope',
00086                 'loop',
00087                 'multiple',
00088                 'muted',
00089                 'novalidate',
00090                 'open',
00091                 'pubdate',
00092                 'readonly',
00093                 'required',
00094                 'reversed',
00095                 'scoped',
00096                 'seamless',
00097                 'selected',
00098                 'truespeed',
00099                 'typemustmatch',
00100                 # HTML5 Microdata
00101                 'itemscope',
00102         );
00104         private static $HTMLFiveOnlyAttribs = array(
00105                 'autocomplete',
00106                 'autofocus',
00107                 'max',
00108                 'min',
00109                 'multiple',
00110                 'pattern',
00111                 'placeholder',
00112                 'required',
00113                 'step',
00114                 'spellcheck',
00115         );
00137         public static function rawElement( $element, $attribs = array(), $contents = '' ) {
00138                 global $wgWellFormedXml;
00139                 $start = self::openElement( $element, $attribs );
00140                 if ( in_array( $element, self::$voidElements ) ) {
00141                         if ( $wgWellFormedXml ) {
00142                                 # Silly XML.
00143                                 return substr( $start, 0, -1 ) . ' />';
00144                         }
00145                         return $start;
00146                 } else {
00147                         return "$start$contents" . self::closeElement( $element );
00148                 }
00149         }
00161         public static function element( $element, $attribs = array(), $contents = '' ) {
00162                 return self::rawElement( $element, $attribs, strtr( $contents, array(
00163                         # There's no point in escaping quotes, >, etc. in the contents of
00164                         # elements.
00165                         '&' => '&amp;',
00166                         '<' => '&lt;'
00167                 ) ) );
00168         }
00179         public static function openElement( $element, $attribs = array() ) {
00180                 global $wgHtml5, $wgWellFormedXml;
00181                 $attribs = (array)$attribs;
00182                 # This is not required in HTML5, but let's do it anyway, for
00183                 # consistency and better compression.
00184                 $element = strtolower( $element );
00186                 # In text/html, initial <html> and <head> tags can be omitted under
00187                 # pretty much any sane circumstances, if they have no attributes.  See:
00188                 # <>
00189                 if ( !$wgWellFormedXml && !$attribs
00190                 && in_array( $element, array( 'html', 'head' ) ) ) {
00191                         return '';
00192                 }
00194                 # Remove HTML5-only attributes if we aren't doing HTML5, and disable
00195                 # form validation regardless (see bug 23769 and the more detailed
00196                 # comment in expandAttributes())
00197                 if ( $element == 'input' ) {
00198                         # Whitelist of types that don't cause validation.  All except
00199                         # 'search' are valid in XHTML1.
00200                         $validTypes = array(
00201                                 'hidden',
00202                                 'text',
00203                                 'password',
00204                                 'checkbox',
00205                                 'radio',
00206                                 'file',
00207                                 'submit',
00208                                 'image',
00209                                 'reset',
00210                                 'button',
00211                                 'search',
00212                         );
00214                         if( $wgHtml5 ) {
00215                                 $validTypes = array_merge( $validTypes, array(
00216                                         'datetime',
00217                                         'datetime-local',
00218                                         'date',
00219                                         'month',
00220                                         'time',
00221                                         'week',
00222                                         'number',
00223                                         'range',
00224                                         'email',
00225                                         'url',
00226                                         'search',
00227                                         'tel',
00228                                         'color',
00229                                 ) );
00230                         }
00231                         if ( isset( $attribs['type'] )
00232                         && !in_array( $attribs['type'], $validTypes ) ) {
00233                                 unset( $attribs['type'] );
00234                         }
00236                         if ( isset( $attribs['type'] ) && $attribs['type'] == 'search'
00237                         && !$wgHtml5 ) {
00238                                 unset( $attribs['type'] );
00239                         }
00240                 }
00242                 if ( !$wgHtml5 && $element == 'textarea' && isset( $attribs['maxlength'] ) ) {
00243                         unset( $attribs['maxlength'] );
00244                 }
00246                 return "<$element" . self::expandAttributes(
00247                         self::dropDefaults( $element, $attribs ) ) . '>';
00248         }
00258         public static function closeElement( $element ) {
00259                 global $wgWellFormedXml;
00261                 $element = strtolower( $element );
00263                 # Reference:
00264                 #
00265                 if ( !$wgWellFormedXml && in_array( $element, array(
00266                         'html',
00267                         'head',
00268                         'body',
00269                         'li',
00270                         'dt',
00271                         'dd',
00272                         'tr',
00273                         'td',
00274                         'th',
00275                 ) ) ) {
00276                         return '';
00277                 }
00278                 return "</$element>";
00279         }
00298         private static function dropDefaults( $element, $attribs ) {
00299                 # Don't bother doing anything if we aren't outputting HTML5; it's too
00300                 # much of a pain to maintain two sets of defaults.
00301                 global $wgHtml5;
00302                 if ( !$wgHtml5 ) {
00303                         return $attribs;
00304                 }
00306                 # Whenever altering this array, please provide a covering test case
00307                 # in HtmlTest::provideElementsWithAttributesHavingDefaultValues
00308                 static $attribDefaults = array(
00309                         'area' => array( 'shape' => 'rect' ),
00310                         'button' => array(
00311                                 'formaction' => 'GET',
00312                                 'formenctype' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
00313                                 'type' => 'submit',
00314                         ),
00315                         'canvas' => array(
00316                                 'height' => '150',
00317                                 'width' => '300',
00318                         ),
00319                         'command' => array( 'type' => 'command' ),
00320                         'form' => array(
00321                                 'action' => 'GET',
00322                                 'autocomplete' => 'on',
00323                                 'enctype' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
00324                         ),
00325                         'input' => array(
00326                                 'formaction' => 'GET',
00327                                 'type' => 'text',
00328                         ),
00329                         'keygen' => array( 'keytype' => 'rsa' ),
00330                         'link' => array( 'media' => 'all' ),
00331                         'menu' => array( 'type' => 'list' ),
00332                         # Note: the use of text/javascript here instead of other JavaScript
00333                         # MIME types follows the HTML5 spec.
00334                         'script' => array( 'type' => 'text/javascript' ),
00335                         'style' => array(
00336                                 'media' => 'all',
00337                                 'type' => 'text/css',
00338                         ),
00339                         'textarea' => array( 'wrap' => 'soft' ),
00340                 );
00342                 $element = strtolower( $element );
00344                 foreach ( $attribs as $attrib => $value ) {
00345                         $lcattrib = strtolower( $attrib );
00346                         if( is_array( $value ) ) {
00347                                 $value = implode( ' ', $value );
00348                         } else {
00349                                 $value = strval( $value );
00350                         }
00352                         # Simple checks using $attribDefaults
00353                         if ( isset( $attribDefaults[$element][$lcattrib] ) &&
00354                         $attribDefaults[$element][$lcattrib] == $value ) {
00355                                 unset( $attribs[$attrib] );
00356                         }
00358                         if ( $lcattrib == 'class' && $value == '' ) {
00359                                 unset( $attribs[$attrib] );
00360                         }
00361                 }
00363                 # More subtle checks
00364                 if ( $element === 'link' && isset( $attribs['type'] )
00365                 && strval( $attribs['type'] ) == 'text/css' ) {
00366                         unset( $attribs['type'] );
00367                 }
00368                 if ( $element === 'input' ) {
00369                         $type = isset( $attribs['type'] ) ? $attribs['type'] : null;
00370                         $value = isset( $attribs['value'] ) ? $attribs['value'] : null;
00371                         if ( $type === 'checkbox' || $type === 'radio' ) {
00372                                 // The default value for checkboxes and radio buttons is 'on'
00373                                 // not ''. By stripping value="" we break radio boxes that
00374                                 // actually wants empty values.
00375                                 if ( $value === 'on' ) {
00376                                         unset( $attribs['value'] );
00377                                 }
00378                         } elseif ( $type === 'submit' ) {
00379                                 // The default value for submit appears to be "Submit" but
00380                                 // let's not bother stripping out localized text that matches
00381                                 // that.
00382                         } else {
00383                                 // The default value for nearly every other field type is ''
00384                                 // The 'range' and 'color' types use different defaults but
00385                                 // stripping a value="" does not hurt them.
00386                                 if ( $value === '' ) {
00387                                         unset( $attribs['value'] );
00388                                 }
00389                         }
00390                 }
00391                 if ( $element === 'select' && isset( $attribs['size'] ) ) {
00392                         if ( in_array( 'multiple', $attribs )
00393                                 || ( isset( $attribs['multiple'] ) && $attribs['multiple'] !== false )
00394                         ) {
00395                                 # A multi-select
00396                                 if ( strval( $attribs['size'] ) == '4' ) {
00397                                         unset( $attribs['size'] );
00398                                 }
00399                         } else {
00400                                 # Single select
00401                                 if ( strval( $attribs['size'] ) == '1' ) {
00402                                         unset( $attribs['size'] );
00403                                 }
00404                         }
00405                 }
00407                 return $attribs;
00408         }
00449         public static function expandAttributes( $attribs ) {
00450                 global $wgHtml5, $wgWellFormedXml;
00452                 $ret = '';
00453                 $attribs = (array)$attribs;
00454                 foreach ( $attribs as $key => $value ) {
00455                         if ( $value === false || is_null( $value ) ) {
00456                                 continue;
00457                         }
00459                         # For boolean attributes, support array( 'foo' ) instead of
00460                         # requiring array( 'foo' => 'meaningless' ).
00461                         if ( is_int( $key )
00462                         && in_array( strtolower( $value ), self::$boolAttribs ) ) {
00463                                 $key = $value;
00464                         }
00466                         # Not technically required in HTML5, but required in XHTML 1.0,
00467                         # and we'd like consistency and better compression anyway.
00468                         $key = strtolower( $key );
00470                         # Here we're blacklisting some HTML5-only attributes...
00471                         if ( !$wgHtml5 && in_array( $key, self::$HTMLFiveOnlyAttribs )
00472                          ) {
00473                                 continue;
00474                         }
00476                         # Bug 23769: Blacklist all form validation attributes for now.  Current
00477                         # (June 2010) WebKit has no UI, so the form just refuses to submit
00478                         # without telling the user why, which is much worse than failing
00479                         # server-side validation.  Opera is the only other implementation at
00480                         # this time, and has ugly UI, so just kill the feature entirely until
00481                         # we have at least one good implementation.
00483                         # As the default value of "1" for "step" rejects decimal
00484                         # numbers to be entered in 'type="number"' fields, allow
00485                         # the special case 'step="any"'.
00487                         if ( in_array( $key, array( 'max', 'min', 'pattern', 'required' ) ) ||
00488                                  $key === 'step' && $value !== 'any' ) {
00489                                 continue;
00490                         }
00492                         // ("space-separated")
00493                         // ("space-separated")
00494                         $spaceSeparatedListAttributes = array(
00495                                 'class', // html4, html5
00496                                 'accesskey', // as of html5, multiple space-separated values allowed
00497                                 // html4-spec doesn't document rel= as space-separated
00498                                 // but has been used like that and is now documented as such 
00499                                 // in the html5-spec.
00500                                 'rel',
00501                         );
00503                         # Specific features for attributes that allow a list of space-separated values
00504                         if ( in_array( $key, $spaceSeparatedListAttributes ) ) {
00505                                 // Apply some normalization and remove duplicates
00507                                 // Convert into correct array. Array can contain space-seperated
00508                                 // values. Implode/explode to get those into the main array as well.
00509                                 if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
00510                                         // If input wasn't an array, we can skip this step
00512                                         $newValue = array();
00513                                         foreach ( $value as $k => $v ) {
00514                                                 if ( is_string( $v ) ) {
00515                                                         // String values should be normal `array( 'foo' )`
00516                                                         // Just append them
00517                                                         if ( !isset( $value[$v] ) ) {
00518                                                                 // As a special case don't set 'foo' if a
00519                                                                 // separate 'foo' => true/false exists in the array
00520                                                                 // keys should be authoritive
00521                                                                 $newValue[] = $v;
00522                                                         }
00523                                                 } elseif ( $v ) {
00524                                                         // If the value is truthy but not a string this is likely
00525                                                         // an array( 'foo' => true ), falsy values don't add strings
00526                                                         $newValue[] = $k;
00527                                                 }
00528                                         }
00529                                         $value = implode( ' ', $newValue );
00530                                 }
00531                                 $value = explode( ' ', $value );
00533                                 // Normalize spacing by fixing up cases where people used
00534                                 // more than 1 space and/or a trailing/leading space
00535                                 $value = array_diff( $value, array( '', ' ' ) );
00537                                 // Remove duplicates and create the string
00538                                 $value = implode( ' ', array_unique( $value ) );
00539                         }
00541                         # See the "Attributes" section in the HTML syntax part of HTML5,
00542                         # as of 2009-08-10.  Most attributes can have quotation
00543                         # marks omitted, but not all.  (Although a literal " is not
00544                         # permitted, we don't check for that, since it will be escaped
00545                         # anyway.)
00546                         #
00547                         # See also research done on further characters that need to be
00548                         # escaped:
00549                         $badChars = "\\x00- '=<>`/\x{00a0}\x{1680}\x{180e}\x{180F}\x{2000}\x{2001}"
00550                                 . "\x{2002}\x{2003}\x{2004}\x{2005}\x{2006}\x{2007}\x{2008}\x{2009}"
00551                                 . "\x{200A}\x{2028}\x{2029}\x{202F}\x{205F}\x{3000}";
00552                         if ( $wgWellFormedXml || $value === ''
00553                         || preg_match( "![$badChars]!u", $value ) ) {
00554                                 $quote = '"';
00555                         } else {
00556                                 $quote = '';
00557                         }
00559                         if ( in_array( $key, self::$boolAttribs ) ) {
00560                                 # In XHTML 1.0 Transitional, the value needs to be equal to the
00561                                 # key.  In HTML5, we can leave the value empty instead.  If we
00562                                 # don't need well-formed XML, we can omit the = entirely.
00563                                 if ( !$wgWellFormedXml ) {
00564                                         $ret .= " $key";
00565                                 } elseif ( $wgHtml5 ) {
00566                                         $ret .= " $key=\"\"";
00567                                 } else {
00568                                         $ret .= " $key=\"$key\"";
00569                                 }
00570                         } else {
00571                                 # Apparently we need to entity-encode \n, \r, \t, although the
00572                                 # spec doesn't mention that.  Since we're doing strtr() anyway,
00573                                 # and we don't need <> escaped here, we may as well not call
00574                                 # htmlspecialchars().
00575                                 # @todo FIXME: Verify that we actually need to
00576                                 # escape \n\r\t here, and explain why, exactly.
00577                                 #
00578                                 # We could call Sanitizer::encodeAttribute() for this, but we
00579                                 # don't because we're stubborn and like our marginal savings on
00580                                 # byte size from not having to encode unnecessary quotes.
00581                                 $map = array(
00582                                         '&' => '&amp;',
00583                                         '"' => '&quot;',
00584                                         "\n" => '&#10;',
00585                                         "\r" => '&#13;',
00586                                         "\t" => '&#9;'
00587                                 );
00588                                 if ( $wgWellFormedXml ) {
00589                                         # This is allowed per spec: <>
00590                                         # But reportedly it breaks some XML tools?
00591                                         # @todo FIXME: Is this really true?
00592                                         $map['<'] = '&lt;';
00593                                 }
00595                                 $ret .= " $key=$quote" . strtr( $value, $map ) . $quote;
00596                         }
00597                 }
00598                 return $ret;
00599         }
00610         public static function inlineScript( $contents ) {
00611                 global $wgHtml5, $wgJsMimeType, $wgWellFormedXml;
00613                 $attrs = array();
00615                 if ( !$wgHtml5 ) {
00616                         $attrs['type'] = $wgJsMimeType;
00617                 }
00619                 if ( $wgWellFormedXml && preg_match( '/[<&]/', $contents ) ) {
00620                         $contents = "/*<![CDATA[*/$contents/*]]>*/";
00621                 }
00623                 return self::rawElement( 'script', $attrs, $contents );
00624         }
00633         public static function linkedScript( $url ) {
00634                 global $wgHtml5, $wgJsMimeType;
00636                 $attrs = array( 'src' => $url );
00638                 if ( !$wgHtml5 ) {
00639                         $attrs['type'] = $wgJsMimeType;
00640                 }
00642                 return self::element( 'script', $attrs );
00643         }
00654         public static function inlineStyle( $contents, $media = 'all' ) {
00655                 global $wgWellFormedXml;
00657                 if ( $wgWellFormedXml && preg_match( '/[<&]/', $contents ) ) {
00658                         $contents = "/*<![CDATA[*/$contents/*]]>*/";
00659                 }
00661                 return self::rawElement( 'style', array(
00662                         'type' => 'text/css',
00663                         'media' => $media,
00664                 ), $contents );
00665         }
00675         public static function linkedStyle( $url, $media = 'all' ) {
00676                 return self::element( 'link', array(
00677                         'rel' => 'stylesheet',
00678                         'href' => $url,
00679                         'type' => 'text/css',
00680                         'media' => $media,
00681                 ) );
00682         }
00696         public static function input( $name, $value = '', $type = 'text', $attribs = array() ) {
00697                 $attribs['type'] = $type;
00698                 $attribs['value'] = $value;
00699                 $attribs['name'] = $name;
00701                 return self::element( 'input', $attribs );
00702         }
00713         public static function hidden( $name, $value, $attribs = array() ) {
00714                 return self::input( $name, $value, 'hidden', $attribs );
00715         }
00731         public static function textarea( $name, $value = '', $attribs = array() ) {
00732                 global $wgHtml5;
00734                 $attribs['name'] = $name;
00736                 if ( !$wgHtml5 ) {
00737                         if ( !isset( $attribs['cols'] ) ) {
00738                                 $attribs['cols'] = "";
00739                         }
00741                         if ( !isset( $attribs['rows'] ) ) {
00742                                 $attribs['rows'] = "";
00743                         }
00744                 }
00746                 if (substr($value, 0, 1) == "\n") {
00747                         // Workaround for bug 12130: browsers eat the initial newline
00748                         // assuming that it's just for show, but they do keep the later
00749                         // newlines, which we may want to preserve during editing.
00750                         // Prepending a single newline
00751                         $spacedValue = "\n" . $value;
00752                 } else {
00753                         $spacedValue = $value;
00754                 }
00755                 return self::element( 'textarea', $attribs, $spacedValue );
00756         }
00771         public static function namespaceSelector( Array $params = array(), Array $selectAttribs = array() ) {
00772                 global $wgContLang;
00774                 ksort( $selectAttribs );
00776                 // Is a namespace selected?
00777                 if ( isset( $params['selected'] ) ) {
00778                         // If string only contains digits, convert to clean int. Selected could also
00779                         // be "all" or "" etc. which needs to be left untouched.
00780                         // PHP is_numeric() has issues with large strings, PHP ctype_digit has other issues
00781                         // and returns false for already clean ints. Use regex instead..
00782                         if ( preg_match( '/^\d+$/', $params['selected'] ) ) {
00783                                 $params['selected'] = intval( $params['selected'] );
00784                         }
00785                         // else: leaves it untouched for later processing
00786                 } else {
00787                         $params['selected'] = '';
00788                 }
00790                 if ( !isset( $params['exclude'] ) || !is_array( $params['exclude'] ) ) {
00791                         $params['exclude'] = array();
00792                 }
00793                 if ( !isset( $params['disable'] ) || !is_array( $params['disable'] ) ) {
00794                         $params['disable'] = array();
00795                 }
00797                 // Associative array between option-values and option-labels
00798                 $options = array();
00800                 if ( isset( $params['all'] ) ) {
00801                         // add an option that would let the user select all namespaces.
00802                         // Value is provided by user, the name shown is localized for the user.
00803                         $options[$params['all']] = wfMessage( 'namespacesall' )->text();
00804                 }
00805                 // Add all namespaces as options (in the content langauge)
00806                 $options += $wgContLang->getFormattedNamespaces();
00808                 // Convert $options to HTML and filter out namespaces below 0
00809                 $optionsHtml = array();
00810                 foreach ( $options as $nsId => $nsName ) {
00811                         if ( $nsId < NS_MAIN || in_array( $nsId, $params['exclude'] ) ) {
00812                                 continue;
00813                         }
00814                         if ( $nsId === 0 ) {
00815                                 // For other namespaces use use the namespace prefix as label, but for
00816                                 // main we don't use "" but the user message descripting it (e.g. "(Main)" or "(Article)")
00817                                 $nsName = wfMessage( 'blanknamespace' )->text();
00818                         }
00819                         $optionsHtml[] = Html::element(
00820                                 'option', array(
00821                                         'disabled' => in_array( $nsId, $params['disable'] ),
00822                                         'value' => $nsId,
00823                                         'selected' => $nsId === $params['selected'],
00824                                 ), $nsName
00825                         );
00826                 }
00828                 $ret = '';
00829                 if ( isset( $params['label'] ) ) {
00830                         $ret .= Html::element(
00831                                 'label', array(
00832                                         'for' => isset( $selectAttribs['id'] ) ? $selectAttribs['id'] : null,
00833                                 ), $params['label']
00834                         ) . '&#160;';
00835                 }
00837                 // Wrap options in a <select>
00838                 $ret .= Html::openElement( 'select', $selectAttribs )
00839                         . "\n"
00840                         . implode( "\n", $optionsHtml )
00841                         . "\n"
00842                         . Html::closeElement( 'select' );
00844                 return $ret;
00845         }
00855         public static function htmlHeader( $attribs = array() ) {
00856                 $ret = '';
00858                 global $wgMimeType;
00860                 if ( self::isXmlMimeType( $wgMimeType ) ) {
00861                         $ret .= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?" . ">\n";
00862                 }
00864                 global $wgHtml5, $wgHtml5Version, $wgDocType, $wgDTD;
00865                 global $wgXhtmlNamespaces, $wgXhtmlDefaultNamespace;
00867                 if ( $wgHtml5 ) {
00868                         $ret .= "<!DOCTYPE html>\n";
00870                         if ( $wgHtml5Version ) {
00871                                 $attribs['version'] = $wgHtml5Version;
00872                         }
00873                 } else {
00874                         $ret .= "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"$wgDocType\" \"$wgDTD\">\n";
00875                         $attribs['xmlns'] = $wgXhtmlDefaultNamespace;
00877                         foreach ( $wgXhtmlNamespaces as $tag => $ns ) {
00878                                 $attribs["xmlns:$tag"] = $ns;
00879                         }
00880                 }
00882                 $html = Html::openElement( 'html', $attribs );
00884                 if ( $html ) {
00885                         $html .= "\n";
00886                 }
00888                 $ret .= $html;
00890                 return $ret;
00891         }
00899         public static function isXmlMimeType( $mimetype ) {
00900                 switch ( $mimetype ) {
00901                         case 'text/xml':
00902                         case 'application/xhtml+xml':
00903                         case 'application/xml':
00904                                 return true;
00905                         default:
00906                                 return false;
00907                 }
00908         }
00921         static function infoBox( $text, $icon, $alt, $class = false, $useStylePath = true ) {
00922                 global $wgStylePath;
00924                 if ( $useStylePath ) {
00925                         $icon = $wgStylePath.'/common/images/'.$icon;
00926                 }
00928                 $s  = Html::openElement( 'div', array( 'class' => "mw-infobox $class") );
00930                 $s .= Html::openElement( 'div', array( 'class' => 'mw-infobox-left' ) ).
00931                                 Html::element( 'img',
00932                                         array(
00933                                                 'src' => $icon,
00934                                                 'alt' => $alt,
00935                                         )
00936                                 ).
00937                                 Html::closeElement( 'div' );
00939                 $s .= Html::openElement( 'div', array( 'class' => 'mw-infobox-right' ) ).
00940                                 $text.
00941                                 Html::closeElement( 'div' );
00942                 $s .= Html::element( 'div', array( 'style' => 'clear: left;' ), ' ' );
00944                 $s .= Html::closeElement( 'div' );
00946                 $s .= Html::element( 'div', array( 'style' => 'clear: left;' ), ' ' );
00948                 return $s;
00949         }
00950 }