MediaWiki  REL1_20
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00042 class BaseDump {
00043         var $reader = null;
00044         var $atEnd = false;
00045         var $atPageEnd = false;
00046         var $lastPage = 0;
00047         var $lastRev = 0;
00048         var $infiles = null;
00050         function BaseDump( $infile ) {
00051                 $this->infiles = explode(';',$infile);
00052                 $this->reader = new XMLReader();
00053                 $infile = array_shift($this->infiles);
00054                 if (defined( 'LIBXML_PARSEHUGE' ) ) {
00055                         $this->reader->open( $infile, null, LIBXML_PARSEHUGE );
00056                 }
00057                 else {
00058                         $this->reader->open( $infile );
00059                 }
00060         }
00071         function prefetch( $page, $rev ) {
00072                 $page = intval( $page );
00073                 $rev = intval( $rev );
00074                 while ( $this->lastPage < $page && !$this->atEnd ) {
00075                         $this->debug( "BaseDump::prefetch at page $this->lastPage, looking for $page" );
00076                         $this->nextPage();
00077                 }
00078                 if ( $this->lastPage > $page || $this->atEnd ) {
00079                         $this->debug( "BaseDump::prefetch already past page $page looking for rev $rev  [$this->lastPage, $this->lastRev]" );
00080                         return null;
00081                 }
00082                 while ( $this->lastRev < $rev && !$this->atEnd && !$this->atPageEnd ) {
00083                         $this->debug( "BaseDump::prefetch at page $this->lastPage, rev $this->lastRev, looking for $page, $rev" );
00084                         $this->nextRev();
00085                 }
00086                 if ( $this->lastRev == $rev && !$this->atEnd ) {
00087                         $this->debug( "BaseDump::prefetch hit on $page, $rev [$this->lastPage, $this->lastRev]" );
00088                         return $this->nextText();
00089                 } else {
00090                         $this->debug( "BaseDump::prefetch already past rev $rev on page $page  [$this->lastPage, $this->lastRev]" );
00091                         return null;
00092                 }
00093         }
00095         function debug( $str ) {
00096                 wfDebug( $str . "\n" );
00097                 // global $dumper;
00098                 // $dumper->progress( $str );
00099         }
00104         function nextPage() {
00105                 if ( $this->skipTo( 'page', 'mediawiki' ) ) {
00106                         if ( $this->skipTo( 'id' ) ) {
00107                                 $this->lastPage = intval( $this->nodeContents() );
00108                                 $this->lastRev = 0;
00109                                 $this->atPageEnd = false;
00110                         }
00111                 } else {
00112                         $this->close();
00113                         if (count($this->infiles)) {
00114                                 $infile = array_shift($this->infiles);
00115                                 $this->reader->open( $infile );
00116                                 $this->atEnd = false;
00117                         }
00118                 }
00119         }
00124         function nextRev() {
00125                 if ( $this->skipTo( 'revision' ) ) {
00126                         if ( $this->skipTo( 'id' ) ) {
00127                                 $this->lastRev = intval( $this->nodeContents() );
00128                         }
00129                 } else {
00130                         $this->atPageEnd = true;
00131                 }
00132         }
00138         function nextText() {
00139                 $this->skipTo( 'text' );
00140                 return strval( $this->nodeContents() );
00141         }
00149         function skipTo( $name, $parent = 'page' ) {
00150                 if ( $this->atEnd ) {
00151                         return false;
00152                 }
00153                 while ( $this->reader->read() ) {
00154                         if ( $this->reader->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT &&
00155                                 $this->reader->name == $name ) {
00156                                 return true;
00157                         }
00158                         if ( $this->reader->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT &&
00159                                 $this->reader->name == $parent ) {
00160                                 $this->debug( "BaseDump::skipTo found </$parent> searching for <$name>" );
00161                                 return false;
00162                         }
00163                 }
00164                 return $this->close();
00165         }
00175         function nodeContents() {
00176                 if ( $this->atEnd ) {
00177                         return null;
00178                 }
00179                 if ( $this->reader->isEmptyElement ) {
00180                         return "";
00181                 }
00182                 $buffer = "";
00183                 while ( $this->reader->read() ) {
00184                         switch( $this->reader->nodeType ) {
00185                         case XMLReader::TEXT:
00186 //                      case XMLReader::WHITESPACE:
00187                         case XMLReader::SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE:
00188                                 $buffer .= $this->reader->value;
00189                                 break;
00190                         case XMLReader::END_ELEMENT:
00191                                 return $buffer;
00192                         }
00193                 }
00194                 return $this->close();
00195         }
00201         function close() {
00202                 $this->reader->close();
00203                 $this->atEnd = true;
00204                 return null;
00205         }
00206 }