MediaWiki  REL1_22
OracleUpdater Class Reference

Class for handling updates to Oracle databases. More...

Inheritance diagram for OracleUpdater:
Collaboration diagram for OracleUpdater:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 doUpdates ($what=array( 'core', 'extensions', 'purge', 'stats'))
 Overload: after this action field info table has to be rebuilt.
 purgeCache ()
 Overload: because of the DDL_MODE tablename escaping is a bit dodgy.

Protected Member Functions

 doFKRenameDeferr ()
 Uniform FK names + deferrable state.
 doFunctions17 ()
 Recreate functions to 17 schema layout.
 doInsertPage0 ()
 Insert page (page_id = 0) to prevent FK constraint violation.
 doNamespaceDefaults ()
 MySQL uses datatype defaults for NULL inserted into NOT NULL fields In namespace case that results into insert of 0 which is default namespace Oracle inserts NULL, so namespace fields should have a default value.
 doPageRestrictionsPKUKFix ()
 Fixed wrong PK, UK definition.
 doRebuildDuplicateFunction ()
 rebuilding of the function that duplicates tables for tests
 doRecentchangesFK2Cascade ()
 Removed forcing of invalid state on recentchanges_fk2.
 doRemoveNotNullEmptyDefaults ()
 Remove DEFAULT '' NOT NULL constraints from fields as '' is internally converted to NULL in Oracle.
 doRemoveNotNullEmptyDefaults2 ()
 doSchemaUpgrade17 ()
 Schema upgrade 16->17 there are no incremental patches prior to this.
 getCoreUpdateList ()
 Get an array of updates to perform on the database.

Protected Attributes

DatabaseOracle $db
 Handle to the database subclass.

Detailed Description

Class for handling updates to Oracle databases.


Definition at line 30 of file OracleUpdater.php.

Member Function Documentation

Uniform FK names + deferrable state.

Definition at line 119 of file OracleUpdater.php.

Recreate functions to 17 schema layout.

Definition at line 136 of file OracleUpdater.php.

Insert page (page_id = 0) to prevent FK constraint violation.

Definition at line 155 of file OracleUpdater.php.

MySQL uses datatype defaults for NULL inserted into NOT NULL fields In namespace case that results into insert of 0 which is default namespace Oracle inserts NULL, so namespace fields should have a default value.

Definition at line 103 of file OracleUpdater.php.

Fixed wrong PK, UK definition.

Definition at line 223 of file OracleUpdater.php.

rebuilding of the function that duplicates tables for tests

Definition at line 246 of file OracleUpdater.php.

Removed forcing of invalid state on recentchanges_fk2.

cascading taken in account in the deleting function

Definition at line 205 of file OracleUpdater.php.

Remove DEFAULT '' NOT NULL constraints from fields as '' is internally converted to NULL in Oracle.

Definition at line 177 of file OracleUpdater.php.

Schema upgrade 16->17 there are no incremental patches prior to this.

Definition at line 144 of file OracleUpdater.php.

OracleUpdater::doUpdates ( what = array( 'core', 'extensions', 'purge', 'stats' ))

Overload: after this action field info table has to be rebuilt.


Reimplemented from DatabaseUpdater.

Definition at line 255 of file OracleUpdater.php.

Get an array of updates to perform on the database.

Should return a multi-dimensional array. The main key is the MediaWiki version (1.12, 1.13...) with the values being arrays of updates, identical to how did it (for now)


Reimplemented from DatabaseUpdater.

Definition at line 38 of file OracleUpdater.php.

References array().

Overload: because of the DDL_MODE tablename escaping is a bit dodgy.

Reimplemented from DatabaseUpdater.

Definition at line 264 of file OracleUpdater.php.

Member Data Documentation

DatabaseOracle OracleUpdater::$db [protected]

Handle to the database subclass.

Reimplemented from DatabaseUpdater.

Definition at line 36 of file OracleUpdater.php.

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