MediaWiki  REL1_20
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00028 if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) die( -1 );
00034 class UserloginTemplate extends QuickTemplate {
00035         function execute() {
00036                 if( $this->data['message'] ) {
00037 ?>
00038         <div class="<?php $this->text('messagetype') ?>box">
00039                 <?php if ( $this->data['messagetype'] == 'error' ) { ?>
00040                         <strong><?php $this->msg( 'loginerror' )?></strong><br />
00041                 <?php } ?>
00042                 <?php $this->html('message') ?>
00043         </div>
00044         <div class="visualClear"></div>
00045 <?php } ?>
00047 <div id="loginstart"><?php $this->msgWiki( 'loginstart' ); ?></div>
00048 <div id="userloginForm">
00049 <form name="userlogin" method="post" action="<?php $this->text('action') ?>">
00050         <h2><?php $this->msg('login') ?></h2>
00051         <p id="userloginlink"><?php $this->html('link') ?></p>
00052         <?php $this->html('header'); /* pre-table point for form plugins... */ ?>
00053         <div id="userloginprompt"><?php  $this->msgWiki('loginprompt') ?></div>
00054         <?php if( $this->haveData( 'languages' ) ) { ?><div id="languagelinks"><p><?php $this->html( 'languages' ); ?></p></div><?php } ?>
00055         <table>
00056                 <tr>
00057                         <td class="mw-label"><label for='wpName1'><?php $this->msg('yourname') ?></label></td>
00058                         <td class="mw-input">
00059                                 <?php
00060                         echo Html::input( 'wpName', $this->data['name'], 'text', array(
00061                                 'class' => 'loginText',
00062                                 'id' => 'wpName1',
00063                                 'tabindex' => '1',
00064                                 'size' => '20',
00065                                 'required'
00066                                 # Can't do + array( 'autofocus' ) because + for arrays in PHP
00067                                 # only works right for associative arrays!  Thanks, PHP.
00068                         ) + ( $this->data['name'] ? array() : array( 'autofocus' => '' ) ) ); ?>
00070                         </td>
00071                 </tr>
00072                 <tr>
00073                         <td class="mw-label"><label for='wpPassword1'><?php $this->msg('yourpassword') ?></label></td>
00074                         <td class="mw-input">
00075                                 <?php
00076                         echo Html::input( 'wpPassword', null, 'password', array(
00077                                 'class' => 'loginPassword',
00078                                 'id' => 'wpPassword1',
00079                                 'tabindex' => '2',
00080                                 'size' => '20'
00081                         ) + ( $this->data['name'] ? array( 'autofocus' ) : array() ) ); ?>
00083                         </td>
00084                 </tr>
00085         <?php if( isset( $this->data['usedomain'] ) && $this->data['usedomain'] ) {
00086                 $doms = "";
00087                 foreach( $this->data['domainnames'] as $dom ) {
00088                         $doms .= "<option>" . htmlspecialchars( $dom ) . "</option>";
00089                 }
00090         ?>
00091                 <tr id="mw-user-domain-section">
00092                         <td class="mw-label"><?php $this->msg( 'yourdomainname' ) ?></td>
00093                         <td class="mw-input">
00094                                 <select name="wpDomain" value="<?php $this->text( 'domain' ) ?>"
00095                                         tabindex="3">
00096                                         <?php echo $doms ?>
00097                                 </select>
00098                         </td>
00099                 </tr>
00100         <?php }
00102         if( $this->haveData( 'extrafields' ) ) {
00103                 echo $this->data['extrafields'];
00104         }
00106         if( $this->data['canremember'] ) { ?>
00107                 <tr>
00108                         <td></td>
00109                         <td class="mw-input">
00110                                 <?php
00111                                 global $wgCookieExpiration;
00112                                 $expirationDays = ceil( $wgCookieExpiration / ( 3600 * 24 ) );
00113                                 echo Xml::checkLabel(
00114                                         wfMessage( 'remembermypassword' )->numParams( $expirationDays )->text(),
00115                                         'wpRemember',
00116                                         'wpRemember',
00117                                         $this->data['remember'],
00118                                         array( 'tabindex' => '8' )
00119                                 )
00120                                 ?>
00121                         </td>
00122                 </tr>
00123 <?php } ?>
00124 <?php if( $this->data['cansecurelogin'] ) { ?>
00125                 <tr>
00126                         <td></td>
00127                         <td class="mw-input">
00128                         <?php
00129                         echo Xml::checkLabel(
00130                                 wfMessage( 'securelogin-stick-https' )->text(),
00131                                 'wpStickHTTPS',
00132                                 'wpStickHTTPS',
00133                                 $this->data['stickHTTPS'],
00134                                 array( 'tabindex' => '9' )
00135                         );
00136                 ?>
00137                         </td>
00138                 </tr>
00139 <?php } ?>
00140                 <tr>
00141                         <td></td>
00142                         <td class="mw-submit">
00143                                 <?php
00144                 echo Html::input( 'wpLoginAttempt', wfMessage( 'login' )->text(), 'submit', array(
00145                         'id' => 'wpLoginAttempt',
00146                         'tabindex' => '9'
00147                 ) );
00148                 if ( $this->data['useemail'] && $this->data['canreset'] ) {
00149                         if( $this->data['resetlink'] === true ){
00150                                 echo '&#160;';
00151                                 echo Linker::link(
00152                                         SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'PasswordReset' ),
00153                                         wfMessage( 'userlogin-resetlink' )
00154                                 );
00155                         } elseif( $this->data['resetlink'] === null ) {
00156                                 echo '&#160;';
00157                                 echo Html::input(
00158                                         'wpMailmypassword',
00159                                         wfMessage( 'mailmypassword' )->text(),
00160                                         'submit', array(
00161                                                 'id' => 'wpMailmypassword',
00162                                                 'tabindex' => '10'
00163                                         )
00164                                 );
00165                         }
00166                 } ?>
00168                         </td>
00169                 </tr>
00170         </table>
00171 <?php if( $this->haveData( 'uselang' ) ) { ?><input type="hidden" name="uselang" value="<?php $this->text( 'uselang' ); ?>" /><?php } ?>
00172 <?php if( $this->haveData( 'token' ) ) { ?><input type="hidden" name="wpLoginToken" value="<?php $this->text( 'token' ); ?>" /><?php } ?>
00173 </form>
00174 </div>
00175 <div id="loginend"><?php $this->html( 'loginend' ); ?></div>
00176 <?php
00178         }
00179 }