00001 <?php 00002 /* 00003 * Test cases for our Services_Json library. Requires PHP json support as well, 00004 * so we can compare output 00005 */ 00006 class ServicesJsonTest extends MediaWikiTestCase { 00013 public function testJsonEncode( $input, $desc ) { 00014 if ( !function_exists( 'json_encode' ) ) { 00015 $this->markTestIncomplete( 'No PHP json support, unable to test' ); 00016 return; 00017 } elseif( strtolower( json_encode( "\xf0\xa0\x80\x80" ) ) != '"\ud840\udc00"' ) { 00018 $this->markTestIncomplete( 'Have buggy PHP json support, unable to test' ); 00019 return; 00020 } else { 00021 $jsonObj = new Services_JSON(); 00022 $this->assertEquals( 00023 $jsonObj->encode( $input ), 00024 json_encode( $input ), 00025 $desc 00026 ); 00027 } 00028 } 00029 00036 public function testJsonDecode( $input, $desc ) { 00037 if ( !function_exists( 'json_decode' ) ) { 00038 $this->markTestIncomplete( 'No PHP json support, unable to test' ); 00039 return; 00040 } else { 00041 $jsonObj = new Services_JSON(); 00042 $this->assertEquals( 00043 $jsonObj->decode( $input ), 00044 json_decode( $input ), 00045 $desc 00046 ); 00047 } 00048 } 00049 00050 function provideValuesToEncode() { 00051 $obj = new stdClass(); 00052 $obj->property = 'value'; 00053 $obj->property2 = null; 00054 $obj->property3 = 1.234; 00055 return array( 00056 array( 1, 'basic integer' ), 00057 array( -1, 'negative integer' ), 00058 array( 1.1, 'basic float' ), 00059 array( true, 'basic bool true' ), 00060 array( false, 'basic bool false' ), 00061 array( 'some string', 'basic string test' ), 00062 array( "some string\nwith newline", 'newline string test' ), 00063 array( '♥ü', 'unicode string test' ), 00064 array( array( 'some', 'string', 'values' ), 'basic array of strings' ), 00065 array( array( 'key1' => 'val1', 'key2' => 'val2' ), 'array with string keys' ), 00066 array( array( 1 => 'val1', 3 => 'val2', '2' => 'val3' ), 'out of order numbered array test' ), 00067 array( array(), 'empty array test' ), 00068 array( $obj, 'basic object test' ), 00069 array( new stdClass, 'empty object test' ), 00070 array( null, 'null test' ), 00071 ); 00072 } 00073 00074 function provideValuesToDecode() { 00075 return array( 00076 array( '1', 'basic integer' ), 00077 array( '-1', 'negative integer' ), 00078 array( '1.1', 'basic float' ), 00079 array( '1.1e1', 'scientific float' ), 00080 array( 'true', 'basic bool true' ), 00081 array( 'false', 'basic bool false' ), 00082 array( '"some string"', 'basic string test' ), 00083 array( '"some string\nwith newline"', 'newline string test' ), 00084 array( '"♥ü"', 'unicode character string test' ), 00085 array( '"\u2665"', 'unicode \\u string test' ), 00086 array( '["some","string","values"]', 'basic array of strings' ), 00087 array( '[]', 'empty array test' ), 00088 array( '{"key":"value"}', 'Basic key => value test' ), 00089 array( '{}', 'empty object test' ), 00090 array( 'null', 'null test' ), 00091 ); 00092 } 00093 }