MediaWiki  REL1_20
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00029 class LogPager extends ReverseChronologicalPager {
00030         private $types = array(), $performer = '', $title = '', $pattern = '';
00031         private $typeCGI = '';
00032         public $mLogEventsList;
00047         public function __construct( $list, $types = array(), $performer = '', $title = '', $pattern = '',
00048                 $conds = array(), $year = false, $month = false, $tagFilter = '' ) {
00049                 parent::__construct( $list->getContext() );
00050                 $this->mConds = $conds;
00052                 $this->mLogEventsList = $list;
00054                 $this->limitType( $types ); // also excludes hidden types
00055                 $this->limitPerformer( $performer );
00056                 $this->limitTitle( $title, $pattern );
00057                 $this->getDateCond( $year, $month );
00058                 $this->mTagFilter = $tagFilter;
00059         }
00061         public function getDefaultQuery() {
00062                 $query = parent::getDefaultQuery();
00063                 $query['type'] = $this->typeCGI; // arrays won't work here
00064                 $query['user'] = $this->performer;
00065                 $query['month'] = $this->mMonth;
00066                 $query['year'] = $this->mYear;
00067                 return $query;
00068         }
00070         // Call ONLY after calling $this->limitType() already!
00071         public function getFilterParams() {
00072                 global $wgFilterLogTypes;
00073                 $filters = array();
00074                 if( count($this->types) ) {
00075                         return $filters;
00076                 }
00077                 foreach( $wgFilterLogTypes as $type => $default ) {
00078                         // Avoid silly filtering
00079                         if( $type !== 'patrol' || $this->getUser()->useNPPatrol() ) {
00080                                 $hide = $this->getRequest()->getInt( "hide_{$type}_log", $default );
00081                                 $filters[$type] = $hide;
00082                                 if( $hide )
00083                                         $this->mConds[] = 'log_type != ' . $this->mDb->addQuotes( $type );
00084                         }
00085                 }
00086                 return $filters;
00087         }
00096         private function limitType( $types ) {
00097                 global $wgLogRestrictions;
00098                 // If $types is not an array, make it an array
00099                 $types = ($types === '') ? array() : (array)$types;
00100                 // Don't even show header for private logs; don't recognize it...
00101                 $needReindex = false;
00102                 foreach ( $types as $type ) {
00103                         if( isset( $wgLogRestrictions[$type] )
00104                                 && !$this->getUser()->isAllowed($wgLogRestrictions[$type])
00105                         ) {
00106                                 $needReindex = true;
00107                                 $types = array_diff( $types, array( $type ) );
00108                         }
00109                 }
00110                 if ( $needReindex ) {
00111                         // Lots of this code makes assumptions that
00112                         // the first entry in the array is $types[0].
00113                         $types = array_values( $types );
00114                 }
00115                 $this->types = $types;
00116                 // Don't show private logs to unprivileged users.
00117                 // Also, only show them upon specific request to avoid suprises.
00118                 $audience = $types ? 'user' : 'public';
00119                 $hideLogs = LogEventsList::getExcludeClause( $this->mDb, $audience );
00120                 if( $hideLogs !== false ) {
00121                         $this->mConds[] = $hideLogs;
00122                 }
00123                 if( count($types) ) {
00124                         $this->mConds['log_type'] = $types;
00125                         // Set typeCGI; used in url param for paging
00126                         if( count($types) == 1 ) $this->typeCGI = $types[0];
00127                 }
00128         }
00136         private function limitPerformer( $name ) {
00137                 if( $name == '' ) {
00138                         return false;
00139                 }
00140                 $usertitle = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_USER, $name );
00141                 if( is_null($usertitle) ) {
00142                         return false;
00143                 }
00144                 /* Fetch userid at first, if known, provides awesome query plan afterwards */
00145                 $userid = User::idFromName( $name );
00146                 if( !$userid ) {
00147                         /* It should be nicer to abort query at all,
00148                            but for now it won't pass anywhere behind the optimizer */
00149                         $this->mConds[] = "NULL";
00150                 } else {
00151                         $this->mConds['log_user'] = $userid;
00152                         // Paranoia: avoid brute force searches (bug 17342)
00153                         $user = $this->getUser();
00154                         if( !$user->isAllowed( 'deletedhistory' ) ) {
00155                                 $this->mConds[] = $this->mDb->bitAnd('log_deleted', LogPage::DELETED_USER) . ' = 0';
00156                         } elseif( !$user->isAllowed( 'suppressrevision' ) ) {
00157                                 $this->mConds[] = $this->mDb->bitAnd('log_deleted', LogPage::SUPPRESSED_USER) .
00158                                         ' != ' . LogPage::SUPPRESSED_USER;
00159                         }
00160                         $this->performer = $usertitle->getText();
00161                 }
00162         }
00172         private function limitTitle( $page, $pattern ) {
00173                 global $wgMiserMode;
00175                 if ( $page instanceof Title ) {
00176                         $title = $page;
00177                 } else {
00178                         $title = Title::newFromText( $page );
00179                         if( strlen( $page ) == 0 || !$title instanceof Title ) {
00180                                 return false;
00181                         }
00182                 }
00184                 $this->title = $title->getPrefixedText();
00185                 $ns = $title->getNamespace();
00186                 $db = $this->mDb;
00188                 # Using the (log_namespace, log_title, log_timestamp) index with a
00189                 # range scan (LIKE) on the first two parts, instead of simple equality,
00190                 # makes it unusable for sorting.  Sorted retrieval using another index
00191                 # would be possible, but then we might have to scan arbitrarily many
00192                 # nodes of that index. Therefore, we need to avoid this if $wgMiserMode
00193                 # is on.
00194                 #
00195                 # This is not a problem with simple title matches, because then we can
00196                 # use the page_time index.  That should have no more than a few hundred
00197                 # log entries for even the busiest pages, so it can be safely scanned
00198                 # in full to satisfy an impossible condition on user or similar.
00199                 if( $pattern && !$wgMiserMode ) {
00200                         $this->mConds['log_namespace'] = $ns;
00201                         $this->mConds[] = 'log_title ' . $db->buildLike( $title->getDBkey(), $db->anyString() );
00202                         $this->pattern = $pattern;
00203                 } else {
00204                         $this->mConds['log_namespace'] = $ns;
00205                         $this->mConds['log_title'] = $title->getDBkey();
00206                 }
00207                 // Paranoia: avoid brute force searches (bug 17342)
00208                 $user = $this->getUser();
00209                 if( !$user->isAllowed( 'deletedhistory' ) ) {
00210                         $this->mConds[] = $db->bitAnd('log_deleted', LogPage::DELETED_ACTION) . ' = 0';
00211                 } elseif( !$user->isAllowed( 'suppressrevision' ) ) {
00212                         $this->mConds[] = $db->bitAnd('log_deleted', LogPage::SUPPRESSED_ACTION) .
00213                                 ' != ' . LogPage::SUPPRESSED_ACTION;
00214                 }
00215         }
00222         public function getQueryInfo() {
00223                 $basic = DatabaseLogEntry::getSelectQueryData();
00225                 $tables = $basic['tables'];
00226                 $fields = $basic['fields'];
00227                 $conds = $basic['conds'];
00228                 $options = $basic['options'];
00229                 $joins = $basic['join_conds'];
00231                 $index = array();
00232                 # Add log_search table if there are conditions on it.
00233                 # This filters the results to only include log rows that have
00234                 # log_search records with the specified ls_field and ls_value values.
00235                 if( array_key_exists( 'ls_field', $this->mConds ) ) {
00236                         $tables[] = 'log_search';
00237                         $index['log_search'] = 'ls_field_val';
00238                         $index['logging'] = 'PRIMARY';
00239                         if ( !$this->hasEqualsClause( 'ls_field' )
00240                                 || !$this->hasEqualsClause( 'ls_value' ) )
00241                         {
00242                                 # Since (ls_field,ls_value,ls_logid) is unique, if the condition is
00243                                 # to match a specific (ls_field,ls_value) tuple, then there will be
00244                                 # no duplicate log rows. Otherwise, we need to remove the duplicates.
00245                                 $options[] = 'DISTINCT';
00246                         }
00247                 # Avoid usage of the wrong index by limiting
00248                 # the choices of available indexes. This mainly
00249                 # avoids site-breaking filesorts.
00250                 } elseif( $this->title || $this->pattern || $this->performer ) {
00251                         $index['logging'] = array( 'page_time', 'user_time' );
00252                         if( count($this->types) == 1 ) {
00253                                 $index['logging'][] = 'log_user_type_time';
00254                         }
00255                 } elseif( count($this->types) == 1 ) {
00256                         $index['logging'] = 'type_time';
00257                 } else {
00258                         $index['logging'] = 'times';
00259                 }
00260                 $options['USE INDEX'] = $index;
00261                 # Don't show duplicate rows when using log_search
00262                 $joins['log_search'] = array( 'INNER JOIN', 'ls_log_id=log_id' );
00264                 $info = array(
00265                         'tables'     => $tables,
00266                         'fields'     => $fields,
00267                         'conds'      => array_merge( $conds, $this->mConds ),
00268                         'options'    => $options,
00269                         'join_conds' => $joins,
00270                 );
00271                 # Add ChangeTags filter query
00272                 ChangeTags::modifyDisplayQuery( $info['tables'], $info['fields'], $info['conds'],
00273                         $info['join_conds'], $info['options'], $this->mTagFilter );
00274                 return $info;
00275         }
00282         protected function hasEqualsClause( $field ) {
00283                 return (
00284                         array_key_exists( $field, $this->mConds ) &&
00285                         ( !is_array( $this->mConds[$field] ) || count( $this->mConds[$field] ) == 1 )
00286                 );
00287         }
00289         function getIndexField() {
00290                 return 'log_timestamp';
00291         }
00293         public function getStartBody() {
00294                 wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
00295                 # Do a link batch query
00296                 if( $this->getNumRows() > 0 ) {
00297                         $lb = new LinkBatch;
00298                         foreach ( $this->mResult as $row ) {
00299                                 $lb->add( $row->log_namespace, $row->log_title );
00300                                 $lb->addObj( Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_USER, $row->user_name ) );
00301                                 $lb->addObj( Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_USER_TALK, $row->user_name ) );
00302                                 $formatter = LogFormatter::newFromRow( $row );
00303                                 foreach ( $formatter->getPreloadTitles() as $title ) {
00304                                         $lb->addObj( $title );
00305                                 }
00306                         }
00307                         $lb->execute();
00308                         $this->mResult->seek( 0 );
00309                 }
00310                 wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );
00311                 return '';
00312         }
00314         public function formatRow( $row ) {
00315                 return $this->mLogEventsList->logLine( $row );
00316         }
00318         public function getType() {
00319                 return $this->types;
00320         }
00325         public function getPerformer() {
00326                 return $this->performer;
00327         }
00332         public function getPage() {
00333                 return $this->title;
00334         }
00336         public function getPattern() {
00337                 return $this->pattern;
00338         }
00340         public function getYear() {
00341                 return $this->mYear;
00342         }
00344         public function getMonth() {
00345                 return $this->mMonth;
00346         }
00348         public function getTagFilter() {
00349                 return $this->mTagFilter;
00350         }
00352         public function doQuery() {
00353                 // Workaround MySQL optimizer bug
00354                 $this->mDb->setBigSelects();
00355                 parent::doQuery();
00356                 $this->mDb->setBigSelects( 'default' );
00357         }
00358 }