MediaWiki  REL1_20
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00028 $originalDir = getcwd();
00030 $optionsWithArgs = array( 'pagelist', 'start', 'end', 'revstart', 'revend');
00032 require_once( __DIR__ . '/' );
00033 require_once( __DIR__ . '/' );
00035 $dumper = new BackupDumper( $argv );
00037 if ( isset( $options['quiet'] ) ) {
00038         $dumper->reporting = false;
00039 }
00041 if ( isset( $options['pagelist'] ) ) {
00042         $olddir = getcwd();
00043         chdir( $originalDir );
00044         $pages = file( $options['pagelist'] );
00045         chdir( $olddir );
00046         if ( $pages === false ) {
00047                 echo( "Unable to open file {$options['pagelist']}\n" );
00048                 die(1);
00049         }
00050         $pages = array_map( 'trim', $pages );
00051         $dumper->pages = array_filter( $pages, create_function( '$x', 'return $x !== "";' ) );
00052 }
00054 if ( isset( $options['start'] ) ) {
00055         $dumper->startId = intval( $options['start'] );
00056 }
00057 if ( isset( $options['end'] ) ) {
00058         $dumper->endId = intval( $options['end'] );
00059 }
00061 if ( isset( $options['revstart'] ) ) {
00062         $dumper->revStartId = intval( $options['revstart'] );
00063 }
00064 if ( isset( $options['revend'] ) ) {
00065         $dumper->revEndId = intval( $options['revend'] );
00066 }
00067 $dumper->skipHeader = isset( $options['skip-header'] );
00068 $dumper->skipFooter = isset( $options['skip-footer'] );
00069 $dumper->dumpUploads = isset( $options['uploads'] );
00070 $dumper->dumpUploadFileContents = isset( $options['include-files'] );
00072 $textMode = isset( $options['stub'] ) ? WikiExporter::STUB : WikiExporter::TEXT;
00074 if ( isset( $options['full'] ) ) {
00075         $dumper->dump( WikiExporter::FULL, $textMode );
00076 } elseif ( isset( $options['current'] ) ) {
00077         $dumper->dump( WikiExporter::CURRENT, $textMode );
00078 } elseif ( isset( $options['stable'] ) ) {
00079         $dumper->dump( WikiExporter::STABLE, $textMode );
00080 } elseif ( isset( $options['logs'] ) ) {
00081         $dumper->dump( WikiExporter::LOGS );
00082 } elseif ( isset($options['revrange'] ) ) {
00083         $dumper->dump( WikiExporter::RANGE, $textMode );
00084 } else {
00085         $dumper->progress( <<<ENDS
00086 This script dumps the wiki page or logging database into an
00087 XML interchange wrapper format for export or backup.
00089 XML output is sent to stdout; progress reports are sent to stderr.
00091 WARNING: this is not a full database dump! It is merely for public export
00092                  of your wiki. For full backup, see our online help at:
00095 Usage: php dumpBackup.php <action> [<options>]
00096 Actions:
00097   --full      Dump all revisions of every page.
00098   --current   Dump only the latest revision of every page.
00099   --logs      Dump all log events.
00100   --stable    Stable versions of pages?
00101   --pagelist=<file>
00102                           Where <file> is a list of page titles to be dumped
00103   --revrange  Dump specified range of revisions, requires
00104               revstart and revend options.
00105 Options:
00106   --quiet     Don't dump status reports to stderr.
00107   --report=n  Report position and speed after every n pages processed.
00108                           (Default: 100)
00109   --server=h  Force reading from MySQL server h
00110   --start=n   Start from page_id or log_id n
00111   --end=n     Stop before page_id or log_id n (exclusive)
00112   --revstart=n  Start from rev_id n
00113   --revend=n    Stop before rev_id n (exclusive)
00114   --skip-header Don't output the <mediawiki> header
00115   --skip-footer Don't output the </mediawiki> footer
00116   --stub      Don't perform old_text lookups; for 2-pass dump
00117   --uploads   Include upload records without files
00118   --include-files Include files within the XML stream
00119   --conf=<file> Use the specified configuration file (LocalSettings.php)
00121   --wiki=<wiki>  Only back up the specified <wiki>
00123 Fancy stuff: (Works? Add examples please.)
00124   --plugin=<class>[:<file>]   Load a dump plugin class
00125   --output=<type>:<file>      Begin a filtered output stream;
00126                               <type>s: file, gzip, bzip2, 7zip
00127   --filter=<type>[:<options>] Add a filter on an output branch
00129 ENDS
00130 );
00131 }