MediaWiki  REL1_20
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00003 class TitleMethodsTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
00005         public function dataEquals() {
00006                 return array(
00007                         array( 'Main Page', 'Main Page', true ),
00008                         array( 'Main Page', 'Not The Main Page', false ),
00009                         array( 'Main Page', 'Project:Main Page', false ),
00010                         array( 'File:Example.png', 'Image:Example.png', true ),
00011                         array( 'Special:Version', 'Special:Version', true ),
00012                         array( 'Special:Version', 'Special:Recentchanges', false ),
00013                         array( 'Special:Version', 'Main Page', false ),
00014                 );
00015         }
00020         public function testEquals( $titleA, $titleB, $expectedBool ) {
00021                 $titleA = Title::newFromText( $titleA );
00022                 $titleB = Title::newFromText( $titleB );
00024                 $this->assertEquals( $expectedBool, $titleA->equals( $titleB ) );
00025                 $this->assertEquals( $expectedBool, $titleB->equals( $titleA ) );
00026         }
00028         public function dataInNamespace() {
00029                 return array(
00030                         array( 'Main Page', NS_MAIN, true ),
00031                         array( 'Main Page', NS_TALK, false ),
00032                         array( 'Main Page', NS_USER, false ),
00033                         array( 'User:Foo', NS_USER, true ),
00034                         array( 'User:Foo', NS_USER_TALK, false ),
00035                         array( 'User:Foo', NS_TEMPLATE, false ),
00036                         array( 'User_talk:Foo', NS_USER_TALK, true ),
00037                         array( 'User_talk:Foo', NS_USER, false ),
00038                 );
00039         }
00044         public function testInNamespace( $title, $ns, $expectedBool ) {
00045                 $title = Title::newFromText( $title );
00046                 $this->assertEquals( $expectedBool, $title->inNamespace( $ns ) );
00047         }
00049         public function testInNamespaces() {
00050                 $mainpage = Title::newFromText( 'Main Page' );
00051                 $this->assertTrue( $mainpage->inNamespaces( NS_MAIN, NS_USER ) );
00052                 $this->assertTrue( $mainpage->inNamespaces( array( NS_MAIN, NS_USER ) ) );
00053                 $this->assertTrue( $mainpage->inNamespaces( array( NS_USER, NS_MAIN ) ) );
00054                 $this->assertFalse( $mainpage->inNamespaces( array( NS_PROJECT, NS_TEMPLATE ) ) );
00055         }
00057         public function dataHasSubjectNamespace() {
00058                 return array(
00059                         array( 'Main Page', NS_MAIN, true ),
00060                         array( 'Main Page', NS_TALK, true ),
00061                         array( 'Main Page', NS_USER, false ),
00062                         array( 'User:Foo', NS_USER, true ),
00063                         array( 'User:Foo', NS_USER_TALK, true ),
00064                         array( 'User:Foo', NS_TEMPLATE, false ),
00065                         array( 'User_talk:Foo', NS_USER_TALK, true ),
00066                         array( 'User_talk:Foo', NS_USER, true ),
00067                 );
00068         }
00073         public function testHasSubjectNamespace( $title, $ns, $expectedBool ) {
00074                 $title = Title::newFromText( $title );
00075                 $this->assertEquals( $expectedBool, $title->hasSubjectNamespace( $ns ) );
00076         }
00078         public function dataIsCssOrJsPage() {
00079                 return array(
00080                         array( 'Foo', false ),
00081                         array( 'Foo.js', false ),
00082                         array( 'Foo/bar.js', false ),
00083                         array( 'User:Foo', false ),
00084                         array( 'User:Foo.js', false ),
00085                         array( 'User:Foo/bar.js', false ),
00086                         array( 'User:Foo/bar.css', false ),
00087                         array( 'User talk:Foo/bar.css', false ),
00088                         array( 'User:Foo/', false ),
00089                         array( 'User:Foo/', false ),
00090                         array( 'MediaWiki:Foo.js', true ),
00091                         array( 'MediaWiki:Foo.css', true ),
00092                         array( 'MediaWiki:Foo.JS', false ),
00093                         array( 'MediaWiki:Foo.CSS', false ),
00094                         array( '', false ),
00095                 );
00096         }
00101         public function testIsCssOrJsPage( $title, $expectedBool ) {
00102                 $title = Title::newFromText( $title );
00103                 $this->assertEquals( $expectedBool, $title->isCssOrJsPage() );
00104         }
00107         public function dataIsCssJsSubpage() {
00108                 return array(
00109                         array( 'Foo', false ),
00110                         array( 'Foo.js', false ),
00111                         array( 'Foo/bar.js', false ),
00112                         array( 'User:Foo', false ),
00113                         array( 'User:Foo.js', false ),
00114                         array( 'User:Foo/bar.js', true ),
00115                         array( 'User:Foo/bar.css', true ),
00116                         array( 'User talk:Foo/bar.css', false ),
00117                         array( 'User:Foo/', false ),
00118                         array( 'User:Foo/', false ),
00119                         array( 'MediaWiki:Foo.js', false ),
00120                         array( 'User:Foo/bar.JS', false ),
00121                         array( 'User:Foo/bar.CSS', false ),
00122                 );
00123         }
00128         public function testIsCssJsSubpage( $title, $expectedBool ) {
00129                 $title = Title::newFromText( $title );
00130                 $this->assertEquals( $expectedBool, $title->isCssJsSubpage() );
00131         }
00133         public function dataIsCssSubpage() {
00134                 return array(
00135                         array( 'Foo', false ),
00136                         array( 'Foo.css', false ),
00137                         array( 'User:Foo', false ),
00138                         array( 'User:Foo.js', false ),
00139                         array( 'User:Foo.css', false ),
00140                         array( 'User:Foo/bar.js', false ),
00141                         array( 'User:Foo/bar.css', true ),
00142                 );
00143         }
00148         public function testIsCssSubpage( $title, $expectedBool ) {
00149                 $title = Title::newFromText( $title );
00150                 $this->assertEquals( $expectedBool, $title->isCssSubpage() );
00151         }
00153         public function dataIsJsSubpage() {
00154                 return array(
00155                         array( 'Foo', false ),
00156                         array( 'Foo.css', false ),
00157                         array( 'User:Foo', false ),
00158                         array( 'User:Foo.js', false ),
00159                         array( 'User:Foo.css', false ),
00160                         array( 'User:Foo/bar.js', true ),
00161                         array( 'User:Foo/bar.css', false ),
00162                 );
00163         }
00168         public function testIsJsSubpage( $title, $expectedBool ) {
00169                 $title = Title::newFromText( $title );
00170                 $this->assertEquals( $expectedBool, $title->isJsSubpage() );
00171         }
00173         public function dataIsWikitextPage() {
00174                 return array(
00175                         array( 'Foo', true ),
00176                         array( 'Foo.js', true ),
00177                         array( 'Foo/bar.js', true ),
00178                         array( 'User:Foo', true ),
00179                         array( 'User:Foo.js', true ),
00180                         array( 'User:Foo/bar.js', false ),
00181                         array( 'User:Foo/bar.css', false ),
00182                         array( 'User talk:Foo/bar.css', true ),
00183                         array( 'User:Foo/', true ),
00184                         array( 'User:Foo/', true ),
00185                         array( 'MediaWiki:Foo.js', false ),
00186                         array( 'MediaWiki:Foo.css', false ),
00187                         array( 'MediaWiki:Foo/bar.css', false ),
00188                         array( 'User:Foo/bar.JS', true ),
00189                         array( 'User:Foo/bar.CSS', true ),
00190                 );
00191         }
00196         public function testIsWikitextPage( $title, $expectedBool ) {
00197                 $title = Title::newFromText( $title );
00198                 $this->assertEquals( $expectedBool, $title->isWikitextPage() );
00199         }
00201 }