00001 <?php 00031 class SearchOracle extends SearchEngine { 00032 00033 private $reservedWords = array ('ABOUT' => 1, 00034 'ACCUM' => 1, 00035 'AND' => 1, 00036 'BT' => 1, 00037 'BTG' => 1, 00038 'BTI' => 1, 00039 'BTP' => 1, 00040 'FUZZY' => 1, 00041 'HASPATH' => 1, 00042 'INPATH' => 1, 00043 'MINUS' => 1, 00044 'NEAR' => 1, 00045 'NOT' => 1, 00046 'NT' => 1, 00047 'NTG' => 1, 00048 'NTI' => 1, 00049 'NTP' => 1, 00050 'OR' => 1, 00051 'PT' => 1, 00052 'RT' => 1, 00053 'SQE' => 1, 00054 'SYN' => 1, 00055 'TR' => 1, 00056 'TRSYN' => 1, 00057 'TT' => 1, 00058 'WITHIN' => 1); 00059 00064 function __construct($db) { 00065 parent::__construct( $db ); 00066 } 00067 00074 function searchText( $term ) { 00075 if ($term == '') 00076 return new SqlSearchResultSet(false, ''); 00077 00078 $resultSet = $this->db->resultObject($this->db->query($this->getQuery($this->filter($term), true))); 00079 return new SqlSearchResultSet($resultSet, $this->searchTerms); 00080 } 00081 00088 function searchTitle($term) { 00089 if ($term == '') 00090 return new SqlSearchResultSet(false, ''); 00091 00092 $resultSet = $this->db->resultObject($this->db->query($this->getQuery($this->filter($term), false))); 00093 return new MySQLSearchResultSet($resultSet, $this->searchTerms); 00094 } 00095 00096 00101 function queryRedirect() { 00102 if ($this->showRedirects) { 00103 return ''; 00104 } else { 00105 return 'AND page_is_redirect=0'; 00106 } 00107 } 00108 00113 function queryNamespaces() { 00114 if( is_null($this->namespaces) ) 00115 return ''; 00116 if ( !count( $this->namespaces ) ) { 00117 $namespaces = '0'; 00118 } else { 00119 $namespaces = $this->db->makeList( $this->namespaces ); 00120 } 00121 return 'AND page_namespace IN (' . $namespaces . ')'; 00122 } 00123 00131 function queryLimit( $sql ) { 00132 return $this->db->limitResult($sql, $this->limit, $this->offset); 00133 } 00134 00141 function queryRanking( $filteredTerm, $fulltext ) { 00142 return ' ORDER BY score(1)'; 00143 } 00144 00152 function getQuery( $filteredTerm, $fulltext ) { 00153 return $this->queryLimit($this->queryMain($filteredTerm, $fulltext) . ' ' . 00154 $this->queryRedirect() . ' ' . 00155 $this->queryNamespaces() . ' ' . 00156 $this->queryRanking( $filteredTerm, $fulltext ) . ' '); 00157 } 00158 00159 00165 function getIndexField($fulltext) { 00166 return $fulltext ? 'si_text' : 'si_title'; 00167 } 00168 00176 function queryMain( $filteredTerm, $fulltext ) { 00177 $match = $this->parseQuery($filteredTerm, $fulltext); 00178 $page = $this->db->tableName('page'); 00179 $searchindex = $this->db->tableName('searchindex'); 00180 return 'SELECT page_id, page_namespace, page_title ' . 00181 "FROM $page,$searchindex " . 00182 'WHERE page_id=si_page AND ' . $match; 00183 } 00184 00190 function parseQuery($filteredText, $fulltext) { 00191 global $wgContLang; 00192 $lc = SearchEngine::legalSearchChars(); 00193 $this->searchTerms = array(); 00194 00195 # @todo FIXME: This doesn't handle parenthetical expressions. 00196 $m = array(); 00197 $searchon = ''; 00198 if (preg_match_all('/([-+<>~]?)(([' . $lc . ']+)(\*?)|"[^"]*")/', 00199 $filteredText, $m, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { 00200 foreach($m as $terms) { 00201 // Search terms in all variant forms, only 00202 // apply on wiki with LanguageConverter 00203 $temp_terms = $wgContLang->autoConvertToAllVariants( $terms[2] ); 00204 if( is_array( $temp_terms )) { 00205 $temp_terms = array_unique( array_values( $temp_terms )); 00206 foreach( $temp_terms as $t ) { 00207 $searchon .= ($terms[1] == '-' ? ' ~' : ' & ') . $this->escapeTerm( $t ); 00208 } 00209 } 00210 else { 00211 $searchon .= ($terms[1] == '-' ? ' ~' : ' & ') . $this->escapeTerm( $terms[2] ); 00212 } 00213 if (!empty($terms[3])) { 00214 $regexp = preg_quote( $terms[3], '/' ); 00215 if ($terms[4]) 00216 $regexp .= "[0-9A-Za-z_]+"; 00217 } else { 00218 $regexp = preg_quote(str_replace('"', '', $terms[2]), '/'); 00219 } 00220 $this->searchTerms[] = $regexp; 00221 } 00222 } 00223 00224 00225 $searchon = $this->db->addQuotes(ltrim($searchon, ' &')); 00226 $field = $this->getIndexField($fulltext); 00227 return " CONTAINS($field, $searchon, 1) > 0 "; 00228 } 00229 00230 private function escapeTerm($t) { 00231 global $wgContLang; 00232 $t = $wgContLang->normalizeForSearch($t); 00233 $t = isset($this->reservedWords[strtoupper($t)]) ? '{'.$t.'}' : $t; 00234 $t = preg_replace('/^"(.*)"$/', '($1)', $t); 00235 $t = preg_replace('/([-&|])/', '\\\\$1', $t); 00236 return $t; 00237 } 00246 function update($id, $title, $text) { 00247 $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); 00248 $dbw->replace('searchindex', 00249 array('si_page'), 00250 array( 00251 'si_page' => $id, 00252 'si_title' => $title, 00253 'si_text' => $text 00254 ), 'SearchOracle::update' ); 00255 00256 // Sync the index 00257 // We need to specify the DB name (i.e. user/schema) here so that 00258 // it can work from the installer, where 00259 // ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = ... 00260 // was used. 00261 $dbw->query( "CALL ctx_ddl.sync_index(" . 00262 $dbw->addQuotes( $dbw->getDBname() . '.' . $dbw->tableName( 'si_text_idx', 'raw' ) ) . ")" ); 00263 $dbw->query( "CALL ctx_ddl.sync_index(" . 00264 $dbw->addQuotes( $dbw->getDBname() . '.' . $dbw->tableName( 'si_title_idx', 'raw' ) ) . ")" ); 00265 } 00266 00274 function updateTitle($id, $title) { 00275 $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); 00276 00277 $dbw->update('searchindex', 00278 array('si_title' => $title), 00279 array('si_page' => $id), 00280 'SearchOracle::updateTitle', 00281 array()); 00282 } 00283 00284 00285 public static function legalSearchChars() { 00286 return "\"" . parent::legalSearchChars(); 00287 } 00288 }