00001 <?php 00150 $messages = array( 00151 # User preference toggles 00152 'tog-underline' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Misc'. Offers user a choice how to underline links. {{Gender}}", 00153 'tog-justify' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Appearance'. Offers user a choice to justify paragraphs or not. {{Gender}}", 00154 'tog-hideminor' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Recent changes'. Offers user to hide minor edits in recent changes or not. {{Gender}}", 00155 'tog-hidepatrolled' => 'Option in Recent changes tab of [[Special:Preferences]] (if [[mw:Manual:$wgUseRCPatrol|$wgUseRCPatrol]] is enabled). {{Gender}}', 00156 'tog-newpageshidepatrolled' => 'Toggle in [[Special:Preferences]], section "Recent changes" (if [[mw:Manual:$wgUseRCPatrol|$wgUseRCPatrol]] is enabled). {{Gender}}', 00157 'tog-extendwatchlist' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to show all applicable changes in watchlist (by default only the last change to a page on the watchlist is shown). {{Gender}}", 00158 'tog-usenewrc' => '{{Gender}} 00159 Used as label for the checkbox in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Recent changes". 00160 00161 Offers user to use alternative representation of [[Special:RecentChanges]] and watchlist.', 00162 'tog-numberheadings' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Misc'. Offers numbered headings on content pages to user. {{Gender}}", 00163 'tog-showtoolbar' => "{{Gender}} 00164 [[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to show edit toolbar in page edit screen. 00165 00166 This is the toolbar: [[Image:Toolbar.png]]", 00167 'tog-editondblclick' => "{{Gender}} 00168 [[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to open edit page on double click.", 00169 'tog-editsection' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to add links in sub headings for editing sections. {{Gender}}", 00170 'tog-editsectiononrightclick' => "{{Gender}} 00171 [[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to edit a section by clicking on a section title.", 00172 'tog-showtoc' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Misc'. 00173 Offers user to show a table of contents automatically if a page has more than 3 headings (= 4 or more headings).", 00174 'tog-rememberpassword' => "{{Gender}} 00175 [[Special:Preferences]], tab 'User profile', section 'Change password'. Offers user remember login details. 00176 Parameters: 00177 * $1 - the number of days the login details are remembered 00178 {{Identical|Remember my login on this computer}}", 00179 'tog-watchcreations' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to add created pages to watchlist. {{Gender}}", 00180 'tog-watchdefault' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to add edited pages to watchlist. {{Gender}}", 00181 'tog-watchmoves' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to add moved pages to watchlist. {{Gender}}", 00182 'tog-watchdeletion' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to add deleted pages to watchlist. {{Gender}}", 00183 'tog-minordefault' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to mark all edits minor by default. {{Gender}}", 00184 'tog-previewontop' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]]. {{Gender}}', 00185 'tog-previewonfirst' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]]. {{Gender}}', 00186 'tog-nocache' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Misc.'. Offers the user the option of disabling caching of pages in the browser. {{Gender}}", 00187 'tog-enotifwatchlistpages' => 'Option in [[Special:Preferences]] > {{int:prefs-personal}} > {{int:email}}. {{Gender}}', 00188 'tog-enotifusertalkpages' => 'Option in [[Special:Preferences]] > {{int:prefs-personal}} > {{int:email}}. {{Gender}}', 00189 'tog-enotifminoredits' => 'Option in [[Special:Preferences]] > {{int:prefs-personal}} > {{int:email}}. {{Gender}} 00190 00191 Is only shown if {{msg-mw|tog-enotifusertalkpages}} or/and {{msg-mw|tog-enotifwatchlistpages}} are shown.', 00192 'tog-enotifrevealaddr' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]] > {{int:prefs-personal}} > {{int:email}}. {{Gender}}', 00193 'tog-shownumberswatching' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]], in the section for recent changes. When this option is activated, the entries in recent changes includes the number of users who watch pages. {{Gender}}', 00194 'tog-oldsig' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab User profile. {{Gender}}', 00195 'tog-fancysig' => 'In user preferences under the signature box. {{Gender}}', 00196 'tog-externaleditor' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to use an external editor by default. {{Gender}}", 00197 'tog-externaldiff' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Edit'. Offers user to use an external diff program by default. {{Gender}}", 00198 'tog-showjumplinks' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]]. The "jump to" part should be the same with {{msg-mw|jumpto}} (or you can use <nowiki>{{int:jumpto}}</nowiki>). These links are shown in some of the older skins as "jump to: navigation, search" but they are hidden by default (you can enable them with this option). {{Gender}}', 00199 'tog-uselivepreview' => '{{Gender}} 00200 Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]]. 00201 00202 Live preview is an experimental feature (unavailable by default) to use edit preview without loading the page again.', 00203 'tog-forceeditsummary' => "Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]] to force an edit ''{{msg-mw|summary}}''. {{Gender}}", 00204 'tog-watchlisthideown' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to hide own edits from watchlist. {{Gender}}", 00205 'tog-watchlisthidebots' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to hide bot edits from watchlist. {{Gender}}", 00206 'tog-watchlisthideminor' => "[[Special:Preferences]], tab 'Watchlist'. Offers user to hide minor edits from watchlist. {{Gender}}", 00207 'tog-watchlisthideliu' => "Option in tab 'Watchlist' of [[Special:Preferences]]. {{Gender}}", 00208 'tog-watchlisthideanons' => "Option in tab 'Watchlist' of [[Special:Preferences]]. {{Gender}}", 00209 'tog-watchlisthidepatrolled' => 'Option in Watchlist tab of [[Special:Preferences]]. {{Gender}}', 00210 'tog-ccmeonemails' => 'Option in [[Special:Preferences]] > {{int:prefs-personal}} > {{int:email}}. {{Gender}}', 00211 'tog-diffonly' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]]. {{Gender}}', 00212 'tog-showhiddencats' => 'Toggle option used in [[Special:Preferences]]. {{Gender}}', 00213 'tog-noconvertlink' => "{{optional}} 00214 00215 ''(the message is considered optional because it is only used in wikis with language variants)''", 00216 'tog-norollbackdiff' => "Option in [[Special:Preferences]], 'Misc' tab. Only shown for users with the rollback right. By default a diff is shown below the return screen of a rollback. Checking this preference toggle will suppress that. {{Gender}} 00217 {{Identical|Rollback}}", 00218 00219 'underline-always' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-rendering|Preferences]]. 00220 00221 This option means "always underline links", there are also options {{msg-mw|Underline-never}} and {{msg-mw|Underline-default}}. 00222 00223 {{Gender}} 00224 {{Identical|Always}}', 00225 'underline-never' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-rendering|Preferences]]. 00226 00227 This option means "never underline links", there are also options {{msg-mw|Underline-always}} and {{msg-mw|Underline-default}}. 00228 00229 {{Gender}} 00230 {{Identical|Never}}', 00231 'underline-default' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-rendering|Preferences]]. 00232 00233 This option means "underline links as in your user skin or your browser", there are also options {{msg-mw|Underline-never}} and {{msg-mw|Underline-always}}. 00234 00235 {{Gender}} 00236 {{Identical|Browser default}}', 00237 00238 # Font style option in Special:Preferences 00239 'editfont-style' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab Editing. {{Gender}}', 00240 'editfont-default' => 'Option used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab Editing. {{Gender}} 00241 {{Identical|Browser default}}', 00242 'editfont-monospace' => 'Option used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab Editing. {{Gender}}', 00243 'editfont-sansserif' => 'Option used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab Editing. {{Gender}}', 00244 'editfont-serif' => 'Option used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab Editing. {{Gender}}', 00245 00246 # Dates 00247 'sunday' => 'Name of the day of the week.', 00248 'monday' => 'Name of the day of the week.', 00249 'tuesday' => 'Name of the day of the week.', 00250 'wednesday' => 'Name of the day of the week.', 00251 'thursday' => 'Name of the day of the week.', 00252 'friday' => 'Name of the day of the week.', 00253 'saturday' => 'Name of the day of the week.', 00254 'sun' => 'Abbreviation for Sunday, a day of the week.', 00255 'mon' => 'Abbreviation for Monday, a day of the week.', 00256 'tue' => 'Abbreviation for Tuesday, a day of the week.', 00257 'wed' => 'Abbreviation for Wednesday, a day of the week.', 00258 'thu' => 'Abbreviation for Thursday, a day of the week.', 00259 'fri' => 'Abbreviation for Friday, a day of the week.', 00260 'sat' => 'Abbreviation for Saturday, a day of the week.', 00261 'january' => 'The first month of the Gregorian calendar 00262 {{Identical|January}}', 00263 'february' => 'The second month of the Gregorian calendar 00264 {{Identical|February}}', 00265 'march' => 'The third month of the Gregorian calendar 00266 {{Identical|March}}', 00267 'april' => 'The fourth month of the Gregorian calendar 00268 {{Identical|April}}', 00269 'may_long' => 'The fifth month of the Gregorian calendar 00270 {{Identical|May}}', 00271 'june' => 'The sixth month of the Gregorian calendar 00272 {{Identical|June}}', 00273 'july' => 'The seventh month of the Gregorian calendar 00274 {{Identical|July}}', 00275 'august' => 'The eighth month of the Gregorian calendar 00276 {{Identical|August}}', 00277 'september' => 'The ninth month of the Gregorian calendar 00278 {{Identical|September}}', 00279 'october' => 'The tenth month of the Gregorian calendar 00280 {{Identical|October}}', 00281 'november' => 'The eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar 00282 {{Identical|November}}', 00283 'december' => 'The twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar 00284 {{Identical|December}}', 00285 'january-gen' => 'The first month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case. 00286 {{Identical|January}}', 00287 'february-gen' => 'The second month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case. 00288 {{Identical|February}}', 00289 'march-gen' => 'The third month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case. 00290 {{Identical|March}}', 00291 'april-gen' => 'The fourth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case. 00292 {{Identical|April}}', 00293 'may-gen' => 'The fifth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case. 00294 {{Identical|May}}', 00295 'june-gen' => 'The sixth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case. 00296 {{Identical|June}}', 00297 'july-gen' => 'The seventh month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case. 00298 {{Identical|July}}', 00299 'august-gen' => 'The eighth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case. 00300 {{Identical|August}}', 00301 'september-gen' => 'The nineth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case. 00302 {{Identical|September}}', 00303 'october-gen' => 'The tenth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case. 00304 {{Identical|October}}', 00305 'november-gen' => 'The eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case. 00306 {{Identical|November}}', 00307 'december-gen' => 'The twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar. Must be in genitive, if the language has a genitive case. 00308 {{Identical|December}}', 00309 'jan' => 'Abbreviation of January, the first month of the Gregorian calendar 00310 00311 One of the set: {{msg-mw|Jan}}, {{msg-mw|Feb}}, {{msg-mw|Mar}}, {{msg-mw|Apr}}, {{msg-mw|May}}, {{msg-mw|Jun}}, {{msg-mw|Jul}}, {{msg-mw|Aug}}, {{msg-mw|Sep}}, {{msg-mw|Oct}}, {{msg-mw|Nov}}, {{msg-mw|Dec}}.', 00312 'feb' => 'Abbreviation of February, the second month of the Gregorian calendar 00313 00314 One of the set: {{msg-mw|Jan}}, {{msg-mw|Feb}}, {{msg-mw|Mar}}, {{msg-mw|Apr}}, {{msg-mw|May}}, {{msg-mw|Jun}}, {{msg-mw|Jul}}, {{msg-mw|Aug}}, {{msg-mw|Sep}}, {{msg-mw|Oct}}, {{msg-mw|Nov}}, {{msg-mw|Dec}}.', 00315 'mar' => 'Abbreviation of March, the third month of the Gregorian calendar 00316 00317 One of the set: {{msg-mw|Jan}}, {{msg-mw|Feb}}, {{msg-mw|Mar}}, {{msg-mw|Apr}}, {{msg-mw|May}}, {{msg-mw|Jun}}, {{msg-mw|Jul}}, {{msg-mw|Aug}}, {{msg-mw|Sep}}, {{msg-mw|Oct}}, {{msg-mw|Nov}}, {{msg-mw|Dec}}.', 00318 'apr' => 'Abbreviation of April, the fourth month of the Gregorian calendar 00319 00320 One of the set: {{msg-mw|Jan}}, {{msg-mw|Feb}}, {{msg-mw|Mar}}, {{msg-mw|Apr}}, {{msg-mw|May}}, {{msg-mw|Jun}}, {{msg-mw|Jul}}, {{msg-mw|Aug}}, {{msg-mw|Sep}}, {{msg-mw|Oct}}, {{msg-mw|Nov}}, {{msg-mw|Dec}}.', 00321 'may' => "''Abbreviation'' of May, the fifth month of the Gregorian calendar. 00322 00323 One of the set: {{msg-mw|Jan}}, {{msg-mw|Feb}}, {{msg-mw|Mar}}, {{msg-mw|Apr}}, {{msg-mw|May}}, {{msg-mw|Jun}}, {{msg-mw|Jul}}, {{msg-mw|Aug}}, {{msg-mw|Sep}}, {{msg-mw|Oct}}, {{msg-mw|Nov}}, {{msg-mw|Dec}}. 00324 00325 {{doc-important|This is not the full name of May, which resides at {{msg-mw|May long}}}} 00326 00327 {{Identical|May}}", 00328 'jun' => 'Abbreviation of June, the sixth month of the Gregorian calendar 00329 00330 One of the set: {{msg-mw|Jan}}, {{msg-mw|Feb}}, {{msg-mw|Mar}}, {{msg-mw|Apr}}, {{msg-mw|May}}, {{msg-mw|Jun}}, {{msg-mw|Jul}}, {{msg-mw|Aug}}, {{msg-mw|Sep}}, {{msg-mw|Oct}}, {{msg-mw|Nov}}, {{msg-mw|Dec}}.', 00331 'jul' => 'Abbreviation of July, the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar 00332 00333 One of the set: {{msg-mw|Jan}}, {{msg-mw|Feb}}, {{msg-mw|Mar}}, {{msg-mw|Apr}}, {{msg-mw|May}}, {{msg-mw|Jun}}, {{msg-mw|Jul}}, {{msg-mw|Aug}}, {{msg-mw|Sep}}, {{msg-mw|Oct}}, {{msg-mw|Nov}}, {{msg-mw|Dec}}.', 00334 'aug' => 'Abbreviation of August, the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar 00335 00336 One of the set: {{msg-mw|Jan}}, {{msg-mw|Feb}}, {{msg-mw|Mar}}, {{msg-mw|Apr}}, {{msg-mw|May}}, {{msg-mw|Jun}}, {{msg-mw|Jul}}, {{msg-mw|Aug}}, {{msg-mw|Sep}}, {{msg-mw|Oct}}, {{msg-mw|Nov}}, {{msg-mw|Dec}}.', 00337 'sep' => 'Abbreviation of September, the ninth month of the Gregorian calendar 00338 00339 One of the set: {{msg-mw|Jan}}, {{msg-mw|Feb}}, {{msg-mw|Mar}}, {{msg-mw|Apr}}, {{msg-mw|May}}, {{msg-mw|Jun}}, {{msg-mw|Jul}}, {{msg-mw|Aug}}, {{msg-mw|Sep}}, {{msg-mw|Oct}}, {{msg-mw|Nov}}, {{msg-mw|Dec}}.', 00340 'oct' => 'Abbreviation of October, the tenth month of the Gregorian calendar 00341 00342 One of the set: {{msg-mw|Jan}}, {{msg-mw|Feb}}, {{msg-mw|Mar}}, {{msg-mw|Apr}}, {{msg-mw|May}}, {{msg-mw|Jun}}, {{msg-mw|Jul}}, {{msg-mw|Aug}}, {{msg-mw|Sep}}, {{msg-mw|Oct}}, {{msg-mw|Nov}}, {{msg-mw|Dec}}.', 00343 'nov' => 'Abbreviation of November, the eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar 00344 00345 One of the set: {{msg-mw|Jan}}, {{msg-mw|Feb}}, {{msg-mw|Mar}}, {{msg-mw|Apr}}, {{msg-mw|May}}, {{msg-mw|Jun}}, {{msg-mw|Jul}}, {{msg-mw|Aug}}, {{msg-mw|Sep}}, {{msg-mw|Oct}}, {{msg-mw|Nov}}, {{msg-mw|Dec}}.', 00346 'dec' => 'Abbreviation of December, the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar 00347 00348 One of the set: {{msg-mw|Jan}}, {{msg-mw|Feb}}, {{msg-mw|Mar}}, {{msg-mw|Apr}}, {{msg-mw|May}}, {{msg-mw|Jun}}, {{msg-mw|Jul}}, {{msg-mw|Aug}}, {{msg-mw|Sep}}, {{msg-mw|Oct}}, {{msg-mw|Nov}}, {{msg-mw|Dec}}.', 00349 00350 # Categories related messages 00351 'pagecategories' => 'Used in the categories section of pages. 00352 00353 Followed by a colon and a list of categories. 00354 00355 Parameters: 00356 * $1 - number of categories', 00357 'category_header' => 'In category description page. Parameters: 00358 * $1 - category name 00359 See also: 00360 * {{msg-mw|Category-media-header}}', 00361 'subcategories' => 'Used as a header on category pages that have subcategories. 00362 {{Identical|Subcategory}}', 00363 'category-media-header' => 'In category description page. Parameters: 00364 * $1 - category name 00365 See also: 00366 * {{msg-mw|Category header}}', 00367 'category-empty' => 'The text displayed in category page when that category is empty', 00368 'hidden-categories' => 'Used in the categories section of pages. 00369 00370 Followed by a colon and a list of categories. 00371 00372 Parameters: 00373 * $1 - number of hidden categories', 00374 'hidden-category-category' => 'Name of the [[mw:Help:Tracking categories|tracking category]] where hidden categories will be listed.', 00375 'category-subcat-count' => 'This message is displayed at the top of a category page showing the number of pages in the category. 00376 00377 Parameters: 00378 * $1 - number of subcategories shown 00379 * $2 - total number of subcategories in category', 00380 'category-subcat-count-limited' => 'This message is displayed at the top of a category page showing the number of pages in the category when not all pages in a category are counted. 00381 00382 Parameters: 00383 * $1 - number of subcategories shown', 00384 'category-article-count' => 'This message is used on category pages. Parameters: 00385 * $1 - number of pages shown 00386 * $2 - total number of pages in category', 00387 'category-article-count-limited' => 'This message is displayed at the top of a category page showing the number of pages in the category when not all pages in a category are counted. 00388 00389 Parameters: 00390 * $1 - number of pages shown', 00391 'category-file-count' => 'This message is displayed at the top of a category page showing the number of pages in the category. 00392 00393 Parameters: 00394 * $1 - number of files shown 00395 * $2 - total number of files in category', 00396 'category-file-count-limited' => 'This message is displayed at the top of a category page showing the number of pages in the category when not all pages in a category are counted. 00397 00398 Parameters: 00399 * $1 - number of files shown', 00400 'listingcontinuesabbrev' => 'Shown in contiuation of each first letter group. This message follows the first letter. 00401 00402 See{{SUBPAGENAME}}, for example.', 00403 'index-category' => 'Name of the [[mw:Help:Tracking categories|tracking category]] where pages with the <nowiki>__INDEX__</nowiki> behavior switch are listed. For description of this behavior switch see [[mw:Help:Magic_words#Behavior_switches|MediaWiki]].', 00404 'noindex-category' => 'Name of the [[mw:Help:Tracking categories|tracking category]] where pages with the <nowiki>__NOINDEX__</nowiki> behavior switch are listed. For description of this behavior switch see [[mw:Help:Magic_words#Behavior_switches|MediaWiki]].', 00405 'broken-file-category' => 'Name of [[mw:Help:Tracking categories|tracking category]] where pages that embed files that do not exist ("broken images") are listed.', 00406 'categoryviewer-pagedlinks' => '{{Optional}} 00407 The pagination links in category viewer. Parameters: 00408 * $1 - the previous link, uses {{msg-mw|Prevn}} 00409 * $2 - the next link, uses {{msg-mw|Nextn}}', 00410 00411 'linkprefix' => '{{optional}}', 00412 00413 'about' => '{{Identical|About}}', 00414 'article' => "A 'content page' is a page that forms part of the purpose of the wiki. It includes the main page and pages in the main namespace and any other namespaces that are included when the wiki is customised. For example on Wikimedia Commons 'content pages' include pages in the file and category namespaces. On Wikinews 'content pages' include pages in the Portal namespace. For technical definition of 'content namespaces' see [[mw:Manual:Using_custom_namespaces#Content_namespaces|MediaWiki]]. 00415 00416 Possible alternatives to the word 'content' are 'subject matter' or 'wiki subject' or 'wiki purpose'. 00417 00418 {{Identical|Content page}}", 00419 'newwindow' => 'Below the edit form, next to "{{msg-mw|Edithelp}}".', 00420 'cancel' => '{{doc-actionlink}} 00421 Message shown below the edit form, and if you click on it, you stop with editing the page and go back to the normal page view. 00422 {{Identical|Cancel}}', 00423 'moredotdotdot' => 'Used as "More..." link for {{msg-mw|pageinfo-transclusions}} field, in the "templates used on this page" list. 00424 00425 Similar to {{msg-mw|morenotlisted}}. 00426 {{Identical|More...}}', 00427 'mypage' => "A text for the link to the user's user page in the links at the top of the page. 00428 {{Identical|Page}}", 00429 'mytalk' => 'In the personal URLs page section - right upper corner. 00430 00431 Used as link title in your personal toolbox. 00432 00433 See also: 00434 * {{msg-mw|Mytalk}} 00435 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-pt-mytalk}} 00436 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-pt-mytalk}} 00437 {{Identical|Talk}}', 00438 'anontalk' => 'Link to the talk page appearing in [[mw:Help:Navigation#User_Links|user links]] for each anonymous users when [[mw:Manual:$wgShowIPinHeader|$wgShowIPinHeader]] is true. 00439 00440 See also: 00441 * {{msg-mw|Anontalk}} 00442 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-pt-anontalk}} 00443 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-pt-anontalk}}', 00444 'navigation' => 'This is shown as a section header in the sidebar of most skins. 00445 00446 {{Identical|Navigation}}', 00447 'and' => 'The translation for "and" appears in the [[Special:Version]] page, between the last two items of a list. If a comma is needed, add it at the beginning without a gap between it and the "&". <nowiki> </nowiki> is a blank space, one character long. Please leave it as it is. 00448 00449 This can also appear in the credits page if the credits feature is enabled,for example [{{canonicalurl:Support|action=credits}} the credits of the support page]. (To view any credits page type <nowiki>&action=credits</nowiki> at the end of any URL in the address bar.) 00450 {{Identical|And}}', 00451 00452 # Cologne Blue skin 00453 'qbfind' => 'Alternative for "search" as used in Cologne Blue skin. 00454 {{Identical|Find}}', 00455 'qbbrowse' => 'Heading in sidebar menu in CologneBlue skin as seen in 00456 {{Identical|Browse}}', 00457 'qbedit' => 'Heading in sidebar menu in CologneBlue skin as seen in 00458 {{Identical|Edit}}', 00459 'qbpageoptions' => 'Heading in sidebar menu in CologneBlue skin as seen in 00460 {{Identical|This page}}', 00461 'qbmyoptions' => 'Heading in the Cologne Blue skin user menu containing links to user (talk) page, preferences, watchlist, etc. 00462 {{Identical|My pages}}', 00463 'qbspecialpages' => '{{Identical|Special page}}', 00464 'faq' => "FAQ is short for ''frequently asked questions''. 00465 {{Identical|FAQ}}", 00466 'faqpage' => '{{doc-important|Do not translate <code>Project:</code> part.}} 00467 "FAQ" is short for "frequently asked questions". 00468 00469 This page is only linked in CologneBlue (an old skin), not in Monobook or Vector.', 00470 00471 # Vector skin 00472 'vector-action-addsection' => 'Used in the Vector skin. See for example {{canonicalurl:Talk:Main_Page|useskin=vector}}', 00473 'vector-action-delete' => 'Used in the Vector skin, as the name of a tab at the top of the page. See for example {{canonicalurl:Main_Page|useskin=vector}} 00474 00475 {{Identical|Delete}}', 00476 'vector-action-move' => 'Used in the Vector skin, on the tabs at the top of the page. See for example {{canonicalurl:Talk:Main_Page|useskin=vector}} 00477 00478 {{Identical|Move}}', 00479 'vector-action-protect' => 'Tab at top of page, in vector skin 00480 00481 {{Identical|Protect}}', 00482 'vector-action-undelete' => 'Tab at top of page, in vector skin. 00483 {{Identical|Undelete}}', 00484 'vector-action-unprotect' => 'Tab at top of page, in vector skin. 00485 {{Identical|Change protection}}', 00486 'vector-simplesearch-preference' => 'Preference for enhanced search suggestion in the Vector skin.', 00487 'vector-view-create' => 'Tab label in the Vector skin. See for example {{canonicalurl:Foo|useskin=vector}} 00488 {{Identical|Create}}', 00489 'vector-view-edit' => 'Tab label in the Vector skin. See for example {{canonicalurl:Main_Page|useskin=vector}} 00490 {{Identical|Edit}}', 00491 'vector-view-history' => 'Tab label in the Vector skin. See for example {{canonicalurl:Main_Page|useskin=vector}} 00492 {{Identical|View history}}', 00493 'vector-view-view' => 'Tab label in the Vector skin (verb). See for example {{canonicalurl:Main_Page|useskin=vector}}. 00494 {{Identical|Read}}', 00495 'vector-view-viewsource' => 'Tab label in the Vector skin. 00496 {{Identical|View source}}', 00497 'actions' => '{{Identical|Action}}', 00498 'namespaces' => '{{Identical|Namespace}}', 00499 'variants' => 'Used by the Vector skin.', 00500 00501 'errorpagetitle' => 'Message shown in browser title bar when encountering error operation. 00502 00503 {{Identical|Error}}', 00504 'returnto' => '{{Identical|Return to $1}}', 00505 'tagline' => '{{doc-important|Do not change <code><nowiki>{{SITENAME}}</nowiki></code>.}} 00506 Used to identify the source of copied information.', 00507 'help' => 'General text (noun) used in the sidebar (by default). 00508 00509 See also {{msg-mw|Helppage}} and {{msg-mw|Edithelp}}. 00510 00511 See also: 00512 * {{msg-mw|Help}} 00513 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-n-help}} 00514 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-n-help}} 00515 {{Identical|Help}}', 00516 'search' => '{{doc-special|Search}} 00517 Noun. Text of menu section shown on every page of the wiki above the search form. 00518 00519 See also: 00520 * {{msg-mw|Search}} 00521 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-search}} 00522 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-search}} 00523 {{Identical|Search}}', 00524 'searchbutton' => 'The button you can see in the sidebar, below the search input box. The "Go" button is {{msg-mw|Searcharticle}}. 00525 {{Identical|Search}}', 00526 'go' => 'See also: 00527 * {{msg-mw|Go}} 00528 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-search-go}} 00529 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-search-go}} 00530 {{Identical|Go}}', 00531 'searcharticle' => 'Button description in the search menu displayed on every page. The "Search" button is {{msg-mw|Searchbutton}}. 00532 {{Identical|Go}}', 00533 'history' => '{{Identical|Page history}}', 00534 'history_short' => 'Text used on the history tab. 00535 00536 {{Identical|History}}', 00537 'updatedmarker' => 'Displayed in the page history (of a page you are [[Special:Watchlist|watching]]), when the page has been edited since the last time you visited it. This feature is used if [[mw:Manual:$wgShowUpdatedMarker|$wgShowUpdatedMarker]] is enabled.', 00538 'printableversion' => 'Display name for link in wiki menu that leads to a printable version of a content page. Example: see one but last menu item on [[Main Page]]. 00539 00540 See also: 00541 * {{msg-mw|Printableversion}} 00542 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-t-print}} 00543 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-t-print}} 00544 {{Identical|Printable version}}', 00545 'permalink' => 'Display name for a permanent link to the current revision of a page. When the page is edited, permalink will still link to this revision. Example: Last menu link on [[{{MediaWiki:Mainpage}}]] 00546 00547 See also: 00548 * {{msg-mw|Permalink}} 00549 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-t-permalink}} 00550 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-t-permalink}} 00551 {{Identical|Permalink}}', 00552 'print' => '{{Identical|Print}}', 00553 'view' => 'The default text of the "View" or "Read" (Vector) views tab which represents the basic view for the page. Should be in the infinitive mood. 00554 00555 {{Identical|View}}', 00556 'edit' => 'The text of the tab going to the edit form. When the page is protected, you will see {{msg-mw|Viewsource}}. Should be in the infinitive mood. 00557 00558 See also: 00559 * {{msg-mw|Edit}} 00560 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-edit}} 00561 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-edit}} 00562 {{Identical|Edit}}', 00563 'create' => 'The text on the tab of the edit form on unexisting pages starts editing them. 00564 00565 {{Identical|Create}}', 00566 'editthispage' => 'This is the "edit" link as used in the Cologne Blue skin, at the bottom of the page. 00567 00568 See {{msg-mw|Create-this-page}} for when the page does not exist. 00569 {{Identical|Edit this page}}', 00570 'create-this-page' => 'In the Cologne Blue skin this is the text for the link leading to the edit form on pages that have not yet been created, at the bottom of the page. See {{msg-mw|editthispage}} for when the page already exists. 00571 {{Identical|Createpage}}', 00572 'delete' => 'Name of the Delete tab shown for admins. Should be in the infinitive mood. 00573 00574 See also: 00575 * {{msg-mw|Delete}} 00576 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-delete}} 00577 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-delete}} 00578 {{Identical|Delete}}', 00579 'deletethispage' => 'In the Cologne Blue skin this is the text for link to delete the page in admin view, at the bottom of the page. 00580 {{Identical|Delete this page}}', 00581 'undelete_short' => "It is tab label. It's really can be named ''nstab-undelete''. Parameters: 00582 * $1 - number of edits", 00583 'viewdeleted_short' => 'Tab label for the undelete button when the user has permission to view the deleted history but not undelete. 00584 00585 Parameters: 00586 * $1 - number of edits', 00587 'protect' => 'Name of protect tab displayed for admins. Should be in the infinitive mood. 00588 00589 See also: 00590 * {{msg-mw|Protect}} 00591 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-protect}} 00592 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-protect}} 00593 {{Identical|Protect}}', 00594 'protect_change' => 'Text on links for each entry in [[Special:ProtectedPages]] to change the protection of pages (only displayed to admins). 00595 {{Identical|Change}}', 00596 'protectthispage' => 'In this Cologne Blue skin this is the text for link to protect the page in admin view, at the bottom of the page. 00597 {{Identical|Protect this page}}', 00598 'unprotect' => 'Name of unprotect tab displayed for admins 00599 00600 See also: 00601 * {{msg-mw|Unprotect}} 00602 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-unprotect}} 00603 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-unprotect}} 00604 {{Identical|Change protection}}', 00605 'unprotectthispage' => 'In this Cologne Blue skin this is the anchor text for the link to unprotect the page in admin view, at the bottom of the page. 00606 {{Identical|Unprotect this page}}', 00607 'newpage' => '{{Identical|New page}}', 00608 'talkpage' => 'In the Cologne Blue skin this is the text for link to discuss the page, at the bottom of the page.', 00609 'talkpagelinktext' => 'Used as name of links going to talk page in some places, like in [[Special:RecentChanges]], [[Special:Allmessages]], [[Special:Logs]], and [[Special:Watchlist/edit]]. 00610 00611 {{Identical|Talk}}', 00612 'specialpage' => '{{Identical|Special page}}', 00613 'personaltools' => 'Heading for a group of links to your user page, talk page, preferences, watchlist, and contributions. This heading is visible in the sidebar in some skins. For an example, see [{{canonicalurl:Main_Page|useskin=simple}} Main Page using simple skin].', 00614 'postcomment' => 'Used as link text. 00615 00616 The link points to the talk page and has the parameters "action=edit§ion=new".', 00617 'articlepage' => "'Content page' is used for NS_MAIN and any other non-standard namespaces. Only used in the Cologne Blue skin in the bottomLinks part. 00618 00619 {{Identical|Content page}}", 00620 'talk' => 'Used as display name for the tab to all {{msg-mw|Talk}} pages. These pages accompany all content pages and can be used for discussing the content page. Example: [[Talk:Example]]. 00621 00622 See also: 00623 * {{msg-mw|Talk}} 00624 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-talk}} 00625 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-talk}} 00626 {{Identical|Discussion}}', 00627 'views' => 'Subtitle for the list of available views, for the current page. In "monobook" skin the list of views are shown as tabs, so this sub-title is not shown. For an example, see [{{canonicalurl:Main_Page|useskin=simple}} Main Page using simple skin]. 00628 00629 \'\'\'Note:\'\'\' This is "views" as in "appearances"/"representations", \'\'\'not\'\'\' as in "visits"/"accesses". 00630 {{Identical|View}}', 00631 'toolbox' => 'The title of the toolbox below the search menu. 00632 {{Identical|Tool}}', 00633 'userpage' => '', 00634 'projectpage' => 'Used as link text in Talk page of project page.', 00635 'imagepage' => 'Used as link text in Talk page of file page.', 00636 'mediawikipage' => 'Used as link text in Talk page of MediaWiki message page.', 00637 'templatepage' => 'Used as link text in Talk page of template page.', 00638 'viewhelppage' => 'Used as link text in Talk page of help page.', 00639 'categorypage' => 'Used as link text in Talk page of category page.', 00640 'viewtalkpage' => 'Used in Standard (a.k.a. Classic) skin as a link to talk page for all namespaces, in edit or history mode.', 00641 'otherlanguages' => 'This message is shown under the toolbox. It is used if there are interwiki links added to the page, like <code><nowiki>[[</nowiki>en:Interwiki article]]</code>. 00642 {{Identical|Otherlanguages}}', 00643 'redirectedfrom' => 'The text displayed when a certain page is redirected to another page. Parameters: 00644 * $1 - the name of the page user came from', 00645 'redirectpagesub' => 'Displayed under the page title of a page which is a redirect to another page, see [{{fullurl:Project:Translators|redirect=no}} Project:Translators] for example. 00646 00647 {{Identical|Redirect page}}', 00648 'lastmodifiedat' => 'This message is shown below each page, in the footer with the logos and links. 00649 00650 Parameters: 00651 * $1 - date 00652 * $2 - time 00653 See also: 00654 * {{msg-mw|Lastmodifiedatby}}', 00655 'viewcount' => 'Used as page-view counter. Parameters: 00656 * $1 - number of pageviews', 00657 'protectedpage' => "This message is displayed when trying to edit a page you can't edit because it has been protected. 00658 00659 This message is the title for the message {{msg-mw|protectedpagetext}}.", 00660 'jumpto' => '"Jump to" navigation links. Hidden by default in monobook skin. The format is: {{int:jumpto}} [[MediaWiki:Jumptonavigation/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:jumptonavigation}}]], [[MediaWiki:Jumptosearch/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:jumptosearch}}]]. 00661 {{Identical|Jump to}}', 00662 'jumptonavigation' => 'Part of the "jump to" navigation links. Hidden by default in monobook skin. The format is: [[MediaWiki:Jumpto/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:jumpto}}]] {{int:jumptonavigation}}, [[MediaWiki:Jumptosearch/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:jumptosearch}}]]. 00663 00664 {{Identical|Navigation}}', 00665 'jumptosearch' => 'Part of the "jump to" navigation links. Hidden by default in monobook skin. The format is: [[MediaWiki:Jumpto/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:jumpto}}]] [[MediaWiki:Jumptonavigation/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:jumptonavigation}}]], {{int:jumptosearch}}. 00666 00667 {{Identical|Search}}', 00668 'view-pool-error' => 'Error message. Parameters: 00669 * $1 - probably unused', 00670 'pool-timeout' => "Part of {{msg-mw|view-pool-error}}. 00671 00672 For explanation of 'lock' see [[w:Lock_(computer_science)|wikipedia]].", 00673 'pool-queuefull' => 'Part of {{msg-mw|view-pool-error}} 00674 00675 "Pool" refers to a pool of processes.', 00676 'pool-errorunknown' => 'Part of {{msg-mw|view-pool-error}}. 00677 {{Identical|Unknown error}}', 00678 00679 # All link text and link target definitions of links into project namespace that get used by other message strings, with the exception of user group pages (see grouppage) and the disambiguation template definition (see disambiguations). 00680 'aboutsite' => 'Used as the label of the link that appears at the footer of every page on the wiki (in most of the skins) and leads to the page that contains the site description. The link target is {{msg-mw|aboutpage}}. 00681 00682 [[mw:Manual:Interface/Aboutsite|MediaWiki manual]]. 00683 00684 {{doc-important|Do not change <nowiki>{{SITENAME}}</nowiki>.}} 00685 00686 {{Identical|About}}', 00687 'aboutpage' => 'Used as the target of the link that appears at the footer of every page on the wiki (in most of the skins) and leads to the page that contains the site description. Therefore the content should be the same with the page name of the site description page. Only the message in the [[mw:Manual:$wgLanguageCode|site language]] ([[MediaWiki:Aboutpage]]) is used. The link label is {{msg-mw|aboutsite}}. 00688 00689 {{doc-important|Do not translate "Project:" part, for this is the namespace prefix.}}', 00690 'copyright' => "Parameters: 00691 * $1 - license name 00692 '''See also''' 00693 * {{msg-mw|Mobile-frontend-copyright}}", 00694 'copyrightpage' => '{{doc-important|Do not change <nowiki>{{ns:project}}</nowiki>}} 00695 00696 {{Identical|Copyright}}', 00697 'currentevents' => 'Standard link in the sidebar, for news. 00698 00699 See also {{msg-mw|Currentevents-url}} for the link URL. 00700 00701 See also: 00702 * {{msg-mw|Currentevents}} 00703 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-n-currentevents}} 00704 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-n-currentevents}}', 00705 'currentevents-url' => '{{doc-important|Do not translate the <code>Project:</code> part.}} 00706 Target page of "CurrentEvents" in the sidebar. 00707 00708 See also: 00709 * {{msg-mw|Currentevents}}', 00710 'disclaimers' => 'Used as display name for the link to [[{{MediaWiki:Disclaimerpage}}]] shown at the bottom of every page on the wiki. Example [[{{MediaWiki:Disclaimerpage}}|{{MediaWiki:Disclaimers}}]]. 00711 {{Identical|Disclaimer}}', 00712 'disclaimerpage' => '{{doc-important|Do not change the <code>Project:</code> part.}} 00713 Used as page for that contains the site disclaimer. Used at the bottom of every page on the wiki. Example: [[{{MediaWiki:Disclaimerpage}}|{{MediaWiki:Disclaimers}}]].', 00714 'edithelp' => 'This is the text that appears on the editing help link that is near the bottom of the editing page', 00715 'edithelppage' => 'The help page displayed when a user clicks on editing help link which is present on the right of Show changes button. 00716 {{doc-important|Do not change the "<tt>Help:</tt>" part.}}', 00717 'helppage' => '{{doc-important|Do not change the <code>Help:</code> part.}} 00718 The link destination used by default in the sidebar, and in {{msg-mw|Noarticletext}}. 00719 {{Identical|HelpContent}}', 00720 'mainpage' => 'Defines the link and display name of the main page of the wiki. Shown as the top link in the navigation part of the interface. Please do not change it too often, that could break things! 00721 00722 See also: 00723 * {{msg-mw|Mainpage}} 00724 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-n-mainpage}} 00725 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-n-mainpage}} 00726 {{Identical|Main page}}', 00727 'mainpage-description' => 'The same as {{msg-mw|mainpage}}, used as link text on [[MediaWiki:Sidebar]]. 00728 00729 This makes it possible to the change the link destination (the message "mainpage") without changing the link text or without disabling translations. 00730 00731 See also: 00732 * {{msg-mw|Mainpage-description}} 00733 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-n-mainpage-description}} 00734 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-n-mainpage-description}} 00735 {{Identical|Main page}}', 00736 'policy-url' => '{{doc-important|Do not change the <code>Project:</code> part.}} 00737 The URL of the project page describing the policies of the wiki. 00738 00739 This is shown below every page (the left link).', 00740 'portal' => "Display name for the 'Community portal', shown in the sidebar menu of all pages. The target page is meant to be a portal for users where useful links are to be found about the wiki's operation. 00741 00742 See also: 00743 * {{msg-mw|Portal}} 00744 * {{msg-mw|Portal-url}} 00745 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-n-portal}} 00746 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-n-portal}}", 00747 'portal-url' => '{{doc-important|Do not change the <code>Project:</code> part.}} 00748 Description: The URL of the community portal. This is shown in the sidebar by default (removed on 00749 00750 See also: 00751 * {{msg-mw|Portal}} 00752 * {{msg-mw|Portal-url}} 00753 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-n-portal}} 00754 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-n-portal}}', 00755 'privacy' => 'Used as page name and link at the bottom of each wiki page. The page contains a legal notice providing information about the use of personal information by the website owner.of the site. Example: [[Privacy policy]]. 00756 {{Identical|Privacy policy}}', 00757 'privacypage' => '{{doc-important|Do not change the <code>Project:</code> part.}} 00758 Used as page for that contains the privacy policy. Used at the bottom of every page on the wiki. 00759 00760 Example: [[{{MediaWiki:Privacypage}}|{{MediaWiki:Privacy}}]].', 00761 00762 'badaccess' => 'Title shown within page indicating unauthorized access. 00763 {{Identical|Permission error}}', 00764 'badaccess-group0' => 'Shown when you are not allowed to do something.', 00765 'badaccess-groups' => "Error message when you aren't allowed to do something. Parameters: 00766 * $1 - a list of groups 00767 * $2 - the number of groups", 00768 00769 'versionrequired' => 'This message is not used in the MediaWiki core, but was introduced with the reason that it could be useful for extensions. 00770 00771 Parameters: 00772 * $1 - MediaWiki version number 00773 See also: 00774 * {{msg-mw|Versionrequiredtext}}', 00775 'versionrequiredtext' => 'This message is not used in the MediaWiki core, but was introduced with the reason that it could be useful for extensions. 00776 00777 Parameters: 00778 * $1 - MediaWiki version number 00779 See also: 00780 * {{msg-mw|Versionrequired}}', 00781 00782 'ok' => '{{Identical|OK}}', 00783 'pagetitle' => "{{Optional}} 00784 {{doc-important|You most probably do not need to translate this message.}} 00785 Do '''not''' replace SITENAME with a translation of Wikipedia or some encycopedic additions. The message has to be neutral for all projects. 00786 00787 Parameters: 00788 * $1 - page title or any one of the following messages: 00789 ** {{msg-mw|Contributions-title}} 00790 ** {{msg-mw|Searchresults-title}} 00791 ** {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-newbies-title}}", 00792 'pagetitle-view-mainpage' => '{{optional}}', 00793 'backlinksubtitle' => '{{optional}} 00794 Appears in subtitle 00795 * $1 is a link to the page (HTML)', 00796 'retrievedfrom' => 'Message which appears in the source of every page, but it is hidden. It is shown when printing. 00797 00798 Parameters: 00799 * $1 - a link back to the current page: {{FULLURL:{{FULLPAGENAME}}}}', 00800 'youhavenewmessages' => 'The yellow message appearing when someone edited your user talk page. 00801 00802 The format is: "{{int:youhavenewmessages| [[MediaWiki:Newmessageslink/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:newmessageslink}}]] |[[MediaWiki:Newmessagesdifflink/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:newmessagesdifflink}}]]}}" 00803 00804 Parameters: 00805 * $1 - a link points to new messages. Its text is {{msg-mw|Newmessageslink}} 00806 * $2 - a link points to new messages diff. Its text is {{msg-mw|Newmessagesdifflink}} 00807 See also: 00808 * {{msg-mw|Youhavenewmessagesmanyusers}}', 00809 'newmessageslink' => 'This is the first link displayed in an orange rectangle when a user gets a message on their talk page. 00810 00811 Used as <code>$1</code> in message {{msg-mw|Youhavenewmessages}}. 00812 {{Identical|New messages}}', 00813 'newmessagesdifflink' => 'This is the second link displayed in an orange rectangle when a user gets a message on his talk page. 00814 00815 Used as <code>$2</code> in message {{msg-mw|Youhavenewmessages}}. 00816 00817 See also: 00818 * {{msg-mw|Newmessagesdifflinkplural}} 00819 {{Identical|Last change}}', 00820 'youhavenewmessagesfromusers' => 'New talk indicator message: the message appearing when someone edited your user talk page. Parameters: 00821 * $1 - defined as {{msg-mw|newmessageslinkplural}} 00822 * $2 - defined as {{msg-mw|newmessagesdifflinkplural}} 00823 * $3 - the number of authors who have edited the talk page since the owning user last viewed it', 00824 'youhavenewmessagesmanyusers' => 'New talk indicator message: the message appearing when someone edited your user talk page. 00825 00826 Used when more than 10 users edited the user talk page since the owning user last viewed it, similar to {{msg-mw|youhavenewmessages}}. 00827 00828 Parameters: 00829 * $1 - {{msg-mw|newmessageslinkplural}} 00830 * $2 - {{msg-mw|newmessagesdifflinkplural}} 00831 See also: 00832 * {{msg-mw|Youhavenewmessages}}', 00833 'newmessageslinkplural' => "Like {{msg-mw|Newmessageslink}} but supporting pluralization. 00834 00835 Used as <code>$1</code> in {{msg-mw|Youhavenewmessagesfromusers}}. 00836 00837 Parameters: 00838 * $1 - 1 or 2: 00839 ** 1 - if there was '''one''' new edit since the last time the user has seen their talk page 00840 ** 2 - if there was '''more than one''' new edit since the last time the user has seen their talk page 00841 {{Identical|New messages}}", 00842 'newmessagesdifflinkplural' => 'Parameters: 00843 * $1 - the number of new edits since the last time the user has seen their talk page: it should be used only for correct [[plural]] as in the source text, as the exact number is not relevant. 00844 00845 Like {{msg-mw|Newmessagesdifflink}} but supporting pluralization. 00846 00847 Used as <code>$2</code> in message {{msg-mw|Youhavenewmessagesfromusers}}. 00848 {{Identical|Last change}}', 00849 'youhavenewmessagesmulti' => 'The alternative of {{msg-mw|youhavenewmessages}} as used on wikis with a special setup so they can receive the "new message" notice on other wikis as well. Used on [ Wikia]. 00850 00851 The format is: "{{int:youhavenewmessagesmulti| [[MediaWiki:Newmessageslink/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:newmessageslink}}]]}}" 00852 00853 Parameters: 00854 * $1 - a link points to new messages. Its text is {{msg-mw|Newmessageslink}}', 00855 'editsection' => 'Display name of link to edit a section on a content page. Example: [{{MediaWiki:Editsection}}]. 00856 00857 {{Identical|Edit}}', 00858 'editsection-brackets' => '{{optional}}', 00859 'editold' => '{{Identical|Edit}}', 00860 'viewsourceold' => '{{Identical|View source}}', 00861 'editlink' => 'Text of the edit link shown next to every (editable) template in the list of used templates below the edit window. See also {{msg-mw|Viewsourcelink}}. 00862 00863 {{Identical|Edit}}', 00864 'viewsourcelink' => 'Text of the link shown next to every uneditable (protected) template in the list of used templates below the edit window. See also {{msg-mw|Editlink}}. 00865 00866 {{Identical|View source}}', 00867 'editsectionhint' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering the mouse over the link to {{msg-mw|Editsection}} a section. 00868 00869 Example: Edit section: Heading name 00870 00871 Parameters: 00872 * $1 - section heading name', 00873 'toc' => 'This is the title of the table of contents displayed in pages with more than 3 sections. 00874 {{Identical|Content}}', 00875 'showtoc' => 'This is the link used to show the table of contents 00876 00877 {{Identical|Show}}', 00878 'hidetoc' => 'This is the link used to hide the table of contents 00879 00880 {{Identical|Hide}}', 00881 'collapsible-collapse' => '{{Doc-actionlink}} 00882 This is the link used to collapse a collapsible element. (used as plaintext. No wikitext or html is parsed.) 00883 00884 See also: 00885 * {{msg-mw|Collapsible-expand}} 00886 {{Identical|Collapse}}', 00887 'collapsible-expand' => '{{Doc-actionlink}} 00888 This is the link used to expand a collapsible element (used as plaintext. No wikitext or html is parsed.) 00889 00890 See also: 00891 * {{msg-mw|Collapsible-collapse}} 00892 00893 See the following example: 00894 {{Identical|Expand}}', 00895 'thisisdeleted' => 'Message shown on a deleted page when the user has the undelete right. Parameters: 00896 * $1 - a link to [[Special:Undelete]], with {{msg-mw|restorelink}} as the text 00897 See also: 00898 * {{msg-mw|viewdeleted}}', 00899 'viewdeleted' => 'Message shown on a deleted page when the user does not have the undelete right (but has the deletedhistory right). 00900 00901 Parameters: 00902 * $1 - a link to [[Special:Undelete]], with {{msg-mw|restorelink}} as the text 00903 See also: 00904 * {{msg-mw|thisisdeleted}}', 00905 'restorelink' => "This text is always displayed in conjunction with the {{msg-mw|thisisdeleted}} message (View or restore $1?). The user will see 00906 View or restore <nowiki>{{PLURAL:$1|one deleted edit|$1 deleted edits}}</nowiki>? i.e ''View or restore one deleted edit?'' or 00907 ''View or restore n deleted edits?''", 00908 'feedlinks' => '{{Identical|Feed}}', 00909 'feed-invalid' => 'Result of check whether feed type is valid or not.', 00910 'feed-unavailable' => 'This message is displayed when a user tries to use an RSS or Atom feed on a wiki where such feeds have been disabled.', 00911 'site-rss-feed' => "Used in the HTML header of a wiki's RSS feed. 00912 HTML markup cannot be used. 00913 00914 Parameters: 00915 * $1 - <nowiki>{{SITENAME}}</nowiki> 00916 {{Identical|S1 RSS/Atom feed}}", 00917 'site-atom-feed' => "Used in the HTML header of a wiki's Atom feed. 00918 HTML markup cannot be used. 00919 00920 Parameters: 00921 * $1 - <nowiki>{{SITENAME}}</nowiki> 00922 {{Identical|S1 RSS/Atom feed}}", 00923 'page-rss-feed' => 'Parameters: 00924 * $1 - page title 00925 See also: 00926 * {{msg-mw|Page-atom-feed}} 00927 {{Identical|S1 RSS/Atom feed}}', 00928 'page-atom-feed' => 'Parameters: 00929 * $1 - page title 00930 See also: 00931 * {{msg-mw|Page-rss-feed}} 00932 {{Identical|S1 RSS/Atom feed}}', 00933 'feed-atom' => '{{optional}} 00934 See also: 00935 * {{msg-mw|Feed-atom}} 00936 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-feed-atom}} 00937 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-feed-atom}}', 00938 'feed-rss' => '{{optional}} 00939 See also: 00940 * {{msg-mw|Feed-rss}} 00941 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-feed-rss}} 00942 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-feed-rss}}', 00943 'red-link-title' => 'Title for red hyperlinks. Indicates, that the page is empty, not written yet. 00944 00945 Parameters: 00946 * $1 - page title', 00947 'sort-descending' => 'JavaScript message. Used by sortable table script.', 00948 'sort-ascending' => 'JavaScript message. Used by sortable table script.', 00949 00950 # Short words for each namespace, by default used in the namespace tab in monobook 00951 'nstab-main' => 'The name for the tab of the main namespace. Example: [[Example]] 00952 00953 See also: 00954 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-main}} 00955 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-nstab-main}} 00956 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-main}} 00957 {{Identical|Page}}', 00958 'nstab-user' => 'The name for the tab of the user namespace. Example: [[User:Example]]. It is possible to use <nowiki>{{GENDER:{{ROOTPAGENAME}}|male form|female form}}</nowiki> if needed. 00959 00960 See also: 00961 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-user}} 00962 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-nstab-user}} 00963 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-user}} 00964 {{Identical|User page}}', 00965 'nstab-media' => 'The name for the tab of the media namespace. Example: [[Media:Example]] 00966 00967 See also: 00968 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-media}} 00969 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-nstab-media}} 00970 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-media}}', 00971 'nstab-special' => 'The name for the tab of the special namespace. Example: [[Special:Version]] 00972 00973 See also: 00974 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-special}} 00975 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-special}} 00976 {{Identical|Special page}}', 00977 'nstab-project' => 'The name for the tab of the project namespace. Example: [[Project:Example]] 00978 00979 See also: 00980 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-project}} 00981 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-nstab-project}} 00982 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-project}}', 00983 'nstab-image' => 'The name for the tab of the File namespace. Example: [[Image:Example]] 00984 00985 See also: 00986 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-image}} 00987 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-nstab-image}} 00988 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-image}} 00989 {{Identical|File}}', 00990 'nstab-mediawiki' => 'The name for the tab of the MediaWiki namespace. Example: [[MediaWiki:Example]] 00991 00992 See also: 00993 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-mediawiki}} 00994 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-nstab-mediawiki}} 00995 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-mediawiki}} 00996 {{Identical|Message}}', 00997 'nstab-template' => 'The name for the tab of the template namespace. Example: [[Template:Example]] 00998 00999 See also: 01000 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-template}} 01001 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-nstab-template}} 01002 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-template}} 01003 {{Identical|Template}}', 01004 'nstab-help' => 'The name for the tab of the help namespace. Example: [[Help:Rollback]] 01005 01006 See also: 01007 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-help}} 01008 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-nstab-help}} 01009 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-help}}', 01010 'nstab-category' => 'The name for the tab of the category namespace. Example: [[:Category:Example]] 01011 01012 See also: 01013 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-category}} 01014 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-nstab-category}} 01015 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-category}} 01016 {{Identical|Category}}', 01017 01018 # Main script and global functions 01019 'nosuchaction' => 'The title of the error you get when trying to open a page with invalid "action" parameter. The text of the warning is the message {{msg-mw|nosuchactiontext}}. 01020 01021 See example [{{canonicalurl:Main_page|action=x}} action=x].', 01022 'nosuchactiontext' => 'This error is shown when trying to open a page with invalid "action" parameter, e.g. [{{canonicalurl:Main_page|action=x}} action=x]. 01023 * The title of this error is the message {{msg-mw|nosuchaction}}.', 01024 'nosuchspecialpage' => 'The title of the error you get when trying to open a special page which does not exist. The text of the warning is the message {{msg-mw|nospecialpagetext}}. Example: [[Special:Nosuchpage]]', 01025 'nospecialpagetext' => '{{doc-important|Do not translate <code><nowiki>[[Special:SpecialPages|{{int:specialpages}}]]</nowiki></code>.}} 01026 This error is shown when trying to open a special page which does not exist, e.g. [[Special:Nosuchpage]]. 01027 01028 Refers to {{msg-mw|Specialpages}}. 01029 01030 The title of this error is the message {{msg-mw|Nosuchspecialpage}}.', 01031 01032 # General errors 01033 'error' => '{{Identical|Error}}', 01034 'databaseerror' => 'Used as title of error message {{msg-mw|Databaseerrortext}}.', 01035 'dberrortext' => 'Parameters: 01036 * $1 - The last SQL command/query 01037 * $2 - SQL function name 01038 * $3 - Error number 01039 * $4 - Error description', 01040 'dberrortextcl' => 'Parameters: 01041 * $1 - The last SQL command/query 01042 * $2 - SQL function name 01043 * $3 - Error number 01044 * $4 - Error description', 01045 'laggedslavemode' => 'Used as warning when getting the timestamp of the latest version, if in LaggedSlaveMode.', 01046 'readonly' => 'Used as title of error message when database is locked.', 01047 'enterlockreason' => 'For developers when locking the database', 01048 'readonlytext' => 'Used as error message when the database is locked. Parameters: 01049 * $1 - explanation e.g. "The wiki is currently in read-only mode"', 01050 'missing-article' => 'This message is shown when a revision does not exist, either as permalink or as diff. Examples: 01051 # [{{canonicalurl:Project:News|oldid=9999999}} Permalink with invalid revision#] 01052 # [{{canonicalurl:Project:News|diff=426850&oldid=99999999}} Diff with invalid revision#] 01053 Parameters: 01054 * $1 - Pagename 01055 * $2 - Content of 01056 *# {{msg-mw|Missingarticle-rev}} - Permalink with invalid revision# 01057 *# {{msg-mw|Missingarticle-diff}} - Diff with invalid revision#', 01058 'missingarticle-rev' => 'Used as <code>$2</code> in {{msg-mw|Missing-article}} 01059 01060 Preceded by the page title. 01061 01062 [{{canonicalurl:Translating:Tasks|oldid=371789000}} Click here] to see an example of such an error message. 01063 01064 Parameters: 01065 * $1 - revision# of the requested ID', 01066 'missingarticle-diff' => 'Used as <code>$2</code> in {{msg-mw|Missing-article}} 01067 01068 Preceded by the page title. 01069 01070 [{{canonicalurl:Translating:Tasks|diff=372398&oldid=371789000}} Click here] to see an example of such an error message. 01071 01072 Parameters: 01073 * $1 - the old revision ID 01074 * $2 - the revision ID to build the diff with', 01075 'readonly_lag' => 'Error message displayed when the database is locked.', 01076 'internalerror' => '{{Identical|Internal error}}', 01077 'internalerror_info' => 'Parameters: 01078 * $1 - error message', 01079 'fileappenderrorread' => '"Append" is a computer procedure, explained on [[w:Append|Wikipedia]]. Parameters: 01080 * $1 - probably filename', 01081 'fileappenderror' => 'Parameters: 01082 * $1 - file name 01083 * $2 - file name', 01084 'filecopyerror' => 'Parameters: 01085 * $1 - source file name 01086 * $2 - destination file name', 01087 'filerenameerror' => 'Parameters: 01088 * $1 - old file name 01089 * $2 - new file name', 01090 'filedeleteerror' => 'Parameters: 01091 * $1 - file name', 01092 'directorycreateerror' => 'Parameters: 01093 * $1 - directory name', 01094 'filenotfound' => 'Parameters: 01095 * $1 - file name', 01096 'fileexistserror' => 'Parameters: 01097 * $1 - file name', 01098 'unexpected' => 'This message indicates the value $2 is unexpected for $1. Parameters: 01099 * $1 - name 01100 * $2 - value', 01101 'badarticleerror' => 'Used as error message in moving page. 01102 01103 See also: 01104 * {{msg-mw|Articleexists}} 01105 * {{msg-mw|Bad-target-model}}', 01106 'cannotdelete' => 'Error message in deleting. Parameters: 01107 * $1 - page name or file name', 01108 'cannotdelete-title' => 'Title of error page when the user cannot delete a page. Parameters: 01109 * $1 - the page name', 01110 'delete-hook-aborted' => 'Error message shown when an extension hook prevents a page deletion, but does not provide an error message.', 01111 'badtitle' => 'The page title when a user requested a page with invalid page name. The content will be {{msg-mw|badtitletext}}.', 01112 'badtitletext' => 'The message shown when a user requested a page with invalid page name. The page title will be {{msg-mw|badtitle}}. 01113 01114 See also: 01115 * {{msg-mw|selfmove}} 01116 * {{msg-mw|immobile-source-namespace}} 01117 * {{msg-mw|immobile-target-namespace-iw}} 01118 * {{msg-mw|immobile-target-namespace}}', 01119 'perfcached' => 'Like {{msg-mw|perfcachedts}} but used when we do not know how long ago page was cached (unlikely to happen). 01120 01121 Parameters: 01122 * $1 - the max result cut off ($wgQueryCacheLimit)', 01123 'perfcachedts' => 'Used on pages that list page lists for which the displayed data is cached. Parameters: 01124 * $1 - a time stamp (date and time combined) 01125 * $2 - a date (optional) 01126 * $3 - a time (optional) 01127 * $4 - the cut off limit for cached results ($wgQueryCacheLimit). If there are more then this many results for the query, only the first $4 of those will be listed on the page. Usually $4 is about 1000.', 01128 'querypage-no-updates' => 'Text on some special pages, e.g. [[Special:FewestRevisions]].', 01129 'wrong_wfQuery_params' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 01130 * $1 - function name 01131 * $2 - query', 01132 'viewsource' => 'The text displayed in place of the {{msg-mw|Edit}} tab when the user has no permission to edit the page. 01133 01134 See also: 01135 * {{msg-mw|Viewsource}} 01136 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-viewsource}} 01137 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-viewsource}} 01138 {{Identical|View source}}', 01139 'viewsource-title' => 'Page title shown when trying to edit a protected page. Parameters: 01140 * $1 - the name of the page', 01141 'actionthrottled' => 'This is the title of an error page. Read it in combination with {{msg-mw|actionthrottledtext}}.', 01142 'actionthrottledtext' => 'Used as error message. Read it in combination with {{msg-mw|actionthrottled}}.', 01143 'protectedpagetext' => "This message is displayed when trying to edit a page you can't edit because it has been protected. 01144 01145 The title for this message is {{msg-mw|Protectedpage}}. 01146 01147 Parameters: 01148 * $1 - (Unused) the raw name of the right which is needed to edit the page", 01149 'viewsourcetext' => 'The text shown when displaying the source of a page that the user has no permission to edit', 01150 'viewyourtext' => 'Same as {{msg-mw|viewsourcetext}} but when showing the text submitted by the user, this happens e.g. when the user was blocked while he is editing the page', 01151 'protectedinterface' => 'Message shown if a user without the "editinterface" right tries to edit a page in the MediaWiki namespace. 01152 01153 See also {{msg-mw|editinginterface}}.', 01154 'editinginterface' => 'A message shown when editing pages in the namespace MediaWiki:. 01155 01156 See also {{msg-mw|protectedinterface}}.', 01157 'sqlhidden' => 'This message indicates the SQL is hidden for security reasons.', 01158 'cascadeprotected' => 'Parameters: 01159 * $1 - number of cascade-protected pages, used for PLURAL 01160 * $2 - list of cascade-protected pages', 01161 'namespaceprotected' => 'Parameters: 01162 * $1 - namespace name', 01163 'customcssprotected' => 'Used as error message.', 01164 'customjsprotected' => 'Used as error message.', 01165 'ns-specialprotected' => 'Error message displayed when trying to edit a page in the Special namespace', 01166 'titleprotected' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 01167 * $1 - username; GENDER supported 01168 * $2 - reason for protection', 01169 'filereadonlyerror' => 'Parameters: 01170 * $1 - file name 01171 * $2 - file repository name 01172 * $3 - reason', 01173 'invalidtitle-knownnamespace' => 'Displayed when an invalid title was encountered (generally in a list), but the namespace number is known to exist. 01174 01175 Parameters: 01176 * $1 - (Unused) the namespace number 01177 * $2 - the namespace name in content language or {{msg-mw|blanknamespace}} for the main namespace 01178 * $3 - the part of the title after the namespace (e.g. SomeName for the page User:SomeName)', 01179 'invalidtitle-unknownnamespace' => 'Displayed when an invalid title was encountered (generally in a list) and the namespace number is unknown. 01180 01181 Parameters: 01182 * $1 - the namespace number 01183 * $2 - the part of the title after the namespace (e.g. SomeName for the page User:SomeName)', 01184 'exception-nologin' => 'Generic page title used on error page when a user is not logged in. Message used by the UserNotLoggedIn exception. 01185 {{Identical|Not logged in}}', 01186 'exception-nologin-text' => 'Generic reason displayed on error page when a user is not logged in. Message used by the UserNotLoggedIn exception.', 01187 01188 # Virus scanner 01189 'virus-badscanner' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 01190 * $1 - virus scanner name which is defined in the variable [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Manual:$wgAntivirus|$wgAntivirus]].', 01191 'virus-scanfailed' => 'Used as error message. "scan" stands for "virus scan". Parameters: 01192 * $1 - exit code of virus scanner', 01193 'virus-unknownscanner' => 'Used as error message. This message is followed by the virus scanner name.', 01194 01195 # Login and logout pages 01196 'logouttext' => 'Log out message', 01197 'welcomecreation' => 'The welcome message users see after registering a user account. $1 is the username of the new user.', 01198 'yourname' => 'Since 1.22 no longer used in core, but used by some extensions. 01199 {{Identical|Username}}', 01200 'yourpassword' => 'In user preferences 01201 01202 {{Identical|Password}}', 01203 'yourpasswordagain' => 'Since 1.22 no longer used in core, but may be used by some extensions. DEPRECATED', 01204 'remembermypassword' => 'Used as checkbox label in [[Special:UserLogin]]. Parameters: 01205 * $1 - number of days 01206 {{Identical|Remember my login on this computer}}', 01207 'securelogin-stick-https' => 'Used as label for checkbox.', 01208 'yourdomainname' => 'Used as label for listbox.', 01209 'password-change-forbidden' => 'Error message shown when an external authentication source does not allow the password to be changed.', 01210 'externaldberror' => 'This message is thrown when a valid attempt to change the wiki password for a user fails because of a database error or an error from an external system.', 01211 'login' => "Shown as the caption of the button at [[Special:UserLogin]], and also to anonymous users in the upper right corner of the page when they can't create an account (otherwise the message {{msg-mw|nav-login-createaccount}} is shown there). Also the title of the new login special page, which does not combine Log in & Create account. 01212 01213 See also: 01214 * {{msg-mw|Login}} 01215 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-pt-anonlogin}} 01216 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-pt-anonlogin}} 01217 {{Identical|Log in}}", 01218 'nav-login-createaccount' => "Shown to anonymous users in the upper right corner of the page. When you can't create an account, the message {{msg-mw|login}} is shown. 01219 {{Identical|Log in / create account}}", 01220 'loginprompt' => 'A small notice in the log in form.', 01221 'userlogin' => 'Since 1.22 no longer used in core, but may still be used by extensions. DEPRECATED 01222 01223 {{Identical|Log in / create account}}', 01224 'userloginnocreate' => 'Since 1.22 no longer used in core, but may still be used by some extensions. A variant of {{msg-mw|Userlogin}} when the user is not allowed to create a new account. DEPRECATED 01225 01226 {{Identical|Log in}}', 01227 'logout' => 'Used as link text in your personal toolbox (upper right side). 01228 01229 See also: 01230 * {{msg-mw|Logout}} 01231 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-pt-logout}} 01232 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-pt-logout}} 01233 {{Identical|Log out}}', 01234 'userlogout' => '{{Doc-actionlink}} 01235 {{doc-special|UserLogout|unlisted=1}} 01236 {{Identical|Log out}}', 01237 'notloggedin' => 'This message is displayed in the standard skin when not logged in. The message is placed above the login link in the top right corner of pages. 01238 01239 {{Identical|Not logged in}}', 01240 'nologin' => 'Since 1.22 no longer used in core, but may be used by some extensions. DEPRECATED. Parameters: 01241 * $1 - a link to the account creation form, and the text of it is {{msg-mw|Nologinlink}} 01242 {{Identical|Do not have an account}}', 01243 'nologinlink' => 'Since 1.22 no longer used in core, but may be used by some extensions. DEPRECATED. 01244 {{Identical|Create an account}}', 01245 'createaccount' => 'Used on the top of the page for logged out users, where it appears next to {{msg-mw|login}}, so consider making them similar. 01246 01247 It is also used on the submit button in the form/special page where you register a new account. 01248 {{doc-special|CreateAccount}} 01249 {{Identical|Create account}}', 01250 'gotaccount' => 'Since 1.22 no longer used in core, but may be used by some extensions. DEPRECATED. Parameter: 01251 * $1 - a link to the log in form, and the text of it is {{msg-mw|Gotaccountlink}}', 01252 'gotaccountlink' => 'Since 1.22 no longer used in core, but may be used by some extensions. DEPRECATED. 01253 {{Identical|Log in}}', 01254 'userlogin-resetlink' => 'Since 1.22 no longer used in core, but may be used by some extensions. DEPRECATED.', 01255 'createaccountmail' => 'Button text for creating a new account and sending the new password to the specified email address directly, as used on [[Special:UserLogin/signup]] if creating accounts by email is allowed.', 01256 'createaccountreason' => 'Since 1.22 no longer used in core, but may be used by some extensions. DEPRECATED 01257 01258 {{Identical|Reason}}', 01259 'badretype' => 'Used as error message when the new password and its retype do not match.', 01260 'userexists' => 'Used as error message in creating a user account.', 01261 'loginerror' => 'Used as title of error message. 01262 {{Identical|Login error}}', 01263 'createaccounterror' => 'Parameters: 01264 * $1 is an error message', 01265 'nocookiesnew' => "This message is displayed when a new account was successfully created, but the browser doesn't accept cookies.", 01266 'nocookieslogin' => "This message is displayed when someone tried to login, but the browser doesn't accept cookies.", 01267 'nocookiesfornew' => "This message is displayed when the user tried to create a new account, but it failed the cross-site request forgery (CSRF) check. It could be blocking an attack, but most likely, the browser isn't accepting cookies.", 01268 'nocookiesforlogin' => "{{optional}} 01269 This message is displayed when someone tried to login and the CSRF failed (most likely, the browser doesn't accept cookies). 01270 01271 Default: 01272 * {{msg-mw|Nocookieslogin}}", 01273 'noname' => 'Error message.', 01274 'loginsuccesstitle' => 'The title of the page saying that you are logged in. The content of the page is the message {{msg-mw|Loginsuccess}}. 01275 {{Identical|Login successful}}', 01276 'loginsuccess' => 'The content of the page saying that you are logged in. The title of the page is {{msg-mw|Loginsuccesstitle}}. 01277 01278 Parameters: 01279 * $1 - the name of the logged in user 01280 {{Gender}}', 01281 'nosuchuser' => 'Displayed when trying to log in with an unexisting username. 01282 01283 When you are not allowed to create an account, the following message is displayed: 01284 * {{msg-mw|Nosuchusershort}} 01285 Parameters: 01286 * $1 - username', 01287 'nosuchusershort' => "Displayed when trying to log in with a non-existent username. 01288 01289 This message is only shown when you can't create an account, otherwise the following message is displayed: 01290 * {{msg-mw|Nosuchusershort}} 01291 01292 Parameters: 01293 * $1 - username", 01294 'nouserspecified' => 'Used as error message when username to fetch is not specified.', 01295 'login-userblocked' => '{{gender}} 01296 Parameters: 01297 * $1 - (Optional) username, for GENDER support', 01298 'wrongpassword' => 'Used as error message when the provided password is wrong. 01299 {{Identical|Please try again}}', 01300 'wrongpasswordempty' => 'Error message displayed when entering a blank password. 01301 {{Identical|Please try again}}', 01302 'passwordtooshort' => 'This message is shown in [[Special:Preferences]] and [[Special:CreateAccount]]. 01303 01304 Parameters: 01305 * $1 - the minimum number of characters in the password', 01306 'password-name-match' => 'Used as error message when password validity check failed.', 01307 'password-login-forbidden' => 'Error message shown when the user has tried to log in using one of the special username/password combinations used for MediaWiki testing. (See [[mwr:75589]], [[mwr:75605]].)', 01308 'mailmypassword' => 'Heading in [[Special:PasswordReset]]', 01309 'passwordremindertitle' => 'Title of email which contains temporary password', 01310 'passwordremindertext' => 'This text is used in an email sent when a user requests a new temporary password (he has forgotten his password) or when an sysop creates a new user account choosing to have password and username sent to the new user by email. 01311 01312 Parameters: 01313 * $1 - an IP address. Example: 01314 * $2 - a username. Example: Joe 01315 * $3 - a password. Example: er##@fdas! 01316 * $4 - a URL. Example: 01317 * $5 - a number of days in which the temporary password will expire', 01318 'noemail' => 'Shown as error message when trying to register a user sending password to email address and no email address has been given. Registering users and sending a password to an email address may require non-standard user rights ([{{canonicalurl:Special:UserLogin|action=submitlogin&type=signup}} register user link]). 01319 01320 Parameters: 01321 * $1 - a user name, can be used with GENDER', 01322 'noemailcreate' => 'Used as error message when one user creates an account for another and there is no email.', 01323 'passwordsent' => 'Parameters: 01324 * $1 - username', 01325 'blocked-mailpassword' => 'Used as error message in password recovery.', 01326 'eauthentsent' => 'This message appears after entering an email address in [[Special:Preferences]] > {{int:prefs-personal}} > {{int:email}}, then clicking on "{{int:saveprefs}}".', 01327 'throttled-mailpassword' => 'Used in [[Special:PasswordReset]]. Parameters: 01328 * $1 - password reset email resend time (in hours)', 01329 'mailerror' => 'Used as error message in sending confirmation mail to user. Parameters: 01330 * $1 - new mail address', 01331 'acct_creation_throttle_hit' => 'Error message at [[Special:CreateAccount]]. 01332 01333 "in the last day" precisely means: during the lasts 86400 seconds (24 hours) ending right now. 01334 01335 Parameters: 01336 * $1 - number of accounts', 01337 'emailauthenticated' => 'In user preferences ([[Special:Preferences]] > {{int:prefs-personal}} > {{int:email}}) and on [[Special:ConfirmEmail]]. 01338 01339 Parameters: 01340 * $1 - (Unused) obsolete, date and time 01341 * $2 - date 01342 * $3 - time', 01343 'emailnotauthenticated' => 'Message in [[Special:Preferences]] > {{int:prefs-personal}} > {{int:email}}. 01344 01345 It appears after saving your email address but before you confirm it.', 01346 'noemailprefs' => 'Message appearing in the "Email options" section of the "User profile" page in [[Special:Preferences|Preferences]], when no user email address has been entered.', 01347 'emailconfirmlink' => 'Link to [[Special:ConfirmEmail]]. 01348 01349 Appears in [[Special:Preferences]] > {{int:prefs-personal}} > {{int:email}} after saving your email address but before it has been authenticated.', 01350 'invalidemailaddress' => 'Shown as a warning when written an invalid email address in [[Special:Preferences]] and {{fullurl:Special:UserLogin|type=signup}} page', 01351 'cannotchangeemail' => 'Error message shown when user goes to [[Special:ChangeEmail]] but email addresses cannot be changed on the site.', 01352 'emaildisabled' => 'Error message shown when user tries to set an email address but email features are disabled.', 01353 'accountcreated' => 'Used as page title in [[Special:UserLogin]]. 01354 01355 See also: 01356 * {{msg-mw|Accountcreated|title}} 01357 * {{msg-mw|Accountcreatedtext|message}}', 01358 'accountcreatedtext' => 'Used in [[Special:UserLogin]]. Parameters: 01359 * $1 - username 01360 See also: 01361 * {{msg-mw|Accountcreated|title}} 01362 * {{msg-mw|Accountcreatedtext|message}}', 01363 'createaccount-title' => 'Subject of the email sent to the email address entered at [[Special:CreateAccount]] when one user creates an account for another and clicks the checkbox labelled {{msg-mw|Createaccountmail}}.', 01364 'createaccount-text' => "Body of the email sent to the email address entered at [[Special:CreateAccount]] when one user creates an account for another and clicks the checkbox labelled: 01365 * {{msg-mw|Createaccountmail}} 01366 01367 Parameters: 01368 * $1 - (Unused) IP address 01369 * $2 - the name entered as username 01370 * $3 - a password (randomly generated) 01371 * $4 - a URL to the wiki ('<' + server name + script name + '>') 01372 * $5 - (Unused) number of days to password expiry date", 01373 'login-throttled' => 'Error message shown at [[Special:UserLogin]] after 5 wrong passwords. The hardcoded waiting time is 300 seconds.', 01374 'login-abort-generic' => 'The generic unsuccessful login message is used unless otherwise specified by hook writers', 01375 'loginlanguagelabel' => 'Used on [[Special:UserLogin]] if $wgLoginLanguageSelector is true. Parameters: 01376 * $1 - a pipe-separated list built from the names that appear in the message {{msg-mw|Loginlanguagelinks}}. 01377 {{Identical|Language}}', 01378 'suspicious-userlogout' => 'Used when the logout request looks suspicious, in Special:UserLogout.', 01379 01380 # Email sending 01381 'php-mail-error-unknown' => 'Used as error message when <code>mail()</code> returned empty error message.', 01382 'user-mail-no-addy' => 'This is the error message in case an email could not be sent because there was no email address to send it to.', 01383 01384 # Change password dialog 01385 'resetpass' => 'The caption of [[Special:ChangePassword]] 01386 01387 {{Identical|Change password}}', 01388 'resetpass_announce' => 'Used in [[Special:UserLogin]].', 01389 'resetpass_text' => '{{optional}}', 01390 'resetpass_header' => 'Header on box on special page [[Special:ChangePassword]]. 01391 01392 {{Identical|Reset password}}', 01393 'oldpassword' => "Used on the 'User profile' tab of 'my preferences'. This is the text next to an entry box for the old password in the 'change password' section.", 01394 'newpassword' => '{{Identical|New password}}', 01395 'retypenew' => "Appears on the 'User profile' tab of the 'Preferences' special page in the 'Change password' section. It appears next to the text box for entering the new password a second time.", 01396 'resetpass-abort-generic' => 'Generic error message shown on [[Special:ChangePassword]] when an extension aborts a password change from a hook.', 01397 'resetpass_submit' => 'Submit button on [[Special:ChangePassword]]', 01398 'resetpass_success' => 'Used in [[Special:ChangePassword]].', 01399 'resetpass_forbidden' => "Used as error message in changing password. Maybe the external auth plugin won't allow local password changes.", 01400 'resetpass-no-info' => 'Error message for [[Special:ChangePassword]].', 01401 'resetpass-submit-loggedin' => 'Button on [[Special:ResetPass]] to submit new password. 01402 01403 {{Identical|Change password}}', 01404 'resetpass-submit-cancel' => 'Used on [[Special:ResetPass]]. 01405 {{Identical|Cancel}}', 01406 'resetpass-wrong-oldpass' => 'Error message shown on [[Special:ChangePassword]] when the old password is not valid.', 01407 'resetpass-temp-password' => 'The label of the input box for the temporary password (received by email) on the form displayed after logging in with a temporary password.', 01408 01409 # Special:PasswordReset 01410 'passwordreset' => 'Title of [[Special:PasswordReset]]. 01411 {{Identical|Reset password}}', 01412 'passwordreset-text' => 'Text on [[Special:PasswordReset]]', 01413 'passwordreset-legend' => '{{Identical|Reset password}}', 01414 'passwordreset-disabled' => 'Used as error message in changing password.', 01415 'passwordreset-pretext' => 'These instructions are shown on the password reset dialogue, which can, in principle, take the user\'s email address as well as, or instead of, their username. This text displays above one or more fields, at least one of which needs to be completed, and the message does not know which routes are available, so it needs to refer to some vague noun rather than specifically "username". 01416 "One of the pieces of data" means "an info"/"a datum" (probably to be translatea with a singular noun in your language if available). Parameters: 01417 * $1 is the number of password reset routes. This is never 1, but always two or more. Thus, the first plural option is empty in English.', 01418 'passwordreset-username' => '{{Identical|Username}}', 01419 'passwordreset-domain' => 'A domain like used in Domain Name System (DNS) or more specifically like a domain component in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)', 01420 'passwordreset-capture' => 'Label for checkbox asking the user whether they want to see the contents of the password reset email (only shown if they have the <code>passwordreset</code> permission).', 01421 'passwordreset-capture-help' => 'Longer explanatory message for the capture checkbox label.', 01422 'passwordreset-email' => '{{Identical|E-mail address}}', 01423 'passwordreset-emailtitle' => 'Used as subject (title) of email.', 01424 'passwordreset-emailtext-ip' => 'Be consistent with {{msg-mw|Passwordreset-emailtext-user}}. 01425 01426 Parameters: 01427 * $1 - an IP address 01428 * $2 - message {{msg-mw|Passwordreset-emailelement}} repeated $3 times 01429 * $3 - the number of repetitions in $2 01430 * $4 - base URL of the wiki 01431 * $5 - number of days', 01432 'passwordreset-emailtext-user' => 'Be consistent with {{msg-mw|Passwordreset-emailtext-ip}}. 01433 01434 Parameters: 01435 * $1 - a user name 01436 * $2 - message {{msg-mw|Passwordreset-emailelement|notext=1}} repeated $3 times 01437 * $3 - the number of repetitions in $2 01438 * $4 - base URL of the wiki 01439 * $5 - number of days', 01440 'passwordreset-emailelement' => "This is a body of a password reset email to allow them into the system with a new password. Parameters: 01441 * $1 - the user's login name. This parameter can be used for GENDER. 01442 * $2 - the temporary password given by the system", 01443 'passwordreset-emailsent' => 'Used in [[Special:PasswordReset]]. 01444 01445 See also: 01446 * {{msg-mw|Passwordreset-emailsent-capture}} 01447 * {{msg-mw|Passwordreset-emailerror-capture}}', 01448 'passwordreset-emailsent-capture' => 'Used in [[Special:PasswordReset]]. 01449 01450 See also: 01451 * {{msg-mw|Passwordreset-emailsent}} 01452 * {{msg-mw|Passwordreset-emailerror-capture}}', 01453 'passwordreset-emailerror-capture' => 'Error message displayed in [[Special:PasswordReset]] when sending an e-mail fails. Parameters: 01454 * $1 - the name of a user who was supposed to get the e-mail 01455 See also: 01456 * {{msg-mw|Passwordreset-emailsent}} 01457 * {{msg-mw|Passwordreset-emailsent-capture}}', 01458 01459 # Special:ChangeEmail 01460 'changeemail' => 'Title of [[Special:ChangeEmail|special page]].', 01461 'changeemail-header' => 'Header on [[Special:ChangeEmail]].', 01462 'changeemail-text' => 'Text of [[Special:ChangeEmail]].', 01463 'changeemail-no-info' => 'Error message for [[Special:ChangeEmail]].', 01464 'changeemail-oldemail' => 'Label for e-mail address field in [[Special:ChangeEmail]].', 01465 'changeemail-newemail' => 'Label for e-mail address field in [[Special:ChangeEmail]].', 01466 'changeemail-none' => "Probably appears in 'Current E-mail address' field when no address held, in [[Special:ChangeEmail]]. 01467 01468 {{Identical|None}}", 01469 'changeemail-submit' => 'Submit button on [[Special:ChangeEmail]]', 01470 'changeemail-cancel' => 'Cancel button on [[Special:ChangeEmail]] 01471 01472 {{Identical|Cancel}}', 01473 01474 # Edit page toolbar 01475 'bold_sample' => 'This is the sample text that you get when you press the first button on the left on the edit toolbar. 01476 01477 {{Identical|Bold text}}', 01478 'bold_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the first button on the left of the edit toolbar. 01479 01480 {{Identical|Bold text}}', 01481 'italic_sample' => 'The sample text that you get when you press the second button from the left on the edit toolbar. 01482 01483 {{Identical|Italic text}}', 01484 'italic_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the second button from the left on the edit toolbar. 01485 01486 {{Identical|Italic text}}', 01487 'link_sample' => 'This is the default text in the internal link that is created when you press the third button from the left on the edit toolbar (the "Ab" icon).', 01488 'link_tip' => 'Tip for internal links. 01489 {{Identical|Internal link}}', 01490 'extlink_sample' => 'This message appears when clicking on the fourth button of the edit toolbar. You can translate "link title". Because many of the localisations had urls that went to domains reserved for advertising, it is recommended that the link is left as-is. All customised links were replaced with the standard one, that is reserved in the standard and will never have ads or something.', 01491 'extlink_tip' => 'This is the tip that appears when you hover the mouse over the fourth button from the left on the edit toolbar. 01492 01493 {{Identical|External link (remember http:// prefix)}}', 01494 'headline_sample' => 'Sample of headline text.', 01495 'headline_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the fifth button from the left on the edit toolbar.', 01496 'nowiki_sample' => 'Text inserted between nowiki tags', 01497 'nowiki_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the third button from the right on the edit toolbar.', 01498 'image_sample' => '{{optional}} 01499 Used in text generated by Picture button in toolbar. 01500 {{Identical|Example}}', 01501 'image_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the sixth (middle) button on the edit toolbar. 01502 01503 {{Identical|Embedded file}}', 01504 'media_sample' => '{{optional}}', 01505 'media_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the fifth button from the right in the edit toolbar.', 01506 'sig_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the second key from the right on the edit toolbar. 01507 {{Identical|Signature with timestamp}}', 01508 'hr_tip' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over the first button on the right on the edit toolbar.', 01509 01510 # Edit pages 01511 'summary' => 'The Summary text beside the edit summary field 01512 01513 See also: 01514 * {{msg-mw|Subject}} 01515 See also: 01516 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-summary}} 01517 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-summary}} 01518 {{Identical|Summary}}', 01519 'subject' => 'Used as label for input box in the EditPage page. 01520 01521 See also: 01522 * {{msg-mw|Summary}}', 01523 'minoredit' => 'Text above Save page button in editor 01524 01525 See also: 01526 * {{msg-mw|Minoredit}} 01527 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-minoredit}} 01528 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-minoredit}}', 01529 'watchthis' => 'Text of checkbox above {{msg-mw|Showpreview}} button in editor. 01530 01531 See also: 01532 * {{msg-mw|Watchthis}} 01533 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-watch}} 01534 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-watch}} 01535 {{Identical|Watch this page}}', 01536 'savearticle' => 'Text on the Save page button. See also {{msg-mw|showpreview}} and {{msg-mw|showdiff}} for the other buttons. 01537 01538 See also: 01539 * {{msg-mw|Savearticle}} 01540 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-save}} 01541 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-save}} 01542 {{Identical|Save page}}', 01543 'preview' => 'The title of the Preview page shown after clicking the "Show preview" button in the edit page. Since this is a heading, it should probably be translated as a noun and not as a verb. 01544 01545 {{Identical|Preview}}', 01546 'showpreview' => 'The text of the button to preview the page you are editing. See also {{msg-mw|showdiff}} and {{msg-mw|savearticle}} for the other buttons. 01547 01548 See also: 01549 * {{msg-mw|Showpreview}} 01550 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-preview}} 01551 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-preview}} 01552 {{Identical|Show preview}}', 01553 'showlivepreview' => 'An edit preview without needing to reload the edit form.', 01554 'showdiff' => 'Button below the edit page. See also {{msg-mw|Showpreview}} and {{msg-mw|Savearticle}} for the other buttons. 01555 01556 See also: 01557 * {{msg-mw|Showdiff}} 01558 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-diff}} 01559 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-diff}}', 01560 'anoneditwarning' => 'Shown when editing a page anonymously. 01561 See also: 01562 * {{msg-mw|Sf autoedit anoneditwarning}} 01563 * {{msg-mw|Wikibase-anonymouseditwarning-property}} 01564 * {{msg-mw|Wikibase-anonymouseditwarning-item}} 01565 * {{msg-mw|Anonpreviewwarning}}', 01566 'anonpreviewwarning' => 'See also: 01567 * {{msg-mw|Anoneditwarning}}', 01568 'missingsummary' => 'The text "edit summary" is in {{msg-mw|Summary}}. 01569 01570 See also: 01571 * {{msg-mw|Missingcommentheader}} 01572 * {{msg-mw|Savearticle}}', 01573 'missingcommenttext' => 'This message is shown, when the textbox by a new-section is empty.', 01574 'missingcommentheader' => 'Edit summary that is shown if you enable "Prompt me when entering a blank summary" and add a new section without headline to a talk page. 01575 01576 See also: 01577 * {{msg-mw|Missingsummary}} 01578 * {{msg-mw|Savearticle}}', 01579 'summary-preview' => 'Preview of the edit summary, shown under the edit summary itself. 01580 Should match: {{msg-mw|summary}}.', 01581 'subject-preview' => 'Should match {{msg-mw|subject}}', 01582 'blockedtitle' => 'Used as title displayed for blocked users. The corresponding message body is one of the following messages: 01583 * {{msg-mw|Blockedtext|notext=1}} 01584 * {{msg-mw|Autoblockedtext|notext=1}}', 01585 'blockedtext' => 'Text displayed to blocked users. 01586 01587 "email this user" should be consistent with {{msg-mw|Emailuser}}. 01588 01589 Parameters: 01590 * $1 - the blocking sysop (with a link to his/her userpage) 01591 * $2 - the reason for the block 01592 * $3 - the current IP address of the blocked user 01593 * $4 - (Unused) the blocking sysop\'s username (plain text, without the link) 01594 * $5 - the unique numeric identifier of the applied autoblock 01595 * $6 - the expiry of the block 01596 * $7 - the intended target of the block (what the blocking user specified in the blocking form) 01597 * $8 - the timestamp when the block started 01598 See also: 01599 * {{msg-mw|Grouppage-sysop}} 01600 * {{msg-mw|Autoblockedtext}}', 01601 'autoblockedtext' => 'Text displayed to automatically blocked users. 01602 01603 "email this user" should be consistent with {{msg-mw|Emailuser}}. 01604 01605 Parameters: 01606 * $1 - the blocking sysop (with a link to his/her userpage) 01607 * $2 - the reason for the block (in case of autoblocks: {{msg-mw|autoblocker}}) 01608 * $3 - the current IP address of the blocked user 01609 * $4 - (Unused) the blocking sysop\'s username (plain text, without the link). Use it for GENDER. 01610 * $5 - the unique numeric identifier of the applied autoblock 01611 * $6 - the expiry of the block 01612 * $7 - the intended target of the block (what the blocking user specified in the blocking form) 01613 * $8 - the timestamp when the block started 01614 See also: 01615 * {{msg-mw|Grouppage-sysop}} 01616 * {{msg-mw|Blockedtext}}', 01617 'blockednoreason' => 'Substituted with <code>$2</code> in the following message if the reason is not given: 01618 * {{msg-mw|cantcreateaccount-text}}. 01619 {{Identical|No reason given}}', 01620 'whitelistedittext' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 01621 * $1 is a link to [[Special:UserLogin]] with {{msg-mw|loginreqlink}} as link description 01622 See also: 01623 * {{msg-mw|Nocreatetext}} 01624 * {{msg-mw|Uploadnologintext}} 01625 * {{msg-mw|Loginreqpagetext}}', 01626 'confirmedittext' => 'Used as error message.', 01627 'nosuchsectiontitle' => 'Used as error message when the user has attempted to edit a nonexistent section.', 01628 'nosuchsectiontext' => 'This message is displayed when a user tries to edit a section that does not exist.', 01629 'loginreqtitle' => 'Used as title of error message. 01630 01631 See also: 01632 * {{msg-mw|permissionserrors}} 01633 {{Identical|Login required}}', 01634 'loginreqlink' => 'Take a look on inflection. Used as <code>$1</code> in the following messages: 01635 * {{msg-mw|loginreqpagetext}} 01636 * {{msg-mw|whitelistedittext}} 01637 * {{msg-mw|Uploadnologintext}} 01638 * {{msg-mw|watchlistanontext}} 01639 * {{msg-mw|Confirmemail needlogin}} 01640 {{Identical|Log in}}', 01641 'loginreqpagetext' => 'This message is displayed if an anonymous reader attempts to access a page which is only available to logged-in users. 01642 01643 Parameters: 01644 * $1 - a link to [[Special:UserLogin]] with {{msg-mw|Loginreqlink}} as link description 01645 See also: 01646 * {{msg-mw|Whitelistedittext}} 01647 * {{msg-mw|Nocreatetext}} 01648 * {{msg-mw|Uploadnologintext}}', 01649 'accmailtitle' => 'Page title when temporary password was sent to a user via email.', 01650 'accmailtext' => "{{doc-important|Do not translate <code><nowiki>[[User talk:$1|$1]]</nowiki></code> and <code>Special:ChangePassword</code>.}} 01651 The message shown when a temporary password has been sent to the user's email address. 01652 01653 Parameters: 01654 * $1 - username 01655 * $2 - email address", 01656 'newarticle' => '{{Identical|New}}', 01657 'newarticletext' => '{{doc-important|Do not translate <code><nowiki>{{MediaWiki:Helppage}}</nowiki></code>.}} 01658 Text displayed above the edit box in editor when trying to create a new page. 01659 01660 Refers to {{msg-mw|Helppage}}.', 01661 'anontalkpagetext' => 'Displayed at the bottom of talk pages of anonymous users.', 01662 'noarticletext' => 'This is the message that you get if you search for a term that has not yet got any entries on the wiki. 01663 01664 See also: 01665 * {{msg-mw|Noarticletext-nopermission}}', 01666 'noarticletext-nopermission' => 'See also {{msg-mw|Noarticletext}}.', 01667 'missing-revision' => 'Text displayed when the requested revision does not exist using a permalink. 01668 01669 Example: [{{canonicalurl:Project:News|oldid=9999999}} Permalink with invalid revision#] 01670 01671 Parameters: 01672 * $1 - the ID of the missing revision', 01673 'userpage-userdoesnotexist' => 'Error message displayed when trying to edit or create a page or a subpage that belongs to a user who is not registered on the wiki. 01674 01675 Parameters: 01676 * $1 - a possible username that has not been registered', 01677 'userpage-userdoesnotexist-view' => 'Shown in user pages of non existing users. See for example [{{canonicalurl:User:Foo}} User:Foo]. Parameters: 01678 * $1 is a username.', 01679 'blocked-notice-logextract' => '{{gender}} 01680 Parameters: 01681 * $1 - (Optional) the name of the blocked user. Can be used for GENDER.', 01682 'clearyourcache' => 'Text at the top of .js/.css pages', 01683 'usercssyoucanpreview' => 'Text displayed on every CSS page. 01684 01685 See also: 01686 * {{msg-mw|Userjsyoucanpreview}} 01687 * {{msg-mw|Showpreview}}', 01688 'userjsyoucanpreview' => 'Text displayed on every JavaScript page. 01689 01690 See also: 01691 * {{msg-mw|Usercssyoucanpreview}} 01692 * {{msg-mw|Showpreview}}', 01693 'usercsspreview' => 'Text displayed on preview of every user .css subpage. 01694 01695 See also: 01696 * {{msg-mw|Sitecsspreview}}', 01697 'userjspreview' => 'Text displayed on preview of every user .js subpage', 01698 'sitecsspreview' => 'Text displayed on preview of .css pages in MediaWiki namespace. 01699 01700 See also: 01701 * {{msg-mw|Usercsspreview}}', 01702 'sitejspreview' => 'Text displayed on preview of .js pages in MediaWiki namespace', 01703 'userinvalidcssjstitle' => 'Parameters: 01704 * $1 - skin name', 01705 'updated' => '{{Identical|Updated}}', 01706 'note' => '{{Identical|Note}}', 01707 'previewnote' => 'Note displayed when clicking on Show preview', 01708 'continue-editing' => '{{doc-actionlink}} 01709 A link to the beginning of the editing textarea on the same page. 01710 01711 Displayed after {{msg-mw|previewnote}}.', 01712 'previewconflict' => 'Used in Preview page.', 01713 'session_fail_preview' => 'Error message in Preview page. 01714 01715 See also: 01716 * {{msg-mw|Token suffix mismatch}} 01717 * {{msg-mw|Session fail preview}} 01718 * {{msg-mw|Edit form incomplete}}', 01719 'session_fail_preview_html' => 'Used as error message in Preview page.', 01720 'token_suffix_mismatch' => 'Error message in Preview page. 01721 01722 See also: 01723 * {{msg-mw|Token suffix mismatch}} 01724 * {{msg-mw|Session fail preview}} 01725 * {{msg-mw|Edit form incomplete}}', 01726 'edit_form_incomplete' => 'Error message in Preview page. 01727 01728 See also: 01729 * {{msg-mw|Token suffix mismatch}} 01730 * {{msg-mw|Session fail preview}} 01731 * {{msg-mw|Edit form incomplete}}', 01732 'editing' => 'Shown as page title when editing a page. Parameters: 01733 * $1 - the name of the page that is being edited. e.g. "Editing Main Page" 01734 {{Related|Editing}}', 01735 'creating' => 'Shown as page title when creating a page. Parameters: 01736 * $1 - the name of the page that is being created. Example: "Creating Main Page". 01737 {{Related|Editing}}', 01738 'editingsection' => 'This message displays at the top of the page when a user is editing a page section. Parameters: 01739 * $1 - page name 01740 {{Related|Editing}}', 01741 'editingcomment' => 'This message displays at the top of the page when a user is creating a new section. Parameters: 01742 * $1 - page name 01743 {{Related|Editing}}', 01744 'editconflict' => 'Used as title of error message. Parameters: 01745 * $1 - page title', 01746 'explainconflict' => 'Appears at the top of a page when there is an edit conflict. 01747 01748 See also: 01749 * {{msg-mw|Savearticle}}', 01750 'yourtext' => 'Used in Diff Preview page. The diff is between {{msg-mw|currentrev}} and {{msg-mw|yourtext}}. 01751 01752 Also used in Edit Conflict page; the diff between {{msg-mw|yourtext}} and {{msg-mw|storedversion}}.', 01753 'storedversion' => 'This is used in an edit conflict as the label for the top revision that has been stored, as opposed to your version {{msg-mw|yourtext}} that has not been stored which is shown at the bottom of the page.', 01754 'nonunicodebrowser' => 'Used as warning when editing page.', 01755 'editingold' => 'Used as warning when editing page.', 01756 'yourdiff' => '', 01757 'copyrightwarning' => 'Copyright warning displayed under the edit box in editor. Parameters: 01758 * $1 - link 01759 * $2 - license name', 01760 'copyrightwarning2' => 'Copyright warning displayed under the edit box in editor 01761 *$1 - license name', 01762 'longpageerror' => 'Warning displayed when trying to save a text larger than the maximum size allowed. 01763 01764 Parameters: 01765 * $1 - submitted size (in kilobytes) 01766 * $2 - maximum size (in kilobytes)', 01767 'readonlywarning' => 'Parameters: 01768 * $1 - reason', 01769 'protectedpagewarning' => '{{Related|Semiprotectedpagewarning}}', 01770 'semiprotectedpagewarning' => '{{Related|Semiprotectedpagewarning}}', 01771 'cascadeprotectedwarning' => 'Parameters: 01772 * $1 - number of pages, for PLURAL support', 01773 'titleprotectedwarning' => 'Warning message above the edit form when editing a page that has been protected aginst creation.', 01774 'templatesused' => 'Displayed below the page when editing it. It indicates a list of templates which are used on that page. 01775 01776 Parameters: 01777 * $1 - number of templates 01778 See also: 01779 * {{msg-mw|Templatesusedpreview}} 01780 * {{msg-mw|Templatesusedsection}}', 01781 'templatesusedpreview' => 'Used in editor when displaying a preview. 01782 01783 Parameters: 01784 * $1 - number of templates 01785 See also: 01786 * {{msg-mw|Templatesused}} 01787 * {{msg-mw|Templatesusedsection}}', 01788 'templatesusedsection' => 'Used in editor when displaying a preview. 01789 01790 Parameters: 01791 * $1 - number of templates 01792 See also: 01793 * {{msg-mw|Templatesused}} 01794 * {{msg-mw|Templatesusedpreview}}', 01795 'template-protected' => '{{Identical|Protected}}', 01796 'template-semiprotected' => 'Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]]. Appears in brackets after listed page titles which are semi-protected.', 01797 'hiddencategories' => "This message is shown below the edit form, like you have a section ''\"Templates used on this page\"''. 01798 01799 Parameters: 01800 * \$1 - number of categories", 01801 'edittools' => '{{optional}} 01802 This text will be shown below edit and upload forms. It can be used to offer special characters not present on most keyboards for copying/pasting, and also often makes them clickable for insertion via a JavaScript. Since these are seen as specific to a wiki, however, this message should not contain anything but an html comment explaining how it should be used once the wiki has been installed.', 01803 'edittools-upload' => '{{optional}} 01804 This text will be shown below upload forms. It will default to the contents of edittools.', 01805 'nocreatetext' => 'Used as error message. 01806 01807 See also: 01808 * {{msg-mw|Nocreate-loggedin}} 01809 * {{msg-mw|Whitelistedittext}} 01810 * {{msg-mw|Uploadnologintext}} 01811 * {{msg-mw|Loginreqpagetext}}', 01812 'nocreate-loggedin' => 'Used as error message. 01813 01814 See also: 01815 * {{msg-mw|Nocreatetext}}', 01816 'sectioneditnotsupported-title' => 'Page title of special page, which presumably appears when someone tries to edit a section, and section editing is disabled. Explanation of section editing on [[meta:Help:Section_editing#Section_editing|meta]].', 01817 'sectioneditnotsupported-text' => 'I think this is the text of an error message, which presumably appears when someone tries to edit a section, and section editing is disabled. Explanation of section editing on [[meta:Help:Section_editing#Section_editing|meta]].', 01818 'permissionserrors' => 'Used as title of error message. 01819 01820 See also: 01821 * {{msg-mw|loginreqtitle}} 01822 {{Identical|Permission error}}', 01823 'permissionserrorstext' => "This message is \"without action\" version of {{msg-mw|Permissionserrorstext-withaction}}. 01824 * \$1 is the number of reasons that were found why ''the action'' cannot be performed.", 01825 'permissionserrorstext-withaction' => 'This message is "with action" version of {{msg-mw|Permissionserrorstext}}. 01826 01827 Parameters: 01828 * $1 - the number of reasons that were found why the action cannot be performed 01829 * $2 - one of the action-* messages (for example {{msg-mw|action-edit}}) or other such messages tagged with {{tl|doc-action}} in their documentation 01830 01831 Please report at [[Support]] if you are unable to properly translate this message. Also see [[bugzilla:14246]] (now closed) for background.', 01832 'recreate-moveddeleted-warn' => 'Warning shown when creating a page which has already been deleted. See for example [[Test]].', 01833 'moveddeleted-notice' => 'Shown on top of a deleted page in normal view modus ([{{canonicalurl:Test}} example]).', 01834 'log-fulllog' => 'Used as link text.', 01835 'edit-hook-aborted' => 'Used as error message. 01836 01837 See also: 01838 * {{msg-mw|edit-gone-missing}} 01839 * {{msg-mw|edit-conflict}} 01840 * {{msg-mw|edit-no-change}} 01841 * {{msg-mw|edit-already-exists}}', 01842 'edit-gone-missing' => 'Used as error message. 01843 01844 See also: 01845 * {{msg-mw|edit-hook-aborted}} 01846 * {{msg-mw|edit-conflict}} 01847 * {{msg-mw|edit-no-change}} 01848 * {{msg-mw|edit-already-exists}}', 01849 'edit-conflict' => "An 'Edit conflict' happens when more than one edit is being made to a page at the same time. This would usually be caused by separate individuals working on the same page. However, if the system is slow, several edits from one individual could back up and attempt to apply simultaneously - causing the conflict. 01850 01851 See also: 01852 * {{msg-mw|edit-hook-aborted}} 01853 * {{msg-mw|edit-gone-missing}} 01854 * {{msg-mw|edit-no-change}} 01855 * {{msg-mw|edit-already-exists}}", 01856 'edit-no-change' => 'Used as error message. 01857 01858 See also: 01859 * {{msg-mw|edit-hook-aborted}} 01860 * {{msg-mw|edit-gone-missing}} 01861 * {{msg-mw|edit-conflict}} 01862 * {{msg-mw|edit-already-exists}}', 01863 'edit-already-exists' => 'Used as error message. 01864 01865 See also: 01866 * {{msg-mw|edit-hook-aborted}} 01867 * {{msg-mw|edit-gone-missing}} 01868 * {{msg-mw|edit-conflict}} 01869 * {{msg-mw|edit-no-change}}', 01870 'defaultmessagetext' => 'Caption above the default message text shown on the left-hand side of a diff displayed after clicking "Show changes" when creating a new page in the MediaWiki: namespace', 01871 01872 # Parser/template warnings 01873 'expensive-parserfunction-warning' => 'On some (expensive) [[MetaWikipedia:Help:ParserFunctions|parser functions]] (e.g. <code><nowiki>{{#ifexist:}}</nowiki></code>) there is a limit of how many times it may be used. This is an error message shown when the limit is exceeded. 01874 * $1 is the current number of parser function calls. 01875 * $2 is the allowed number of parser function calls. 01876 See also [[:mw:Manual:$wgExpensiveParserFunctionLimit|$wgExpensiveParserFunctionLimit in the MediaWiki manual]]. 01877 01878 See also: 01879 * {{msg-mw|Expensive-parserfunction-category}}', 01880 'expensive-parserfunction-category' => 'This message is used as a category name for a [[mw:Help:Tracking categories|tracking category]] where pages are placed automatically if they contain too many calls to expensive parser functions. 01881 01882 See also: 01883 * {{msg-mw|Expensive-parserfunction-warning}}', 01884 'post-expand-template-inclusion-warning' => 'When templates are expanded, there is a size limit for the number of bytes yielded. Usually that occurs from excessively nested templates, recursive templates, or ones having x-zillion of #if #case or similar contructs in them. When the wikicode parser detects this, it outputs a red warning message to the page. 01885 01886 01887 See also: 01888 * {{msg-mw|Post-expand-template-inclusion-category}}', 01889 'post-expand-template-inclusion-category' => 'This message is used as a category name for a [[mw:Help:Tracking categories|tracking category]] where pages are placed automatically if the expanded size of the templates they contain exceeds the limit. 01890 When templates are expanded, there is a size limit for the number of bytes yielded. Usually that occurs from excessively nested templates, recursive templates, or ones having x-zillion of #if #case or similar contructs in them. When the wikicode parser detects this, it outputs a red warning message to the page. 01891 01892 See also: 01893 * {{msg-mw|Post-expand-template-inclusion-warning}}', 01894 'post-expand-template-argument-warning' => 'Used as warning in parser limitation. 01895 01896 See also: 01897 * {{msg-mw|Post-expand-template-argument-category}}', 01898 'post-expand-template-argument-category' => 'This message is used as a category name for a [[mw:Help:Tracking categories|tracking category]] where pages are placed automatically if they contain omitted template arguments. 01899 01900 See also: 01901 * {{msg-mw|Post-expand-template-argument-warning}}', 01902 'parser-template-loop-warning' => 'Parameters: 01903 * $1 - page title', 01904 'parser-template-recursion-depth-warning' => 'Parameters: 01905 * $1 - limit value of recursion depth', 01906 'language-converter-depth-warning' => 'Error message shown when a page uses too deeply nested language conversion syntax. Parameters: 01907 * $1 - the value of the depth limit', 01908 'node-count-exceeded-category' => 'This message is used as a category name for a [[mw:Help:Tracking categories|tracking category]] where pages are placed automatically if the node-count of the preprocessor exceeds the limit. 01909 01910 See also: 01911 * {{msg-mw|Node-count-exceeded-warning}}', 01912 'node-count-exceeded-warning' => 'Error message shown when a page exceeded the node-count limit of the preprocessor. 01913 01914 Parameters: 01915 * $1 - (Unused) the value of the node-count limit 01916 * $2 - (Unused) the value of the max node-count limit 01917 See also: 01918 * {{msg-mw|Node-count-exceeded-category}}', 01919 'expansion-depth-exceeded-category' => 'This message is used as a category name for a [[mw:Help:Tracking categories|tracking category]] where pages are placed automatically if the [[meta:Help:Expansion_depth|expansion depth]] of the preprocessor exceeds the limit.', 01920 'expansion-depth-exceeded-warning' => 'Error message shown when a page exceeded the [[meta:Help:Expansion_depth|expansion depth limit]] of the preprocessor. 01921 01922 Parameters: 01923 * $1 - (Unused) the value of the depth limit 01924 * $2 - (Unused) the value of the max depth limit 01925 See also: 01926 * {{msg-mw|Expansion-depth-exceeded-category}}', 01927 'parser-unstrip-loop-warning' => '{{Doc-important|Do not translate function name <code>unstrip</code>.}} 01928 This error is shown when a parser extension tag such as <code><nowiki><pre></nowiki></code> includes a reference to itself in its own output. 01929 01930 The reference must be to the exact same invocation of the tag at the same location in the source, merely writing <code><nowiki><pre><pre></pre></pre></nowiki></code> will not do it. 01931 01932 This is usually impossible and unlikely to happen by accident, so translation is not essential. 01933 01934 "Unstrip" refers to the internal function of the parser, called "unstrip", which recursively puts the output of parser functions in the place of the parser function call and which would enter an infinite loop in the situation above. 01935 01936 See also: 01937 *{{msg-mw|Parser-unstrip-recursion-limit}}', 01938 'parser-unstrip-recursion-limit' => '{{doc-important|Do not translate function name <code>unstrip</code>.}} 01939 This message is shown when the recursion limit for nested parser extension tags is exceeded. 01940 01941 This warning may be encountered due to input text like <code><nowiki><ref><ref><ref>...</ref></ref></ref></nowiki></code>. 01942 01943 Parameters: 01944 * $1 - the depth limit 01945 01946 "Unstrip" refers to the internal function of the parser, called \'unstrip\', which recursively puts the output of parser functions in the place of the parser function call and which would enter an infinite loop in the situation above. 01947 01948 See also: 01949 * {{msg-mw|Parser-unstrip-loop-warning}}', 01950 'converter-manual-rule-error' => "Used as error message when a manual conversion rule for the [[mw:Language_converter|language converter]] has errors. For example it's not using the correct syntax, or not supplying text in all variants.", 01951 01952 # "Undo" feature 01953 'undo-success' => 'Text on special page to confirm edit revert. You arrive on this page by clicking on the "undo" link on a revision history special page. 01954 01955 {{Identical|Undo}}', 01956 'undo-failure' => 'Message appears if an attempt to revert an edit by clicking the "undo" link on the page history fails. 01957 01958 {{Identical|Undo}}', 01959 'undo-norev' => 'Message appears if an attempt to revert an edit by clicking the "undo" link on the page history fails. 01960 01961 {{Identical|Undo}}', 01962 'undo-summary' => 'Edit summary for an undo action. Parameters: 01963 * $1 - revision ID 01964 * $2 - username 01965 {{Identical|Undo}}', 01966 01967 # Account creation failure 01968 'cantcreateaccounttitle' => 'Used as title of the error message {{msg-mw|Cantcreateaccount-text}}.', 01969 'cantcreateaccount-text' => 'Used as error message, with the title {{msg-mw|cantcreateaccounttitle}}. 01970 * $1 - target IP address 01971 * $2 - reason or {{msg-mw|blockednoreason}} 01972 * $3 - username', 01973 01974 # History pages 01975 'viewpagelogs' => 'Link displayed in history of pages', 01976 'nohistory' => 'Message shown when there are no history to list. See [{{canonicalurl:x|action=history}} example history]. 01977 ---- 01978 Also used as title of error message when the feed is empty. See [{{canonicalurl:x|action=history&feed=atom}} example feed]. 01979 01980 See the error message: 01981 * {{msg-mw|history-feed-empty}}', 01982 'currentrev' => 'Used in Diff Preview page. The diff is between {{msg-mw|currentrev}} and {{msg-mw|yourtext}}. 01983 {{Identical|Current revision}}', 01984 'currentrev-asof' => 'Used on a difference page when comparing the current versions of a page with each other. See {{msg-mw|Revisionasof}} for the message for non-current version. 01985 * $1 is a date and time 01986 * $2 is a date (optional) 01987 * $3 is a time (optional)', 01988 'revisionasof' => 'Used on a difference page when comparing different versions of a page or when viewing an non-current version of a page. 01989 01990 See {{msg-mw|Currentrev-asof}} for the message for the current version. 01991 01992 Parameters: 01993 * $1 - the date/time at which the revision was created. e.g. "\'\'Revision as of 14:44, 24 January 2008\'\'". 01994 * $2 - (Optional) the date at which the revision was created 01995 * $3 - (Optional) the time at which the revision was created', 01996 'revision-info' => 'Appears just below the page title when an old version of the page is being viewed. 01997 01998 Parameters: 01999 * $1 - date and time of revision 02000 * $2 - a series of links: to author of the revision, his talk page, etc. 02001 * $3 - (Optional) revision ID 02002 * $4 - (Optional) date of revision 02003 * $5 - (Optional) time of revision 02004 * $6 - (Optional) author of revision, for GENDER use', 02005 'previousrevision' => 'See also: 02006 * {{msg-mw|Nextrevision}}', 02007 'nextrevision' => 'See also: 02008 * {{msg-mw|Previousrevision}}', 02009 'currentrevisionlink' => '{{Identical|Current revision}}', 02010 'cur' => 'Link in page history', 02011 'next' => 'Link in page history 02012 02013 {{Identical|Next}}', 02014 'last' => 'Link in page history 02015 02016 {{Identical|Last}}', 02017 'page_first' => "This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages which are lists of things in alphabetical order, e.g. the '[[Special:Categories|Categories]]' special page. It is followed by the message {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}. 02018 {{Identical|First}}", 02019 'page_last' => "This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages which are lists of things in alphabetical order, e.g. the '[[Special:Categories|Categories]]' special page. It is followed by the message {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}. 02020 02021 {{Identical|Last}}", 02022 'histlegend' => 'Text in history page. 02023 02024 See also: 02025 * {{msg-mw|Cur}} 02026 * {{msg-mw|Last}} 02027 * {{msg-mw|Minoreditletter}}', 02028 'history-fieldset-title' => 'Fieldset label in the edit history pages.', 02029 'history-show-deleted' => 'CheckBox to show only per [[mw:Manual:RevisionDelete|RevisonDelete]] deleted versions. 02030 02031 Used in History and [[Special:Contributions]].', 02032 'histfirst' => 'This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Page History pages which are lists of things in date order, e.g. [{{canonicalurl:Support|action=history}} Page History of Support]. 02033 02034 It is followed by the message {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}. 02035 {{Identical|Oldest}}', 02036 'histlast' => 'This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Page History pages which are lists of things in date order, e.g. [{{canonicalurl:Support|action=history}} Page History of Support]. 02037 02038 It is followed by the message {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}. 02039 {{Identical|Newest}}', 02040 'historysize' => 'Parameters: 02041 * $1 - byte count, for PLURAL support', 02042 'historyempty' => 'Text in page history for empty page revisions 02043 02044 {{Identical|Empty}}', 02045 02046 # Revision feed 02047 'history-feed-title' => 'Used as title of the RSS/Atom feed for a page history. See [{{canonicalurl:Main_Page|feed=atom&action=history}} example].', 02048 'history-feed-description' => 'Used as subtitle (description) of the RSS/Atom feed for a page history. See [{{canonicalurl:Main_Page|feed=atom&action=history}} example].', 02049 'history-feed-item-nocomment' => 'Title for each revision when viewing the RSS/Atom feed for a page history. 02050 02051 Parameters: 02052 * $1 - username 02053 * $2 - date/time 02054 * $3 - (Optional) date 02055 * $4 - (Optional) time', 02056 'history-feed-empty' => 'Used as summary of the RSS/Atom feed for a page history when the feed is empty. 02057 See [{{canonicalurl:x|feed=atom&action=history}} example].', 02058 02059 # Revision deletion 02060 'rev-deleted-comment' => 'Apparently this can also be about the reason of a log action, not only an edit summary. See also: 02061 *{{msg-mw|revdelete-hide-comment}}', 02062 'rev-deleted-user' => 'See also: 02063 * {{msg-mw|Rev-deleted-event}}', 02064 'rev-deleted-event' => 'See also: 02065 * {{msg-mw|Rev-deleted-user}}', 02066 'rev-deleted-user-contribs' => 'Part of revision deletion.', 02067 'rev-deleted-text-permission' => '{{Related|Rev-deleted-text}}', 02068 'rev-deleted-text-unhide' => 'Parameters: 02069 * $1 - a HTML link to the revision 02070 {{Related|Rev-deleted-text}}', 02071 'rev-suppressed-text-unhide' => 'Parameters: 02072 * $1 - a HTML link to the revision 02073 {{Related|Rev-deleted-text}}', 02074 'rev-deleted-text-view' => 'This is an error message which appears if a user tries to view a past revision of a page, where the revision has been hidden from view, although later revisions of the page still exist.', 02075 'rev-suppressed-text-view' => '{{Related|Rev-deleted-text}}', 02076 'rev-deleted-no-diff' => 'See also: 02077 * {{msg-mw|Rev-suppressed-no-diff}}', 02078 'rev-suppressed-no-diff' => 'See also: 02079 * {{msg-mw|Rev-deleted-no-diff}}', 02080 'rev-deleted-unhide-diff' => 'Parameters: 02081 * $1 - a HTML link to the diff 02082 {{Related|Rev-deleted-diff}}', 02083 'rev-suppressed-unhide-diff' => 'Parameters: 02084 * $1 - a HTML link to the diff 02085 {{Related|Rev-deleted-diff}}', 02086 'rev-deleted-diff-view' => '{{Related|Rev-deleted-diff}}', 02087 'rev-suppressed-diff-view' => '{{Related|Rev-deleted-diff}}', 02088 'rev-delundel' => 'Link in page history for oversight (see also {{msg-mw|rev-showdeleted}})', 02089 'rev-showdeleted' => 'Link in page history for oversight (see also {{msg-mw|rev-delundel}}) 02090 {{Identical|Show}}', 02091 'revisiondelete' => '{{RevisionDelete}} 02092 02093 {{doc-special|RevisionDelete|unlisted=1}}', 02094 'revdelete-nooldid-title' => '{{RevisionDelete}}', 02095 'revdelete-nooldid-text' => '{{RevisionDelete}}', 02096 'revdelete-nologtype-title' => 'See also: 02097 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-nologtype-text}}', 02098 'revdelete-nologtype-text' => 'See also: 02099 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-nologtype-title}}', 02100 'revdelete-nologid-title' => 'See also: 02101 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-nologid-text}}', 02102 'revdelete-nologid-text' => 'See also: 02103 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-nologid-title}}', 02104 'revdelete-no-file' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:RevisionDelete]].', 02105 'revdelete-show-file-confirm' => 'A confirmation message shown on [[Special:Revisiondelete]] when the request does not contain a valid token (e.g. when a user clicks a link received in mail). 02106 02107 Parameters: 02108 * $1 - a file name 02109 * $2 - a date 02110 * $3 - a time 02111 {{Identical|Are you sure you want to view the deleted revision of the file...}}', 02112 'revdelete-show-file-submit' => 'Reply to {{msg-mw|Revdelete-show-file-confirm}}. 02113 02114 {{Identical|Yes}}', 02115 'revdelete-selected' => '{{RevisionDelete}} 02116 Parameters: 02117 * $1 - page title 02118 * $2 - number of revisions 02119 See also: 02120 * {{msg-mw|Logdelete-selected}} 02121 [[File:RevDelete Special-RevisionDelete (r60428).png|frame|center|Screenshot of the interface]]', 02122 'logdelete-selected' => '{{RevisionDelete}} 02123 Parameters: 02124 * $1 - number of log events 02125 See also: 02126 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-selected}}', 02127 'revdelete-text' => '{{RevisionDelete}} 02128 This is the introduction explaining the feature.', 02129 'revdelete-confirm' => 'This message is a part of the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature. 02130 02131 Refers to {{msg-mw|Policy-url}}. 02132 02133 See also: 02134 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-suppress}} 02135 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-suppress-text}} 02136 [[File:RevDelete Special-RevisionDelete (r60428).png|frame|center|Screenshot of the interface]]', 02137 'revdelete-suppress-text' => 'Used as usage text in [[Special:RevisionDelete]]. 02138 02139 See also: 02140 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-suppress}} 02141 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-confirm}}', 02142 'revdelete-legend' => '{{RevisionDelete}} 02143 Used as legend for the form. 02144 [[File:RevDelete Special-RevisionDelete (r60428).png|frame|center|Screenshot of the interface]] 02145 02146 See also: 02147 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-log|label for dropdown}} 02148 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-reason-dropdown|item list for dropdown|notext=1}} 02149 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-reasonotherlist|item in dropdown}} 02150 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-otherreason|label for input box}} 02151 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-submit|submit button}}', 02152 'revdelete-hide-text' => 'Option for oversight. This message is a part of the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature. 02153 [[File:RevDelete Special-RevisionDelete (r60428).png|frame|center|Screenshot of the interface]]', 02154 'revdelete-hide-image' => 'Option for <del>oversight</del> [[:mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature.', 02155 'revdelete-hide-name' => 'Option for oversight', 02156 'revdelete-hide-comment' => 'Option for oversight. {{RevisionDelete}} 02157 [[File:RevDelete Special-RevisionDelete (r60428).png|frame|center|Screenshot of the interface]]', 02158 'revdelete-hide-user' => 'Option for oversight. {{RevisionDelete}} 02159 [[File:RevDelete Special-RevisionDelete (r60428).png|frame|center|Screenshot of the interface]]', 02160 'revdelete-hide-restricted' => 'Option for oversight.', 02161 'revdelete-radio-same' => 'This message is a part of the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature. The message is a caption for a column of radioboxes inside a box with {{msg-mw|Revdelete-legend}} as a title. 02162 [[File:RevDelete Special-RevisionDelete (r60428).png|frame|center|Screenshot of the interface]] 02163 There are three radio buttons in each row, and the captions above each column read: 02164 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-radio-same}} 02165 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-radio-set}} 02166 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-radio-unset}}', 02167 'revdelete-radio-set' => 'This message is a part of the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature. The message is a caption for a column of radioboxes inside a box with {{msg-mw|Revdelete-legend}} as a title. 02168 [[File:RevDelete Special-RevisionDelete (r60428).png|frame|center|Screenshot of the interface]] 02169 There are three radio buttons in each row, and the captions above each column read: 02170 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-radio-same}} 02171 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-radio-set}} 02172 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-radio-unset}} 02173 {{Identical|Hidden}}', 02174 'revdelete-radio-unset' => 'This message is a part of the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature. The message is a caption for a column of radioboxes inside a box with {{msg-mw|Revdelete-legend}} as a title. 02175 [[File:RevDelete Special-RevisionDelete (r60428).png|frame|center|Screenshot of the interface]] 02176 There are three radio buttons in each row, and the captions above each column read: 02177 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-radio-same}} 02178 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-radio-set}} 02179 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-radio-unset}} 02180 {{Identical|Visible}}', 02181 'revdelete-suppress' => 'Option for oversight; used in [[Special:RevisionDelete]]. 02182 02183 See also: 02184 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-suppress-text}} 02185 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-confirm}}', 02186 'revdelete-unsuppress' => '{{RevisionDelete}}', 02187 'revdelete-log' => '{{Identical|Reason}} 02188 {{RevisionDelete}} 02189 Used as log comment text for oversight. 02190 [[File:RevDelete Special-RevisionDelete (r60428).png|frame|center|Screenshot of the interface]] 02191 02192 See also: 02193 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-legend|legend for the form}} 02194 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-reason-dropdown|item list for dropdown|notext=1}} 02195 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-reasonotherlist|item in dropdown}} 02196 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-otherreason|label for input box}} 02197 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-submit|submit button}}', 02198 'revdelete-submit' => '{{RevisionDelete}} 02199 This is the submit button on [[Special:RevisionDelete]]. Parameters: 02200 * $1 - number of revisions 02201 See also: 02202 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-legend|legend for the form}} 02203 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-log|label for dropdown}} 02204 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-reason-dropdown|item list for dropdown|notext=1}} 02205 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-reasonotherlist|item in dropdown}} 02206 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-otherreason|label for input box}} 02207 [[File:RevDelete Special-RevisionDelete (r60428).png|frame|center|Screenshot of the interface]]', 02208 'revdelete-success' => "{{RevisionDelete}} 02209 02210 Possible alternative text - 'Restrictions on the revision visibility were successfully changed.'", 02211 'revdelete-failure' => '{{RevisionDelete}} 02212 Possible alternative text - "Restrictions on the revision visibility could not be changed" 02213 02214 Parameters: 02215 * $1 - ...', 02216 'logdelete-success' => "{{RevisionDelete}} 02217 02218 Possible alternative message - 'Restrictions on log entry visibility successfully set.'", 02219 'logdelete-failure' => '{{RevisionDelete}} 02220 Possible alternative message - "Restrictions could not be set on the visibility of the log entry." 02221 02222 Parameters: 02223 * $1 - ...', 02224 'revdel-restore' => '{{RevisionDelete}}', 02225 'revdel-restore-deleted' => '{{RevisionDelete}}', 02226 'revdel-restore-visible' => '{{RevisionDelete}}', 02227 'pagehist' => '{{RevisionDelete}} 02228 Links to page history at Special:RevisionDelete header together with links to the logs and [[Special:Undelete]]. 02229 {{Identical|Page history}}', 02230 'deletedhist' => '{{RevisionDelete}} 02231 Links to [[Special:Undelete]] at [[Special:RevisionDelete]] header together with links to the logs and page history.', 02232 'revdelete-hide-current' => '{{RevisionDelete}} 02233 Parameters: 02234 * $1 is a date 02235 * $2 is a time', 02236 'revdelete-show-no-access' => '{{RevisionDelete}} 02237 Parameters: 02238 * $1 is a date 02239 * $2 is a time', 02240 'revdelete-modify-no-access' => '{{RevisionDelete}} 02241 Parameters: 02242 * $1 is a date 02243 * $2 is a time', 02244 'revdelete-modify-missing' => '{{RevisionDelete}} 02245 * $1 is a revision ID', 02246 'revdelete-no-change' => '{{RevisionDelete}} 02247 Parameters: 02248 * $1 is a date 02249 * $2 is a time', 02250 'revdelete-concurrent-change' => '{{RevisionDelete}} 02251 Parameters: 02252 * $1 is a date 02253 * $2 is a time', 02254 'revdelete-only-restricted' => '{{RevisionDelete}} 02255 Parameters: 02256 *$1 - date 02257 *$2 - time', 02258 'revdelete-reason-dropdown' => '{{RevisionDelete}} 02259 Used as item list for dropdown. 02260 [[File:RevDelete Special-RevisionDelete (r60428).png|frame|center|Screenshot of the interface]] 02261 02262 See also: 02263 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-legend|legend for the form}} 02264 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-log|label for dropdown}} 02265 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-reasonotherlist|item in dropdown}} 02266 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-otherreason|label for input box}} 02267 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-submit|submit button}}', 02268 'revdelete-otherreason' => '{{Identical|Other/additional reason}} 02269 {{RevisionDelete}} 02270 Used as label for input box. 02271 [[File:RevDelete Special-RevisionDelete (r60428).png|frame|center|Screenshot of the interface]] 02272 02273 See also: 02274 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-legend|legend for the form}} 02275 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-log|label for dropdown}} 02276 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-reason-dropdown|item list for dropdown|notext=1}} 02277 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-reasonotherlist|item in dropdown}} 02278 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-submit|submit button}}', 02279 'revdelete-reasonotherlist' => '{{Identical|Other reason}} 02280 {{RevisionDelete}} 02281 Used as an item in dropdown. 02282 [[File:RevDelete Special-RevisionDelete (r60428).png|frame|center|Screenshot of the interface]] 02283 02284 See also: 02285 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-legend|legend for the form}} 02286 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-log|label for dropdown}} 02287 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-reason-dropdown|item list for dropdown|notext=1}} 02288 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-otherreason|label for input box}} 02289 * {{msg-mw|Revdelete-submit|submit button}}', 02290 'revdelete-edit-reasonlist' => '{{Identical|Edit delete reasons}} 02291 {{RevisionDelete}} 02292 [[File:RevDelete Special-RevisionDelete (r60428).png|frame|center|Screenshot of the interface]]', 02293 'revdelete-offender' => 'Used as label for input box in the form.', 02294 02295 # Suppression log 02296 'suppressionlog' => '{{doc-logpage}} 02297 02298 Title of the suppression log. Shown in the drop down menu at [[Special:log]] and as header of [[Special:log/suppress]].', 02299 'suppressionlogtext' => 'Description text of the suppression log. Shown at top of [[Special:log/suppress]].', 02300 02301 # History merging 02302 'mergehistory' => '{{doc-special|MergeHistory}}', 02303 'mergehistory-header' => 'Used as header for Merge form in [[Special:MergeHistory]]. 02304 02305 See also: 02306 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-box}} 02307 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-from}} 02308 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-into}} 02309 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-go}}', 02310 'mergehistory-box' => 'Used as the legend for the Merge form in [[Special:MergeHistory]]. 02311 02312 See also: 02313 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-header}} 02314 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-from}} 02315 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-into}} 02316 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-go}}', 02317 'mergehistory-from' => 'Used as label for the Merge form in [[Special:MergeHistory]]. 02318 02319 See also: 02320 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-header}} 02321 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-box}} 02322 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-into}} 02323 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-go}}', 02324 'mergehistory-into' => 'Used as label for the Merge form in [[Special:MergeHistory]]. 02325 02326 See also: 02327 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-header}} 02328 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-box}} 02329 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-from}} 02330 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-go}}', 02331 'mergehistory-list' => 'Used as section header in [[Special:MergeHistory]].', 02332 'mergehistory-merge' => 'Used in [[Special:MergeHistory]]. 02333 * $1 - target page title 02334 * $2 - destination page title', 02335 'mergehistory-go' => 'Used as the label for Submit button in the Merge form, in [[Special:MergeHistory]]. 02336 02337 See also: 02338 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-header}} 02339 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-box}} 02340 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-from}} 02341 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-into}}', 02342 'mergehistory-submit' => 'Used as label for Submit button in [[Special:MergeHistory]].', 02343 'mergehistory-empty' => 'Used in [[Special:MergeHistory]].', 02344 'mergehistory-success' => 'Used in [[Special:MergeHistory]]. 02345 * $1 - target page title 02346 * $2 - destination page title 02347 * $3 - number of revisions which succeeded to merge', 02348 'mergehistory-fail' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:MergeHistory]].', 02349 'mergehistory-no-source' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:MergeHistory]]. 02350 * $1 - source page title 02351 See also: 02352 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-invalid-source}} 02353 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-invalid-destination}} 02354 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-no-destination}} 02355 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-same-destination}}', 02356 'mergehistory-no-destination' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:MergeHistory]]. 02357 * $1 - destination page title 02358 See also: 02359 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-invalid-source}} 02360 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-no-source}} 02361 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-invalid-destination}} 02362 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-same-destination}}', 02363 'mergehistory-invalid-source' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:MergeHistory]]. 02364 02365 See also: 02366 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-no-source}} 02367 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-invalid-destination}} 02368 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-no-destination}} 02369 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-same-destination}}', 02370 'mergehistory-invalid-destination' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:MergeHistory]]. 02371 02372 See also: 02373 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-invalid-source}} 02374 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-no-source}} 02375 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-no-destination}} 02376 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-same-destination}}', 02377 'mergehistory-autocomment' => 'This message is used as an edit summary when a redirect is automatically created after an entire page history is merged into another page history, and the user who did the merge wrote no comment. 02378 02379 Parameters: 02380 * $1 - the name of the redirect page which is created 02381 * $2 - the target of the redirect 02382 See also: 02383 * {{msg-mw|Mergehistory-comment}}', 02384 'mergehistory-comment' => 'This message is used as an edit summary when a redirect is automatically created after an entire page history is merged into another page history, and the user who did the merge wrote a comment. 02385 02386 Parameters: 02387 * $1 - the name of the redirect page which is created 02388 * $2 - the target of the redirect 02389 * $3 - a log comment for the merge 02390 See also: 02391 * {{msg-mw|Mergehistory-autocomment}}', 02392 'mergehistory-same-destination' => 'Error message shown on [[Special:MergeHistory]] when the user entered the same page title to both source and destination 02393 02394 See also: 02395 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-invalid-source}} 02396 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-no-source}} 02397 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-invalid-destination}} 02398 * {{msg-mw|mergehistory-no-destination}}', 02399 'mergehistory-reason' => '{{Identical|Reason}}', 02400 'mergehistory-revisionrow' => '{{Optional}} 02401 A revision row in the merge history page. Parameters: 02402 * $1 - a radio button to indicate a merge point 02403 * $2 - a link to the last revision of a page ({{msg-mw|Last}}) 02404 * $3 - a page link 02405 * $4 - a user link 02406 * $5 - a revision size 02407 * $6 - a revision comment', 02408 02409 # Merge log 02410 'mergelog' => '{{doc-logpage}} 02411 02412 This is the name of a log of merge actions done on [[Special:MergeHistory]]. This special page and this log is not enabled by default.', 02413 'pagemerge-logentry' => "This log message is used in a merge log entry. 02414 02415 Parameters: 02416 * $1 - the page name of the source of the content to be merged 02417 * $2 - the page into which the content is merged 02418 * $3 - a timestamp of limit 02419 02420 The log and its associated special page 'MergeHistory' is not enabled by default. 02421 02422 Please note that the parameters in a log entry will appear in the log only in the default language of the wiki. View [[Special:Log]] for examples on with English default language.", 02423 'revertmerge' => 'Used as link text', 02424 'mergelogpagetext' => 'Description of the [{{canonicalurl:Special:Log|type=merge&user=&page=&year=&month=-1}} merge log], on the log. The associated [[Special:MergeHistory|Merge]] special page is not enabled by default.', 02425 02426 # Diffs 02427 'history-title' => 'Displayed as page title when you click on the "history" tab. Parameters: 02428 * $1 - the normal page title', 02429 'difference-title' => 'Displayed as page title when viewing the difference between two edits of the same page. 02430 02431 Parameters: 02432 * $1 - the page title of the two revisions', 02433 'difference-title-multipage' => 'Displayed as page title when viewing the difference between two edits of different pages. 02434 02435 Parameters: 02436 * $1 - the page title of the old revision 02437 * $2 - the page title of the new revision', 02438 'difference-multipage' => 'Displayed under the title when viewing the difference between two or more pages. 02439 See also {{msg-mw|difference}}.', 02440 'lineno' => 'Message used when comparing different versions of a page (diff). $1 is a line number.', 02441 'compareselectedversions' => 'Used as button in history pages. 02442 02443 See also: 02444 * {{msg-mw|Compareselectedversions}} 02445 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-compareselectedversions}} 02446 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-compareselectedversions}}', 02447 'showhideselectedversions' => 'Text of the button which brings up the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] menu on history pages.', 02448 'editundo' => 'Undo link when viewing diffs 02449 02450 This message has sometimes a tooltip {{msg-mw|tooltip-undo}} 02451 {{Identical|Undo}}', 02452 'diff-multi' => "This message appears in the revision history of a page when comparing two versions which aren't consecutive. 02453 02454 Parameters: 02455 * $1 - the number of revisions 02456 * $2 - the number of distinct users who made those revisions 02457 See also: 02458 * {{msg-mw|Diff-multi-manyusers}}", 02459 'diff-multi-manyusers' => "This message appears in the revision history of a page when comparing two versions which aren't consecutive, and the intermediate revisions have been edited by more than 100 users. 02460 02461 Parameters: 02462 * $1 - the number of revisions, will always be 101 or more 02463 * $2 - the number of users that were found, which was limited at 100 02464 See also: 02465 * {{msg-mw|Diff-multi}}", 02466 'difference-missing-revision' => 'Text displayed when the requested revision does not exist using a diff link. 02467 02468 Example: [{{canonicalurl:Project:News|diff=426850&oldid=99999999}} Diff with invalid revision#] 02469 02470 * $1 is the list of missing revisions IDs 02471 * $2 is the number of items in $1 (one or two)', 02472 02473 # Search results 02474 'searchresults' => 'This is the title of the page that contains the results of a search. 02475 02476 {{Identical|Search results}}', 02477 'searchresults-title' => 'Appears as page title in the html header of the search result special page. 02478 02479 Parameters: 02480 * $1 - the search term', 02481 'searchresulttext' => '{{doc-important|Do not translate <code><nowiki>[[{{MediaWiki:Helppage}}|{{int:help}}]]</nowiki></code>.}} 02482 See also: 02483 * {{msg-mw|Helppage}} 02484 * {{msg-mw|Help}}', 02485 'searchsubtitle' => 'Refers to {{msg-mw|Pipe-separator}}. 02486 02487 Parameters: 02488 * $1 - search term 02489 See also: 02490 * {{msg-mw|Searchsubtitleinvalid}}', 02491 'searchsubtitleinvalid' => 'Parameters: 02492 * $1 - search term 02493 See also: 02494 * {{msg-mw|Searchsubtitle}}', 02495 'toomanymatches' => 'Used as section header in [[Special:Search]], when there are too many hits.', 02496 'titlematches' => 'Used as section header in [[Special:Search]]. 02497 02498 This message is followed by search results.', 02499 'notitlematches' => 'Header of results page after a search for a title for which no page exists', 02500 'textmatches' => 'When displaying search results', 02501 'notextmatches' => 'Error message when there are no results', 02502 'prevn' => "This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages (lists of things in alphabetical order, i.e. the '[[Special:Categories]]' page), where it is used as the first argument of {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}. 02503 It is also used by Category pages (which do ''not'' use {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}). 02504 {{PLURAL:$1|$1}} is the number of items shown per page. It is not used when {{PLURAL:$1|$1}} is zero; not sure what happens when {{PLURAL:$1|$1}} is one. 02505 [[Special:WhatLinksHere|Whatlinkshere]] pages use {{msg-mw|Whatlinkshere-prev}} instead (still as an argument to {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}). 02506 02507 {{Identical|Previous}}", 02508 'nextn' => "This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages (lists of things in alphabetical order, i.e. the '[[Special:Categories]]' page), where it is used as the second argument of {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}. 02509 02510 It is also used by Category pages (which do ''not'' use {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}). 02511 02512 Parameters: 02513 * $1 - the number of items shown per page. It is not used when $1 is zero; not sure what happens when $1 is one. 02514 [[Special:WhatLinksHere|Whatlinkshere]] pages use {{msg-mw|Whatlinkshere-next}} instead (still as an argument to {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}). 02515 02516 {{Identical|Next $1}}", 02517 'prevn-title' => 'Parameters: 02518 * $1 - number of search results 02519 See also: 02520 * {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}', 02521 'nextn-title' => 'Parameters: 02522 * $1 - number of search results 02523 See also: 02524 * {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}', 02525 'shown-title' => 'Parameters: 02526 * $1 - number of search results', 02527 'viewprevnext' => 'This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages which are lists of things, e.g. the User\'s contributions page (in date order) or the list of all categories (in alphabetical order). ($1) and ($2) are either {{msg-mw|Pager-older-n}} and {{msg-mw|Pager-newer-n}} (for date order) or {{msg-mw|Prevn}} and {{msg-mw|Nextn}} (for alphabetical order). 02528 02529 It is also used by [[Special:WhatLinksHere|Whatlinkshere]] pages, where ($1) and ($2) are {{msg-mw|Whatlinkshere-prev}} and {{msg-mw|Whatlinkshere-next}}. 02530 ($3) is made up in all cases of the various proposed numbers of results per page, e.g. "(20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)". 02531 For Special pages, the navigation bar is prefixed by "({{msg-mw|Page first}} | {{msg-mw|Page last}})" (alphabetical order) or "({{msg-mw|Histfirst}} | {{msg-mw|Histlast}})" (date order). 02532 02533 Viewprevnext is sometimes preceded by the {{msg-mw|Showingresults}} or {{msg-mw|Showingresultsnum}} message (for Special pages) or by the {{msg-mw|Linkshere}} message (for Whatlinkshere pages). 02534 02535 Refers to {{msg-mw|Pipe-separator}}.', 02536 'searchmenu-legend' => '{{Identical|Search options}}', 02537 'searchmenu-exists' => 'An option shown in a menu beside search form offering a link to the existing page having the specified title (when using the default MediaWiki search engine). 02538 02539 Parameters: 02540 * $1 - page title', 02541 'searchmenu-new' => 'An option shown in a menu beside search form offering a red link to the not yet existing page having the specified title (when using the default MediaWiki search engine). 02542 02543 Parameters: 02544 * $1 - page title', 02545 'searchhelp-url' => 'Description: The URL of the search help page. 02546 {{doc-important|Do not change the "<tt>Help:</tt>" part.}} 02547 {{Identical|HelpContent}}', 02548 'searchmenu-prefix' => '{{doc-important|Do not translate "Special:PrefixIndex"}} 02549 Parameters: 02550 * $1 - prefix string', 02551 'searchprofile-articles' => "A quick link in the advanced search box on [[Special:Search]]. Clicking on this link starts a search in the content pages of the wiki. 02552 02553 A 'content page' is a page that forms part of the purpose of the wiki. It includes the main page and pages in the main namespace and any other namespaces that are included when the wiki is customised. For example on Wikimedia Commons 'content pages' include pages in the file and category namespaces. On Wikinews 'content pages' include pages in the Portal namespace. For technical definition of 'content namespaces' see [[mw:Manual:Using_custom_namespaces#Content_namespaces|MediaWiki]]. 02554 02555 Possible alternatives to the word 'content' are 'subject matter' or 'wiki subject' or 'wiki purpose'. 02556 02557 {{Identical|Content page}}", 02558 'searchprofile-project' => 'Used as an option in [[Special:Search]]. 02559 02560 See also: 02561 * {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-project|message}} 02562 * {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-project-tooltip|tooltip}}', 02563 'searchprofile-images' => 'An option in the [[Special:Search]]. 02564 02565 See also: 02566 * {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-images|message}} 02567 * {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-images-tooltip|tooltip}} 02568 {{Identical|Muitimedia}}', 02569 'searchprofile-everything' => 'Used as an option in [[Special:Search]]. 02570 02571 See also: 02572 * {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-everything|message}} 02573 * {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-everything-tooltip|tooltip}}', 02574 'searchprofile-advanced' => 'Used as an option in [[Special:Search]]. 02575 02576 See also: 02577 * {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-advanced|message}} 02578 * {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-advanced-tooltip|tooltip}} 02579 {{Identical|Advanced}}', 02580 'searchprofile-articles-tooltip' => 'Used as tooltip for the option {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-articles}} in [[Special:Search]]. 02581 * $1 - list of namespaces 02582 See also: 02583 * {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-articles|message}} 02584 * {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-articles-tooltip|tooltip}} 02585 {{Identical|Search in $1}}', 02586 'searchprofile-project-tooltip' => 'Used as tooltip for the option {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-project}} in [[Special:Search]]. 02587 * $1 - list of namespaces 02588 See also: 02589 * {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-project|message}} 02590 * {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-project-tooltip|tooltip}} 02591 {{Identical|Search in $1}}', 02592 'searchprofile-images-tooltip' => 'Used as tooltip for the option {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-images}} in the [[Special:Search]]. 02593 See also: 02594 * {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-images|message}} 02595 * {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-images-tooltip|tooltip}}', 02596 'searchprofile-everything-tooltip' => 'Used as tooltip for the option {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-everything}} in [[Special:Search]]. 02597 02598 See also: 02599 * {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-everything|message}} 02600 * {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-everything-tooltip|tooltip}}', 02601 'searchprofile-advanced-tooltip' => 'Used as tooltip for the option {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-advanced}} in [[Special:Search]]. 02602 02603 See also: 02604 * {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-advanced|message}} 02605 * {{msg-mw|Searchprofile-advanced-tooltip|tooltip}}', 02606 'search-result-size' => 'Shown per line of a [[Special:Search|search result]] 02607 * $1 - the size of the page in bytes, but no need to add "byte" or similar as the unit is added by special function 02608 * $2 - the sum of all words in this page', 02609 'search-result-category-size' => 'Parameters: 02610 * $1 - number of members in this category. $1 is equal to $2+$3. 02611 * $2 - number of subcategories 02612 * $3 - number of files', 02613 'search-result-score' => 'Shown per line of a [[Special:Search|search result]]. Parameters: 02614 * $1 - the relevance of this result in percent 02615 {{Identical|Relevance: $1%}}', 02616 'search-redirect' => "\"Redirect\" is a noun here, not a verb. 02617 02618 Parameters: 02619 * \$1 - a link to the redirect to the page (so, \$1 is the page that the search result is redirected '''from''')", 02620 'search-section' => 'This text will be shown on the search result listing after the page title of a result if the search algorithm thinks that section is more relevant than the rest of the page. $1 is a section title. 02621 {{Identical|Section}}', 02622 'search-suggest' => 'Used for "Did you mean" suggestions: 02623 * $1 - suggested link', 02624 'search-interwiki-caption' => 'Used in [[Special:Search]], when showing search results from other wikis.', 02625 'search-interwiki-default' => 'Parameters: 02626 * $1 - the hostname of the remote wiki from where the additional results listed below are returned', 02627 'search-interwiki-more' => '{{Identical|More}}', 02628 'search-relatedarticle' => 'This is a search result (and I guess search engine) dependent messages. I do not know how to trigger the feature. The message is displayed if the search result contains information that related pages can also be provided from the search engine. I assume this is "More Like This" functionality. Microsoft glossary defines MLT as "A way to refine search by identifying the right set of documents and then locating similar documents. This allows the searcher to control the direction of the search and focus on the most fruitful lines of inquiry."[] 02629 {{Identical|Related}}', 02630 'mwsuggest-disable' => "The text of an option on the 'search options' tab of a user's Preferences.", 02631 'searcheverything-enable' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Search".', 02632 'searchrelated' => 'This is a search result (and I guess search engine) dependent messages. I do not know how to trigger the feature. The message is displayed if the search result contains information that related pages can also be provided from the search engine. I assume this is "More Like This" functionality. Microsoft glossary defines MLT as "A way to refine search by identifying the right set of documents and then locating similar documents. This allows the searcher to control the direction of the search and focus on the most fruitful lines of inquiry."[] 02633 {{Identical|Related}}', 02634 'searchall' => '{{Identical|All}}', 02635 'showingresults' => 'This message is used on some special pages such as [[Special:WantedCategories]]. Parameters: 02636 * $1 - the total number of results in the batch shown 02637 * $2 - the number of the first item listed 02638 See also: 02639 * {{msg-mw|Showingresultsnum}}', 02640 'showingresultsnum' => 'Parameters: 02641 * $1 - (Unused) the total number of results in the batch shown 02642 * $2 - the first number in the batch of results 02643 * $3 - the number of results on the page 02644 See also: 02645 * {{msg-mw|Showingresults}}', 02646 'showingresultsheader' => 'Used in search results of [[Special:Search]]. Parameters: 02647 * $1 - minimum offset 02648 * $2 - maximum offset 02649 * $3 - total number of results 02650 * $4 - the search term 02651 * $5 - number of results', 02652 'nonefound' => 'This message appears on the search results page if no results are found. 02653 {{doc-important|Do not translate "all:".}}', 02654 'search-nonefound' => 'Message shown when a search returned no results (when using the default MediaWiki search engine).', 02655 'powersearch' => 'Verb. Text of search button at the bottom of [[Special:Search]], for searching in selected namespaces. 02656 02657 {{Identical|Advanced search}}', 02658 'powersearch-legend' => 'Advanced search 02659 02660 {{Identical|Advanced search}}', 02661 'powersearch-ns' => 'Used in the extended search form at [[Special:Search]]', 02662 'powersearch-redir' => 'Used in the extended search form at [[Special:Search]]', 02663 'powersearch-field' => 'Used in the extended search form at [[Special:Search]]', 02664 'powersearch-togglelabel' => 'Used in [{{canonicalurl:Special:Search|advanced=1}} Advanced search]. Synonym: "Select" as verb. 02665 {{Identical|Check}}', 02666 'powersearch-toggleall' => '"All" refers to namespaces. It is used in Advanced search: {{canonicalurl:Special:Search|advanced=1}} 02667 {{Identical|All}}', 02668 'powersearch-togglenone' => '"None" refers to namespaces. It is used in Advanced search: {{canonicalurl:Special:Search|advanced=1}} 02669 {{Identical|None}}', 02670 'search-external' => 'Legend of the fieldset for the input form when the internal search is disabled. Inside the fieldset [[MediaWiki:Searchdisabled]] and [[MediaWiki:Googlesearch]] is shown.', 02671 'searchdisabled' => '{{doc-singularthey}} 02672 In this sentence, "their indexes" refers to "Google\'s indexes". 02673 02674 Shown on [[Special:Search]] when the internal search is disabled.', 02675 02676 # Quickbar 02677 'qbsettings' => 'The title of the section in [[Special:Preferences]], only shown when using the skins "Standard/Classic" or "Cologne Blue". The quicbar is the same as the sidebar.', 02678 'qbsettings-none' => '{{Identical|None}}', 02679 'qbsettings-fixedleft' => 'Position of the quickbar (sidebar). Used in the preferences.', 02680 'qbsettings-fixedright' => 'Position of the quickbar (sidebar). Used in the preferences.', 02681 'qbsettings-floatingleft' => 'Position of the quickbar (sidebar). Used in the preferences.', 02682 'qbsettings-floatingright' => 'Position of the quickbar (sidebar). Used in the preferences.', 02683 'qbsettings-directionality' => '"Fixed", as in the position "fixed left or right". For left-to-right languages, the quickbar will be positioned at the left, for right-to-left languages at the right.', 02684 02685 # Preferences page 02686 'preferences' => 'Title of the [[Special:Preferences]] page. 02687 {{Identical|Preferences}}', 02688 'mypreferences' => 'Action link label that leads to [[Special:Preferences]]; appears in the top menu (e.g. "Username Talk Preferences Watchlist Contributions Log out"). 02689 02690 See also: 02691 * {{msg-mw|Mypreferences}} 02692 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-pt-preferences}} 02693 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-pt-preferences}} 02694 {{Identical|Preferences}}', 02695 'prefs-edits' => 'In user preferences.', 02696 'prefsnologin' => '{{Identical|Not logged in}}', 02697 'prefsnologintext' => 'Parameters: 02698 * $1 - URI for "returnto" argument', 02699 'changepassword' => "Section heading on [[Special:Preferences]], tab 'User profile'. 02700 {{Identical|Change password}}", 02701 'prefs-skin' => 'Used in user preferences. 02702 {{Identical|Skin}}', 02703 'skin-preview' => '{{doc-actionlink}} 02704 The link beside each skin name in [[Special:Preferences|your user preferences]], tab "skin". 02705 {{Identical|Preview}}', 02706 'datedefault' => 'Used as checkbox label in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-datetime|user preferences]], {{msg-mw|prefs-datetime}} tab. 02707 02708 This message indicates {{msg-mw|prefs-dateformat}} is default (= not specified).', 02709 'prefs-beta' => "Header of a subsection at [[Special:Preferences]], tab ''{{int:prefs-editing}}'', listing features that are in beta but mostly suitable for general use. 02710 {{Identical|Beta feature}}", 02711 'prefs-datetime' => '{{Identical|Date}}', 02712 'prefs-labs' => "Header of a subsection at [[Special:Preferences]], tab ''{{int:prefs-editing}}'', listing features that are experimental", 02713 'prefs-user-pages' => "Header of a subsection at [[Special:Preferences]], tab ''{{int:prefs-misc}}'', listing features that are related to user pages", 02714 'prefs-personal' => 'Title of a tab in [[Special:Preferences]]. 02715 {{Identical|User profile}}', 02716 'prefs-rc' => 'Used in user preferences. 02717 02718 {{Identical|Recent changes}}', 02719 'prefs-watchlist' => 'Used in user preferences. 02720 {{Identical|Watchlist}}', 02721 'prefs-watchlist-days' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Watchlist".', 02722 'prefs-watchlist-days-max' => 'Shown as hint in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Watchlist". Parameters: 02723 * $1 - number of days 02724 See also: 02725 * {{msg-mw|Recentchangesdays-max}}', 02726 'prefs-watchlist-edits' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Watchlist".', 02727 'prefs-watchlist-edits-max' => 'Shown as hint in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Watchlist"', 02728 'prefs-watchlist-token' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab Watchlist.', 02729 'prefs-misc' => 'Tab used on the [[Special:Preferences|user preferences]] special page.', 02730 'prefs-resetpass' => 'Button on user data tab in user preferences. When you click the button you go to the special page [[Special:ResetPass]]. 02731 02732 {{Identical|Change password}}', 02733 'prefs-changeemail' => 'Link on [[Special:Preferences]] to [[Special:ChangeEmail]]. 02734 02735 See also: 02736 * {{msg-mw|prefs-help-email-required|help}} 02737 * {{msg-mw|prefs-help-email|help}} 02738 * {{msg-mw|prefs-help-email-others|help}} 02739 * {{msg-mw|prefs-setemail|link title}}', 02740 'prefs-setemail' => 'Used as link title in [[Special:Preferences]], if the user has not set E-mail address yet. 02741 02742 See also: 02743 * {{msg-mw|prefs-help-email-required|help}} 02744 * {{msg-mw|prefs-help-email|help}} 02745 * {{msg-mw|prefs-help-email-others|help}} 02746 * {{msg-mw|prefs-changeemail|link title}}', 02747 'prefs-email' => 'Used as section name in [[Special:Preferences]].', 02748 'prefs-rendering' => 'Title of tab in [[Special:Preferences]]. 02749 {{Identical|Appearance}}', 02750 'saveprefs' => 'Button for saving changes in the preferences page. 02751 02752 See also: 02753 * {{msg-mw|Saveprefs}} 02754 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-preferences-save}} 02755 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-preferences-save}} 02756 {{Identical|Save}}', 02757 'resetprefs' => 'Button for resetting changes in the preferences page.', 02758 'restoreprefs' => 'Used as link text in [[Special:Preferences]]. The link points to [[Special:Preferences/reset]] which shows the "Restore all default settings" form. 02759 02760 Also used as label for the Submit button in [[Special:Preferences/reset]].', 02761 'prefs-editing' => 'Title of a tab in [[Special:Preferences]]. 02762 When changing this message, please also update {{msg-mw|vector-editwarning-warning}} which references to this message. 02763 {{Identical|Editing}}', 02764 'prefs-edit-boxsize' => 'Used on [[Special:Preferences]].', 02765 'rows' => 'Used on [[Special:Preferences]], "Editing" section in the "Size of editing window" fieldset. 02766 {{Identical|Row}}', 02767 'columns' => 'Used on [[Special:Preferences]], "Editing" section in the "Size of editing window" fieldset. 02768 {{Identical|Column}}', 02769 'searchresultshead' => 'This is the label of the tab in [[Special:Preferences|my preferences]] which contains options for searching the wiki. 02770 02771 {{Identical|Search}}', 02772 'resultsperpage' => "Option on the 'Search options' tab of [[Special:Preferences]]", 02773 'stub-threshold' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Misc".', 02774 'stub-threshold-disabled' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]]. 02775 {{Identical|Disabled}}', 02776 'recentchangesdays' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Recent changes".', 02777 'recentchangesdays-max' => 'Shown as hint in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Recent changes". Parameters: 02778 * $1 - number of days 02779 See also: 02780 * {{msg-mw|Prefs-watchlist-days-max}}', 02781 'recentchangescount' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Recent changes".', 02782 'prefs-help-recentchangescount' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Recent changes".', 02783 'prefs-help-watchlist-token' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab Watchlist.', 02784 'savedprefs' => 'This message appears after saving changes to your user preferences.', 02785 'timezonelegend' => '{{Identical|Time zone}}', 02786 'localtime' => 'Used as label in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-datetime|preferences]].', 02787 'timezoneuseserverdefault' => '[[Special:Preferences]] > Date and time > Time zone 02788 02789 This option lets your time zone setting use the one that is used on the wiki (often UTC). 02790 02791 Parameters: 02792 * $1 - timezone name, or timezone offset (in "%+03d:%02d" format)', 02793 'timezoneuseoffset' => 'Used in "Time zone" listbox in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-datetime|preferences]], "date and time" tab.', 02794 'timezoneoffset' => "Text next to input box in [[Special:Preferences]], tab 'date and time', section 'timezone'.", 02795 'servertime' => 'Used as label in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-datetime|preferences]].', 02796 'guesstimezone' => 'Option to fill in the timezone from the browser setting', 02797 'timezoneregion-africa' => 'Used in "Time zone" listbox in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-datetime|preferences]], "date and time" tab. 02798 {{Related|Timezoneregion}}', 02799 'timezoneregion-america' => 'Used in "Time zone" listbox in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-datetime|preferences]], "date and time" tab. 02800 {{Related|Timezoneregion}}', 02801 'timezoneregion-antarctica' => 'Used in "Time zone" listbox in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-datetime|preferences]], "date and time" tab. 02802 {{Related|Timezoneregion}}', 02803 'timezoneregion-arctic' => 'Used in "Time zone" listbox in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-datetime|preferences]], "date and time" tab. 02804 {{Related|Timezoneregion}}', 02805 'timezoneregion-asia' => 'Used in "Time zone" listbox in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-datetime|preferences]], "date and time" tab. 02806 {{Related|Timezoneregion}}', 02807 'timezoneregion-atlantic' => 'Used in "Time zone" listbox in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-datetime|preferences]], "date and time" tab. 02808 {{Related|Timezoneregion}}', 02809 'timezoneregion-australia' => 'Used in "Time zone" listbox in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-datetime|preferences]], "date and time" tab. 02810 {{Related|Timezoneregion}} 02811 {{Identical|Australia}}', 02812 'timezoneregion-europe' => 'Used in "Time zone" listbox in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-datetime|preferences]], "date and time" tab. 02813 {{Related|Timezoneregion}}', 02814 'timezoneregion-indian' => 'Used in "Time zone" listbox in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-datetime|preferences]], "date and time" tab. 02815 {{Related|Timezoneregion}}', 02816 'timezoneregion-pacific' => 'Used in "Time zone" listbox in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-datetime|preferences]], "date and time" tab. 02817 {{Related|Timezoneregion}}', 02818 'allowemail' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]] > {{int:prefs-personal}} > {{int:email}}.', 02819 'prefs-searchoptions' => '{{Identical|Search}}', 02820 'prefs-namespaces' => "Shown as legend of the second fieldset of the tab 'Search' in [[Special:Preferences]] 02821 {{Identical|Namespaces}}", 02822 'defaultns' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Search".', 02823 'default' => '{{Identical|Default}}', 02824 'prefs-files' => 'Title of a tab in [[Special:Preferences]]. 02825 {{Identical|File}}', 02826 'prefs-custom-css' => 'visible on [[Special:Preferences]] -[Skins].', 02827 'prefs-custom-js' => 'visible on [[Special:Preferences]] -[Skins].', 02828 'prefs-common-css-js' => 'Used as label in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-rendering|preferences]], tab "Appearance", section "Skin".', 02829 'prefs-reset-intro' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences/reset]].', 02830 'prefs-emailconfirm-label' => 'Sub-heading in [[Special:Preferences]] > {{int:prefs-personal}} > {{int:email}}.', 02831 'prefs-textboxsize' => "Header for the box specifying the size of the editing window, displayed on the 'editing' tab of the [[Special:Preferences|user preferences]] special page.", 02832 'youremail' => 'Label of the e-mail text box of the "E-mail options" section of [[Special:Preferences]]. 02833 Also used on create account form. 02834 02835 {{Identical|E-mail}}', 02836 'username' => '{{Identical|Username}}', 02837 'uid' => '{{Identical|User ID}}', 02838 'prefs-memberingroups' => 'This message is shown on [[Special:Preferences]], first tab. See also {{msg-mw|prefs-memberingroups-type}}.', 02839 'prefs-memberingroups-type' => '{{optional}} 02840 Parameters: 02841 * $1 is list of group names 02842 * $2 is list of group member names. Label for these is {{msg-mw|prefs-memberingroups}}.', 02843 'prefs-registration' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]].', 02844 'prefs-registration-date-time' => '{{optional}} 02845 Used in [[Special:Preferences]]. Parameters are: 02846 * $1 date and time of registration 02847 * $2 date of registration 02848 * $3 time of registration', 02849 'yourrealname' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], first tab. 02850 {{Identical|Real name}}', 02851 'yourlanguage' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], first tab. 02852 {{Identical|Language}}', 02853 'yourvariant' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], first tab, when the wiki content language has variants only.', 02854 'prefs-help-variant' => 'Explanation of the LanguageConverter feature. It is shown next to a dropdown box where you can choose a variant to convert content to (e.g. Serbian Latin vs. Serbian Cyrillic, or Chinese Traditional vs. Chinese Simplified).', 02855 'yournick' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], first tab. 02856 02857 {{Identical|Signature}}', 02858 'prefs-help-signature' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab User profile.', 02859 'badsig' => 'Error message displayed when entering invalid signature in user preferences', 02860 'badsiglength' => 'Warning message that is displayed on [[Special:Preferences]] when trying to save a signature that is too long. 02861 02862 Parameters 02863 * $1 - the maximum number of characters that is allowed in a signature (multi-byte characters are counted as one character)', 02864 'yourgender' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], first tab, in the Internationalisation section. 02865 This may be customized for other languages. This should sound like a question, the answer to which can be selected in one of these: 02866 * {{msg-mw|gender-unknown}} 02867 * {{msg-mw|gender-male}} 02868 * {{msg-mw|gender-female}} 02869 The idea is that this preference is used for speaking to the user and about the user, and the label and the preference are supposed to demonstrate it.', 02870 'gender-unknown' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], first tab, as one of the selectable options of the {{msg-mw|Yourgender}} prompt. Choosing it indicates that the grammatical gender of the user name is not to be made public, cannot be determined, or matches none of the other choices preset in the select. 02871 02872 This may appropriately customized for your language. It should sound like a reply to {{msg-mw|yourgender}}.', 02873 'gender-male' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], first tab, as one of the selectable options of the {{msg-mw|Yourgender}} prompt. 02874 Choosing it indicates that the grammatical gender of the user name should be "male" for those languages having a "normal" male grammatical gender. 02875 02876 You have to customize this example for your language if needed to have a sentence which varies depending on the grammatical gender. 02877 The wording must demonstrate the actual usage of the option. It should sound like a reply to {{msg-mw|Yourgender}}. 02878 02879 For example, if the verb "I edit" in your language is different in masculine and feminine, translate "I edit" in masculine here. 02880 If your language does not make a distinction at all, use sentences like "he is male/a man".', 02881 'gender-female' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], first tab, as one of the selectable options of the {{msg-mw|Yourgender}} prompt. 02882 Choosing it indicates that the grammatical gender of the user name should be "female" for those languages having a "normal" female grammatical gender. 02883 02884 You have to customize this example for your language if needed to have a sentence which varies depending on the grammatical gender. 02885 The wording must demonstrate the actual usage of the option. It should sound like a reply to {{msg-mw|Yourgender}}. 02886 02887 For example, if the verb "I edit" in your language is different in masculine and feminine, translate "I edit" in feminine here. 02888 If your language does not make a distinction at all, use sentences like "she is female/woman".', 02889 'prefs-help-gender' => 'Used as additional description for {{msg-mw|yourgender}} field in [[Special:Preferences]], section {{msg-mw|prefs-i18n}}.', 02890 'email' => '{{Identical|E-mail}}', 02891 'prefs-help-realname' => 'In user preferences. 02892 {{Identical|Real name attribution}}', 02893 'prefs-help-email' => 'Shown as explanation text on [[Special:Preferences]] > {{int:prefs-personal}} > {{int:email}}. 02894 02895 See also: 02896 * {{msg-mw|prefs-help-email-required|help}} 02897 * {{msg-mw|prefs-help-email-others|help}} 02898 * {{msg-mw|prefs-changeemail|link title}} 02899 * {{msg-mw|prefs-setemail|link title}}', 02900 'prefs-help-email-others' => 'This text is shown on account creation, below the description of the e-mail address field (which is optional). 02901 02902 See also: 02903 * {{msg-mw|prefs-help-email-required|help}} 02904 * {{msg-mw|prefs-help-email|help}} 02905 * {{msg-mw|prefs-changeemail|link title}} 02906 * {{msg-mw|prefs-setemail|link title}}', 02907 'prefs-help-email-required' => 'Shown as explanation text on [[Special:Preferences]] > {{int:prefs-personal}} > {{int:email}}. 02908 02909 See also: 02910 * {{msg-mw|prefs-help-email|help}} 02911 * {{msg-mw|prefs-help-email-others|help}} 02912 * {{msg-mw|prefs-changeemail|link title}} 02913 * {{msg-mw|prefs-setemail|link title}}', 02914 'prefs-info' => "Header for the box giving basic information on the user account, displayed on the 'user profile' tab of the [[Special:Preferences|user preferences]] special page. 02915 {{Identical|Basic information}}", 02916 'prefs-i18n' => 'Field set legend for user preferences regarding the interface language', 02917 'prefs-signature' => '{{Identical|Signature}}', 02918 'prefs-dateformat' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-datetime|Special:Preferences]], tab "Date and time". 02919 {{Identical|Date format}}', 02920 'prefs-timeoffset' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Date and time".', 02921 'prefs-advancedediting' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Editing". 02922 This used to say "Advanced options", the key name is a left over from that.', 02923 'prefs-advancedrc' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Recent changes". 02924 {{Identical|Advanced options}}', 02925 'prefs-advancedrendering' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Appearence". 02926 {{Identical|Advanced options}}', 02927 'prefs-advancedsearchoptions' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Search options". 02928 {{Identical|Advanced options}}', 02929 'prefs-advancedwatchlist' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Watchlist". 02930 {{Identical|Advanced options}}', 02931 'prefs-displayrc' => '"Display" is a noun that specifies the kind of "options". So translate as "options about display", not as "display the options". 02932 02933 Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Recent changes". The display options refer to: 02934 * {{msg-mw|Recentchangesdays}} 02935 * {{msg-mw|Recentchangescount}}', 02936 'prefs-displaysearchoptions' => '"Display" is a noun that specifies the kind of "options". So translate as "options about display", not as "display the options". 02937 02938 Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Search options". The display options refer to: 02939 * {{msg-mw|Vector-simplesearch-preference}}', 02940 'prefs-displaywatchlist' => '"Display" is a noun that specifies the kind of "options". So translate as "options about display", not as "display the options". 02941 02942 Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Watchlist". The display options refer to: 02943 * {{msg-mw|Prefs-watchlist-days}} 02944 * {{msg-mw|Prefs-watchlist-edits}}', 02945 'prefs-diffs' => 'Used in [[Special:Preferences]], tab "Misc".', 02946 02947 # User preference: email validation using jQuery 02948 'email-address-validity-valid' => 'Used as hint for {{msg-mw|changeemail-newemail}} field in [[Special:ChangeEmail]], when the provided E-mail address is valid.', 02949 'email-address-validity-invalid' => 'Used as warning for {{msg-mw|changeemail-newemail}} field in [[Special:ChangeEmail]], when the provided E-mail address is invalid.', 02950 02951 # User rights 02952 'userrights' => 'Page title of [[Special:UserRights]].', 02953 'userrights-lookup-user' => 'Label text when managing user rights ([[Special:UserRights]])', 02954 'userrights-user-editname' => 'Displayed on [[Special:UserRights]].', 02955 'editusergroup' => 'Button name, in page [[Special:Userrights]] (only available to administrators), in the section named {{MediaWiki:userrights-lookup-user}}. 02956 02957 {{Identical|Edit user groups}}', 02958 'editinguser' => 'Appears on [[Special:UserRights]]. Parameters: 02959 * $1 - a username 02960 * $2 - user tool links. e.g. "(Talk | contribs | block | send email)"', 02961 'userrights-editusergroup' => 'Parameter: 02962 * $1 - (Optional) a username, can be used for GENDER 02963 {{Identical|Edit user groups}}', 02964 'saveusergroups' => 'Button text when editing user groups', 02965 'userrights-groupsmember' => 'Used when editing user groups in [[Special:Userrights]]. 02966 02967 The message is followed by a list of group names. 02968 02969 Parameters: 02970 * $1 - (Optional) the number of items in the list following the message, for PLURAL 02971 * $2 - (Optional) the user name, for GENDER', 02972 'userrights-groupsmember-auto' => 'Used when editing user groups in [[Special:Userrights]]. The message is followed by a list of group names. 02973 02974 "Implicit" is for groups that the user was automatically added to (such as "autoconfirmed"); cf. {{msg-mw|userrights-groupsmember}} 02975 02976 Parameters: 02977 * $1 - (Optional) the number of items in the list following the message, for PLURAL 02978 * $2 - (Optional) the user name, for GENDER', 02979 'userrights-groups-help' => 'Instructions displayed on [[Special:UserRights]]. Parameters: 02980 * $1 - (Optional) a username, can be used for GENDER', 02981 'userrights-reason' => 'Text beside log field when editing user groups 02982 02983 {{Identical|Reason}}', 02984 'userrights-no-interwiki' => 'Error message when editing user groups', 02985 'userrights-nodatabase' => 'Error message when editing user groups. 02986 02987 "Local" means databases/wikis of the same farm/cluster; that is, meta, enwiki, dewiki, commons, etc are all local databases of the Wikimedia Foundation. 02988 02989 See [{{canonicalurl:meta:Special:Log|type=rights}} meta:Special:Log?type=rights] for a usage of local databases: username@barwiki 02990 02991 Parameters: 02992 * $1 - database name', 02993 'userrights-nologin' => "Error displayed on [[Special:UserRights]] when you aren't logged in. 02994 02995 If you are logged in, but don't have the correct permission, you see {{msg-mw|Userrights-notallowed}}.", 02996 'userrights-notallowed' => "Error displayed on [[Special:UserRights]] when you don't have the permission.", 02997 'userrights-changeable-col' => 'Used when editing user groups in [[Special:Userrights]]. 02998 02999 The message is the head of a column of group assignments. 03000 03001 Parameters: 03002 * $1 - (Optional) for PLURAL use, the number of items in the column following the message. Avoid PLURAL, if your language can do without.', 03003 'userrights-unchangeable-col' => 'Used when editing user groups in [[Special:Userrights]]. The message is the head of a column of group assignments. 03004 03005 Parameters: 03006 * $1 - (Optional) for PLURAL use, the number of items in the column following the message. Avoid PLURAL, if your language allows that.', 03007 'userrights-irreversible-marker' => '{{optional}} 03008 Parameters: 03009 * $1 - group member', 03010 03011 # Groups 03012 'group' => '{{Identical|Group}}', 03013 'group-user' => '{{doc-group|user}} 03014 {{Identical|User}}', 03015 'group-autoconfirmed' => '{{doc-group|autoconfirmed}} 03016 On Wikimedia sites autoconfirmed users are users which are older than 4 days. After those 4 days, they have more rights.', 03017 'group-bot' => '{{doc-group|bot}}', 03018 'group-sysop' => '{{doc-group|sysop}}', 03019 'group-bureaucrat' => '{{doc-group|bureaucrat}}', 03020 'group-suppress' => '{{doc-group|suppress}} 03021 This is an optional (disabled by default) user group, meant for the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature, to change the visibility of revisions through [[Special:RevisionDelete]]. 03022 03023 {{Identical|Oversight}}', 03024 'group-all' => 'The name of the user group that contains all users, including anonymous users 03025 03026 {{Identical|All}}', 03027 03028 'group-user-member' => '{{doc-group|user|member}}', 03029 'group-autoconfirmed-member' => '{{doc-group|autoconfirmed|member}}', 03030 'group-bot-member' => '{{doc-group|bot|member}}', 03031 'group-sysop-member' => '{{doc-group|sysop|member}}', 03032 'group-bureaucrat-member' => '{{doc-group|bureaucrat|member}}', 03033 'group-suppress-member' => '{{doc-group|suppress|member}} 03034 This is a member of the optional (disabled by default) user group, meant for the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature, to change the visibility of revisions through [[Special:RevisionDelete]]. 03035 03036 {{Identical|Oversight}}', 03037 03038 'grouppage-user' => '{{doc-group|user|page}}', 03039 'grouppage-autoconfirmed' => '{{doc-group|autoconfirmed|page}}', 03040 'grouppage-bot' => '{{doc-group|bot|page}}', 03041 'grouppage-sysop' => '{{doc-group|sysop|page}}', 03042 'grouppage-bureaucrat' => '{{doc-group|bureaucrat|page}}', 03043 'grouppage-suppress' => '{{doc-group|suppress|page}} 03044 {{Identical|Oversight}}', 03045 03046 # Rights 03047 'right-read' => '{{doc-right|read}} 03048 Basic right to read any page.', 03049 'right-edit' => '{{doc-right|edit}} 03050 Basic right to edit pages that are not protected. 03051 {{Identical|Edit page}}', 03052 'right-createpage' => '{{doc-right|createpage}} 03053 Basic right to create pages. The right to edit discussion/talk pages is {{msg-mw|right-createtalk}}.', 03054 'right-createtalk' => '{{doc-right|createtalk}} 03055 Basic right to create discussion/talk pages. The right to edit other pages is {{msg-mw|right-createpage}}.', 03056 'right-createaccount' => '{{doc-right|createaccount}} 03057 The right to [[Special:CreateAccount|create a user account]].', 03058 'right-minoredit' => '{{doc-right|minoredit}} 03059 The right to use the "This is a minor edit" checkbox. See {{msg-mw|minoredit}} for the message used for that checkbox.', 03060 'right-move' => '{{doc-right|move}} 03061 The right to move any page that is not protected from moving. 03062 {{Identical|Move page}}', 03063 'right-move-subpages' => '{{doc-right|move-subpages}}', 03064 'right-move-rootuserpages' => '{{doc-right|move-rootuserpages}}', 03065 'right-movefile' => '{{doc-right|movefile}}', 03066 'right-suppressredirect' => '{{doc-right|suppressredirect}}', 03067 'right-upload' => '{{doc-right|upload}} 03068 The right to [[Special:Upload|upload]] a file (this includes images, media, audio, ...). 03069 {{Identical|Upload file}}', 03070 'right-reupload' => '{{doc-right|reupload}} 03071 The right to upload a file under a file name that already exists. 03072 03073 Related messages: 03074 * {{msg-mw|right-upload}} 03075 * {{msg-mw|right-reupload-own}} 03076 * {{msg-mw|right-reupload-shared}}', 03077 'right-reupload-own' => '{{doc-right|reupload-own}} 03078 Right to upload a file under a file name that already exists, and that the same user has uploaded. 03079 03080 Related messages: 03081 * {{msg-mw|right-upload}} 03082 * {{msg-mw|right-reupload}}', 03083 'right-reupload-shared' => '{{doc-right|reupload-shared}} 03084 The right to upload a file locally under a file name that already exists in a shared database (for example Commons). 03085 03086 Related messages: 03087 * {{msg-mw|right-upload}} 03088 * {{msg-mw|right-reupload}}', 03089 'right-upload_by_url' => '{{doc-right|upload by url}}', 03090 'right-purge' => '{{doc-right|purge}} 03091 The right to use <code>&action=purge</code> in the URL, without needing to confirm it (by default, anonymous users need to confirm it).', 03092 'right-autoconfirmed' => "{{doc-right|autoconfirmed}} 03093 If your account is older than [[mw:Manual:\$wgAutoConfirmAge|wgAutoConfirmAge]] and if you have at least [[mw:Manual:\$wgAutoConfirmCount|\$wgAutoConfirmCount]] edits, you are in the '''group \"autoconfirmed\"''' (note that you can't see this group at [[Special:ListUsers]]). 03094 If you are in that group, you have (by default) the '''right \"autoconfirmed\"''', which exempts you from certain rate limits (those based on your IP address or otherwise intended solely for new users). Other rate limits may still apply; see {{msg-mw|right-noratelimit}}.", 03095 'right-bot' => '{{doc-right|bot}}', 03096 'right-nominornewtalk' => '{{doc-right|nominornewtalk}} 03097 If someone with this right (bots by default) edits a user talk page and marks it as minor (requires {{msg-mw|right-minoredit}}), the user will not get a notification "You have new messages".', 03098 'right-apihighlimits' => '{{doc-right|apihighlimits}}', 03099 'right-writeapi' => '{{doc-right|writeapi}}', 03100 'right-delete' => '{{doc-right|delete}} 03101 {{Identical|Delete page}}', 03102 'right-bigdelete' => '{{doc-right|bigdelete}}', 03103 'right-deletelogentry' => '{{doc-right|deletelogentry}} 03104 This user right is part of the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature. 03105 It can be given to the group {{msg-mw|group-sysop}}, although this right is disabled by default. 03106 03107 See also: 03108 * {{msg-mw|right-suppressionlog}} 03109 * {{msg-mw|right-hideuser}} 03110 * {{msg-mw|right-suppressrevision}} 03111 * {{msg-mw|right-deleterevision}}', 03112 'right-deleterevision' => '{{doc-right|deleterevision}} 03113 This user right is part of the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature. 03114 It can be given to the group {{msg-mw|group-sysop}}, although this right is disabled by default. 03115 03116 See also 03117 * {{msg-mw|right-suppressionlog}} 03118 * {{msg-mw|right-hideuser}} 03119 * {{msg-mw|right-suppressrevision}} 03120 * {{msg-mw|right-deletelogentry}}', 03121 'right-deletedhistory' => '{{doc-right|deletedhistory}}', 03122 'right-deletedtext' => '{{doc-right|deletedtext}}', 03123 'right-browsearchive' => '{{doc-right|browsearchive}}', 03124 'right-undelete' => '{{doc-right|undelete}}', 03125 'right-suppressrevision' => '{{doc-right|suppressrevision}} 03126 This user right is part of the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature. 03127 It can be given to the group {{msg-mw|group-suppress}}, although that group is disabled by default. 03128 03129 See also: 03130 * {{msg-mw|right-suppressionlog}} 03131 * {{msg-mw|right-hideuser}} 03132 * {{msg-mw|right-deletelogentry}} 03133 * {{msg-mw|right-deleterevision}}', 03134 'right-suppressionlog' => '{{doc-right|suppressionlog}} 03135 This user right is part of the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature. 03136 It can be given to the group {{msg-mw|group-suppress}}, although that group is disabled by default. 03137 03138 See also 03139 * {{msg-mw|right-suppressrevision}} 03140 * {{msg-mw|right-hideuser}} 03141 * {{msg-mw|right-deletelogentry}} 03142 * {{msg-mw|right-deleterevision}}', 03143 'right-block' => '{{doc-right|block}}', 03144 'right-blockemail' => '{{doc-right|blockemail}}', 03145 'right-hideuser' => '{{doc-right|hideuser}} 03146 This user right is part of the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] feature. 03147 It can be given to the group {{msg-mw|group-suppress}}, although that group is disabled by default. 03148 03149 See also 03150 * {{msg-mw|right-suppressionlog}} 03151 * {{msg-mw|right-suppressrevision}} 03152 * {{msg-mw|right-deletelogentry}} 03153 * {{msg-mw|right-deleterevision}}', 03154 'right-ipblock-exempt' => '{{doc-right|ipblock-exempt}} 03155 This user automatically bypasses IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks - so I presume - but I am uncertain', 03156 'right-proxyunbannable' => '{{doc-right|proxyunbannable}}', 03157 'right-unblockself' => '{{doc-right|unblockself}}', 03158 'right-protect' => '{{doc-right|protect}}', 03159 'right-editprotected' => '{{doc-right|editprotected}}', 03160 'right-editinterface' => '{{doc-right|editinterface}}', 03161 'right-editusercssjs' => '{{doc-right|editusercssjs}}', 03162 'right-editusercss' => '{{doc-right|editusercss}} 03163 See also: 03164 * {{msg-mw|Right-editmyusercss}}', 03165 'right-edituserjs' => '{{doc-right|edituserjs}} 03166 See also: 03167 * {{msg-mw|Right-editmyuserjs}}', 03168 'right-rollback' => '{{doc-right|rollback}} 03169 {{Identical|Rollback}}', 03170 'right-markbotedits' => '{{doc-right|markbotedits}} 03171 A user with this right can mark a roll-back edit as a bot edit by adding <code>&bot=1</code> to the URL (not by default).', 03172 'right-noratelimit' => '{{doc-right|noratelimit}} 03173 The rate limits have no effect on the groups that have this right. Rate limits is a restriction that you can only do X actions (edits, moves, etc.) in Y number of seconds (set by [[mw:Manual:$wgRateLimits|$wgRateLimits]]).', 03174 'right-import' => '{{doc-right|import}}', 03175 'right-importupload' => '{{doc-right|importupload}}', 03176 'right-patrol' => '{{doc-right|patrol}}', 03177 'right-autopatrol' => '{{doc-right|autopatrol}}', 03178 'right-patrolmarks' => '{{doc-right|patrolmarks}}', 03179 'right-unwatchedpages' => '{{doc-right|unwatchedpages}}', 03180 'right-mergehistory' => '{{doc-right|mergehistory}}', 03181 'right-userrights' => '{{doc-right|userrights}}', 03182 'right-userrights-interwiki' => '{{doc-right|userrights-interwiki}}', 03183 'right-siteadmin' => '{{doc-right|siteadmin}}', 03184 'right-override-export-depth' => '{{doc-right|override-export-depth}}', 03185 'right-sendemail' => '{{doc-right|sendemail}}', 03186 'right-passwordreset' => '{{doc-right|passwordreset}}', 03187 03188 # User rights log 03189 'rightslog' => '{{doc-logpage}} 03190 03191 In [[Special:Log]]', 03192 'rightslogtext' => 'Text in [[Special:Log/rights]].', 03193 'rightslogentry' => 'This message is displayed in the [[Special:Log/rights|User Rights Log]] when a bureaucrat changes the user groups for a user. 03194 03195 Parameters: 03196 * $1 - the username 03197 * $2 - list of user groups or {{msg-mw|Rightsnone}} 03198 * $3 - list of user groups or {{msg-mw|Rightsnone}} 03199 03200 The name of the bureaucrat who did this task appears before this message. 03201 03202 Similar to {{msg-mw|Gur-rightslog-entry}}', 03203 'rightslogentry-autopromote' => 'This message is displayed in the [[Special:Log/rights|User Rights Log]] when a user is automatically promoted to a user group. 03204 03205 Parameters: 03206 * $1 - (Unused) 03207 * $2 - a comma separated list of old user groups or {{msg-mw|Rightsnone}} 03208 * $3 - a comma separated list of new user groups', 03209 'rightsnone' => 'Default rights for registered users. 03210 03211 {{Identical|None}}', 03212 03213 # Associated actions - in the sentence "You do not have permission to X" 03214 'action-read' => '{{Doc-action|read}}', 03215 'action-edit' => '{{Doc-action|edit}} 03216 {{Identical|Edit this page}}', 03217 'action-createpage' => '{{Doc-action|createpage}} 03218 {{Identical|Create page}}', 03219 'action-createtalk' => '{{Doc-action|createtalk}}', 03220 'action-createaccount' => '{{Doc-action|createaccount}}', 03221 'action-minoredit' => '{{Doc-action|minoredit}}', 03222 'action-move' => '{{Doc-action|move}}', 03223 'action-move-subpages' => '{{Doc-action|move-subpages}}', 03224 'action-move-rootuserpages' => '{{Doc-action|move-rootuserpages}}', 03225 'action-movefile' => '{{doc-action|movefile}}', 03226 'action-upload' => '{{Doc-action|upload}}', 03227 'action-reupload' => '{{Doc-action|reupload}}', 03228 'action-reupload-shared' => '{{Doc-action|reupload-shared}}', 03229 'action-upload_by_url' => '{{Doc-action|upload by url}}', 03230 'action-writeapi' => '{{Doc-action|writeapi}} 03231 03232 API is an abbreviation for [[w:API|application programming interface]].', 03233 'action-delete' => '{{Doc-action|delete}}', 03234 'action-deleterevision' => '{{Doc-action|deleterevision}}', 03235 'action-deletedhistory' => '{{Doc-action|deletedhistory}}', 03236 'action-browsearchive' => '{{Doc-action|browsearchive}}', 03237 'action-undelete' => '{{Doc-action|undelete}}', 03238 'action-suppressrevision' => '{{Doc-action|suppressrevision}}', 03239 'action-suppressionlog' => '{{Doc-action|suppressionlog}}', 03240 'action-block' => '{{Doc-action|block}}', 03241 'action-protect' => '{{Doc-action|protect}}', 03242 'action-rollback' => '{{Doc-action|rollback}}', 03243 'action-import' => '{{Doc-action|import}}', 03244 'action-importupload' => '{{Doc-action|importupload}}', 03245 'action-patrol' => '{{Doc-action|patrol}}', 03246 'action-autopatrol' => '{{Doc-action|autopatrol}}', 03247 'action-unwatchedpages' => '{{Doc-action|unwatchedpages}}', 03248 'action-mergehistory' => '{{Doc-action|mergehistory}}', 03249 'action-userrights' => '{{Doc-action|userrights}} 03250 03251 This action allows editing of all of the "user rights", not just the rights of the group "all users".', 03252 'action-userrights-interwiki' => '{{Doc-action|userrights-interwiki}}', 03253 'action-siteadmin' => '{{Doc-action|siteadmin}}', 03254 'action-sendemail' => '{{doc-action|sendemail}}', 03255 03256 # Recent changes 03257 'nchanges' => 'Appears on enhanced watchlist and recent changes when page has more than one change on given date, linking to a diff of the changes. 03258 03259 Parameters: 03260 * $1 - the number of changes on that day (2 or more) 03261 Three messages are shown side-by-side: ({{msg-mw|Nchanges}} | {{msg-mw|Enhancedrc-since-last-visit}} | {{msg-mw|Enhancedrc-history}}).', 03262 'recentchanges' => 'The text of the link in sidebar going to the special page [[Special:RecentChanges]]. Also the page title of that special page. 03263 03264 See also: 03265 * {{msg-mw|Recentchanges}} 03266 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-n-recentchanges}} 03267 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-n-recentchanges}} 03268 {{Identical|Recent changes}}', 03269 'recentchanges-legend' => 'Legend of the fieldset of [[Special:RecentChanges]]', 03270 'recentchanges-summary' => 'Summary of [[Special:RecentChanges]].', 03271 'recentchanges-feed-description' => 'Used in feed of RecentChanges. See example [{{canonicalurl:Special:RecentChanges|feed=atom}} feed].', 03272 'recentchanges-label-newpage' => 'Tooltip for {{msg-mw|newpageletter}}', 03273 'recentchanges-label-minor' => 'Tooltip for {{msg-mw|minoreditletter}}', 03274 'recentchanges-label-bot' => 'Tooltip for {{msg-mw|boteditletter}}', 03275 'recentchanges-label-unpatrolled' => 'Tooltip for {{msg-mw|unpatrolledletter}}', 03276 'rcnote' => 'Used on [[Special:RecentChanges]]. 03277 03278 Similar to {{msg-mw|wlnote}} which is used on [[Special:Watchlist]]. 03279 03280 Parameters: 03281 * $1 - the number of changes shown 03282 * $2 - the number of days for which the changes are shown 03283 * $3 - (Unused) a date and time 03284 * $4 - a date alone 03285 * $5 - a time alone 03286 03287 <!--Example: "\'\'Below are the last 50 changes in the last 7 days, as of 14:48, 24 January 2008.\'\'"--> 03288 Example: "\'\'{{int:rcnote/en|50|7||24 January 2008|14:48}}\'\'" 03289 See also: 03290 * {{msg-mw|Rcnotefrom}}', 03291 'rcnotefrom' => 'This message is displayed at [[Special:RecentChanges]] when viewing recentchanges from some specific time. 03292 03293 The corresponding message is {{msg-mw|Rclistfrom}} (without split of date and time, [[bugzilla:19104|Bug 19104]]). 03294 03295 Parameters: 03296 * $1 - the maximum number of changes that are displayed 03297 * $2 - a date and time 03298 * $3 - (Optional) a date 03299 * $4 - (Optional) a time 03300 See also: 03301 * {{msg-mw|Rcnote}}', 03302 'rclistfrom' => 'Used on [[Special:RecentChanges]]. 03303 03304 Parameters: 03305 * $1 - a link to the revision of a specific date and time. The date and the time are the link description (without split of date and time, [[bugzilla:19104|Bug 19104]]). 03306 03307 The corresponding message is {{msg-mw|Rcnotefrom}}.', 03308 'rcshowhideminor' => "Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]]. Parameters: 03309 * $1 is the 'show/hide' command, with the text taken from either {{msg-mw|show}} or {{msg-mw|hide}}.", 03310 'rcshowhidebots' => "Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]]. Parameters: 03311 * $1 is the 'show/hide' command, with the text taken from either {{msg-mw|show}} or {{msg-mw|hide}}. 03312 {{Identical|$1 bots}}", 03313 'rcshowhideliu' => 'Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]]. Parameters: 03314 * $1 - any one of the following messages: 03315 ** {{msg-mw|Show}} 03316 ** {{msg-mw|Hide}}', 03317 'rcshowhideanons' => "Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]]. Parameters: 03318 * $1 is the 'show/hide' command, with the text taken from either {{msg-mw|show}} or {{msg-mw|hide}}. 03319 {{Identical|Anonymous user}}", 03320 'rcshowhidepatr' => "Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]]. Parameters: 03321 * $1 is the 'show/hide' command, with the text taken from either {{msg-mw|show}} or {{msg-mw|hide}}.", 03322 'rcshowhidemine' => "Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]]. Parameters: 03323 * $1 is the 'show/hide' command, with the text taken from either {{msg-mw|show}} or {{msg-mw|hide}}.", 03324 'rclinks' => "Used on [[Special:RecentChanges]]. 03325 * \$1 - a list of different choices with number of pages to be shown.<br /> Example: \"''50{{int:pipe-separator}}100{{int:pipe-separator}}250{{int:pipe-separator}}500\". 03326 * \$2 - a list of clickable links with a number of days for which recent changes are to be displayed.<br /> Example: \"''1{{int:pipe-separator}}3{{int:pipe-separator}}7{{int:pipe-separator}}14{{int:pipe-separator}}30''\". 03327 * \$3 - a block of text that consists of other messages.<br /> Example: \"''Hide minor edits{{int:pipe-separator}}Show bots{{int:pipe-separator}}Hide anonymous users{{int:pipe-separator}}Hide logged-in users{{int:pipe-separator}}Hide patrolled edits{{int:pipe-separator}}Hide my edits''\" 03328 List elements are separated by {{msg-mw|Pipe-separator}} each. Each list element is, or contains, a link.", 03329 'diff' => 'Short form of "differences". Used on [[Special:RecentChanges]], [[Special:Watchlist]], ...', 03330 'hist' => 'Short form of "history". Used on [[Special:RecentChanges]], [[Special:Watchlist]], ...', 03331 'hide' => '{{doc-actionlink}} 03332 Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]], and in [[Special:WhatLinksHere]]. 03333 03334 See also: 03335 * {{msg-mw|Show}} 03336 {{Identical|Hide}}', 03337 'show' => '{{doc-actionlink}} 03338 Option text in [[Special:RecentChanges]], and in [[Special:WhatLinksHere]]. 03339 03340 See also: 03341 * {{msg-mw|Hide}} 03342 {{Identical|Show}}', 03343 'minoreditletter' => "Very short form of \"'''minor edit'''\". Used in [[Special:RecentChanges]], [[Special:Watchlist]], [[Special:Contributions]] and history pages.", 03344 'newpageletter' => "Very short form of \"'''new page'''\". Used in [[Special:RecentChanges]], [[Special:Watchlist]] and [[Special:Contributions]].", 03345 'boteditletter' => "Abbreviation of \"'''bot'''\". Appears in [[Special:RecentChanges]] and [[Special:Watchlist]].", 03346 'unpatrolledletter' => '{{optional}} 03347 03348 Used in {{msg-mw|Recentchanges-label-legend}}, meaning "unpatrolled".', 03349 'number_of_watching_users_pageview' => 'Used if <code>$wgPageShowWatchingUsers</code> is true. 03350 * $1 - number of watching user(s)', 03351 'rc_categories' => "Probably to do with 'recent changes' special page, either in a particular skin, or for a particular user group. 03352 03353 I guess that this should appear before an input box where you can specify that recent changes should be shown for pages belonging to certain categories only. You name the categories in the input box, and separate them by a pipe character. If this is right, then you should be able to use 'restrict' instead of 'limit', or even 'show pages in the following categories only'.", 03354 'rc_categories_any' => 'Used in the CategoryFilter form on [[Special:RecentChanges]], if <code>$wgAllowCategorizedRecentChanges</code> is true. 03355 {{Identical|Any}}', 03356 'rc-change-size' => '{{optional}} 03357 Does not work under $wgMiserMode ([[mwr:48986|r48986]]). 03358 03359 Parameters: 03360 * $1 - size of diff', 03361 'rc-change-size-new' => 'Tooltip when hovering a change list diff size. Parameters: 03362 * $1 - the resulting new size (in bytes)', 03363 'newsectionsummary' => 'Default summary when adding a new section to a page. Parameters: 03364 * $1 - section title', 03365 'rc-enhanced-expand' => 'See also: 03366 * {{msg-mw|Rc-enhanced-hide}} 03367 {{Identical|Show details}}', 03368 'rc-enhanced-hide' => 'See also: 03369 * {{msg-mw|Rc-enhanced-expand}} 03370 {{Identical|Hide details}}', 03371 'rc-old-title' => 'Text that shows the original title of a page, $1 is the original title text', 03372 03373 # Recent changes linked 03374 'recentchangeslinked' => '{{doc-special|RecentChangesLinked}} 03375 See also: 03376 * {{msg-mw|Recentchangeslinked}} 03377 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-t-recentchangeslinked}} 03378 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-t-recentchangeslinked}}', 03379 'recentchangeslinked-feed' => 'Used in the feed object. 03380 03381 This message follows the message {{msg-mw|Recentchangeslinked-title}}.', 03382 'recentchangeslinked-toolbox' => 'Used as link text, and also used as link text in the common toolbox. 03383 03384 These links point to [[Special:RecentChangesLinked]].', 03385 'recentchangeslinked-title' => "Message used as title and page header on [[Special:RecentChangesLinked]] (needs an argument like \"/Main Page\"). 03386 03387 Related changes are all recent change to pages that are linked from ''this page''. 03388 03389 This message is followed by {{msg-mw|Recentchangeslinked-feed}}. 03390 03391 Parameters: 03392 * \$1 - the name of the page for which related changes are shown", 03393 'recentchangeslinked-noresult' => 'Used in [[Special:RecentChangesLinked]], when there are no changes.', 03394 'recentchangeslinked-summary' => 'Summary of [[Special:RecentChangesLinked]].', 03395 'recentchangeslinked-page' => '{{Identical|Page name}}', 03396 'recentchangeslinked-to' => 'Checkbox in [[Special:RecentChangesLinked]].', 03397 03398 # Upload 03399 'upload' => 'Display name for link to [[Special:Upload]] for uploading files to the wiki. 03400 03401 See also: 03402 * {{msg-mw|Upload}} 03403 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-t-upload}} 03404 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-t-upload}} 03405 {{Identical|Upload file}}', 03406 'uploadbtn' => 'Button name in [[Special:Upload]]. 03407 03408 See also: 03409 * {{msg-mw|Uploadbtn}} 03410 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-upload}} 03411 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-upload}} 03412 {{Identical|Upload file}}', 03413 'reuploaddesc' => 'Used as button text in the Upload form on [[Special:Upload]]. 03414 03415 See also: 03416 * {{msg-mw|upload-tryagain|Submit button text}} 03417 * {{msg-mw|ignorewarning|button text}}', 03418 'upload-tryagain' => 'Used as Submit button text in [[Special:Upload]]. 03419 03420 See also: 03421 * {{msg-mw|Uploaderror|section header}} 03422 * {{msg-mw|ignorewarning|button text}} 03423 * {{msg-mw|reuploaddesc|button text}}', 03424 'uploadnologin' => 'Used as title of the error message {{msg-mw|Uploadnologintext}}. 03425 {{Identical|Not logged in}}', 03426 'uploadnologintext' => 'Used as error message. The title for this message is {{msg-mw|Uploadnologin}}. 03427 03428 See also: 03429 * {{msg-mw|Whitelistedittext}} 03430 * {{msg-mw|Nocreatetext}} 03431 * {{msg-mw|Loginreqpagetext}}', 03432 'upload_directory_missing' => 'Parameters: 03433 * $1 - directory name', 03434 'upload_directory_read_only' => 'Parameters: 03435 * $1 - directory name', 03436 'uploaderror' => 'Used as section header in [[Special:Upload]]. 03437 03438 See also: 03439 * {{msg-mw|upload-tryagain|Submit text}}', 03440 'upload-recreate-warning' => 'Used as warning in [[Special:Upload]].', 03441 'uploadtext' => '{{doc-important|<code>thumb</code> and <code>left</code> are magic words. Leave them untranslated!}} 03442 Text displayed when uploading a file using [[Special:Upload]].', 03443 'upload-permitted' => 'Used in [[Special:Upload]]. Parameters: 03444 * $1 - list of file types, defined in the variable [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Manual:$wgFileExtensions|$wgFileExtensions]] 03445 See also: 03446 * {{msg-mw|Upload-preferred}} 03447 * {{msg-mw|Upload-prohibited}}', 03448 'upload-preferred' => 'Used in [[Special:Upload]]. Parameters: 03449 * $1 - list of file types, defined in the variable [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Manual:$wgFileExtensions|$wgFileExtensions]] 03450 See also: 03451 * {{msg-mw|Upload-permitted}} 03452 * {{msg-mw|Upload-prohibited}}', 03453 'upload-prohibited' => 'Used in [[Special:Upload]]. Parameters: 03454 * $1 - list of file types, defined in the variable [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Manual:$wgFileBlacklist|$wgFileBlacklist]] 03455 See also: 03456 * {{msg-mw|Upload-permitted}} 03457 * {{msg-mw|Upload-preferred}}', 03458 'uploadlogpage' => '{{doc-logpage}} 03459 03460 Page title of [[Special:Log/upload]].', 03461 'uploadlogpagetext' => 'Appears on top of [[Special:Log/upload]].', 03462 'filename' => '{{Identical|Filename}}', 03463 'filedesc' => 'Used as section header in [[Special:Upload]]. 03464 03465 See also: 03466 * {{msg-mw|License-header}} 03467 * {{msg-mw|Filestatus}} 03468 * {{msg-mw|Filesource}} 03469 {{Identical|Summary}}', 03470 'fileuploadsummary' => '{{Identical|Summary}}', 03471 'filereuploadsummary' => 'Label of textearea in [[Special:Upload]] when uploading a new version of existing file.', 03472 'filestatus' => 'Used as section header in [[Special:Upload]]. 03473 03474 See also: 03475 * {{msg-mw|License-header}} 03476 * {{msg-mw|Filedesc}} 03477 * {{msg-mw|Filesource}}', 03478 'filesource' => 'On page [[Special:Upload]] if defined $wgUseCopyrightUpload for detailed copyright information forms. This is source of file. 03479 03480 See also: 03481 * {{msg-mw|License-header}} 03482 * {{msg-mw|Filedesc}} 03483 * {{msg-mw|Filestatus}} 03484 {{Identical|Source}}', 03485 'ignorewarning' => 'Used as button text in the Upload form on [[Special:Upload]]. 03486 03487 See also: 03488 * {{msg-mw|upload-tryagain|Submit button text}} 03489 * {{msg-mw|reuploaddesc|button text}}', 03490 'ignorewarnings' => 'In [[Special:Upload]]', 03491 'minlength1' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:Upload]].', 03492 'illegalfilename' => 'Parameters: 03493 * $1 - filename', 03494 'filename-toolong' => 'Error message when uploading a file with a filename longer than the hard-coded limit of 240 bytes. This limit will never change and is hard-coded in the message. 03495 03496 See also: 03497 * {{msg-mw|empty-file}} 03498 * {{msg-mw|file-too-large}} 03499 * {{msg-mw|filetype-missing}} 03500 * {{msg-mw|filetype-banned}} 03501 * {{msg-mw|filename-tooshort}} 03502 * {{msg-mw|illegal-filename}} 03503 * {{msg-mw|overwrite}} 03504 * {{msg-mw|verification-error}} 03505 * {{msg-mw|hookaborted}} 03506 * {{msg-mw|windows-nonascii-filename}} 03507 * {{msg-mw|unknown-error}}', 03508 'badfilename' => 'Parameters: 03509 * $1 - filename', 03510 'filetype-mime-mismatch' => 'Upload error. Parameters: 03511 * $1 is the extension of the uploaded file 03512 * $2 is the MIME type of the uploaded file', 03513 'filetype-badmime' => 'Parameters: 03514 * $1 - string representing the MIME type', 03515 'filetype-bad-ie-mime' => 'Parameters: 03516 * $1 - a mime type like <code>image/jpeg</code> or <code>application/zip</code>', 03517 'filetype-unwanted-type' => "Parameters: 03518 * $1 - the extension of the file which cannot be uploaded 03519 * $2 - the list of file extensions that can be uploaded (Example: ''png, gif, jpg, jpeg, ogg, pdf, svg.'') 03520 * $3 - the number of allowed file formats (to be used for the PLURAL function)", 03521 'filetype-banned-type' => "Parameters: 03522 * $1 - the extension(s) of the file which cannot be uploaded 03523 * $2 - the list of file extensions that can be uploaded (Example: ''png, gif, jpg, jpeg, ogg, pdf, svg.'') 03524 * $3 - the number of allowed file formats (to be used for the PLURAL function) 03525 * $4 - the number of extensions that could not be uploaded (to be used for the PLURAL function)", 03526 'filetype-missing' => 'Used as error message when uploading a file. 03527 03528 See also: 03529 * {{msg-mw|empty-file}} 03530 * {{msg-mw|file-too-large}} 03531 * {{msg-mw|filetype-banned}} 03532 * {{msg-mw|filename-tooshort}} 03533 * {{msg-mw|illegal-filename}} 03534 * {{msg-mw|overwrite}} 03535 * {{msg-mw|verification-error}} 03536 * {{msg-mw|hookaborted}} 03537 * {{msg-mw|windows-nonascii-filename}} 03538 * {{msg-mw|filename-toolong}} 03539 * {{msg-mw|unknown-error}}', 03540 'empty-file' => 'Used as error message when uploading a file. 03541 03542 See also: 03543 * {{msg-mw|file-too-large}} 03544 * {{msg-mw|filetype-missing}} 03545 * {{msg-mw|filetype-banned}} 03546 * {{msg-mw|filename-tooshort}} 03547 * {{msg-mw|illegal-filename}} 03548 * {{msg-mw|overwrite}} 03549 * {{msg-mw|verification-error}} 03550 * {{msg-mw|hookaborted}} 03551 * {{msg-mw|windows-nonascii-filename}} 03552 * {{msg-mw|filename-toolong}} 03553 * {{msg-mw|unknown-error}}', 03554 'file-too-large' => 'Used as error message when uploading a file. 03555 03556 See also: 03557 * {{msg-mw|empty-file}} 03558 * {{msg-mw|filetype-missing}} 03559 * {{msg-mw|filetype-banned}} 03560 * {{msg-mw|filename-tooshort}} 03561 * {{msg-mw|illegal-filename}} 03562 * {{msg-mw|overwrite}} 03563 * {{msg-mw|verification-error}} 03564 * {{msg-mw|hookaborted}} 03565 * {{msg-mw|windows-nonascii-filename}} 03566 * {{msg-mw|filename-toolong}} 03567 * {{msg-mw|unknown-error}}', 03568 'filename-tooshort' => 'Used as error message when uploading a file. 03569 03570 See also: 03571 * {{msg-mw|empty-file}} 03572 * {{msg-mw|file-too-large}} 03573 * {{msg-mw|filetype-missing}} 03574 * {{msg-mw|filetype-banned}} 03575 * {{msg-mw|illegal-filename}} 03576 * {{msg-mw|overwrite}} 03577 * {{msg-mw|verification-error}} 03578 * {{msg-mw|hookaborted}} 03579 * {{msg-mw|windows-nonascii-filename}} 03580 * {{msg-mw|filename-toolong}} 03581 * {{msg-mw|unknown-error}}', 03582 'filetype-banned' => 'Used as error message when uploading a file. 03583 03584 See also: 03585 * {{msg-mw|empty-file}} 03586 * {{msg-mw|file-too-large}} 03587 * {{msg-mw|filetype-missing}} 03588 * {{msg-mw|filename-tooshort}} 03589 * {{msg-mw|illegal-filename}} 03590 * {{msg-mw|overwrite}} 03591 * {{msg-mw|verification-error}} 03592 * {{msg-mw|hookaborted}} 03593 * {{msg-mw|windows-nonascii-filename}} 03594 * {{msg-mw|filename-toolong}} 03595 * {{msg-mw|unknown-error}}', 03596 'verification-error' => 'Used as error message when uploading a file. 03597 03598 See also: 03599 * {{msg-mw|empty-file}} 03600 * {{msg-mw|file-too-large}} 03601 * {{msg-mw|filetype-missing}} 03602 * {{msg-mw|filetype-banned}} 03603 * {{msg-mw|filename-tooshort}} 03604 * {{msg-mw|illegal-filename}} 03605 * {{msg-mw|overwrite}} 03606 * {{msg-mw|hookaborted}} 03607 * {{msg-mw|windows-nonascii-filename}} 03608 * {{msg-mw|filename-toolong}} 03609 * {{msg-mw|unknown-error}}', 03610 'hookaborted' => 'Used as error message when uploading a file. 03611 03612 See also: 03613 * {{msg-mw|empty-file}} 03614 * {{msg-mw|file-too-large}} 03615 * {{msg-mw|filetype-missing}} 03616 * {{msg-mw|filetype-banned}} 03617 * {{msg-mw|filename-tooshort}} 03618 * {{msg-mw|illegal-filename}} 03619 * {{msg-mw|overwrite}} 03620 * {{msg-mw|verification-error}} 03621 * {{msg-mw|windows-nonascii-filename}} 03622 * {{msg-mw|filename-toolong}} 03623 * {{msg-mw|unknown-error}}', 03624 'illegal-filename' => 'Used as error message when uploading a file. 03625 03626 See also: 03627 * {{msg-mw|empty-file}} 03628 * {{msg-mw|file-too-large}} 03629 * {{msg-mw|filetype-missing}} 03630 * {{msg-mw|filetype-banned}} 03631 * {{msg-mw|filename-tooshort}} 03632 * {{msg-mw|overwrite}} 03633 * {{msg-mw|verification-error}} 03634 * {{msg-mw|hookaborted}} 03635 * {{msg-mw|windows-nonascii-filename}} 03636 * {{msg-mw|filename-toolong}} 03637 * {{msg-mw|unknown-error}}', 03638 'overwrite' => 'Used as error message when uploading a file. 03639 03640 See also: 03641 * {{msg-mw|empty-file}} 03642 * {{msg-mw|file-too-large}} 03643 * {{msg-mw|filetype-missing}} 03644 * {{msg-mw|filetype-banned}} 03645 * {{msg-mw|filename-tooshort}} 03646 * {{msg-mw|illegal-filename}} 03647 * {{msg-mw|verification-error}} 03648 * {{msg-mw|hookaborted}} 03649 * {{msg-mw|windows-nonascii-filename}} 03650 * {{msg-mw|filename-toolong}} 03651 * {{msg-mw|unknown-error}}', 03652 'unknown-error' => 'Used as error message when uploading a file and the error is unknown. 03653 03654 See also: 03655 * {{msg-mw|empty-file}} 03656 * {{msg-mw|file-too-large}} 03657 * {{msg-mw|filetype-missing}} 03658 * {{msg-mw|filetype-banned}} 03659 * {{msg-mw|filename-tooshort}} 03660 * {{msg-mw|illegal-filename}} 03661 * {{msg-mw|overwrite}} 03662 * {{msg-mw|verification-error}} 03663 * {{msg-mw|hookaborted}} 03664 * {{msg-mw|windows-nonascii-filename}} 03665 * {{msg-mw|filename-toolong}}', 03666 'tmp-create-error' => 'Used as error message in UploadFromURL feature. 03667 03668 See also: 03669 * {{msg-mw|http-invalid-url}} 03670 * {{msg-mw|upload-copy-upload-invalid-domain}} 03671 * {{msg-mw|tmp-write-error}}', 03672 'tmp-write-error' => 'Used as error message in UploadFromURL feature. 03673 03674 See also: 03675 * {{msg-mw|http-invalid-url}} 03676 * {{msg-mw|upload-copy-upload-invalid-domain}} 03677 * {{msg-mw|tmp-create-error}}', 03678 'large-file' => 'Variables $1 and $2 have appropriate unit symbols already. See for example {{msg-mw|Size-kilobytes}}.', 03679 'largefileserver' => 'Error message when uploading a file whose size is larger than the maximum allowed', 03680 'emptyfile' => 'Error message when trying to upload an empty file', 03681 'windows-nonascii-filename' => 'Used as error message when uploading a file. 03682 03683 See also: 03684 * {{msg-mw|empty-file}} 03685 * {{msg-mw|file-too-large}} 03686 * {{msg-mw|filetype-missing}} 03687 * {{msg-mw|filetype-banned}} 03688 * {{msg-mw|filename-tooshort}} 03689 * {{msg-mw|illegal-filename}} 03690 * {{msg-mw|overwrite}} 03691 * {{msg-mw|verification-error}} 03692 * {{msg-mw|hookaborted}} 03693 * {{msg-mw|filename-toolong}} 03694 * {{msg-mw|unknown-error}}', 03695 'fileexists' => "{{doc-important|''thumb'' is a magic word. Leave it untranslated!}} 03696 Parameters: 03697 * $1 - name of the existing file", 03698 'filepageexists' => "{{doc-important|''thumb'' is a magic word. Leave it untranslated!}} 03699 Shown on [[Special:Upload]]. Parameters: 03700 * $1 - link to the page 03701 This message is displayed if a description page exists, but a file with the same name does not yet exists, and a user tries to upload a file with that name. In that case the description page is not changed, even if the uploading user specifies a description with the upload.", 03702 'fileexists-extension' => "{{doc-important|''thumb'' is a magic word. Leave it untranslated!}} 03703 Parameters: 03704 * $1 - name of the uploading file 03705 * $2 - name of the existing file", 03706 'fileexists-thumbnail-yes' => "{{doc-important|''thumb'' is a magic word. Leave it untranslated!}} 03707 Parameters: 03708 * $1 - name of thumbnail file", 03709 'file-thumbnail-no' => 'Error message at [[Special:Upload]]. Parameters: 03710 * $1 - String (e.g. "180px-")', 03711 'fileexists-forbidden' => "{{doc-important|''thumb'' and ''center'' are magic words. Leave it untranslated!}} 03712 Parameters: 03713 * $1 - name of the existing file", 03714 'fileexists-shared-forbidden' => "{{doc-important|''thumb'' and ''center'' are magic words. Leave it untranslated!}} 03715 Error message at [[Special:Upload]]. 03716 Parameters: 03717 * $1 - name of the existing file", 03718 'file-exists-duplicate' => 'Used as warning in [[Special:Upload]]. 03719 This message is followed by the gallery of the duplicate files. 03720 03721 Parameters: 03722 * $1 - number of duplicate files', 03723 'file-deleted-duplicate' => 'Used in [[Special:Upload]. Parameters: 03724 * $1 - page title of the file', 03725 'uploadwarning' => 'Used as section header in [[Special:Upload]].', 03726 'uploadwarning-text' => 'Used in [[Special:Upload]].', 03727 'savefile' => 'When uploading a file', 03728 'uploadedimage' => 'This is the text of an entry in the [[Special:Log|upload log]] (and Recent Changes), after hour (and date, only in the Upload log) and user name. $1 is the name of the file uploaded.', 03729 'overwroteimage' => 'This is the text of an entry in the [[Special:Log|upload log]] (and Recent Changes), after hour (and date, only in the Upload log) and user name. $1 is the name of the file uploaded.', 03730 'uploaddisabled' => 'Title of the [[Special:Upload]] page when upload is disabled. 03731 03732 See also: 03733 * {{msg-mw|Copyuploaddisabled}}', 03734 'copyuploaddisabled' => 'See also: 03735 * {{msg-mw|Uploaddisabled}}', 03736 'uploaddisabledtext' => 'Parameters: 03737 * $1 - (Optional) the name of the target file. See r22243 and [[bugzilla:8818|bug 8818]].', 03738 'php-uploaddisabledtext' => 'This means that file uploading is disabled in PHP, not upload of PHP-files.', 03739 'uploadscripted' => 'Used as error message when uploading a file. 03740 03741 See also: 03742 * {{msg-mw|zip-wrong-format}} 03743 * {{msg-mw|uploadjava}} 03744 * {{msg-mw|uploadvirus}}', 03745 'uploadvirus' => 'Error message displayed when uploaded file contains a virus. 03746 03747 Parameters: 03748 * $1 - {{msg-mw|Virus-unknownscanner}}, {{msg-mw|Virus-scanfailed}}, or something 03749 See also: 03750 * {{msg-mw|Uploadscripted}} 03751 * {{msg-mw|Zip-wrong-format}} 03752 * {{msg-mw|Uploadjava}}', 03753 'uploadjava' => 'Used as error message when uploading a file. 03754 03755 See also: 03756 * {{msg-mw|uploadscripted}} 03757 * {{msg-mw|zip-wrong-format}} 03758 * {{msg-mw|uploadvirus}}', 03759 'upload-source' => 'Caption above a section of the [[Special:Upload]] page', 03760 'sourcefilename' => 'Used in [[Special:Upload]]. 03761 03762 See also: 03763 * {{msg-mw|Sourceurl|label}} 03764 * {{msg-mw|Upload source file}} 03765 * {{msg-mw|Upload source url}} 03766 * {{msg-mw|Upload-maxfilesize}}', 03767 'sourceurl' => 'Caption for the upload-by-URL feature at [[Special:Upload]]. 03768 03769 See also: 03770 * {{msg-mw|Sourcefilename|label}} 03771 * {{msg-mw|Upload source file}} 03772 * {{msg-mw|Upload source url}} 03773 * {{msg-mw|Upload-maxfilesize}}', 03774 'destfilename' => 'In [[Special:Upload]]', 03775 'upload-maxfilesize' => 'Shows at [[Special:Upload]] the maximum file size that can be uploaded. 03776 * $1 - the value in KB/MB/GB 03777 See also: 03778 * {{msg-mw|Sourcefilename|label}} 03779 * {{msg-mw|Sourceurl|label}} 03780 * {{msg-mw|Upload source file}} 03781 * {{msg-mw|Upload source url}}', 03782 'upload-description' => 'Caption above a section of the [[Special:Upload]] page', 03783 'upload-options' => 'Caption above a section of the [[Special:Upload]] page', 03784 'watchthisupload' => 'In [[Special:Upload]]', 03785 'filewasdeleted' => 'This warning is shown when trying to upload a file that does not exist, but has previously been deleted. 03786 03787 Parameters: 03788 * $1 - a link to the deletion log, with the text from {{msg-mw|deletionlog}}', 03789 'filename-bad-prefix' => 'Used as warning in [[Special:Upload]]. Parameters: 03790 * $1 - prefix 03791 See also: 03792 * {{msg-mw|fileexists}} 03793 * {{msg-mw|filepageexists}} 03794 * {{msg-mw|fileexists-extension}} 03795 * {{msg-mw|fileexists-thumbnail-yes}} 03796 * {{msg-mw|file-thumbnail-no}} 03797 * {{msg-mw|filewasdeleted}}', 03798 'filename-prefix-blacklist' => "{{optional}} 03799 Do not translate the file name prefixes before the hash mark (#). Leave all the wiki markup, including the spaces, as is. You can translate the text, including 'Leave this line exactly as it is'. The first line of this messages has one (1) leading space.", 03800 'upload-success-subj' => 'Used as message subject which is posted on the user talk page. 03801 03802 See also: 03803 * {{msg-mw|upload-success-subj|subject}} 03804 * {{msg-mw|upload-success-msg|message}} 03805 * {{msg-mw|upload-failure-subj|subject}} 03806 * {{msg-mw|upload-failure-msg|message}}', 03807 'upload-success-msg' => 'Used as message body which is posted on the user talk page. Parameters: 03808 * $1 - the local file name after uploading 03809 * $2 - the URL the file was uploaded from, when using upload-by-URL 03810 See also: 03811 * {{msg-mw|upload-success-subj|subject}} 03812 * {{msg-mw|upload-success-msg|message}} 03813 * {{msg-mw|upload-failure-subj|subject}} 03814 * {{msg-mw|upload-failure-msg|message}}', 03815 'upload-failure-subj' => 'Used as message subject which is posted on the user talk page. 03816 03817 I think this message should be translated as opposed to {{msg-mw|upload-success-subj}}. 03818 03819 See also: 03820 * {{msg-mw|upload-success-subj|subject}} 03821 * {{msg-mw|upload-success-msg|message}} 03822 * {{msg-mw|upload-failure-subj|subject}} 03823 * {{msg-mw|upload-failure-msg|message}}', 03824 'upload-failure-msg' => 'Used as message body which is posted on the user talk page. Parameters: 03825 * $1 - the specific error message 03826 * $2 - the URL the file tried to upload from, when using upload-by-URL. 03827 See also: 03828 * {{msg-mw|upload-success-subj|subject}} 03829 * {{msg-mw|upload-success-msg|message}} 03830 * {{msg-mw|upload-failure-subj|subject}} 03831 * {{msg-mw|upload-failure-msg|message}}', 03832 'upload-warning-subj' => 'Used as warning subject which is posted on the user talk page. 03833 03834 See also: 03835 * {{msg-mw|upload-warning-subj|subject}} 03836 * {{msg-mw|upload-warning-msg|message}}', 03837 'upload-warning-msg' => 'Used as warning body which is posted on the user talk page. Parameters: 03838 * $1 is the URL the file was uploaded from, when using upload-by-URL 03839 * $2 is the session key for the upload 03840 See also: 03841 * {{msg-mw|upload-warning-subj|subject}} 03842 * {{msg-mw|upload-warning-msg|message}}', 03843 03844 'upload-proto-error' => 'See also: 03845 * {{msg-mw|Upload-proto-error|title}} 03846 * {{msg-mw|Upload-proto-error-text|text}}', 03847 'upload-proto-error-text' => '"Remote upload" is explained on [[w:Uploading_and_downloading#Remote_upload|Wikipedia]]. 03848 03849 See also: 03850 * {{msg-mw|Upload-proto-error|title}} 03851 * {{msg-mw|Upload-proto-error-text|text}}', 03852 'upload-file-error' => 'Unused on core []. 03853 03854 Extensions making use of it: 03855 *ImportFreeImages 03856 *SemanticForms 03857 See also: 03858 * {{msg-mw|Upload-file-error|title}} 03859 * {{msg-mw|Upload-file-error-text|text}} 03860 {{Identical|Internal error}}', 03861 'upload-file-error-text' => 'See also: 03862 * {{msg-mw|Upload-file-error|title}} 03863 * {{msg-mw|Upload-file-error-text|text}}', 03864 'upload-misc-error' => 'See also: 03865 * {{msg-mw|Upload-misc-error|title}} 03866 * {{msg-mw|Upload-misc-error-text|text}}', 03867 'upload-misc-error-text' => 'See also: 03868 * {{msg-mw|Upload-misc-error|title}} 03869 * {{msg-mw|Upload-misc-error-text|text}}', 03870 'upload-http-error' => 'Parameters: 03871 * $1 - error message', 03872 'upload-copy-upload-invalid-domain' => 'Error message shown if a user is trying to upload (i.e. copy) a file from a website that is not in $wgCopyUploadsDomains (if set). 03873 03874 See also: 03875 * {{msg-mw|http-invalid-url}} 03876 * {{msg-mw|tmp-create-error}} 03877 * {{msg-mw|tmp-write-error}}', 03878 03879 # File backend 03880 'backend-fail-stream' => 'Parameters: 03881 * $1 is a filename.', 03882 'backend-fail-backup' => 'Parameters: 03883 * $1 is a filename.', 03884 'backend-fail-notexists' => 'Parameters: 03885 * $1 is a filename.', 03886 'backend-fail-hashes' => 'Definition of "[[w:en:Hash_function|hashes]]".', 03887 'backend-fail-notsame' => 'Parametreler: 03888 * $1 bir dosya ismi.', 03889 'backend-fail-invalidpath' => 'Parameters: 03890 * $1 is a storage path.', 03891 'backend-fail-delete' => 'Parameters: 03892 * $1 is a file path.', 03893 'backend-fail-alreadyexists' => 'Parameters: 03894 * $1 is a filename.', 03895 'backend-fail-store' => 'Parameters: 03896 * $1 - a filename 03897 * $2 - a storage path', 03898 'backend-fail-copy' => 'Parameters: 03899 * $1 - a file path 03900 * $2 - a file path', 03901 'backend-fail-move' => 'Parameters: 03902 * $1 - a file path 03903 * $2 - a file path', 03904 'backend-fail-opentemp' => 'Used as error message. 03905 {{Related|Backend-fail}}', 03906 'backend-fail-writetemp' => 'Used as error message. 03907 {{Related|Backend-fail}}', 03908 'backend-fail-closetemp' => 'Used as error message. 03909 {{Related|Backend-fail}}', 03910 'backend-fail-read' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 03911 * $1 - filename 03912 {{Related|Backend-fail}}', 03913 'backend-fail-create' => 'Parameters: 03914 * $1 is a filename.', 03915 'backend-fail-maxsize' => 'Parameters: 03916 * $1 - destination storage path 03917 * $2 - max file size (in bytes)', 03918 'backend-fail-readonly' => 'A "[[:wikipedia:Front and back ends|backend]]" is a system or component that ordinary users don\'t interact with directly and don\'t need to know about, and that is responsible for a distinct task or service - for example, a storage back-end is a generic system for storing data which other applications can use. Possible alternatives for back-end are "system" or "service", or (depending on context and language) even leave it untranslated. 03919 03920 Parameters: 03921 * $1 - name 03922 * $2 - reason for being read-only', 03923 'backend-fail-synced' => 'Used as fatal error message. 03924 03925 Parameters: 03926 * $1 - file path 03927 03928 A "[[:wikipedia:Front and back ends|backend]]" is a system or component that ordinary users don\'t interact with directly and don\'t need to know about, and that is responsible for a distinct task or service - for example, a storage back-end is a generic system for storing data which other applications can use. Possible alternatives for back-end are "system" or "service", or (depending on context and language) even leave it untranslated.', 03929 'backend-fail-connect' => 'Used as fatal error message. Parameters: 03930 * $1 - backend name 03931 03932 A "[[:wikipedia:Front and back ends|backend]]" is a system or component that ordinary users don\'t interact with directly and don\'t need to know about, and that is responsible for a distinct task or service - for example, a storage back-end is a generic system for storing data which other applications can use. Possible alternatives for back-end are "system" or "service", or (depending on context and language) even leave it untranslated.', 03933 'backend-fail-internal' => 'Used as fatal error message. Parameters: 03934 * $1 - backend name 03935 03936 A "[[:wikipedia:Front and back ends|backend]]" is a system or component that ordinary users don\'t interact with directly and don\'t need to know about, and that is responsible for a distinct task or service - for example, a storage back-end is a generic system for storing data which other applications can use. Possible alternatives for back-end are "system" or "service", or (depending on context and language) even leave it untranslated.', 03937 'backend-fail-contenttype' => 'Used as fatal error message. Parameters: 03938 * $1 - a storage (file) path', 03939 'backend-fail-batchsize' => 'Error message when the limit of operations to be done at once in the file backend was reached. 03940 Parameters: 03941 * $1 - the number of operations attempted at once in this case 03942 * $2 - the maximum number of operations that can be attempted at once 03943 03944 A "[[:wikipedia:Front and back ends|backend]]" is a system or component that ordinary users don\'t interact with directly and don\'t need to know about, and that is responsible for a distinct task or service - for example, a storage back-end is a generic system for storing data which other applications can use. Possible alternatives for back-end are "system" or "service", or (depending on context and language) even leave it untranslated.', 03945 'backend-fail-usable' => 'Parameters: 03946 * $1 is the file name, including the path, formatted for the storage backend used', 03947 03948 # File journal errors 03949 'filejournal-fail-dbconnect' => 'Parameters: 03950 * $1 is the name of the "[[:wikipedia:Front and back ends|backend]]" that the file journal logs changes for.', 03951 'filejournal-fail-dbquery' => 'Parameters: 03952 * $1 is the name of the "[[:wikipedia:Front and back ends|backend]]" that the file journal logs changes for.', 03953 03954 # Lock manager 03955 'lockmanager-notlocked' => 'Parameters: 03956 * $1 is a resource path (e.g. "mwstore://media-public/a/ab/file.jpg").', 03957 'lockmanager-fail-closelock' => 'Parameters: 03958 * $1 is a resource path (e.g. "mwstore://media-public/a/ab/file.jpg"). 03959 03960 A "[[w:File_locking#Lock_files|lock file]]" signals by its presence that some resource is locked.', 03961 'lockmanager-fail-deletelock' => 'Parameters: 03962 * $1 is a resource path (e.g. "mwstore://media-public/a/ab/file.jpg"). 03963 03964 A "[[w:File_locking#Lock_files|lock file]]" signals by its presence that some resource is locked.', 03965 'lockmanager-fail-acquirelock' => 'Parameters: 03966 * $1 is a resource path (e.g. "mwstore://media-public/a/ab/file.jpg").', 03967 'lockmanager-fail-openlock' => 'Parameters: 03968 * $1 is a resource path (e.g. "mwstore://media-public/a/ab/file.jpg"). 03969 03970 A "[[w:File_locking#Lock_files|lock file]]" signals by its presence that some resource is locked.', 03971 'lockmanager-fail-releaselock' => 'Parameters: 03972 * $1 is a resource path (e.g. "mwstore://media-public/a/ab/file.jpg").', 03973 'lockmanager-fail-db-bucket' => 'The databases store what is locked by who. Parameters: 03974 * $1 is a bucket name. Any string used as a lock name maps to a "bucket", which is a basically a set of 1 or more database servers that must agree that a lock can be acquired.', 03975 'lockmanager-fail-db-release' => 'Parameters: 03976 * $1 is a database name.', 03977 'lockmanager-fail-svr-acquire' => 'Parameters: 03978 * $1 - server', 03979 'lockmanager-fail-svr-release' => 'Parameters: 03980 * $1 is a server name.', 03981 03982 # ZipDirectoryReader 03983 'zip-file-open-error' => 'Used as ZIP error message. 03984 03985 See also: 03986 * {{msg-mw|Zip-wrong-format}} 03987 * {{msg-mw|Zip-bad}} 03988 * {{msg-mw|Zip-unsupported}}', 03989 'zip-wrong-format' => 'Used as ZIP error message. 03990 03991 See also: 03992 * {{msg-mw|Zip-file-open-error}} 03993 * {{msg-mw|Zip-bad}} 03994 * {{msg-mw|Zip-unsupported}}', 03995 'zip-bad' => 'Used as ZIP error message. 03996 03997 See also: 03998 * {{msg-mw|Zip-file-open-error}} 03999 * {{msg-mw|Zip-wrong-format}} 04000 * {{msg-mw|Zip-unsupported}}', 04001 'zip-unsupported' => "Used as ZIP error message. 04002 04003 Perhaps translations of 'software' can be used instead of 'features' and 'understood' or 'handled' instead of 'supported'. 04004 04005 See also: 04006 * {{msg-mw|Zip-file-open-error}} 04007 * {{msg-mw|Zip-wrong-format}} 04008 * {{msg-mw|Zip-bad}}", 04009 04010 # Special:UploadStash 04011 'uploadstash' => 'Used as page title in [[Special:UploadStash]].', 04012 'uploadstash-summary' => 'Used as summary in [[Special:UploadStash]].', 04013 'uploadstash-clear' => 'Used as Submit button text in [[Special:UploadStash]].', 04014 'uploadstash-nofiles' => 'Used in [[Special:UploadStash]]; used when no files available in stash.', 04015 'uploadstash-badtoken' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:UploadStash]].', 04016 'uploadstash-errclear' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:UploadStash]].', 04017 'uploadstash-refresh' => 'Used as link text in [[Special:UploadStash]].', 04018 'invalid-chunk-offset' => 'Error that can happen if chunks get uploaded out of order. 04019 As a result of this error, clients can continue from an offset provided or restart the upload. 04020 Used on [[Special:UploadWizard]].', 04021 04022 # img_auth script messages 04023 'img-auth-accessdenied' => '[[mw:Manual:Image Authorization|Manual:Image Authorization]]: Access Denied 04024 {{Identical|Access denied}}', 04025 'img-auth-nopathinfo' => '[[mw:Manual:Image Authorization|Manual:Image Authorization]]: Missing PATH_INFO - see english description 04026 {{Doc-important|This is plain text. Do not use any wiki syntax.}}', 04027 'img-auth-notindir' => '[[mw:Manual:Image Authorization|Manual:Image Authorization]]: When the specified path is not in upload directory.', 04028 'img-auth-badtitle' => '[[mw:Manual:Image Authorization|Manual:Image Authorization]]: Bad title, $1 is the invalid title', 04029 'img-auth-nologinnWL' => '[[mw:Manual:Image Authorization|Manual:Image Authorization]]: Logged in and file not whitelisted. $1 is the file not in whitelist.', 04030 'img-auth-nofile' => '[[mw:Manual:Image Authorization|Manual:Image Authorization]]: Non existent file, $1 is the file that does not exist.', 04031 'img-auth-isdir' => '[[mw:Manual:Image Authorization|Manual:Image Authorization]]: Trying to access a directory instead of a file, $1 is the directory.', 04032 'img-auth-streaming' => '[[mw:Manual:Image Authorization|Manual:Image Authorization]]: Is now streaming file specified by $1.', 04033 'img-auth-public' => '[[mw:Manual:Image Authorization|Manual:Image Authorization]]: An error message when the admin has configured the wiki to be a public wiki, but is using img_auth script - normally this is a configuration error, except when special restriction extensions are used', 04034 'img-auth-noread' => '[[mw:Manual:Image Authorization|Manual:Image Authorization]]: User does not have access to read file, $1 is the file', 04035 04036 # HTTP errors 04037 'http-invalid-url' => 'Parameters: 04038 * $1 - URL', 04039 'http-invalid-scheme' => 'The message appears in the Mediawiki code as follows: 04040 04041 if ( $this->parsedUrl[\'scheme\'] != \'http\' ) { 04042 $this->status->fatal( \'http-invalid-scheme\', $this->parsedUrl[\'scheme\'] ); 04043 } 04044 04045 Siebrand think this has to do with allowing MediaWiki to fetch remote URLs, and in that not allowing anything but "http://" request. So if this for example is "irc://" or "https://", $1 would be "irc" or "https" respectively. 04046 04047 If \'scheme\' is difficult to translate, then you could use \'prefix\' instead.', 04048 'http-request-error' => 'Used as error message when executing HTTP request. 04049 04050 See also: 04051 * {{msg-mw|Http-read-error}} 04052 * {{msg-mw|Http-host-unreachable|6}} 04053 * {{msg-mw|Http-timed-out|28}}', 04054 'http-read-error' => 'Used as error message when executing HTTP request. 04055 04056 See also: 04057 * {{msg-mw|Http-request-error}} 04058 * {{msg-mw|Http-host-unreachable|6}} 04059 * {{msg-mw|Http-timed-out|28}}', 04060 'http-timed-out' => 'Used as error message when executing HTTP request. 04061 04062 See also: 04063 * {{msg-mw|Http-request-error}} 04064 * {{msg-mw|Http-read-error}} 04065 * {{msg-mw|Http-host-unreachable|6}}', 04066 'http-curl-error' => 'Used as curl error message when the error is other than known messages. 04067 * $1 - error code; not URL 04068 Known messages are: 04069 * {{msg-mw|http-host-unreachable}} 04070 * {{msg-mw|http-timed-out}}', 04071 'http-host-unreachable' => 'Used as error message when executing HTTP request. 04072 04073 See also: 04074 * {{msg-mw|Http-request-error}} 04075 * {{msg-mw|Http-read-error}} 04076 * {{msg-mw|Http-timed-out|28}}', 04077 'http-bad-status' => 'Parameters: 04078 * $1 - an HTTP error code (e.g. 404) 04079 * $2 - the HTTP error message (e.g. File Not Found)', 04080 04081 # Some likely curl errors. More could be added from <> 04082 'upload-curl-error6' => 'See also: 04083 * {{msg-mw|Upload-curl-error6|title}} 04084 * {{msg-mw|Upload-curl-error6-text|body}}', 04085 'upload-curl-error6-text' => 'See also: 04086 * {{msg-mw|Upload-curl-error6|title}} 04087 * {{msg-mw|Upload-curl-error6-text|body}}', 04088 'upload-curl-error28' => 'See also: 04089 * {{msg-mw|Upload-curl-error28|title}} 04090 * {{msg-mw|Upload-curl-error28-text|body}}', 04091 'upload-curl-error28-text' => 'See also: 04092 * {{msg-mw|Upload-curl-error28|title}} 04093 * {{msg-mw|Upload-curl-error28-text|body}}', 04094 04095 'license' => 'This appears in the upload form for the license drop-down. The header in the file description page is now at {{msg-mw|License-header}}. 04096 {{Identical|Licensing}}', 04097 'license-header' => 'Used as section header in [[Special:Upload]]. 04098 04099 See also: 04100 * {{msg-mw|Filedesc}} 04101 * {{msg-mw|Filestatus}} 04102 * {{msg-mw|Filesource}} 04103 {{Identical|Licensing}}', 04104 'nolicense' => '{{Identical|None selected}}', 04105 'license-nopreview' => 'Error message when a certain license does not exist', 04106 'upload_source_url' => 'Used in [[Special:Upload]]. 04107 04108 See also: 04109 * {{msg-mw|Sourcefilename|label}} 04110 * {{msg-mw|Sourceurl|label}} 04111 * {{msg-mw|Upload source file}} 04112 * {{msg-mw|Upload-maxfilesize}}', 04113 'upload_source_file' => 'Used in [[Special:Upload]]. 04114 04115 See also: 04116 * {{msg-mw|Sourcefilename|label}} 04117 * {{msg-mw|Sourceurl|label}} 04118 * {{msg-mw|Upload source url}} 04119 * {{msg-mw|Upload-maxfilesize}}', 04120 04121 # Special:ListFiles 04122 'listfiles-summary' => 'This message is displayed at the top of [[Special:ImageList]] to explain how to use that special page.', 04123 'listfiles_search_for' => 'Input label for the form displayed on [[Special:ListFiles]].', 04124 'imgfile' => '{{Identical|File}}', 04125 'listfiles' => 'Page title and grouping label for the form displayed on [[Special:ListFiles]]. 04126 {{Identical|File list}}', 04127 'listfiles_thumb' => '{{Identical|Thumbnail}}', 04128 'listfiles_date' => 'Column header for the result table displayed on [[Special:ListFiles]]. 04129 {{Identical|Date}}', 04130 'listfiles_name' => 'Column header for the result table displayed on [[Special:ListFiles]]. 04131 {{Identical|Name}}', 04132 'listfiles_user' => 'Column header for the result table displayed on [[Special:ListFiles]]. 04133 {{Identical|User}}', 04134 'listfiles_size' => 'Column header for the result table displayed on [[Special:ListFiles]]. 04135 {{Identical|Size}}', 04136 'listfiles_description' => 'Column header for the result table displayed on [[Special:ListFiles]]. 04137 {{Identical|Description}}', 04138 'listfiles_count' => 'One of the table column headers in [[Special:Listfiles]] denoting the amount of saved versions of that file. 04139 {{Identical|Version}}', 04140 04141 # File description page 04142 'file-anchor-link' => '{{Identical|File}}', 04143 'filehist' => 'Text shown on a media description page. Heads the section where the different versions of the file are displayed.', 04144 'filehist-help' => 'In file description page', 04145 'filehist-deleteall' => 'Link in image description page for admins. 04146 {{Identical|Delete all}}', 04147 'filehist-deleteone' => 'Link description on file description page to delete an earlier version of a file. 04148 04149 {{Identical|Delete}}', 04150 'filehist-revert' => 'Link in image description page. 04151 04152 {{Identical|Revert}}', 04153 'filehist-current' => 'Link in file description page. 04154 04155 {{Identical|Current}}', 04156 'filehist-datetime' => 'Used on image descriptions, see for example [[:File:Yes.png#filehistory]]. 04157 {{Identical|Date}}', 04158 'filehist-thumb' => 'Shown in the file history list of a file description page. 04159 04160 Example: [[:Image:Addon-icn.png]] 04161 {{Identical|Thumbnail}}', 04162 'filehist-thumbtext' => "Shown in the file history list of a file description page. Parameters: 04163 * $1 - timestamp, localized. e.g. ''10:23, 18 april 2007'' 04164 * $2 - (Optional) the date 04165 * $3 - (Optional) the time 04166 Example: [[wikipedia:Image:Madeleine close2.jpg]]", 04167 'filehist-nothumb' => 'Shown if no thumbnail is available in the file history list of a file desription page. 04168 04169 Example: [[:Image:Addon-icn.png]]', 04170 'filehist-user' => 'In image description page. 04171 04172 {{Identical|User}}', 04173 'filehist-dimensions' => 'Used as label in file description page. 04174 04175 Followed by length, filesize, and width x height. e.g. "1.5 s (13 KB)".', 04176 'filehist-filesize' => 'Used in image description page. 04177 {{Identical|File size}}', 04178 'filehist-comment' => 'In file description page 04179 04180 {{Identical|Comment}}', 04181 'imagelinks' => 'In top header of the image description page, see for example [[:Image:Yes.png]]. Shows a list of pages where this file is used.', 04182 'linkstoimage' => 'Used on image description, see for example [[:Image:Yes.png#filelinks]]. 04183 04184 Parameters: 04185 * $1 - the number of pages that link to the file/image 04186 See also: 04187 * {{msg-mw|Linkstoimage-more}}', 04188 'linkstoimage-more' => 'Shown on an image description page when a file is used/linked more than 100 times on other pages. 04189 04190 Parameters: 04191 * $1 - limit. At the moment hardcoded at 100 04192 * $2 - page title of the file 04193 See also: 04194 * {{msg-mw|Linkstoimage}}', 04195 'nolinkstoimage' => 'Displayed on image description pages, see for exampe [[:Image:Tournesol.png#filelinks]].', 04196 'morelinkstoimage' => '{{doc-important|Do not translate "Special:WhatLinksHere"}} 04197 Parameters: 04198 * $1 - page title', 04199 'linkstoimage-redirect' => 'Item in the "the following pages link to this file" section on a file page if the item is a redirect. 04200 04201 Parameters: 04202 * $1 - an HTML link to the file 04203 * $2 - the list of files that link to the redirect (may be empty)', 04204 'duplicatesoffile' => 'Shown on file description pages when a file is duplicated. Parameters: 04205 * $1 - Number of identical files 04206 * $2 - Name of the shown file to link to the special page [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]]', 04207 'sharedupload' => '{{doc-important|Do not customise this message. Just translate it.|Customisation should be done by local wikis.}} 04208 Shown on an image description page when it is used in a central repository (i.e. [[commons:|Commons]] for Wikimedia wikis). 04209 04210 Parameters: 04211 * $1 - the name of the shared repository. On Wikimedia sites, $1 is {{msg-mw|Shared-repo-name-shared}}. The default value for $1 is {{msg-mw|Shared-repo}}. 04212 See also: 04213 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload-desc-there}} 04214 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload-desc-here}} 04215 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload-desc-edit}} 04216 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload-desc-create}}', 04217 'sharedupload-desc-there' => 'Parameters: 04218 * $1 - the name of the shared repository. On Wikimedia sites, $1 is {{msg-mw|Shared-repo-name-shared}}. The default value for $1 is {{msg-mw|Shared-repo}}. 04219 * $2 - description URL 04220 See also: 04221 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload}} 04222 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload-desc-here}} 04223 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload-desc-edit}} 04224 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload-desc-create}}', 04225 'sharedupload-desc-here' => 'Parameters: 04226 * $1 - the name of the shared repository. On Wikimedia sites, $1 is {{msg-mw|Shared-repo-name-shared}}. The default value for $1 is {{msg-mw|Shared-repo}}. 04227 * $2 - description URL 04228 See also: 04229 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload}} 04230 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload-desc-there}} 04231 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload-desc-edit}} 04232 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload-desc-create}}', 04233 'sharedupload-desc-edit' => 'Parameters: 04234 * $1 - the name of the shared repository. On Wikimedia sites, $1 is {{msg-mw|Shared-repo-name-shared}}. The default value for $1 is {{msg-mw|Shared-repo}}. 04235 * $2 - description URL 04236 See also: 04237 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload}} 04238 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload-desc-there}} 04239 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload-desc-here}} 04240 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload-desc-create}}', 04241 'sharedupload-desc-create' => 'Parameters: 04242 * $1 - the name of the shared repository. On Wikimedia sites, $1 is {{msg-mw|Shared-repo-name-shared}}. The default value for $1 is {{msg-mw|Shared-repo}}. 04243 * $2 - description URL 04244 See also: 04245 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload}} 04246 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload-desc-there}} 04247 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload-desc-here}} 04248 * {{msg-mw|Sharedupload-desc-edit}}', 04249 'filepage-nofile' => "This message appears when visiting a File page for which there's no file, if the user cannot upload files, or file uploads are disabled. (Otherwise, see {{msg-mw|Filepage-nofile-link}}) 04250 04251 Filepage-nofile and Filepage-nofile-link message deprecate {{msg-mw|Noimage}}", 04252 'filepage-nofile-link' => "This message appears when visiting a File page for which there's no file, if the user can upload files, and file uploads are enabled. (Otherwise, see {{msg-mw|Filepage-nofile}}) 04253 04254 Parameters: 04255 * $1 - URL of upload page for this file 04256 Filepage-nofile and Filepage-nofile-link message deprecate {{msg-mw|Noimage}}", 04257 'uploadnewversion-linktext' => 'Used on pages in the "File" namespace to update the file version.', 04258 'shared-repo-from' => 'This message is shown on an image description page when a duplicate of the image exists on a shared repository such as Wikimedia Commons. 04259 04260 Example: 04261 04262 Parameters: 04263 * $1 - the name of the shared repository. On wikimedia sites, $1 is {{msg-mw|Shared-repo-name-shared}}. The default value for $1 is {{msg-mw|Shared-repo}}.', 04264 'shared-repo' => 'This message can be used as parameter <code>$1</code> in the following messages: 04265 * {{msg-mw|shared-repo-from}} 04266 * {{msg-mw|sharedupload}} 04267 * {{msg-mw|sharedupload-desc-here}} 04268 * {{msg-mw|sharedupload-desc-there}}', 04269 'shared-repo-name-wikimediacommons' => '{{optional}} 04270 {{Identical|Wikimedia Commons}}', 04271 'filepage.css' => '{{Optional}}', 04272 'upload-disallowed-here' => 'This message appears on an image page in place of the normal reupload link if they cannot upload - e.g. if the image page is upload protected and they do not have the right priviledge.', 04273 04274 # File reversion 04275 'filerevert' => 'Used as page title. Parameters: 04276 * $1 - page title 04277 {{Identical|Revert}}', 04278 'filerevert-legend' => '{{Identical|Revert}}', 04279 'filerevert-intro' => 'Message displayed when you try to revert a version of a file. 04280 * $1 is the name of the media 04281 * $2 is a date 04282 * $3 is a time 04283 * $4 is a URL and must follow square bracket: [$4 04284 {{Identical|Revert}}', 04285 'filerevert-comment' => '{{Identical|Reason}}', 04286 'filerevert-defaultcomment' => 'Parameters: 04287 * $1 - a date 04288 * $2 - a time 04289 {{Identical|Revert}}', 04290 'filerevert-submit' => '{{Identical|Revert}}', 04291 'filerevert-success' => 'Message displayed when you succeed in reverting a version of a file. 04292 * $1 is the name of the media 04293 * $2 is a date 04294 * $3 is a time 04295 * $4 is an URL and must follow square bracket: [$4 04296 {{Identical|Revert}}', 04297 'filerevert-badversion' => 'Used as error message.', 04298 04299 # File deletion 04300 'filedelete' => 'Used as page title. Parameters: 04301 * $1 - file title 04302 See also: 04303 * {{msg-mw|Filedelete-intro}}', 04304 'filedelete-legend' => 'Used as fieldset label in the "Delete file" form. 04305 {{Identical|Delete file}}', 04306 'filedelete-intro' => 'Used as introduction for FileDelete form. Parameters: 04307 * $1 - page title for file 04308 See also: 04309 * {{msg-mw|Filedelete|page title}}', 04310 'filedelete-intro-old' => 'Message displayed when you try to delete a version of a file. 04311 * $1 is the name of the media 04312 * $2 is a date 04313 * $3 is a time 04314 * $4 is a URL and must follow square bracket: [$4', 04315 'filedelete-comment' => '{{Identical|Reason}}', 04316 'filedelete-submit' => 'Delete button when deleting a file for admins 04317 04318 {{Identical|Delete}}', 04319 'filedelete-success' => 'Message displayed when you succeed in deleting a file. Parameters: 04320 04321 Page title for this message is {{msg-mw|Actioncomplete}}. 04322 04323 Parameters: 04324 * $1 - the name of the media 04325 See also: 04326 * {{msg-mw|Filedelete-success-old}}', 04327 'filedelete-success-old' => 'Message displayed when you succeed in deleting a version of a file. 04328 04329 Page title for this message is {{msg-mw|Actioncomplete}}. 04330 04331 Parameters: 04332 * $1 - the name of the media 04333 * $2 - a date 04334 * $3 - a time 04335 See also: 04336 * {{msg-mw|Filedelete-success}}', 04337 'filedelete-nofile' => 'Parameters: 04338 * $1 - filename 04339 See also: 04340 * {{msg-mw|Filedelete-nofile-old}}', 04341 'filedelete-nofile-old' => 'Parameters: 04342 * $1 - filename 04343 See also: 04344 * {{msg-mw|Filedelete-nofile}}', 04345 'filedelete-otherreason' => 'Message used when deleting a file. This is the description field for "Other/additional reason" for deletion. 04346 04347 {{Identical|Other/additional reason}}', 04348 'filedelete-reason-otherlist' => 'Message used as default in the dropdown menu in the form for deleting a file. Keeping this message selected assumes that a reason for deletion is specified in the field below. 04349 04350 {{Identical|Other reason}}', 04351 'filedelete-reason-dropdown' => 'Predefined reasons for deleting a file that can be selected in a drop down list. Entries prefixed with one asterisk ("*") are group headers and cannot be selected. Entries prefixed with two asterisks can be selected as reason for deletion.', 04352 'filedelete-edit-reasonlist' => 'Shown beneath the file deletion form on the right side. It is a link to [[MediaWiki:Filedelete-reason-dropdown]]. 04353 04354 {{Identical|Edit delete reasons}}', 04355 'filedelete-maintenance' => 'Content of the error page when $wgUploadMaintenance is set to true.', 04356 'filedelete-maintenance-title' => 'Title of the error page when $wgUploadMaintenance is set to true.', 04357 04358 # MIME search 04359 'mimesearch' => 'Title of [[Special:MIMESearch]]. Also used as legend of the form. 04360 04361 See also: 04362 * {{msg-mw|Mimetype|label for input box}} 04363 * {{msg-mw|Ilsubmit|Submit button text}}', 04364 'mimesearch-summary' => 'Text for [[Special:MIMESearch]]', 04365 'mimetype' => 'Used as label for input box in the MIMESearch form on [[Special:MIMESearch]]. 04366 04367 See also: 04368 * {{msg-mw|Mimesearch|page title}} 04369 * {{msg-mw|Ilsubmit|Submit button text}} 04370 {{Identical|MIME type}}', 04371 'download' => 'Direct download link in each line returned by [[Special:MIMESearch]]. Points to the actual file, rather than the image description page. 04372 {{Identical|Download}}', 04373 04374 # Unwatched pages 04375 'unwatchedpages' => '{{doc-special|UnwatchedPages}}', 04376 04377 # List redirects 04378 'listredirects' => '{{doc-special|ListRedirects}}', 04379 04380 # Unused templates 04381 'unusedtemplates' => '{{doc-special|UnusedTemplates}}', 04382 'unusedtemplatestext' => 'Shown on top of [[Special:Unusedtemplates]]', 04383 'unusedtemplateswlh' => 'Used as link text in [[Special:UnusedTemplates]]. 04384 04385 The link points to the "What links here" page.', 04386 04387 # Random page 04388 'randompage' => '{{doc-special|RandomPage}} 04389 See also: 04390 * {{msg-mw|Randompage}} 04391 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-n-randompage}} 04392 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-n-randompage}} 04393 {{Identical|Random page}}', 04394 'randompage-nopages' => 'Parameters: 04395 * $1 - list of namespaces 04396 * $2 - number of namespaces, for PLURAL support 04397 See also: 04398 * {{msg-mw|Randomredirect-nopages}}', 04399 04400 # Random redirect 04401 'randomredirect' => '{{doc-special|RandomRedirect}}', 04402 'randomredirect-nopages' => 'Parameters: 04403 * $1 - list of namespaces 04404 * $2 - (Unused) number of namespaces 04405 See also: 04406 * {{msg-mw|Randompage-nopages}}', 04407 04408 # Statistics 04409 'statistics' => '{{doc-special|Statistics}} 04410 {{Identical|Statistics}}', 04411 'statistics-header-pages' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]', 04412 'statistics-header-edits' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]', 04413 'statistics-header-views' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]', 04414 'statistics-header-users' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]. 04415 {{Identical|User statistics}}', 04416 'statistics-header-hooks' => 'Header of a section on [[Special:Statistics]] containing data provided by MediaWiki extensions', 04417 'statistics-articles' => "Used in [[Special:Statistics]]. 04418 04419 A 'content page' is a page that forms part of the purpose of the wiki. It includes the main page and pages in the main namespace and any other namespaces that are included when the wiki is customised. For example on Wikimedia Commons 'content pages' include pages in the file and category namespaces. On Wikinews 'content pages' include pages in the Portal namespace. For technical definition of 'content namespaces' see [[mw:Manual:Using_custom_namespaces#Content_namespaces|MediaWiki]]. 04420 04421 Possible alternatives to the word 'content' are 'subject matter' or 'wiki subject' or 'wiki purpose'. 04422 04423 {{Identical|Content page}}", 04424 'statistics-pages' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]] 04425 {{Identical|Page}}', 04426 'statistics-pages-desc' => "Tooltip shown over ''Pages'' (or as a note below it) in [[Special:Statistics]]", 04427 'statistics-files' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]', 04428 'statistics-edits' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]', 04429 'statistics-edits-average' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]', 04430 'statistics-views-total' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]', 04431 'statistics-views-total-desc' => 'This message follows the message {{msg-mw|statistics-views-total}}, in [[Special:Statistics]].', 04432 'statistics-views-peredit' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]', 04433 'statistics-users' => '{{doc-important|Do not translate "Special:ListUsers"}} 04434 Used in [[Special:Statistics]].', 04435 'statistics-users-active' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]', 04436 'statistics-users-active-desc' => "Description shown beneath ''Active users'' in [[Special:Statistics]]. Parameters: 04437 * \$1 - Value of <code>\$wgRCMaxAge</code> in days", 04438 'statistics-mostpopular' => 'Used in [[Special:Statistics]]', 04439 04440 'disambiguations' => '{{doc-special|Disambiguations}}', 04441 'disambiguationspage' => 'This message is the name of the template used for marking disambiguation pages. It is used by [[Special:Disambiguations]] to find all pages which link to disambiguation pages. 04442 04443 {{doc-important|Don\'t translate the "Template:" part!}} 04444 {{Identical|Template:disambig}}', 04445 'disambiguations-text' => '{{doc-important|Do not change the link "<code><nowiki>[[MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage]]</nowiki></code>", even because it is listed as problematic. Be sure the "D" is in uppercase, so not "d".}} 04446 This block of text is shown on [[:Special:Disambiguations]]. 04447 04448 \'\'\'Background information:\'\'\' Beyond telling about links going to disambiguation pages, that they are generally bad, it should explain which pages in the article namespace are seen as disambiguations: [[MediaWiki:Disambiguationspage]] usually holds a list of disambiguation templates of the local wiki. Pages linking to one of them (by transclusion) will count as disambiguation pages. Pages linking to these disambiguation pages, instead to the disambiguated article itself, are listed on [[:Special:Disambiguations]].', 04449 04450 'doubleredirects' => '{{doc-special|DoubleRedirects}}', 04451 'doubleredirectstext' => 'Shown on top of [[Special:Doubleredirects]]', 04452 'double-redirect-fixed-move' => 'This is the message in the log when the software (under the username {{msg-mw|Double-redirect-fixer}}) updates the redirects after a page move. 04453 04454 Parameters: 04455 * $1 - redirect page title 04456 * $2 - new page title 04457 See also: 04458 * {{msg-mw|Fix-double-redirects}} 04459 * {{msg-mw|Double-redirect-fixed-maintenance}}', 04460 'double-redirect-fixed-maintenance' => 'This is the message in the log when the software (under the username {{msg-mw|Double-redirect-fixer}}) updates the redirects after running maintenance/fixDoubleRedirects.php. 04461 04462 Parameters: 04463 * $1 - redirect page title 04464 * $2 - new page title 04465 See also: 04466 * {{msg-mw|Double-redirect-fixed-move}}', 04467 'double-redirect-fixer' => "This is the '''username''' of the user who updates the double redirects after a page move. 04468 04469 A user is created with this username, so it is perhaps better to not change this message too often. 04470 04471 See also: 04472 * {{msg-mw|Double-redirect-fixed-move}} 04473 * {{msg-mw|Fix-double-redirects}}", 04474 04475 'brokenredirects' => '{{doc-special|BrokenRedirects}}', 04476 'brokenredirectstext' => 'Shown on top of [[Special:BrokenRedirects]].', 04477 'brokenredirects-edit' => 'Link in [[Special:BrokenRedirects]] 04478 04479 {{Identical|Edit}}', 04480 'brokenredirects-delete' => 'Link in [[Special:BrokenRedirects]] for admins 04481 04482 {{Identical|Delete}}', 04483 04484 'withoutinterwiki' => '{{doc-special|WithoutInterwiki}}', 04485 'withoutinterwiki-summary' => 'Summary of [[Special:WithoutInterwiki]].', 04486 'withoutinterwiki-legend' => 'Used on [[Special:WithoutInterwiki]] as title of fieldset.', 04487 'withoutinterwiki-submit' => '{{Identical|Show}}', 04488 04489 'fewestrevisions' => '{{doc-special|FewestRevisions}}', 04490 04491 # Miscellaneous special pages 04492 'nbytes' => 'Message used on the history page of a wiki page. Each version of a page consist of a number of bytes. $1 is the number of bytes that the page uses. Uses plural as configured for a language based on $1.', 04493 'ncategories' => "Used in the special page '[[Special:MostCategories]]' in brackets after each entry on the list signifying how many categories a page is part of. $1 is the number of categories.", 04494 'ninterwikis' => "Used in the special page '[[Special:MostInterwikis]]' in brackets after each entry on the list signifying how many interwikis a page is part of. 04495 04496 Parameters: 04497 * $1 - the number of interwiki links", 04498 'nlinks' => 'This appears in brackets after each entry on the special page [[Special:MostLinked]]. $1 is the number of wiki links.', 04499 'nmembers' => 'Appears in brackets after each category listed on the special page [[Special:WantedCategories]]. $1 is the number of members of the category.', 04500 'nrevisions' => 'Used as link text in [[Special:FewestRevisions]]. 04501 04502 The link points to the page history (action=history). 04503 04504 Parameters: 04505 * $1 - number of revisions', 04506 'nviews' => 'This message is used on [[Special:PopularPages]] to say how many times each page has been viewed. 04507 04508 Preceded by the page title, like: Page title ($1 views) 04509 04510 Parameters: 04511 * $1 - the number of views', 04512 'nimagelinks' => 'Used on [[Special:MostLinkedFiles]] to indicate how often a specific file is used. 04513 04514 Parameters: 04515 * $1 - number of pages 04516 See also: 04517 * {{msg-mw|Ntransclusions}}', 04518 'ntransclusions' => 'Used on [[Special:MostLinkedTemplates]] to indicate how often a template is in use. 04519 04520 Parameters: 04521 * $1 - number of pages 04522 See also: 04523 * {{msg-mw|Nimagelinks}}', 04524 'specialpage-empty' => 'Used on a special page when there is no data. For example on [[Special:Unusedimages]] when all images are used.', 04525 'lonelypages' => '{{doc-special|LonelyPages}}', 04526 'lonelypagestext' => 'Text displayed in [[Special:LonelyPages]]', 04527 'uncategorizedpages' => '{{doc-special|UncategorizedPages}}', 04528 'uncategorizedcategories' => '{{doc-special|UncategorizedCategories}}', 04529 'uncategorizedimages' => '{{doc-special|UncategorizedImages}}', 04530 'uncategorizedtemplates' => '{{doc-special|UncategorizedTemplates}}', 04531 'unusedcategories' => '{{doc-special|UnusedCategories}}', 04532 'unusedimages' => '{{doc-special|UnusedImages}}', 04533 'popularpages' => '{{doc-special|PopularPages}}', 04534 'wantedcategories' => '{{doc-special|WantedCategories}}', 04535 'wantedpages' => '{{doc-special|WantedPages}}', 04536 'wantedpages-badtitle' => "Error message shown when [[Special:WantedPages]] is listing a page with a title that shouldn't exist. 04537 04538 Parameters: 04539 * $1 - a page title", 04540 'wantedfiles' => '{{doc-special|WantedFiles}}', 04541 'wantedfiletext-cat' => 'Message displayed at top of [[special:WantedFiles]]. $1 contains the name of the tracking category for broken files (Including Category prefix). {{msg-mw|wantedfiletext-nocat}} is used if the tracking category is disabled.', 04542 'wantedfiletext-nocat' => 'Message displayed at top of [[special:WantedFiles]] when broken file tracking category is disabled. See {{msg-mw|wantedfiletext-cat}}.', 04543 'wantedtemplates' => '{{doc-special|WantedTemplates}}', 04544 'mostlinked' => '{{doc-special|MostLinked}}', 04545 'mostlinkedcategories' => '{{doc-special|MostLinkedCategories}}', 04546 'mostlinkedtemplates' => '{{doc-special|MostLinkedTemplates}}', 04547 'mostcategories' => '{{doc-special|MostCategories}}', 04548 'mostimages' => '{{doc-special|MostImages}}', 04549 'mostinterwikis' => '{{doc-special|MostInterwikis}}', 04550 'mostrevisions' => '{{doc-special|MostRevisions}}', 04551 'prefixindex' => '{{doc-special|PrefixIndex}} 04552 When the user limits the list to a certain namespace, {{msg-mw|allinnamespace}} is used instead.', 04553 'prefixindex-namespace' => 'The page title of [[Special:PrefixIndex]] limited to a specific namespace. Similar to {{msg-mw|allinnamespace}}. $1 is the name of the namespace', 04554 'shortpages' => '{{doc-special|ShortPages}}', 04555 'longpages' => '{{doc-special|LongPages}}', 04556 'deadendpages' => '{{doc-special|DeadendPages}}', 04557 'deadendpagestext' => 'Introductory text for [[Special:DeadendPages]]', 04558 'protectedpages' => '{{doc-special|ProtectedPages}}', 04559 'protectedpages-indef' => 'Option in [[Special:ProtectedPages]]', 04560 'protectedpages-cascade' => 'Option in [[Special:ProtectedPages]]', 04561 'protectedpagestext' => 'Shown on top of [[Special:ProtectedPages]]', 04562 'protectedpagesempty' => 'Used in [[Special:ProtectedPages]], when there are no protected pages with the specified parameters.', 04563 'protectedtitles' => '{{doc-special|ProtectedTitles}}', 04564 'protectedtitlestext' => 'Shown on top of list of titles on [[Special:ProtectedTitles]]. If the list is empty the message [[MediaWiki:Protectedtitlesempty]] appears instead of this. See the [[mw:Project:Protected_titles|help page on MediaWiki]] for more information.', 04565 'protectedtitlesempty' => 'Used on [[Special:ProtectedTitles]]. This text appears if the list of protected titles is empty. See the [[mw:Project:Protected_titles|help page on MediaWiki]] for more information.', 04566 'listusers' => '{{doc-special|ListUsers}}', 04567 'listusers-editsonly' => 'Option in [[Special:ListUsers]].', 04568 'listusers-creationsort' => 'Option in [[Special:ListUsers]].', 04569 'usereditcount' => 'Shown behind every username on [[Special:ListUsers]]. Parameters: 04570 * $1 - number of edits', 04571 'usercreated' => 'Used in [[Special:ListUsers]]. Parameters: 04572 * $1 - a date 04573 * $2 - a time 04574 * $3 - the name of the user, for use in GENDER', 04575 'newpages' => '{{doc-special|NewPages}} 04576 {{Identical|New page}}', 04577 'newpages-username' => '{{Identical|Username}}', 04578 'ancientpages' => '{{doc-special|AncientPages}} 04579 See [[mw:Manual:Interface/Special pages title|manual]].', 04580 'move' => 'Name of Move tab. Should be in the imperative mood. 04581 04582 See also: 04583 * {{msg-mw|Move}} 04584 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-move}} 04585 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-move}} 04586 {{Identical|Move}}', 04587 'movethispage' => '{{Identical|Move this page}}', 04588 'unusedimagestext' => 'Header message of [[Special:UnusedFiles]]', 04589 'unusedcategoriestext' => 'Used as page header in [[Special:UnusedCategories]].', 04590 'notargettitle' => 'Used as title of error message. 04591 04592 See also: 04593 * {{msg-mw|Notargettitle|title}} 04594 * {{msg-mw|Notargettext|text}}', 04595 'notargettext' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:MovePage]]. 04596 04597 See also: 04598 * {{msg-mw|Notargettitle|title}} 04599 * {{msg-mw|Notargettext|text}}', 04600 'nopagetitle' => 'Used as title of [[Special:MovePage]], when the oldtitle does not exist. 04601 04602 The text is {{msg-mw|nopagetext}}. 04603 04604 See also: 04605 * {{msg-mw|Nopagetitle|title}} 04606 * {{msg-mw|Nopagetext|text}}', 04607 'nopagetext' => 'Used as text on special pages like [[Special:MovePage]] (when the oldtitle does not exist) or [[Special:PermaLink]]. 04608 04609 The title is {{msg-mw|nopagetitle}}. 04610 04611 See also: 04612 * {{msg-mw|Nopagetitle|title}} 04613 * {{msg-mw|Nopagetext|text}}', 04614 'pager-newer-n' => "This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages which are lists of things in date order, e.g. the User's contributions page. It is passed as the second argument of {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}. $1 is the number of items shown per page. 04615 {{Identical|Newer}}", 04616 'pager-older-n' => "This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Special pages which are lists of things in date order, e.g. the User's contributions page. It is passed as the first argument of {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}. $1 is the number of items shown per page.", 04617 'suppress' => '{{Identical|Oversight}}', 04618 'querypage-disabled' => "On special pages that use expensive database queries but are not cacheable, this message is displayed when 'miser mode' is on (i.e. no expensive queries allowed).", 04619 04620 # Book sources 04621 'booksources' => "{{doc-special|BookSources}} 04622 04623 '''This message shouldn't be changed unless it has serious mistakes.''' 04624 04625 It's used as the page name of the configuration page of [[Special:BookSources]]. Changing it breaks existing sites using the default version of this message. 04626 04627 See also: 04628 * {{msg-mw|Booksources|title}} 04629 * {{msg-mw|Booksources-text|text}}", 04630 'booksources-search-legend' => 'Box heading on [[Special:BookSources|book sources]] special page. The box is for searching for places where a particular book can be bought or viewed.', 04631 'booksources-isbn' => '{{optional}} 04632 {{Identical|ISBN}}', 04633 'booksources-go' => 'Name of button in [[Special:BookSources]] 04634 04635 {{Identical|Go}}', 04636 'booksources-text' => 'Used in [[Special:BookSources/1]]. 04637 04638 This message is followed by a list of links to other sites. 04639 04640 See also: 04641 * {{msg-mw|Booksources|title}} 04642 * {{msg-mw|Booksources-text|text}}', 04643 'booksources-invalid-isbn' => 'This message is displayed after an invalid ISBN is entered on [[Special:Booksources]].', 04644 04645 # Special:Log 04646 'specialloguserlabel' => 'Used in [[Special:Log]] as a label for an input field with which the log can be filtered for entries describing actions \'\'performed\'\' by the specified user. "Carried out" and "done" are possible alternatives for "performed".', 04647 'speciallogtitlelabel' => 'Used in [[Special:Log]] as a label for an input field with which the log can be filtered. This filter selects for pages or users on which a log action was performed.', 04648 'log' => '{{doc-special|Log}}', 04649 'all-logs-page' => '{{doc-logpage}} 04650 Title of [[Special:Log]].', 04651 'alllogstext' => 'Header of [[Special:Log]]', 04652 'logempty' => 'Used as warning when there are no items to show.', 04653 'log-title-wildcard' => '* Appears in: [[Special:Log]] 04654 * Description: A check box to enable prefix search option', 04655 'showhideselectedlogentries' => 'Text of the button which brings up the [[mw:RevisionDelete|RevisionDelete]] menu on [[Special:Log]].', 04656 04657 # Special:AllPages 04658 'allpages' => '{{doc-special|AllPages}} 04659 First part of the navigation bar for the special page [[Special:AllPages]] and [[Special:PrefixIndex]]. 04660 The other parts are {{msg-mw|Prevpage}} and {{msg-mw|Nextpage}}. 04661 {{Identical|All pages}}', 04662 'alphaindexline' => 'Used on [[Special:AllPages]] if the main namespace contains more than 960 pages. Indicates the page range displayed behind the link. "from page $1 to page $2". $1 is the source page name. $1 is the target page name.', 04663 'nextpage' => 'Third part of the navigation bar for the special page [[Special:AllPages]] and [[Special:PrefixIndex]]. $1 is a page title. The other parts are {{msg-mw|Allpages}} and {{msg-mw|Prevpage}}. 04664 04665 {{Identical|Next page}}', 04666 'prevpage' => 'Second part of the navigation bar for the special page [[Special:AllPages]] and [[Special:PrefixIndex]]. $1 is a page title. The other parts are {{msg-mw|Allpages}} and {{msg-mw|Nextpage}}. 04667 04668 {{Identical|Previous page}}', 04669 'allpagesfrom' => 'Option in [[Special:AllPages]]. 04670 04671 See also: 04672 * {{msg-mw|allpagesto}}', 04673 'allpagesto' => 'Option in [[Special:AllPages]]. 04674 04675 See also: 04676 * {{msg-mw|allpagesfrom}}', 04677 'allarticles' => 'The page title of [[Special:Allpages]]. When the user limit the list to a certain namespace, {{msg-mw|allinnamespace}} is used instead. 04678 04679 {{Identical|All pages}}', 04680 'allinnamespace' => 'The page title of [[Special:Allpages]], when the user limits the display to a certain namespace. When not limited, {{msg-mw|allarticles}} is used respectively. 04681 04682 Parameters: 04683 * $1 - namespace name 04684 See also: 04685 * {{msg-mw|Allnotinnamespace}} 04686 {{Identical|All pages}}', 04687 'allnotinnamespace' => 'Presumably intended to be used as a page title of [[Special:Allpages]] and probably also in [[Special:PrefixIndex]] when the user limit the display to other than a certain namespace. 04688 04689 Parameters: 04690 * $1 - namespace name 04691 See also: 04692 * {{msg-mw|Allinnamespace}} 04693 {{Identical|All pages}}', 04694 'allpagesprev' => "Allegedly used in [[Special:AllPages]], although I haven't seen it. 04695 04696 {{Identical|Previous}}", 04697 'allpagesnext' => "Allegedly used in [[Special:AllPages]], although I haven't seen it. 04698 04699 {{Identical|Next}}", 04700 'allpagessubmit' => 'Text on submit button in [[Special:AllPages]], [[Special:RecentChanges]], [[Special:RecentChangesLinked]], [[Special:NewPages]], [[Special:Log]], [[Special:ListUsers]], [[Special:ProtectedPages]], [[Special:ProtectedTitles]], [[Special:WhatLinksHere]] and [[Special:Watchlist]]. 04701 04702 {{Identical|Go}}', 04703 'allpagesprefix' => "Used for the label of the input box of [[Special:PrefixIndex]]. On this page you can either write 'Name of namespace:string from which to begin display in alphabetical order' in the top box, or you can choose a namespace in the bottom box and put 'string from which to begin display in alphabetical order' in the top box. The result will be the same.", 04704 'allpagesbadtitle' => 'Used in [[Special:AllPages]], [[Special:PrefixIndex]] and [[Special:RecentChangesLinked]].', 04705 'allpages-bad-ns' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 04706 * $1 - namespace name, other than "Main" namespace', 04707 'allpages-hide-redirects' => 'Label for a checkbox. If the checkbox is checked redirects will not be shown in the list. Used in [[Special:PrefixIndex]] and [[Special:Allpages]].', 04708 04709 # SpecialCachedPage 04710 'cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ttl' => 'Message notifying they are watching a cached page. $1 is a duration (ie "1 hour and 30 minutes")', 04711 'cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ts' => 'Message notifying they are watching a cached page. This is a message displayed on special pages (contaning lists of pages with certain properties) that are served from the cache, as opposed to having been compiled run-time. This means that the displayed data may differ from the current situation.', 04712 'cachedspecial-refresh-now' => 'Link text pointing to the most recent version of the page.', 04713 04714 # Special:Categories 04715 'categories' => 'The page name of [[Special:Categories]]. 04716 {{Identical|Category}}', 04717 'categoriespagetext' => '{{doc-important|Do not translate or change links.}} 04718 Text displayed in [[Special:Categories]]. 04719 04720 In order to translate "Unused categories" and "wanted categories" see {{msg-mw|Unusedcategories}} and {{msg-mw|Wantedcategories}}. 04721 04722 Parameters: 04723 * $1 - number of categories', 04724 'categoriesfrom' => 'Used as label for the input box in [[Special:Categories]]. 04725 04726 This message follows the fieldset label {{msg-mw|categories}}, and is followed by the input box.', 04727 'special-categories-sort-count' => 'Commented out at this time. 04728 04729 This message is used on [[Special:Categories]] to sort the list by the number of members in the categories. 04730 04731 See also: 04732 * {{msg-mw|Special-categories-sort-abc}}', 04733 'special-categories-sort-abc' => 'Commented out at this time. 04734 04735 This message is used on [[Special:Categories]] to sort the list by the category name. 04736 04737 See also: 04738 * {{msg-mw|Special-categories-sort-count}}', 04739 04740 # Special:DeletedContributions 04741 'deletedcontributions' => 'The message is shown as a link on [[Special:SpecialPages]] to [[Special:DeletedContributions]]. 04742 04743 {{Identical|Deleted user contributions}}', 04744 'deletedcontributions-title' => 'Title of [[Special:DeletedContributions]] (extension), a special page with a list of edits to pages which were deleted. Only viewable by sysops. 04745 04746 {{Identical|Deleted user contributions}}', 04747 'sp-deletedcontributions-contribs' => "Link to user's contributions on [[Special:DeletedContributions]]. 04748 {{Identical|Contribution}}", 04749 04750 # Special:LinkSearch 04751 'linksearch' => 'Title of [[Special:LinkSearch|special page]] and legend of fieldset on that page. 04752 04753 {{Identical|External link}}', 04754 'linksearch-pat' => 'Legend for input box on [[Special:LinkSearch]].', 04755 'linksearch-ns' => 'Legend for dropdown box on [[Special:LinkSearch|special page]]. 04756 04757 {{Identical|Namespace}}', 04758 'linksearch-ok' => 'Button label on [[Special:LinkSearch|special page]]e 04759 04760 {{Identical|Search}}', 04761 'linksearch-text' => 'Introduction to special page [[Special:LinkSearch]]. 04762 04763 $1 is a list of internet protocols.', 04764 'linksearch-line' => 'Text for the results of a search using [[Special:LinkSearch]]. 04765 04766 *$1 is the address of an external link 04767 *$2 is the page containing the external link', 04768 'linksearch-error' => "Error message generated by [[Special:LinkSearch]]. 04769 04770 You can apparently use 'URL' instead of 'hostname'.", 04771 04772 # Special:ListUsers 04773 'listusersfrom' => 'identical with {{msg-mw|activeusers-from}}', 04774 'listusers-submit' => 'Text displayed in the submission button of the [[Special:ListUsers]] form. 04775 {{Identical|Go}} 04776 {{Identical|Show}}', 04777 'listusers-noresult' => 'identical with {{msg-mw|activeusers-noresult}}', 04778 'listusers-blocked' => 'Used on [[Special:ActiveUsers]] when a user has been blocked. Parameters: 04779 * $1 - (Optional) a user name for use with GENDER 04780 {{Identical|Blocked}}', 04781 04782 # Special:ActiveUsers 04783 'activeusers' => 'Title of [[Special:ActiveUsers]]', 04784 'activeusers-intro' => 'Used as introduction in [[Special:ActiveUsers]]. Parameters: 04785 * $1 - number of days (<code>$wgActiveUserDays</code>)', 04786 'activeusers-count' => "Used in [[Special:ActiveUsers]] to show the active user's recent action count in brackets ([]). 04787 * $1 is the number of recent actions 04788 * $2 is the user's name for use with GENDER (optional) 04789 * $3 is the maximum number of days of the RecentChangesList", 04790 'activeusers-from' => 'Used as label for checkbox in the form on [[Special:ActiveUsers]]. 04791 04792 identical with {{msg-mw|listusersfrom}} 04793 04794 See also: 04795 * {{msg-mw|activeusers|legend for the form}} 04796 * {{msg-mw|activeusers-hidebots|label for checkbox}} 04797 * {{msg-mw|activeusers-hidesysops|label for checkbox}}', 04798 'activeusers-hidebots' => 'Used as label for checkbox in the form on [[Special:ActiveUsers]]. 04799 04800 See also: 04801 * {{msg-mw|activeusers|legend for the form}} 04802 * {{msg-mw|activeusers-from|label for input box}} 04803 * {{msg-mw|activeusers-hidesysops|label for checkbox}}', 04804 'activeusers-hidesysops' => 'Used as label for checkbox in the form on [[Special:ActiveUsers]]. 04805 04806 See also: 04807 * {{msg-mw|activeusers|legend for the form}} 04808 * {{msg-mw|activeusers-from|label for input box}} 04809 * {{msg-mw|activeusers-hidebots|label for checkbox}}', 04810 'activeusers-noresult' => 'identical with {{msg-mw|listusers-noresult}}', 04811 04812 # Special:Log/newusers 04813 'newuserlogpage' => '{{doc-logpage}} 04814 04815 Part of the "Newuserlog" extension. It is both the title of [[Special:Log/newusers]] and the link you can see in [[Special:RecentChanges]].', 04816 'newuserlogpagetext' => 'Part of the "Newuserlog" extension. It is the description you can see on [[Special:Log/newusers]].', 04817 04818 # Special:ListGroupRights 04819 'listgrouprights' => 'The name of the special page [[Special:ListGroupRights]].', 04820 'listgrouprights-summary' => 'The description used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]]. 04821 04822 Refers to {{msg-mw|Listgrouprights-helppage}}.', 04823 'listgrouprights-key' => 'Footer note for the [[Special:ListGroupRights]] page', 04824 'listgrouprights-group' => "The title of the column in the table, about user groups (like you are in the ''translator'' group). 04825 04826 {{Identical|Group}}", 04827 'listgrouprights-rights' => "The title of the column in the table, about user rights (like you can ''edit'' this page). 04828 {{Identical|Right}}", 04829 'listgrouprights-helppage' => "The link used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]]. Just translate \"Group rights\", and '''leave the \"Help:\" namespace exactly as it is'''.", 04830 'listgrouprights-members' => 'Used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]] and [[Special:Statistics]] as a link to [[Special:ListUsers|Special:ListUsers/"group"]], a list of members in that group.', 04831 'listgrouprights-right-display' => '{{optional}} 04832 Parameters: 04833 * $1 - the text from the "right-..." messages, i.e. {{msg-mw|Right-edit}} 04834 * $2 - the codename of this right', 04835 'listgrouprights-right-revoked' => '{{optional}} 04836 Parameters: 04837 * $1 - the text from the "right-..." messages, i.e. {{msg-mw|Right-edit}} 04838 * $2 - the codename of this right', 04839 'listgrouprights-addgroup' => 'This is an individual right for groups, used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]]. 04840 * $1 - an enumeration of group names 04841 * $2 - the number of group names in $1 04842 See also: 04843 * {{msg-mw|listgrouprights-removegroup}}', 04844 'listgrouprights-removegroup' => 'This is an individual right for groups, used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]]. 04845 * $1 - an enumeration of group names 04846 * $2 - the number of group names in $1 04847 See also: 04848 * {{msg-mw|listgrouprights-addgroup}}', 04849 'listgrouprights-addgroup-all' => 'Used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]]. 04850 {{Related|Listgrouprights}}', 04851 'listgrouprights-removegroup-all' => 'Used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]]. 04852 {{Related|Listgrouprights}}', 04853 'listgrouprights-addgroup-self' => 'This is an individual right for groups, used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]]. 04854 * $1 - the group names 04855 * $2 - the number of group names in $1', 04856 'listgrouprights-removegroup-self' => 'This is an individual right for groups, used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]]. 04857 * $1 - the group names 04858 * $2 - the number of group names in $1', 04859 'listgrouprights-addgroup-self-all' => 'Used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]]. 04860 {{Related|Listgrouprights}}', 04861 'listgrouprights-removegroup-self-all' => 'Used on [[Special:ListGroupRights]]. 04862 {{Related|Listgrouprights}}', 04863 04864 # Email user 04865 'mailnologin' => 'Used in [[Special:EmailUser]]. 04866 04867 Used as title of the error message {{msg-mw|Mailnologintext}}.', 04868 'mailnologintext' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:EmailUser]]. 04869 04870 The title of this error message is {{msg-mw|Mailnologin}}.', 04871 'emailuser' => 'Link in the sidebar to send an e-mail to a user. 04872 04873 See also: 04874 * {{msg-mw|Emailuser}} 04875 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-t-emailuser}} 04876 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-t-emailuser}}', 04877 'emailuser-title-target' => '{{doc-special|EmailUser|unlisted=1}} 04878 Used when a user was given to e-mail. Parameters: 04879 * $1 - a plain text username, used for GENDER.', 04880 'emailuser-title-notarget' => '{{doc-special|EmailUser|unlisted=1}} 04881 Used when no user given to e-mail yet.', 04882 'emailpage' => "Title of special page [[Special:EmailUser]], when it is the destination of the sidebar link {{msg-mw|Emailuser}} on a user's page.", 04883 'emailpagetext' => 'This is the text that is displayed above the email form on [[Special:EmailUser]]. 04884 04885 Special:EmailUser appears when you click on the link "Email this user" in the sidebar, but only if there is an email address in the recipient\'s user preferences. If there isn\'t then the message {{msg-mw|Noemailtext}} will appear instead of Special:EmailUser. 04886 04887 Parameters: 04888 * $1 - username', 04889 'defemailsubject' => 'The default subject of EmailUser emails. Parameters: 04890 * $1 - the username of the user sending the email and can be used for GENDER', 04891 'usermaildisabled' => 'Caption for an error message ({{msg-mw|Usermaildisabledtext}}) shown when the user-to-user e-mail feature is disabled on the wiki (see [[mw:Manual:$wgEnableEmail]], [[mw:Manual:$wgEnableUserEmail]]).', 04892 'usermaildisabledtext' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:EmailUser]]. 04893 04894 The title for this error message is {{msg-mw|Usermaildisabled}}.', 04895 'noemailtitle' => 'The title of the message that appears instead of [[Special:EmailUser]] after clicking the "E-mail this user" link in the sidebar, if no e-mail can be sent to the user.', 04896 'noemailtext' => 'The text of the message that appears in [[Special:EmailUser]] after clicking the "E-mail this user" link in the sidebar, if no e-mail can be sent to the user because he has not specified or not confirmed an e-mail address.', 04897 'nowikiemailtext' => 'This is an error message used in [[Special:Emailuser]] when called with a target user not consenting to be an e-mail recipient.', 04898 'emailnotarget' => 'This is an error message that may be used in [[Special:Emailuser]] when called without a (valid) target user for the e-mail.', 04899 'emailtarget' => 'This is an input group label being used in [[Special:Emailuser]] when called without a (valid) target user for the e-mail.', 04900 'emailusername' => 'This is a prompt being used in [[Special:Emailuser]] when called without a (valid) target user for the e-mail. 04901 04902 {{Identical|Username}}', 04903 'emailusernamesubmit' => 'This is a button text used in [[Special:Emailuser]] when called without a (valid) target user for the e-mail. 04904 {{Identical|Submit}}', 04905 'email-legend' => 'Title of the box in [[Special:EmailUser]]', 04906 'emailfrom' => 'Field in [[Special:EmailUser]]. 04907 {{Identical|From}}', 04908 'emailto' => 'Field in [[Special:EmailUser]]. 04909 {{Identical|To}}', 04910 'emailsubject' => 'Field in [[Special:EmailUser]]. 04911 04912 {{Identical|Subject}}', 04913 'emailmessage' => 'Field in [[Special:EmailUser]]. 04914 04915 {{Identical|Message}}', 04916 'emailsend' => 'Button name in [[Special:EmailUser]]. 04917 04918 {{Identical|Send}}', 04919 'emailccme' => 'Used at [[Special:Preferences]] > E-mail', 04920 'emailccsubject' => 'Used in [[Special:EmailUser]]. 04921 04922 Subject of the carbon-copied email for the sender sent through MediaWiki. 04923 04924 Parameters: 04925 * $1 - target username 04926 * $2 - email subject', 04927 'emailsent' => 'Title of [[Special:EmailUser]] when it says you it sent an email', 04928 'emailsenttext' => "Confirmation page: when you send an email, [[Special:EmailUser]] says you this (Your email has been sent). 04929 04930 Parameters: 04931 * $1 - (Optional) the recipient's username, for local customizations", 04932 'emailuserfooter' => 'This message is appended to every email sent through the "Email user" function. Parameters: 04933 * $1 - username of the sender 04934 * $2 - username of the recipient', 04935 04936 # User Messenger 04937 'usermessage-summary' => 'This message is used as an edit summary for any message that is posted because of a system event. Translate "leaving a message" in the sense of: to give a message to someone; to deliver a message somewhere; to deposit.', 04938 'usermessage-editor' => 'The user name for the user that is the editor of system messages. See [{{canonicalurl:Thread:Support/Message_info_please}} discussion on Support].', 04939 'usermessage-template' => '{{optional}}', 04940 04941 # Watchlist 04942 'watchlist' => '{{Identical|Watchlist}}', 04943 'mywatchlist' => 'Link at the upper right corner of the screen. 04944 04945 See also: 04946 * {{msg-mw|Mywatchlist}} 04947 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-pt-watchlist}} 04948 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-pt-watchlist}} 04949 {{Identical|Watchlist}}', 04950 'watchlistfor2' => 'Subtitle on [[Special:Watchlist]]. 04951 Parameters: 04952 * $1 - Username of current user 04953 * $2 - Tool links (View relevant changes | View and edit watchlist | Edit raw watchlist) 04954 {{Identical|For $1}}', 04955 'nowatchlist' => 'Displayed when there is no pages in the watchlist.', 04956 'watchlistanontext' => 'Parameters: 04957 * $1 - a link to [[Special:UserLogin]] with {{msg-mw|loginreqlink}} as link description', 04958 'watchnologin' => 'Used as error page title. 04959 04960 The error message for this title is: 04961 * {{msg-mw|Watchnologintext}} 04962 {{Identical|Not logged in}}', 04963 'watchnologintext' => 'Used as error message. 04964 04965 The title for this error is {{msg-mw|Watchnologin}}.', 04966 'addwatch' => 'Link to a dialog box, displayed at the end of the list of categories at the foot of each page. 04967 04968 See also: 04969 * {{msg-mw|Removewatch}}', 04970 'addedwatchtext' => 'Explanation shown when clicking on the {{msg-mw|Watch}} tab. Parameters: 04971 * $1 - page title 04972 See also: 04973 * {{msg-mw|Addedwatch}}', 04974 'removewatch' => 'Link to a dialog box, displayed at the end of the list of categories at the foot of each page. 04975 04976 See also: 04977 * {{msg-mw|Addwatch}}', 04978 'removedwatchtext' => "After a page has been removed from a user's watchlist by clicking the {{msg-mw|Unwatch}} tab at the top of an article, this message appears just below the title of the article. 04979 04980 Parameters: 04981 * $1 - the title of the article 04982 See also: 04983 * {{msg-mw|Removedwatch}} 04984 * {{msg-mw|Addedwatchtext}}", 04985 'watch' => '{{doc-actionlink}} 04986 Name of the Watch tab. Should be in the imperative mood. 04987 04988 See also: 04989 * {{msg-mw|Watch}} 04990 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-watch}} 04991 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-watch}}', 04992 'watchthispage' => 'Used as link text. 04993 04994 See also: 04995 * {{msg-mw|Unwatchthispage|link text}} 04996 * {{msg-mw|Notanarticle|error message}} 04997 {{Identical|Watch this page}}', 04998 'unwatch' => '{{doc-actionlink}} 04999 Label of "Unwatch" tab. 05000 05001 See also: 05002 * {{msg-mw|Unwatch}} 05003 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-unwatch}} 05004 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-unwatch}}', 05005 'unwatchthispage' => 'Used as link text. 05006 05007 See also: 05008 * {{msg-mw|Watchthispage|link text}} 05009 * {{msg-mw|Notanarticle|error message}}', 05010 'notanarticle' => "A 'content page' is a page that forms part of the purpose of the wiki. It includes the main page and pages in the main namespace and any other namespaces that are included when the wiki is customised. For example on Wikimedia Commons 'content pages' include pages in the file and category namespaces. On Wikinews 'content pages' include pages in the Portal namespace. For technical definition of 'content namespaces' see [[mw:Manual:Using_custom_namespaces#Content_namespaces|MediaWiki]]. 05011 05012 Possible alternatives to the word 'content' are 'subject matter' or 'wiki subject' or 'wiki purpose'. 05013 05014 {{Identical|Content page}}", 05015 'notvisiblerev' => 'Used as error message when rolling back. 05016 05017 See also: 05018 * {{msg-mw|Cantrollback}}', 05019 'watchnochange' => 'Used in [[Special:Watchlist]] if there is nothing to show.', 05020 'watchlist-details' => 'Message on [[Special:Watchlist]]. Parameters: 05021 * $1 - number of pages in your watchlist 05022 This is paired with the message {{msg-mw|Nowatchlist}} which appears instead of Watchlist-details when $1 is 0. 05023 See also: 05024 * {{msg-mw|Watchlist-options|fieldset}} 05025 * {{msg-mw|Wlheader-enotif|watchlist header}} 05026 * {{msg-mw|enotif reset|Submit button text}} 05027 * {{msg-mw|Watchlistcontains}}', 05028 'wlheader-enotif' => 'Used in [[Special:Watchlist]]. 05029 05030 See also: 05031 * {{msg-mw|Watchlist-options|fieldset}} 05032 * {{msg-mw|Watchlist-details|watchlist header}} 05033 * {{msg-mw|enotif reset|Submit button text}}', 05034 'wlheader-showupdated' => 'This message shows up near top of users watchlist page.', 05035 'watchmethod-recent' => 'See also: 05036 * {{msg-mw|Watchmethod-list}}', 05037 'watchmethod-list' => 'See also: 05038 * {{msg-mw|Watchmethod-recent}}', 05039 'watchlistcontains' => 'Parameters: 05040 * $1 - number of pages in your watchlist 05041 See also: 05042 * {{msg-mw|Watchlist-details}}', 05043 'iteminvalidname' => 'Parameters: 05044 * $1 - item name', 05045 'wlnote' => 'Used on [[Special:Watchlist]] when the maximum number of days is specified. 05046 05047 Similar to {{msg-mw|rcnote}} which is used on [[Special:RecentChanges]]. 05048 05049 Parameters: 05050 * $1 - the number of changes shown 05051 * $2 - the number of hours for which the changes are shown 05052 * $3 - a date alone 05053 * $4 - a time alone', 05054 'wlshowlast' => 'Appears on [[Special:Watchlist]]. Parameters: 05055 * $1 - a choice of different numbers of hours ("1 | 2 | 6 | 12") 05056 * $2 - a choice of different numbers of days ("1 | 3 | 7") 05057 * $3 - {{msg-mw|watchlistall2}} 05058 Clicking on your choice changes the list of changes you see (without changing the default in my preferences).', 05059 'watchlist-options' => 'Legend of the fieldset of [[Special:Watchlist]] 05060 05061 See also: 05062 * {{msg-mw|Watchlist-details|watchlist header}} 05063 * {{msg-mw|Wlheader-enotif|watchlist header}} 05064 * {{msg-mw|enotif reset|Submit button text}}', 05065 05066 # Displayed when you click the "watch" button and it is in the process of watching 05067 'watching' => 'Text displayed when clicked on the watch tab: {{msg-mw|Watch}}. It means the wiki is adding that page to your watchlist.', 05068 'unwatching' => 'Text displayed when clicked on the unwatch tab: {{msg-mw|Unwatch}}. It means the wiki is removing that page from your watchlist.', 05069 'watcherrortext' => 'When a user clicked the watch/unwatch tab and the action did not succeed, this message is displayed. 05070 05071 This message is used raw and should not contain wikitext. 05072 05073 Parameters: 05074 * $1 - ... 05075 See also: 05076 * {{msg-mw|Addedwatchtext}}', 05077 05078 'enotif_reset' => "Used in [[Special:Watchlist]]. 05079 05080 This should be translated as \"Mark all pages '''as''' visited\". 05081 05082 See also: 05083 * {{msg-mw|Watchlist-options|fieldset}} 05084 * {{msg-mw|Watchlist-details|watchlist header}} 05085 * {{msg-mw|Wlheader-enotif|watchlist header}}", 05086 'enotif_newpagetext' => 'Part of text of a notification e-mail sent when a watched page has been created. See [[MediaWiki:Enotif body]] and screenshot [[File:Screenshot_MediaWiki_e-mail_notifier.PNG|150px|right]]', 05087 'enotif_impersonal_salutation' => 'Used for impersonal e-mail notifications, suitable for bulk mailing.', 05088 'changed' => '{{Optional}} 05089 Possible value for $CHANGEDORCREATED in the following messages: 05090 * {{msg-mw|Enotif subject}} 05091 * {{msg-mw|Enotif body}}', 05092 'created' => '{{Optional}} 05093 Possible value for $CHANGEDORCREATED in the following messages: 05094 * {{msg-mw|enotif_subject}} 05095 * {{msg-mw|enotif_body}} 05096 {{Identical|Created}}', 05097 'enotif_subject' => '$CHANGEDORCREATED can be one of {{msg-mw|Changed}} and {{msg-mw|Created}}. 05098 05099 Can also be {{msg-wikia|blog-added}} or {{msg-wikia|blog-edited}} from Wikia.', 05100 'enotif_lastvisited' => 'Parameters: 05101 * $1 - a URL which points to diff 05102 See also: 05103 * {{msg-mw|Enotif lastdiff}}', 05104 'enotif_lastdiff' => 'Email notification text to the latest page differences. Parameters: 05105 * $1 - a link which points to a diff, shown as a plain link 05106 See also: 05107 * {{msg-mw|Enotif lastvisited}}', 05108 'enotif_anon_editor' => 'User name in an email notification when referring to an anonymous user. Parameters: 05109 * $1 - the anonymous user name (i.e. an IP address).', 05110 'enotif_body' => 'Text of a notification e-mail sent when a watched page has been edited or deleted.[[File:Screenshot_MediaWiki_e-mail_notifier.PNG|150px|right]] 05111 05112 * <tt>$CHANGEDORCREATED</tt> can be one of {{msg-mw|changed}}, {{msg-mw|created}}, or {{msg-mw|deleted}}. Can also be {{msg-wikia|blog-added}} or {{msg-wikia|blog-edited}} from Wikia.', 05113 05114 # Delete 05115 'deletepage' => 'Used as Submit button text. 05116 {{Identical|Delete page}}', 05117 'confirm' => 'Submit button text for protection confirmation 05118 05119 {{Identical|Confirm}}', 05120 'excontent' => 'Automated deletion reason when deleting a page for admins. Parameters: 05121 * $1 - content before deletion', 05122 'excontentauthor' => 'Automated deletion reason when deleting a page for admins providing that the page has one author only. 05123 05124 Parameters: 05125 * $1 - content before deletion 05126 * $2 - username', 05127 'exbeforeblank' => 'Automated deletion reason when deleting a page for admins providing that the page was blanked before deletion. 05128 05129 Parameters: 05130 * $1 - content before blanking', 05131 'delete-confirm' => 'Used as page title. Parameters: 05132 * $1 - the page title', 05133 'delete-legend' => '{{Identical|Delete}}', 05134 'historywarning' => 'Warning when about to delete a page that has history. 05135 05136 Followed by a link which points to the history page. 05137 05138 Parameters: 05139 * $1 - the <b>approximate</b> number of revisions that the page has, the message should not claim to give an exact count', 05140 'confirmdeletetext' => 'Introduction shown when deleting a page. 05141 05142 Refers to {{msg-mw|Policy-url}}.', 05143 'actioncomplete' => 'Used in several situations, for example when a page has been deleted. 05144 05145 See also: 05146 * {{msg-mw|Actionfailed|page title}}', 05147 'actionfailed' => 'Used as page title when the submit operation failed, in [[Special:RevisionDelete]]. 05148 05149 See also: 05150 * {{msg-mw|Actioncomplete|page title}}', 05151 'deletedtext' => 'Parameters: 05152 * $1 is a page that was deleted 05153 * $2 is {{msg-mw|deletionlog}}', 05154 'dellogpage' => '{{doc-logpage}} 05155 05156 The name of the deletion log. Used as heading on [[Special:Log/delete]] and in the drop down menu for selecting logs on [[Special:Log]]. 05157 {{Identical|Deletion log}}', 05158 'dellogpagetext' => 'Text in [[Special:Log/delete]].', 05159 'deletionlog' => 'Used as text for the link which points to the deletion log: 05160 * Used as <code>$1</code> in {{msg-mw|Filewasdeleted}} 05161 * Used as <code>$2</code> in {{msg-mw|Deletedtext}} 05162 * Used in log lines on [[Special:DeletedContributions]] 05163 {{Identical|Deletion log}}', 05164 'reverted' => '{{Identical|Revert}}', 05165 'deletecomment' => '{{Identical|Reason}}', 05166 'deleteotherreason' => '{{Identical|Other/additional reason}}', 05167 'deletereasonotherlist' => '{{Identical|Other reason}}', 05168 'deletereason-dropdown' => 'Default reasons for deletion. Displayed as a drop-down list. Format: 05169 <pre>* Group 05170 ** Common delete reason 05171 ** ...</pre>', 05172 'delete-edit-reasonlist' => 'Shown beneath the page deletion form on the right side. It is a link to {{msg-mw|Deletereason-dropdown|notext=1}}. 05173 05174 See also: 05175 * {{msg-mw|Ipb-edit-dropdown}} 05176 * {{msg-mw|Protect-edit-reasonlist}}. 05177 {{Identical|Edit delete reasons}}', 05178 'delete-toobig' => 'Parameters: 05179 * $1 - the upper limit of number of revisions 05180 See also: 05181 * {{msg-mw|Delete-warning-toobig}}', 05182 'delete-warning-toobig' => 'Parameters: 05183 * $1 - the upper limit of number of revisions 05184 See also: 05185 * {{msg-mw|Delete-toobig}}', 05186 05187 # Rollback 05188 'rollback' => '{{Identical|Rollback}}', 05189 'rollback_short' => '{{Identical|Rollback}}', 05190 'rollbacklink' => '{{Doc-actionlink}} 05191 This link text appears on the recent changes page to users who have the "rollback" right. 05192 This message has a tooltip {{msg-mw|tooltip-rollback}} 05193 {{Identical|Rollback}}', 05194 'rollbacklinkcount' => '{{doc-actionlink}} 05195 Text of the rollback link showing the number of edits to be rolled back. See also {{msg-mw|rollbacklink}}. 05196 05197 Parameters: 05198 * $1 - the number of edits that will be rolled back. If $1 is over the value of <code>$wgShowRollbackEditCount</code> (default: 10) {{msg-mw|rollbacklinkcount-morethan}} is used. 05199 05200 The rollback link is displayed with a tooltip {{msg-mw|Tooltip-rollback}}', 05201 'rollbacklinkcount-morethan' => '{{doc-actionlink}} 05202 Text of the rollback link when a greater number of edits is to be rolled back. See also {{msg-mw|rollbacklink}}. 05203 05204 When the number of edits rolled back is smaller than [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Manual:$wgShowRollbackEditCount|$wgShowRollbackEditCount]], {{msg-mw|rollbacklinkcount}} is used instead. 05205 05206 Parameters: 05207 * $1 - number of edits', 05208 'rollbackfailed' => '{{Identical|Rollback}}', 05209 'cantrollback' => 'Used as error message when rolling back. 05210 05211 See also: 05212 * {{msg-mw|Notvisiblerev}} 05213 {{Identical|Revert}} 05214 {{Identical|Rollback}}', 05215 'alreadyrolled' => "Appear when there's rollback and/or edit collision. 05216 05217 Refers to: 05218 * {{msg-mw|Pipe-separator}} 05219 * {{msg-mw|Contribslink}} 05220 Parameters: 05221 * $1 - the page to be rolled back 05222 * $2 - the editor to be rolled-back of that page 05223 * $3 - the editor that cause collision 05224 {{Identical|Rollback}}", 05225 'editcomment' => 'Only shown if there is an edit {{msg-mw|Summary}}. Parameters: 05226 * $1 - the edit summary', 05227 'revertpage' => 'Parameters: 05228 * $1 - username 1 05229 * $2 - username 2 05230 * $3 - (Optional) revision ID of the revision reverted to 05231 * $4 - (Optional) timestamp of the revision reverted to 05232 * $5 - (Optional) revision ID of the revision reverted from 05233 * $6 - (Optional) timestamp of the revision reverted from 05234 See also: 05235 * {{msg-mw|Revertpage-nouser}} 05236 {{Identical|Revert}}', 05237 'revertpage-nouser' => 'This is a confirmation message a user sees after reverting, when the username of the version is hidden with RevisionDelete. 05238 05239 In other cases the message {{msg-mw|Revertpage}} is used. 05240 05241 Parameters: 05242 * $1 - username 1, can be used for GENDER 05243 * $2 - (Optional) username 2 05244 * $3 - (Optional) revision ID of the revision reverted to 05245 * $4 - (Optional) timestamp of the revision reverted to 05246 * $5 - (Optional) revision ID of the revision reverted from 05247 * $6 - (Optional) timestamp of the revision reverted from', 05248 'rollback-success' => 'This message shows up on screen after successful revert (generally visible only to admins). $1 describes user whose changes have been reverted, $2 describes user which produced version, which replaces reverted version. 05249 {{Identical|Revert}} 05250 {{Identical|Rollback}}', 05251 05252 # Edit tokens 05253 'sessionfailure-title' => 'Used as title of the error message {{msg-mw|Sessionfailure}}.', 05254 'sessionfailure' => 'Used as error message. 05255 05256 The title for this error message is {{msg-mw|Sessionfailure-title}}.', 05257 05258 # Protect 05259 'protectlogpage' => '{{doc-logpage}} 05260 05261 Title of [[Special:Log/protect]].', 05262 'protectlogtext' => 'Text in [[Special:Log/protect]].', 05263 'protectedarticle' => 'Text describing an action on [[Special:Log]]. $1 is a page title.', 05264 'modifiedarticleprotection' => 'Text describing an action on [[Special:Log]]. $1 is a page title.', 05265 'unprotectedarticle' => 'Used as action in the log. Parameters: 05266 * $1 - target page title', 05267 'movedarticleprotection' => 'This is a log entry. It appears in the log if a protected page is renamed. 05268 05269 Example: 05270 <code>00:51, 16 September 2010 Siebrand +(Talk • contribs • block) moved protection settings from "User:Siebrand/prot-move" to "User:Siebrand/prot-moved" (User:Siebrand/prot-move moved to User:Siebrand/prot-moved: prot_move test.)</code> 05271 05272 Parameters: 05273 * $1 - target page title 05274 * $2 - source page title', 05275 'protect-title' => 'Title for the protection form. $1 is the title of the page to be (un)protected.', 05276 'protect-title-notallowed' => 'Same as {{msg-mw|Protect-title}}, but when the user does not have the right to change protection levels. 05277 05278 Parameters: 05279 * $1 - page title', 05280 'prot_1movedto2' => 'Message description: [[mw:Manual:Interface/1movedto2]] 05281 05282 Parameters: 05283 * $1 - source page title 05284 * $2 - target page title', 05285 'protect-badnamespace-title' => 'Title of error page when trying to access action=protect on a non-protectable namespace (currently this only for the MediaWiki: namespace).', 05286 'protect-badnamespace-text' => 'Content of the error page that goes with {{msg-mw|protect-badnamespace-title}}.', 05287 'protect-legend' => 'Legend of the fieldset around the input form of the protection form.', 05288 'protectcomment' => '{{Identical|Reason}}', 05289 'protectexpiry' => '{{Identical|Expire}}', 05290 'protect_expiry_invalid' => 'Used as error message about the Protection Form. 05291 05292 See also: 05293 * {{msg-mw|Protect expiry old}}', 05294 'protect_expiry_old' => 'Used as error message about the Protection Form. 05295 05296 See also: 05297 * {{msg-mw|Protect expiry invalid}}', 05298 'protect-unchain-permissions' => 'This message is a label for a checkbox displayed in the "protect" form just below the first selector (generally the "edit" protection). If the checkbox is checked (default) other selectors will be locked and have the same value as the first selector, otherwise other selectors are editable by the user. 05299 This message was something like "unlock move protection" in the past.', 05300 'protect-text' => 'Intro of the protection interface. See [[meta:Protect]] for more information. 05301 05302 Parameters: 05303 * $1 - page title', 05304 'protect-locked-blocked' => 'Unused at this time. 05305 05306 Parameters: 05307 * $1 - page title 05308 {{Related|Protect-locked}}', 05309 'protect-locked-dblock' => 'Unused at this time. 05310 05311 Parameters: 05312 * $1 - page title 05313 {{Related|Protect-locked}}', 05314 'protect-locked-access' => 'Unused at this time. 05315 05316 Parameters: 05317 * $1 - page title 05318 {{Related|Protect-locked}}', 05319 'protect-cascadeon' => 'Used in Protection form. 05320 * $1 - number of cascade source pages', 05321 'protect-default' => '{{Identical|Default}}', 05322 'protect-fallback' => 'This message is used as an option in the protection form on wikis were extra protection levels have been configured. 05323 05324 Parameters: 05325 * $1 - undefined protection level (not localized). Defined protection levels are: "sysop" and "autoconfirmed" 05326 05327 See also: 05328 * {{msg-mw|Protect-level-sysop}} 05329 * {{msg-mw|Protect-level-autoconfirmed}}', 05330 'protect-level-autoconfirmed' => 'Used as protect level. 05331 05332 See example: {{canonicalurl:Main_Page|action=info}}', 05333 'protect-level-sysop' => 'Used as protect level. 05334 05335 See example: {{canonicalurl:Main_Page|action=info}}', 05336 'protect-summary-cascade' => 'Used in edit summary when cascade protecting a page. Appears in protection log. See [[Special:Log]] and [[m:Special:Log]]. 05337 05338 Also used in [[Special:ProtectedPages]] when a page is cascade protected. See example: [[m:Special:ProtectedPages]].<br /> 05339 See also: 05340 *{{msg-mw|Restriction-level-sysop}} 05341 *{{msg-mw|Restriction-level-autoconfirmed}}', 05342 'protect-expiring' => 'Used as expiry text in page history, and in [[Special:Protectedtitles]], [[Special:Protectedpages]], and extension FlaggedRevs. 05343 * $1 - a date and time 05344 * $2 - a date (optional) 05345 * $3 - a time (optional) 05346 If the expiry is indefinite, {{msg-mw|protect-expiry-indefinite}} is used. 05347 {{Identical|Expires $1 (UTC)}}', 05348 'protect-expiring-local' => 'Parameter: 05349 * $1 - a timestamp like "22:51, 23 July 2011 (UTC)" depending on the wiki content language. 05350 {{Identical|Expire}}', 05351 'protect-expiry-indefinite' => 'Used as expiry text in page history, and in [[Special:Protectedtitles]], [[Special:Protectedpages]], and extension FlaggedRevs. 05352 05353 If the expiry is definite, {{msg-mw|protect-expiring}} is used.', 05354 'protect-cascade' => 'See [[meta:Protect]] for more information.', 05355 'protect-cantedit' => 'Used as error message when changing the protection levels of the page.', 05356 'protect-othertime' => 'Used on the page protection form as label for the following input field (text) 05357 {{Identical|Other time}}', 05358 'protect-othertime-op' => 'Used on the page protection form in the drop down menu 05359 {{Identical|Other time}}', 05360 'protect-existing-expiry' => 'Shows the existing expiry time in the drop down menu of the protection form ([{{canonicalurl:User:Raymond/test|action=unprotect}} example]) 05361 05362 Parameters: 05363 * $1 - (Unused) date and time of the existing expiry time (kept for backward compatibility purposes) 05364 * $2 - date of the existing expiry time 05365 * $3 - time of the existing expiry time', 05366 'protect-otherreason' => 'Shown on the page protection form as label for the following input field (text) 05367 {{Identical|Other/additional reason}}', 05368 'protect-otherreason-op' => 'Shown on the page protection form in the drop down menu 05369 {{Identical|Other reason}}', 05370 'protect-dropdown' => 'Shown on the page protection form as drop down menu for protection reasons. 05371 05372 * <code><nowiki>* Groupname</nowiki></code> - defines a new group 05373 * <code><nowiki>** Reason</nowiki></code> - defines a reason in this group', 05374 'protect-edit-reasonlist' => 'Shown beneath the page protection form on the right side. It is a link to {{msg-mw|Protect-dropdown|notext=1}}. 05375 05376 See also: 05377 * {{msg-mw|Delete-edit-reasonlist}} 05378 * {{msg-mw|Ipb-edit-dropdown}}', 05379 'protect-expiry-options' => "{{doc-important|Be careful: '''1 translation:1 english''', so the first part is the translation and the second part should stay in English.}} 05380 Options for the duration of the page protection. Example: See e.g. [[MediaWiki:Protect-expiry-options/nl]] if you still don't know how to do it. 05381 {{Identical|Infinite}}", 05382 'restriction-type' => 'Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]]. The text next to a drop-down box. See [[mw:Manual:Administrators|MediaWiki Manual]] for more information on protection. 05383 {{Identical|Permission}}', 05384 'restriction-level' => 'Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]] and [[Special:ProtectedTitles]]. The text next to a drop-down box. See the [[mw:Project:Protected_titles|help page on MediaWiki]] and on [[meta:Protect|Meta]] for more information.', 05385 'minimum-size' => 'Used in [[Special:Protectedpages]] as a pair of radio buttons, with {{msg-mw|Maximum-size}}. There is an input box to specify the minimum bites of the projected pages listed.', 05386 'maximum-size' => 'Used in [[Special:Protectedpages]] as a pair of radio buttons, with {{msg-mw|Minimum-size}}. There is an input box to specify the maximum bites of the projected pages listed.', 05387 'pagesize' => 'Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]]. See the help page on [[meta:Protect|Meta]] for more information on protection.', 05388 05389 # Restrictions (nouns) 05390 'restriction-edit' => "Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]]. Option in the 'permission' drop-down box. 05391 05392 {{Identical|Edit}}", 05393 'restriction-move' => "Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]]. Option in the 'permission' drop-down box. 05394 05395 {{Identical|Move}}", 05396 'restriction-create' => 'Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]]. An option in a drop-down box. See the help pages on [[mw:Project:Protected_titles|MediaWiki]] and [[meta:Protect|Meta]] for more information on protection. 05397 {{Identical|Create}}', 05398 'restriction-upload' => '{{Identical|Upload}}', 05399 05400 # Restriction levels 05401 'restriction-level-sysop' => "Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]] and [[Special:ProtectedTitles]]. An option in the drop-down box 'Restriction level' and in brackets after each page name entry. See the [[mw:Project:Protected_titles|help page on MediaWiki]] and on [[meta:Protect|Meta]] for more information. 05402 05403 See also: 05404 *{{msg-mw|Restriction-level-autoconfirmed}} 05405 *{{msg-mw|Restriction-level-all}}", 05406 'restriction-level-autoconfirmed' => "Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]] and [[Special:ProtectedTitles]]. An option in the drop-down box 'Restriction level', and in brackets after each page name entry. See the [[mw:Project:Protected_titles|help page on MediaWiki]] and on [[meta:Protect|Meta]] for more information. 05407 05408 See also: 05409 *{{msg-mw|Restriction-level-sysop}} 05410 *{{msg-mw|Restriction-level-all}}", 05411 'restriction-level-all' => "Used on [[Special:ProtectedPages]] and [[Special:ProtectedTitles]]. An option in the drop-down box 'Restriction level'. See the [[mw:Project:Protected_titles|help page on MediaWiki]] and on [[meta:Protect|Meta]] for more information. 05412 05413 See also: 05414 *{{msg-mw|Restriction-level-sysop}} 05415 *{{msg-mw|Restriction-level-autoconfirmed}}", 05416 05417 # Undelete 05418 'undelete' => '{{doc-special|Undelete}} 05419 See also: 05420 * {{msg-mw|Undelete}} 05421 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-undelete}} 05422 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-undelete}} 05423 {{Identical|View deleted pages}}', 05424 'undeletepage' => 'Title of special page [[Special:Undelete]]. This special page is only visible to administrators.', 05425 'undeletepagetitle' => 'Used as introduction in [[Special:Undelete]]. Parameters: 05426 * $1 - page title', 05427 'viewdeletedpage' => 'Title of the [[Special:Undelete]]. 05428 05429 {{Identical|View deleted pages}}', 05430 'undeletepagetext' => 'Parameters: 05431 * $1 - number of pages 05432 See also: 05433 * {{msg-mw|Undelete-no-results}} - if no results', 05434 'undelete-fieldset-title' => 'Used as the title of the fieldset.', 05435 'undeleteextrahelp' => 'Help message displayed when restoring history of a page. 05436 05437 Refers to {{msg-mw|Undeletebtn}}. 05438 05439 See also: 05440 * {{msg-mw|Undeletereset}}', 05441 'undeleterevisions' => 'Enclosed in parentheses and preceded by item name. 05442 05443 Parameters: 05444 * $1 - number of revisions', 05445 'undeletehistory' => 'Used in [[Special:Undelete]]. 05446 05447 See also: 05448 * {{msg-mw|Undeleterevdel}} 05449 * {{msg-mw|Undeletehistorynoadmin}}', 05450 'undeleterevdel' => 'Used in [[Special:Undelete]]. 05451 05452 See also: 05453 * {{msg-mw|Undeletehistory}} 05454 * {{msg-mw|Undeletehistorynoadmin}}', 05455 'undeletehistorynoadmin' => 'Used in [[Special:Undelete]]. 05456 05457 See also: 05458 * {{msg-mw|Undeletehistory}} 05459 * {{msg-mw|Undeleterevdel}}', 05460 'undelete-revision' => 'Shown in "View and restore deleted pages" ([[Special:Undelete/$1]]). 05461 Parameters: 05462 * $1 - deleted page name 05463 * $2 - (unused) 05464 * $3 - username (author of revision, not who deleted it) 05465 * $4 - date of the revision (localized) 05466 * $5 - time of the revision (localized) 05467 Example (in English): 05468 * Deleted revision of [[Main Page]] (as of 14 September 2013, at 08:17) by [[User:Username|Username]]:', 05469 'undeleterevision-missing' => 'Used as warning when undeleting the revision.', 05470 'undelete-nodiff' => 'Used in [[Special:Undelete]].', 05471 'undeletebtn' => 'Shown on [[Special:Undelete]] as button caption and on [[Special:Log/delete|deletion log]] after each entry (for sysops). 05472 05473 {{Identical|Restore}}', 05474 'undeletelink' => 'Display name of link to undelete a page used on [[Special:Log/delete]] 05475 05476 {{Identical|View}} 05477 {{Identical|Restore}}', 05478 'undeleteviewlink' => 'First part of {{msg-mw|undeletelink}}. 05479 Display name of link to view a deleted page used on [[Special:Log/delete]]. 05480 {{Identical|View}}', 05481 'undeletereset' => 'Shown on [[Special:Undelete]] as button caption. 05482 {{Identical|Reset}}', 05483 'undeleteinvert' => '{{Identical|Invert selection}}', 05484 'undeletecomment' => '{{Identical|Reason}}', 05485 'undeletedrevisions' => 'Used as reason in the log entry. Parameters: 05486 * $1 - number of revisions 05487 See also: 05488 * {{msg-mw|Undeletedrevisions-files}} 05489 * {{msg-mw|Undeletedfiles}}', 05490 'undeletedrevisions-files' => 'Used as reason in the log entry. Parameters: 05491 * $1 - number of revisions 05492 * $2 - number of files 05493 See also: 05494 * {{msg-mw|Undeletedrevisions}} 05495 * {{msg-mw|Undeletedfiles}}', 05496 'undeletedfiles' => 'Used as reason in the log entry. Parameters: 05497 * $1 - number of files 05498 See also: 05499 * {{msg-mw|Undeletedrevisions-files}} 05500 * {{msg-mw|Undeletedrevisions}}', 05501 'cannotundelete' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:Undelete]].', 05502 'undeletedpage' => 'Used as success message. Parameters: 05503 * $1 - page title, with link', 05504 'undelete-header' => 'Used in [[Special:Undelete]].', 05505 'undelete-search-title' => 'Page title when showing the search form in [[Special:Undelete]]. 05506 05507 See also: 05508 * {{msg-mw|undelete-search-box}} 05509 * {{msg-mw|undelete-search-prefix}} 05510 * {{msg-mw|undelete-search-submit}}', 05511 'undelete-search-box' => 'Used as legend for the Search form in [[Special:Undelete]]. 05512 05513 See also: 05514 * {{msg-mw|undelete-search-title}} 05515 * {{msg-mw|undelete-search-prefix}} 05516 * {{msg-mw|undelete-search-submit}}', 05517 'undelete-search-prefix' => 'Used as label for the input box in [[Special:Undelete]]. 05518 05519 See also: 05520 * {{msg-mw|undelete-search-title}} 05521 * {{msg-mw|undelete-search-box}} 05522 * {{msg-mw|undelete-search-submit}}', 05523 'undelete-search-submit' => 'Used as Submit button text in Search form on [[Special:Undelete]]. 05524 05525 See also: 05526 * {{msg-mw|undelete-search-title}} 05527 * {{msg-mw|undelete-search-box}} 05528 * {{msg-mw|undelete-search-prefix}} 05529 {{Identical|Search}}', 05530 'undelete-no-results' => 'Used as Search result in [[Special:Undelete]] if no results. 05531 05532 See also: 05533 * {{msg-mw|Undeletepagetext}}', 05534 'undelete-filename-mismatch' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 05535 * $1 - timestamp (date and time)', 05536 'undelete-bad-store-key' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 05537 * $1 - timestamp (date and time)', 05538 'undelete-cleanup-error' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 05539 * $1 - file path', 05540 'undelete-missing-filearchive' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 05541 * $1 - missing ID', 05542 'undelete-error' => 'Page title when a page could not be undeleted', 05543 'undelete-error-short' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 05544 * $1 - ... 05545 See also: 05546 * {{msg-mw|Undelete-error-long}}', 05547 'undelete-error-long' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 05548 * $1 - ... 05549 See also: 05550 * {{msg-mw|Undelete-error-short}}', 05551 'undelete-show-file-confirm' => 'A confirmation message shown on [[Special:Undelete]] when the request does not contain a valid token (e.g. when a user clicks a link received in mail). 05552 05553 Parameters: 05554 * $1 - the name of the file being undeleted 05555 * $2 - the date of the displayed revision 05556 * $3 - the time of the displayed revision 05557 {{Identical|Are you sure you want to view the deleted revision of the file...}}', 05558 'undelete-show-file-submit' => '{{Identical|Yes}}', 05559 'undelete-revisionrow' => "{{Optional}} 05560 A revision row in the undelete page. Parameters: 05561 * $1 is a checkBox to indicate whether to restore this specific revision 05562 * $2 is a link to the revision 05563 * $3 is a link to the last revision of a page ({{msg-mw|last}}) 05564 * $4 is a link to the page 05565 * $5 is a link to the revision's user 05566 * $6 is the revision size 05567 * $7 is the revision comment", 05568 05569 # Namespace form on various pages 05570 'namespace' => 'This message is located at [[Special:Contributions]]. 05571 {{Identical|Namespace}}', 05572 'invert' => 'Displayed in [[Special:RecentChanges|RecentChanges]], [[Special:RecentChangesLinked|RecentChangesLinked]] and [[Special:Watchlist|Watchlist]]. 05573 05574 This message means "Invert selection of namespace". 05575 05576 This message has a tooltip {{msg-mw|tooltip-invert}} 05577 {{Identical|Invert selection}}', 05578 'tooltip-invert' => 'Used in [[Special:Recentchanges]] as a tooltip for the invert checkbox. See also the message {{msg-mw|invert}}', 05579 'namespace_association' => 'Used in [[Special:Recentchanges]] with a checkbox which selects the associated namespace to be added to the selected namespace, so that both are searched (or excluded depending on another checkbox selection). The association is between a namespace and its talk namespace. 05580 05581 This message has a tooltip {{msg-mw|tooltip-namespace association}}', 05582 'tooltip-namespace_association' => 'Used in [[Special:Recentchanges]] as a tooltip for the associated namespace checkbox. 05583 05584 See also: 05585 * {{msg-mw|Namespace association}}', 05586 'blanknamespace' => 'Name for main namespace (blank namespace) in drop-down menus at [[Special:RecentChanges]] and other special pages. 05587 {{Identical|Main}}', 05588 05589 # Contributions 05590 'contributions' => "Display name for the 'User contributions', shown in the sidebar menu of all user pages and user talk pages. Also the page name of the target page. The target page shows an overview of the most recent contributions by a user.", 05591 'contributions-title' => '{{Gender}} 05592 The page title in your browser bar, but not the page title. 05593 05594 Parameters: 05595 * $1 - the username 05596 See also: 05597 * {{msg-mw|Contributions}}', 05598 'mycontris' => 'In the personal urls page section - right upper corner. 05599 05600 See also: 05601 * {{msg-mw|Mycontris}} 05602 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-pt-mycontris}} 05603 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-pt-mycontris}} 05604 {{Identical|Contribution}}', 05605 'contribsub2' => 'Contributions for "user" (links). Parameters: 05606 * $1 is an IP address or a username, with a link which points to the user page (if registered user). 05607 * $2 is list of tool links. The list contains a link which has text {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-talk}}. 05608 {{Identical|For $1}}', 05609 'nocontribs' => 'Used in [[Special:Contributions]] and [[Special:DeletedContributions]]. 05610 05611 See examples: [[Special:Contributions/x]] and [[Special:DeletedContributions/x]]. 05612 05613 Parameters: 05614 * $1 - (Unused) the user name', 05615 'uctop' => 'This message is used in [[Special:Contributions]]. It is used to show that a particular edit was the last made to a page. Example: 09:57, 11 February 2008 (hist) (diff) Pagename (edit summary) (current) 05616 {{Identical|Top}}', 05617 'month' => 'Used in [[Special:Contributions]] and history pages ([{{fullurl:Sandbox|action=history}} example]), as label for a dropdown box to select a specific month to view the edits made in that month, and the earlier months. See also {{msg-mw|year}}.', 05618 'year' => 'Used in [[Special:Contributions]] and history pages ([{{fullurl:Sandbox|action=history}} example]), as label for an input box to select a specific year to view the edits made in that year, and the earlier years. 05619 05620 See also: 05621 * {{msg-mw|month}}', 05622 05623 'sp-contributions-newbies' => 'Text of radio button on special page [[Special:Contributions]].', 05624 'sp-contributions-newbies-sub' => "Note at the top of the page of results for a search on [[Special:Contributions]] where 'Show contributions for new accounts only' has been selected.", 05625 'sp-contributions-newbies-title' => 'The page title in your browser bar, but not the page title. 05626 05627 See also: 05628 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-newbies-sub}}', 05629 'sp-contributions-blocklog' => 'Used as a display name for a link to the block log on for example [[Special:Contributions/Mediawiki default]] 05630 05631 Used as link title in [[Special:Contributions]] and in [[Special:DeletedContributions]]. 05632 05633 See also: 05634 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-talk}} 05635 * {{msg-mw|Change-blocklink}} 05636 * {{msg-mw|Unblocklink}} 05637 * {{msg-mw|Blocklink}} 05638 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-uploads}} 05639 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-logs}} 05640 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-deleted}} 05641 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-userrights}} 05642 {{Identical|Block log}}', 05643 'sp-contributions-deleted' => "This is a link anchor used in [[Special:Contributions]]/''name'', when user viewing the page has the right to delete pages, or to restore deleted pages. 05644 05645 Used as link title in [[Special:Contributions]]. 05646 05647 See also: 05648 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-talk}} 05649 * {{msg-mw|Change-blocklink}} 05650 * {{msg-mw|Unblocklink}} 05651 * {{msg-mw|Blocklink}} 05652 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-blocklog}} 05653 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-uploads}} 05654 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-logs}} 05655 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-userrights}}", 05656 'sp-contributions-uploads' => 'Used as link title in [[Special:Contributions]] and in [[Special:DeletedContributions]]. 05657 05658 See also: 05659 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-talk}} 05660 * {{msg-mw|Change-blocklink}} 05661 * {{msg-mw|Unblocklink}} 05662 * {{msg-mw|Blocklink}} 05663 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-blocklog}} 05664 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-logs}} 05665 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-deleted}} 05666 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-userrights}} 05667 {{Identical|Upload}}', 05668 'sp-contributions-logs' => "Appears as an action link in the header of the Special:Contributions/''Username'' pages (e.g. \"For Somebody (talk | block log | logs)\"). 05669 05670 Used as link title in [[Special:Contributions]] and in [[Special:DeletedContributions]]. 05671 05672 See also: 05673 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-talk}} 05674 * {{msg-mw|Change-blocklink}} 05675 * {{msg-mw|Unblocklink}} 05676 * {{msg-mw|Blocklink}} 05677 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-blocklog}} 05678 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-uploads}} 05679 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-deleted}} 05680 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-userrights}}", 05681 'sp-contributions-talk' => "This is a link anchor used in the [[Special:Contributions]]/''usernamename'' pages. 05682 The link appears in a list of similar ones separated by {{msg-mw|pipe-separator}}, e.g. like this:<br /> 05683 ( talk | block log | logs | deleted contributions | rights management ) 05684 05685 Used as link title in [[Special:Contributions]] and in [[Special:DeletedContributions]]. 05686 05687 See also: 05688 * {{msg-mw|change-blocklink}} 05689 * {{msg-mw|unblocklink}} 05690 * {{msg-mw|blocklink}} 05691 * {{msg-mw|sp-contributions-blocklog}} 05692 * {{msg-mw|sp-contributions-uploads}} 05693 * {{msg-mw|sp-contributions-logs}} 05694 * {{msg-mw|sp-contributions-deleted}} 05695 * {{msg-mw|sp-contributions-userrights}} 05696 {{Identical|Talk}}", 05697 'sp-contributions-userrights' => "This is a link anchor used in [[Special:Contributions]]/''name'', if the user viewing the page has the right to set or alter user rights. 05698 05699 Used as link title in [[Special:Contributions]] and in [[Special:DeletedContributions]]. 05700 05701 See also: 05702 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-talk}} 05703 * {{msg-mw|Change-blocklink}} 05704 * {{msg-mw|Unblocklink}} 05705 * {{msg-mw|Blocklink}} 05706 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-blocklog}} 05707 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-uploads}} 05708 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-logs}} 05709 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-deleted}}", 05710 'sp-contributions-blocked-notice' => 'Shown on top of contributions special page of currently blocked users. 05711 05712 Parameters: 05713 * $1 - (Optional) the blocked user. Can be used for GENDER 05714 Anon version: 05715 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-blocked-notice-anon}}', 05716 'sp-contributions-blocked-notice-anon' => 'Same as {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-blocked-notice}} but for anonymous users.', 05717 'sp-contributions-search' => 'Used on [[Special:Contributions]]', 05718 'sp-contributions-username' => 'This message appears whenever someone requests [[Special:Contributions]]. 05719 {{Identical|IP address or username}}', 05720 'sp-contributions-toponly' => '"top revision" means the "latest revision"', 05721 'sp-contributions-submit' => '{{Identical|Search}}', 05722 'sp-contributions-explain' => '{{optional}}', 05723 05724 # What links here 05725 'whatlinkshere' => 'The text of the link in the toolbox (on the left, below the search menu) going to [[Special:WhatLinksHere]]. 05726 05727 See also: 05728 * {{msg-mw|Whatlinkshere}} 05729 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-t-whatlinkshere}} 05730 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-t-whatlinkshere}}', 05731 'whatlinkshere-title' => "Title of the special page [[Special:WhatLinksHere]]. This page appears when you click on the 'What links here' button in the toolbox. $1 is the name of the page concerned.", 05732 'whatlinkshere-page' => '{{Identical|Page}}', 05733 'linkshere' => 'This message is the header line of the [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$1]] page generated by clicking "What links here" in the sidebar toolbox. 05734 05735 It is followed by a navigation bar built using {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}. 05736 05737 Parameters: 05738 * $1 - page title', 05739 'nolinkshere' => 'Used in [[Special:WhatLinksHere]] if empty. Parameters: 05740 * $1 - page title 05741 See also: 05742 * {{msg-mw|Nolinkshere-ns}}', 05743 'nolinkshere-ns' => 'Used in [[Special:WhatLinksHere]] if empty. Parameters: 05744 * $1 - page title 05745 See also: 05746 * {{msg-mw|Nolinkshere}}', 05747 'isredirect' => 'Displayed in [[Special:WhatLinksHere]] (see [{{fullurl:Special:WhatLinksHere/Project:Translator|hidelinks=1}} Special:WhatLinksHere/Project:Translator] for example). 05748 05749 {{Identical|Redirect page}}', 05750 'istemplate' => 'Means that a page (a template, specifically) is used as <code><nowiki>{{Page name}}</nowiki></code>. 05751 Displayed in [[Special:WhatLinksHere]] (see [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:New portal]] for example). 05752 {{Identical|Transclusion}}', 05753 'isimage' => 'This message is displayed on [[Special:WhatLinksHere]] for images. It means that the image is used on the page (as opposed to just being linked to like an non-image page).', 05754 'whatlinkshere-prev' => 'This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Whatlinkshere pages, where it is used as the first argument of {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}. 05755 05756 Parameters: 05757 * $1 - the number of items shown per page. It is not used when $1 is zero; not sure what happens when $1 is one. 05758 Special pages use {{msg-mw|Prevn}} instead (still as an argument to {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}). 05759 05760 See also: 05761 * {{msg-mw|Whatlinkshere-next}} 05762 {{Identical|Previous}}', 05763 'whatlinkshere-next' => 'This is part of the navigation message on the top and bottom of Whatlinkshere pages, where it is used as the second argument of {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}. 05764 05765 Parameters: 05766 * $1 - the number of items shown per page. It is not used when $1 is zero; not sure what happens when $1 is one. 05767 Special pages use {{msg-mw|Nextn}} instead (still as an argument to {{msg-mw|Viewprevnext}}). 05768 05769 See also: 05770 * {{msg-mw|Whatlinkshere-prev}} 05771 {{Identical|Next}}', 05772 'whatlinkshere-links' => 'Used on [[Special:WhatLinksHere]]. It is a link to the WhatLinksHere page of that page. 05773 05774 Example line: 05775 * [[Main Page]] ([[Special:WhatLinksHere/Main Page|{{int:whatlinkshere-links}}]]) 05776 {{Identical|Link}}', 05777 'whatlinkshere-hideredirs' => 'Filter option in [[Special:WhatLinksHere]]. Parameters: 05778 * $1 is the {{msg-mw|hide}} or {{msg-mw|show}}', 05779 'whatlinkshere-hidetrans' => 'First filter option in [[Special:WhatLinksHere]]. Parameters: 05780 * $1 is the {{msg-mw|hide}} or {{msg-mw|show}}', 05781 'whatlinkshere-hidelinks' => 'Filter option in [[Special:WhatLinksHere]]. Parameters: 05782 * $1 is the {{msg-mw|hide}} or {{msg-mw|show}}', 05783 'whatlinkshere-hideimages' => 'Filter option in [[Special:WhatLinksHere]]. Parameters: 05784 * $1 - the {{msg-mw|Hide}} or {{msg-mw|Show}} 05785 05786 See also: 05787 *{{msg-mw|Isimage}} 05788 *{{msg-mw|Media tip}}', 05789 'whatlinkshere-filters' => '{{Identical|Filter}}', 05790 05791 # Block/unblock 05792 'autoblockid' => 'Used as name of autoblock, instead of autoblocked IPs. Parameters: 05793 * $1 - autoblock ID', 05794 'block' => '{{doc-special|Block}} 05795 {{Identical|Block user}}', 05796 'unblock' => '{{doc-special|Unblock}}', 05797 'blockip' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:BlockIP]]. 05798 05799 {{Identical|Block user}}', 05800 'blockip-title' => '{{Identical|Block user}}', 05801 'blockip-legend' => 'Legend/Header for the fieldset around the input form of [[Special:Block]]. 05802 05803 {{Identical|Block user}}', 05804 'blockiptext' => 'Used in the {{msg-mw|Blockip}} form in [[Special:Block]]. 05805 05806 Refers to {{msg-mw|Policy-url}}. 05807 05808 This message may follow the message {{msg-mw|Ipb-otherblocks-header}} and other block messages. 05809 05810 See also: 05811 * {{msg-mw|Unblockiptext}}', 05812 'ipadressorusername' => '{{Identical|IP address or username}}', 05813 'ipbexpiry' => '{{Identical|Expiry}}', 05814 'ipbreason' => 'Label of the block reason dropdown in [[Special:BlockIP]] and the unblock reason textfield in [{{fullurl:Special:IPBlockList|action=unblock}} Special:IPBlockList?action=unblock]. 05815 05816 {{Identical|Reason}}', 05817 'ipbreasonotherlist' => '{{Identical|Other reason}}', 05818 'ipbreason-dropdown' => 'Used as item list for dropdown on [[Special:Block]]. 05819 05820 The label for this dropdown is {{msg-mw|Ipbreason}}.', 05821 'ipb-hardblock' => 'This is the label for a checkbox in the user block form on [[Special:Block]]. 05822 05823 See also: 05824 * {{msg-mw|ipbemailban}} 05825 * {{msg-mw|ipb-disableusertalk}} 05826 * {{msg-mw|ipbenableautoblock}} 05827 * {{msg-mw|ipbhidename}} 05828 * {{msg-mw|ipbwatchuser}}', 05829 'ipbcreateaccount' => '{{Identical|Prevent account creation}}', 05830 'ipbemailban' => 'Used as label for checkbox in [[Special:Block]]. 05831 05832 See also: 05833 * {{msg-mw|ipb-disableusertalk}} 05834 * {{msg-mw|ipbenableautoblock}} 05835 * {{msg-mw|ipbhidename}} 05836 * {{msg-mw|ipbwatchuser}} 05837 * {{msg-mw|ipb-hardblock}} 05838 {{Identical|Prevent user from sending e-mail}}', 05839 'ipbenableautoblock' => '{{doc-singularthey}} 05840 Used as label for checkbox in [[Special:Block]]. 05841 05842 See also: 05843 * {{msg-mw|ipbemailban}} 05844 * {{msg-mw|ipb-disableusertalk}} 05845 * {{msg-mw|ipbhidename}} 05846 * {{msg-mw|ipbwatchuser}} 05847 * {{msg-mw|ipb-hardblock}} 05848 {{Identical|Automatically block ...}}', 05849 'ipbsubmit' => '{{Identical|Block this user}}', 05850 'ipbother' => '{{Identical|Other time}}', 05851 'ipboptions' => "{{doc-important|Be careful: '''1 translation:1 english''', so the first part is the translation and the second part should stay in English.}} 05852 Options for the duration of the block. Example: See e.g. [[MediaWiki:Ipboptions/nl]] if you still don't know how to do it. 05853 {{Identical|Infinite}}", 05854 'ipbotheroption' => '{{Identical|Other}}', 05855 'ipbotherreason' => '{{Identical|Other/additional reason}}', 05856 'ipbhidename' => 'This is the label for a checkbox in the user block form on [[Special:Block]]. 05857 05858 See also: 05859 * {{msg-mw|ipbemailban}} 05860 * {{msg-mw|ipb-disableusertalk}} 05861 * {{msg-mw|ipbenableautoblock}} 05862 * {{msg-mw|ipbwatchuser}} 05863 * {{msg-mw|ipb-hardblock}}', 05864 'ipbwatchuser' => 'This is an option on [[Special:BlockIP]] to watch the user page and talk page of the blocked user 05865 05866 See also: 05867 * {{msg-mw|ipbemailban}} 05868 * {{msg-mw|ipb-disableusertalk}} 05869 * {{msg-mw|ipbenableautoblock}} 05870 * {{msg-mw|ipbhidename}} 05871 * {{msg-mw|ipb-hardblock}}', 05872 'ipb-disableusertalk' => '{{doc-singularthey}} 05873 Used as label for checkbox in [[Special:Block]]. 05874 05875 See also: 05876 * {{msg-mw|ipbemailban}} 05877 * {{msg-mw|ipbenableautoblock}} 05878 * {{msg-mw|ipbhidename}} 05879 * {{msg-mw|ipbwatchuser}} 05880 * {{msg-mw|ipb-hardblock}}', 05881 'ipb-change-block' => 'Confirmation checkbox required for blocks that would override an earlier block. Appears together with {{msg-mw|ipb-needreblock}}.', 05882 'ipb-confirm' => 'Used as hidden field in the form on [[Special:Block]].', 05883 'badipaddress' => 'An error message shown when one entered an invalid IP address in blocking page.', 05884 'blockipsuccesssub' => 'Used as page title in [[Special:Block]]. 05885 05886 This message is the subject for the following message: 05887 * {{msg-mw|Blockipsuccesstext}}', 05888 'blockipsuccesstext' => 'Used in [[Special:Block]]. 05889 The title (subject) for this message is {{msg-mw|Blockipsuccesssub}}. 05890 05891 Parameters: 05892 * $1 - username, can be used for GENDER', 05893 'ipb-blockingself' => 'Used as confirmation message in [[Special:Block]]. 05894 05895 See also: 05896 * {{msg-mw|Ipb-confirmhideuser}}', 05897 'ipb-confirmhideuser' => 'Used as confirmation message in [[Special:Block]]. 05898 05899 See also: 05900 * {{msg-mw|Ipb-blockingself}}', 05901 'ipb-edit-dropdown' => 'Shown beneath the user block form on the right side. It is a link to {{msg-mw|Ipbreason-dropdown|notext=1}}. 05902 05903 See also: 05904 * {{msg-mw|Delete-edit-reasonlist}} 05905 * {{msg-mw|Protect-edit-reasonlist}}', 05906 'ipb-unblock-addr' => 'Used as page title in [[Special:Block]], if the target user is specified. 05907 05908 Parameters: 05909 * $1 - target username 05910 05911 See also: 05912 * {{msg-mw|Ipb-unblock}}', 05913 'ipb-unblock' => 'Used as page title in [[Special:Block]], if the target user is not specified. 05914 05915 See also: 05916 * {{msg-mw|Ipb-unblock-addr}}', 05917 'ipb-blocklist' => 'Used as link text in [[Special:Block]]. 05918 05919 The link points to Specil:BlockList.', 05920 'ipb-blocklist-contribs' => 'Used in [[Special:Block]]. 05921 * $1 - target username', 05922 'unblockip' => 'Used as legend for the form in [[Special:Unblock]].', 05923 'unblockiptext' => 'Used in the {{msg-mw|Unblockip}} form on [[Special:Unblock]].', 05924 'ipusubmit' => 'Used as button text on [{{canonicalurl:Special:BlockList|action=unblock}} Special:BlockList?action=unblock]. To see the message: 05925 * Go to [[Special:BlockList]] 05926 * Click "unblock" for any block (but you can only see "unblock" if you have administrator rights) 05927 * It is now the button below the form', 05928 'unblocked' => '{{doc-important|Do not translate the namespace "User:".}} 05929 Parameters: 05930 * $1 - the IP address or username that was unblocked 05931 See also: 05932 * {{msg-mw|Unblocked-range}} 05933 * {{msg-mw|Unblocked-id}}', 05934 'unblocked-range' => 'Shown when successfully lifting a rangeblock, so do not link to contributions. Parameters: 05935 * $1 - the range that was unblocked 05936 See also: 05937 * {{msg-mw|Unblocked}} 05938 * {{msg-mw|Unblocked-id}}', 05939 'unblocked-id' => 'Used in [[Special:Unblock]]. Parameters: 05940 * $1 - autoblock ID 05941 See also: 05942 * {{msg-mw|Unblocked}} 05943 * {{msg-mw|Unblocked-range}}', 05944 'blocklist' => '{{doc-special|BlockList}}', 05945 'ipblocklist' => 'Title of [[Special:Ipblocklist]].', 05946 'ipblocklist-legend' => 'Used as legend of the form in [[Special:BlockList]]. 05947 05948 See also: 05949 * {{msg-mw|Ipblocklist-legend}} 05950 * {{msg-mw|Ipblocklist-submit}}', 05951 'blocklist-userblocks' => 'Used as the label for the multi-select checkbox in the form on [[Special:BlockList]]. 05952 {{Related|Blocklist-blocks}}', 05953 'blocklist-tempblocks' => 'Used as the label for the multi-select checkbox in the form on [[Special:BlockList]]. 05954 {{Related|Blocklist-blocks}}', 05955 'blocklist-addressblocks' => 'Used as the label for the multi-select checkbox in the form on [[Special:BlockList]]. 05956 {{Related|Blocklist-blocks}}', 05957 'blocklist-rangeblocks' => 'Used as the label for the multi-select checkbox in the form on [[Special:BlockList]]. 05958 05959 For an explanation of "range blocks", see [[mw:Help:Range_blocks]] 05960 {{Related|Blocklist-blocks}}', 05961 'blocklist-timestamp' => 'This is a column header for dates and times in the table on the page [[Special:BlockList]]. 05962 {{Identical|Timestamp}}', 05963 'blocklist-target' => 'The table header for the column containing the block targets, that is user names or IP-addresses linked to their respective user pages, in the table on the page [[Special:BlockList]].', 05964 'blocklist-expiry' => 'This is a column header in the table on the page [[Special:BlockList]]. 05965 {{Identical|Expire}}', 05966 'blocklist-by' => 'This is a column header in the table on the page [[Special:BlockList]].', 05967 'blocklist-params' => 'This is a column header in the table on the page [[Special:BlockList]].', 05968 'blocklist-reason' => 'This is a column header in the table on the page [[Special:BlockList]]. 05969 05970 {{Identical|Reason}}', 05971 'ipblocklist-submit' => 'Used as Submit button text in the form on [[Special:BlockList]]. 05972 05973 See also: 05974 * {{msg-mw|Ipblocklist-legend}} 05975 * {{msg-mw|Ipblocklist-submit}} 05976 {{Identical|Search}}', 05977 'ipblocklist-localblock' => '[[File:Special IPBlockList new.png|thumb|Example]] 05978 Used on [[Special:IPBlockList]] as header when global blocks exists too.', 05979 'ipblocklist-otherblocks' => '[[File:Special IPBlockList new.png|thumb|Example]] 05980 Used on [[Special:IPBlockList]] as header for other blocks, i.e. from GlobalBlocking or TorBlocks. 05981 05982 Parameters: 05983 * $1 - number of blocks 05984 See also: 05985 * {{msg-mw|Ipb-otherblocks-header}}', 05986 'infiniteblock' => 'Part of the log entry of user block in [[Special:BlockList]]. 05987 05988 See also: 05989 * {{msg-mw|Anononlyblock}} 05990 * {{msg-mw|Createaccountblock}} 05991 * {{msg-mw|Noautoblockblock}} 05992 * {{msg-mw|Emailblock}} 05993 * {{msg-mw|Blocklist-nousertalk}} 05994 * {{msg-mw|Unblocklink}} 05995 * {{msg-mw|Change-blocklink}} 05996 * {{msg-mw|Expiringblock}} 05997 {{Identical|Infinite}}', 05998 'expiringblock' => 'Unused at this time. 05999 06000 Parameters: 06001 * $1 - a date 06002 * $2 - a time 06003 See also: 06004 * {{msg-mw|Infiniteblock}}', 06005 'anononlyblock' => 'Part of the log entry of user block in [[Special:BlockList]]. 06006 06007 "anon." stands for "anonymous". 06008 06009 See also: 06010 * {{msg-mw|Block-log-flags-anononly}} 06011 {{Related|Blocklist}} 06012 {{Identical|Anon only}}', 06013 'noautoblockblock' => 'Part of the log entry of user block in [[Special:BlockList]]. 06014 {{Related|Blocklist}} 06015 {{Identical|Autoblock disabled}}', 06016 'createaccountblock' => 'Part of the log entry of user block in [[Special:BlockList]]. 06017 06018 See also: 06019 * {{msg-mw|Block-log-flags-nocreate}} 06020 {{Related|Blocklist}}', 06021 'emailblock' => 'Part of the log entry of user block in [[Special:BlockList]]. 06022 {{Related|Blocklist}} 06023 {{Identical|E-mail blocked}}', 06024 'blocklist-nousertalk' => 'Used in [[Special:IPBlockList]] when "Allow this user to edit own talk page while blocked" option hasn\'t been flagged. 06025 06026 See also {{msg-mw|Block-log-flags-nousertalk}}. 06027 06028 Part of the log entry of user block in [[Special:BlockList]]. 06029 06030 {{Related|Blocklist}}', 06031 'ipblocklist-empty' => 'Used in [[Special:BlockList]], if the target is not specified. 06032 06033 See also: 06034 * {{msg-mw|Ipblocklist-no-results}}', 06035 'ipblocklist-no-results' => 'Used in [[Special:BlockList]], if the target is specified. 06036 06037 See also: 06038 * {{msg-mw|Ipblocklist-empty}}', 06039 'blocklink' => "Display name for a link that, when selected, leads to a form where a user can be blocked. Used in page history and recent changes pages. Example: \"''UserName (Talk | contribs | '''block''')''\". 06040 06041 Used as link title in [[Special:Contributions]] and in [[Special:DeletedContributions]]. 06042 06043 See also: 06044 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-talk}} 06045 * {{msg-mw|Change-blocklink}} 06046 * {{msg-mw|Unblocklink}} 06047 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-blocklog}} 06048 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-uploads}} 06049 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-logs}} 06050 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-deleted}} 06051 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-userrights}} 06052 {{Identical|Block}}", 06053 'unblocklink' => 'Used as link title in [[Special:Contributions]] and in [[Special:DeletedContributions]]. 06054 06055 See also: 06056 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-talk}} 06057 * {{msg-mw|change-blocklink}} 06058 * {{msg-mw|blocklink}} 06059 * {{msg-mw|sp-contributions-blocklog}} 06060 * {{msg-mw|sp-contributions-uploads}} 06061 * {{msg-mw|sp-contributions-logs}} 06062 * {{msg-mw|sp-contributions-deleted}} 06063 * {{msg-mw|sp-contributions-userrights}} 06064 {{Identical|Unblock}}', 06065 'change-blocklink' => 'Used to name the link on [[Special:Log]]. 06066 06067 Also used as link title in [[Special:Contributions]] and in [[Special:DeletedContributions]]. 06068 06069 See also: 06070 * {{msg-mw|Sp-contributions-talk}} 06071 * {{msg-mw|unblocklink}} 06072 * {{msg-mw|blocklink}} 06073 * {{msg-mw|sp-contributions-blocklog}} 06074 * {{msg-mw|sp-contributions-uploads}} 06075 * {{msg-mw|sp-contributions-logs}} 06076 * {{msg-mw|sp-contributions-deleted}} 06077 * {{msg-mw|sp-contributions-userrights}}', 06078 'contribslink' => 'Short for "contributions". Used as display name for a link to user contributions on history pages, [[Special:RecentChanges]], [[Special:Watchlist]], etc.', 06079 'emaillink' => 'Used as display name for a link to send an e-mail to a user in the user tool links. Example: "(Talk | contribs | block | send e-mail)". 06080 06081 {{Identical|E-mail}}', 06082 'autoblocker' => 'Used in [[Special:Block]]. 06083 * $1 - target username 06084 * $2 - reason', 06085 'blocklogpage' => "{{doc-logpage}} 06086 06087 The page name of [[Special:Log/block]]. Also appears in the drop down menu of [[Special:Log]] pages and in the action links of Special:Contributions/''Username'' pages (e.g. \"For Somebody (talk | block log | logs)\"). 06088 06089 {{Identical|Block log}}", 06090 'blocklog-showlog' => 'Parameters: 06091 * $1 - (Optional) the blocked user. Can be used for GENDER 06092 See also: 06093 * {{msg-mw|Blocklog-showsuppresslog}} 06094 * {{msg-mw|Globalblocking-showlog}}', 06095 'blocklog-showsuppresslog' => 'Parameters: 06096 * $1 - (Optional) the blocked user. Can be used for GENDER', 06097 'blocklogentry' => 'This is the text of an entry in the Block log, and recent changes, after hour (and date, only in the Block log) and sysop name: 06098 * $1 - the blocked user or IP (with link to contributions and talk) 06099 * $2 - the duration of the block (hours, days etc.) or the specified expiry date 06100 * $3 - contains "(details) (\'\'reason\'\')" 06101 See also: 06102 * {{msg-mw|Unblocklogentry}} 06103 * {{msg-mw|Reblock-logentry}}', 06104 'reblock-logentry' => 'This is the text of an entry in the Block log (and Recent Changes), after hour (and date, only in the Block log) and sysop name. 06105 06106 Parameters: 06107 * $1 - the user being reblocked 06108 * $2 - the expiry time of the block 06109 * $3 - extra parameters like "account creation blocked" (they are automatically between brackets)', 06110 'blocklogtext' => 'Appears on top of [[Special:Log/block]].', 06111 'unblocklogentry' => 'This is the text of an entry in the Block log (and Recent Changes), after hour (and date, only in the Block log) and sysop name: 06112 * $1 is the user being unblocked', 06113 'block-log-flags-anononly' => 'Used as a block log flag in [[Special:Log/block]] and in [[Special:Block]]. 06114 06115 See also: 06116 * {{msg-mw|Anononlyblock}} 06117 {{Related|Block-log-flags}}', 06118 'block-log-flags-nocreate' => 'Used as a block log flag in [[Special:Log/block]] and in [[Special:Block]]. 06119 06120 See also: 06121 * {{msg-mw|Createaccountblock}} 06122 {{Related|Block-log-flags}}', 06123 'block-log-flags-noautoblock' => 'Used as a block log flag in [[Special:Log/block]] and in [[Special:Block]]. 06124 {{Related|Block-log-flags}} 06125 {{Identical|Autoblock disabled}}', 06126 'block-log-flags-noemail' => "Used as a block log flag in [[Special:Log/block]] and in [[Special:Block]], to note that a user cannot use the 'email another user' option. 06127 {{Related|Block-log-flags}} 06128 {{Identical|E-mail blocked}}", 06129 'block-log-flags-nousertalk' => 'Used as a block log flag in [[Special:Log/block]] and in [[Special:Block]], when "Allow this user to edit own talk page while blocked" option hasn\'t been flagged. 06130 06131 See also {{msg-mw|Blocklist-nousertalk}}. 06132 {{Related|Block-log-flags}}', 06133 'block-log-flags-angry-autoblock' => 'Used as a block log flag in [[Special:Log/block]]. 06134 {{Related|Block-log-flags}}', 06135 'block-log-flags-hiddenname' => 'Used as a block log flag in [[Special:Log/block]] and in [[Special:Block]]. 06136 06137 {{Related|Block-log-flags}}', 06138 'range_block_disabled' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:Block]]. 06139 06140 See also: 06141 * {{msg-mw|Range block disabled}} 06142 * {{msg-mw|Ip range invalid}} 06143 * {{msg-mw|Ip range toolarge}}', 06144 'ipb_expiry_invalid' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:Block]].', 06145 'ipb_expiry_temp' => 'Warning message displayed on [[Special:BlockIP]] if the option "hide username" is selected but the expiry time is not infinite.', 06146 'ipb_hide_invalid' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:Block]].', 06147 'ipb_already_blocked' => '{{Identical|$1 is already blocked}}', 06148 'ipb-needreblock' => 'Used in [[Special:Block]]. 06149 * $1 - target username', 06150 'ipb-otherblocks-header' => '[[File:Special.Block with other blocks from GlobalBlocking and TorBlocks.png|thumb|Example]] 06151 Used on [[Special:Block]] as header for other blocks, i.e. from GlobalBlocking or TorBlocks 06152 06153 Parameters: 06154 * $1 - number of blocks 06155 See also: 06156 * {{msg-mw|Ipblocklist-otherblocks}}', 06157 'unblock-hideuser' => '{{doc-singularthey}}', 06158 'ipb_cant_unblock' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:Unblock]]. Parameters: 06159 * $1 - block ID', 06160 'ipb_blocked_as_range' => 'Used when unblock of a single IP fails. Parameters: 06161 * $1 - IP address 06162 * $2 - IP range', 06163 'ip_range_invalid' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:Block]]. 06164 06165 See also: 06166 * {{msg-mw|Range block disabled}} 06167 * {{msg-mw|Ip range invalid}} 06168 * {{msg-mw|Ip range toolarge}}', 06169 'ip_range_toolarge' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:Block]]. Parameters: 06170 * $1 - a number from 0 to 32 for IPv4 (from 0 to 128 for IPv6); a part of CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) notation. 06171 See also: 06172 * {{msg-mw|Range block disabled}} 06173 * {{msg-mw|Ip range invalid}} 06174 * {{msg-mw|Ip range toolarge}}', 06175 'blockme' => '{{doc-special|BlockMe|unlisted=1}} 06176 This feature is disabled by default.', 06177 'proxyblocker' => 'Used in [[Special:BlockMe]]. 06178 06179 See also: 06180 * {{msg-mw|proxyblocker-disabled}} 06181 * {{msg-mw|proxyblockreason}} 06182 * {{msg-mw|proxyblocksuccess}}', 06183 'proxyblocker-disabled' => 'Used in [[Special:BlockMe]]. 06184 06185 See also: 06186 * {{msg-mw|proxyblocker}} 06187 * {{msg-mw|proxyblockreason}} 06188 * {{msg-mw|proxyblocksuccess}}', 06189 'proxyblockreason' => 'Used as explanation of the reason in [[Special:BlockMe]]. 06190 06191 See also: 06192 * {{msg-mw|proxyblocker-disabled}} 06193 * {{msg-mw|proxyblocker}} 06194 * {{msg-mw|proxyblocksuccess}}', 06195 'proxyblocksuccess' => 'Used in [[Special:BlockMe]]. 06196 06197 See also: 06198 * {{msg-mw|proxyblocker-disabled}} 06199 * {{msg-mw|proxyblocker}} 06200 * {{msg-mw|proxyblockreason}} 06201 {{Identical|Done}}', 06202 'sorbs' => '{{optional}}', 06203 'sorbsreason' => 'See also: 06204 * {{msg-mw|Sorbsreason}} 06205 * {{msg-mw|Sorbs create account_reason}}', 06206 'sorbs_create_account_reason' => 'Used in [[Special:UserLogin]] when creating an account. 06207 06208 See also: 06209 * {{msg-mw|Sorbsreason}} 06210 * {{msg-mw|Sorbs create account_reason}}', 06211 'cant-see-hidden-user' => 'Used as (red) error message on [[Special:Block]] when you try to change (as sysop without the hideuser right) the block of a hidden user.', 06212 'ipbblocked' => 'Error message shown when a user tries to alter block settings when they are themselves blocked.', 06213 'ipbnounblockself' => 'Error message shown when a user without the <code>unblockself</code> right tries to unblock themself.', 06214 06215 # Developer tools 06216 'lockdb' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:LockDB]]. 06217 06218 Also used as the title of the error message {{msg-mw|Databasenotlocked}} in [[Special:UnlockDB]]. 06219 06220 See also: 06221 * {{msg-mw|Lockdb}} 06222 * {{msg-mw|Unlockdb}} 06223 * {{msg-mw|Lockfilenotwritable|error in Special:LockDB}} 06224 * {{msg-mw|Databasenotlocked|error in Special:UnlockDB}} 06225 {{Identical|Lock database}}', 06226 'unlockdb' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:UnlockDB]]. 06227 06228 {{Identical|Unlock database}}', 06229 'lockdbtext' => 'Used in the Lock form on [[Special:LockDB]]. 06230 06231 See also: 06232 * {{msg-mw|Lockbtn}} 06233 * {{msg-mw|Unlockbtn}} 06234 * {{msg-mw|Lockdbtext}} 06235 * {{msg-mw|Unlockdbtext}}', 06236 'unlockdbtext' => 'Used in the Unlock form on [[Special:UnlockDB]]. 06237 06238 See also: 06239 * {{msg-mw|Lockbtn}} 06240 * {{msg-mw|Unlockbtn}} 06241 * {{msg-mw|Lockdbtext}} 06242 * {{msg-mw|Unlockdbtext}}', 06243 'lockconfirm' => 'Used as label for checkbox in the form on [[Special:LockDB]]. 06244 06245 See also: 06246 * {{msg-mw|Unlockconfirm}}', 06247 'unlockconfirm' => 'Used as label for checkbox in the form on [[Special:UnlockDB]]. 06248 06249 See also: 06250 * {{msg-mw|Lockconfirm}}', 06251 'lockbtn' => 'The submit button on the special page [[Special:LockDB]]. 06252 06253 See also: 06254 * {{msg-mw|Lockbtn}} 06255 * {{msg-mw|Unlockbtn}} 06256 * {{msg-mw|Lockdbtext}} 06257 * {{msg-mw|Unlockdbtext}} 06258 {{Identical|Lock database}}', 06259 'unlockbtn' => 'The submit button on the special page [[Special:UnlockDB]]. 06260 06261 See also: 06262 * {{msg-mw|Lockbtn}} 06263 * {{msg-mw|Unlockbtn}} 06264 * {{msg-mw|Lockdbtext}} 06265 * {{msg-mw|Unlockdbtext}} 06266 {{Identical|Unlock database}}', 06267 'locknoconfirm' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:LockDB]] and in [[Special:UnlockDB]].', 06268 'lockdbsuccesssub' => 'Used as subtitle in [[Special:LockDB]]. 06269 06270 See also: 06271 * {{msg-mw|Lockdbsuccesssub|subtitle}} 06272 * {{msg-mw|Lockdbsuccesstext|text}} 06273 * {{msg-mw|Unlockdbsuccesssub|subtitle}} 06274 * {{msg-mw|Unlockdbsuccesstext|text}}', 06275 'unlockdbsuccesssub' => 'Used as subtitle in [[Special:UnlockDB]]. 06276 06277 See also: 06278 * {{msg-mw|Lockdbsuccesssub|subtitle}} 06279 * {{msg-mw|Lockdbsuccesstext|text}} 06280 * {{msg-mw|Unlockdbsuccesssub|subtitle}} 06281 * {{msg-mw|Unlockdbsuccesstext|text}}', 06282 'lockdbsuccesstext' => 'Used as message text in [[Special:LockDB]]. 06283 06284 See also: 06285 * {{msg-mw|Lockdbsuccesssub|subtitle}} 06286 * {{msg-mw|Lockdbsuccesstext|text}} 06287 * {{msg-mw|Unlockdbsuccesssub|subtitle}} 06288 * {{msg-mw|Unlockdbsuccesstext|text}}', 06289 'unlockdbsuccesstext' => 'Used as message text in [[Special:UnlockDB]]. 06290 06291 See also: 06292 * {{msg-mw|Lockdbsuccesssub|subtitle}} 06293 * {{msg-mw|Lockdbsuccesstext|text}} 06294 * {{msg-mw|Unlockdbsuccesssub|subtitle}} 06295 * {{msg-mw|Unlockdbsuccesstext|text}}', 06296 'lockfilenotwritable' => "'No longer needed' on wikipedia.", 06297 'databasenotlocked' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:UnlockDB]]. 06298 The title of this error message is {{msg-mw|Lockdb}}. 06299 06300 See also: 06301 * {{msg-mw|Lockdb|title}} 06302 * {{msg-mw|Databasenotlocked|message}}', 06303 'lockedbyandtime' => 'Used as part of the message when a database is locked through [[Special:LockDB]]. Parameters: 06304 * $1 is the user that locked the database. 06305 * $2 is the date on which the lock was made 06306 * $3 is the time at which the lock was made', 06307 06308 # Move page 06309 'move-page' => 'Used as page title of [[Special:MovePage]] to move pages. 06310 06311 See example: [[Special:MovePage/Portal:En]]. 06312 06313 Parameters: 06314 * $1 - the name of the page to be moved (without link)', 06315 'move-page-legend' => 'Legend of the fieldset around the input form of [[Special:MovePage/testpage]]. 06316 06317 See also: 06318 * {{msg-mw|movearticle|label for old title}} 06319 * {{msg-mw|newtitle|label for new title}} 06320 * {{msg-mw|movereason|label for textarea}} 06321 * {{msg-mw|movetalk|label for checkbox}} 06322 * {{msg-mw|move-leave-redirect|label for checkbox}} 06323 * {{msg-mw|fix-double-redirects|label for checkbox}} 06324 * {{msg-mw|move-subpages|label for checkbox}} 06325 * {{msg-mw|move-talk-subpages|label for checkbox}} 06326 * {{msg-mw|move-watch|label for checkbox}} 06327 {{Identical|Move page}}', 06328 'movepagetext' => 'Introduction shown when moving a page ([[Special:MovePage]]). 06329 06330 Special pages mentioned: {{msg-mw|Doubleredirects}}, {{msg-mw|Brokenredirects}} 06331 06332 See also: 06333 * {{msg-mw|Movepagetext-noredirectfixer}}', 06334 'movepagetext-noredirectfixer' => "A variant of the following message ''Movepagetext'' displayed when the automatic redirect fixer is not enabled. 06335 06336 Special pages mentioned: {{msg-mw|Doubleredirects}}, {{msg-mw|Brokenredirects}} 06337 06338 See also: 06339 * {{msg-mw|Movepagetext}}", 06340 'movepagetalktext' => "Text on the special 'Move page'. This text only appears if the talk page is not empty.", 06341 'movearticle' => 'The text before the name of the page that you are moving. Can be translated as "Page that is going to be moved". Used in [[Special:MovePage]]. 06342 06343 See also: 06344 * {{msg-mw|move-page-legend|legend for the form}} 06345 * {{msg-mw|newtitle|label for new title}} 06346 * {{msg-mw|movereason|label for textarea}} 06347 * {{msg-mw|movetalk|label for checkbox}} 06348 * {{msg-mw|move-leave-redirect|label for checkbox}} 06349 * {{msg-mw|fix-double-redirects|label for checkbox}} 06350 * {{msg-mw|move-subpages|label for checkbox}} 06351 * {{msg-mw|move-talk-subpages|label for checkbox}} 06352 * {{msg-mw|move-watch|label for checkbox}} 06353 {{Identical|Move page}}', 06354 'moveuserpage-warning' => 'Used as warning in [[Special:MovePage]], when moving a user page.', 06355 'movenologin' => '{{Identical|Not logged in}}', 06356 'movenologintext' => "Text of message on special page 'Permissions Errors', which appears when somebody tries to move a page without being logged in. 06357 06358 See also: 06359 * {{msg-mw|cant-move-user-page}} 06360 * {{msg-mw|cant-move-to-user-page}} 06361 * {{msg-mw|movenotallowedfile}} 06362 * {{msg-mw|movenotallowed}}", 06363 'movenotallowed' => 'Used as error message. 06364 06365 See also: 06366 * {{msg-mw|cant-move-user-page}} 06367 * {{msg-mw|cant-move-to-user-page}} 06368 * {{msg-mw|movenotallowedfile}} 06369 * {{msg-mw|movenologintext}}', 06370 'movenotallowedfile' => 'Used as error message. 06371 06372 See also: 06373 * {{msg-mw|cant-move-user-page}} 06374 * {{msg-mw|cant-move-to-user-page}} 06375 * {{msg-mw|movenotallowed}} 06376 * {{msg-mw|movenologintext}}', 06377 'cant-move-user-page' => 'Used as error message. 06378 06379 See also: 06380 * {{msg-mw|cant-move-to-user-page}} 06381 * {{msg-mw|movenotallowedfile}} 06382 * {{msg-mw|movenotallowed}} 06383 * {{msg-mw|movenologintext}}', 06384 'cant-move-to-user-page' => 'Used as error message. 06385 06386 See also: 06387 * {{msg-mw|cant-move-user-page}} 06388 * {{msg-mw|movenotallowedfile}} 06389 * {{msg-mw|movenotallowed}} 06390 * {{msg-mw|movenologintext}}', 06391 'newtitle' => 'Used in the special page "[[Special:MovePage]]". The text for the inputbox to give the new page title. 06392 06393 See also: 06394 * {{msg-mw|Move-page-legend|legend for the form}} 06395 * {{msg-mw|Movearticle|label for old title}} 06396 * {{msg-mw|Movereason|label for textarea}} 06397 * {{msg-mw|Movetalk|label for checkbox}} 06398 * {{msg-mw|Move-leave-redirect|label for checkbox}} 06399 * {{msg-mw|Fix-double-redirects|label for checkbox}} 06400 * {{msg-mw|Move-subpages|label for checkbox}} 06401 * {{msg-mw|Move-talk-subpages|label for checkbox}} 06402 * {{msg-mw|Move-watch|label for checkbox}}', 06403 'move-watch' => 'The text of the checkbox to watch the pages you are moving from and to. If checked, both the destination page and the original page will be added to the watchlist, even if you decide not to leave a redirect behind. 06404 06405 See also: 06406 * {{msg-mw|Move-page-legend|legend for the form}} 06407 * {{msg-mw|Movearticle|label for old title}} 06408 * {{msg-mw|Newtitle|label for new title}} 06409 * {{msg-mw|Movereason|label for textarea}} 06410 * {{msg-mw|Movetalk|label for checkbox}} 06411 * {{msg-mw|Move-leave-redirect|label for checkbox}} 06412 * {{msg-mw|Fix-double-redirects|label for checkbox}} 06413 * {{msg-mw|Move-subpages|label for checkbox}} 06414 * {{msg-mw|Move-talk-subpages|label for checkbox}}', 06415 'movepagebtn' => "Button label on the special 'Move page'. 06416 06417 {{Identical|Move page}}", 06418 'pagemovedsub' => 'Message displayed as aheader of the body, after successfully moving a page from source to target name.', 06419 'movepage-moved' => 'Message displayed after successfully moving a page from source to target name. 06420 06421 Parameters: 06422 * $1 - the source page as a link with display name 06423 * $2 - the target page as a link with display name 06424 * $3 - (optional) the source page name without a link 06425 * $4 - (optional) the target page name without a link 06426 See also: 06427 * {{msg-mw|Movepage-moved-redirect}} 06428 * {{msg-mw|Movepage-moved-noredirect}}', 06429 'movepage-moved-redirect' => 'See also: 06430 * {{msg-mw|Movepage-moved}} 06431 * {{msg-mw|Movepage-moved-noredirect}}', 06432 'movepage-moved-noredirect' => 'The message is shown after pagemove if checkbox "{{int:move-leave-redirect}}" was unselected before moving. 06433 06434 See also: 06435 * {{msg-mw|Movepage-moved}} 06436 * {{msg-mw|Movepage-moved-redirect}}', 06437 'articleexists' => 'Used as error message when moving a page. 06438 06439 See also: 06440 * {{msg-mw|Badarticleerror}} 06441 * {{msg-mw|Bad-target-model}}', 06442 'cantmove-titleprotected' => 'Used as error message when moving a page.', 06443 'movetalk' => 'The text of the checkbox to watch the associated talk page to the page you are moving. This only appears when the talk page is not empty. Used in [[Special:MovePage]]. 06444 06445 See also: 06446 * {{msg-mw|Move-page-legend|legend for the form}} 06447 * {{msg-mw|Movearticle|label for old title}} 06448 * {{msg-mw|Newtitle|label for new title}} 06449 * {{msg-mw|Movereason|label for textarea}} 06450 * {{msg-mw|Move-leave-redirect|label for checkbox}} 06451 * {{msg-mw|Fix-double-redirects|label for checkbox}} 06452 * {{msg-mw|Move-subpages|label for checkbox}} 06453 * {{msg-mw|Move-talk-subpages|label for checkbox}} 06454 * {{msg-mw|Move-watch|label for checkbox}}', 06455 'move-subpages' => 'The text of an option on the special page [[Special:MovePage|MovePage]]. If this option is ticked, any subpages will be moved with the main page to a new title. 06456 06457 Parameters: 06458 * $1 - ... 06459 See also: 06460 * {{msg-mw|Move-page-legend|legend for the form}} 06461 * {{msg-mw|Movearticle|label for old title}} 06462 * {{msg-mw|Newtitle|label for new title}} 06463 * {{msg-mw|Movereason|label for textarea}} 06464 * {{msg-mw|Movetalk|label for checkbox}} 06465 * {{msg-mw|Move-leave-redirect|label for checkbox}} 06466 * {{msg-mw|Fix-double-redirects|label for checkbox}} 06467 * {{msg-mw|Move-talk-subpages|label for checkbox}} 06468 * {{msg-mw|Move-watch|label for checkbox}}', 06469 'move-talk-subpages' => 'The text of an option on the special page [[Special:MovePage|MovePage]]. If this option is ticked, any talk subpages will be moved with the talk page to a new title. 06470 06471 Parameters: 06472 * $1 - ... 06473 See also: 06474 * {{msg-mw|Move-page-legend|legend for the form}} 06475 * {{msg-mw|Movearticle|label for old title}} 06476 * {{msg-mw|Newtitle|label for new title}} 06477 * {{msg-mw|Movereason|label for textarea}} 06478 * {{msg-mw|Movetalk|label for checkbox}} 06479 * {{msg-mw|Move-leave-redirect|label for checkbox}} 06480 * {{msg-mw|Fix-double-redirects|label for checkbox}} 06481 * {{msg-mw|Move-subpages|label for checkbox}} 06482 * {{msg-mw|Move-watch|label for checkbox}}', 06483 'movepage-page-exists' => 'Used as error message when moving page. 06484 * $1 - page title', 06485 'movepage-page-moved' => 'Used as success message when moving page. 06486 06487 Can be followed by {{msg-mw|Movepage-max-pages}}. 06488 06489 Parameters: 06490 * $1 - old page title (with link) 06491 * $2 - new page title (with link) 06492 See also: 06493 * {{msg-mw|Movepage-page-unmoved}}', 06494 'movepage-page-unmoved' => 'Used as error message when moving page. Parameters: 06495 * $1 - old page title (with link) 06496 * $2 - new page title (with link) 06497 See also: 06498 * {{msg-mw|Movepage-page-moved}}', 06499 'movepage-max-pages' => 'PROBABLY (A GUESS): when moving a page, you can select an option of moving its subpages, but there is a maximum that can be moved automatically. 06500 06501 Parameters: 06502 * $1 - maximum moved pages, defined in the variable [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Manual:$wgMaximumMovedPages|$wgMaximumMovedPages]]', 06503 'movelogpage' => '{{doc-logpage}} 06504 06505 Title of [[Special:Log/move]]. Used as heading on that page, and in the dropdown menu on log pages.', 06506 'movelogpagetext' => "Text on the special page 'Move log'.", 06507 'movesubpage' => 'This is a section header on [[Special:MovePage]], below is a list of subpages. 06508 06509 Parameters: 06510 * $1 - number of subpages 06511 See also: 06512 * {{msg-mw|movenosubpage|without subpage}} 06513 * {{msg-mw|movesubpagetext|with subpages}}', 06514 'movesubpagetext' => 'Used in [[Special:MovePage]]. Parameters: 06515 * $1 - number of subpages 06516 See also: 06517 * {{msg-mw|movesubpage|section header}} 06518 * {{msg-mw|movenosubpage|without subpage}}', 06519 'movenosubpage' => 'See also: 06520 * {{msg-mw|movesubpage|section header}} 06521 * {{msg-mw|movenosubpage|without subpage}} 06522 * {{msg-mw|movesubpagetext|with subpages}}', 06523 'movereason' => 'Used in [[Special:MovePage]]. The text for the inputbox to give a reason for the page move. 06524 06525 See also: 06526 * {{msg-mw|Move-page-legend|legend for the form}} 06527 * {{msg-mw|Movearticle|label for old title}} 06528 * {{msg-mw|Newtitle|label for new title}} 06529 * {{msg-mw|Movetalk|label for checkbox}} 06530 * {{msg-mw|Move-leave-redirect|label for checkbox}} 06531 * {{msg-mw|Fix-double-redirects|label for checkbox}} 06532 * {{msg-mw|Move-subpages|label for checkbox}} 06533 * {{msg-mw|Move-talk-subpages|label for checkbox}} 06534 * {{msg-mw|Move-watch|label for checkbox}} 06535 {{Identical|Reason}}', 06536 'revertmove' => '{{Identical|Revert}}', 06537 'delete_and_move' => 'Button text on the move page when the target page already exists.', 06538 'delete_and_move_text' => 'Used when moving a page, but the destination page already exists and needs deletion. 06539 06540 This message is to confirm that you really want to delete the page. 06541 06542 Parameters: 06543 * $1 - the destination page title 06544 06545 See also: 06546 * {{msg-mw|Delete and move confirm}}', 06547 'delete_and_move_confirm' => 'Used when moving a page, but the destination page already exists and needs deletion. 06548 06549 This message is for a checkbox to confirm that you really want to delete the page. 06550 06551 See also: 06552 * {{msg-mw|Delete and move text}}', 06553 'delete_and_move_reason' => 'Shown as reason in content language in the deletion log. Parameter: 06554 * $1 - The page name for which this page was deleted.', 06555 'selfmove' => 'Used as error message when moving page. 06556 06557 See also: 06558 * {{msg-mw|badtitletext}} 06559 * {{msg-mw|immobile-source-namespace}} 06560 * {{msg-mw|immobile-target-namespace-iw}} 06561 * {{msg-mw|immobile-target-namespace}}', 06562 'immobile-source-namespace' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 06563 * $1 - source namespace name 06564 See also: 06565 * {{msg-mw|Immobile-source-page}} 06566 * {{msg-mw|Immobile-target-namespace}} 06567 * {{msg-mw|Immobile-target-page}}', 06568 'immobile-target-namespace' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 06569 * $1 - destination namespace name 06570 See also: 06571 * {{msg-mw|Immobile-source-namespace}} 06572 * {{msg-mw|Immobile-source-page}} 06573 * {{msg-mw|Immobile-target-page}}', 06574 'immobile-target-namespace-iw' => "This message appears when attempting to move a page, if a person has typed an interwiki link as a namespace prefix in the input box labelled 'To new title'. The special page 'Movepage' cannot be used to move a page to another wiki. 06575 06576 'Destination' can be used instead of 'target' in this message.", 06577 'immobile-source-page' => 'See also: 06578 * {{msg-mw|Immobile-source-namespace}} 06579 * {{msg-mw|Immobile-source-page}} 06580 * {{msg-mw|Immobile-target-namespace}} 06581 * {{msg-mw|Immobile-target-page}}', 06582 'immobile-target-page' => 'See also: 06583 * {{msg-mw|Immobile-source-namespace}} 06584 * {{msg-mw|Immobile-source-page}} 06585 * {{msg-mw|Immobile-target-namespace}} 06586 * {{msg-mw|Immobile-target-page}}', 06587 'imagenocrossnamespace' => 'Used as error message. 06588 06589 See also: 06590 * {{msg-mw|Imagenocrossnamespace}} 06591 * {{msg-mw|Nonfile-cannot-move-to-file}}', 06592 'nonfile-cannot-move-to-file' => 'Used as error message. 06593 06594 See also: 06595 * {{msg-mw|Imagenocrossnamespace}} 06596 * {{msg-mw|Nonfile-cannot-move-to-file}}', 06597 'imagetypemismatch' => 'Used as error message. 06598 06599 See also: 06600 * {{msg-mw|imageinvalidfilename}} 06601 * {{msg-mw|imagenocrossnamespace}}', 06602 'imageinvalidfilename' => 'Used as error message. 06603 06604 See also: 06605 * {{msg-mw|imagetypemismatch}} 06606 * {{msg-mw|imagenocrossnamespace}}', 06607 'fix-double-redirects' => 'This is a checkbox in [[Special:MovePage]] which allows to move all redirects from the old title to the new title. Used in [[Special:MovePage]]. 06608 06609 See also: 06610 * {{msg-mw|Move-page-legend|legend for the form}} 06611 * {{msg-mw|Movearticle|label for old title}} 06612 * {{msg-mw|Newtitle|label for new title}} 06613 * {{msg-mw|Movereason|label for textarea}} 06614 * {{msg-mw|Movetalk|label for checkbox}} 06615 * {{msg-mw|Move-leave-redirect|label for checkbox}} 06616 * {{msg-mw|Move-subpages|label for checkbox}} 06617 * {{msg-mw|Move-talk-subpages|label for checkbox}} 06618 * {{msg-mw|Move-watch|label for checkbox}}', 06619 'move-leave-redirect' => 'Used as label for checkbox in the Move Pages form on [[Special:MovePage]]. 06620 06621 See also: 06622 * {{msg-mw|move-page-legend|legend for the form}} 06623 * {{msg-mw|movearticle|label for old title}} 06624 * {{msg-mw|newtitle|label for new title}} 06625 * {{msg-mw|movereason|label for textarea}} 06626 * {{msg-mw|movetalk|label for checkbox}} 06627 * {{msg-mw|fix-double-redirects|label for checkbox}} 06628 * {{msg-mw|move-subpages|label for checkbox}} 06629 * {{msg-mw|move-talk-subpages|label for checkbox}} 06630 * {{msg-mw|move-watch|label for checkbox}}', 06631 'protectedpagemovewarning' => '{{Related|Semiprotectedpagewarning}}', 06632 'semiprotectedpagemovewarning' => '{{Related|Semiprotectedpagewarning}}', 06633 'move-over-sharedrepo' => 'Notice when a file with that filename already exists on a shared repository, such as Wikimedia Commons. 06634 06635 Parameters: 06636 * $1 - the destination page title', 06637 'file-exists-sharedrepo' => 'Used in [[Special:MovePage]].', 06638 06639 # Export 06640 'export' => 'Page title of [[Special:Export]], a page where a user can export pages from a wiki to a file.', 06641 'exporttext' => '{{doc-important|Leave the line <code><nowiki>[[{{#Special:Export}}/{{MediaWiki:Mainpage}}]]</nowiki></code> exactly as it is!}} 06642 Main text on [[Special:Export]]. 06643 06644 Refers to {{msg-mw|Mainpage}}.', 06645 'exportall' => 'A label of checkbox option in [[Special:Export]]', 06646 'exportcuronly' => 'A label of checkbox option in [[Special:Export]]', 06647 'exportnohistory' => 'Used in [[Special:Export]].', 06648 'exportlistauthors' => 'Used as label for checkbox in the form on [[Special:Export]]. 06649 06650 See also: 06651 * {{msg-mw|Export-download}}', 06652 'export-submit' => 'Button name in [[Special:Export]]. 06653 06654 {{Identical|Export}}', 06655 'export-addcattext' => 'Used as label for "category name" input box in the form on [[Special:Export]]. 06656 06657 Submit button text of this form is {{msg-mw|Export-addcat}}. 06658 06659 See also: 06660 * {{msg-mw|Export-addnstext}}', 06661 'export-addcat' => 'Used as label for input box in the form on [[Special:Export]]. 06662 06663 See also: 06664 * {{msg-mw|Export-addcattext|label for input box}} 06665 {{Identical|Add}}', 06666 'export-addnstext' => 'Message {{msg-mw|configure-setting-wgExportFromNamespaces}} refers to this one. 06667 06668 See also: 06669 * {{msg-mw|Export-addcattext}}', 06670 'export-addns' => '{{Identical|Add}}', 06671 'export-download' => 'A label of checkbox option in [[Special:Export]] 06672 06673 See also: 06674 * {{msg-mw|Exportlistauthors}}', 06675 'export-templates' => 'A label of checkbox option in [[Special:Export]]', 06676 'export-pagelinks' => 'This is an input in [[Special:Export]]', 06677 06678 # Namespace 8 related 06679 'allmessages' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:AllMessages]].', 06680 'allmessagesname' => 'Used on [[Special:Allmessages]] meaning "the name of the message". 06681 {{Identical|Name}}', 06682 'allmessagesdefault' => 'The header for the lower row of each column in the table of [[Special:AllMessages]].', 06683 'allmessagescurrent' => 'The header for the upper row of each column in the table of [[Special:AllMessages]].', 06684 'allmessagestext' => 'Summary displayed at the top of [[Special:AllMessages]].', 06685 'allmessagesnotsupportedDB' => 'This message is displayed on [[Special:AllMessages]] on wikis were the configuration variable $wgUseDatabaseMessages is disabled. It means that the MediaWiki namespace is not used.', 06686 'allmessages-filter-legend' => 'Used in [[Special:AllMessages]]. 06687 06688 {{Identical|Filter}}', 06689 'allmessages-filter' => 'Option used in [[Special:AllMessages]].', 06690 'allmessages-filter-unmodified' => 'Used in [[Special:AllMessages]].', 06691 'allmessages-filter-all' => 'Used in [[Special:AllMessages]]. 06692 {{Identical|All}}', 06693 'allmessages-filter-modified' => 'Used in [[Special:AllMessages]]. 06694 {{Identical|Modified}}', 06695 'allmessages-prefix' => 'Used in [[Special:AllMessages]].', 06696 'allmessages-language' => 'Used on [[Special:Allmessages]]. 06697 06698 {{Identical|Language}}', 06699 'allmessages-filter-submit' => 'Used on [[Special:Allmessages]]. 06700 06701 {{Identical|Go}}', 06702 06703 # Thumbnails 06704 'thumbnail-more' => '[[Image:Yes.png|thumb|This:]] 06705 Tooltip shown when hovering over a little sign of a thumb image, to go to the image page (where it is bigger). For example, see the image at the right:', 06706 'filemissing' => 'Used in the ImageGallery feature.', 06707 'thumbnail_error' => 'Message shown in a thumbnail frame when creation of the thumbnail fails. Parameters: 06708 * $1 - the reason 06709 The reason $1 is one of the following messages: 06710 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail-dest-create}} 06711 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail dest directory}} 06712 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail invalid params}} 06713 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail image-missing}} 06714 * {{msg-mw|Djvu no xml}} 06715 * {{msg-mw|Djvu page error}} 06716 * {{msg-mw|Svg-long-error}} 06717 * other custom string', 06718 'djvu_page_error' => 'Used as error message. 06719 06720 See also: 06721 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail error}} 06722 * {{msg-mw|Djvu no xml}} 06723 * {{msg-mw|Djvu page error}}', 06724 'djvu_no_xml' => 'Used as error message. 06725 06726 See also: 06727 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail error}} 06728 * {{msg-mw|Djvu page error}}', 06729 'thumbnail-temp-create' => 'Used as thumbnail error message. 06730 06731 See also: 06732 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail-dest-create}} 06733 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail invalid params}} 06734 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail dest directory}}', 06735 'thumbnail-dest-create' => 'Used as thumbnail error message. 06736 06737 See also: 06738 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail error}} 06739 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail-temp-create}} 06740 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail invalid params}} 06741 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail dest directory}}', 06742 'thumbnail_invalid_params' => 'Used as thumbnail error message. 06743 06744 See also: 06745 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail-temp-create}} 06746 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail-dest-create}} 06747 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail dest directory}}', 06748 'thumbnail_dest_directory' => 'Used as thumbnail error message. 06749 06750 See also: 06751 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail error}} 06752 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail-temp-create}} 06753 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail-dest-create}} 06754 * {{msg-mw|Thumbnail invalid params}}', 06755 'thumbnail_image-type' => 'This is the parameter 1 of the message {{msg-mw|thumbnail error}}', 06756 'thumbnail_gd-library' => 'This is the parameter 1 of the message {{msg-mw|thumbnail error}}. 06757 *$1 is a function name of the GD library', 06758 'thumbnail_image-missing' => 'This is the parameter 1 of the message {{msg-mw|thumbnail error}}. 06759 *$1 is the path incl. filename of the missing image', 06760 06761 # Special:Import 06762 'import' => 'The title of the special page [[Special:Import]];', 06763 'importinterwiki' => 'Used as legend for the Import form in [[Special:Import]].', 06764 'import-interwiki-text' => 'Used as summary for the Import form in [[Special:Import]].', 06765 'import-interwiki-source' => 'Used as label for input box in [[Special:Import]].', 06766 'import-interwiki-history' => 'This is an option on [[Special:Import]]. Usually, when unchecked, only the first version of a page is imported. When you check the option, all versions are imported. This is important often to check for licensing reasons. 06767 06768 See also: 06769 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-templates}} 06770 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-namespace}} 06771 * {{msg-mw|Import-comment}} 06772 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-rootpage}} 06773 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-submit}}', 06774 'import-interwiki-templates' => 'Used as label for the checkbox in [[Special:Import]]. 06775 06776 See also: 06777 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-history}} 06778 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-namespace}} 06779 * {{msg-mw|Import-comment}} 06780 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-rootpage}} 06781 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-submit}}', 06782 'import-interwiki-submit' => 'Used as Submit button text in [[Special:Import]]. 06783 06784 See also: 06785 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-history}} 06786 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-templates}} 06787 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-namespace}} 06788 * {{msg-mw|Import-comment}} 06789 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-rootpage}} 06790 {{Identical|Import}}', 06791 'import-interwiki-namespace' => 'Used as label in Import form on [[Special:Import]]. 06792 06793 See also: 06794 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-history}} 06795 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-templates}} 06796 * {{msg-mw|Import-comment}} 06797 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-rootpage}} 06798 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-submit}}', 06799 'import-interwiki-rootpage' => 'Used on [[Special:Import]] as label. 06800 06801 See also: 06802 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-history}} 06803 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-templates}} 06804 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-namespace}} 06805 * {{msg-mw|Import-comment}} 06806 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-submit}}', 06807 'import-upload-filename' => 'Used on [[Special:Import]] as label for upload of an XML file containing the pages to import. 06808 {{Identical|Filename}}', 06809 'import-comment' => 'Used as label for input box in [[Special:Import]]. 06810 06811 See also: 06812 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-history}} 06813 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-templates}} 06814 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-namespace}} 06815 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-rootpage}} 06816 * {{msg-mw|Import-interwiki-submit}} 06817 {{Identical|Comment}}', 06818 'importtext' => 'Used in the Import form on [[Special:Import]].', 06819 'importstart' => 'Used in [[Special:Import]]. 06820 06821 See also: 06822 * {{msg-mw|Importsuccess}} 06823 * {{msg-mw|Importfailed}}', 06824 'import-revision-count' => 'Preceded by link text. Parameters: 06825 * $1 - number of succeeded revisions', 06826 'importnopages' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:Import]].', 06827 'imported-log-entries' => 'Used as success message. Parameters: 06828 * $1 - number of log items 06829 See also: 06830 * {{msg-mw|Importnopages}} - fatal error message', 06831 'importfailed' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:Import]]. Parameters: 06832 * $1 - import source 06833 See also: 06834 * {{msg-mw|Importstart}} 06835 * {{msg-mw|Importsuccess}}', 06836 'importunknownsource' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:Import]]. 06837 06838 See also: 06839 * {{msg-mw|import-token-mismatch}} 06840 * {{msg-mw|import-invalid-interwiki}} 06841 * {{msg-mw|Importunknownsource}}', 06842 'importcantopen' => 'Used as error message when importing from file or from URL.', 06843 'importbadinterwiki' => 'Used as error message when importing from interwiki. 06844 06845 See also: 06846 * {{msg-mw|Import-noarticle}} 06847 * {{msg-mw|Importbadinterwiki}}', 06848 'importsuccess' => 'Used in [[Special:Import]]. 06849 06850 See also: 06851 * {{msg-mw|Importstart}} 06852 * {{msg-mw|Importfailed}}', 06853 'importnosources' => 'Used in [[Special:Import]] instead of the Import form.', 06854 'importnofile' => 'Used as error message when importing from file. 06855 06856 See also: 06857 * {{msg-mw|importuploaderrorsize}} 06858 * {{msg-mw|importuploaderrorpartial}} 06859 * {{msg-mw|importuploaderrortemp}}', 06860 'importuploaderrorsize' => 'Used as error message when importing from file. 06861 06862 See also: 06863 * {{msg-mw|importnofile}} 06864 * {{msg-mw|importuploaderrorpartial}} 06865 * {{msg-mw|importuploaderrortemp}}', 06866 'importuploaderrorpartial' => 'Used as error message when importing from file. 06867 06868 See also: 06869 * {{msg-mw|importnofile}} 06870 * {{msg-mw|importuploaderrorsize}} 06871 * {{msg-mw|importuploaderrortemp}}', 06872 'importuploaderrortemp' => 'Used as error message when importing from file. 06873 06874 See also: 06875 * {{msg-mw|importnofile}} 06876 * {{msg-mw|importuploaderrorsize}} 06877 * {{msg-mw|importuploaderrorpartial}}', 06878 'import-noarticle' => 'Used as error message when importing from interwiki. 06879 06880 See also: 06881 * {{msg-mw|Import-noarticle}} 06882 * {{msg-mw|Importbadinterwiki}}', 06883 'import-nonewrevisions' => 'Used in [[Special:Import]].', 06884 'xml-error-string' => 'Parameters: 06885 * $1 - Some kind of message, perhaps name of the error? 06886 * $2 - line number 06887 * $3 - column number 06888 * $4 - ?? $this->mByte . $this->mContext 06889 * $5 - error description 06890 Example: 06891 * Import failed: XML import parse failure at line 1, col 1 (byte 3; "- <mediawiki xml"): Empty document', 06892 'import-upload' => 'Used on [[Special:Import]]. 06893 06894 Related messages: 06895 * {{msg-mw|right-importupload}} (the user right for this)', 06896 'import-token-mismatch' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:Import]]. 06897 06898 See also: 06899 * {{msg-mw|import-token-mismatch}} 06900 * {{msg-mw|import-invalid-interwiki}} 06901 * {{msg-mw|Importunknownsource}}', 06902 'import-invalid-interwiki' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:Import]]. 06903 06904 See also: 06905 * {{msg-mw|import-token-mismatch}} 06906 * {{msg-mw|import-invalid-interwiki}} 06907 * {{msg-mw|Importunknownsource}}', 06908 'import-error-edit' => 'Import error message displayed when importing user has no edit rights for a page. 06909 06910 Parameters: 06911 * $1 - a page name 06912 {{Related|Import-error}}', 06913 'import-error-create' => 'Import error message displayed when importing user has no create rights for a page. 06914 06915 Parameters: 06916 * $1 - a page name 06917 {{Related|Import-error}}', 06918 'import-error-interwiki' => 'Used as error message when importing pages. Parameters: 06919 * $1 - page title 06920 {{Related|Import-error}}', 06921 'import-error-special' => 'Used as error message when importing pages. Parameters: 06922 * $1 - page title 06923 {{Related|Import-error}}', 06924 'import-error-invalid' => 'Used as error message when importing pages. Parameters: 06925 * $1 - page title 06926 {{Related|Import-error}}', 06927 'import-options-wrong' => 'Used as error message on [[Special:Import]], when one of the options has an error. 06928 06929 Parameters: 06930 * $1 - ... 06931 * $2 - number of options', 06932 'import-rootpage-invalid' => 'Used on [[Special:Import]], when the root page is invalid.', 06933 'import-rootpage-nosubpage' => 'Used on [[Special:Import]], when the import namespace does not support subpages. Parameters: 06934 * $1 is a namespace name.', 06935 06936 # Import log 06937 'importlogpage' => '{{doc-logpage}}', 06938 'importlogpagetext' => 'This text appears at the top of the [{{canonicalurl:Special:Log|type=import}} import log] special page.', 06939 'import-logentry-upload' => 'This is the text of an entry in the Import log (and Recent Changes), after hour (and date, only in the Import log) and sysop name: 06940 * $1 is the name of the imported file', 06941 'import-logentry-upload-detail' => 'Used as success message. Parameters: 06942 * $1 - number of succeeded revisions 06943 See also: 06944 * {{msg-mw|Import-logentry-interwiki-detail}}', 06945 'import-logentry-interwiki' => 'Used as action listed in the log. Parameters: 06946 * $1 - page title', 06947 'import-logentry-interwiki-detail' => 'Used as success message. Parameters: 06948 * $1 - number of succeeded revisions 06949 * $2 - interwiki name 06950 See also: 06951 * {{msg-mw|Import-logentry-upload-detail}}', 06952 06953 # JavaScriptTest 06954 'javascripttest' => 'Title of the special page [[Special:JavaScriptTest]]. 06955 06956 See also: 06957 * {{msg-mw|Javascripttest|title}} 06958 * {{msg-mw|Javascripttest-pagetext-noframework|summary}} 06959 * {{msg-mw|Javascripttest-pagetext-unknownframework|error message}}', 06960 'javascripttest-disabled' => 'Message displayed on [[Special:JavaScriptTest]] if this feature is disabled (it is disabled by default).', 06961 'javascripttest-title' => 'Title of the special page when running a test suite. Parameters: 06962 * $1 is the name of the framework, for example QUnit.', 06963 'javascripttest-pagetext-noframework' => 'Used as summary when no framework specified. 06964 06965 See also: 06966 * {{msg-mw|Javascripttest|title}} 06967 * {{msg-mw|Javascripttest-pagetext-noframework|summary}} 06968 * {{msg-mw|Javascripttest-pagetext-unknownframework|error message}}', 06969 'javascripttest-pagetext-unknownframework' => 'Error message when given framework ID is not found. Parameters: 06970 * $1 - the ID of the framework 06971 See also: 06972 * {{msg-mw|Javascripttest|title}} 06973 * {{msg-mw|Javascripttest-pagetext-noframework|summary}} 06974 * {{msg-mw|Javascripttest-pagetext-unknownframework|error message}}', 06975 'javascripttest-pagetext-frameworks' => 'Parameters: 06976 * $1 - frameworks list which contain a link text {{msg-mw|Javascripttest-qunit-name}}', 06977 'javascripttest-pagetext-skins' => 'Used as label in [[Special:JavaScriptTest]].', 06978 'javascripttest-qunit-intro' => 'Used as summary. Parameters: 06979 * $1 - the configured URL to the documentation 06980 See also: 06981 * {{msg-mw|Javascripttest-qunit-heading}}', 06982 'javascripttest-qunit-heading' => 'See also: 06983 * {{msg-mw|Javascripttest-qunit-intro}}', 06984 06985 # Tooltip help for the actions 06986 'tooltip-pt-userpage' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering the mouse over the link to your own User page in the upper-side personal toolbox. 06987 06988 See also: 06989 <!--* username--> 06990 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-pt-userpage}} 06991 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-pt-userpage}}', 06992 'tooltip-pt-mytalk' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg-mw|Mytalk}} link in your personal toolbox (upper right side). 06993 06994 See also: 06995 * {{msg-mw|Mytalk}} 06996 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-pt-mytalk}} 06997 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-pt-mytalk}}', 06998 'tooltip-pt-anontalk' => 'Used as tooltip for link {{msg-mw|Anontalk}}. 06999 07000 See also: 07001 * {{msg-mw|Anontalk}} 07002 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-pt-anontalk}} 07003 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-pt-anontalk}}', 07004 'tooltip-pt-preferences' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg-mw|Mypreferences}} link in your personal toolbox (upper right side). 07005 07006 See also: 07007 * {{msg-mw|Mypreferences}} 07008 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-pt-preferences}} 07009 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-pt-preferences}} 07010 {{Identical|Preferences}}', 07011 'tooltip-pt-watchlist' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg-mw|Mywatchlist}} link in your personal toolbox (upper right side). 07012 07013 See also: 07014 * {{msg-mw|Mywatchlist}} 07015 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-pt-watchlist}} 07016 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-pt-watchlist}}', 07017 'tooltip-pt-mycontris' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg-mw|Mycontris}} link in your personal toolbox (upper right side). 07018 07019 See also: 07020 * {{msg-mw|Mycontris}} 07021 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-pt-mycontris}} 07022 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-pt-mycontris}}', 07023 'tooltip-pt-login' => "Tooltip shown when hovering over the link 'Log in / create account' in the upper right corner show on all pages while not logged in.", 07024 'tooltip-pt-anonlogin' => 'Used as tooltip for link {{msg-mw|Login}} in your personal toolbox (upper right side). 07025 07026 See also: 07027 * {{msg-mw|Login}} 07028 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-pt-anonlogin}} 07029 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-pt-anonlogin}}', 07030 'tooltip-pt-logout' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg-mw|Logout}} link in your personal toolbox (upper right side). 07031 07032 See also: 07033 * {{msg-mw|Logout}} 07034 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-pt-logout}} 07035 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-pt-logout}} 07036 {{Identical|Log out}}', 07037 'tooltip-ca-talk' => "Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg-mw|Talk}} tab. 07038 07039 A 'content page' is a page that forms part of the purpose of the wiki. It includes the main page and pages in the main namespace and any other namespaces that are included when the wiki is customised. For example on Wikimedia Commons 'content pages' include pages in the file and category namespaces. On Wikinews 'content pages' include pages in the Portal namespace. For a technical definition of 'content namespaces' see [[mw:Manual:Using_custom_namespaces#Content_namespaces|MediaWiki]]. 07040 07041 Possible alternatives to the word 'content' are 'subject matter' or 'wiki subject' or 'wiki purpose'. 07042 07043 See also: 07044 * {{msg-mw|Talk}} 07045 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-talk}} 07046 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-talk}} 07047 {{Identical|Content page}}", 07048 'tooltip-ca-edit' => 'The tooltip when hovering over the {{msg-mw|Edit}} tab. 07049 07050 See also: 07051 * {{msg-mw|Edit}} 07052 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-edit}} 07053 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-edit}}', 07054 'tooltip-ca-addsection' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "addsection" tab (shown on talk pages). 07055 07056 See also: 07057 * {{msg-mw|Addsection}} 07058 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-addsection}} 07059 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-addsection}}', 07060 'tooltip-ca-viewsource' => 'Tooltip displayed when hovering over the {{msg-mw|Viewsource}} tab. 07061 07062 See also: 07063 * {{msg-mw|Viewsource}} 07064 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-viewsource}} 07065 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-viewsource}}', 07066 'tooltip-ca-history' => 'Used as tooltip for {{msg-mw|Vector-view-history}}. 07067 07068 See for example [{{canonicalurl:Main Page|useskin=vector}} Main Page] 07069 07070 See also: 07071 * {{msg-mw|Vector-view-history}} 07072 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-history}}', 07073 'tooltip-ca-protect' => 'Used as tooltip for {{msg-mw|Protect}}. 07074 07075 See also: 07076 * {{msg-mw|Protect}} 07077 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-protect}} 07078 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-protect}} 07079 {{Identical|Protect this page}}', 07080 'tooltip-ca-unprotect' => 'Used as tooltip for {{msg-mw|Unprotect}}. 07081 07082 See also: 07083 * {{msg-mw|Unprotect}} 07084 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-unprotect}} 07085 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-unprotect}} 07086 {{Identical|Unprotect this page}}', 07087 'tooltip-ca-delete' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg-mw|Delete}} tab. 07088 07089 See also: 07090 * {{msg-mw|Delete}} 07091 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-delete}} 07092 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-delete}} 07093 {{Identical|Delete this page}}', 07094 'tooltip-ca-undelete' => 'Used as tooltip for {{msg-mw|Undelete}}. 07095 07096 See also: 07097 * {{msg-mw|Undelete}} 07098 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-undelete}} 07099 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-undelete}}', 07100 'tooltip-ca-move' => 'See also: 07101 * {{msg-mw|Move}} 07102 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-move}} 07103 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-move}} 07104 {{Identical|Move this page}}', 07105 'tooltip-ca-watch' => 'See also: 07106 * {{msg-mw|Watch}} 07107 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-watch}} 07108 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-watch}} 07109 {{Identical|Add this page to your watchlist}}', 07110 'tooltip-ca-unwatch' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg-mw|Unwatch}} tab. 07111 07112 See also: 07113 * {{msg-mw|Unwatch}} 07114 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-unwatch}} 07115 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-unwatch}}', 07116 'tooltip-search' => 'The tooltip when hovering over the search menu. 07117 07118 See also: 07119 * {{msg-mw|Search}} 07120 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-search}} 07121 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-search}}', 07122 'tooltip-search-go' => 'This is the text of the tooltip displayed when hovering the mouse over the {{msg-mw|Go}} button next to the search box. 07123 07124 See also: 07125 * {{msg-mw|Go}} 07126 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-search-go}} 07127 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-search-go}}', 07128 'tooltip-search-fulltext' => 'This is the text of the tooltip displayed when hovering the mouse over the {{msg-mw|Search}} button under the search box. 07129 07130 See also: 07131 * {{msg-mw|Search}} 07132 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-search-fulltext}} 07133 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-search-fulltext}}', 07134 'tooltip-p-logo' => 'Tool tip shown when hovering the mouse over the logo that links to [[Main Page]]. 07135 07136 See also: 07137 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-p-logo}} 07138 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-p-logo}} 07139 {{Identical|Visit the main page}}', 07140 'tooltip-n-mainpage' => 'Tool tip shown when hovering the mouse over the link to [[{{MediaWiki:Mainpage}}]]. 07141 07142 See also: 07143 * {{msg-mw|Mainpage}} 07144 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-n-mainpage}} 07145 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-n-mainpage}} 07146 {{Identical|Visit the main page}}', 07147 'tooltip-n-mainpage-description' => 'See also: 07148 * {{msg-mw|Mainpage-description}} 07149 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-n-mainpage-description}} 07150 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-n-mainpage-description}} 07151 {{Identical|Visit the main page}}', 07152 'tooltip-n-portal' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the link to {{msg-mw|Portal}} shown in the side bar menu on all pages. 07153 07154 See also: 07155 * {{msg-mw|Portal}} 07156 * {{msg-mw|Portal-url}} 07157 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-n-portal}} 07158 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-n-portal}}', 07159 'tooltip-n-currentevents' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over {{msg-mw|currentevents}} in the sidebar. 07160 07161 See also: 07162 * {{msg-mw|Currentevents}} 07163 * {{msg-mw|Currentevents-url}} 07164 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-n-currentevents}} 07165 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-n-currentevents}}', 07166 'tooltip-n-recentchanges' => 'The tooltip when hovering over the {{msg-mw|Recentchanges}} link in the sidebar going to the special page [[Special:RecentChanges]]. 07167 07168 See also: 07169 * {{msg-mw|Recentchanges}} 07170 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-n-recentchanges}} 07171 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-n-recentchanges}}', 07172 'tooltip-n-randompage' => "Tooltip shown when hovering over the link to 'Random page' shown in the side bar menu on all pages. Clicking the link will show a random page in from the wiki's main namespace. 07173 07174 See also: 07175 * {{msg-mw|Randompage}} 07176 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-n-randompage}} 07177 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-n-randompage}}", 07178 'tooltip-n-help' => "Tooltip shown when hovering over the link 'help' shown in the side bar menu on all pages. 07179 07180 See also: 07181 * {{msg-mw|Help}} 07182 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-n-help}} 07183 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-n-help}}", 07184 'tooltip-t-whatlinkshere' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg-mw|whatlinkshere}} message in the toolbox. 07185 07186 See also: 07187 * {{msg-mw|Whatlinkshere}} 07188 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-t-whatlinkshere}} 07189 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-t-whatlinkshere}}', 07190 'tooltip-t-recentchangeslinked' => 'Used as tooltip for the link {{msg-mw|Recentchangeslinked}}. 07191 07192 See also: 07193 * {{msg-mw|Recentchangeslinked}} 07194 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-t-recentchangeslinked}} 07195 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-t-recentchangeslinked}}', 07196 'tooltip-feed-rss' => 'Used as tooltip for RSS feed link. 07197 07198 See also: 07199 * {{msg-mw|Feed-rss}} 07200 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-feed-rss}} 07201 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-feed-rss}}', 07202 'tooltip-feed-atom' => 'Used as tooltip for Atom feed link. 07203 07204 See also: 07205 * {{msg-mw|Feed-atom}} 07206 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-feed-atom}} 07207 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-feed-atom}}', 07208 'tooltip-t-contributions' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over {{msg-mw|Contributions}} in the toolbox. 07209 07210 See also: 07211 * {{msg-mw|Contributions}} 07212 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-t-contributions}} 07213 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-t-contributions}}', 07214 'tooltip-t-emailuser' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg-mw|Emailuser}} link in the toolbox (sidebar, below). 07215 07216 See also: 07217 * {{msg-mw|Emailuser}} 07218 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-t-emailuser}} 07219 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-t-emailuser}}', 07220 'tooltip-t-upload' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the link to upload files shown in the side bar menu on all pages. 07221 07222 See also: 07223 * {{msg-mw|Upload}} 07224 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-t-upload}} 07225 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-t-upload}} 07226 {{Identical|Upload file}}', 07227 'tooltip-t-specialpages' => 'The tooltip when hovering over the link {{msg-mw|Specialpages}} going to a list of all special pages available in the wiki. 07228 07229 See also: 07230 * {{msg-mw|Specialpages}} 07231 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-t-specialpages}} 07232 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-t-specialpages}}', 07233 'tooltip-t-print' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the link to printable version shown in the side bar menu on all pages. 07234 07235 See also: 07236 * {{msg-mw|Printableversion}} 07237 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-t-print}} 07238 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-t-print}}', 07239 'tooltip-t-permalink' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the link to permanent link shown in the side bar menu on all pages. 07240 07241 See also: 07242 * {{msg-mw|Permalink}} 07243 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-t-permalink}} 07244 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-t-permalink}}', 07245 'tooltip-ca-nstab-main' => 'A "content page" is a page that forms part of the purpose of the wiki. It includes the main page and pages in the main namespace and any other namespaces that are included when the wiki is customised. For example on Wikimedia Commons "content pages" include pages in the file and category namespaces. On Wikinews "content pages" include pages in the Portal namespace. For technical definition of "content namespaces" see [[mw:Manual:Using_custom_namespaces#Content_namespaces|MediaWiki]]. 07246 07247 Possible alternatives to the word \'content\' are \'subject matter\' or \'wiki subject\' or \'wiki purpose\'. 07248 07249 See also: 07250 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-main}} 07251 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-nstab-main}} 07252 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-main}} 07253 {{Identical|Content page}}', 07254 'tooltip-ca-nstab-user' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over {{msg-mw|Nstab-user}} (User namespace tab). 07255 07256 No GENDER-Support for performance reason. 07257 07258 See also: 07259 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-user}} 07260 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-nstab-user}} 07261 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-user}}', 07262 'tooltip-ca-nstab-media' => 'Used as tooltip for tab of Media namespace. 07263 07264 See also: 07265 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-media}} 07266 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-nstab-media}} 07267 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-media}}', 07268 'tooltip-ca-nstab-special' => 'Used as tooltip for tab of Special namespace. 07269 07270 See also: 07271 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-special}} 07272 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-special}}', 07273 'tooltip-ca-nstab-project' => 'Used as tooltip for tab of Project namespace. 07274 07275 See also: 07276 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-project}} 07277 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-nstab-project}} 07278 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-project}}', 07279 'tooltip-ca-nstab-image' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over {{msg-mw|Nstab-image}} (File namespace tab). 07280 07281 See also: 07282 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-image}} 07283 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-nstab-image}} 07284 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-image}}', 07285 'tooltip-ca-nstab-mediawiki' => 'Used as tooltip for tab of MediaWiki namespace. 07286 07287 See also: 07288 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-mediawiki}} 07289 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-nstab-mediawiki}} 07290 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-mediawiki}}', 07291 'tooltip-ca-nstab-template' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg-mw|Nstab-template}} tab. 07292 07293 See also: 07294 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-template}} 07295 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-nstab-template}} 07296 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-template}}', 07297 'tooltip-ca-nstab-help' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg-mw|Nstab-help}} tab in the Help namespace. 07298 07299 See also: 07300 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-help}} 07301 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-nstab-help}} 07302 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-help}}', 07303 'tooltip-ca-nstab-category' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the {{msg-mw|Nstab-category}} tab. 07304 07305 See also: 07306 * {{msg-mw|Nstab-category}} 07307 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-ca-nstab-category}} 07308 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-ca-nstab-category}}', 07309 'tooltip-minoredit' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over the "{{msg-mw|Minoredit}}" link below the edit form. 07310 07311 See also: 07312 * {{msg-mw|Minoredit}} 07313 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-minoredit}} 07314 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-minoredit}}', 07315 'tooltip-save' => 'This is the text that appears when you hover the mouse over {{msg-mw|Savearticle}} button on the edit page. 07316 07317 See also: 07318 * {{msg-mw|Savearticle}} 07319 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-save}} 07320 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-save}}', 07321 'tooltip-preview' => 'Tooltip shown when hovering over {{msg-mw|Showpreview}} button. 07322 07323 If the length of the translated message is over 60 characters (including spaces) then the end of the message will be cut off when using Firefox browser, Linux operating system and the Monobook skin. 07324 07325 See also: 07326 * {{msg-mw|Showpreview}} 07327 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-preview}} 07328 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-preview}}', 07329 'tooltip-diff' => 'This is the text (tooltip) that appears when you hover the mouse over {{msg-mw|Showdiff}} button on the edit page. 07330 07331 See also: 07332 * {{msg-mw|Showdiff}} 07333 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-diff}} 07334 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-diff}}', 07335 'tooltip-compareselectedversions' => 'Tooltip of {{msg-mw|Compareselectedversions}} (which is used as button in history pages). 07336 07337 See also: 07338 * {{msg-mw|Compareselectedversions}} 07339 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-compareselectedversions}} 07340 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-compareselectedversions}}', 07341 'tooltip-watch' => 'Used as tooltip for checkbox in Editor page. 07342 07343 See also: 07344 * {{msg-mw|Watchthis}} 07345 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-watch}} 07346 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-watch}} 07347 {{Identical|Add this page to your watchlist}}', 07348 'tooltip-watchlistedit-normal-submit' => 'Tooltip for {{msg-mw|watchlistedit-normal-submit}} (used as button on [[Special:EditWatchlist]]). 07349 07350 See also: 07351 * {{msg-mw|Watchlistedit-normal-submit}} 07352 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-watchlistedit-normal-submit}} 07353 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-watchlistedit-normal-submit}}', 07354 'tooltip-watchlistedit-raw-submit' => 'Tooltip for {{msg-mw|watchlistedit-raw-submit}} (used as button on [[Special:EditWatchlist/raw]]). 07355 07356 See also: 07357 * {{msg-mw|Watchlistedit-raw-submit}} 07358 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-watchlistedit-raw-submit}} 07359 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-watchlistedit-raw-submit}}', 07360 'tooltip-recreate' => 'Used as tooltip for Recreate link. 07361 07362 See also: 07363 * {{msg-mw|Recreate}} 07364 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-recreate}}', 07365 'tooltip-upload' => 'Used as tooltip for Upload button. 07366 07367 See also: 07368 * {{msg-mw|Uploadbtn}} 07369 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-upload}} 07370 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-upload}}', 07371 'tooltip-rollback' => 'Tooltip of the rollback link on the history page and the diff view {{msg-mw|rollbacklinkcount}} 07372 {{Identical|Rollback}} 07373 {{Identical|Revert}}', 07374 'tooltip-undo' => 'Tooltip of the undo link on the history page and the diff view {{msg-mw|editundo}} 07375 {{Identical|Undo}}{{Identical|Revert}}', 07376 'tooltip-preferences-save' => 'Used as tooltip for Save button. 07377 07378 See also: 07379 * {{msg-mw|Saveprefs}} 07380 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-preferences-save}} 07381 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-preferences-save}}', 07382 'tooltip-summary' => 'Used as tooltip for Summary input box in Editor page. 07383 07384 See also: 07385 * {{msg-mw|Summary}} 07386 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-summary}} 07387 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-summary}}', 07388 07389 # Stylesheets 07390 'common.css' => '{{optional}} 07391 CSS applied to all users.', 07392 'standard.css' => '{{optional}}', 07393 'nostalgia.css' => 'CSS file for the nostalgia skin', 07394 'cologneblue.css' => '{{optional}}', 07395 'monobook.css' => '{{optional}} 07396 CSS applied to users using Monobook skin.', 07397 'myskin.css' => '{{optional}}', 07398 'chick.css' => '{{optional}}', 07399 'simple.css' => '{{optional}}', 07400 'modern.css' => '{{optional}}', 07401 'vector.css' => '{{optional}}', 07402 'print.css' => '{{optional}}', 07403 'handheld.css' => '{{optional}} 07404 Style that can be applied on [[w:handheld devices|handheld devices]] (e.g. mobile phones), <code>$wgHandheldStyle</code> is an optional configuration variable which specifies a style sheet file for handheld devices.', 07405 'noscript.css' => '{{optional}}', 07406 'group-autoconfirmed.css' => '{{doc-group|autoconfirmed|css}}', 07407 'group-bot.css' => '{{doc-group|bot|css}}', 07408 'group-sysop.css' => '{{doc-group|sysop|css}}', 07409 'group-bureaucrat.css' => '{{doc-group|bureaucrat|css}}', 07410 07411 # Scripts 07412 'common.js' => '{{optional}} 07413 JS for all users.', 07414 'standard.js' => '{{optional}}', 07415 'nostalgia.js' => 'JS file for the nostalgia skin', 07416 'cologneblue.js' => '{{optional}}', 07417 'monobook.js' => '{{optional}} 07418 JS for users using Monobook skin.', 07419 'myskin.js' => '{{optional}}', 07420 'chick.js' => '{{optional}}', 07421 'simple.js' => '{{optional}}', 07422 'modern.js' => '{{optional}}', 07423 'vector.js' => '{{optional}}', 07424 'group-autoconfirmed.js' => '{{doc-group|autoconfirmed|js}}', 07425 'group-bot.js' => '{{doc-group|bot|js}}', 07426 'group-sysop.js' => '{{doc-group|sysop|js}}', 07427 'group-bureaucrat.js' => '{{doc-group|bureaucrat|js}}', 07428 07429 # Metadata 07430 'notacceptable' => 'Used as error message for HTTP "406 Not acceptable" error.', 07431 07432 # Attribution 07433 'anonymous' => 'This message is shown when viewing the credits of a page (example: {{fullurl:Main Page|action=credits}}). Note that this action is disabled by default (currently enabled on 07434 07435 This message appears at the very end of the list of names in the message {{msg-mw|Othercontribs}}. 07436 07437 If there are no anonymous users in the credits list then this message does not appear at all. 07438 07439 Parameters: 07440 * $1 - the number of anonymous users in the message', 07441 'siteuser' => "This message is shown when viewing the credits of a page ([{{fullurl:Main Page|action=credits}} example]). Note that this action is disabled by default, but currently enabled on This message is the variable $3 in the message {{msg-mw|lastmodifiedatby}}. This message only appears if a user has not entered their 'real name' in their preferences. See also {{msg-mw|Siteusers}}. 07442 07443 Parameters: 07444 * $1 is a link to a user page with the user name as link text 07445 * $2 is a user name for use with GENDER (optional)", 07446 'anonuser' => "Shown when viewing the credits of a page (example: {{canonicalurl:Main Page|action=credits}}). 07447 07448 Note that this action is enabled by default but disabled on Wikimedia wikis. 07449 07450 Used as <code>$3</code> in {{msg-mw|Lastmodifiedatby}}. This message only appears if the user is anonymous. 07451 07452 Parameters: 07453 * $1 - a link to the user's contributions 07454 07455 See also: 07456 * {{msg-mw|Anonusers}} 07457 * {{msg-mw|Siteuser}}", 07458 'lastmodifiedatby' => "This message is shown when viewing the credits of a page (example: [{{fullurl:Main Page|action=credits}}]). 07459 07460 Note that this action is disabled by default (currently enabled on 07461 07462 Parameters: 07463 * $1 - date 07464 * $2 - time 07465 * $3 - if the user has entered his 'real name' in his preferences then this variable is his 'real name'. If the user has not entered his 'real name' in his preferences then this variable is the message {{msg-mw|Siteuser}}, which includes his username. 07466 * $4 - (Optional) username. Can be used for GENDER 07467 See also: 07468 * {{msg-mw|Lastmodifiedat}}", 07469 'othercontribs' => 'This message is shown when viewing the credits of a page (example: {{fullurl:Main Page|action=credits}}). Note that this action is disabled by default (currently enabled on - to use type <nowiki>&action=credits</nowiki> at the end of any URL in the address bar). 07470 07471 Parameters: 07472 * $1 - the list of author(s) of the revisions preceding the current revision. It appears after the message {{msg-mw|Lastmodifiedatby}}. If there are no previous authors this message does not appear at all. If needed the messages {{msg-mw|Siteusers}}, {{msg-mw|Anonymous}} and {{msg-mw|And}} are part of the list of names. 07473 * $2 - (Optional) the count of names in $1', 07474 'others' => 'The following explanation is guesswork. This message is shown when viewing the credits of a page (example: {{fullurl:Main Page|action=credits}}). Note that this action is disabled by default (currently enabled on - to use type <nowiki>&action=credits</nowiki> at the end of any URL in the address bar). 07475 07476 The message appears at the end of the list of credits given in the message {{msg-mw|Othercontribs}} if the number of contributors is above a certain level. 07477 {{Identical|Other}}', 07478 'siteusers' => 'This message is shown when viewing the credits of a page (example: {{fullurl:Main Page|action=credits}}). Note that this action is disabled by default (currently enabled on 07479 07480 It should be in a form that fits with {{msg-mw|Othercontribs}}. 07481 07482 Parameters: 07483 * $1 - a list of user names (example: "\'\'Jim, Janet, Jane, Joe\'\'") where the user has not put his \'real name\' in his preferences. 07484 * $2 - the number of user names in $1 07485 07486 If there is more than one user in the list then the message {{msg-mw|And}} appears before the last name. If $2 is NULL then this message does not appear at all. 07487 07488 See also: 07489 * {{msg-mw|Siteuser}}', 07490 'anonusers' => 'This message is shown when viewing the credits of a page (example: {{fullurl:Support|action=credits}}). Note that this action is disabled by default (currently enabled on 07491 07492 It should be in a form that fits with {{msg-mw|Othercontribs}}. 07493 07494 Parameters: 07495 * $1 - a list of IP addresses 07496 * $2 - the number of IP addresses in $1 07497 07498 If there is more than one user in the list then the message {{msg-mw|and}} appears before the last name. If $2 is NIL then this message does not appear at all. 07499 07500 See also: 07501 * {{msg-mw|Anonuser}} 07502 * {{msg-mw|Siteusers}}', 07503 'creditspage' => "This message is the ''contentSub'' (the grey subtitle) shown when viewing credits of a page (example: {{fullurl:Project:News|action=credits}}). Note that the credits action is disabled by default (currently enabled on", 07504 'nocredits' => 'This message is shown when viewing the credits of a page (example: {{fullurl:Main Page|action=credits}}) but when there are no credits available. Note that the credits action is disabled by default (currently enabled on', 07505 07506 # Spam protection 07507 'spamprotectiontitle' => 'Used as page title when the edit contains spam. 07508 07509 See also: 07510 * {{msg-mw|Spamprotectiontext|text}} 07511 * {{msg-mw|Spamprotectionmatch|if matched}} 07512 * {{msg-mw|Yourdiff}} 07513 * {{msg-mw|Yourtext}}', 07514 'spamprotectiontext' => 'Used when the edit contains spam. 07515 07516 See also: 07517 * {{msg-mw|Spamprotectiontitle|title}} 07518 * {{msg-mw|Spamprotectionmatch|if matched}} 07519 * {{msg-mw|Yourdiff}} 07520 * {{msg-mw|Yourtext}}', 07521 'spamprotectionmatch' => 'Used when the user\'s edit contains spam. 07522 * $1 - matching "spam filter" 07523 See also: 07524 * {{msg-mw|Spamprotectiontitle|title}} 07525 * {{msg-mw|Spamprotectiontext|text}} 07526 * {{msg-mw|Yourdiff}} 07527 * {{msg-mw|Yourtext}}', 07528 'spambot_username' => 'Used as bot username.', 07529 'spam_reverting' => 'Edit summary for spam cleanup script. 07530 07531 Used when a page is reverted because all later revisions contained a particular link. 07532 07533 Parameters: 07534 * $1 - a spammed domain name', 07535 'spam_blanking' => 'Edit summary for spam cleanup script. 07536 07537 Used when a page is blanked (made to have no content, but still exist) because the script could not find an appropriate revision to set the page to. 07538 07539 Parameters: 07540 * $1 - a spammed domain name', 07541 'spam_deleting' => 'Edit summary for spam cleanup script. 07542 07543 Used when a page is deleted because all revisions contained a particular link. 07544 07545 Parameters: 07546 * $1 - a spammed domain name', 07547 07548 # Info page 07549 'pageinfo-title' => 'Page title for action=info. Parameters: 07550 * $1 is the page name', 07551 'pageinfo-not-current' => 'Error message displayed when information for an old revision is requested. Example: [{{fullurl:Project:News|oldid=4266597&action=info}}]', 07552 'pageinfo-header-basic' => 'Table section header in action=info. See [{{canonicalurl:MediaWiki:Pageinfo-header-basic/en|action=info}} example]. 07553 {{Identical|Basic information}}', 07554 'pageinfo-header-edits' => 'Table section header in action=info.', 07555 'pageinfo-header-restrictions' => 'Table section header in action=info.', 07556 'pageinfo-header-properties' => 'Table section header in action=info.', 07557 'pageinfo-display-title' => 'The title that is displayed when the page is viewed.', 07558 'pageinfo-default-sort' => 'The key by which the page is sorted in categories by default.', 07559 'pageinfo-length' => 'The length of the page, in bytes.', 07560 'pageinfo-article-id' => 'The numeric identifier of the page.', 07561 'pageinfo-robot-policy' => 'The search engine status of the page. 07562 07563 Used as label. Followed by any one of the following messages: 07564 *{{msg-mw|Pageinfo-robot-index}} 07565 *{{msg-mw|Pageinfo-robot-noindex}}', 07566 'pageinfo-robot-index' => 'An indication that the page is indexable by search engines, that is listed in their search results. 07567 07568 Preceded by the label {{msg-mw|Pageinfo-robot-policy}}.', 07569 'pageinfo-robot-noindex' => 'An indication that the page is not indexable (that is, is not listed on the results page of a search engine). 07570 07571 Preceded by the label {{msg-mw|Pageinfo-robot-policy}}.', 07572 'pageinfo-views' => 'The number of times the page has been viewed.', 07573 'pageinfo-watchers' => 'Header of the row in the first table of the info action.', 07574 'pageinfo-redirects-name' => 'Header of the row in the first table of the info action. 07575 07576 Followed by the number of redirects to the page. 07577 Used as link text. The link points to "{{int:Whatlinkshere-title}}" page ([[Special:WhatLinksHere]]). 07578 07579 See example: [{{canonicalurl:Main page|action=info}} Main page?action=info]', 07580 'pageinfo-redirects-value' => '{{Optional}} 07581 Parameters: 07582 * $1 - the number of redirects to the page', 07583 'pageinfo-subpages-name' => 'Header of the row in the first table of the info action. 07584 07585 Followed by the number of subpages of the page. 07586 Used as link text. The link points to the "{{int:Prefixindex}}" page ([[Special:PrefixIndex]]). 07587 07588 See example: [{{canonicalurl:Main page|action=info}} Main page?action=info]', 07589 'pageinfo-subpages-value' => 'Parameters: 07590 * $1 - the number of subpages of the page 07591 * $2 - the number of subpages of the page that are redirects 07592 * $3 - the number of subpages of the page that are not redirects', 07593 'pageinfo-firstuser' => 'The user who created the page.', 07594 'pageinfo-firsttime' => 'The date and time the page was created.', 07595 'pageinfo-lastuser' => 'The last user who edited the page.', 07596 'pageinfo-lasttime' => 'The date and time the page was last edited.', 07597 'pageinfo-edits' => 'Used as label in info page. See [{{canonicalurl:Support|action=info}} example]. 07598 07599 This message is followed by the total number of times the page has been edited.', 07600 'pageinfo-authors' => 'The total number of users who have edited the page.', 07601 'pageinfo-recent-edits' => 'The number of times the page has been edited recently. $1 is a localised duration (e.g. 9 days).', 07602 'pageinfo-recent-authors' => 'The number of users who have edited the page recently.', 07603 'pageinfo-magic-words' => 'The list of magic words on the page. Parameters: 07604 * $1 is the number of magic words on the page.', 07605 'pageinfo-hidden-categories' => 'The list of hidden categories on the page. Parameters: 07606 * $1 is the number of hidden categories on the page.', 07607 'pageinfo-templates' => 'The list of templates transcluded within the page. Parameters: 07608 * $1 is the number of templates transcluded within the current page. 07609 See also: 07610 * {{msg-mw|Pageinfo-transclusions}}', 07611 07612 # Skin names 07613 'skinname-standard' => '{{optional}} 07614 {{Identical|Classic}}', 07615 'skinname-nostalgia' => 'Name of Nostalgia skin', 07616 'skinname-cologneblue' => '{{optional}}', 07617 'skinname-monobook' => '{{optional}}', 07618 'skinname-myskin' => '{{optional}}', 07619 'skinname-chick' => '{{optional}}', 07620 'skinname-simple' => '{{optional}}', 07621 'skinname-modern' => '{{optional}}', 07622 'skinname-vector' => '{{optional}}', 07623 07624 # Patrolling 07625 'markaspatrolleddiff' => '{{doc-actionlink}} 07626 See also: 07627 * {{msg-mw|Markaspatrolledtext}}', 07628 'markaspatrolledtext' => '{{doc-actionlink}} 07629 See also: 07630 * {{msg-mw|Markaspatrolleddiff}}', 07631 'markedaspatrolled' => 'Used as title of the message {{msg-mw|Markedaspatrolledtext}}, when marking a change as patrolled. 07632 {{Related|Markedaspatrolled}}', 07633 'markedaspatrolledtext' => 'Used when marking a change as patrolled. 07634 07635 The title for this message is {{msg-mw|Markedaspatrolled}}. 07636 07637 Parameters: 07638 * $1 - page title 07639 {{Related|Markedaspatrolled}}', 07640 'rcpatroldisabled' => 'Used as title of the error message {{msg-mw|Rcpatroldisabledtext}}, when marking a change as patrolled. 07641 {{Related|Markedaspatrolled}}', 07642 'rcpatroldisabledtext' => 'Used as the error message when marking a change as patrolled. 07643 07644 The title for this error message is {{msg-mw|Rcpatroldisabled}}. 07645 {{Related|Markedaspatrolled}}', 07646 'markedaspatrollederror' => 'Used as title of the following error messages: 07647 * {{msg-mw|Markedaspatrollederrortext}} 07648 * {{msg-mw|Markedaspatrollederror-noautopatrol}} 07649 This message is used when marking a change as patrolled. 07650 {{Related|Markedaspatrolled}}', 07651 'markedaspatrollederrortext' => 'Used as the error message when marking a change as patrolled. 07652 07653 The title for this error message is {{msg-mw|Markedaspatrollederror}}. 07654 {{Related|Markedaspatrolled}}', 07655 'markedaspatrollederror-noautopatrol' => 'Used as error message when marking a change as patrolled. 07656 07657 The title for this error message is {{msg-mw|Markedaspatrollederror}}. 07658 {{Related|Markedaspatrolled}}', 07659 07660 # Patrol log 07661 'patrol-log-page' => '{{doc-logpage}}', 07662 'patrol-log-header' => 'Text that appears above the log entries on the [[Special:log|patrol log]].', 07663 'log-show-hide-patrol' => 'Used in [[Special:Log]]. Parameters: 07664 * $1 - link text; one of {{msg-mw|Show}} or {{msg-mw|Hide}} 07665 {{Related|Log-show-hide}}', 07666 07667 # Image deletion 07668 'deletedrevision' => 'Used as log comment. Parameters: 07669 * $1 - archive name of old image', 07670 'filedeleteerror-short' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 07671 * $1 - page title 07672 See also: 07673 * {{msg-mw|Filedeleteerror-long}}', 07674 'filedeleteerror-long' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 07675 * $1 - ... 07676 See also: 07677 * {{msg-mw|Filedeleteerror-short}}', 07678 'filedelete-missing' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 07679 * $1 - filename 07680 See also: 07681 * {{msg-mw|Filedelete-old-unregistered}} 07682 * {{msg-mw|Filedelete-current-unregistered}}', 07683 'filedelete-old-unregistered' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 07684 * $1 - name 07685 See also: 07686 * {{msg-mw|Filedelete-current-unregistered}} 07687 * {{msg-mw|Filedelete-missing}}', 07688 'filedelete-current-unregistered' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 07689 * $1 - filename 07690 See also: 07691 * {{msg-mw|Filedelete-old-unregistered}} 07692 * {{msg-mw|Filedelete-missing}}', 07693 'filedelete-archive-read-only' => 'Parameters: 07694 * $1 - directory name', 07695 07696 # Browsing diffs 07697 'previousdiff' => 'Used when viewing the difference between edits. 07698 07699 See also: 07700 * {{msg-mw|Nextdiff}}', 07701 'nextdiff' => 'Used when viewing the difference between edits. 07702 07703 See also: 07704 * {{msg-mw|Previousdiff}}', 07705 07706 # Media information 07707 'mediawarning' => 'Shows up on file description pages if the file type is not listed in [[mw:Manual:$wgTrustedMediaFormats|Manual:$wgTrustedMediaFormats]].', 07708 'imagemaxsize' => 'This is used in [[Special:Preferences]], under Files. 07709 07710 See also: 07711 * {{msg-mw|Thumbsize}}', 07712 'thumbsize' => 'Used as label. 07713 07714 See also: 07715 * {{msg-mw|Imagemaxsize}}', 07716 'widthheight' => '{{optional}} 07717 Parameters: 07718 * $1 - width 07719 * $2 - height', 07720 'widthheightpage' => 'This message is used on image pages in the dimensions column in the file history section for images with more than one page. 07721 07722 Parameters: 07723 * $1 - the width of the image pages in pixels 07724 * $2 - the height of the image pages in pixels 07725 * $3 - the number of pages in the file', 07726 'file-info' => 'File info displayed on file description page. Parameters: 07727 * $1 - filesize 07728 * $2 - MIME type', 07729 'file-info-size' => 'File info displayed on file description page. 07730 07731 Parameters: 07732 * $1 is the width of the image(s) in pixels. 07733 * $2 is the height of the image(s) in pixels. 07734 * $3 is the file size as a number followed by a unit — for example: 99 KB 07735 * $4 is the MIME type, a formalized textual information — for example: <code>image/jpeg</code>', 07736 'file-info-size-pages' => 'File info displayed on file description page, when the file is a multi-page document, with at least two pages. Like {{msg-mw|file-info-size}} but $5 is the total number of pages in the document. 07737 07738 Parameters: 07739 * $1 - the width of the image pages in pixels 07740 * $2 - the height of the image pagess in pixels 07741 * $3 - the file size as a number followed by a unit — for example: 99 KB 07742 * $4 - the MIME type, a formalized textual information — for example: <code>image/jpeg</code> 07743 * $5 - the total number of pages in the document', 07744 'file-nohires' => 'File info displayed on file description page. For example of message in use see [[:File:Mouse10.gif]].', 07745 'svg-long-desc' => 'Displayed under an SVG image at the image description page. Note that argument 3 is a string that includes the file size unit symbol. See for example [[:File:Yes check.svg]]. 07746 07747 Start with a lowercase letter, unless the first word is "SVG". 07748 07749 Parameters: 07750 * $1 - width 07751 * $2 - height 07752 * $3 - filesize', 07753 'svg-long-desc-animated' => 'Displayed under an SVG image at the image description page if the image is animated. 07754 * $1 - the width in pixels 07755 * $2 - the height in pixels 07756 * $3 - the file size including a unit (for example "10 KB") 07757 Non-animated images use {{msg-mw|svg-long-desc}}.', 07758 'show-big-image' => 'Displayed under the file on file description pages, when a reduced-size thumbnail of the original file is being displayed. 07759 {{Identical|Original file}}', 07760 'show-big-image-preview' => 'Message shown under the image description page thumbnail. 07761 07762 Can be followed by {{msg-mw|Show-big-image-other}}. 07763 07764 Parameters: 07765 * $1 - a link which points to the thumbnail. Its text is {{msg-mw|Show-big-image-size}}', 07766 'show-big-image-other' => 'Message shown under the image description page thumbnail. 07767 07768 Preceded by {{msg-mw|Show-big-image-preview}}, if the image is in high resolution. 07769 07770 Parameters: 07771 * $1 - list of resolutions (pipe-separated) 07772 * $2 - number of resolutions', 07773 'show-big-image-size' => 'Parameters: 07774 * $1 - the width of the image(s) in pixels 07775 * $2 - the height of the image(s) in pixels', 07776 'file-info-gif-looped' => 'Part of the information provided about a [[w:Gif|.gif file]] on its file description page. Looped means repeating in the context of an animated gif. It is a sequence of images, each displayed after the other, and the first one displayed after the last, in a never ending loop. For example of message in use see [[:File:Mouse10.gif]].', 07777 'file-info-gif-frames' => 'Part of the information provided about a [[w:Gif|.gif file]] on its file description page. 07778 07779 Parameters: 07780 * $1 - number of frames', 07781 'file-info-png-looped' => 'Part of the information provided about a [[w:APNG|.apng file]] on its file description page. Looped means repeating indefinetly in the context of an animated png. It is a sequence of images, each displayed after the other, and the first one displayed after the last, in a never ending loop.', 07782 'file-info-png-repeat' => 'Part of the information provided about a [[w:APNG|.apng file]] on its file description page. The sequence of images is repeating a limited amount of time. It is a sequence of images, each displayed after the other, and the first one displayed after the last, for $1 times.', 07783 'file-info-png-frames' => 'Part of the information provided about a [[w:APNG|.apng file]] on its file description page. 07784 07785 The variable $1 is the number of individual frames in an animated gif file. 07786 07787 For example of message in use see [[:File:Mouse10.gif]].', 07788 'file-no-thumb-animation' => 'We cannot animate thumbnails of this file. 07789 07790 This notice is shown on the image description page on animated svg files just below {{msg-mw|File-info-size}}. 07791 07792 This message may be overridden by a more specific message: 07793 * {{msg-mw|File-no-thumb-animation-gif}}.', 07794 'file-no-thumb-animation-gif' => 'Cannot animate thumbnails of this gif file, because it has too big a resolution. The cut off resolution can vary between wikis ([[mw:manual:$wgMaxAnimatedGifArea|$wgMaxAnimatedGifArea]]). Note that resolution is calculated as width times height times number of frames. See {{msg-mw|file-no-thumb-animation}}.', 07795 07796 # Special:NewFiles 07797 'newimages' => 'Page title of [[Special:NewImages]].', 07798 'imagelisttext' => 'This is text on [[Special:NewImages]]. Parameters: 07799 * $1 - the number of files 07800 * $2 - the message {{msg-mw|Bydate}}', 07801 'newimages-summary' => 'This message is displayed at the top of [[Special:NewImages]] to explain what is shown on that special page.', 07802 'newimages-legend' => 'Caption of the fieldset for the filter on [[Special:NewImages]] 07803 07804 {{Identical|Filter}}', 07805 'newimages-label' => 'Caption of the filter editbox on [[Special:NewImages]]', 07806 'showhidebots' => 'This is shown on the special page [[Special:NewImages]]. The format is "{{int:showhidebots|[[MediaWiki:Hide/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:hide}}]]}}" or "{{int:showhidebots|[[MediaWiki:Show/{{SUBPAGENAME}}|{{int:show}}]]}}" 07807 07808 {{Identical|$1 bots}}', 07809 'noimages' => "This is shown on the special page [[Special:NewImages]], when there aren't any recently uploaded files.", 07810 'ilsubmit' => 'Used as label for input box in the MIMESearch form on [[Special:MIMESearch]]. 07811 07812 See also: 07813 * {{msg-mw|Mimesearch|page title}} 07814 * {{msg-mw|Mimetype|label for input box}} 07815 {{Identical|Search}}', 07816 'bydate' => '{{Identical|Date}}', 07817 'sp-newimages-showfrom' => "This is a link on [[Special:NewImages]] which takes you to a gallery of the newest files. 07818 * $1 is a date (example: ''19 March 2008'') 07819 * $2 is a time (example: ''12:15'')", 07820 07821 # Video information, used by Language::formatTimePeriod() to format lengths in the above messages 07822 'video-dims' => '{{optional}} 07823 Parameters: 07824 * $1 - ... 07825 * $2 - width 07826 * $3 - height', 07827 'seconds-abbrev' => '{{optional}} 07828 Abbreviation for "seconds". $1 is the number of seconds. 07829 07830 See also {{msg-mw|seconds}}', 07831 'minutes-abbrev' => '{{optional}} 07832 Abbreviation for "minutes". $1 is the number of minutes. 07833 07834 See also {{msg-mw|minutes}}', 07835 'hours-abbrev' => '{{optional}} 07836 Abbreviation for "hours". $1 is the number of hours. 07837 07838 See also {{msg-mw|hours}}', 07839 'days-abbrev' => '{{optional}} 07840 Abbreviation for "days". $1 is the number of days. 07841 07842 See also {{msg-mw|days}}', 07843 'seconds' => 'Full word for "seconds". $1 is the number of seconds. 07844 07845 See also {{msg-mw|seconds-abbrev}}, {{msg-mw|seconds-ago}}. 07846 {{Identical|Second}}', 07847 'minutes' => 'Full word for "minutes". $1 is the number of minutes. 07848 07849 See also {{msg-mw|minutes-abbrev}}, {{msg-mw|minutes-ago}}. 07850 07851 {{Identical|Minute}}', 07852 'hours' => 'Full word for "hours". $1 is the number of hours. 07853 07854 See also {{msg-mw|hours-abbrev}}, {{msg-mw|hours-ago}}.', 07855 'days' => 'Full word for "days". $1 is the number of days. 07856 07857 See also {{msg-mw|Days-abbrev}} 07858 07859 {{Identical|Day}}', 07860 'ago' => 'Phrase for indicating how long ago something happened. Parameters: 07861 * $1 - some kind of timestamp 07862 {{Identical|Ago}}', 07863 07864 # Bad image list 07865 'bad_image_list' => '箇条信息只出现在引导管理员用正确个格式加链接。弗会徕Mediawiki别荡处出现。', 07866 07867 /* 07868 Short names for language variants used for language conversion links. 07869 Variants for Chinese language 07870 */ 07871 'variantname-zh-hans' => '{{Optional}} 07872 07873 Variant option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07874 'variantname-zh-hant' => '{{Optional}} 07875 07876 Variant option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07877 'variantname-zh-cn' => '{{Optional}} 07878 07879 Variant option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07880 'variantname-zh-tw' => '{{Optional}} 07881 07882 Variant option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07883 'variantname-zh-hk' => '{{Optional}} 07884 07885 Variant option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07886 'variantname-zh-mo' => '{{Optional}} 07887 07888 Variant option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07889 'variantname-zh-sg' => '{{Optional}} 07890 07891 Variant option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07892 'variantname-zh-my' => '{{Optional}} 07893 07894 Variant option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07895 'variantname-zh' => '{{Optional}} 07896 07897 Variant option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07898 07899 # Variants for Gan language 07900 'variantname-gan-hans' => '{{Optional}} 07901 07902 Variant option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07903 'variantname-gan-hant' => '{{Optional}} 07904 07905 Variant option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07906 'variantname-gan' => '{{Optional}} 07907 07908 Variant option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07909 07910 # Variants for Serbian language 07911 'variantname-sr-ec' => '{{optional}} 07912 Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07913 'variantname-sr-el' => '{{optional}} 07914 Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07915 'variantname-sr' => '{{optional}} 07916 Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07917 07918 # Variants for Kazakh language 07919 'variantname-kk-kz' => '{{optional}} 07920 Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07921 'variantname-kk-tr' => '{{optional}} 07922 Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07923 'variantname-kk-cn' => '{{optional}} 07924 Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07925 'variantname-kk-cyrl' => '{{optional}} 07926 Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07927 'variantname-kk-latn' => '{{optional}} 07928 Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07929 'variantname-kk-arab' => '{{optional}} 07930 Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07931 'variantname-kk' => '{{optional}} 07932 Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07933 07934 # Variants for Kurdish language 07935 'variantname-ku-arab' => '{{optional}} 07936 Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07937 'variantname-ku-latn' => '{{optional}} 07938 Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07939 'variantname-ku' => '{{optional}} 07940 Varient Option for wikis with variants conversion enabled.', 07941 07942 # Variants for Tajiki language 07943 'variantname-tg-cyrl' => '{{optional}}', 07944 'variantname-tg-latn' => '{{optional}}', 07945 'variantname-tg' => '{{optional}}', 07946 07947 # Variants for Inuktitut language 07948 'variantname-ike-cans' => '{{optional}}', 07949 'variantname-ike-latn' => '{{optional}}', 07950 'variantname-iu' => '{{optional}}', 07951 07952 # Variants for Tachelhit language 07953 'variantname-shi-tfng' => '{{optional}}', 07954 'variantname-shi-latn' => '{{optional}}', 07955 'variantname-shi' => '{{optional}}', 07956 07957 # Metadata 07958 'metadata' => 'The title of a section on an image description page, with information and data about the image. For example of message in use see [[commons:File:Titan-crystal_bar.JPG|Commons]]. 07959 {{Identical|Metadata}}', 07960 'metadata-help' => 'This message is followed by a table with metadata.', 07961 'metadata-expand' => 'On an image description page, there is mostly a table containing data (metadata) about the image. The most important data are shown, but if you click on this link, you can see more data and information. For the link to hide back the less important data, see {{msg-mw|Metadata-collapse}}.', 07962 'metadata-collapse' => 'On an image description page, there is mostly a table containing data (metadata) about the image. The most important data are shown, but if you click on the link {{msg-mw|Metadata-expand}}, you can see more data and information. This message is for the link to hide back the less important data.', 07963 'metadata-fields' => '{{doc-important|覅翻译列表项,只翻译上头个文本!畀 "<code>* make</code>" 搭别个列表项正确保留。}} 07964 The sentences are for explanation only and are not shown to the user.', 07965 'metadata-langitem' => '{{optional}} 07966 This is used for constructing the list of translations when a metadata property is translated into multiple languages. 07967 07968 Parameters: 07969 * $1 - the value of the property (in one language) 07970 * $2 - the language name that this translation is for (or language code if language name cannot be determined) 07971 * $3 - (Unused) the language code', 07972 'metadata-langitem-default' => '{{optional}} 07973 Similar to "metadata-langitem" but for the case where a multilingual property has a default specified that does not specify what language the default is in. $1 is the value of the property.', 07974 07975 # EXIF tags 07976 'exif-imagewidth' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 07977 {{Identical|Width}}', 07978 'exif-imagelength' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 07979 {{Identical|Height}}', 07980 'exif-bitspersample' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail].', 07981 'exif-compression' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 07982 07983 This field labels what the compression of the image is. It is commonly seen in Tiff images. It uses messages like {{msg-mw|exif-compression-1}} for the value. [[w:TIFF#TIFF_Compression_Tag]] has information about this field. 07984 {{Related|Exif-compression}}', 07985 'exif-photometricinterpretation' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail].', 07986 'exif-orientation' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 07987 07988 For specific information on the orientation tag, see 07989 {{Related|Exif-orientation}}', 07990 'exif-samplesperpixel' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail].', 07991 'exif-planarconfiguration' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 07992 07993 See also: 07994 * {{msg-mw|Exif-planarconfiguration}} 07995 * {{msg-mw|Exif-planarconfiguration-1}} 07996 * {{msg-mw|Exif-planarconfiguration-2}}', 07997 'exif-ycbcrsubsampling' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail].', 07998 'exif-ycbcrpositioning' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 07999 {{Related|Exif-ycbcrpositioning}}', 08000 'exif-xresolution' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08001 08002 This is the horizontal resolution in either dots/inch or dots/cm.', 08003 'exif-yresolution' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08004 08005 This is the vertical resolution in either dots/inch or dots/cm.', 08006 'exif-stripoffsets' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail].', 08007 'exif-rowsperstrip' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail].', 08008 'exif-stripbytecounts' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail].', 08009 'exif-jpeginterchangeformat' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail].', 08010 'exif-jpeginterchangeformatlength' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail].', 08011 'exif-whitepoint' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail].', 08012 'exif-primarychromaticities' => 'The chromaticity of the three primary colours of the image. Normally this tag is not necessary, since colour space is specified in the colour space information tag. This should probably be translated it as "Chromaticity of primary colours". 08013 08014 Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail].', 08015 'exif-ycbcrcoefficients' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail].', 08016 'exif-referenceblackwhite' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail].', 08017 'exif-datetime' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08018 08019 Note, this message is also used for the XMP:ModifyDate property in XMP metadata. See page 35 of 08020 08021 Datetime is the time that the digital file was last changed.', 08022 'exif-imagedescription' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08023 08024 This property is the description or caption of the image. It is used for the exif ImageDescription property, the dc:description property in XMP (see ), and the iptc-iim 2:120 caption/abstract property ( ). 08025 08026 When an image has multiple differing descriptions, mediawiki follows the MWG guidelines when deciding which to show (Which typically means Exif takes precedence).', 08027 'exif-make' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08028 08029 The Manufacturer of the digital camera (or scanner) that took the photo.', 08030 'exif-model' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08031 08032 The model of camera (or scanner) used to take the picture.', 08033 'exif-software' => 'Short for "The software which was used to create or modify this image". 08034 08035 The property can come from the Exif Software tag, PNG software chunk, iptc-iim 2:65 Software field, or XMP\'s xmp:CreatorTool field. 08036 08037 Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail].', 08038 'exif-artist' => "Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08039 08040 This message labels the author or artist of the work. Usually this means who took the photograph, or who drew the picture. The corresponding value field most commonly contains a single author, however it can contain an ordered (or unordered depending on which metadata standard is used to store the information) list of authors. Sometimes the persons position is prefixed before their name such as \"Photographer, John Smith\". The exif standard recommends multiple authors be specified by \"position, Author 1; position for author 2, Author 2's name\" however this doesn't seem to happen in practise very often. If multiple authors are specified using a non-exif standard, then a billeted (or numbered) list is used. 08041 08042 This property can be specified by exif Artist tag, XMP's tiff:Artist, XMP's dc:creator, iptc-iim's 2:80 byline, PNG's author textual chunk, PNG's (unofficial) artist textual chunk. XMP's photoshop:AuthorsPosition and iptc 2:85 byline-title can also affect display of this property. 08043 {{Identical|Author}}", 08044 'exif-copyright' => "Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08045 08046 Label for information contained in exif Copyright tag, XMP dc:rights, IPTC-iim 2:116, or PNG copyright textual chunk. 08047 08048 Typically the copyright statement for the photograph/drawing/video (such as ''(c) 2010 John Smith. Released under GFDL''). Sometimes contains license information. See also {{msg-mw|exif-copyrightowner}}", 08049 'exif-exifversion' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08050 08051 Version of exif standard photo uses. Typically this is 2.22', 08052 'exif-flashpixversion' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08053 08054 Version of flashpix used. Flashpix is a format used for storing some types of metadata in image. It is not as commonly used as EXIF, and mediawiki currently cannot read Flashpix data.', 08055 'exif-colorspace' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08056 08057 The colorspace of the photo. This tells the computer how to make the colours in the photo be more true to the original photo. Typical values for this are sRGB or uncalibrated. This only gives information on colour information given in the exif-colorspace property. However, colour information is often stored elsewhere in the photo. 08058 08059 See also: 08060 * {{msg-mw|Exif-colorspace}} 08061 * {{msg-mw|Exif-colorspace-1|optional}} 08062 * {{msg-mw|Exif-colorspace-65535}}', 08063 'exif-componentsconfiguration' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08064 08065 This contains how the information in the picture is stored. This is most commonly Y, Cr, Cb to specify luma, red, blue. RGB is also possible to specify Red, Green, Blue. 08066 {{Related|Exif-componentsconfiguration}}', 08067 'exif-compressedbitsperpixel' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail].', 08068 'exif-pixelydimension' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08069 {{Identical|Image width}}', 08070 'exif-pixelxdimension' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail].', 08071 'exif-usercomment' => "Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08072 08073 Comments by user. Sometimes used like ImageDescription when the ImageDescription contained non-ascii characters. (Technically ImageDescription is supposed to contain ascii characters. In practise utf-8 is used in ImageDescription, so this field isn't used too much.)", 08074 'exif-relatedsoundfile' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08075 08076 Some cameras offer the option to record an audio "memo" for the photo they just took. If the user did that, the name of the file is labelled with this message.', 08077 'exif-datetimeoriginal' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08078 08079 The date and time when the original image data was generated. For example if it was a painting from 1773, scanned in to a computer in 2007, the datetimeoriginal would be 1773 and {{msg-mw|exif-datetimedigitized}} would have the 2007 date.', 08080 'exif-datetimedigitized' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08081 08082 The date and time when the image was stored as digital data.', 08083 'exif-subsectime' => "Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08084 08085 'DateTime subseconds' shows the detail of the fraction of a second (1/100s) at which the file was changed, when the tag {{msg-mw|Exif-datetime}} is recorded to the whole second.", 08086 'exif-subsectimeoriginal' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08087 08088 This tag shows the detail of the fraction of a second (1/100s) at which the file data was originally generated, when the tag {{msg-mw|Exif-datetimeoriginal}} is recorded to the whole second.', 08089 'exif-subsectimedigitized' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08090 08091 This tag shows the detail of the fraction of a second (1/100s) at which the file was stored as digital data, when the tag {{msg-mw|Exif-datetimedigitized}} is recorded to the whole second.', 08092 'exif-exposuretime' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08093 08094 The exposure time. Number of (or fraction of) seconds the film was exposed to light. The value for this property is formatted using {{msg-mw|exif-exposuretime-format}}', 08095 'exif-exposuretime-format' => "Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08096 08097 Parameters: 08098 * $1 - the exposure time written as a fraction of a second, for example 1/640 of a second 08099 * $2 - the exposure time written as a decimal, for example 0.0015625 08100 08101 'sec' is the abbreviation used in English for the unit of time 'second'.", 08102 'exif-fnumber' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08103 08104 The [[w:F_number|F number]] is the relative aperture of the camera.', 08105 'exif-fnumber-format' => '{{optional}} 08106 Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [ Wikipedia article] and the example at the bottom of [ this page on Commons]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08107 08108 Parameters: 08109 * $1 - a number 08110 Note: 08111 * f is the abbreviation used in English for "f-number".', 08112 'exif-exposureprogram' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08113 08114 How the camera figured out what exposure to use. (If it was manually set, if its optimizing for fast shutter speed, etc). 08115 {{Related|Exif-exposureprogram}}', 08116 'exif-spectralsensitivity' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08117 08118 How sensitive each channel (colour) of the photo is to light. This tag is almost never used.', 08119 'exif-isospeedratings' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08120 08121 The iso speed of the film used in the camera. This is basically a measure of how sensitive the film in the camera is to light.', 08122 'exif-shutterspeedvalue' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08123 08124 [[w:Shutter_speed|Shutter speed]] is the time that the camera shutter is open. 08125 08126 This is the shutter speed measured in APEX units (negative base 2 log of shutter speed in seconds). See {{msg-mw|exif-exposuretime}} for this property in more traditional units of seconds.', 08127 'exif-aperturevalue' => "Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08128 08129 The [[w:Aperture|aperture]] of a camera is the hole through which light shines. This message can be translated 'Aperture width'. Note, this is measured in APEX units which is 2*log<sub>2</sub>(f-number) . See {{msg-mw|exif-fnumber}} for this value in more traditional units.", 08130 'exif-brightnessvalue' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08131 08132 How intense the illumination of the scene photographed is. Measured in APEX brightness units. See Annex C of Exif standard for details on the measurement system in use.', 08133 'exif-exposurebiasvalue' => "Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08134 08135 Another term for [[w:Exposure_bias|'exposure bias']] is 'exposure compensation'.", 08136 'exif-maxaperturevalue' => "Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08137 08138 The 'land' in a camera refers possibly to the inner surface of the barrel of the lens. An alternative phrasing for this message could perhaps be 'maximum width of the land aperture'.", 08139 'exif-subjectdistance' => "Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08140 08141 The subject of a photograph is the person or thing on which the camera focuses. 'Subject distance' is the distance to the subject given in meters.", 08142 'exif-meteringmode' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08143 08144 See [[w:Metering_mode|Wikipedia article]] on metering mode. 08145 {{Related|Exif-meteringmode}}', 08146 'exif-lightsource' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08147 {{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08148 'exif-flash' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08149 08150 See this [[w:en:Flash_(photography)|Wikipedia article]] for an explanation of the term. 08151 {{Related|Exif-flash}} 08152 {{Identical|Flash}}', 08153 'exif-focallength' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08154 08155 See this [[w:en:Focal_length_(photography)|Wikipedia article]] for an explanation of the term.', 08156 'exif-focallength-format' => '{{optional}} 08157 Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [ Wikipedia article] and the example at the bottom of [ this page on Commons]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08158 08159 Parameters: 08160 * $1 - a number 08161 Note: 08162 * mm is the abbreviation used in English for the unit of measurement of length "millimeter".', 08163 'exif-subjectarea' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08164 08165 This exif property contains the position of the main subject. The first two numbers is the position of the subject in the picture in pixels from the upper left corner. If a third number is specified, it is a circle centred at the first two numbers. If four numbers are specified, the first two are coordinates of the centre of the subject as before, the third is the width of the rectangle, and the fourth is the height of the rectangle. It is rare for a photo to use this tag.', 08166 'exif-flashenergy' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08167 08168 How bright the flash is in beam candle power seconds.', 08169 'exif-focalplanexresolution' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08170 08171 Indicates the number of pixels in the image width (X) direction per FocalPlaneResolutionUnit on the camera focal plane.', 08172 'exif-focalplaneyresolution' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail].', 08173 'exif-focalplaneresolutionunit' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08174 08175 See also: 08176 * {{msg-mw|Exif-focalplaneresolutionunit-2}}', 08177 'exif-subjectlocation' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08178 08179 Same as {{msg-mw|exif-subjectarea}} but only ever has two numbers as a value.', 08180 'exif-exposureindex' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail].', 08181 'exif-sensingmethod' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08182 {{Related|Exif-sensingmethod}}', 08183 'exif-filesource' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08184 08185 Determines if the image was recorded by a digital camera adhering to DSC standard (which is almost all digital cameras).', 08186 'exif-scenetype' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08187 08188 If the image is directly photographed (taken by a digital camera). 08189 08190 See also: 08191 * {{msg-mw|Exif-scenetype}} 08192 * {{msg-mw|Exif-scenetype-1}}', 08193 'exif-customrendered' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08194 08195 See also Wikipedia on [[w:Image_processing|image processing]]. 08196 08197 See also: 08198 * {{msg-mw|Exif-customrendered}} 08199 * {{msg-mw|Exif-customrendered-0}} 08200 * {{msg-mw|Exif-customrendered-1}}', 08201 'exif-exposuremode' => "Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08202 08203 See also Wikipedia on [[w:en:Exposure_(photography)|exposure in photography]]. This tag shows if the photo's exposure was manually set or automatically determined. 08204 {{Related|Exif-exposuremode}}", 08205 'exif-whitebalance' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08206 08207 See also Wikipedia on [[w:Color_balance|color balance]]. 08208 08209 See also: 08210 * {{msg-mw|Exif-whitebalance}} 08211 * {{msg-mw|Exif-whitebalance-0}} 08212 * {{msg-mw|Exif-whitebalance-1}}', 08213 'exif-digitalzoomratio' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08214 08215 See also Wikipedia on [[w:Digital_zoom|digital zoom]].', 08216 'exif-focallengthin35mmfilm' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08217 08218 See also Wikipedia on [[w:Focal_length#In_photography|focal length]].', 08219 'exif-scenecapturetype' => '{{Related|Exif-scenecapturetype}}', 08220 'exif-gaincontrol' => 'Gain amplifies the signal off of the image sensor. Gain turns the brightness level up or down. 08221 {{Related|Exif-gaincontrol}}', 08222 'exif-contrast' => '{{Related|Exif-contrast}}', 08223 'exif-saturation' => '{{Related|Exif-saturation}}', 08224 'exif-sharpness' => '{{Related|Exif-sharpness}}', 08225 'exif-subjectdistancerange' => '{{Related|Exif-subjectdistancerange}}', 08226 'exif-imageuniqueid' => 'A unique identifier for the image in the form of a 128-bit hexadecimal string. See for details on exif properties.', 08227 'exif-gpsversionid' => 'Version of the GPS IFD used to store location information. This is usually', 08228 'exif-gpslatituderef' => 'In older versions of mediawiki this referred to if the latitude was North or South. This is no longer used in modern versions of mediawiki except for when using a foreign image repository that is using an older version of mediawiki since the information is now contained in {{msg-mw|exif-gpslatitude}}. 08229 {{Related|Exif-gpslatitude}}', 08230 'exif-gpslatitude' => 'The latitude of the location from where the picture was taken from. 08231 {{Related|Exif-gpslatitude}}', 08232 'exif-gpslongituderef' => 'Same as {{msg-mw|exif-gpslatituderef}} but for longitude. 08233 08234 {{Related|Exif-gpslatitude}}', 08235 'exif-gpslongitude' => 'The longitude of the location from where the picture was taken from. 08236 {{Related|Exif-gpslatitude}}', 08237 'exif-gpsaltituderef' => 'No longer used except for when using foreign image repository with old version of mediawiki. 0 for above sea level, 1 for below sea level.', 08238 'exif-gpsaltitude' => 'Altitude in meters that the image was taken at.', 08239 'exif-gpstimestamp' => 'Time (does not include date) that GPS measurement was taken, in UTC. Since often this is at the same time as photo was taken, this is sometimes more reliable than {{msg-mw|exif-datetimeoriginal}}.', 08240 'exif-gpsstatus' => 'See also: 08241 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsstatus-a}} 08242 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsstatus-v}}', 08243 'exif-gpsmeasuremode' => 'Is the measurement 2D (latitude and longitude) or 3D (latitude, longitude, and altitude). 08244 08245 See also: 08246 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsmeasuremode-2}} 08247 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsmeasuremode-3}}', 08248 'exif-gpsdop' => 'How accurate the GPS information is. See 08249 {{Related|Exif-gpsdop}}', 08250 'exif-gpsspeedref' => '{{Related|Exif-gpsspeed}}', 08251 'exif-gpsspeed' => '{{Related|Exif-gpsspeed}}', 08252 'exif-gpstrackref' => 'See also: 08253 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpstrack}} 08254 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsimgdirection}} 08255 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsimgdirectionref}} 08256 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsdestbearing}} 08257 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsdestbearingref}}', 08258 'exif-gpstrack' => 'See also: 08259 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpstrackref}} 08260 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsimgdirection}} 08261 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsimgdirectionref}} 08262 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsdestbearing}} 08263 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsdestbearingref}}', 08264 'exif-gpsimgdirectionref' => 'See also: 08265 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpstrack}} 08266 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpstrackref}} 08267 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsimgdirection}} 08268 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsdestbearing}} 08269 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsdestbearingref}}', 08270 'exif-gpsimgdirection' => 'See also: 08271 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpstrack}} 08272 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpstrackref}} 08273 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsimgdirectionref}} 08274 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsdestbearing}} 08275 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsdestbearingref}}', 08276 'exif-gpsdestlatituderef' => '{{Related|Exif-gpslatitude}}', 08277 'exif-gpsdestlatitude' => 'The latitude of the location shown in the picture, if it is different from latitude of the camera location. See {{msg-mw|exif-gpslatitude}}. 08278 {{Related|Exif-gpslatitude}} 08279 {{Identical|Latitude}}', 08280 'exif-gpsdestlongituderef' => '{{Related|Exif-gpslatitude}}', 08281 'exif-gpsdestlongitude' => 'The longitude of the location shown in the picture, if it is different from longitude of the camera location. See {{msg-mw|exif-gpslongitude}}. 08282 {{Related|Exif-gpslatitude}} 08283 {{Identical|Longitude}}', 08284 'exif-gpsdestbearingref' => 'See also: 08285 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpstrack}} 08286 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpstrackref}} 08287 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsimgdirection}} 08288 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsimgdirectionref}} 08289 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsdestbearing}}', 08290 'exif-gpsdestbearing' => 'See also: 08291 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpstrack}} 08292 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpstrackref}} 08293 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsimgdirection}} 08294 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsimgdirectionref}} 08295 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsdestbearingref}}', 08296 'exif-gpsdestdistanceref' => 'I think "reference" stands for "unit". See {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsspeedref}} 08297 {{Related|Exif-gpsdestdistance}}', 08298 'exif-gpsdestdistance' => '{{Related|Exif-gpsdestdistance}}', 08299 'exif-gpsdatestamp' => 'Date (does not generally include time unless recorded in XMP) that GPS measurement was taken, in UTC. Since often this is at the same date as photo was taken, this is sometimes more reliable than {{msg-mw|exif-datetimeoriginal}}.', 08300 'exif-coordinate-format' => '{{optional}} 08301 For formatting GPS latitude coordinates. Parameters: 08302 * $1 - degrees 08303 * $2 - minutes 08304 * $3 - seconds (up to two decimal places) 08305 * $4 - direction (N, S, W, or E) 08306 * $5 - (Unused) coordinate as a single positive or negative real number', 08307 'exif-jpegfilecomment' => 'This is not a true exif tag, but the contents of the JPEG COM segment. This often contains a file source, but can potentially contain any comment about the file. This is similar to {{msg-mw|exif-usercomment}}, {{msg-mw|exif-pngfilecomment}}, and {{msg-mw|exif-giffilecomment}}.', 08308 'exif-keywords' => "List of keywords for the photograph (or other media). 08309 08310 This can come from IPTC-iim 2:25 keyword field, or XMP's dc:subject field.", 08311 'exif-worldregioncreated' => "The world region (generally that means continent, but could also include 'World' as a whole) where the media was created.", 08312 'exif-countrycreated' => 'Country that the picture was taken in. Note this is where it was taken, not what country is depicted in the picture.', 08313 'exif-countrycodecreated' => 'ISO Code for the country that the picture was taken in. Note this is where it was taken, not what country is depicted in the picture.', 08314 'exif-provinceorstatecreated' => 'Province, state, territory, or other secondary political division (bigger than a city, smaller then a country) where that the picture was taken in. Note this is where it was taken, not what province/state is depicted in the picture.', 08315 'exif-citycreated' => 'City that the picture was taken in. Note this is where it was taken, not what city is depicted in the picture. This is generally only used if different from the city depicted in photo.', 08316 'exif-sublocationcreated' => 'Sub-location of the city that the picture was taken in. This might be a street, a part of town, etc. Note this is where it was taken, not what sub-location is depicted in the picture.', 08317 'exif-worldregiondest' => 'World region shown. This generally means the continent, but could have the value of world as well.', 08318 'exif-countrydest' => 'Country shown. See also {{msg-mw|exif-countrycreated}}.', 08319 'exif-countrycodedest' => 'ISO Code for country shown', 08320 'exif-provinceorstatedest' => 'Province, state, territory, or other secondary political division shown.', 08321 'exif-citydest' => 'City shown', 08322 'exif-sublocationdest' => 'Sub-location of city shown. This could be an address, a street, an area of town, etc.', 08323 'exif-objectname' => "This is a short name for the image or other media. (As compared to {{msg-mw|exif-imagedescription}} which is a long description of the image). 08324 08325 This is sometimes an ID number used to identify the photo, or a (short) title of the photo. 08326 08327 This property is extracted based on XMP's dc:title property ( ), PNG's title keyword ( ), or IPTC-iim 2:05 Object name property ( ).", 08328 'exif-specialinstructions' => 'Special instructions for how to use the image/media. This might include embargo notices, or other warnings. 08329 08330 This is IPTC-iim property 2:40. See for details.', 08331 'exif-headline' => 'A short version of the image caption. The IPTC4XMP standard is clear that "this is not the same thing as title [ {{msg-mw|exif-objectname}} ]". 08332 08333 This is extracted from XMP\'s photoshop:headline ( ) and IPTC-iim: 2:105 Headline tag ( ).', 08334 'exif-credit' => 'Provider/credit. 08335 08336 Who gave us the image. This might be different from the creator of the image. This is IPTC-iim property 2:110', 08337 'exif-source' => 'See IPTC-iim standard 2:115 - 08338 08339 This is who originally owned the image (a person, stock photo agency, etc). This does not refer to the image this image is based on. 08340 {{Identical|Source}}', 08341 'exif-editstatus' => 'Editorial status of image. This is more intended for use with people making news papers. This denotes whether the image is on the main page, is part of a correction, etc. See 2:07 of', 08342 'exif-urgency' => 'Urgency. How urgent this image is. 1 is very urgent, 5 is normal, 8 is very low priority. 08343 {{Related|Exif-urgency}}', 08344 'exif-fixtureidentifier' => 'Fixture name. Identifies frequently occurring object data, for example a regular column in a news paper.', 08345 'exif-locationdest' => 'Full printable name of location.', 08346 'exif-locationdestcode' => 'Code of location depicted. Typically this is an ISO country code, but the IPTC-iim standard also defines other codes like XSP for outer space. See appendix D (and tag 2:100) of', 08347 'exif-objectcycle' => 'Time of day that media is intended for. Either morning only, evening only, or all day. Typically only used for news related things that might only be broadcast at a specific time of day. 08348 08349 See also: 08350 * {{msg-mw|Exif-objectcycle-a}} 08351 * {{msg-mw|Exif-objectcycle-p}} 08352 * {{msg-mw|Exif-objectcycle-b}}', 08353 'exif-contact' => 'Contact information of the person responsible for the image.', 08354 'exif-writer' => 'The person who wrote the caption of the image. See Description Writer on page 18 of', 08355 'exif-languagecode' => "Language of image/media. 08356 08357 This is taken from IPTC-iim 2:135 and XMP's dc:language. 08358 {{Identical|Language}}", 08359 'exif-iimversion' => 'IIM version number. Version of information interchange 2:xx records. 4 is current version. 2 is often seen as well. This is the value stored 2:00 field (Note, iptc-iim also stores a model version in 1:00. This version field displays the 2:00 record only)', 08360 'exif-iimcategory' => 'Primary Category of image (or other media). Technically supposed to be limited to 3 characters, however that is not always followed. Some common 3 letter category abbreviations are expanded by mediawiki. Similar to {{msg-mw|exif-keywords}}. 08361 {{Identical|Category}}', 08362 'exif-iimsupplementalcategory' => 'Supplemental categories. Like {{msg-mw|exif-iimcategory}} but for categories beyond the main one.', 08363 'exif-datetimeexpires' => 'Date after which not to use the image (media). This is often used in news situations were certain things (like forecasts) should not be used after a specified date.', 08364 'exif-datetimereleased' => 'Earliest date the image (media) can be used. 08365 08366 See 2:30 of', 08367 'exif-originaltransmissionref' => 'This is basically a job ID. This could help an individual keep track of for what reason the image was created. 08368 08369 See Job Id on page 19 of', 08370 'exif-identifier' => 'A formal identifier for the image. Often this is a URL. 08371 {{Identical|Identifier}}', 08372 'exif-lens' => 'Description of lens used. This is taken from aux:Lens XMP property. See', 08373 'exif-serialnumber' => 'Serial number of camera. See aux:SerialNumber in', 08374 'exif-cameraownername' => 'Who owns the camera.', 08375 'exif-label' => 'Label given to the image for organizational purposes. This is very similar to {{msg-mw|exif-keywords}}. Label is more used by a person to organize their media, where keywords are used to describe the photo contents itself. 08376 08377 This property can come from xmp:Label in XMP ( ) or the label textual chunk in PNG. 08378 {{Identical|Label}}', 08379 'exif-datetimemetadata' => 'Date metadata was last modified. Typically this refers to XMP metadata.', 08380 'exif-nickname' => 'Short informal name of image. See', 08381 'exif-rating' => 'This is a rating for how good the image is. The range is between 1 to 5 (5 highest), with an additional option of "reject".', 08382 'exif-rightscertificate' => 'URL of Rights management certificate. This comes from XMPRights:Certificate property. See', 08383 'exif-copyrighted' => 'Copyright status. This is a true or false field showing either Copyrighted or Public Domain. It should be noted that Copyrighted includes freely-licensed works.', 08384 'exif-copyrightowner' => 'Copyright owner. Can have more than one person or entity.', 08385 'exif-usageterms' => "Terms under which you're allowed to use the image/media.", 08386 'exif-webstatement' => "URL detailing the copyright status of the image, and how you're allowed to use the image. Often this is a link to a creative commons license, however the creative commons people recommend using a page that generally contains specific information about the image, and recommend using {{msg-mw|exif-licenseurl}} for linking to the license. See", 08387 'exif-originaldocumentid' => 'A unique ID of the original document (image) that this document (image) is based on.', 08388 'exif-licenseurl' => 'URL for copyright license. This is almost always a creative commons license since this information comes from the creative commons namespace of XMP (but could be a link to any type of license). See also {{msg-mw|exif-webstatement}}', 08389 'exif-morepermissionsurl' => 'A URL where you can "buy" (or otherwise negotiate) to get more rights for the image.', 08390 'exif-attributionurl' => "A URL that you're supposed to use when re-using the image.", 08391 'exif-preferredattributionname' => 'The preferred name to give credit to when re-using this image.', 08392 'exif-pngfilecomment' => 'See also: 08393 * {{msg-mw|Exif-pngfilecomment}} 08394 * {{msg-mw|Exif-giffilecomment}}', 08395 'exif-disclaimer' => 'Disclaimer for the image. 08396 {{Identical|Disclaimer}}', 08397 'exif-contentwarning' => 'Content warning for the image. For example if the image/media contains violent, sexual or otherwise offensive content. 08398 08399 This comes from the png warning textual chunk. See', 08400 'exif-giffilecomment' => 'See also: 08401 * {{msg-mw|Exif-pngfilecomment}} 08402 * {{msg-mw|Exif-giffilecomment}}', 08403 'exif-intellectualgenre' => 'The "intellectual genre" of the image/media item. This typically means the type of item it is, ignoring the actual content of the item. See for some examples of the types of values this field might have.', 08404 'exif-subjectnewscode' => 'A (or multiple) codes describing the content of the image/media. The code is an 8 digit number representing some sort of category. The code is hierarchical , with the first two digits being a broad category (this broad category is shown to the user. See {{msg-mw|exif-subjectnewscode-value}} for how the value this field labels is shown to user). See for the full list of codes.', 08405 'exif-scenecode' => 'IPTC (numeric) scene code. Contains information on what type of scene it is (like panoramic scene, close-up, etc). See', 08406 'exif-event' => 'The event depicted', 08407 'exif-organisationinimage' => 'Name of organisations shown in image', 08408 'exif-personinimage' => 'Name of person depicted in image', 08409 'exif-originalimageheight' => 'Height of image before it was cropped in pixels', 08410 'exif-originalimagewidth' => 'Width of image before it was cropped in pixels', 08411 08412 # Make & model, can be wikified in order to link to the camera and model name 08413 'exif-contact-value' => '{{optional}} 08414 Parameters: 08415 * $1 - email 08416 * $2 - URL of website 08417 * $3 - street address 08418 * $4 - city 08419 * $5 - region 08420 * $6 - postal code 08421 * $7 - country 08422 * $8 - telephone number 08423 Note, not all fields are guaranteed to be present, some may be empty strings.', 08424 'exif-subjectnewscode-value' => '{{Optional}} 08425 Parameters: 08426 * $1 - numeric IPTC subject news code (one of ) 08427 * $2 - one of 17 broad categories that the code falls into. For example any code starting with 15 has the contents of {{msg-mw|Exif-iimcategory-spo}} for $2.', 08428 08429 # EXIF attributes 08430 'exif-compression-1' => '{{Related|Exif-compression}}', 08431 'exif-compression-2' => '{{Related|Exif-compression}}', 08432 'exif-compression-3' => '{{Related|Exif-compression}}', 08433 'exif-compression-4' => '{{Related|Exif-compression}}', 08434 'exif-compression-5' => '{{optional}} 08435 Lempel-Ziv & Welch algorithm', 08436 'exif-compression-6' => '{{optional}}', 08437 'exif-compression-7' => '{{optional}}', 08438 'exif-compression-8' => '{{optional}}', 08439 'exif-compression-32773' => '{{optional}}', 08440 'exif-compression-32946' => '{{optional}}', 08441 'exif-compression-34712' => '{{optional}}', 08442 08443 'exif-copyrighted-true' => 'The image is under copyright (including if its copyrighted but freely licensed)', 08444 'exif-copyrighted-false' => 'Copyright status is not set in the file. 08445 08446 Compare: {{msg-mw|exif-copyrighted-true}}.', 08447 08448 'exif-photometricinterpretation-2' => '{{optional}}', 08449 'exif-photometricinterpretation-6' => '{{optional}}', 08450 08451 'exif-unknowndate' => 'Used if the Exif date and time is "<code>0000:00:00 00:00:00</code>". 08452 08453 Related Exif attributes: 08454 * {{msg-mw|Exif-datetime}} 08455 * {{msg-mw|Exif-datetimeoriginal}} 08456 * {{msg-mw|Exif-datetimedigitized}} 08457 * {{msg-mw|Exif-datetimereleased}} 08458 * {{msg-mw|Exif-datetimeexpires}} 08459 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsdatestamp}} 08460 * {{msg-mw|Exif-dc-date}} 08461 * {{msg-mw|Exif-datetimemetadata}}', 08462 08463 'exif-orientation-1' => '0th row: top; 0th column: left 08464 {{Related|Exif-orientation}} 08465 {{Identical|Normal}}', 08466 'exif-orientation-2' => '0th row: top; 0th column: right 08467 {{Related|Exif-orientation}}', 08468 'exif-orientation-3' => '0th row: bottom; 0th column: right 08469 {{Related|Exif-orientation}}', 08470 'exif-orientation-4' => '0th row: bottom; 0th column: left 08471 {{Related|Exif-orientation}}', 08472 'exif-orientation-5' => '0th row: left; 0th column: top 08473 08474 CCW is an abbreviation for counter-clockwise 08475 {{Related|Exif-orientation}}', 08476 'exif-orientation-6' => '0th row: right; 0th column: top 08477 08478 CCW is an abbreviation for counter-clockwise. 08479 {{Related|Exif-orientation}}', 08480 'exif-orientation-7' => '0th row: right; 0th column: bottom 08481 08482 CW is an abbreviation for clockwise 08483 {{Related|Exif-orientation}}', 08484 'exif-orientation-8' => '0th row: left; 0th column: bottom 08485 08486 CW is an abbreviation for clockwise. 08487 {{Related|Exif-orientation}}', 08488 08489 'exif-planarconfiguration-1' => 'See also: 08490 * {{msg-mw|Exif-planarconfiguration}} 08491 * {{msg-mw|Exif-planarconfiguration-1}} 08492 * {{msg-mw|Exif-planarconfiguration-2}}', 08493 'exif-planarconfiguration-2' => 'See also: 08494 * {{msg-mw|Exif-planarconfiguration}} 08495 * {{msg-mw|Exif-planarconfiguration-1}} 08496 * {{msg-mw|Exif-planarconfiguration-2}}', 08497 08498 'exif-xyresolution-i' => '{{Optional}} 08499 Used to format {{msg-mw|Exif-xresolution}} and {{msg-mw|Exif-yresolution}} if the unit is dots per inch. 08500 08501 Parameters: 08502 * $1 - the number of dots/in', 08503 'exif-xyresolution-c' => '{{Optional}} 08504 Used to format {{msg-mw|Exif-xresolution}} and {{msg-mw|Exif-yresolution}} if the unit is dots per centimeter. 08505 08506 Parameters: 08507 * $1 - the number of dots/cm', 08508 08509 'exif-colorspace-1' => '{{Optional}} 08510 If it uses the standard sRGB colour space. 08511 08512 See also: 08513 * {{msg-mw|Exif-colorspace}} 08514 * {{msg-mw|Exif-colorspace-1|optional}} 08515 * {{msg-mw|Exif-colorspace-65535}}', 08516 'exif-colorspace-65535' => 'The photograph is not colour calibrated. 08517 08518 See also: 08519 * {{msg-mw|Exif-colorspace}} 08520 * {{msg-mw|Exif-colorspace-1|optional}} 08521 * {{msg-mw|Exif-colorspace-65535}}', 08522 08523 'exif-componentsconfiguration-0' => '{{Related|Exif-componentsconfiguration}}', 08524 'exif-componentsconfiguration-1' => '{{optional}} 08525 {{Related|Exif-componentsconfiguration}}', 08526 'exif-componentsconfiguration-2' => '{{optional}} 08527 {{Related|Exif-componentsconfiguration}}', 08528 'exif-componentsconfiguration-3' => '{{optional}} 08529 {{Related|Exif-componentsconfiguration}}', 08530 'exif-componentsconfiguration-4' => '{{optional}} 08531 {{Related|Exif-componentsconfiguration}}', 08532 'exif-componentsconfiguration-5' => '{{optional}} 08533 {{Related|Exif-componentsconfiguration}}', 08534 'exif-componentsconfiguration-6' => '{{optional}} 08535 {{Related|Exif-componentsconfiguration}}', 08536 08537 'exif-exposureprogram-0' => '{{Related|Exif-exposureprogram}}', 08538 'exif-exposureprogram-1' => "One of the exposure program types in the table of metadata on image description pages. See the Wikipedia article '[[w:Mode_dial|Mode dial]]' for an explanation. 08539 {{Related|Exif-exposureprogram}}", 08540 'exif-exposureprogram-2' => 'One of the exposure program types in the table of metadata on image description pages. 08541 {{Related|Exif-exposureprogram}}', 08542 'exif-exposureprogram-3' => 'One of the exposure program types in the table of metadata on image description pages. See the Wikipedia article for a definition of the term [[w:Aperture_priority|aperture priority]]. 08543 {{Related|Exif-exposureprogram}}', 08544 'exif-exposureprogram-4' => 'One of the exposure program types in the table of metadata on image description pages. See the Wikipedia article for a definition of the term [[w:Shutter_priority|shutter priority]]. 08545 {{Related|Exif-exposureprogram}}', 08546 'exif-exposureprogram-5' => "One of the exposure program types in the table of metadata on image description pages. See the Wikipedia article '[[w:Mode_dial|Mode dial]]' for an explanation. 08547 {{Related|Exif-exposureprogram}}", 08548 'exif-exposureprogram-6' => "One of the exposure program types in the table of metadata on image description pages. See the Wikipedia article '[[w:Mode_dial|Mode dial]]' for an explanation. 08549 {{Related|Exif-exposureprogram}}", 08550 'exif-exposureprogram-7' => "One of the exposure program types in the table of metadata on image description pages. See the Wikipedia article '[[w:Mode_dial|Mode dial]]' for an explanation. 08551 {{Related|Exif-exposureprogram}}", 08552 'exif-exposureprogram-8' => "One of the exposure program types in the table of metadata on image description pages. See the Wikipedia article '[[w:Mode_dial|Mode dial]]' for an explanation. 08553 {{Related|Exif-exposureprogram}}", 08554 08555 'exif-subjectdistance-value' => 'Parameters: 08556 * $1 - a distance measured in meters. The value can, and usually does, include decimal places.', 08557 08558 'exif-meteringmode-0' => '{{Related|Exif-meteringmode}} 08559 {{Identical|Unknown}}', 08560 'exif-meteringmode-1' => '{{Related|Exif-meteringmode}} 08561 {{Identical|Average}}', 08562 'exif-meteringmode-2' => '{{Related|Exif-meteringmode}}', 08563 'exif-meteringmode-3' => '{{Related|Exif-meteringmode}}', 08564 'exif-meteringmode-4' => '{{Related|Exif-meteringmode}}', 08565 'exif-meteringmode-5' => '{{Related|Exif-meteringmode}}', 08566 'exif-meteringmode-6' => '{{Related|Exif-meteringmode}}', 08567 'exif-meteringmode-255' => '{{Identical|Other}}', 08568 08569 'exif-lightsource-0' => '{{Identical|Unknown}} 08570 {{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08571 'exif-lightsource-1' => '{{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08572 'exif-lightsource-2' => '{{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08573 'exif-lightsource-3' => '{{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08574 'exif-lightsource-4' => '{{Identical|Flash}} 08575 {{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08576 'exif-lightsource-9' => '{{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08577 'exif-lightsource-10' => '{{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08578 'exif-lightsource-11' => '{{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08579 'exif-lightsource-12' => '{{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08580 'exif-lightsource-13' => '{{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08581 'exif-lightsource-14' => '{{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08582 'exif-lightsource-15' => '{{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08583 'exif-lightsource-17' => '{{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08584 'exif-lightsource-18' => '{{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08585 'exif-lightsource-19' => '{{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08586 'exif-lightsource-20' => '{{optional}} 08587 {{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08588 'exif-lightsource-21' => '{{optional}} 08589 {{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08590 'exif-lightsource-22' => '{{optional}} 08591 {{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08592 'exif-lightsource-23' => '{{optional}} 08593 {{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08594 'exif-lightsource-24' => '{{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08595 'exif-lightsource-255' => '{{Related|Exif-lightsource}}', 08596 08597 # Flash modes 08598 'exif-flash-fired-0' => '{{Related|Exif-flash}}', 08599 'exif-flash-fired-1' => '{{Related|Exif-flash}}', 08600 'exif-flash-return-0' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08601 08602 "Strobe" and "flash" mean the same here. 08603 {{Related|Exif-flash}}', 08604 'exif-flash-return-2' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08605 08606 "Strobe" and "flash" mean the same here. 08607 {{Related|Exif-flash}}', 08608 'exif-flash-return-3' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08609 08610 "Strobe" and "flash" mean the same here. 08611 {{Related|Exif-flash}}', 08612 'exif-flash-mode-1' => 'This is when you have chosen that your camera must use a flash for this picture. 08613 {{Related|Exif-flash}}', 08614 'exif-flash-mode-2' => "This is when you have chosen that your camera must ''not'' use a flash for this picture. 08615 {{Related|Exif-flash}}", 08616 'exif-flash-mode-3' => '{{Related|Exif-flash}}', 08617 'exif-flash-function-1' => 'Exif is a format for storing metadata in image files. See this [[w:Exchangeable_image_file_format|Wikipedia article]] and the example at the bottom of [[commons:File:Phalacrocorax-auritus-020.jpg|this page on Commons]]. The tags are explained [ briefly] and [ in further detail]. 08618 {{Related|Exif-flash}}', 08619 'exif-flash-redeye-1' => '{{Related|Exif-flash}}', 08620 08621 'exif-focalplaneresolutionunit-2' => 'See also: 08622 * {{msg-mw|Exif-focalplaneresolutionunit}}', 08623 08624 'exif-sensingmethod-1' => '{{Related|Exif-sensingmethod}}', 08625 'exif-sensingmethod-2' => '{{Related|Exif-sensingmethod}}', 08626 'exif-sensingmethod-3' => '{{Related|Exif-sensingmethod}}', 08627 'exif-sensingmethod-4' => '{{Related|Exif-sensingmethod}}', 08628 'exif-sensingmethod-5' => "''Color sequential'' means, that the three base colors are measured one after another (i.e. the sensor is first measuring red, than green, than blue). 08629 {{Related|Exif-sensingmethod}}", 08630 'exif-sensingmethod-7' => '{{Related|Exif-sensingmethod}}', 08631 'exif-sensingmethod-8' => "''Color sequential'' means, that the three base colors are measured one after another (i.e. the sensor is first measuring red, than green, than blue). 08632 {{Related|Exif-sensingmethod}}", 08633 08634 'exif-filesource-3' => '{{optional}}', 08635 08636 'exif-scenetype-1' => 'See also: 08637 * {{msg-mw|Exif-scenetype}} 08638 * {{msg-mw|Exif-scenetype-1}}', 08639 08640 'exif-customrendered-0' => 'See also: 08641 * {{msg-mw|Exif-customrendered}} 08642 * {{msg-mw|Exif-customrendered-0}} 08643 * {{msg-mw|Exif-customrendered-1}}', 08644 'exif-customrendered-1' => 'See also: 08645 * {{msg-mw|Exif-customrendered}} 08646 * {{msg-mw|Exif-customrendered-0}} 08647 * {{msg-mw|Exif-customrendered-1}}', 08648 08649 'exif-exposuremode-0' => '{{Related|Exif-exposuremode}}', 08650 'exif-exposuremode-1' => '{{Related|Exif-exposuremode}}', 08651 'exif-exposuremode-2' => "A type of exposure mode shown as part of the metadata on image description pages. The Wikipedia article on [[w:Bracketing#Exposure_bracketing|bracketing]] says that 'auto bracket' is a camera exposure setting which automatically takes a series of pictures at slightly different light exposures. 08652 {{Related|Exif-exposuremode}}", 08653 08654 'exif-whitebalance-0' => 'See also: 08655 * {{msg-mw|Exif-whitebalance}} 08656 * {{msg-mw|Exif-whitebalance-0}} 08657 * {{msg-mw|Exif-whitebalance-1}}', 08658 'exif-whitebalance-1' => 'See also: 08659 * {{msg-mw|Exif-whitebalance}} 08660 * {{msg-mw|Exif-whitebalance-0}} 08661 * {{msg-mw|Exif-whitebalance-1}}', 08662 08663 'exif-scenecapturetype-0' => '{{Related|Exif-scenecapturetype}} 08664 {{Identical|Standard}}', 08665 'exif-scenecapturetype-1' => '{{Related|Exif-scenecapturetype}}', 08666 'exif-scenecapturetype-2' => '{{Related|Exif-scenecapturetype}}', 08667 'exif-scenecapturetype-3' => '{{Related|Exif-scenecapturetype}}', 08668 08669 'exif-gaincontrol-0' => 'Gain amplifies the signal off of the image sensor. Gain turns the brightness level up or down. 08670 {{Related|Exif-gaincontrol}} 08671 {{Identical|None}}', 08672 'exif-gaincontrol-1' => 'Gain amplifies the signal off of the image sensor. Gain turns the brightness level up or down. 08673 {{Related|Exif-gaincontrol}}', 08674 'exif-gaincontrol-2' => 'Gain amplifies the signal off of the image sensor. Gain turns the brightness level up or down. 08675 {{Related|Exif-gaincontrol}}', 08676 'exif-gaincontrol-3' => 'Gain amplifies the signal off of the image sensor. Gain turns the brightness level up or down. 08677 {{Related|Exif-gaincontrol}}', 08678 'exif-gaincontrol-4' => 'Gain amplifies the signal off of the image sensor. Gain turns the brightness level up or down. 08679 {{Related|Exif-gaincontrol}}', 08680 08681 'exif-contrast-0' => '{{Related|Exif-contrast}} 08682 {{Identical|Normal}}', 08683 'exif-contrast-1' => '{{Related|Exif-contrast}} 08684 {{Identical|Soft}}', 08685 'exif-contrast-2' => '{{Related|Exif-contrast}} 08686 {{Identical|Hard}}', 08687 08688 'exif-saturation-0' => '{{Related|Exif-saturation}} 08689 {{Identical|Normal}}', 08690 'exif-saturation-1' => '{{Related|Exif-saturation}}', 08691 'exif-saturation-2' => 'Color saturation in picture EXIF data 08692 {{Related|Exif-saturation}}', 08693 08694 'exif-sharpness-0' => '{{Related|Exif-sharpness}} 08695 {{Identical|Normal}}', 08696 'exif-sharpness-1' => '{{Related|Exif-sharpness}} 08697 {{Identical|Soft}}', 08698 'exif-sharpness-2' => '{{Related|Exif-sharpness}} 08699 {{Identical|Hard}}', 08700 08701 'exif-subjectdistancerange-0' => '{{Related|Exif-subjectdistancerange}} 08702 {{Identical|Unknown}}', 08703 'exif-subjectdistancerange-1' => 'Macro view is close-up photography. See [[w:Macro_photography|Wikipedia]]. 08704 {{Identical|Macro}} 08705 {{Related|Exif-subjectdistancerange}}', 08706 'exif-subjectdistancerange-2' => '{{Related|Exif-subjectdistancerange}}', 08707 'exif-subjectdistancerange-3' => '{{Related|Exif-subjectdistancerange}}', 08708 08709 # Pseudotags used for GPSLatitudeRef and GPSDestLatitudeRef 08710 'exif-gpslatitude-n' => 'Very rarely used. Only used when using an old version of Mediawiki as a foreign image repo. 08711 {{Related|Exif-gpslatitude}}', 08712 'exif-gpslatitude-s' => 'Very rarely used. Only used when using an old version of Mediawiki as a foreign image repo. 08713 {{Related|Exif-gpslatitude}}', 08714 08715 # Pseudotags used for GPSLongitudeRef and GPSDestLongitudeRef 08716 'exif-gpslongitude-e' => 'Very rarely used. Only used when using an old version of Mediawiki as a foreign image repo. 08717 {{Related|Exif-gpslatitude}}', 08718 'exif-gpslongitude-w' => 'Very rarely used. Only used when using an old version of Mediawiki as a foreign image repo. 08719 {{Related|Exif-gpslatitude}}', 08720 08721 # Pseudotags used for GPSAltitudeRef 08722 'exif-gpsaltitude-above-sealevel' => 'Used as GPS Altitude in Exif data. Parameters: 08723 * $1 - altitude above sea level (in meters) 08724 See also: 08725 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsaltitude-below-sealevel}}', 08726 'exif-gpsaltitude-below-sealevel' => 'Used as GPS Altitude in Exif data. Parameters: 08727 * $1 - altitude below sea level (in meters) 08728 See also: 08729 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsaltitude-above-sealevel}}', 08730 08731 'exif-gpsstatus-a' => 'See also: 08732 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsstatus}} 08733 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsstatus-v}}', 08734 'exif-gpsstatus-v' => 'See also: 08735 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsstatus}} 08736 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsstatus-a}}', 08737 08738 'exif-gpsmeasuremode-2' => 'Only latitude and longitude recorded, no altitude. 08739 08740 See also: 08741 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsmeasuremode}} 08742 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsmeasuremode-3}}', 08743 'exif-gpsmeasuremode-3' => 'Latitude, longitude, and altitude recorded. 08744 08745 See also: 08746 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsmeasuremode}} 08747 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsmeasuremode-2}}', 08748 08749 # Pseudotags used for GPSSpeedRef 08750 'exif-gpsspeed-k' => '{{Related|Exif-gpsspeed}}', 08751 'exif-gpsspeed-m' => '{{Related|Exif-gpsspeed}}', 08752 'exif-gpsspeed-n' => "Knots: ''Knot'' is a unit of speed on water used for ships, etc., equal to one nautical mile per hour. 08753 {{Related|Exif-gpsspeed}}", 08754 08755 # Pseudotags used for GPSDestDistanceRef 08756 'exif-gpsdestdistance-k' => '{{Related|Exif-gpsdestdistance}}', 08757 'exif-gpsdestdistance-m' => '{{Related|Exif-gpsdestdistance}}', 08758 'exif-gpsdestdistance-n' => '{{Related|Exif-gpsdestdistance}}', 08759 08760 'exif-gpsdop-excellent' => 'Parameters: 08761 * $1 - the actual HDOP/PDOP value (less than or equal to 2 for excellent). See 08762 {{Related|Exif-gpsdop}}', 08763 'exif-gpsdop-good' => 'Parameters: 08764 * $1 - the actual HDOP/PDOP value (2-5 for good). See 08765 {{Related|Exif-gpsdop}}', 08766 'exif-gpsdop-moderate' => 'Parameters: 08767 * $1 - the actual HDOP/PDOP value (5-10 for moderate). See 08768 {{Related|Exif-gpsdop}} 08769 {{Identical|Moderate}}', 08770 'exif-gpsdop-fair' => 'Parameters: 08771 * $1 - the actual HDOP/PDOP value (10-20 for fair). See 08772 {{Related|Exif-gpsdop}}', 08773 'exif-gpsdop-poor' => 'Parameters: 08774 * $1 - the actual HDOP/PDOP value (greater than 20 for poor). See 08775 {{Related|Exif-gpsdop}}', 08776 08777 'exif-objectcycle-a' => 'Morning only (a is for AM). 08778 08779 See also: 08780 * {{msg-mw|Exif-objectcycle}} 08781 * {{msg-mw|Exif-objectcycle-p}} 08782 * {{msg-mw|Exif-objectcycle-b}}', 08783 'exif-objectcycle-p' => 'Evening only (p is for PM). 08784 08785 See also: 08786 * {{msg-mw|Exif-objectcycle}} 08787 * {{msg-mw|Exif-objectcycle-a}} 08788 * {{msg-mw|Exif-objectcycle-b}}', 08789 'exif-objectcycle-b' => 'Both morning and evening (b is for both). 08790 08791 See also: 08792 * {{msg-mw|Exif-objectcycle}} 08793 * {{msg-mw|Exif-objectcycle-a}} 08794 * {{msg-mw|Exif-objectcycle-p}}', 08795 08796 # Pseudotags used for GPSTrackRef, GPSImgDirectionRef and GPSDestBearingRef 08797 'exif-gpsdirection-t' => 'See also: 08798 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsdirection-m}}', 08799 'exif-gpsdirection-m' => 'See also: 08800 * {{msg-mw|Exif-gpsdirection-t}}', 08801 08802 'exif-ycbcrpositioning-1' => 'If the Chrominance samples are centered with respect to the Luminance samples. 08803 {{Related|Exif-ycbcrpositioning}}', 08804 'exif-ycbcrpositioning-2' => 'If the Chrominance samples are on top of to the Luminance samples. 08805 See: 08806 {{Related|Exif-ycbcrpositioning}}', 08807 08808 'exif-dc-contributor' => 'People who helped make the resource, but are secondary in contribution to the author. 08809 {{Identical|Contributor}}', 08810 'exif-dc-coverage' => '"The extent or scope of the resource" see dc:coverage in', 08811 'exif-dc-date' => 'One or more dates associated with the image. How they are associated is not really defined. From the dc:date XMP property.', 08812 'exif-dc-publisher' => 'One or more publisher of resource. 08813 {{Identical|Publisher}}', 08814 'exif-dc-relation' => "Something related to this image. Often a list of URL's to related images.", 08815 'exif-dc-rights' => 'Copyright information about the image/media given in informal language. 08816 {{Identical|Right}}', 08817 'exif-dc-source' => 'Source of the image. This is another image that this image is based on. This does not refer to the person who provided the image.', 08818 'exif-dc-type' => 'Type or genre of image/media. This might be something like painting or photograph.', 08819 08820 'exif-rating-rejected' => 'If the rating field has a rating of -1 to mean that the file was totally "rejected". 08821 {{Identical|Rejected}}', 08822 08823 'exif-isospeedratings-overflow' => "Exif can't store iso speed ratings beyond 65535. This message is shown if the iso speed is too big to be stored.", 08824 08825 'exif-maxaperturevalue-value' => '{{Optional}} 08826 Parameters: 08827 * $1 - maxaperture in APEX units (APEX aperture units = 2log<sub>2</sub>(f-number) ) 08828 * $2 - the value in the more traditional f-number units', 08829 08830 'exif-iimcategory-ace' => 'Displayed as part of the iimcategory field if the 3 letter code is recognized, or as part {{msg-mw|exif-subjectnewscode-value}}', 08831 'exif-iimcategory-clj' => 'Displayed as part of the iimcategory field if the 3 letter code is recognized, or as part {{msg-mw|exif-subjectnewscode-value}}', 08832 'exif-iimcategory-dis' => 'Displayed as part of the iimcategory field if the 3 letter code is recognized, or as part {{msg-mw|exif-subjectnewscode-value}}', 08833 'exif-iimcategory-fin' => 'Displayed as part of the iimcategory field if the 3 letter code is recognized, or as part {{msg-mw|exif-subjectnewscode-value}}', 08834 'exif-iimcategory-edu' => 'Displayed as part of the iimcategory field if the 3 letter code is recognized, or as part {{msg-mw|exif-subjectnewscode-value}}. 08835 {{Identical|Education}}', 08836 'exif-iimcategory-evn' => 'Displayed as part of the iimcategory field if the 3 letter code is recognized, or as part {{msg-mw|exif-subjectnewscode-value}}', 08837 'exif-iimcategory-hth' => 'Displayed as part of the iimcategory field if the 3 letter code is recognized, or as part {{msg-mw|exif-subjectnewscode-value}}', 08838 'exif-iimcategory-hum' => 'Displayed as part of the iimcategory field if the 3 letter code is recognized, or as part {{msg-mw|exif-subjectnewscode-value}}', 08839 'exif-iimcategory-lab' => 'Displayed as part of the iimcategory field if the 3 letter code is recognized, or as part {{msg-mw|exif-subjectnewscode-value}} 08840 08841 "Labor" here refers to all news on labor issues; employment; unemployment; work relations; labor disputes; strikes; legislation; unions; job related issues; government policy. (at least, according to Reuters.)', 08842 'exif-iimcategory-lif' => 'Displayed as part of the iimcategory field if the 3 letter code is recognized, or as part {{msg-mw|exif-subjectnewscode-value}}', 08843 'exif-iimcategory-pol' => 'Displayed as part of the iimcategory field if the 3 letter code is recognized, or as part {{msg-mw|exif-subjectnewscode-value}}', 08844 'exif-iimcategory-rel' => 'Displayed as part of the iimcategory field if the 3 letter code is recognized, or as part {{msg-mw|exif-subjectnewscode-value}}', 08845 'exif-iimcategory-sci' => 'Displayed as part of the iimcategory field if the 3 letter code is recognized, or as part {{msg-mw|exif-subjectnewscode-value}}', 08846 'exif-iimcategory-soi' => 'Displayed as part of the iimcategory field if the 3 letter code is recognized, or as part {{msg-mw|exif-subjectnewscode-value}}', 08847 'exif-iimcategory-spo' => 'Displayed as part of the iimcategory field if the 3 letter code is recognized, or as part {{msg-mw|exif-subjectnewscode-value}}. 08848 {{Identical|Sport}}', 08849 'exif-iimcategory-war' => 'Displayed as part of the iimcategory field if the 3 letter code is recognized, or as part {{msg-mw|exif-subjectnewscode-value}}', 08850 'exif-iimcategory-wea' => 'Displayed as part of the iimcategory field if the 3 letter code is recognized, or as part {{msg-mw|exif-subjectnewscode-value}}', 08851 08852 'exif-urgency-normal' => 'Parameters: 08853 * $1 - numeric priority (aka 5 for normal) 08854 {{Related|Exif-urgency}}', 08855 'exif-urgency-low' => 'Parameters: 08856 * $1 - numeric priority (6-8 for low) 08857 {{Related|Exif-urgency}}', 08858 'exif-urgency-high' => 'Parameters: 08859 * $1 - numeric priority (1-4 for high) 08860 {{Related|Exif-urgency}}', 08861 'exif-urgency-other' => 'Parameters: 08862 * $1 - numeric priority. Most specs define 0 and 9 to either be reserved or not allowed. However the exiftool documentation defines 0 to be reserved and 9 to be user-defined priority. 08863 {{Related|Exif-urgency}}', 08864 08865 # External editor support 08866 'edit-externally' => 'Displayed on image description pages. See for example [[:Image:Yes.png#filehistory]].', 08867 'edit-externally-help' => '{{doc-important|Please leave the link "<code></code>" exactly as it is.}} 08868 Displayed on image description pages. See for example [[:Image:Yes.png#filehistory]].', 08869 08870 # 'all' in various places, this might be different for inflected languages 08871 'watchlistall2' => 'Appears on [[Special:Watchlist]]. 08872 08873 Used as <code>$3</code> in the message {{msg-mw|Wlshowlast}}. 08874 {{Identical|All}}', 08875 'namespacesall' => 'In special page [[Special:WhatLinksHere]]. Drop-down box option for namespace. 08876 08877 {{Identical|All}}', 08878 'monthsall' => 'Used in a drop-down box on [[Special:Contributions]] as an option for "all months". See also {{msg-mw|Month}}. 08879 {{Identical|All}}', 08880 'limitall' => 'Used on [[Special:AllMessages]] (and potentially other TablePager based tables) to display "all" the messages. 08881 08882 {{Identical|All}}', 08883 08884 # Email address confirmation 08885 'confirmemail' => 'Title of [[Special:ConfirmEmail]] page.', 08886 'confirmemail_noemail' => 'Failure message on [[Special:ConfirmEmail]].', 08887 'confirmemail_text' => 'Explanation on [[Special:ConfirmEmail]]', 08888 'confirmemail_pending' => 'Message on [[Special:ConfirmEmail]] when confirmation of e-mail not yet complete.', 08889 'confirmemail_send' => 'Button label on [[Special:ConfirmEmail]]', 08890 'confirmemail_sent' => 'Message appearing after button {{msg-mw|Confirmemail send}} activated on [[Special:ConfirmEmail]].', 08891 'confirmemail_oncreate' => 'Used in [[Special:ConfirmEmail]]. 08892 08893 See also: 08894 * {{msg-mw|Confirmemail sendfailed}}', 08895 'confirmemail_sendfailed' => 'Failure message to do with [[Special:ConfirmEmail]]. Parameters: 08896 * $1 - message from the e-mail delivery system 08897 See also: 08898 * {{msg-mw|Confirmemail oncreate}}', 08899 'confirmemail_invalid' => 'Error message on [[Special:ConfirmEmail]] on error of confirmation.', 08900 'confirmemail_needlogin' => 'Used on [[Special:ConfirmEmail]] when you are logged out. 08901 * $1 is a link to [[Special:UserLogin]] with {{msg-mw|loginreqlink}} as link description', 08902 'confirmemail_success' => 'Explanation on [[Special:ConfirmEmail]] on completion of confirmation.', 08903 'confirmemail_loggedin' => 'Explanation on [[Special:ConfirmEmail]] on completion of confirmation.', 08904 'confirmemail_error' => 'Error message on [[Special:ConfirmEmail]]', 08905 'confirmemail_subject' => 'Subject of the e-mail sent to user during e-mail address confirmation 08906 {{Identical|SITENAME e-mail address confirmation}}', 08907 'confirmemail_body' => 'Body of the email sent to user when their account is created or they confirm their email address. 08908 08909 Parameters: 08910 * $1 - the IP address of the user that created or confirmed the email address 08911 * $2 - the name of the user 08912 * $3 - a URL to [[Special:ConfirmEmail]] 08913 * $4 - a time and date (duplicated by $6 and $7) 08914 * $5 - a URL to [[Special:InvalidateEmail]] 08915 * $6 - (Optional) a date 08916 * $7 - (Optional) a time 08917 {{Related|Confirmemail body}}', 08918 'confirmemail_body_changed' => 'This message is sent as an email to users when they add or change their email address in [[Special:Preferences]]. 08919 08920 Parameters: 08921 * $1 - the IP address of the user that changed the email address 08922 * $2 - the name of the user 08923 * $3 - a URL to [[Special:ConfirmEmail]] 08924 * $4 - a time and date (duplicated by $6 and $7) 08925 * $5 - a URL to [[Special:InvalidateEmail]] 08926 * $6 - (Optional) a date 08927 * $7 - (Optional) a time 08928 {{Related|Confirmemail body}}', 08929 'confirmemail_body_set' => 'This is used in a confirmation email sent when a contact email address is set. 08930 08931 See also [[MediaWiki:Confirmemail body changed]]. 08932 08933 Parameters: 08934 * $1 - the IP address of the user that set the email address 08935 * $2 - the name of the user 08936 * $3 - a URL to [[Special:ConfirmEmail]] 08937 * $4 - a time and date (duplicated by $6 and $7) 08938 * $5 - a URL to [[Special:InvalidateEmail]] 08939 * $6 - (Optional) a date 08940 * $7 - (Optional) a time 08941 {{Related|Confirmemail body}}', 08942 'confirmemail_invalidated' => 'This is the text of the special page [[Special:InvalidateEmail|InvalidateEmail]] (with the title in {{msg-mw|Invalidateemail}}) where user goes if he chooses the cancel e-mail confirmation link from the confirmation e-mail.', 08943 'invalidateemail' => "This is the '''name of the special page''' where user goes if he chooses the cancel e-mail confirmation link from the confirmation e-mail.", 08944 08945 # Scary transclusion 08946 'scarytranscludedisabled' => 'Shown when scary transclusion is disabled.', 08947 'scarytranscludefailed' => 'Shown when the HTTP request for the template failed. Identical to {{msg-mw|Scarytranscludefailed-httpstatus}}, but does not show the HTTP error which was received. This will not be parsed as wikitext and will appear as is. Parameters: 08948 * $1 - URL which points to interwiki template', 08949 'scarytranscludetoolong' => 'The URL was too long.', 08950 08951 # Delete conflict 08952 'deletedwhileediting' => 'Used as warning in the EditPage page.', 08953 'confirmrecreate' => 'Followed by the checkbox which has the label {{msg-mw|Recreate}}. 08954 08955 Parameters: 08956 * $1 - username 08957 * $2 - reason 08958 See also: 08959 * {{msg-mw|Confirmrecreate-noreason}}', 08960 'confirmrecreate-noreason' => 'Followed by the checkbox which has the label {{msg-mw|Recreate}}. 08961 08962 Parameters: 08963 * $1 - username 08964 * $2 - (Unused) reason 08965 See also: 08966 * {{msg-mw|Confirmrecreate}}', 08967 'recreate' => 'Used as link text. 08968 08969 See also: 08970 * {{msg-mw|Recreate}} 08971 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-recreate}}', 08972 08973 'unit-pixel' => '{{optional}} 08974 px is the abbreviation for "pixel".', 08975 08976 # action=purge 08977 'confirm_purge_button' => 'Used as Submit button text. 08978 {{Identical|OK}}', 08979 'confirm-purge-top' => 'Used as confirmation message.', 08980 'confirm-purge-bottom' => 'Additional description for Purge form.', 08981 08982 # action=watch/unwatch 08983 'confirm-watch-button' => 'Used as Submit button text. 08984 {{Identical|OK}}', 08985 'confirm-watch-top' => 'Used as confirmation message.', 08986 'confirm-unwatch-button' => 'Used as Submit button text. 08987 {{Identical|OK}}', 08988 'confirm-unwatch-top' => 'Used as confirmation message.', 08989 08990 # Separators for various lists, etc. 08991 'semicolon-separator' => '{{optional}}', 08992 'comma-separator' => '{{optional}}', 08993 'colon-separator' => "{{optional}} 08994 Change it only if your language uses another character for ':' or it needs an extra space before the colon.", 08995 'autocomment-prefix' => '{{optional}}', 08996 'pipe-separator' => '{{optional}}', 08997 'word-separator' => '{{optional}} 08998 This is a string which is (usually) put between words of the language. It is used, e.g. when messages are concatenated (appended to each other). Note that you must express a space as html entity &#32; because the editing and updating process strips leading and trailing spaces from messages. 08999 09000 Most languages use a space, but some Asian languages, such as Thai and Chinese, do not.', 09001 'ellipsis' => '{{optional}}', 09002 'percent' => '{{optional}}', 09003 'parentheses' => '{{optional}}', 09004 'brackets' => '{{Optional}}', 09005 09006 # Multipage image navigation 09007 'imgmultipageprev' => '{{Identical|Previous page}}', 09008 'imgmultipagenext' => '{{Identical|Next page}}', 09009 'imgmultigo' => 'Used as label for submit button. 09010 09011 See also: 09012 * {{msg-mw|Imgmultigoto}} 09013 {{Identical|Go}}', 09014 'imgmultigoto' => 'Used in the ImagePage page which has multiple pages. Parameters: 09015 * $1 - page number 09016 See also: 09017 * {{msg-mw|Imgmultigo|Submit button text}}', 09018 09019 # Table pager 09020 'ascending_abbrev' => 'Abbreviation of ascending order. 09021 See also: 09022 * {{msg-mw|Ascending abbrev}} 09023 * {{msg-mw|Descending abbrev}}', 09024 'descending_abbrev' => 'Abbreviation of descending order. 09025 See also: 09026 * {{msg-mw|Ascending abbrev}} 09027 * {{msg-mw|Descending abbrev}}', 09028 'table_pager_next' => 'Used as image button text of pager. See [[Support|example]] (the bottom of the page). 09029 {{Identical|Next page}}', 09030 'table_pager_prev' => 'Used as image button text of pager. See [[Support|example]] (the bottom of the page). 09031 {{Identical|Previous page}}', 09032 'table_pager_first' => 'Used as image button text of pager. See [[Support|example]] (the bottom of the page).', 09033 'table_pager_last' => 'Used as image button text of pager. See [[Support|example]] (the bottom of the page).', 09034 'table_pager_limit' => "Do not use PLURAL in this message, because ''$1'' is not the actual number. ''$1'' is a limit selector drop-down list.", 09035 'table_pager_limit_label' => 'Used as label for input field.', 09036 'table_pager_limit_submit' => '{{Identical|Go}}', 09037 'table_pager_empty' => 'Used in a table pager when there are no results (e.g. when there are no images in the table on [[Special:ImageList]]). 09038 {{Identical|No result}}', 09039 09040 # Auto-summaries 09041 'autosumm-blank' => 'The auto summary when blanking the whole page. This is not the same as deleting the page.', 09042 'autosumm-replace' => 'The auto summary when a user removes a lot of characters in the page. 09043 09044 Parameters: 09045 * $1 - truncated text', 09046 'autoredircomment' => 'The auto summary when making a redirect. Parameters: 09047 * $1 - the page where it redirects to 09048 * $2 - (Optional) the first X number of characters of the redirect ($2 is usually only used when end users customize the message)', 09049 'autosumm-new' => 'The auto summary when creating a new page. $1 are the first X number of characters of the new page.', 09050 09051 # Size units 09052 'size-bytes' => '{{optional}} 09053 Size (of a page, typically) in bytes.', 09054 'size-kilobytes' => '{{optional}} 09055 Size (of a page, typically) in kibibytes (1 kibibyte = 1024 bytes).', 09056 'size-megabytes' => '{{optional}} 09057 Size (of a file, typically) in mebibytes (1 mebibyte = 1024×1024 bytes).', 09058 'size-gigabytes' => '{{optional}} 09059 Size (of a file, typically) in gibibytes (1 gibibyte = 1024×1024×1024 bytes).', 09060 'size-terabytes' => '{{optional}} 09061 Size (of a file, typically) in tebibytes (1 tebibytes = 1024×1024×1024×1024 bytes).', 09062 'size-petabytes' => '{{optional}} 09063 Size (of a file, typically) in pebibytes (1 pebibytes = 1024×1024×1024×1024×1024 bytes).', 09064 'size-exabytes' => '{{optional}} 09065 Size (of a file, typically) in exbibytes (1 exbibytes = 1024×1024×1024×1024×1024×1024 bytes).', 09066 'size-zetabytes' => '{{optional}} 09067 Size (of a file, typically) in zebibytes (1 zebibytes = 1024×1024×1024×1024×1024×1024×1024 bytes).', 09068 'size-yottabytes' => '{{optional}} 09069 Size (of a file, typically) in yobibytes (1 yobibytes = 1024×1024×1024×1024×1024×1024×1024×1024 bytes).', 09070 09071 # Bitrate units 09072 'bitrate-bits' => '{{optional}} 09073 Bitrate (of a file, typically) in bits.', 09074 'bitrate-kilobits' => '{{optional}} 09075 Bitrate (of a file, typically) in kilobits (1 kilobit = 1000 bits).', 09076 'bitrate-megabits' => '{{optional}} 09077 Bitrate (of a file, typically) in megabits (1 megabits = 1000×1000 bits).', 09078 'bitrate-gigabits' => '{{optional}} 09079 Bitrate (of a file, typically) in gibibits (1 gigabits = 1000×1000×1000 bits).', 09080 'bitrate-terabits' => '{{optional}} 09081 Bitrate (of a file, typically) in terabits (1 terabits = 1000×1000×1000×1000 bits).', 09082 'bitrate-petabits' => '{{optional}} 09083 Bitrate (of a file, typically) in petabits (1 petabits = 1000×1000×1000×1000×1000 bits).', 09084 'bitrate-exabits' => '{{optional}} 09085 Bitrate (of a file, typically) in exabits (1 exabits = 1000×1000×1000×1000×1000×1000 bits).', 09086 'bitrate-zetabits' => '{{optional}} 09087 Bitrate (of a file, typically) in zetabits (1 zetabits = 1000×1000×1000×1000×1000×1000×1000 bits).', 09088 'bitrate-yottabits' => '{{optional}} 09089 Bitrate (of a file, typically) in yottabits (1 yottabits = 1000×1000×1000×1000×1000×1000×1000×1000 bits).', 09090 09091 # Live preview 09092 'livepreview-loading' => '{{Identical|Loading}}', 09093 'livepreview-ready' => 'See also: 09094 * {{msg-mw|Livepreview-loading}} 09095 * {{msg-mw|Livepreview-failed}} 09096 * {{msg-mw|Livepreview-error}}', 09097 'livepreview-failed' => 'Used as error message. 09098 09099 See also: 09100 * {{msg-mw|Livepreview-failed}} 09101 * {{msg-mw|Livepreview-error}}', 09102 'livepreview-error' => 'Used as error message. Parameters: 09103 * $1 - ... 09104 * $2 - ... 09105 See also: 09106 * {{msg-mw|Livepreview-failed}} 09107 * {{msg-mw|Livepreview-error}}', 09108 09109 # Friendlier slave lag warnings 09110 'lag-warn-normal' => 'Used as warning about slave lag. Parameters: 09111 * $1 - number of seconds 09112 See also: 09113 * {{msg-mw|Lag-warn-high}}', 09114 'lag-warn-high' => 'Used as warning about slave lag. Parameters: 09115 * $1 - number of seconds 09116 See also: 09117 * {{msg-mw|Lag-warn-normal}}', 09118 09119 # Watchlist editor 09120 'watchlistedit-numitems' => 'Message on [[Special:EditWatchlist]]. This is paired with the message {{Msg-mw|Watchlistedit-noitems}} which appears instead of this message when $1 is 0.', 09121 'watchlistedit-noitems' => "Message on [[Special:EditWatchlist]], which only appears when a user's watchlist is empty.", 09122 'watchlistedit-normal-title' => 'Title of [[Special:Watchlist/edit|special page]].', 09123 'watchlistedit-normal-legend' => 'Heading of dialogue box on [[Special:Watchlist/edit]]', 09124 'watchlistedit-normal-explain' => 'An introduction/explanation about the [[Special:Watchlist/edit|normal edit watchlist function]]. 09125 09126 Refers to {{msg-mw|Watchlistedit-normal-submit}}.', 09127 'watchlistedit-normal-submit' => 'Text of submit button on [[Special:Watchlist/edit]]. 09128 09129 See also: 09130 * {{msg-mw|Watchlistedit-normal-submit}} 09131 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-watchlistedit-normal-submit}} 09132 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-watchlistedit-normal-submit}}', 09133 'watchlistedit-normal-done' => 'Message on [[Special:EditWatchlist]] after pages are removed from the watchlist. 09134 09135 Followed by list of page titles which are removed. 09136 09137 Parameters: 09138 * $1 - number of page titles which are removed 09139 See also: 09140 * {{msg-mw|Watchlistedit-raw-added}} 09141 * {{msg-mw|Watchlistedit-raw-removed}}', 09142 'watchlistedit-raw-title' => 'Title of [[Special:Watchlist/raw|Special page]]. 09143 09144 {{Identical|Edit raw watchlist}}', 09145 'watchlistedit-raw-legend' => 'Heading of dialogue box on [[Special:Watchlist/raw]]. 09146 09147 {{Identical|Edit raw watchlist}}', 09148 'watchlistedit-raw-explain' => '{{doc-important|Do not translate <code><nowiki>{{int:Watchlistedit-raw-submit}}</nowiki></code> and <code>Special:EditWatchlist</code>.}} 09149 An introduction/explanation about the [[Special:Watchlist/raw|raw edit watchlist function]]. 09150 09151 Refers to {{msg-mw|Watchlistedit-raw-submit}}.', 09152 'watchlistedit-raw-titles' => 'Text above edit box containing items being watched on [[Special:Watchlist/raw]]. 09153 {{Identical|Title}}', 09154 'watchlistedit-raw-submit' => 'Text of submit button on [[Special:Watchlist/raw]]. 09155 09156 See also: 09157 * {{msg-mw|Watchlistedit-raw-submit}} 09158 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-watchlistedit-raw-submit}} 09159 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-watchlistedit-raw-submit}}', 09160 'watchlistedit-raw-done' => 'A message which appears after the raw watchlist has been updated using [[Special:Watchlist/raw]].', 09161 'watchlistedit-raw-added' => 'Message on [[Special:EditWatchlist/raw]]. 09162 09163 The message appears after at least 1 message is added to the raw watchlist. 09164 09165 Followed by list of page titles which are added. 09166 09167 Parameters: 09168 * $1 - number of page titles which are added 09169 See also: 09170 * {{msg-mw|Watchlistedit-normal-done}} 09171 * {{msg-mw|Watchlistedit-raw-removed}}', 09172 'watchlistedit-raw-removed' => 'Message on [[Special:EditWatchlist/raw]]. 09173 09174 The message appears after at least 1 message is deleted from the raw watchlist. 09175 09176 Followed by list of page titles which are removed. 09177 09178 Parameters: 09179 * $1 - number of page titles which are removed 09180 See also: 09181 * {{msg-mw|Watchlistedit-normal-done}} 09182 * {{msg-mw|Watchlistedit-raw-added}}', 09183 09184 # Watchlist editing tools 09185 'watchlisttools-view' => '[[Special:Watchlist]]: Navigation link under the title. 09186 09187 See also: 09188 * {{msg-mw|watchlisttools-edit}} 09189 * {{msg-mw|watchlisttools-raw}}', 09190 'watchlisttools-edit' => '[[Special:Watchlist]]: Navigation link under the title. 09191 09192 See also: 09193 * {{msg-mw|Watchlisttools-view}} 09194 * {{msg-mw|Watchlisttools-raw}}', 09195 'watchlisttools-raw' => '[[Special:Watchlist]]: Navigation link under the title. 09196 09197 See also: 09198 * {{msg-mw|watchlisttools-view}} 09199 * {{msg-mw|watchlisttools-edit}} 09200 {{Identical|Edit raw watchlist}}', 09201 09202 # Iranian month names 09203 'iranian-calendar-m1' => '{{optional}} 09204 Name of month in Iranian calendar.', 09205 'iranian-calendar-m2' => '{{optional}} 09206 Name of month in Iranian calendar.', 09207 'iranian-calendar-m3' => '{{optional}} 09208 Name of month in Iranian calendar.', 09209 'iranian-calendar-m4' => '{{optional}} 09210 Name of month in Iranian calendar.', 09211 'iranian-calendar-m5' => '{{optional}} 09212 Name of month in Iranian calendar.', 09213 'iranian-calendar-m6' => '{{optional}} 09214 Name of month in Iranian calendar.', 09215 'iranian-calendar-m7' => '{{optional}} 09216 Name of month in Iranian calendar.', 09217 'iranian-calendar-m8' => '{{optional}} 09218 Name of month in Iranian calendar.', 09219 'iranian-calendar-m9' => '{{optional}} 09220 Name of month in Iranian calendar.', 09221 'iranian-calendar-m10' => '{{optional}} 09222 Name of month in Iranian calendar.', 09223 'iranian-calendar-m11' => '{{optional}} 09224 Name of month in Iranian calendar.', 09225 'iranian-calendar-m12' => '{{optional}} 09226 Name of month in Iranian calendar.', 09227 09228 # Hijri month names 09229 'hijri-calendar-m1' => '{{optional}} 09230 Name of month in Islamic calendar.', 09231 'hijri-calendar-m2' => '{{optional}} 09232 Name of month in Islamic calendar.', 09233 'hijri-calendar-m3' => '{{optional}} 09234 Name of month in Islamic calendar.', 09235 'hijri-calendar-m4' => '{{optional}} 09236 Name of month in Islamic calendar.', 09237 'hijri-calendar-m5' => '{{optional}} 09238 Name of month in Islamic calendar.', 09239 'hijri-calendar-m6' => '{{optional}} 09240 Name of month in Islamic calendar.', 09241 'hijri-calendar-m7' => '{{optional}} 09242 Name of month in Islamic calendar.', 09243 'hijri-calendar-m8' => '{{optional}} 09244 Name of month in Islamic calendar.', 09245 'hijri-calendar-m9' => '{{optional}} 09246 Name of month in Islamic calendar.', 09247 'hijri-calendar-m10' => '{{optional}} 09248 Name of month in Islamic calendar.', 09249 'hijri-calendar-m11' => '{{optional}} 09250 Name of month in Islamic calendar.', 09251 'hijri-calendar-m12' => '{{optional}} 09252 Name of month in Islamic calendar.', 09253 09254 # Hebrew month names 09255 'hebrew-calendar-m1' => '{{optional}} 09256 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09257 'hebrew-calendar-m2' => '{{optional}} 09258 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09259 'hebrew-calendar-m3' => '{{optional}} 09260 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09261 'hebrew-calendar-m4' => '{{optional}} 09262 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09263 'hebrew-calendar-m5' => '{{optional}} 09264 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09265 'hebrew-calendar-m6' => '{{optional}} 09266 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09267 'hebrew-calendar-m6a' => '{{optional}} 09268 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09269 'hebrew-calendar-m6b' => '{{optional}} 09270 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09271 'hebrew-calendar-m7' => '{{optional}} 09272 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09273 'hebrew-calendar-m8' => '{{optional}} 09274 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09275 'hebrew-calendar-m9' => '{{optional}} 09276 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09277 'hebrew-calendar-m10' => '{{optional}} 09278 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09279 'hebrew-calendar-m11' => '{{optional}} 09280 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09281 'hebrew-calendar-m12' => '{{optional}} 09282 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09283 'hebrew-calendar-m1-gen' => '{{optional}} 09284 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09285 'hebrew-calendar-m2-gen' => '{{optional}} 09286 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09287 'hebrew-calendar-m3-gen' => '{{optional}} 09288 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09289 'hebrew-calendar-m4-gen' => '{{optional}} 09290 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09291 'hebrew-calendar-m5-gen' => '{{optional}} 09292 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09293 'hebrew-calendar-m6-gen' => '{{optional}} 09294 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09295 'hebrew-calendar-m6a-gen' => '{{optional}} 09296 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09297 'hebrew-calendar-m6b-gen' => '{{optional}} 09298 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09299 'hebrew-calendar-m7-gen' => '{{optional}} 09300 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09301 'hebrew-calendar-m8-gen' => '{{optional}} 09302 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09303 'hebrew-calendar-m9-gen' => '{{optional}} 09304 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09305 'hebrew-calendar-m10-gen' => '{{optional}} 09306 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09307 'hebrew-calendar-m11-gen' => '{{optional}} 09308 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09309 'hebrew-calendar-m12-gen' => '{{optional}} 09310 Name of month in Hebrew calendar.', 09311 09312 # Signatures 09313 'signature' => "This will be substituted in the signature (~<nowiki></nowiki>~~ or ~~<nowiki></nowiki>~~ excluding timestamp). 09314 09315 Parameters: 09316 * $1 - the username that is currently login 09317 * $2 - the customized signature which is specified in [[Special:Preferences|user's preferences]] as non-raw 09318 Use your language default parentheses ({{msg-mw|parentheses}}), but not use the message direct. 09319 09320 See also: 09321 * {{msg-mw|Signature-anon}} - signature for anonymous user", 09322 'timezone-utc' => '{{optional}}', 09323 09324 # Core parser functions 09325 'unknown_extension_tag' => 'This is an error shown when you use an unknown extension tag name. 09326 09327 This feature allows tags like <code><nowiki><pre></nowiki></code> to be called with a parser like <code><nowiki>{{#tag:pre}}</nowiki></code>. 09328 09329 Parameters: 09330 * $1 - the unknown extension tag name', 09331 'duplicate-defaultsort' => 'See definition of [[w:Sorting|sort key]] on Wikipedia. Parameters: 09332 * $1 - old default sort key 09333 * $2 - new default sort key', 09334 09335 # Special:Version 09336 'version' => '{{doc-special|Version}} 09337 {{Identical|Version}}', 09338 'version-extensions' => 'Header on [[Special:Version]].', 09339 'version-specialpages' => 'Part of [[Special:Version]]. 09340 {{Identical|Special page}}', 09341 'version-parserhooks' => 'This message is a heading at [[Special:Version]] for extensions that modifies the parser of wikitext.', 09342 'version-variables' => '{{Identical|Variable}}', 09343 'version-antispam' => 'Part of [[Special:Version]]. 09344 This message is followed by the list of SPAM prevention extensions.', 09345 'version-skins' => '{{Identical|Skin}}', 09346 'version-api' => '{{optional}}', 09347 'version-other' => '{{Identical|Other}}', 09348 'version-mediahandlers' => 'Used in [[Special:Version]]. It is the title of a section for media handler extensions (e.g. [[mw:Extension:OggHandler]]). 09349 There are no such extensions here, so look at [[wikipedia:Special:Version]] for an example.', 09350 'version-hooks' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]', 09351 'version-extension-functions' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]', 09352 'version-parser-extensiontags' => 'Part of [[Special:Version]]. 09353 This message is followed by the list of parser extension tags like <code><nowiki><charinsert></nowiki></code>, <code><nowiki><coordinates></nowiki></code>, etc.', 09354 'version-parser-function-hooks' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]', 09355 'version-hook-name' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]', 09356 'version-hook-subscribedby' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]', 09357 'version-version' => 'Used in [[Special:Version]]. 09358 09359 Preceded by the MediaWiki extension name. 09360 09361 Parameters: 09362 * $1 - version number of the extension 09363 {{Identical|Version}}', 09364 'version-svn-revision' => '{{Identical|Revision}}{{optional}} 09365 Used in [[Special:Version]], preceeding the Subversion revision numbers of the extensions loaded inside brackets, like this: "({{int:version-revision}} r012345"). Parameters: 09366 * $1 - (Unused) directory revision number or empty string 09367 * $2 - checkout revision number', 09368 'version-license' => '{{Identical|License}}', 09369 'version-poweredby-credits' => 'Message shown on [[Special:Version]]. Parameters: 09370 * $1 - the current year 09371 * $2 - a list of selected MediaWiki authors', 09372 'version-poweredby-others' => "Used at the end of {{msg-mw|version-poweredby-credits}} on [[Special:Version]]. First, there's a long list of selected MediaWiki authors, then a comma and then this translation, which is supposed to credit the many other people than developer helping with MediaWiki.", 09373 'version-license-info' => '[[wikipedia:GNU GPL|GNU GPL]] notice shown at [[Special:Version]]. See // for available translations.', 09374 'version-software' => 'Message shown on [[Special:Version]]. 09375 This message is followed by the list of installed software (MediaWiki, PHP and MySQL).', 09376 'version-software-product' => 'Shown in [[Special:Version]]. 09377 {{Identical|Product}}', 09378 'version-software-version' => '{{Identical|Version}}', 09379 'version-entrypoints' => 'Header on [[Special:Version]] above a table that lists the URLs of various entry points in this MediaWiki installation. Entry points are the "places" where the wiki\'s content and information can be accessed in various ways, for instance the standard index.php which shows normal pages, histories etc.', 09380 'version-entrypoints-header-entrypoint' => 'Header for the first column in the entry points table on [[Special:Version]]. 09381 See also {{msg-mw|Version-entrypoints}}', 09382 'version-entrypoints-header-url' => 'Header for the second column in the entry points table on [[Special:Version]]. 09383 {{Identical|URL}}', 09384 'version-entrypoints-articlepath' => '{{Optional}} 09385 A short description of the article path entry point. Links to the documentation page for $wgArticlePath.', 09386 'version-entrypoints-scriptpath' => '{{Optional}} 09387 A short description of the script path entry point. Links to the documentation page for $wgScriptPath.', 09388 09389 # Special:FilePath 09390 'filepath' => 'Legend of fieldset around input box in [[Special:FilePath]].', 09391 'filepath-page' => 'Shown next to input box in [[Special:FilePath]] 09392 09393 {{Identical|File}}', 09394 'filepath-submit' => 'Button label in [[Special:FilePath]]. 09395 {{Identical|Go}}', 09396 'filepath-summary' => 'Shown in [[Special:FilePath]]', 09397 09398 # Special:FileDuplicateSearch 09399 'fileduplicatesearch' => 'Name of special page [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]].', 09400 'fileduplicatesearch-summary' => 'Summary of [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]]', 09401 'fileduplicatesearch-legend' => 'Legend of the fieldset around the input form of [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]]', 09402 'fileduplicatesearch-filename' => 'Input form of [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]]: 09403 09404 {{Identical|Filename}}', 09405 'fileduplicatesearch-submit' => 'Button label on [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]]. 09406 09407 {{Identical|Search}}', 09408 'fileduplicatesearch-info' => 'Information beneath the thumbnail on the right side shown after a successful search via [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]]. 09409 09410 Parameters: 09411 * $1 - width of the file 09412 * $2 - height of the file 09413 * $3 - File size 09414 * $4 - MIME type', 09415 'fileduplicatesearch-result-1' => 'Result line after the list of files of [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]]. 09416 09417 Parameters: 09418 * $1 - the name of the requested file', 09419 'fileduplicatesearch-result-n' => 'Result line after the list of files of [[Special:FileDuplicateSearch]] 09420 09421 * $1 is the name of the requested file. 09422 * $2 is the number of identical duplicates of the requested file', 09423 'fileduplicatesearch-noresults' => 'Parameters: 09424 * $1 - file name', 09425 09426 # Special:SpecialPages 09427 'specialpages' => '{{doc-special|SpecialPages|unlisted=1}} 09428 Display name of link to [[Special:SpecialPages]] shown on all pages in the toolbox. 09429 09430 See also: 09431 * {{msg-mw|Specialpages}} 09432 * {{msg-mw|Accesskey-t-specialpages}} 09433 * {{msg-mw|Tooltip-t-specialpages}} 09434 {{Identical|Special page}}', 09435 'specialpages-note' => 'Footer note for the [[Special:SpecialPages]] page', 09436 'specialpages-group-maintenance' => '{{doc-special-group|like=[[Special:DoubleRedirects]], [[Special:LonelyPages]] and [[Special:WantedPages]]}}', 09437 'specialpages-group-other' => '{{doc-special-group|like=[[Special:AdminLinks]] and [[Special:BookSources]]}}', 09438 'specialpages-group-login' => '{{doc-special-group|like=[[Special:UserLogin]]}}', 09439 'specialpages-group-changes' => '{{doc-special-group|like=[[Special:Log]], [[Special:NewPages]] and [[Special:RecentChanges]]}}', 09440 'specialpages-group-media' => '{{doc-special-group|like=[[Special:FilePath]], [[Special:MIMESearch]] and [[Special:Upload]]}}', 09441 'specialpages-group-users' => '{{doc-special-group|like=[[Special:ActiveUsers]], [[Special:Contributions]] and [[Special:ListGroupRights]]}}', 09442 'specialpages-group-highuse' => '{{doc-special-group|like=[[Special:MostCategories]], [[Special:MostLinked]] and [[Special:MostRevisions]]}}', 09443 'specialpages-group-pages' => '{{doc-special-group|like=[[Special:AllPages]], [[Special:PrefixIndex]], [[Special:Categories]], 09444 [[Special:Disambiguations]], etc}}', 09445 'specialpages-group-pagetools' => '{{doc-special-group|like=[[Special:MovePage]], [[Special:Undelete]], [[Special:WhatLinksHere]], [[Special:Export]] etc}}', 09446 'specialpages-group-wiki' => '{{doc-special-group|like=[[Special:Version]], [[Special:Statistics]], [[Special:LockDB]], etc}}', 09447 'specialpages-group-redirects' => '{{doc-special-group|that=redirect to another location|like=[[Special:Randompage]], [[Special:Mypage]], [[Special:Mytalk]], etc}}', 09448 'specialpages-group-spam' => '{{doc-special-group}}', 09449 09450 # Special:BlankPage 09451 'blankpage' => '{{doc-special|BlankPage|unlisted=1}} 09452 See also: 09453 * {{msg-mw|Intentionallyblankpage|text}}', 09454 'intentionallyblankpage' => 'Text displayed in [[Special:BlankPage]]. 09455 09456 See also: 09457 * {{msg-mw|Intentionallyblankpage|page title}}', 09458 09459 # External image whitelist 09460 'external_image_whitelist' => "As usual please leave all the wiki markup, including the spaces, as they are. You can translate the text, including 'Leave this line exactly as it is'. The first line of this messages has one (1) leading space. 09461 09462 See definition of [[w:Regular_expression|regular expression]] on Wikipedia.", 09463 09464 # Special:Tags 09465 'tags' => "Shown on [[Special:Specialpages]] for page listing the tags that the software may mark an edit with, and their meaning. For more information on tags see [[mw:Manual:Tags|MediaWiki]]. 09466 09467 It appears that the word 'valid' describes 'tags', not 'change'. It also appears that you could use the term 'defined' instead of 'valid', or perhaps use a phrase meaning 'Change tags in use'.", 09468 'tag-filter' => 'Caption of a filter shown on lists of changes (e.g. [[Special:Log]], [[Special:Contributions]], [[Special:Newpages]], [[Special:Recentchanges]], [[Special:Recentchangeslinked]], page histories)', 09469 'tag-filter-submit' => 'Caption of the submit button displayed next to the tag filter on lists of changes (e.g. [[Special:Log]], [[Special:Contributions]], [[Special:Newpages]], [[Special:Recentchanges]], [[Special:Recentchangeslinked]], page histories) 09470 09471 {{Identical|Filter}}', 09472 'tags-title' => 'The title of [[Special:Tags]]. 09473 {{Identical|Tag}}', 09474 'tags-intro' => 'Explanation on top of [[Special:Tags]]. For more information on tags see [[mw:Manual:Tags|MediaWiki]].', 09475 'tags-tag' => 'Caption of a column in [[Special:Tags]]. For more information on tags see [[mw:Manual:Tags|MediaWiki]].', 09476 'tags-display-header' => 'Caption of a column in [[Special:Tags]]. For more information on tags see [[mw:Manual:Tags|MediaWiki]].', 09477 'tags-description-header' => 'Caption of a column in [[Special:Tags]]. For more information on tags see [[mw:Manual:Tags|MediaWiki]].', 09478 'tags-hitcount-header' => 'Caption of a column in [[Special:Tags]]. For more information on tags see [[mw:Manual:Tags|MediaWiki]].', 09479 'tags-edit' => 'Used on [[Special:Tags]]. Verb. Used as display text on a link to create/edit a description. 09480 {{Identical|Edit}}', 09481 'tags-hitcount' => 'Shown in the "{{msg-mw|Tags-hitcount-header}}" column in [[Special:Tags]]. For more information on tags see [[mw:Manual:Tags|MediaWiki]]. 09482 09483 Parameters: 09484 * $1 - the number of changes marked with the tag', 09485 09486 # Special:ComparePages 09487 'comparepages' => 'The title of [[Special:ComparePages]]', 09488 'compare-selector' => 'Header of the form on [[Special:ComparePages]]', 09489 'compare-page1' => 'Label for the field of the 1st page in the comparison for [[Special:ComparePages]] 09490 {{Identical|Page}}', 09491 'compare-page2' => 'Label for the field of the 2nd page in the comparison for [[Special:ComparePages]] 09492 {{Identical|Page}}', 09493 'compare-rev1' => 'Label for the field of the 1st revision in the comparison for [[Special:ComparePages]] 09494 {{Identical|Revision}}', 09495 'compare-rev2' => 'Label for the field of the 2nd revision in the comparison for [[Special:ComparePages]] 09496 {{Identical|Revision}}', 09497 'compare-submit' => 'Submit button on [[Special:ComparePages]]', 09498 'compare-invalid-title' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:ComparePages]].', 09499 'compare-title-not-exists' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:ComparePages]].', 09500 'compare-revision-not-exists' => 'Used as error message in [[Special:ComparePages]].', 09501 09502 # Database error messages 09503 'dberr-header' => 'This message does not allow any wiki nor html markup.', 09504 'dberr-problems' => 'This message does not allow any wiki nor html markup.', 09505 'dberr-again' => 'This message does not allow any wiki nor html markup.', 09506 'dberr-info' => 'This message does not allow any wiki nor html markup. Parameters: 09507 * $1 - database server name 09508 See also: 09509 * {{msg-mw|Dberr-info-hidden}} - hides database server name', 09510 'dberr-usegoogle' => 'This message does not allow any wiki nor html markup.', 09511 'dberr-outofdate' => "{{doc-singularthey}} 09512 In this sentence, '''their''' indexes refers to '''Google's''' indexes. This message does not allow any wiki nor html markup.", 09513 'dberr-cachederror' => 'Used as error message at the bottom of the page.', 09514 09515 # HTML forms 09516 'htmlform-invalid-input' => 'Used as error message in HTML forms. 09517 09518 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-required}} 09519 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-float-invalid}} 09520 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-int-invalid}} 09521 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-int-toolow}} 09522 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-int-toohigh}} 09523 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-select-badoption}}', 09524 'htmlform-select-badoption' => 'Used as error message in HTML forms. 09525 09526 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-invalid-input}} 09527 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-required}} 09528 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-float-invalid}} 09529 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-int-invalid}} 09530 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-int-toolow}} 09531 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-int-toohigh}}', 09532 'htmlform-int-invalid' => 'Used as error message in HTML forms. 09533 09534 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-invalid-input}} 09535 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-required}} 09536 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-float-invalid}} 09537 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-int-toolow}} 09538 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-int-toohigh}} 09539 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-select-badoption}}', 09540 'htmlform-float-invalid' => 'Used as error message in HTML forms. 09541 09542 "number" stands for "float" (integer and decimal fraction). 09543 09544 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-invalid-input}} 09545 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-required}} 09546 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-int-invalid}} 09547 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-int-toolow}} 09548 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-int-toohigh}} 09549 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-select-badoption}}', 09550 'htmlform-int-toolow' => 'Used as error message in HTML forms. Parameters: 09551 * $1 - minimum value 09552 See also: 09553 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-invalid-input}} 09554 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-required}} 09555 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-float-invalid}} 09556 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-int-invalid}} 09557 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-int-toohigh}} 09558 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-select-badoption}}', 09559 'htmlform-int-toohigh' => 'Used as error message in HTML forms. Parameters: 09560 * $1 - maximum value 09561 See also: 09562 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-invalid-input}} 09563 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-required}} 09564 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-float-invalid}} 09565 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-int-invalid}} 09566 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-int-toolow}} 09567 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-select-badoption}}', 09568 'htmlform-required' => 'Used as error message in HTML forms. 09569 09570 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-invalid-input}} 09571 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-float-invalid}} 09572 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-int-invalid}} 09573 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-int-toolow}} 09574 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-int-toohigh}} 09575 * {{msg-mw|Htmlform-select-badoption}}', 09576 'htmlform-submit' => '{{Identical|Submit}}', 09577 'htmlform-reset' => '{{Identical|Undo}}', 09578 'htmlform-selectorother-other' => 'Used in drop-down boxes in [[Special:Preferences]] as follows: 09579 * selection of timezone (date and time tab) 09580 * stub threshold (appearance tab) 09581 09582 {{Identical|Other}}', 09583 09584 # SQLite database support 09585 'sqlite-has-fts' => 'Shown on [[Special:Version]]. 09586 Parameters: 09587 * $1 - version', 09588 'sqlite-no-fts' => 'Shown on [[Special:Version]]. 09589 Parameters: 09590 * $1 - version', 09591 09592 # New logging system 09593 'logentry-delete-delete' => '{{Logentry}}', 09594 'logentry-delete-restore' => '{{Logentry}}', 09595 'logentry-delete-event' => '{{Logentry}} 09596 {{Logentryparam}} 09597 * $3 is the name of the log page inside parenthesis', 09598 'logentry-delete-revision' => '{{Logentry}} 09599 {{Logentryparam}} 09600 * $5 is the number of affected revisions of the page $3.', 09601 'logentry-delete-event-legacy' => '{{Logentry}} 09602 $3 is the name of the log page inside parenthesis', 09603 'logentry-delete-revision-legacy' => '{{Logentry}}', 09604 'logentry-suppress-delete' => "{{Logentry}} 09605 09606 'Hid' is a possible alternative to 'suppressed' in this message.", 09607 'logentry-suppress-event' => '{{Logentry}} 09608 {{Logentryparam}} 09609 $3 is the name of the log page inside parenthesis', 09610 'logentry-suppress-revision' => '{{Logentry}} 09611 {{Logentryparam}} 09612 * $5 is the number of affected revisions of the page $3.', 09613 'logentry-suppress-event-legacy' => '{{Logentry}} 09614 $3 is the name of the log page inside parenthesis', 09615 'logentry-suppress-revision-legacy' => '{{Logentry}}', 09616 'revdelete-content-hid' => 'Used on 09617 * {{msg-mw|logentry-delete-event}} 09618 * {{msg-mw|logentry-delete-revision}} 09619 * {{msg-mw|logentry-suppress-event}} 09620 * {{msg-mw|logentry-suppress-event}}', 09621 'revdelete-summary-hid' => 'Used on 09622 * {{msg-mw|logentry-delete-event}} 09623 * {{msg-mw|logentry-delete-revision}} 09624 * {{msg-mw|logentry-suppress-event}} 09625 * {{msg-mw|logentry-suppress-event}}', 09626 'revdelete-uname-hid' => 'Used on 09627 * {{msg-mw|logentry-delete-event}} 09628 * {{msg-mw|logentry-delete-revision}} 09629 * {{msg-mw|logentry-suppress-event}} 09630 * {{msg-mw|logentry-suppress-event}}', 09631 'revdelete-content-unhid' => 'Used on 09632 * {{msg-mw|logentry-delete-event}} 09633 * {{msg-mw|logentry-delete-revision}} 09634 * {{msg-mw|logentry-suppress-event}} 09635 * {{msg-mw|logentry-suppress-event}}', 09636 'revdelete-summary-unhid' => 'Used on 09637 * {{msg-mw|logentry-delete-event}} 09638 * {{msg-mw|logentry-delete-revision}} 09639 * {{msg-mw|logentry-suppress-event}} 09640 * {{msg-mw|logentry-suppress-event}}', 09641 'revdelete-uname-unhid' => 'Used on 09642 * {{msg-mw|logentry-delete-event}} 09643 * {{msg-mw|logentry-delete-revision}} 09644 * {{msg-mw|logentry-suppress-event}} 09645 * {{msg-mw|logentry-suppress-event}}', 09646 'revdelete-restricted' => 'Used as <code>$4</code> in the following messages when setting visibility restrictions for administrators: 09647 * {{msg-mw|Logentry-delete-event}} 09648 * {{msg-mw|Logentry-delete-revision}} 09649 * {{msg-mw|Logentry-suppress-event}} 09650 * {{msg-mw|Logentry-suppress-event}}', 09651 'revdelete-unrestricted' => 'Used as <code>$4</code> in the following messages when setting visibility restrictions for administrators: 09652 * {{msg-mw|Logentry-delete-event}} 09653 * {{msg-mw|Logentry-delete-revision}} 09654 * {{msg-mw|Logentry-suppress-event}} 09655 * {{msg-mw|Logentry-suppress-event}}', 09656 'logentry-move-move' => '{{Logentry}} 09657 Parameter $4, the target page, is also not visible to parser functions.', 09658 'logentry-move-move-noredirect' => '{{Logentry}} 09659 Parameter $4, the target page, is also not visible to parser functions.', 09660 'logentry-move-move_redir' => '{{Logentry}} 09661 Parameter $4, the target page, is also not visible to parser functions.', 09662 'logentry-move-move_redir-noredirect' => '{{Logentry}} 09663 Parameter $4, the target page, is also not visible to parser functions.', 09664 'logentry-patrol-patrol' => '{{Logentry}} 09665 * $4 is a formatted revision number, maybe linked to the diff.', 09666 'logentry-patrol-patrol-auto' => '{{Logentry}} 09667 * $4 is a formatted revision number, maybe linked to the diff. 09668 "Automatically" refers to users with autopatrol right who mark revisions automatically patrolled when editing.', 09669 'logentry-newusers-newusers' => 'Parameters: 09670 * $1 - user name', 09671 'logentry-newusers-create' => '{{Logentry}} 09672 09673 $4 is the gender of the target user.', 09674 'logentry-newusers-create2' => '{{Logentry}} 09675 09676 $4 is the name of the user that was created.', 09677 'logentry-newusers-autocreate' => '{{Logentry}} 09678 09679 $4 is the gender of the target user.', 09680 'newuserlog-byemail' => 'Used as reason in [[Special:Log/newusers]].', 09681 09682 # Feedback 09683 'feedback-bugornote' => 'When feedback dialog box is opened, this introductory message in small print explains the options to report a bug or add simple feedback. 09684 09685 We expect that people in a hurry will not read this. 09686 09687 Parameters: 09688 * $1 - Bug note URL 09689 * $2 - "Feedback" 09690 * $3 - Feedback page URL', 09691 'feedback-subject' => 'Label for a text input 09692 {{Identical|Subject}}', 09693 'feedback-message' => 'Label for a textarea; signature referrs to a Wikitext signature. 09694 {{Identical|Message}}', 09695 'feedback-cancel' => 'Button label 09696 {{Identical|Cancel}}', 09697 'feedback-submit' => 'Button label 09698 {{Identical|Submit}}', 09699 'feedback-adding' => 'Progress notice', 09700 'feedback-error1' => 'Error message, appears when an unknown error occurs submitting feedback', 09701 'feedback-error2' => 'Error message, appears when we could not add feedback', 09702 'feedback-error3' => 'Error message, appears when we lose our connection to the wiki', 09703 'feedback-thanks' => 'Thanks message, appears if feedback was successful. Parameters: 09704 * $1 - "Feedback" 09705 * $2 - Feedback page URL', 09706 'feedback-close' => 'Button label 09707 {{Identical|Done}}', 09708 'feedback-bugcheck' => 'Message that appears before the user submits a bug, reminding them to check for known bugs. 09709 09710 Parameters: 09711 * $1 - bug list page URL', 09712 'feedback-bugnew' => 'Button label - asserts that the user has checked for existing bugs. When clicked will launch a bugzilla form to add a new bug in a new tab or window', 09713 09714 # Search suggestions 09715 'searchsuggest-search' => 'Greyed out default text in the simple search box in the Vector skin. (It disappears and lets the user enter the requested search terms when the search box receives focus.) 09716 09717 {{Identical|Search}}', 09718 'searchsuggest-containing' => 'Label used in the special item of the search suggestions list which gives the user an option to perform a full text search for the term.', 09719 09720 # API errors 09721 'api-error-badaccess-groups' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09722 'api-error-badtoken' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09723 'api-error-copyuploaddisabled' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09724 'api-error-duplicate' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors. Parameters: 09725 * $1 - a number of files 09726 * $2 - a link to a list of duplicate files', 09727 'api-error-duplicate-archive' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors. Parameters: 09728 * $1 - a number of files 09729 * $2 - a link to a list of duplicate files', 09730 'api-error-duplicate-archive-popup-title' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors. Parameters: 09731 * $1 is a number of files.', 09732 'api-error-duplicate-popup-title' => 'This message is a pop-up title shown in case one or more files exactly equal to the one just uploaded are already present. 09733 09734 The word "duplicate" is an adjective. 09735 09736 Parameters: 09737 * $1 - number of files', 09738 'api-error-empty-file' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09739 'api-error-emptypage' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09740 'api-error-fetchfileerror' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09741 'api-error-fileexists-forbidden' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors. 09742 09743 Parameters: 09744 * $1 - filename 09745 See also: 09746 * {{msg-mw|Api-error-fileexists-shared-forbidden}}', 09747 'api-error-fileexists-shared-forbidden' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors. 09748 09749 Parameters: 09750 * $1 - filename 09751 See also: 09752 * {{msg-mw|Api-error-fileexists-forbidden}}', 09753 'api-error-file-too-large' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09754 'api-error-filename-tooshort' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09755 'api-error-filetype-banned' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09756 'api-error-filetype-banned-type' => "API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors. 09757 09758 * $1 is the extension(s) of the file which cannot be uploaded 09759 * $2 is the list of file extensions that can be uploaded (Example: ''png, gif, jpg, jpeg, ogg, pdf, svg.'') 09760 * $3 is the number of allowed file formats (to be used for the PLURAL function) 09761 * $4 is the number of extensions that could not be uploaded (to be used for the PLURAL function)", 09762 'api-error-filetype-missing' => 'The word "extension" refers to the part behind the last dot in a file name, that by convention gives a hint about the kind of data format which a files contents are in.', 09763 'api-error-hookaborted' => 'The word "extension" here refers to a [[:mw:Manual:Extensions|MediaWiki Extension]] which extends the functionality of the basic wiki by adding something to its capabilities. "… aborted by an extension" implies that an operation could not be performed successfully or was not allowed to continue to its intended end.', 09764 'api-error-http' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09765 'api-error-illegal-filename' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09766 'api-error-internal-error' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09767 'api-error-invalid-file-key' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09768 'api-error-missingparam' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09769 'api-error-missingresult' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09770 'api-error-mustbeloggedin' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09771 'api-error-mustbeposted' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09772 'api-error-noimageinfo' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09773 'api-error-nomodule' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09774 'api-error-ok-but-empty' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09775 'api-error-overwrite' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09776 'api-error-stashfailed' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09777 'api-error-timeout' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09778 'api-error-unclassified' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09779 'api-error-unknown-code' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors. 09780 09781 Parameters: 09782 * $1 - may contain more error details 09783 {{Identical|Unknown error}}', 09784 'api-error-unknown-error' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09785 'api-error-unknown-warning' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors. Parameters: 09786 * $1 is an unknown warning.', 09787 'api-error-unknownerror' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors. 09788 09789 Parameters: 09790 * $1 - an unknown error message 09791 {{Identical|Unknown error}}', 09792 'api-error-uploaddisabled' => 'API error message that can be used for client side localisation of API errors.', 09793 'api-error-verification-error' => 'The word "extension" refers to the part behind the last dot in a file name, that by convention gives a hint about the kind of data format which a files contents are in.', 09794 09795 # Durations 09796 'duration-seconds' => 'Used as duration. Parameters: 09797 * $1 - number of seconds 09798 {{Related|Duration}} 09799 {{Identical|Second}}', 09800 'duration-minutes' => 'Used as duration. Parameters: 09801 * $1 - number of minutes 09802 {{Related|Duration}} 09803 {{Identical|Minute}}', 09804 'duration-hours' => 'Used as duration. Parameters: 09805 * $1 - number of hours 09806 {{Related|Duration}}', 09807 'duration-days' => 'Used as duration. Parameters: 09808 * $1 - number of days 09809 {{Related|Duration}}', 09810 'duration-weeks' => 'Used as duration. Parameters: 09811 * $1 - number of weeks 09812 {{Related|Duration}}', 09813 'duration-years' => 'Used as duration. Parameters: 09814 * $1 - number of years 09815 {{Related|Duration}}', 09816 'duration-decades' => 'Used as duration. Parameters: 09817 * $1 - number of decades 09818 {{Related|Duration}}', 09819 'duration-centuries' => 'Used as duration. Parameters: 09820 * $1 - number of centuries 09821 {{Related|Duration}}', 09822 'duration-millennia' => 'Used as duration. Parameters: 09823 * $1 - number of millennia 09824 {{Related|Duration}}', 09825 09826 );