00001 <?php 00025 if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) 00026 die( -1 ); 00027 00033 class SkinModern extends SkinTemplate { 00034 var $skinname = 'modern', $stylename = 'modern', 00035 $template = 'ModernTemplate', $useHeadElement = true; 00036 00040 function setupSkinUserCss( OutputPage $out ){ 00041 parent::setupSkinUserCss( $out ); 00042 $out->addModuleStyles ('skins.modern'); 00043 } 00044 } 00045 00050 class ModernTemplate extends MonoBookTemplate { 00051 00060 function execute() { 00061 // Suppress warnings to prevent notices about missing indexes in $this->data 00062 wfSuppressWarnings(); 00063 00064 $this->html( 'headelement' ); 00065 ?> 00066 00067 <!-- heading --> 00068 <div id="mw_header"><h1 id="firstHeading"><span dir="auto"><?php $this->html('title') ?></span></h1></div> 00069 00070 <div id="mw_main"> 00071 <div id="mw_contentwrapper"> 00072 <!-- navigation portlet --> 00073 <?php $this->cactions(); ?> 00074 00075 <!-- content --> 00076 <div id="mw_content"> 00077 <!-- contentholder does nothing by default, but it allows users to style the text inside 00078 the content area without affecting the meaning of 'em' in #mw_content, which is used 00079 for the margins --> 00080 <div id="mw_contentholder" class="mw-body"> 00081 <div class='mw-topboxes'> 00082 <div id="mw-js-message" style="display:none;"<?php $this->html('userlangattributes')?>></div> 00083 <div class="mw-topbox" id="siteSub"><?php $this->msg('tagline') ?></div> 00084 <?php if($this->data['newtalk'] ) { 00085 ?><div class="usermessage mw-topbox"><?php $this->html('newtalk') ?></div> 00086 <?php } ?> 00087 <?php if($this->data['sitenotice']) { 00088 ?><div class="mw-topbox" id="siteNotice"><?php $this->html('sitenotice') ?></div> 00089 <?php } ?> 00090 </div> 00091 00092 <div id="contentSub"<?php $this->html('userlangattributes') ?>><?php $this->html('subtitle') ?></div> 00093 00094 <?php if($this->data['undelete']) { ?><div id="contentSub2"><?php $this->html('undelete') ?></div><?php } ?> 00095 <?php if($this->data['showjumplinks']) { ?><div id="jump-to-nav"><?php $this->msg('jumpto') ?> <a href="#mw_portlets"><?php $this->msg('jumptonavigation') ?></a><?php $this->msg( 'comma-separator' ) ?><a href="#searchInput"><?php $this->msg('jumptosearch') ?></a></div><?php } ?> 00096 00097 <?php $this->html('bodytext') ?> 00098 <div class='mw_clear'></div> 00099 <?php if($this->data['catlinks']) { $this->html('catlinks'); } ?> 00100 <?php $this->html ('dataAfterContent') ?> 00101 </div><!-- mw_contentholder --> 00102 </div><!-- mw_content --> 00103 </div><!-- mw_contentwrapper --> 00104 00105 <div id="mw_portlets"<?php $this->html("userlangattributes") ?>> 00106 00107 <!-- portlets --> 00108 <?php $this->renderPortals( $this->data['sidebar'] ); ?> 00109 00110 </div><!-- mw_portlets --> 00111 00112 00113 </div><!-- main --> 00114 00115 <div class="mw_clear"></div> 00116 00117 <!-- personal portlet --> 00118 <div class="portlet" id="p-personal"> 00119 <h5><?php $this->msg('personaltools') ?></h5> 00120 <div class="pBody"> 00121 <ul> 00122 <?php foreach($this->getPersonalTools() as $key => $item) { ?> 00123 <?php echo $this->makeListItem($key, $item); ?> 00124 00125 <?php } ?> 00126 </ul> 00127 </div> 00128 </div> 00129 00130 00131 <!-- footer --> 00132 <div id="footer"<?php $this->html('userlangattributes') ?>> 00133 <ul id="f-list"> 00134 <?php 00135 foreach( $this->getFooterLinks("flat") as $aLink ) { 00136 if( isset( $this->data[$aLink] ) && $this->data[$aLink] ) { 00137 ?> <li id="<?php echo$aLink?>"><?php $this->html($aLink) ?></li> 00138 <?php } 00139 } 00140 ?> 00141 </ul> 00142 <?php 00143 foreach ( $this->getFooterIcons("nocopyright") as $blockName => $footerIcons ) { ?> 00144 <div id="mw_<?php echo htmlspecialchars($blockName); ?>"> 00145 <?php 00146 foreach ( $footerIcons as $icon ) { ?> 00147 <?php echo $this->getSkin()->makeFooterIcon( $icon, 'withoutImage' ); ?> 00148 00149 <?php 00150 } ?> 00151 </div> 00152 <?php 00153 } 00154 ?> 00155 </div> 00156 00157 <?php $this->printTrail(); ?> 00158 </body></html> 00159 <?php 00160 wfRestoreWarnings(); 00161 } // end of execute() method 00162 } // end of class 00163 00164