MediaWiki  REL1_20
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00030 class LanguageEo extends Language {
00062         function iconv( $in, $out, $string ) {
00063                 if ( strcasecmp( $in, 'x' ) == 0 && strcasecmp( $out, 'utf-8' ) == 0 ) {
00064                         return preg_replace_callback (
00065                                 '/([cghjsu]x?)((?:xx)*)(?!x)/i',
00066                                 array( $this, 'strrtxuCallback' ), $string      );
00067                 } elseif ( strcasecmp( $in, 'UTF-8' ) == 0 && strcasecmp( $out, 'x' ) == 0 ) {
00068                         # Double Xs only if they follow cxapelutaj literoj.
00069                         return preg_replace_callback(
00070                                 '/((?:[cghjsu]|\xc4[\x88\x89\x9c\x9d\xa4\xa5\xb4\xb5]|\xc5[\x9c\x9d\xac\xad])x*)/i',
00071                                 array( $this, 'strrtuxCallback' ), $string );
00072                 }
00073                 return parent::iconv( $in, $out, $string );
00074         }
00080         function strrtuxCallback( $matches ) {
00081                 static $ux = array (
00082                         'x' => 'xx' , 'X' => 'Xx' ,
00083                         "\xc4\x88" => "Cx" , "\xc4\x89" => "cx" ,
00084                         "\xc4\x9c" => "Gx" , "\xc4\x9d" => "gx" ,
00085                         "\xc4\xa4" => "Hx" , "\xc4\xa5" => "hx" ,
00086                         "\xc4\xb4" => "Jx" , "\xc4\xb5" => "jx" ,
00087                         "\xc5\x9c" => "Sx" , "\xc5\x9d" => "sx" ,
00088                         "\xc5\xac" => "Ux" , "\xc5\xad" => "ux"
00089                 );
00090                 return strtr( $matches[1], $ux );
00091         }
00097         function strrtxuCallback( $matches ) {
00098                 static $xu = array (
00099                         'xx' => 'x' , 'xX' => 'x' ,
00100                         'Xx' => 'X' , 'XX' => 'X' ,
00101                         "Cx" => "\xc4\x88" , "CX" => "\xc4\x88" ,
00102                         "cx" => "\xc4\x89" , "cX" => "\xc4\x89" ,
00103                         "Gx" => "\xc4\x9c" , "GX" => "\xc4\x9c" ,
00104                         "gx" => "\xc4\x9d" , "gX" => "\xc4\x9d" ,
00105                         "Hx" => "\xc4\xa4" , "HX" => "\xc4\xa4" ,
00106                         "hx" => "\xc4\xa5" , "hX" => "\xc4\xa5" ,
00107                         "Jx" => "\xc4\xb4" , "JX" => "\xc4\xb4" ,
00108                         "jx" => "\xc4\xb5" , "jX" => "\xc4\xb5" ,
00109                         "Sx" => "\xc5\x9c" , "SX" => "\xc5\x9c" ,
00110                         "sx" => "\xc5\x9d" , "sX" => "\xc5\x9d" ,
00111                         "Ux" => "\xc5\xac" , "UX" => "\xc5\xac" ,
00112                         "ux" => "\xc5\xad" , "uX" => "\xc5\xad"
00113                 );
00114                 return strtr( $matches[1], $xu ) . strtr( $matches[2], $xu );
00115         }
00121         function checkTitleEncoding( $s ) {
00122                 # Check for X-system backwards-compatibility URLs
00123                 $ishigh = preg_match( '/[\x80-\xff]/', $s );
00124                 $isutf = preg_match( '/^([\x00-\x7f]|[\xc0-\xdf][\x80-\xbf]|' .
00125                         '[\xe0-\xef][\x80-\xbf]{2}|[\xf0-\xf7][\x80-\xbf]{3})+$/', $s );
00127                 if ( $ishigh and !$isutf ) {
00128                         # Assume Latin1
00129                         $s = utf8_encode( $s );
00130                 } else {
00131                         if ( preg_match( '/(\xc4[\x88\x89\x9c\x9d\xa4\xa5\xb4\xb5]' .
00132                                 '|\xc5[\x9c\x9d\xac\xad])/', $s ) )
00133                         return $s;
00134                 }
00136                 // if( preg_match( '/[cghjsu]x/i', $s ) )
00137                 //      return $this->iconv( 'x', 'utf-8', $s );
00138                 return $s;
00139         }
00141         function initEncoding() {
00142                 global $wgEditEncoding;
00143                 $wgEditEncoding = 'x';
00144         }
00145 }