MediaWiki  REL1_20
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00002 class PNGHandlerTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
00004         public function setUp() {
00005                 $this->filePath = __DIR__ .  '/../../data/media';
00006                 $this->backend = new FSFileBackend( array(
00007                         'name'           => 'localtesting',
00008                         'lockManager'    => 'nullLockManager',
00009                         'containerPaths' => array( 'data' => $this->filePath )
00010                 ) );
00011                 $this->repo = new FSRepo( array(
00012                         'name'    => 'temp',
00013                         'url'     => 'http://localhost/thumbtest',
00014                         'backend' => $this->backend
00015                 ) );
00016                 $this->handler = new PNGHandler();
00017         }
00019         public function testInvalidFile() {
00020                 $res = $this->handler->getMetadata( null, $this->filePath . '/README' );
00021                 $this->assertEquals( PNGHandler::BROKEN_FILE, $res );
00022         }
00028         public function testIsAnimanted( $filename, $expected ) {
00029                 $file = $this->dataFile( $filename, 'image/png' );
00030                 $actual = $this->handler->isAnimatedImage( $file );
00031                 $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual );
00032         }
00033         public function dataIsAnimated() {
00034                 return array(
00035                         array( 'Animated_PNG_example_bouncing_beach_ball.png', true ),
00036                         array( '1bit-png.png', false ),
00037                 );
00038         }
00045         public function testGetImageArea( $filename, $expected ) {
00046                 $file = $this->dataFile($filename, 'image/png' );
00047                 $actual = $this->handler->getImageArea( $file, $file->getWidth(), $file->getHeight() );
00048                 $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual );
00049         }
00050         public function dataGetImageArea() {
00051                 return array(
00052                         array( '1bit-png.png', 2500 ),
00053                         array( 'greyscale-png.png', 2500 ),
00054                         array( 'Png-native-test.png', 126000 ),
00055                         array( 'Animated_PNG_example_bouncing_beach_ball.png', 10000 ),
00056                 );
00057         }
00064         public function testIsMetadataValid( $metadata, $expected ) {
00065                 $actual = $this->handler->isMetadataValid( null, $metadata );
00066                 $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual );
00067         }
00068         public function dataIsMetadataValid() {
00069                 return array(
00070                         array( PNGHandler::BROKEN_FILE, PNGHandler::METADATA_GOOD ),
00071                         array( '', PNGHandler::METADATA_BAD ),
00072                         array( null, PNGHandler::METADATA_BAD ),
00073                         array( 'Something invalid!', PNGHandler::METADATA_BAD ),
00074                         array( 'a:6:{s:10:"frameCount";i:0;s:9:"loopCount";i:1;s:8:"duration";d:0;s:8:"bitDepth";i:8;s:9:"colorType";s:10:"truecolour";s:8:"metadata";a:1:{s:15:"_MW_PNG_VERSION";i:1;}}', PNGHandler::METADATA_GOOD ),
00075                 );
00076         }
00083         public function testGetMetadata( $filename, $expected ) {
00084                 $file = $this->dataFile( $filename, 'image/png' );
00085                 $actual = $this->handler->getMetadata( $file, "$this->filePath/$filename" );
00086 //              $this->assertEquals( unserialize( $expected ), unserialize( $actual ) );
00087                 $this->assertEquals( ( $expected ), ( $actual ) );
00088         }
00089         public function dataGetMetadata() {
00090                 return array(
00091                         array( 'rgb-na-png.png', 'a:6:{s:10:"frameCount";i:0;s:9:"loopCount";i:1;s:8:"duration";d:0;s:8:"bitDepth";i:8;s:9:"colorType";s:10:"truecolour";s:8:"metadata";a:1:{s:15:"_MW_PNG_VERSION";i:1;}}' ),
00092                         array( 'xmp.png', 'a:6:{s:10:"frameCount";i:0;s:9:"loopCount";i:1;s:8:"duration";d:0;s:8:"bitDepth";i:1;s:9:"colorType";s:14:"index-coloured";s:8:"metadata";a:2:{s:12:"SerialNumber";s:9:"123456789";s:15:"_MW_PNG_VERSION";i:1;}}' ), 
00093                 );
00094         }
00096         private function dataFile( $name, $type ) {
00097                 return new UnregisteredLocalFile( false, $this->repo,
00098                         "mwstore://localtesting/data/$name", $type );
00099         }
00100 }