00001 <?php 00006 class PathRouterTest extends MediaWikiTestCase { 00007 00008 public function setUp() { 00009 $router = new PathRouter; 00010 $router->add("/wiki/$1"); 00011 $this->basicRouter = $router; 00012 } 00013 00017 public function testBasic() { 00018 $matches = $this->basicRouter->parse( "/wiki/Foo" ); 00019 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => "Foo" ) ); 00020 } 00021 00025 public function testLoose() { 00026 $router = new PathRouter; 00027 $router->add("/"); # Should be the same as "/$1" 00028 $matches = $router->parse( "/Foo" ); 00029 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => "Foo" ) ); 00030 00031 $router = new PathRouter; 00032 $router->add("/wiki"); # Should be the same as /wiki/$1 00033 $matches = $router->parse( "/wiki/Foo" ); 00034 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => "Foo" ) ); 00035 00036 $router = new PathRouter; 00037 $router->add("/wiki/"); # Should be the same as /wiki/$1 00038 $matches = $router->parse( "/wiki/Foo" ); 00039 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => "Foo" ) ); 00040 } 00041 00045 public function testOrder() { 00046 $router = new PathRouter; 00047 $router->add("/$1"); 00048 $router->add("/a/$1"); 00049 $router->add("/b/$1"); 00050 $matches = $router->parse( "/a/Foo" ); 00051 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => "Foo" ) ); 00052 00053 $router = new PathRouter; 00054 $router->add("/b/$1"); 00055 $router->add("/a/$1"); 00056 $router->add("/$1"); 00057 $matches = $router->parse( "/a/Foo" ); 00058 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => "Foo" ) ); 00059 } 00060 00064 public function testKeyParameter() { 00065 $router = new PathRouter; 00066 $router->add( array( 'edit' => "/edit/$1" ), array( 'action' => '$key' ) ); 00067 $matches = $router->parse( "/edit/Foo" ); 00068 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => "Foo", 'action' => 'edit' ) ); 00069 } 00070 00074 public function testAdditionalParameter() { 00075 // Basic $2 00076 $router = new PathRouter; 00077 $router->add( '/$2/$1', array( 'test' => '$2' ) ); 00078 $matches = $router->parse( "/asdf/Foo" ); 00079 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => "Foo", 'test' => 'asdf' ) ); 00080 } 00081 00085 public function testRestrictedValue() { 00086 $router = new PathRouter; 00087 $router->add( '/$2/$1', 00088 array( 'test' => '$2' ), 00089 array( '$2' => array( 'a', 'b' ) ) 00090 ); 00091 $router->add( '/$2/$1', 00092 array( 'test2' => '$2' ), 00093 array( '$2' => 'c' ) 00094 ); 00095 $router->add( '/$1' ); 00096 00097 $matches = $router->parse( "/asdf/Foo" ); 00098 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => "asdf/Foo" ) ); 00099 00100 $matches = $router->parse( "/a/Foo" ); 00101 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => "Foo", 'test' => 'a' ) ); 00102 00103 $matches = $router->parse( "/c/Foo" ); 00104 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => "Foo", 'test2' => 'c' ) ); 00105 } 00106 00107 public function callbackForTest( &$matches, $data ) { 00108 $matches['x'] = $data['$1']; 00109 $matches['foo'] = $data['foo']; 00110 } 00111 00112 public function testCallback() { 00113 $router = new PathRouter; 00114 $router->add( "/$1", 00115 array( 'a' => 'b', 'data:foo' => 'bar' ), 00116 array( 'callback' => array( $this, 'callbackForTest' ) ) 00117 ); 00118 $matches = $router->parse( '/Foo' ); 00119 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 00120 'title' => "Foo", 00121 'x' => 'Foo', 00122 'a' => 'b', 00123 'foo' => 'bar' 00124 ) ); 00125 } 00126 00130 public function testFail() { 00131 $router = new PathRouter; 00132 $router->add( "/wiki/$1", array( 'title' => "$1$2" ) ); 00133 $matches = $router->parse( "/wiki/A" ); 00134 $this->assertEquals( array(), $matches ); 00135 } 00136 00140 public function testWeight() { 00141 $router = new PathRouter; 00142 $router->addStrict( "/Bar", array( 'ping' => 'pong' ) ); 00143 $router->add( "/asdf-$1", array( 'title' => 'qwerty-$1' ) ); 00144 $router->add( "/$1" ); 00145 $router->add( "/qwerty-$1", array( 'title' => 'asdf-$1' ) ); 00146 $router->addStrict( "/Baz", array( 'marco' => 'polo' ) ); 00147 $router->add( "/a/$1" ); 00148 $router->add( "/asdf/$1" ); 00149 $router->add( "/$2/$1", array( 'unrestricted' => '$2' ) ); 00150 $router->add( array( 'qwerty' => "/qwerty/$1" ), array( 'qwerty' => '$key' ) ); 00151 $router->add( "/$2/$1", array( 'restricted-to-y' => '$2' ), array( '$2' => 'y' ) ); 00152 00153 foreach( array( 00154 "/Foo" => array( 'title' => "Foo" ), 00155 "/Bar" => array( 'ping' => 'pong' ), 00156 "/Baz" => array( 'marco' => 'polo' ), 00157 "/asdf-foo" => array( 'title' => "qwerty-foo" ), 00158 "/qwerty-bar" => array( 'title' => "asdf-bar" ), 00159 "/a/Foo" => array( 'title' => "Foo" ), 00160 "/asdf/Foo" => array( 'title' => "Foo" ), 00161 "/qwerty/Foo" => array( 'title' => "Foo", 'qwerty' => 'qwerty' ), 00162 "/baz/Foo" => array( 'title' => "Foo", 'unrestricted' => 'baz' ), 00163 "/y/Foo" => array( 'title' => "Foo", 'restricted-to-y' => 'y' ), 00164 ) as $path => $result ) { 00165 $this->assertEquals( $router->parse( $path ), $result ); 00166 } 00167 } 00168 00172 public function testSpecial() { 00173 $matches = $this->basicRouter->parse( "/wiki/Special:Recentchanges" ); 00174 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => "Special:Recentchanges" ) ); 00175 } 00176 00180 public function testUrlencoding() { 00181 $matches = $this->basicRouter->parse( "/wiki/Title_With%20Space" ); 00182 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => "Title_With Space" ) ); 00183 } 00184 00185 public function dataRegexpChars() { 00186 return array( 00187 array( "$" ), 00188 array( "$1" ), 00189 array( "\\" ), 00190 array( "\\$1" ), 00191 ); 00192 } 00193 00198 public function testRegexpChars( $char ) { 00199 $matches = $this->basicRouter->parse( "/wiki/$char" ); 00200 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => "$char" ) ); 00201 } 00202 00206 public function testCharacters() { 00207 $matches = $this->basicRouter->parse( "/wiki/Plus+And&Dollar\\Stuff();[]{}*" ); 00208 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => "Plus+And&Dollar\\Stuff();[]{}*" ) ); 00209 } 00210 00217 public function testUnicode() { 00218 $matches = $this->basicRouter->parse( "/wiki/Spécial:Modifications_récentes" ); 00219 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => "Spécial:Modifications_récentes" ) ); 00220 00221 $matches = $this->basicRouter->parse( "/wiki/Sp%C3%A9cial:Modifications_r%C3%A9centes" ); 00222 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => "Spécial:Modifications_récentes" ) ); 00223 } 00224 00228 public function testLength() { 00229 $matches = $this->basicRouter->parse( "/wiki/Lorem_ipsum_dolor_sit_amet,_consectetur_adipisicing_elit,_sed_do_eiusmod_tempor_incididunt_ut_labore_et_dolore_magna_aliqua._Ut_enim_ad_minim_veniam,_quis_nostrud_exercitation_ullamco_laboris_nisi_ut_aliquip_ex_ea_commodo_consequat._Duis_aute_irure_dolor_in_reprehenderit_in_voluptate_velit_esse_cillum_dolore_eu_fugiat_nulla_pariatur._Excepteur_sint_occaecat_cupidatat_non_proident,_sunt_in_culpa_qui_officia_deserunt_mollit_anim_id_est_laborum." ); 00230 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => "Lorem_ipsum_dolor_sit_amet,_consectetur_adipisicing_elit,_sed_do_eiusmod_tempor_incididunt_ut_labore_et_dolore_magna_aliqua._Ut_enim_ad_minim_veniam,_quis_nostrud_exercitation_ullamco_laboris_nisi_ut_aliquip_ex_ea_commodo_consequat._Duis_aute_irure_dolor_in_reprehenderit_in_voluptate_velit_esse_cillum_dolore_eu_fugiat_nulla_pariatur._Excepteur_sint_occaecat_cupidatat_non_proident,_sunt_in_culpa_qui_officia_deserunt_mollit_anim_id_est_laborum." ) ); 00231 } 00232 00233 00237 public function testPatternUrlencoding() { 00238 $router = new PathRouter; 00239 $router->add( "/wiki/$1", array( 'title' => '%20:$1' ) ); 00240 $matches = $router->parse( "/wiki/Foo" ); 00241 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => '%20:Foo' ) ); 00242 } 00243 00247 public function testRawParamValue() { 00248 $router = new PathRouter; 00249 $router->add( "/wiki/$1", array( 'title' => array( 'value' => 'bar%20$1' ) ) ); 00250 $matches = $router->parse( "/wiki/Foo" ); 00251 $this->assertEquals( $matches, array( 'title' => 'bar%20$1' ) ); 00252 } 00253 00254 }