00001 <?php 00017 $messages = array( 00018 # User preference toggles 00019 'tog-underline' => 'Squóráam linkám:', 00020 'tog-justify' => 'Icáitom paragraphám', 00021 'tog-hideminor' => 'Camaát editicúnos pac-quimáaxat camjöx cmaa iti', 00022 'tog-extendwatchlist' => 'Expand listade cáminot zo cohuatlöx jömde quíix applicablix', 00023 'tog-usenewrc' => 'Camjöx cmaa enhancöx (JavaScript)', 00024 'tog-numberheadings' => 'Auto-numberom text corridór', 00025 'tog-showtoolbar' => 'Cohuatlöx ticpatlöx toolbar (JavaScript)', 00026 'tog-editondblclick' => 'Ticpatlöx páhinám 2 clickám mii (JavaScript)', 00027 'tog-editsection' => 'Ton ticpatlöx seccion [edit] linkám via', 00028 'tog-editsectiononrightclick' => 'Ton ticpatlöx seccion pok clickám mii<br /> seccion titelám iti (JavaScript)', 00029 'tog-showtoc' => 'Cohuatlöx insacualte (páhinám bajlip 3 text corridór mii)', 00030 'tog-rememberpassword' => 'Qualtiinii he quimx canj jan ordinator iti (for a maximum of $1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}})', 00031 'tog-watchcreations' => 'Plusöx páhinám he hun he listade cáminot', 00032 'tog-watchdefault' => 'Plusöx páhinám he ticpatlöx he listade cáminot', 00033 'tog-watchmoves' => 'Plusöx páhinám he yacom he listade cáminot', 00034 'tog-watchdeletion' => 'Plusöx páhinám he delatöx he listade cáminot', 00035 'tog-minordefault' => 'Jömde ticpatlöx coccebj bajlöxamde auto', 00036 'tog-previewontop' => "Cohuatlöx cuáxiit boxde ticpatlöx 'pre", 00037 'tog-previewonfirst' => 'Cohuatlöx cuáxiitde 1. ticpatlöx', 00038 'tog-nocache' => 'Necoccebj cachede páhinám', 00039 'tog-enotifwatchlistpages' => 'E-iitom he páhina he cáminot coccebj quiih', 00040 'tog-enotifusertalkpages' => 'E-iitom he czaxö páhina he cáminot coccebj quiih', 00041 'tog-enotifminoredits' => 'E-iitom hede ticpatlöx bajlöxde páhinám', 00042 'tog-enotifrevealaddr' => 'Xuniim henadressade e-iitom notificacionde e-iitóm', 00043 'tog-shownumberswatching' => 'Cohuatlöx caitóm cáminotómde numberam', 00044 'tog-fancysig' => 'Signaturenám brazzinám (sans linkám automaticám)', 00045 'tog-externaleditor' => 'Usadad ticpatlöx externöx auto', 00046 'tog-externaldiff' => 'Usadad diff extern auto', 00047 'tog-showjumplinks' => 'Záj "jumpöx" accessibilitiit linkám', 00048 'tog-uselivepreview' => 'Usadad cuáxiit live (JavaScript) (Experimentam)', 00049 'tog-forceeditsummary' => 'Ixuniimticpatlöx he jan nenenterom abvuatlde ticpatlöx', 00050 'tog-watchlisthideown' => 'Cíiitám he ticpatlöxde listade cáminot zo', 00051 'tog-watchlisthidebots' => 'Cíiitám botám listade cáminot zo', 00052 'tog-watchlisthideminor' => 'Cíiitám ticpatlöx nebajlipöxde listade cáminot zo', 00053 'tog-ccmeonemails' => 'Iitom he copynámde e-iitom he iitomde diijömde caitóm', 00054 'tog-diffonly' => 'Necohuatlöx contentuade páhina minöxde quiíx.', 00055 00056 'underline-always' => 'Jömdexepe', 00057 'underline-never' => 'Diixepe', 00058 'underline-default' => 'AutoBrowser', 00059 00060 # Dates 00061 'sunday' => 'Dajmino', 00062 'monday' => 'Luncino', 00063 'tuesday' => 'Martino', 00064 'wednesday' => 'Mizxolino', 00065 'thursday' => 'Ccuetetlino', 00066 'friday' => 'Virino', 00067 'saturday' => 'Sabbatino', 00068 'sun' => 'Daj', 00069 'mon' => 'Lun', 00070 'tue' => 'Mar', 00071 'wed' => 'Miz', 00072 'thu' => 'Ccu', 00073 'fri' => 'Vir', 00074 'sat' => 'Sab', 00075 'january' => 'Tlacintöx', 00076 'february' => 'Tlagintöx', 00077 'march' => 'Tlayitöx', 00078 'april' => 'Tlanahöntöx', 00079 'may_long' => 'Tlamacuniltöx', 00080 'june' => 'Tlachicuaztöx', 00081 'july' => 'Tlachiconintöx', 00082 'august' => 'Tlachicunintöx', 00083 'september' => 'Tlachinucanintöx', 00084 'october' => 'Tlamantilactöx', 00085 'november' => 'Tlamantilachintöx', 00086 'december' => 'Tlamantilacuntöx', 00087 'january-gen' => 'Tlacintöx', 00088 'february-gen' => 'Tlagintöx', 00089 'march-gen' => 'Tlayitöx', 00090 'april-gen' => 'Tlanahöntöx', 00091 'may-gen' => 'Tlamacuniltöx', 00092 'june-gen' => 'Tlachicuaztöx', 00093 'july-gen' => 'Tlachiconintöx', 00094 'august-gen' => 'Tlachicunintöx', 00095 'september-gen' => 'Tlachinucanintöx', 00096 'october-gen' => 'Tlamantilactöx', 00097 'november-gen' => 'Tlamantilachintöx', 00098 'december-gen' => 'Tlamantilacuntöx', 00099 'jan' => 'Tl1', 00100 'feb' => 'Tl2', 00101 'mar' => 'Tl3', 00102 'apr' => 'Tl4', 00103 'may' => 'Tl5', 00104 'jun' => 'Tl6', 00105 'jul' => 'Tl7', 00106 'aug' => 'Tl8', 00107 'sep' => 'Tl9', 00108 'oct' => 'T10', 00109 'nov' => 'T11', 00110 'dec' => 'T12', 00111 00112 # 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All link text and link target definitions of links into project namespace that get used by other message strings, with the exception of user group pages (see grouppage) and the disambiguation template definition (see disambiguations). 00195 'aboutsite' => '{{SITENAME}} mii', 00196 'aboutpage' => 'Project:Miilà', 00197 'copyright' => 'Contentua coitáamb $1 tan.', 00198 'copyrightpage' => '{{ns:project}}:Copyrightám', 00199 'currentevents' => 'Hualtezxes', 00200 'currentevents-url' => 'Project:Hualtezxes', 00201 'disclaimers' => 'Isój cacóomx', 00202 'disclaimerpage' => 'Project:Isoj cacóomx geniiraloj', 00203 'edithelp' => 'Help ticpatlöx', 00204 'edithelppage' => 'Help:Ticpatlöx', 00205 'helppage' => 'Help:Caálixötöj', 00206 'mainpage' => 'Caálixötöj', 00207 'mainpage-description' => 'Caálixötöj', 00208 'policy-url' => 'Project:Cáyun', 00209 'portal' => 'Portalde ctám', 00210 'portal-url' => 'Project:Portalde ctám', 00211 'privacy' => 'Cáyunde privacy', 00212 'privacypage' => 'Project:Cáyunde privacy', 00213 00214 'badaccess' => 'Römjde permicion', 00215 'badaccess-group0' => 'Menepermicion executan accion z hecocmíiit.', 00216 'badaccess-groups' => "Accion hecocmíiit coccebj diilimáat czo'd $1.", 00217 00218 'versionrequired' => 'Vercion $1 MediaWiki pal', 00219 'versionrequiredtext' => 'Vercion $1 MediaWiki pal húpáhinal. cho [[Special:Version]].', 00220 00221 'ok' => 'ton', 00222 'retrievedfrom' => 'Paluatlde "$1"', 00223 'youhavenewmessages' => 'Mecui $1 ($2).', 00224 'newmessageslink' => 'huniitóm', 00225 'newmessagesdifflink' => 'quiixcui', 00226 'youhavenewmessagesmulti' => 'Mecui huniitom $1 iti', 00227 'editsection' => 'ticpatlöx', 00228 'editold' => 'ticpatlöx', 00229 'editsectionhint' => 'Ticpatlöx partamöx: $1', 00230 'toc' => 'Insacualte', 00231 'showtoc' => 'cohuatlöx', 00232 'hidetoc' => 'cíiitám', 00233 'thisisdeleted' => 'Cohuatlöx jöx diidelatom $1?', 00234 'viewdeleted' => 'Cohuatlöx $1?', 00235 'restorelink' => '{{PLURAL:$1|1 ticpatlöx delatöx|$1 ticpatlöx delatöx}}', 00236 'feedlinks' => 'Fiiyt:', 00237 'feed-invalid' => 'Typenamde subscripcion i Fiiyt invalidyt.', 00238 'site-rss-feed' => '$1 Fiiytde RSS', 00239 'site-atom-feed' => '$1 Fiiytde Atom', 00240 'page-rss-feed' => '"$1" Fiiytde RSS', 00241 'page-atom-feed' => '"$1" Fiiytde Atom', 00242 00243 # Short words for each namespace, by default used in the namespace tab in monobook 00244 'nstab-main' => 'Páhina', 00245 'nstab-user' => 'Caitom páhina', 00246 'nstab-media' => 'Media páhina', 00247 'nstab-special' => 'Extravam', 00248 'nstab-project' => 'Projectua páhina', 00249 'nstab-image' => 'Ciúchan', 00250 'nstab-mediawiki' => 'Iitom', 00251 'nstab-template' => 'Automii', 00252 'nstab-help' => 'Help páhina', 00253 'nstab-category' => 'Cayliib', 00254 00255 # Main script and global functions 00256 'nosuchaction' => "Ne'dáár accion", 00257 'nosuchactiontext' => 'Accion apualte URLsan z coccebj nepualat wiki zo san', 00258 'nosuchspecialpage' => "Ne'dáár páhina extrava", 00259 'nospecialpagetext' => '<strong>Meccan páhina extrava invalida.</strong> 00260 00261 Meccan páhina extrava valide pac [[Special:SpecialPages]] iti.', 00262 00263 # General errors 00264 'error' => 'Römj', 00265 'databaseerror' => 'Römjde database', 00266 'dberrortext' => 'Römjde syntaxde database query coccebj icmaaniit. 00267 Jan pos-coccebj bug zo software zo iti. 00268 Hunattemptöx database query coccebjöx: 00269 <blockquote><tt>$1</tt></blockquote> 00270 funccion xi "<tt>$2</tt>". 00271 MySQL returnöx römj iti "<tt>$3: $4</tt>".', 00272 'dberrortextcl' => 'Römjde syntaxde database query coccebj icmaaniit. 00273 Hunattemptöx database query coccebjöx: 00274 "$1" 00275 funccion xi "$2". 00276 MySQL returnöx römj iti "$3: $4"', 00277 'laggedslavemode' => 'Attencion: Páhina necoccebj updatenám cmaa.', 00278 'readonly' => 'Database protectáme', 00279 'enterlockreason' => 'Enterom raede lockom zo, includom estimacionde janxepe lockom zo releasom', 00280 'readonlytext' => "Database zo coccebj locköx cmaade hunticpatlöx, posde maintenancede database, normal returnöx 'depre. 00281 00282 Sysop zo locköx zo xuniim jan rae': $1", 00283 'readonly_lag' => "Database coccebj locköx auto jan 'slave database serverám' zo ifanomde 'master' zo", 00284 'internalerror' => 'Römj internal', 00285 'internalerror_info' => 'Römj internal: $1', 00286 'filecopyerror' => 'Necopynöx ciúchan "$1" de "$2".', 00287 'filerenameerror' => 'Nenomöx ciúchan "$1" de "$2".', 00288 'filedeleteerror' => 'Nedelatomöx ciúchan "$1".', 00289 'directorycreateerror' => 'Necreatöx directoran "$1".', 00290 'filenotfound' => 'Neyahöx ciúchan "$1".', 00291 'fileexistserror' => 'Necoccebj caitomde ciúchan "$1": ciúchan coccebj', 00292 'unexpected' => 'Value neqance: "$1"="$2".', 00293 'formerror' => 'Römj: nesubmit listade fillöx', 00294 'badarticleerror' => 'Jan accion neperformon jan páhina iti.', 00295 'cannotdelete' => 'Nedelatom páhina zo jöx ciúchan zo fillöx. (Jömdectam coccebj delatom jan pos-poop.)', 00296 'badtitle' => 'Ahisharliit', 00297 'badtitletext' => 'Zo páhina coccebj ahisharliit zo. 00298 Jan pos-coccebj plusöxde 1 jöx 1 characterám jan nepos-coccebj usadas titlenám iti.', 00299 'perfcached' => 'Jan data coccebj cache ö necoccebj updatenom. A maximum of {{PLURAL:$1|one result is|$1 results are}} available in the cache.', 00300 'perfcachedts' => "Jan data coccebj cache ö coccebjöx updatenom $1 'de. A maximum of {{PLURAL:$4|one result is|$4 results are}} available in the cache.", 00301 'querypage-no-updates' => 'Updatenámde jan páhina coccebj disablenöx cmaa. Jan data necanj cmaa.', 00302 'wrong_wfQuery_params' => 'Parameterám incorrectámde wfQuery()<br /> 00303 Funccion: $1<br /> 00304 Query: $2', 00305 'viewsource' => 'Cohuatlöx sourcenam', 00306 'protectedpagetext' => 'Jan páhina coccebj lockom neticpatlöx pos-poop.', 00307 'viewsourcetext' => 'Mecohuatlöx ö copynom sourcenam zode jan páhina:', 00308 'protectedinterface' => "Jan páhina coccebj textuade interface software zo 'de ö coccebj lockom neticpatlöx abusenam.", 00309 'editinginterface' => "'''Warning:''' You are editing a page which is used to provide interface text for the software. 00310 Changes to this page will affect the appearance of the user interface for other users. 00311 For translations, please consider using [//], the MediaWiki localisation project.", 00312 'sqlhidden' => '(SQL querynam cíiitámöx)', 00313 'cascadeprotected' => 'Jan páhina coccebj protectöxde ticpatlöx, zo coccebj cascadande jan {{PLURAL:$1|páhina|páhinám}}, jan coccebj protëctox cascadanöx opcion zo mii: 00314 $2', 00315 'namespaceprotected' => "Me necoccebj permiccion ticpatlöx páhinám '''$1''' ipartuatl zo iti.", 00316 'ns-specialprotected' => 'Páhinámde {{ns:special}} zo iti neticpatlöx.', 00317 00318 # Login and logout pages 00319 'logouttext' => "'''Me cuípo.''' 00320 00321 Mecontinudad usadad {{SITENAME}} anon jïx me caápo dajcaitom ö jömcaitom. 00322 Páhinám pac continudad displayom dajme caápo, jánclearom mecachede browser.", 00323 'welcomecreation' => "== Q'$1! == 00324 00325 Mecaitom coccebj creatöx. Quiix hequáatlaácde {{SITENAME}} pos-poop.", 00326 'yourname' => 'Caitom ID:', 00327 'yourpassword' => 'Quimx canj:', 00328 'yourpasswordagain' => 'Vanquimx canj:', 00329 'remembermypassword' => 'Qualtiinii he quimx canj jan ordinator iti (for a maximum of $1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}})', 00330 'yourdomainname' => 'Hedomino:', 00331 'externaldberror' => 'Pos-römjde authenticacionde database extername jöx me necoccebj permiccionde updatan mecaitom externom.', 00332 'login' => 'Caápo', 00333 'nav-login-createaccount' => 'Caápo / xuatl', 00334 'loginprompt' => 'Henáabliicookám caápo {{SITENAME}}.', 00335 'userlogin' => 'Caápo / xuatl', 00336 'logout' => 'Cuípo', 00337 'userlogout' => 'Cuípo', 00338 'notloggedin' => 'Necaápo', 00339 'nologin' => "Menecaápo? '''$1'''.", 00340 'nologinlink' => 'Xuatl ö', 00341 'createaccount' => 'Xuatl', 00342 'gotaccount' => "Mecaápo? '''$1'''.", 00343 'gotaccountlink' => 'Caápo', 00344 'createaccountmail' => 'caxuatl e-iitom', 00345 'badretype' => 'Quimx cánj zo misoj nematchöx.', 00346 'userexists' => 'IDde caitom coccebj usadad. Submitom hunnom.', 00347 'loginerror' => 'Römjde caápo', 00348 'nocookiesnew' => 'IDde caitom zo coccebj creatöx, me necaápo. {{SITENAME}} usadad cookie caápo caitóm. Me necoccebj cookie. Enable cookie, caápo quimx canj ö caitom.', 00349 'nocookieslogin' => '{{SITENAME}} usadad cookie caápo caitóm. Me necoccebj cookie. Enable cookie ö caápo.', 00350 'noname' => 'Me necoccebj IDde caitom validom caápospecified.', 00351 'loginsuccesstitle' => 'Caápo tampua', 00352 'loginsuccess' => "'''Me coccebj caápo {{SITENAME}} itide \"\$1\".'''", 00353 'nosuchuser' => 'Jan caitom necoccebj zo, ID "$1". Cohuatlöx mecuáxiit jöx creatom huncaitom.', 00354 'nosuchusershort' => 'Jan caitom necoccebj zo, ID "$1". Cohuatlöx mecuáxiit.', 00355 'nouserspecified' => 'Me coccebj IDde caitom caápo.', 00356 'wrongpassword' => 'Römjde quimx canj. Vanquimx canj.', 00357 'wrongpasswordempty' => 'Quimx canj blankanj. Vanquimx canj.', 00358 'passwordtooshort' => 'Mequimx canj coccebj invalidam ö ij. Tonminiimálo $1 charácto ö juaxaltezxuatl.', 00359 'mailmypassword' => 'Quimx canj e-iitom', 00360 'passwordremindertitle' => 'Qualtiiniide quiinx canjde {{SITENAME}}', 00361 'passwordremindertext' => 'Jömdecomcáac (me, adressade IP $1 mii) coccebj iitom hunquimx canjde {{SITENAME}} ($4). 00362 Quimx canj zode caitom "$2" coccebj "$3". 00363 Me caápo ö reset\' mequimx canj cmaa. 00364 00365 Jömdecomcáac coccebj e-iitom zo jöx meraán mequimx canj, menignoran jan iitom ö usadad mejanquimx canj.', 00366 'noemail' => 'Zo necoccebj addressade e-iitomde caitom "$1".', 00367 'passwordsent' => 'Hunquimx anj coccebj iitomde adressade e-iitom registrarde "$1". 00368 Caápo me recevoir depre.', 00369 'blocked-mailpassword' => 'Menadressade IP coccebj blocköxde ticpatlöx ö necoccebj permiccion usadad quimx canj recovery funccion zode abuse preventua.', 00370 'eauthentsent' => "E-iitomde confirmacion coccebj iitomde adressade e-iitom the nominatenöx. 00371 Depre diijömde e-iitom coccebj iitomde account zo, me coccebj Necesde instruccions e-iitom zo iti, 00372 confirmom account zo coccebj de'me.", 00373 'throttled-mailpassword' => 'Qualtiiniide quimx canj zo coccebj iitomöx, hun $1 horás iti. Abuse preventual, nejömde 1 qualtiiniide quimx canj coccebj iitomöxde $1 horás.', 00374 'mailerror' => 'Römj iitom e-iitom: $1', 00375 'acct_creation_throttle_hit' => 'Sorry, me creatöx $1 accountám. Zo coccebj max zo.', 00376 'emailauthenticated' => 'Menadressade e-iitom coccebj authenticatöx $1 iti.', 00377 'emailnotauthenticated' => 'Menadressade e-iitom necoccebj authenticatöx. 0 e-iitóm coccebj iitomöxde jömde jan funccción.', 00378 'noemailprefs' => 'Specifan adressade e-iitomde jan fucción enablenan.', 00379 'emailconfirmlink' => 'Confirmom menadressade e-iitom', 00380 'invalidemailaddress' => 'Adressade e-iitom zo necoccebj acceptom, zo apparde pos-coccebj format invalidat pac. Enter adressa formatan correctan pac jöx zéro jan space.', 00381 'accountcreated' => 'Jönneram', 00382 'accountcreatedtext' => 'Jönneram $1 mii puo.', 00383 'loginlanguagelabel' => 'Itom: $1', 00384 00385 # Change password dialog 00386 'resetpass' => "Account quimx canj'reset", 00387 'resetpass_announce' => "Me caápo code temp e-iitomöx mii. Fini caápo, me reset' hunquimx canj cmaadexepe:", 00388 'resetpass_header' => "Reset'quimx canj", 00389 'oldpassword' => 'Janquimx canj:', 00390 'newpassword' => 'Hunquimx canj:', 00391 'retypenew' => 'Vanhunquimx canj:', 00392 'resetpass_submit' => 'Vanquimx canj ö caápo', 00393 'resetpass_success' => 'Me quimx canj coccebj quiixde success! Caápo cmaa...', 00394 'resetpass_forbidden' => 'Quimx cánj nereset jan wiki iti', 00395 00396 # Edit page toolbar 00397 'bold_sample' => 'Text ccomca', 00398 'bold_tip' => 'Text ccomca', 00399 'italic_sample' => 'Text canj', 00400 'italic_tip' => 'Text canj', 00401 'link_sample' => 'Titelde link', 00402 'link_tip' => 'Link intern', 00403 'extlink_sample' => ' Titelde link', 00404 'extlink_tip' => 'Link extern (¡hajbazxo http:// ö!)', 00405 'headline_sample' => 'Text corridor', 00406 'headline_tip' => 'Text corridor 2', 00407 'nowiki_sample' => 'Neformattám cuerte damir', 00408 'nowiki_tip' => 'Neformatöxde wiki', 00409 'image_sample' => 'Cuáxiit.jpg', 00410 'image_tip' => 'Plusöx ciúchan zo', 00411 'media_sample' => 'Cuáxiit.ogg', 00412 'media_tip' => 'Link MediaCiúchan', 00413 'sig_tip' => 'Hesignura xeperat epa', 00414 'hr_tip' => 'I horizont (seperatman)', 00415 00416 # Edit pages 00417 'summary' => 'Abvuatl:', 00418 'subject' => 'Subject/ccanzam:', 00419 'minoredit' => 'Jan coccebj editám z bajlöxám', 00420 'watchthis' => 'Cáminot jan páhina', 00421 'savearticle' => 'Xuniim páhina', 00422 'preview' => 'Cuáxiit', 00423 'showpreview' => 'Cohuatlöx cuáxiit', 00424 'showlivepreview' => 'Live cuáxiit', 00425 'showdiff' => 'Cohuatlöx quiix', 00426 'anoneditwarning' => "'''Attencion:''' Me necaápo. Menadressade IP coccebj recordöx históriade jan páhina iti.", 00427 'missingsummary' => "'''Attencion:''' Me necoccebj providöx abvuatlde ticpatlöx zo. Clicköx 'Xuniim páhina' xuniim meticpatlöx sans abvuatlde ticpatlöx.", 00428 'missingcommenttext' => 'Enterom commentua !-cmaa.', 00429 'missingcommentheader' => "'''Attencion:''' Me necoccebj providöx subjectua/corridor zode jan commentua. Clickom 'Xuniim páhina' xuniim meticpatlöx sans subjectua/corridor zo.", 00430 'summary-preview' => 'Cuáxiitde abvuatl:', 00431 'subject-preview' => 'Cuáxiitde subjectua/corridor:', 00432 'blockedtitle' => 'Caitom blockámit', 00433 'blockedtext' => "'''Hexuatl jöx adressade IP cáablockom.''' 00434 00435 Block zo expondal $1. Rasonna zo coccebj: ''$2''. 00436 00437 * Start block zo: $8 00438 * Xanzo block zo: $6 00439 * Jonzicuatl blockam zo: $7 00440 00441 Me contactam $1 jöx pac [[{{MediaWiki:Grouppage-sysop}}|sysop]] discussom iti block zo. 00442 Me nenusor e-iitom päzxo hab' adressade e-iitom validom coccebj [[Special:Preferences|mequáatlaác]] ö'me neblockomde e-iitom. 00443 Me adressa IP coccebj $3 ö ID block z coccebj #$5. Includam 1 jöx 2 pac querinám iti.", 00444 'autoblockedtext' => "Menadressade IP coccebj blocköx auto. Zo coccebj usadad diijömde caitom miii, jan coccebj blocköxde $1. 00445 Rasonna zo coccebj: 00446 00447 :''$2'' 00448 00449 * Start block zo: $8 00450 * Xanzo block zo: $6 00451 00452 Me contactam $1 jöx pac [[{{MediaWiki:Grouppage-sysop}}|sysop]] discussom iti block zo. 00453 00454 Me nenusor e-iitom päzxo hab' adressade e-iitom validom coccebj [[Special:Preferences|mequáatlaác]] ö'me neblockomde e-iitom. 00455 00456 Me IDde block coccebj $5. Includam 1 jöx 2 pac querinám iti.", 00457 'whitelistedittext' => 'Mecoccebj $1 ticpatlöx páhinám.', 00458 'confirmedittext' => "Me confirmöx menadressade de e-iitom ticpatlöx 'depre. Set' ö validatenan menadressade IP [[Special:Preferences|hequáatlaác]] mii.", 00459 'nosuchsectiontitle' => "Ne'dáár partam", 00460 'nosuchsectiontext' => "Me pos-xuniim ticpatlöx ne'dáár partam.", 00461 'loginreqtitle' => 'Caápo Neces', 00462 'loginreqlink' => 'caápo', 00463 'loginreqpagetext' => 'Zo coccebj Neces $1 cohuatlöx jömde páhinám.', 00464 'accmailtitle' => 'Iitom quimx canj.', 00465 'accmailtext' => 'Quimx canj zode "$1" coccebj iitöxde $2.', 00466 'newarticle' => '(Quiih)', 00467 'newarticletext' => 'Meclickom linkamde páhina tazo necoccebj zo. 00468 Huants createnom jan páhina, startom type mii box !-cmaa iti 00469 ([[{{MediaWiki:Helppage}}|páhinade helpom]] zo viside plus informacion). 00470 Me coccebj römjasi poop, clickom meback-buttonde browser coccebj perfectua.', 00471 'anontalkpagetext' => "----''Jan coccebj czaxö zode caitomde IDde adressade IP. Isój necoccebj caápo. Jan coccebj rae'de usadadde adressade IP numerical identificacion 'prenisój. Plusöxde caitom pos-coccebj jan adressade IP. Me pos-coccebj anonimo ö commentua irrevelantua coccebj directomde me poop, [[Special:UserLogin|caápo-jande]] exitom confucion diijömde IP-caitóm mii.''", 00472 'noarticletext' => 'Jan páhina necoccebj textua zo, me pos-coccebj [[Special:Search/{{PAGENAME}}|yahöx jan páhina]] diijömde páhinám iti jöx [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=edit}} ticpatlöx jan páhina].', 00473 'clearyourcache' => "'''Notificacion:''' Xuniim 'depre, me pos-coccebj bypassöx mecachede browser caitomi quiíx. '''Mozilla / Firefox / Safari:''' quan ti caitomde ''Shift'' zoxepe clickom ''Reload'', jöx cuápook zo ti ''Ctrl-Shift-R'' (''Cmd-Shift-R'' Apple Mac iti); '''IE:''' quan ti ''Ctrl'' zoxepe clickom ''Refresh'', jöx cuápook zo ti ''Ctrl-F5''; '''Konqueror:''': clickom buttonde ''Reload'' zo, jöx cuápook zo iti ''F5''; '''Opera''' caitóm pos-coccebj clairomde cache completementua ''Tools→Preferences'' iti.", 00474 'usercssyoucanpreview' => "'''Tip:''' Usadad 'Cohuatlöx cuáxiit' testom me hun CSS xuniim 'depre.", 00475 'userjsyoucanpreview' => "'''Tip:''' Usadad 'Cohuatlöx cuáxiit' testom me hun JS xuniim 'depre.", 00476 'usercsspreview' => "'''He cuáxiit he CSSde caitom, zo necoccebj xuniim!'''", 00477 'userjspreview' => "'''He cuáxiit/testom he JavaScriptde caitom, zo necoccebj xuniim!'''", 00478 'userinvalidcssjstitle' => "'''Attencion:''' Skin \"\$1\" coccebj ne'dáár. Regardom .css ö .js páhinám usadad titlenam lowercase zo, yanuiíxzo mii yahöxde ti {{ns:user}}:Foo/vector.css opposadadde {{ns:user}}:Foo/Vector.css.", 00479 'updated' => '(varupdatenám)', 00480 'note' => "'''Notificacion:'''", 00481 'previewnote' => "'''Jan coccebj cuáxiit zo; quiíx necoccebj xuniim!'''", 00482 'previewconflict' => 'Jan cuáxiit reflectom textua zode upper textua ticpatlöx hant jan coccebj cuáxiitde zuniim páhina.', 00483 'session_fail_preview' => "'''Sorry! He necoccebj processom meticpatlöx xajvon datade seccion. 00484 Nexajvon. Jan necoccebj naxajvon poop, cuípo ö caápo.'''", 00485 'session_fail_preview_html' => "'''Sorry! He necoccebj processom meticpatlöx xajvon datade seccion.''' 00486 00487 ''Jan wiki coccebj HTML raw enablenom, cuáxiit zo coccebj camaátde precaucion JavaScripts caniim.'' 00488 00489 '''Jan coccebj ticpatlöx legimatöx poop, reprocessom. Jan necoccebj processom poop, cuípo ö caápo.'''", 00490 'token_suffix_mismatch' => "'''Meticpatlöx coccebj rejectöx meclient cahöx characteromde punctacion zo ticpatlöx zo iti. TicpatlÖx zo coccebj rejectöxde preventua corrupcionde textuade páhina zo. 00491 Jan lajxepe occuram me usadad proxy service anon web-based buggy.'''", 00492 'editing' => 'Ticpatlöx $1', 00493 'editingsection' => 'Ticpatlöx $1 (seccion)', 00494 'editingcomment' => 'Ticpatlöx $1 (commentua)', 00495 'editconflict' => 'Römjde ticpatlöxde conflictua: $1', 00496 'yourtext' => 'Hetext', 00497 'storedversion' => 'Vercion ráimuniit', 00498 'nonunicodebrowser' => "'''ATTENCION: Mebrowser necoccebj compliantede 'unicode' (characterám sans huáp ti). Workaround coccebj hant itide me permiccion ticpatlöx páhinám: non-ASCII characterám coccebj codes hexidecimales.'''", 00499 'editingold' => "'''ATTENCION: Me coccebj ticpatlöx revicion outdatenam zode jan páhina. Me xuniim zo, jömde quiíx hunde jan revicion coccebj delar poop.'''", 00500 'yourdiff' => 'Quiíx', 00501 'longpageerror' => "'''RÖMJ: Textua zo mexuniim coccebj $1 kilobytenám, jan coccebj plusöxde maxde $2 kilobytenám. Zo necoccebj xuniim.'''", 00502 'readonlywarning' => "'''ATTENCION: Database zo coccebj lockomde kyépöx, zo necoccebj posde xuniim meticpatlöx cmaa. Me coccebj considerom ''cut-n-paste'' textua zo ciúchande textua iti ö xuniimde diijömdexepe.'''", 00503 'protectedpagewarning' => "'''ATTENCION: Jan páhina coccebj lockomde sysopám coccebj ticpatlöx zo permiccional.'''", 00504 'semiprotectedpagewarning' => "'''Notificacion:''' Jan páhina coccebj lockom caitom registrar coccebj ticpatlöx zo.", 00505 'cascadeprotectedwarning' => "'''Attencion:''' Jan páhina coccebj lockom jan coccebj ticpatlöxde caitom sysopán permiccion mii, zo coccebj includöx jan {{PLURAL:$1|cascade-páhina|cascade-páhinám}} hun:", 00506 'templatesused' => 'Automií usadad jan páhina iti:', 00507 'templatesusedpreview' => 'Automií usadad jan cuáxiit iti:', 00508 'templatesusedsection' => 'Automií usadad jan seccion iti:', 00509 'template-protected' => '(protectöx)', 00510 'template-semiprotected' => '(semi-protectöx)', 00511 'nocreatetitle' => 'Limiitde creacionde páhinám', 00512 'nocreatetext' => 'Jan site coccebj avlutuatl altede creatöx hun páhinám. 00513 Me pos-coccebj revertöx ö ticpatlöx janpáhinám jöx [[Special:UserLogin|caápo]].', 00514 'nocreate-loggedin' => 'Me necoccebj permiccionde creatöx hunpáhinám jan wiki iti.', 00515 'permissionserrors' => 'Römjde permicción', 00516 'permissionserrorstext' => "Me necoccebj permiccionde zo, pre'zo {{PLURAL:$1|rae|rae'}}:", 00517 00518 # "Undo" feature 00519 'undo-success' => 'Ticpatlöx zo pos-coccebj iixponintöx. Controlar comparicion zo !-cmaade verifiatom jan coccebj yazuáxiim ö xuniim quiíx zo !-cmaade fini iixponintöx ticpatlöx zo.', 00520 'undo-failure' => 'Ticpatlöx zo necoccebj ticpatlöxde ticpatlöxám iti-am conflictom.', 00521 'undo-summary' => "Iixponintöx revicion $1 'de [[Special:Contributions/$2|$2]] ([[User talk:$2|Czaxö]])", 00522 00523 # Account creation failure 00524 'cantcreateaccounttitle' => 'Nexuatláminop', 00525 'cantcreateaccount-text' => "Creacionde caitomde jan adressade IP ('''$1''') coccebj blockom [[User:$3|$3]] mii. 00526 00527 Rae' zo xuniim $3 mii coccebj ''$2''", 00528 00529 # History pages 00530 'viewpagelogs' => 'Cohuatlöx logámde jan páhina', 00531 'nohistory' => 'Jan páhina necoccebj históriade ticpatlöx.', 00532 'currentrev' => 'Revicion cmaa', 00533 'revisionasof' => 'Revicionde $1', 00534 'revision-info' => "Revicionde $1 'de $2", 00535 'previousrevision' => '←Janrevicion', 00536 'nextrevision' => 'Hunrevicion→', 00537 'currentrevisionlink' => 'Revicion currentuanon', 00538 'cur' => 'curt', 00539 'next' => 'hunn', 00540 'last' => 'hunl', 00541 'page_first' => 'jann', 00542 'page_last' => 'janl', 00543 'histlegend' => "Seleccionde quiíx: xuniim cui radio zode vercion zode comparar ö click 'enter' jöx click bazoniiniitöxamde vyu !-cmaa uisan.<br /> 00544 Informacion: (curt) = quiíxde vercion currentua, 00545 (hunl) = quiíxde vercion precedatöxuam, b = ticpatlöx bajlöxam.", 00546 'histfirst' => 'Xepe', 00547 'histlast' => 'Cmaa', 00548 'historysize' => '($1 bytenám)', 00549 'historyempty' => '(döjmet)', 00550 00551 # Revision feed 00552 'history-feed-title' => 'Históriade revicion', 00553 'history-feed-description' => 'Históriade revicion jande páhina wiki zo iti', 00554 'history-feed-item-nocomment' => '$1 öl $2 mii', 00555 00556 # Revision deletion 00557 'rev-deleted-comment' => '(delatom commentua)', 00558 'rev-deleted-user' => '(delatom nomde caitom)', 00559 'rev-deleted-event' => '(delatom itinam)', 00560 'rev-delundel' => 'cohuatlöx/cíiitám', 00561 'revisiondelete' => 'Delatom/diidelatom revición', 00562 'revdelete-nooldid-title' => 'Necoccebj aimde revicion', 00563 'revdelete-selected' => "'''{{PLURAL:$2|Revicion selectonde|Revición selectónde}} $1:'''", 00564 'revdelete-legend' => 'Xuniim restricción', 00565 'revdelete-hide-text' => 'Camaát textuade revicion', 00566 'revdelete-hide-image' => 'Cohuatlöx contentua ciúchan', 00567 'revdelete-hide-name' => 'Camaát accion öjaim', 00568 'revdelete-hide-comment' => 'Camaát commentuade ticpatlöx', 00569 'revdelete-hide-user' => 'Camaát IDde caitom/IDde IP', 00570 'revdelete-log' => 'Ra:', 00571 00572 # Diffs 00573 'history-title' => 'Históriade revicionde "$1"', 00574 'lineno' => 'Pozxáat $1:', 00575 'compareselectedversions' => 'Comparenom verción selectón', 00576 'editundo' => 'iixponintöx', 00577 'diff-multi' => '({{PLURAL:$1|1 revicion páult|$1 revición páultíi}} necohuatlöx.)', 00578 00579 # Search results 00580 'searchresults' => 'Resuluámde yahöx', 00581 'searchresulttext' => 'Plusöxde informaciónde yahöx {{SITENAME}} iti, jumpöx [[{{MediaWiki:Helppage}}|{{int:help}}]].', 00582 'searchsubtitle' => "Me yahöx '''[[:$1]]''' iti", 00583 'searchsubtitleinvalid' => "Me yahöx '''$1''' iti", 00584 'prevn' => 'jan {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}', 00585 'nextn' => 'hun {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}', 00586 'viewprevnext' => 'Cohuatlöx ($1 {{int:pipe-separator}} $2) ($3)', 00587 'searchhelp-url' => 'Help:Caálixötöj', 00588 'powersearch' => 'Yahöx', 00589 00590 # Quickbar 00591 'qbsettings' => 'Zuónaát', 00592 'qbsettings-none' => 'Nepartám', 00593 00594 # Preferences page 00595 'preferences' => 'Quáatlaác', 00596 'mypreferences' => 'Hequáatlaác', 00597 'prefs-edits' => 'Ticpatlöx jöxualtec ID-cort:', 00598 'prefsnologin' => 'Necaápo', 00599 'prefsnologintext' => 'Zo coccebj Neces [[Special:UserLogin|caápo]] quiixom hequáatlaác.', 00600 'changepassword' => "Reset'quimx canj", 00601 'prefs-skin' => 'Zuláugaum', 00602 'skin-preview' => 'Cuáxiit', 00603 'datedefault' => 'Diiquáatlaac', 00604 'prefs-datetime' => 'Datum ö xepe', 00605 'prefs-personal' => 'Caitom profile', 00606 'prefs-rc' => 'Camjöx cmaa', 00607 'prefs-watchlist' => 'Listade cáminot', 00608 'prefs-misc' => 'Jömc', 00609 'saveprefs' => 'Xuniim', 00610 'resetprefs' => "Reset'", 00611 'prefs-editing' => 'Ticpatlöx', 00612 'rows' => 'Rowám:', 00613 'columns' => 'Columnám:', 00614 'searchresultshead' => 'Yahöx', 00615 'savedprefs' => 'Hequáatlaác coccebj xuniimöx.', 00616 'timezonelegend' => 'Zonede xepe', 00617 'localtime' => 'Xepe locale', 00618 'timezoneoffset' => "Minus'set¹", 00619 'servertime' => 'Xepede server', 00620 'guesstimezone' => "Xuniimyabuatlecaún dai'browser", 00621 'allowemail' => 'Pos-coccebj e-iitomde diijömde caitóm', 00622 'defaultns' => 'Yahöx jan ipartuatl iti auto:', 00623 'default' => 'auto', 00624 'prefs-files' => 'Ciúchán', 00625 'youremail' => 'E-iitom:', 00626 'username' => 'Caitom ID:', 00627 'uid' => 'ID comháars:', 00628 'yourrealname' => 'Comcáacuatl:', 00629 'yourlanguage' => 'Itom ö:', 00630 'yourvariant' => 'Ccójbam:', 00631 'yournick' => 'Brazzi:', 00632 'badsig' => 'Signatura raw invalidaw; checkom HTML tagám.', 00633 'badsiglength' => 'Brazzi coccebj bajlip; brazzi correctom minusde $1 characterám.', 00634 'email' => 'E-iitom', 00635 'prefs-help-realname' => 'Comcáacuatl coccebj opcional, zo xuniim plusöxde attribucionde menaffortua.', 00636 'prefs-help-email' => 'Adressade e-iitom coccebj opcional, zo enable diijömde caitom contactom me mecaitom jöx meczaxöde caitom sans comcáacuatl ajbul.', 00637 00638 # User rights 00639 'userrights-lookup-user' => "Yoc' polámde caitom", 00640 'userrights-user-editname' => 'Caitom ID ra:', 00641 'editusergroup' => 'Ticpatlöx Polám Caitóm', 00642 'editinguser' => "Ticpatlöx caitom '''[[User:$1|$1]]''' ([[User talk:$1|{{int:talkpagelinktext}}]] | [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{int:contribslink}}]])", 00643 'userrights-editusergroup' => 'Ticpatlöx polám caitóm', 00644 'saveusergroups' => 'Xuniim Polámde Caitom', 00645 'userrights-groupsmember' => 'Ctamde:', 00646 'userrights-reason' => 'Ra:', 00647 00648 # Groups 00649 'group' => 'Polám:', 00650 'group-autoconfirmed' => 'Autoconfirmám', 00651 'group-bot' => 'Botám', 00652 'group-sysop' => 'Sysopám', 00653 'group-bureaucrat' => 'Bureaucrátám', 00654 'group-all' => '(jöxde man)', 00655 00656 'group-autoconfirmed-member' => 'Autoconfirmam', 00657 'group-bot-member' => 'Botam', 00658 'group-sysop-member' => 'Sysopam', 00659 'group-bureaucrat-member' => 'Bureaucrátam', 00660 00661 'grouppage-autoconfirmed' => '{{ns:project}}:Autoconfirmam', 00662 'grouppage-bot' => '{{ns:project}}:Botam', 00663 'grouppage-sysop' => '{{ns:project}}:Sysopam', 00664 'grouppage-bureaucrat' => '{{ns:project}}:Bureaucrátam', 00665 00666 # User rights log 00667 'rightsnone' => '(zéro)', 00668 00669 # Recent changes 00670 'nchanges' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|quiix|quíix}}', 00671 'recentchanges' => 'Camjöx cmaa', 00672 'recentchanges-summary' => 'Caitom camjöx cmaa quiíx zode Wiki zo jan páhina iti.', 00673 'recentchanges-feed-description' => 'Caitom camjöx cmaa quiíx zode Wiki zo jan fiiyt iti.', 00674 'rcnote' => "!-cmaa coccebj {{PLURAL:$1|'''1''' quiixde|'''$1''' hunquiíxde}} {{PLURAL:$2|'''1''' hunzaah|'''$2''' hunixaáp}} zo iti, $3 'de.", 00675 'rcnotefrom' => "!-cmaa coccebj quiíx zode '''$2''' (plusöxiti '''$1''' visi).", 00676 'rclistfrom' => "Cohuatlöx hunquiix startom $1 'de", 00677 'rcshowhideminor' => '$1 editám bajlöxám', 00678 'rcshowhidebots' => '$1 cibotám', 00679 'rcshowhideliu' => '$1 caitom caápo', 00680 'rcshowhideanons' => '$1 caitóm anoniimóm', 00681 'rcshowhidepatr' => '$1 ticpatlöx patrollöx', 00682 'rcshowhidemine' => '$1 hániideditám', 00683 'rclinks' => 'Cohuatlöx hunquiix $1 zo ixáap $2 zo iti <br />$3', 00684 'diff' => 'quiix', 00685 'hist' => 'histó', 00686 'hide' => 'Cíiitám', 00687 'show' => 'Cohuatlöx', 00688 'minoreditletter' => 'b', 00689 'newpageletter' => 'H', 00690 'boteditletter' => 'R', 00691 'number_of_watching_users_pageview' => '[$1 cait(o/ó)m cáminot]', 00692 'rc_categories' => 'Limitde cayliíb (separatman "|" mii)', 00693 'rc_categories_any' => 'Jömde pac', 00694 'newsectionsummary' => '/* $1 */ hunseccion', 00695 00696 # Recent changes linked 00697 'recentchangeslinked' => 'Quiix hámíigonix', 00698 'recentchangeslinked-feed' => 'Quiix hámíigonix', 00699 'recentchangeslinked-toolbox' => 'Quiix hámíigonix', 00700 'recentchangeslinked-title' => 'Quiix hámíigonixde "$1"', 00701 00702 # Upload 00703 'upload' => 'Ciúchan uploadan', 00704 'uploadbtn' => 'Ciúchan uploadan', 00705 'uploadnologin' => 'Necaápo', 00706 'uploadnologintext' => 'Zo coccebj Neces [[Special:UserLogin|caápo]] (re-)uploadande ciúchán.', 00707 'uploaderror' => 'Römjde uploadan', 00708 'uploadlog' => 'logde uploadan', 00709 'uploadlogpage' => 'Logde uploadan', 00710 'filename' => 'IDde ciúchan', 00711 'filedesc' => 'Abvuatl', 00712 'fileuploadsummary' => 'Abvuatl:', 00713 'filesource' => 'Sourcenam:', 00714 'uploadedfiles' => 'Ciúchán uploadöxán', 00715 'filetype-missing' => 'Ciúchan zo necoccebj extencion (pac\' ".jpg").', 00716 'uploadwarning' => 'Attencionde uploadan', 00717 'savefile' => 'Xuniim ciúchan', 00718 'uploadedimage' => 'uploadöx "[[$1]]"', 00719 'overwroteimage' => 'uploadöx hunvercion zode "[[$1]]"', 00720 'uploadvirus' => 'Jan ciúchan coccebj virusde PC zo! Detailám: $1', 00721 'sourcefilename' => 'Sourcenam IDde ciúchan:', 00722 'destfilename' => 'Destinacion IDde ciúchan:', 00723 'watchthisupload' => 'Cáminot jan páhina', 00724 00725 'upload-proto-error' => 'Protocolam incorrectam', 00726 'upload-file-error' => 'Römjde internal', 00727 'upload-misc-error' => 'Römjde uploadan ác', 00728 00729 # Some likely curl errors. More could be added from <> 00730 'upload-curl-error28' => 'Time-outde uploadan', 00731 00732 'license' => 'Licenciónom:', 00733 'license-header' => 'Licenciónom:', 00734 'nolicense' => 'Seleccion coccebj hun', 00735 'license-nopreview' => '(Necuáxiit)', 00736 00737 # Special:ListFiles 00738 'listfiles_search_for' => 'Yahöxde IDde ciúchan:', 00739 'imgfile' => 'ciúchan', 00740 'listfiles' => 'Listade ciúchán', 00741 'listfiles_date' => 'Datum', 00742 'listfiles_name' => 'Nom', 00743 'listfiles_user' => 'Caitom', 00744 'listfiles_size' => 'Bajlip', 00745 'listfiles_description' => 'Discripcion', 00746 00747 # File description page 00748 'file-anchor-link' => 'Ciúchan', 00749 'filehist' => 'Historiade ciúchan', 00750 'filehist-deleteall' => 'delatom jömde man', 00751 'filehist-deleteone' => 'delatom jande man', 00752 'filehist-revert' => 'iixponintöx', 00753 'filehist-current' => 'currentua', 00754 'filehist-datetime' => 'Datum/Xepe', 00755 'filehist-user' => 'Caitom', 00756 'filehist-dimensions' => 'Dimención', 00757 'filehist-filesize' => 'Bajlipde ciúchan', 00758 'filehist-comment' => 'Commentua', 00759 'imagelinks' => 'Linkám', 00760 'uploadnewversion-linktext' => 'Uploadan hunvercion zode jan ciúchan', 00761 00762 # File reversion 00763 'filerevert' => 'Iixponintöx $1', 00764 'filerevert-legend' => 'Iixponintöx ciúchan', 00765 'filerevert-comment' => 'Commentua:', 00766 'filerevert-defaultcomment' => "Iixponintöxde vercion $2, $1 'de", 00767 'filerevert-submit' => 'Iixponintöx', 00768 00769 # File deletion 00770 'filedelete' => 'Delatom $1', 00771 'filedelete-legend' => 'Ciúchan delatan', 00772 'filedelete-comment' => 'Ra:', 00773 'filedelete-submit' => 'Delatom', 00774 'filedelete-success' => "'''$1''' coccebj delatomöx.", 00775 00776 # MIME search 00777 'mimesearch' => 'Yahöx MIME', 00778 'mimetype' => 'typenamde MIME:', 00779 'download' => 'downloadan', 00780 00781 # List redirects 00782 'listredirects' => 'Listade meniitomöx', 00783 00784 # Unused templates 00785 'unusedtemplateswlh' => 'diijömde linkám', 00786 00787 # Random page 00788 'randompage' => 'Páhina cáulituniit', 00789 'randompage-nopages' => 'Zo necoccebj páhinám jan ipartuatl iti.', 00790 00791 # Random redirect 00792 'randomredirect' => 'Meniitomöx cáulituniit', 00793 'randomredirect-nopages' => 'Zo necoccebj meniitomöx jan ipartuatl iti.', 00794 00795 # Statistics 00796 'statistics' => 'Statisticám', 00797 'statistics-header-users' => 'Caitom statisticám', 00798 00799 'doubleredirects' => 'Meniitomöx daj ti zon', 00800 00801 'brokenredirects' => 'Meniitomöx linkám nedireccion', 00802 'brokenredirectstext' => 'Jan meniitomöx linkomde neday ti camiintivuatl páhinám:', 00803 'brokenredirects-edit' => 'ticpatlöx', 00804 'brokenredirects-delete' => 'delatom', 00805 00806 # Miscellaneous special pages 00807 'nbytes' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|byte|bytenám}}', 00808 'ncategories' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|cayliib|cayliíb}}', 00809 'nlinks' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|link|linkám}}', 00810 'nmembers' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|diipolam|diipolám}}', 00811 'nrevisions' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|revicion|revición}}', 00812 'nviews' => '$1 {{PLURAL:$1|cohuatl|cohuátl}}', 00813 'prefixindex' => 'Indexde prefix', 00814 'shortpages' => 'Páhinám diibajlipám', 00815 'longpages' => 'Páhinám bajlipám', 00816 'deadendpages' => 'Páhinám huiquiix', 00817 'deadendpagestext' => 'Jan páhinám huiquiix linkámde jömdeman páhinám jan wiki iti.', 00818 'protectedpages' => 'Páhinám protectöx', 00819 'protectedpagestext' => 'Jan páhinám coccebj protectöxde yacom jöx ticpatlöx', 00820 'protectedpagesempty' => '0 páhinám currentua coccebj protectöx jan parameterám mii.', 00821 'listusers' => 'Listade caitóm', 00822 'newpages' => 'Jan páhinám', 00823 'newpages-username' => 'Caitom ID:', 00824 'ancientpages' => 'Xeperesistant páhinám', 00825 'move' => 'Yacom', 00826 'movethispage' => 'Yacom jan páhina', 00827 00828 # Book sources 00829 'booksources-go' => 'Caátemöx', 00830 00831 # Special:Log 00832 'specialloguserlabel' => 'Caitom:', 00833 'speciallogtitlelabel' => 'Titlenam:', 00834 'log' => 'Logám', 00835 'all-logs-page' => 'Jömde logám', 00836 00837 # Special:AllPages 00838 'allpages' => 'Jöxde páhinám', 00839 'nextpage' => 'Hunpáhina ($1)', 00840 'prevpage' => 'Janpáhina ($1)', 00841 'allpagesfrom' => 'Xuniim páhinám startomde:', 00842 'allarticles' => 'Jöxde artículóm', 00843 'allinnamespace' => 'Jömde páhinám ($1 ipartuatl)', 00844 'allnotinnamespace' => "Jömde páhinám ($1 ipartuatl 'ne)", 00845 'allpagesprev' => 'Jan', 00846 'allpagesnext' => 'Hun', 00847 'allpagessubmit' => 'Caátemöx', 00848 'allpagesprefix' => 'Xuniim páhinám jan prefix mii:', 00849 'allpages-bad-ns' => '{{SITENAME}} necoccebj ipartuatl "$1".', 00850 00851 # Special:Categories 00852 'categories' => 'Cayliibám', 00853 00854 # Special:ListUsers 00855 'listusersfrom' => 'Xuniim caitóm startomde:', 00856 'listusers-submit' => 'Cohuatlöx', 00857 'listusers-noresult' => 'Necoccebj caitóm.', 00858 00859 # Email user 00860 'mailnologin' => 'Nenadressade iitom', 00861 'mailnologintext' => 'Zo coccebj Neces [[Special:UserLogin|caápo]] 00862 ö coccebjöx adressade e-iitom validom [[Special:Preferences|mequáatlaác]] 00863 iitom e-iitomde diijömde caitóm.', 00864 'emailuser' => 'E-iitom jan caitom', 00865 'emailpage' => 'E-iitom caitom', 00866 'defemailsubject' => '{{SITENAME}} e-iitom', 00867 'noemailtitle' => 'Nejömde adressade e-iitom', 00868 'emailfrom' => 'Iitomde', 00869 'emailto' => 'Iitomé', 00870 'emailsubject' => 'Subjectua', 00871 'emailmessage' => 'Iitom', 00872 'emailsend' => 'Iitom', 00873 'emailsent' => 'E-iitomöx', 00874 'emailsenttext' => 'Hene-iitom coccebj e-iitomöx.', 00875 00876 # Watchlist 00877 'watchlist' => 'He listade cáminot', 00878 'mywatchlist' => 'He listade cáminot', 00879 'nowatchlist' => 'Hecoccebj 0 itémii helistade cáminot iti.', 00880 'watchnologin' => 'Necaápo', 00881 'watchnologintext' => 'Zo coccebj Neces [[Special:UserLogin|caápo]] ticpatlöx helistade cáminot.', 00882 'removedwatchtext' => 'Páhina zo "[[:$1]]" coccebj delataj me listade cáminot.', 00883 'watch' => 'Cáminot', 00884 'watchthispage' => 'Cáminot jan páhina', 00885 'unwatch' => 'Diicáminot', 00886 'unwatchthispage' => 'Diicáminot jan páhina', 00887 'wlshowlast' => 'Cohuatlöx hun $1 ixáap quij iitax $2 ixáap $3', 00888 00889 # Displayed when you click the "watch" button and it is in the process of watching 00890 'watching' => 'Cáminot...', 00891 'unwatching' => 'Necáminot...', 00892 00893 'enotif_newpagetext' => 'Jan coccebj hunpáhina.', 00894 'enotif_impersonal_salutation' => '{{SITENAME}} caitom', 00895 'changed' => 'quiixöx', 00896 'created' => 'creacöx', 00897 'enotif_anon_editor' => 'caitom anoniimom $1', 00898 00899 # Delete 00900 'deletepage' => 'Delatar páhina', 00901 00902 # Protect 00903 'prot_1movedto2' => '[[$1]] yacomöxde [[$2]]', 00904 'pagesize' => '(bytenám)', 00905 00906 # Restrictions (nouns) 00907 'restriction-edit' => 'Ticpatlöx', 00908 'restriction-move' => 'Yacom', 00909 00910 # Undelete 00911 'undeletereset' => "Reset'", 00912 'undeletecomment' => 'Commentua:', 00913 'undelete-search-box' => 'Yahöx páhinám delatám', 00914 'undelete-search-submit' => 'Yahöx', 00915 00916 # Namespace form on various pages 00917 'invert' => 'Hualtepacua', 00918 00919 # Contributions 00920 'contributions' => 'Contribuciónde caitom', 00921 'mycontris' => 'Hecontribución', 00922 'uctop' => '(quániit)', 00923 00924 'sp-contributions-talk' => 'Czaxö', 00925 'sp-contributions-search' => 'Yahöx contribución mii', 00926 'sp-contributions-username' => 'Addressade IP jöx caitom ID:', 00927 'sp-contributions-submit' => 'Yahöx', 00928 00929 # What links here 00930 'istemplate' => 'incluciónaj', 00931 'whatlinkshere-links' => '← linkám', 00932 00933 # Block/unblock 00934 'blockip' => 'Block caitom', 00935 'ipadressorusername' => 'Addressade IP jöx caitom ID:', 00936 'ipbreason' => 'Ra:', 00937 'ipbreasonotherlist' => "Ra pac'de", 00938 'ipbsubmit' => 'Block jan caitom', 00939 'ipbother' => "Pac'de xepe:", 00940 'ipbotheroption' => "pac'de", 00941 'ipbotherreason' => "Pac'de rae (addicionale):", 00942 'badipaddress' => 'Addressade IP invalida', 00943 'ipb-edit-dropdown' => 'Blockde ticpatlöx rá', 00944 'ipb-unblock-addr' => 'Diiblockom $1', 00945 'ipb-unblock' => 'Diiblockom caitom ID zo jöx adressade iP zo', 00946 'unblockip' => 'Diiblockom caitom', 00947 'ipusubmit' => 'Diiblockom jan adressa', 00948 'ipblocklist-legend' => 'Yahöx caimát blockát pac', 00949 'ipblocklist-submit' => 'Yahöx', 00950 'anononlyblock' => 'Anonytiit', 00951 'emailblock' => "e-iitom c'blockan", 00952 'blocklink' => 'blockom', 00953 'unblocklink' => 'diiblockom', 00954 'contribslink' => 'contribución', 00955 'unblocklogentry' => 'diiblocköx $1', 00956 'block-log-flags-noemail' => 'blocköx e-iitom', 00957 00958 # Developer tools 00959 'lockdb' => 'Lockom databse', 00960 'unlockdb' => 'Diilockom database', 00961 'lockconfirm' => 'Lockom database zo coccebj heopcion.', 00962 'unlockconfirm' => 'Diilockom database zo coccebj heopcion', 00963 'lockbtn' => 'Lockom database', 00964 'unlockbtn' => 'Diilockom database', 00965 'databasenotlocked' => 'Database zo necoccebj lockomöx.', 00966 00967 # Move page 00968 'move-page-legend' => 'Yacom páhina', 00969 'movearticle' => 'Yacom páhina:', 00970 'movenologin' => 'Necaápo', 00971 'move-watch' => 'Cáminot jan páhina', 00972 'movepagebtn' => 'Yacom páhina', 00973 'movedto' => 'yacomöxde', 00974 'movetalk' => 'Yacom czaxö páhina yodina ipríi', 00975 'movereason' => 'Ra:', 00976 'delete_and_move' => 'Delatom ö yacom', 00977 00978 # Export 00979 'export' => 'Exportom páhinám', 00980 'export-submit' => 'Exportom', 00981 00982 # Namespace 8 related 00983 'allmessages' => 'Iitóm systémóm', 00984 'allmessagesname' => 'Nom', 00985 'allmessagescurrent' => 'Textam-cmaanam', 00986 00987 # Special:Import 00988 'import' => 'Importóm páhinóm', 00989 'import-interwiki-submit' => 'Importom', 00990 'import-comment' => 'Commentua:', 00991 'importstart' => 'Importom páhinám...', 00992 'importfailed' => 'Römjde import: $1', 00993 00994 # Tooltip help for the actions 00995 'tooltip-pt-userpage' => 'He caitom páhina', 00996 'tooltip-pt-mytalk' => 'He czaxö páhina', 00997 'tooltip-pt-preferences' => 'Hequáatlaác', 00998 'tooltip-pt-mycontris' => 'Listada hecontribución', 00999 'tooltip-pt-logout' => 'Cuípo', 01000 'tooltip-ca-protect' => 'Protectom jan páhina', 01001 'tooltip-ca-delete' => 'Delatom jan páhina', 01002 'tooltip-ca-move' => 'Yacom jan páhina', 01003 'tooltip-search' => 'Yahöx {{SITENAME}}', 01004 'tooltip-p-logo' => 'Caálixötöj', 01005 'tooltip-n-mainpage' => 'Yahöx caálixötöj zo', 01006 'tooltip-n-help' => 'Áahuiitl hant zo iti.', 01007 'tooltip-t-emailuser' => 'E-iitom jan caitom', 01008 'tooltip-t-specialpages' => 'Lista jömde páhinám extravám', 01009 'tooltip-ca-nstab-main' => 'Cohuatlöx contentua páhina zo', 01010 'tooltip-ca-nstab-user' => 'Cohuatlöx caitom páhina zo', 01011 'tooltip-ca-nstab-media' => 'Cohuatlöx media páhina zo', 01012 'tooltip-ca-nstab-project' => 'Cohuatlöx projectua páhina zo', 01013 'tooltip-ca-nstab-mediawiki' => 'Cohuatlöx iitom systemom z', 01014 'tooltip-ca-nstab-help' => 'Cohuatlöx help páhina zo', 01015 'tooltip-ca-nstab-category' => 'Cohuatlöx cayliib páhina zo', 01016 'tooltip-upload' => 'Startom uploadan', 01017 01018 # Attribution 01019 'siteuser' => '{{SITENAME}} caitom $1', 01020 'othercontribs' => 'Pacdan $1 mii.', 01021 'others' => "pac'detazo", 01022 'siteusers' => '{{SITENAME}} cait(o/ó)m $1', 01023 01024 # Spam protection 01025 'spambot_username' => 'MediaWiki nespam', 01026 01027 # Media information 01028 'widthheightpage' => '$1 × $2, $3 páhinám', 01029 01030 # Special:NewFiles 01031 'showhidebots' => '($1 botám)', 01032 'ilsubmit' => 'Yahöx', 01033 'bydate' => 'de datum', 01034 01035 # EXIF tags 01036 'exif-fnumber' => 'F Numberam', 01037 'exif-gpslatitude' => 'Latitudam', 01038 'exif-gpslongitude' => 'Longitudam', 01039 'exif-gpsaltitude' => 'Altitudam', 01040 01041 'exif-subjectdistance-value' => '$1 miitrenám', 01042 01043 'exif-focalplaneresolutionunit-2' => 'inchám', 01044 01045 # 'all' in various places, this might be different for inflected languages 01046 'watchlistall2' => 'jöxdem', 01047 'namespacesall' => 'jöxdem', 01048 'monthsall' => 'jöxdem', 01049 01050 # action=purge 01051 'confirm_purge_button' => 'ton', 01052 01053 # 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