MediaWiki  REL1_20
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00001 <?php
00032 class JpegMetadataExtractor {
00034         const MAX_JPEG_SEGMENTS = 200;
00035         // the max segment is a sanity check.
00036         // A jpeg file should never even remotely have
00037         // that many segments. Your average file has about 10.
00050         static function segmentSplitter ( $filename ) {
00051                 $showXMP = function_exists( 'xml_parser_create_ns' );
00053                 $segmentCount = 0;
00055                 $segments = array(
00056                         'XMP_ext' => array(),
00057                         'COM' => array(),
00058                         'PSIR' => array(),
00059                 );
00061                 if ( !$filename ) {
00062                         throw new MWException( "No filename specified for " . __METHOD__ );
00063                 }
00064                 if ( !file_exists( $filename ) || is_dir( $filename ) ) {
00065                         throw new MWException( "Invalid file $filename passed to " . __METHOD__ );
00066                 }
00068                 $fh = fopen( $filename, "rb" );
00070                 if ( !$fh ) {
00071                         throw new MWException( "Could not open file $filename" );
00072                 }
00074                 $buffer = fread( $fh, 2 );
00075                 if ( $buffer !== "\xFF\xD8" ) {
00076                         throw new MWException( "Not a jpeg, no SOI" );
00077                 }
00078                 while ( !feof( $fh ) ) {
00079                         $buffer = fread( $fh, 1 );
00080                         $segmentCount++;
00081                         if ( $segmentCount > self::MAX_JPEG_SEGMENTS ) {
00082                                 // this is just a sanity check
00083                                 throw new MWException( 'Too many jpeg segments. Aborting' );
00084                         }
00085                         if ( $buffer !== "\xFF" ) {
00086                                 throw new MWException( "Error reading jpeg file marker. Expected 0xFF but got " . bin2hex( $buffer ) );
00087                         }
00089                         $buffer = fread( $fh, 1 );
00090                         while( $buffer === "\xFF" && !feof( $fh ) ) {
00091                                 // Skip through any 0xFF padding bytes.
00092                                 $buffer = fread( $fh, 1 );
00093                         }
00094                         if ( $buffer === "\xFE" ) {
00096                                 // COM section -- file comment
00097                                 // First see if valid utf-8,
00098                                 // if not try to convert it to windows-1252.
00099                                 $com = $oldCom = trim( self::jpegExtractMarker( $fh ) );
00100                                 UtfNormal::quickIsNFCVerify( $com );
00101                                 // turns $com to valid utf-8.
00102                                 // thus if no change, its utf-8, otherwise its something else.
00103                                 if ( $com !== $oldCom ) {
00104                                         wfSuppressWarnings();
00105                                         $com = $oldCom = iconv( 'windows-1252', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $oldCom );
00106                                         wfRestoreWarnings();
00107                                 }
00108                                 // Try it again, if its still not a valid string, then probably
00109                                 // binary junk or some really weird encoding, so don't extract.
00110                                 UtfNormal::quickIsNFCVerify( $com );
00111                                 if ( $com === $oldCom ) {
00112                                         $segments["COM"][] = $oldCom;
00113                                 } else {
00114                                         wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ' Ignoring JPEG comment as is garbage.' );
00115                                 }
00117                         } elseif ( $buffer === "\xE1" ) {
00118                                 // APP1 section (Exif, XMP, and XMP extended)
00119                                 // only extract if XMP is enabled.
00120                                 $temp = self::jpegExtractMarker( $fh );
00121                                 // check what type of app segment this is.
00122                                 if ( substr( $temp, 0, 29 ) === "\x00" && $showXMP ) {
00123                                         $segments["XMP"] = substr( $temp, 29 );
00124                                 } elseif ( substr( $temp, 0, 35 ) === "\x00" && $showXMP ) {
00125                                         $segments["XMP_ext"][] = substr( $temp, 35 );
00126                                 } elseif ( substr( $temp, 0, 29 ) === "XMP\x00://\x00" && $showXMP ) {
00127                                         // Some images (especially flickr images) seem to have this.
00128                                         // I really have no idea what the deal is with them, but
00129                                         // whatever...
00130                                         $segments["XMP"] = substr( $temp, 29 );
00131                                         wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ' Found XMP section with wrong app identifier '
00132                                                 . "Using anyways.\n" ); 
00133                                 } elseif ( substr( $temp, 0, 6 ) === "Exif\0\0" ) {
00134                                         // Just need to find out what the byte order is.
00135                                         // because php's exif plugin sucks...
00136                                         // This is a II for little Endian, MM for big. Not a unicode BOM.
00137                                         $byteOrderMarker = substr( $temp, 6, 2 );
00138                                         if ( $byteOrderMarker === 'MM' ) {
00139                                                 $segments['byteOrder'] = 'BE';
00140                                         } elseif ( $byteOrderMarker === 'II' ) {
00141                                                 $segments['byteOrder'] = 'LE';
00142                                         } else {
00143                                                 wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ' Invalid byte ordering?!' );
00144                                         }
00145                                 }
00146                         } elseif ( $buffer === "\xED" ) {
00147                                 // APP13 - PSIR. IPTC and some photoshop stuff
00148                                 $temp = self::jpegExtractMarker( $fh );
00149                                 if ( substr( $temp, 0, 14 ) === "Photoshop 3.0\x00" ) {
00150                                         $segments["PSIR"][] = $temp;
00151                                 }
00152                         } elseif ( $buffer === "\xD9" || $buffer === "\xDA" ) {
00153                                 // EOI - end of image or SOS - start of scan. either way we're past any interesting segments
00154                                 return $segments;
00155                         } else {
00156                                 // segment we don't care about, so skip
00157                                 $size = wfUnpack( "nint", fread( $fh, 2 ), 2 );
00158                                 if ( $size['int'] <= 2 ) throw new MWException( "invalid marker size in jpeg" );
00159                                 fseek( $fh, $size['int'] - 2, SEEK_CUR );
00160                         }
00162                 }
00163                 // shouldn't get here.
00164                 throw new MWException( "Reached end of jpeg file unexpectedly" );
00165         }
00172         private static function jpegExtractMarker( &$fh ) {
00173                 $size = wfUnpack( "nint", fread( $fh, 2 ), 2 );
00174                 if ( $size['int'] <= 2 ) {
00175                         throw new MWException( "invalid marker size in jpeg" );
00176                 }
00177                 $segment = fread( $fh, $size['int'] - 2 );
00178                 if ( strlen( $segment ) !== $size['int'] - 2 ) {
00179                         throw new MWException( "Segment shorter than expected" );
00180                 }
00181                 return $segment;
00182         }
00197         public static function doPSIR ( $app13 ) {
00198                 if ( !$app13 ) {
00199                         throw new MWException( "No App13 segment given" );
00200                 }
00201                 // First compare hash with real thing
00202                 // 0x404 contains IPTC, 0x425 has hash
00203                 // This is used to determine if the iptc is newer than
00204                 // the xmp data, as xmp programs update the hash,
00205                 // where non-xmp programs don't.
00207                 $offset = 14; // skip past PHOTOSHOP 3.0 identifier. should already be checked.
00208                 $appLen = strlen( $app13 );
00209                 $realHash = "";
00210                 $recordedHash = "";
00212                 // the +12 is the length of an empty item.
00213                 while ( $offset + 12 <= $appLen ) {
00214                         $valid = true;
00215                         if ( substr( $app13, $offset, 4 ) !== '8BIM' ) {
00216                                 // its supposed to be 8BIM
00217                                 // but apparently sometimes isn't esp. in
00218                                 // really old jpg's
00219                                 $valid = false;
00220                         }
00221                         $offset += 4;
00222                         $id = substr( $app13, $offset, 2 );
00223                         // id is a 2 byte id number which identifies
00224                         // the piece of info this record contains.
00226                         $offset += 2;
00228                         // some record types can contain a name, which
00229                         // is a pascal string 0-padded to be an even
00230                         // number of bytes. Most times (and any time
00231                         // we care) this is empty, making it two null bytes.
00233                         $lenName = ord( substr( $app13, $offset, 1 ) ) + 1;
00234                         // we never use the name so skip it. +1 for length byte
00235                         if ( $lenName % 2 == 1 ) {
00236                                 $lenName++;
00237                         } // pad to even.
00238                         $offset += $lenName;
00240                         // now length of data (unsigned long big endian)
00241                         $lenData = wfUnpack( 'Nlen', substr( $app13, $offset, 4 ), 4 );
00242                         // PHP can take issue with very large unsigned ints and make them negative.
00243                         // Which should never ever happen, as this has to be inside a segment
00244                         // which is limited to a 16 bit number.
00245                         if ( $lenData['len'] < 0 ) throw new MWException( "Too big PSIR (" . $lenData['len'] . ')' );
00247                         $offset += 4; // 4bytes length field;
00249                         // this should not happen, but check.
00250                         if ( $lenData['len'] + $offset > $appLen ) {
00251                                 throw new MWException( "PSIR data too long. (item length=" . $lenData['len']
00252                                         . "; offset=$offset; total length=$appLen)" );
00253                         }
00255                         if ( $valid ) {
00256                                 switch ( $id ) {
00257                                         case "\x04\x04":
00258                                                 // IPTC block
00259                                                 $realHash = md5( substr( $app13, $offset, $lenData['len'] ), true );
00260                                                 break;
00261                                         case "\x04\x25":
00262                                                 $recordedHash = substr( $app13, $offset, $lenData['len'] );
00263                                                 break;
00264                                 }
00265                         }
00267                         // if odd, add 1 to length to account for
00268                         // null pad byte.
00269                         if ( $lenData['len'] % 2 == 1 ) $lenData['len']++;
00270                         $offset += $lenData['len'];
00272                 }
00274                 if ( !$realHash || !$recordedHash ) {
00275                         return 'iptc-no-hash';
00276                 } elseif ( $realHash === $recordedHash ) {
00277                         return 'iptc-good-hash';
00278                 } else { /*$realHash !== $recordedHash */
00279                         return 'iptc-bad-hash';
00280                 }
00281         }
00282 }