MediaWiki  REL1_20
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00027 class CheckLanguageCLI {
00028         protected $code  = null;
00029         protected $level = 2;
00030         protected $doLinks = false;
00031         protected $linksPrefix = '';
00032         protected $wikiCode = 'en';
00033         protected $checkAll = false;
00034         protected $output = 'plain';
00035         protected $checks = array();
00036         protected $L = null;
00038         protected $results = array();
00040         private $includeExif = false;
00046         public function __construct( Array $options ) {
00047                 if ( isset( $options['help'] ) ) {
00048                         echo $this->help();
00049                         exit(1);
00050                 }
00052                 if ( isset( $options['lang'] ) ) {
00053                         $this->code = $options['lang'];
00054                 } else {
00055                         global $wgLanguageCode;
00056                         $this->code = $wgLanguageCode;
00057                 }
00059                 if ( isset( $options['level'] ) ) {
00060                         $this->level = $options['level'];
00061                 }
00063                 $this->doLinks = isset( $options['links'] );
00064                 $this->includeExif = !isset( $options['noexif'] );
00065                 $this->checkAll = isset( $options['all'] );
00067                 if ( isset( $options['prefix'] ) ) {
00068                         $this->linksPrefix = $options['prefix'];
00069                 }
00071                 if ( isset( $options['wikilang'] ) ) {
00072                         $this->wikiCode = $options['wikilang'];
00073                 }
00075                 if ( isset( $options['whitelist'] ) ) {
00076                         $this->checks = explode( ',', $options['whitelist'] );
00077                 } elseif ( isset( $options['blacklist'] ) ) {
00078                         $this->checks = array_diff(
00079                                 isset( $options['easy'] ) ? $this->easyChecks() : $this->defaultChecks(),
00080                                 explode( ',', $options['blacklist'] )
00081                         );
00082                 } elseif ( isset( $options['easy'] ) ) {
00083                         $this->checks = $this->easyChecks();
00084                 } else {
00085                         $this->checks = $this->defaultChecks();
00086                 }
00088                 if ( isset( $options['output'] ) ) {
00089                         $this->output = $options['output'];
00090                 }
00092                 $this->L = new languages( $this->includeExif );
00093         }
00099         protected function defaultChecks() {
00100                 return array(
00101                         'untranslated', 'duplicate', 'obsolete', 'variables', 'empty', 'plural',
00102                         'whitespace', 'xhtml', 'chars', 'links', 'unbalanced', 'namespace',
00103                         'projecttalk', 'magic', 'magic-old', 'magic-over', 'magic-case',
00104                         'special', 'special-old',
00105                 );
00106         }
00112         protected function nonMessageChecks() {
00113                 return array(
00114                         'namespace', 'projecttalk', 'magic', 'magic-old', 'magic-over',
00115                         'magic-case', 'special', 'special-old',
00116                 );
00117         }
00123         protected function easyChecks() {
00124                 return array(
00125                         'duplicate', 'obsolete', 'empty', 'whitespace', 'xhtml', 'chars', 'magic-old',
00126                         'magic-over', 'magic-case', 'special-old',
00127                 );
00128         }
00134         protected function getChecks() {
00135                 return array(
00136                         'untranslated' => 'getUntranslatedMessages',
00137                         'duplicate'    => 'getDuplicateMessages',
00138                         'obsolete'     => 'getObsoleteMessages',
00139                         'variables'    => 'getMessagesWithMismatchVariables',
00140                         'plural'       => 'getMessagesWithoutPlural',
00141                         'empty'        => 'getEmptyMessages',
00142                         'whitespace'   => 'getMessagesWithWhitespace',
00143                         'xhtml'        => 'getNonXHTMLMessages',
00144                         'chars'        => 'getMessagesWithWrongChars',
00145                         'links'        => 'getMessagesWithDubiousLinks',
00146                         'unbalanced'   => 'getMessagesWithUnbalanced',
00147                         'namespace'    => 'getUntranslatedNamespaces',
00148                         'projecttalk'  => 'getProblematicProjectTalks',
00149                         'magic'        => 'getUntranslatedMagicWords',
00150                         'magic-old'    => 'getObsoleteMagicWords',
00151                         'magic-over'   => 'getOverridingMagicWords',
00152                         'magic-case'   => 'getCaseMismatchMagicWords',
00153                         'special'      => 'getUntraslatedSpecialPages',
00154                         'special-old'  => 'getObsoleteSpecialPages',
00155                 );
00156         }
00164         protected function getTotalCount() {
00165                 return array(
00166                         'namespace'    => array( 'getNamespaceNames', 'en' ),
00167                         'projecttalk'  => null,
00168                         'magic'        => array( 'getMagicWords', 'en' ),
00169                         'magic-old'    => array( 'getMagicWords', null ),
00170                         'magic-over'   => array( 'getMagicWords', null ),
00171                         'magic-case'   => array( 'getMagicWords', null ),
00172                         'special'      => array( 'getSpecialPageAliases', 'en' ),
00173                         'special-old'  => array( 'getSpecialPageAliases', null ),
00174                 );
00175         }
00181         protected function getDescriptions() {
00182                 return array(
00183                         'untranslated' => '$1 message(s) of $2 are not translated to $3, but exist in en:',
00184                         'duplicate'    => '$1 message(s) of $2 are translated the same in en and $3:',
00185                         'obsolete'     => '$1 message(s) of $2 do not exist in en or are in the ignore list, but exist in $3:',
00186                         'variables'    => '$1 message(s) of $2 in $3 don\'t match the variables used in en:',
00187                         'plural'       => '$1 message(s) of $2 in $3 don\'t use {{plural}} while en uses:',
00188                         'empty'        => '$1 message(s) of $2 in $3 are empty or -:',
00189                         'whitespace'   => '$1 message(s) of $2 in $3 have trailing whitespace:',
00190                         'xhtml'        => '$1 message(s) of $2 in $3 contain illegal XHTML:',
00191                         'chars'        => '$1 message(s) of $2 in $3 include hidden chars which should not be used in the messages:',
00192                         'links'        => '$1 message(s) of $2 in $3 have problematic link(s):',
00193                         'unbalanced'   => '$1 message(s) of $2 in $3 have unbalanced {[]}:',
00194                         'namespace'    => '$1 namespace name(s) of $2 are not translated to $3, but exist in en:',
00195                         'projecttalk'  => '$1 namespace name(s) and alias(es) in $3 are project talk namespaces without the parameter:',
00196                         'magic'        => '$1 magic word(s) of $2 are not translated to $3, but exist in en:',
00197                         'magic-old'    => '$1 magic word(s) of $2 do not exist in en, but exist in $3:',
00198                         'magic-over'   => '$1 magic word(s) of $2 in $3 do not contain the original en word(s):',
00199                         'magic-case'   => '$1 magic word(s) of $2 in $3 change the case-sensitivity of the original en word:',
00200                         'special'      => '$1 special page alias(es) of $2 are not translated to $3, but exist in en:',
00201                         'special-old'  => '$1 special page alias(es) of $2 do not exist in en, but exist in $3:',
00202                 );
00203         }
00209         protected function help() {
00210                 return <<<ENDS
00211 Run this script to check a specific language file, or all of them.
00212 Command line settings are in form --parameter[=value].
00213 Parameters:
00214         --help: Show this help.
00215         --lang: Language code (default: the installation default language).
00216         --all: Check all customized languages.
00217         --level: Show the following display level (default: 2):
00218                 * 0: Skip the checks (useful for checking syntax).
00219                 * 1: Show only the stub headers and number of wrong messages, without list of messages.
00220                 * 2: Show only the headers and the message keys, without the message values.
00221                 * 3: Show both the headers and the complete messages, with both keys and values.
00222         --links: Link the message values (default off).
00223         --prefix: prefix to add to links.
00224         --wikilang: For the links, what is the content language of the wiki to display the output in (default en).
00225         --noexif: Do not check for EXIF messages (a bit hard and boring to translate), if you know
00226                 that they are currently not translated and want to focus on other problems (default off).
00227         --whitelist: Do only the following checks (form: code,code).
00228         --blacklist: Do not do the following checks (form: code,code).
00229         --easy: Do only the easy checks, which can be treated by non-speakers of the language.
00231 Check codes (ideally, all of them should result 0; all the checks are executed by default (except language-specific check blacklists in
00232         * untranslated: Messages which are required to translate, but are not translated.
00233         * duplicate: Messages which translation equal to fallback
00234         * obsolete: Messages which are untranslatable or do not exist, but are translated.
00235         * variables: Messages without variables which should be used, or with variables which should not be used.
00236         * empty: Empty messages and messages that contain only -.
00237         * whitespace: Messages which have trailing whitespace.
00238         * xhtml: Messages which are not well-formed XHTML (checks only few common errors).
00239         * chars: Messages with hidden characters.
00240         * links: Messages which contains broken links to pages (does not find all).
00241         * unbalanced: Messages which contains unequal numbers of opening {[ and closing ]}.
00242         * namespace: Namespace names that were not translated.
00243         * projecttalk: Namespace names and aliases where the project talk does not contain $1.
00244         * magic: Magic words that were not translated.
00245         * magic-old: Magic words which do not exist.
00246         * magic-over: Magic words that override the original English word.
00247         * magic-case: Magic words whose translation changes the case-sensitivity of the original English word.
00248         * special: Special page names that were not translated.
00249         * special-old: Special page names which do not exist.
00251 ENDS;
00252         }
00257         public function execute() {
00258                 $this->doChecks();
00259                 if ( $this->level > 0 ) {
00260                         switch ( $this->output ) {
00261                                 case 'plain':
00262                                         $this->outputText();
00263                                         break;
00264                                 case 'wiki':
00265                                         $this->outputWiki();
00266                                         break;
00267                                 default:
00268                                         throw new MWException( "Invalid output type $this->output" );
00269                         }
00270                 }
00271         }
00276         protected function doChecks() {
00277                 $ignoredCodes = array( 'en', 'enRTL' );
00279                 $this->results = array();
00280                 # Check the language
00281                 if ( $this->checkAll ) {
00282                         foreach ( $this->L->getLanguages() as $language ) {
00283                                 if ( !in_array( $language, $ignoredCodes ) ) {
00284                                         $this->results[$language] = $this->checkLanguage( $language );
00285                                 }
00286                         }
00287                 } else {
00288                         if ( in_array( $this->code, $ignoredCodes ) ) {
00289                                 throw new MWException( "Cannot check code $this->code." );
00290                         } else {
00291                                 $this->results[$this->code] = $this->checkLanguage( $this->code );
00292                         }
00293                 }
00294         }
00300         protected function getCheckBlacklist() {
00301                 global $checkBlacklist;
00302                 return $checkBlacklist;
00303         }
00310         protected function checkLanguage( $code ) {
00311                 # Syntax check only
00312                 $results = array();
00313                 if ( $this->level === 0 ) {
00314                         $this->L->getMessages( $code );
00315                         return $results;
00316                 }
00318                 $checkFunctions = $this->getChecks();
00319                 $checkBlacklist = $this->getCheckBlacklist();
00320                 foreach ( $this->checks as $check ) {
00321                         if ( isset( $checkBlacklist[$code] ) &&
00322                                 in_array( $check, $checkBlacklist[$code] ) ) {
00323                                 $results[$check] = array();
00324                                 continue;
00325                         }
00327                         $callback = array( $this->L, $checkFunctions[$check] );
00328                         if ( !is_callable( $callback ) ) {
00329                                 throw new MWException( "Unkown check $check." );
00330                         }
00331                         $results[$check] = call_user_func( $callback, $code );
00332                 }
00334                 return $results;
00335         }
00343         protected function formatKey( $key, $code ) {
00344                 if ( $this->doLinks ) {
00345                         $displayKey = ucfirst( $key );
00346                         if ( $code == $this->wikiCode ) {
00347                                 return "[[{$this->linksPrefix}MediaWiki:$displayKey|$key]]";
00348                         } else {
00349                                 return "[[{$this->linksPrefix}MediaWiki:$displayKey/$code|$key]]";
00350                         }
00351                 } else {
00352                         return $key;
00353                 }
00354         }
00359         protected function outputText() {
00360                 foreach ( $this->results as $code => $results ) {
00361                         $translated = $this->L->getMessages( $code );
00362                         $translated = count( $translated['translated'] );
00363                         foreach ( $results as $check => $messages ) {
00364                                 $count = count( $messages );
00365                                 if ( $count ) {
00366                                         if ( $check == 'untranslated' ) {
00367                                                 $translatable = $this->L->getGeneralMessages();
00368                                                 $total = count( $translatable['translatable'] );
00369                                         } elseif ( in_array( $check, $this->nonMessageChecks() ) ) {
00370                                                 $totalCount = $this->getTotalCount();
00371                                                 $totalCount = $totalCount[$check];
00372                                                 $callback = array( $this->L, $totalCount[0] );
00373                                                 $callCode = $totalCount[1] ? $totalCount[1] : $code;
00374                                                 $total = count( call_user_func( $callback, $callCode ) );
00375                                         } else {
00376                                                 $total = $translated;
00377                                         }
00378                                         $search = array( '$1', '$2', '$3' );
00379                                         $replace = array( $count, $total, $code );
00380                                         $descriptions = $this->getDescriptions();
00381                                         echo "\n" . str_replace( $search, $replace, $descriptions[$check] ) . "\n";
00382                                         if ( $this->level == 1 ) {
00383                                                 echo "[messages are hidden]\n";
00384                                         } else {
00385                                                 foreach ( $messages as $key => $value ) {
00386                                                         if( !in_array( $check, $this->nonMessageChecks() ) ) {
00387                                                                 $key = $this->formatKey( $key, $code );
00388                                                         }
00389                                                         if ( $this->level == 2 || empty( $value ) ) {
00390                                                                 echo "* $key\n";
00391                                                         } else {
00392                                                                 echo "* $key:           '$value'\n";
00393                                                         }
00394                                                 }
00395                                         }
00396                                 }
00397                         }
00398                 }
00399         }
00404         function outputWiki() {
00405                 $detailText = '';
00406                 $rows[] = '! Language !! Code !! Total !! ' . implode( ' !! ', array_diff( $this->checks, $this->nonMessageChecks() ) );
00407                 foreach ( $this->results as $code => $results ) {
00408                         $detailTextForLang = "==$code==\n";
00409                         $numbers = array();
00410                         $problems = 0;
00411                         $detailTextForLangChecks = array();
00412                         foreach ( $results as $check => $messages ) {
00413                                 if( in_array( $check, $this->nonMessageChecks() ) ) {
00414                                         continue;
00415                                 }
00416                                 $count = count( $messages );
00417                                 if ( $count ) {
00418                                         $problems += $count;
00419                                         $messageDetails = array();
00420                                         foreach ( $messages as $key => $details ) {
00421                                                 $displayKey = $this->formatKey( $key, $code );
00422                                                 $messageDetails[] = $displayKey;
00423                                         }
00424                                         $detailTextForLangChecks[] = "=== $code-$check ===\n* " . implode( ', ', $messageDetails );
00425                                         $numbers[] = "'''[[#$code-$check|$count]]'''";
00426                                 } else {
00427                                         $numbers[] = $count;
00428                                 }
00430                         }
00432                         if ( count( $detailTextForLangChecks ) ) {
00433                                 $detailText .= $detailTextForLang . implode( "\n", $detailTextForLangChecks ) . "\n";
00434                         }
00436                         if ( !$problems ) {
00437                                 # Don't list languages without problems
00438                                 continue;
00439                         }
00440                         $language = Language::fetchLanguageName( $code );
00441                         $rows[] = "| $language || $code || $problems || " . implode( ' || ', $numbers );
00442                 }
00444                 $tableRows = implode( "\n|-\n", $rows );
00446                 $version = SpecialVersion::getVersion( 'nodb' );
00447                 echo <<<EOL
00448 '''Check results are for:''' <code>$version</code>
00451 {| class="sortable wikitable" border="2" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #F9F9F9; border: 1px #AAAAAA solid; border-collapse: collapse; clear: both;"
00452 $tableRows
00453 |}
00455 $detailText
00457 EOL;
00458         }
00464         protected function isEmpty() {
00465                 foreach( $this->results as $results ) {
00466                         foreach( $results as $messages ) {
00467                                 if( !empty( $messages ) ) {
00468                                         return false;
00469                                 }
00470                         }
00471                 }
00472                 return true;
00473         }
00474 }
00479 class CheckExtensionsCLI extends CheckLanguageCLI {
00480         private $extensions;
00487         public function __construct( Array $options, $extension ) {
00488                 if ( isset( $options['help'] ) ) {
00489                         echo $this->help();
00490                         exit(1);
00491                 }
00493                 if ( isset( $options['lang'] ) ) {
00494                         $this->code = $options['lang'];
00495                 } else {
00496                         global $wgLanguageCode;
00497                         $this->code = $wgLanguageCode;
00498                 }
00500                 if ( isset( $options['level'] ) ) {
00501                         $this->level = $options['level'];
00502                 }
00504                 $this->doLinks = isset( $options['links'] );
00506                 if ( isset( $options['wikilang'] ) ) {
00507                         $this->wikiCode = $options['wikilang'];
00508                 }
00510                 if ( isset( $options['whitelist'] ) ) {
00511                         $this->checks = explode( ',', $options['whitelist'] );
00512                 } elseif ( isset( $options['blacklist'] ) ) {
00513                         $this->checks = array_diff(
00514                                 isset( $options['easy'] ) ? $this->easyChecks() : $this->defaultChecks(),
00515                                 explode( ',', $options['blacklist'] )
00516                         );
00517                 } elseif ( isset( $options['easy'] ) ) {
00518                         $this->checks = $this->easyChecks();
00519                 } else {
00520                         $this->checks = $this->defaultChecks();
00521                 }
00523                 if ( isset( $options['output'] ) ) {
00524                         $this->output = $options['output'];
00525                 }
00527                 # Some additional checks not enabled by default
00528                 if ( isset( $options['duplicate'] ) ) {
00529                         $this->checks[] = 'duplicate';
00530                 }
00532                 $this->extensions = array();
00533                 $extensions = new PremadeMediawikiExtensionGroups();
00534                 $extensions->addAll();
00535                 if ( $extension == 'all' ) {
00536                         foreach ( MessageGroups::singleton()->getGroups() as $group ) {
00537                                 if ( strpos( $group->getId(), 'ext-' ) === 0 && !$group->isMeta() ) {
00538                                         $this->extensions[] = new extensionLanguages( $group );
00539                                 }
00540                         }
00541                 } elseif ( $extension == 'wikimedia' ) {
00542                         $wikimedia = MessageGroups::getGroup( 'ext-0-wikimedia' );
00543                         foreach ( $wikimedia->wmfextensions() as $extension ) {
00544                                 $group = MessageGroups::getGroup( $extension );
00545                                 $this->extensions[] = new extensionLanguages( $group );
00546                         }
00547                 } elseif ( $extension == 'flaggedrevs' ) {
00548                         foreach ( MessageGroups::singleton()->getGroups() as $group ) {
00549                                 if ( strpos( $group->getId(), 'ext-flaggedrevs-' ) === 0 && !$group->isMeta() ) {
00550                                         $this->extensions[] = new extensionLanguages( $group );
00551                                 }
00552                         }
00553                 } else {
00554                         $extensions = explode( ',', $extension );
00555                         foreach ( $extensions as $extension ) {
00556                                 $group = MessageGroups::getGroup( 'ext-' . $extension );
00557                                 if ( $group ) {
00558                                         $extension = new extensionLanguages( $group );
00559                                         $this->extensions[] = $extension;
00560                                 } else {
00561                                         print "No such extension $extension.\n";
00562                                 }
00563                         }
00564                 }
00565         }
00571         protected function defaultChecks() {
00572                 return array(
00573                         'untranslated', 'duplicate', 'obsolete', 'variables', 'empty', 'plural',
00574                         'whitespace', 'xhtml', 'chars', 'links', 'unbalanced',
00575                 );
00576         }
00582         protected function nonMessageChecks() {
00583                 return array();
00584         }
00590         protected function easyChecks() {
00591                 return array(
00592                         'duplicate', 'obsolete', 'empty', 'whitespace', 'xhtml', 'chars',
00593                 );
00594         }
00600         protected function help() {
00601                 return <<<ENDS
00602 Run this script to check the status of a specific language in extensions, or all of them.
00603 Command line settings are in form --parameter[=value], except for the first one.
00604 Parameters:
00605         * First parameter (mandatory): Extension name, multiple extension names (separated by commas), "all" for all the extensions, "wikimedia" for extensions used by Wikimedia or "flaggedrevs" for all FLaggedRevs extension messages.
00606         * lang: Language code (default: the installation default language).
00607         * help: Show this help.
00608         * level: Show the following display level (default: 2).
00609         * links: Link the message values (default off).
00610         * wikilang: For the links, what is the content language of the wiki to display the output in (default en).
00611         * whitelist: Do only the following checks (form: code,code).
00612         * blacklist: Do not perform the following checks (form: code,code).
00613         * easy: Do only the easy checks, which can be treated by non-speakers of the language.
00614 Check codes (ideally, all of them should result 0; all the checks are executed by default (except language-specific check blacklists in
00615         * untranslated: Messages which are required to translate, but are not translated.
00616         * duplicate: Messages which translation equal to fallback
00617         * obsolete: Messages which are untranslatable, but translated.
00618         * variables: Messages without variables which should be used, or with variables which should not be used.
00619         * empty: Empty messages.
00620         * whitespace: Messages which have trailing whitespace.
00621         * xhtml: Messages which are not well-formed XHTML (checks only few common errors).
00622         * chars: Messages with hidden characters.
00623         * links: Messages which contains broken links to pages (does not find all).
00624         * unbalanced: Messages which contains unequal numbers of opening {[ and closing ]}.
00625 Display levels (default: 2):
00626         * 0: Skip the checks (useful for checking syntax).
00627         * 1: Show only the stub headers and number of wrong messages, without list of messages.
00628         * 2: Show only the headers and the message keys, without the message values.
00629         * 3: Show both the headers and the complete messages, with both keys and values.
00631 ENDS;
00632         }
00637         public function execute() {
00638                 $this->doChecks();
00639         }
00645         protected function checkLanguage( $code ) {
00646                 foreach( $this->extensions as $extension ) {
00647                         $this->L = $extension;
00648                         $this->results = array();
00649                         $this->results[$code] = parent::checkLanguage( $code );
00651                         if( !$this->isEmpty() ) {
00652                                 echo $extension->name() . ":\n";
00654                                 if( $this->level > 0 ) {
00655                                         switch( $this->output ) {
00656                                                 case 'plain':
00657                                                         $this->outputText();
00658                                                         break;
00659                                                 case 'wiki':
00660                                                         $this->outputWiki();
00661                                                         break;
00662                                                 default:
00663                                                         throw new MWException( "Invalid output type $this->output" );
00664                                         }
00665                                 }
00667                                 echo "\n";
00668                         }
00669                 }
00670         }
00671 }
00673 # Blacklist some checks for some languages
00674 $checkBlacklist = array(
00675 #'code'        => array( 'check1', 'check2' ... )
00676 'az'           => array( 'plural' ),
00677 'bo'           => array( 'plural' ),
00678 'dz'           => array( 'plural' ),
00679 'id'           => array( 'plural' ),
00680 'fa'           => array( 'plural' ),
00681 'gan'          => array( 'plural' ),
00682 'gan-hans'     => array( 'plural' ),
00683 'gan-hant'     => array( 'plural' ),
00684 'gn'           => array( 'plural' ),
00685 'hak'          => array( 'plural' ),
00686 'hu'           => array( 'plural' ),
00687 'ja'           => array( 'plural' ), // Does not use plural
00688 'jv'           => array( 'plural' ),
00689 'ka'           => array( 'plural' ),
00690 'kk-arab'      => array( 'plural' ),
00691 'kk-cyrl'      => array( 'plural' ),
00692 'kk-latn'      => array( 'plural' ),
00693 'km'           => array( 'plural' ),
00694 'kn'           => array( 'plural' ),
00695 'ko'           => array( 'plural' ),
00696 'lzh'          => array( 'plural' ),
00697 'mn'           => array( 'plural' ),
00698 'ms'           => array( 'plural' ),
00699 'my'           => array( 'plural', 'chars' ),  // Uses a lot zwnj
00700 'sah'          => array( 'plural' ),
00701 'sq'           => array( 'plural' ),
00702 'tet'          => array( 'plural' ),
00703 'th'           => array( 'plural' ),
00704 'to'           => array( 'plural' ),
00705 'tr'           => array( 'plural' ),
00706 'vi'           => array( 'plural' ),
00707 'wuu'          => array( 'plural' ),
00708 'xmf'          => array( 'plural' ),
00709 'yo'           => array( 'plural' ),
00710 'yue'          => array( 'plural' ),
00711 'zh'           => array( 'plural' ),
00712 'zh-classical' => array( 'plural' ),
00713 'zh-cn'        => array( 'plural' ),
00714 'zh-hans'      => array( 'plural' ),
00715 'zh-hant'      => array( 'plural' ),
00716 'zh-hk'        => array( 'plural' ),
00717 'zh-sg'        => array( 'plural' ),
00718 'zh-tw'        => array( 'plural' ),
00719 'zh-yue'       => array( 'plural' ),
00720 );