00001 <?php 00014 $messages = array( 00015 # Dates 00016 'sunday' => 'Tshipi', 00017 'monday' => 'Mosupologo', 00018 'tuesday' => 'Labobedi', 00019 'wednesday' => 'Laboraro', 00020 'thursday' => 'Labone', 00021 'friday' => 'Labotlhano', 00022 'saturday' => 'Matlhatso', 00023 'january' => 'Firikgong', 00024 'february' => 'Tlhakole', 00025 'march' => 'Mopitlo', 00026 'april' => 'Moranang', 00027 'may_long' => 'Motsheganong', 00028 'june' => 'Seetebosigo', 00029 'july' => 'Phukwi', 00030 'august' => 'Phatwe', 00031 'september' => 'Lwetse', 00032 'october' => 'Phalane', 00033 'november' => 'Ngwanatsele', 00034 'december' => 'Sedimonthole', 00035 'january-gen' => 'Firikgong', 00036 'february-gen' => 'Tlhakole', 00037 'march-gen' => 'Mopitlo', 00038 'april-gen' => 'Moranang', 00039 'may-gen' => 'Motsheganong', 00040 'june-gen' => 'Seetebosigo', 00041 'july-gen' => 'Phukwi', 00042 'august-gen' => 'Phatwe', 00043 'september-gen' => 'Lwetse', 00044 'october-gen' => 'Phalane', 00045 'november-gen' => 'Ngwanatsele', 00046 'december-gen' => 'Sedimonthole', 00047 00048 'cancel' => 'Sutlha', 00049 'mytalk' => 'Puo yame', 00050 'navigation' => 'Tsweletso', 00051 00052 'help' => 'Thuso', 00053 'search' => 'Senka', 00054 'searchbutton' => 'Senka', 00055 'go' => 'Tsamaya', 00056 'searcharticle' => 'Tsamaya', 00057 'history_short' => 'Ditso', 00058 'printableversion' => 'Mokwalo o o ka gatisiwang motlhofo', 00059 'permalink' => 'Kgolagano ya sennelaruri', 00060 'edit' => 'Baakanya', 00061 'delete' => 'Sutlha', 00062 'protect' => 'Sireletsa', 00063 'talk' => 'Puisano', 00064 'toolbox' => 'Lebokoso la dithulusu', 00065 'otherlanguages' => 'Ka dipuo di sele', 00066 00067 # All link text and link target definitions of links into project namespace that get used by other message strings, with the exception of user group pages (see grouppage) and the disambiguation template definition (see disambiguations). 00068 'currentevents' => 'Ditiragalo tsa sešeng', 00069 'disclaimers' => 'Tlhapa diatla', 00070 'edithelp' => 'Thuso ya go fetola', 00071 'mainpage' => 'Tsebe ya konokono', 00072 'mainpage-description' => 'Tsebe ya konokono', 00073 'portal' => 'Patlelo ya setšhaba', 00074 'portal-url' => 'Project:Patlelo ya setšhaba', 00075 'privacy' => 'Melawana ya sephiri', 00076 00077 'youhavenewmessages' => 'O na le $1 ($2).', 00078 'newmessageslink' => 'molaetsa o moša', 00079 'youhavenewmessagesmulti' => 'O na le molaetsa o moša mo $1', 00080 'editsection' => 'baakanya', 00081 'editold' => 'baakanya', 00082 00083 # Short words for each namespace, by default used in the namespace tab in monobook 00084 'nstab-main' => 'Mokwalo', 00085 'nstab-mediawiki' => 'Molaetsa', 00086 00087 # General errors 00088 'viewsource' => 'Lebelela motswedi', 00089 00090 # Login and logout pages 00091 'welcomecreation' => '== Amogelesega, $1! == 00092 00093 O ipuletse akhaonte. O seka wa lebala go fetola tse o di dikgatlhegelo tsa gago tsa {{SITENAME}}.', 00094 'yourname' => 'Leina la modirisi:', 00095 'yourpassword' => 'Selotlolo sa sephiri:', 00096 'yourpasswordagain' => 'Kwala selotlolo sa gago sa sephiri gape:', 00097 'remembermypassword' => 'Gakologelwa ikwadiso yame mo khompiutareng e (for a maximum of $1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}})', 00098 'login' => 'Ikwadise', 00099 'userlogin' => 'Ikwadise / ipulela tsebe', 00100 'logout' => 'Tswala', 00101 'userlogout' => 'Tswala', 00102 'notloggedin' => 'Ga o a ikwadisa', 00103 'createaccount' => 'Ipulela tsebe', 00104 00105 # Edit pages 00106 'summary' => 'Tshoboko:', 00107 'minoredit' => 'Se ke paakanyo e potlana', 00108 'watchthis' => 'Lebelela tsebe e', 00109 'savearticle' => 'Boloka tsebe', 00110 'showpreview' => 'Supa gore go tlaa lebega jang', 00111 'showdiff' => 'Supa diphetogo', 00112 00113 # History pages 00114 'currentrev' => 'Dipaakanyo tsa sešeng', 00115 'currentrevisionlink' => 'Dipaakanyo tsa sešeng', 00116 00117 # Preferences page 00118 'mypreferences' => 'Dikgatlhegelo tsa me', 00119 'youremail' => 'E-mail:', 00120 'username' => 'Leina la modirisi:', 00121 00122 # Recent changes 00123 'recentchanges' => 'Diphetogo tsa sešeng', 00124 00125 # Recent changes linked 00126 'recentchangeslinked' => 'Diphetogo tse di tsamaelanang', 00127 'recentchangeslinked-feed' => 'Diphetogo tse di tsamaelanang', 00128 'recentchangeslinked-toolbox' => 'Diphetogo tse di tsamaelanang', 00129 00130 # Upload 00131 'upload' => 'Tsenya mokwalo o o tswang kwantle', 00132 'uploadbtn' => 'Tsenya mokwalo o o tswang kwantle', 00133 'watchthisupload' => 'Lebelela tsebe e', 00134 00135 # Random page 00136 'randompage' => 'Tsebe e e sa tlhomamang', 00137 00138 # Miscellaneous special pages 00139 'move' => 'Suta', 00140 'movethispage' => 'Sutisa tsebe e', 00141 00142 # Watchlist 00143 'mywatchlist' => 'Mafoko a ke a etseng tlhoko', 00144 'watchnologin' => 'Ga o a ikwadisa', 00145 'watch' => 'Lebelela', 00146 'watchthispage' => 'Lebelela tsebe e', 00147 00148 # Protect 00149 'prot_1movedto2' => '[[$1]] o sutisediwa kwa go [[$2]]', 00150 00151 # Undelete 00152 'undelete-search-submit' => 'Senka', 00153 00154 # Contributions 00155 'mycontris' => 'Seabe same', 00156 00157 # What links here 00158 'whatlinkshere' => 'Ke eng se se gokaganang fa', 00159 00160 # Move page 00161 'move-page-legend' => 'Sutisa tsebe', 00162 'movearticle' => 'Sutisa tsebe:', 00163 'movenologin' => 'Ga o a ikwadisa', 00164 'movepagebtn' => 'Sutisa tsebe', 00165 'movedto' => 'sutela kwa', 00166 'movereason' => 'Lebaka:', 00167 00168 # Namespace 8 related 00169 'allmessages' => 'Melaetsa ya maranyane', 00170 00171 # Special:SpecialPages 00172 'specialpages' => 'Diphetogo tse di faphegileng', 00173 00174 );