MediaWiki  REL1_22
tests/parser/parserTests.txt File Reference


sub ID</p >!end!test Bare pipe character (bug 52363)!!input|!!result< p >|</p >!!end!!test Bare pipe character from a template(bug 52363)!!input
</pre >!end!test< nowiki > and
< pre > 
preference (first one wins)!!input< pre >< nowiki ></pre ></nowiki ></pre >< nowiki >< pre >< nowiki ></pre ></nowiki ></pre >!!result< pre > &lt
with space after!input< div
style="width:50% ! important">
important</div >!result< div
style="width:50% ! important">
important</div >!end!test
HTML bullet closed 
tags (bug 5497)!!input< ul >< li >One</li >< li >Two</li ></ul >!!result< ul >< li >One</li >< li >Two</li ></ul >!!end!!test HTML bullet list
</pre >!end!test< pre > with
forbidden attribute 
values (bug 3202)!!input< pre width


color __pad0__
color __pad1__
 action = edit&amp
published in in Madrid In the
first edition of the
Vocabolario for was published
In in Rotterdam was the
Dictionnaire Universel!result
< p > The first monolingual
dictionary written in a
Romance language was< i >
Sebastián Covarrubias</i >
< i > Tesoro de la lengua
castellana o published in in
Madrid In the first edition of
the< i > Vocabolario dell
< ahref="/index.php?title=Accademia_della_Crusca&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1"class="new"title="AccademiadellaCrusca(pagedoesnotexist)">
Accademia della Crusca</a >
</i > for was published In in
Rotterdam was the< i >
Dictionnaire Universel</i >
</p >!end!test Italics and 
</pre >!end!test Regression
with preformatted in< center >
!input< center > Blah</center >
!result< center >< pre > Blah
</pre ></center >!end!test 
</span ></p >!end!test
Comments and Indent Pre!input
<!--comment 1--> asdf
<!--comment 1--> asdf
<!--comment 2--><!--comment1-->
asdf<!--comment 2--> xyz
<!--comment 1--> asdf
<!--comment 2--> xyz!result
< pre > asdf</pre >< pre >
asdf</pre >< pre > asdf</pre >
< p > xyz</p >< pre > asdf xyz
</pre >!end!test Comment
test!input asdf<!--comment 1-->
jkl!result< p > asdf jkl</p >
!end!test Comment test!input
asdf<!--comment 1-->
jkl!result< p > asdf</p >< p >
jkl</p >!end!test Comment
test!input asdf<!--comment 1-->
<!--comment2--> jkl!result< p >
asdf jkl</p >!end!test
Comment test!input asdf
<!--comment 1--> jkl!result< p >
asdfjkl</p >!end!test Comment
spacing!input a<!--foo--> b
<!--bar--> c!result< p > a</p >
< pre > b</pre >< p > c</p >
!end!test Comment
whitespace!input<!--returns a
single newline, not nothing,
since the newline after > is
not stripped!result!end!test
Comment semantics and
Comment semantics and 
published in in Madrid In the
first edition of the
dell [[Accademia della Crusca]]
published in in Madrid In the
first edition of the
Vocabolario for was published
In in Rotterdam was the
Dictionnaire Universel!result
< p > The first monolingual
dictionary written in a
Romance language was< i >
Sebastián Covarrubias</i >
< i > Tesoro de la lengua
castellana o 
española</i >
b→ & gt
</span ></p >!end!test
Comments and Indent Pre!input
<!--comment 1--> asdf
<!--comment 1--> asdf
<!--comment 2--><!--comment1-->
asdf<!--comment 2--> xyz
<!--comment 1--> asdf
<!--comment 2--> xyz!result
< pre > asdf</pre >< pre >
asdf</pre >< pre > asdf</pre >
< p > xyz</p >< pre > asdf xyz
</pre >!end!test Comment
test!input asdf<!--comment 1-->
jkl!result< p > asdf jkl</p >
!end!test Comment test!input
asdf<!--comment 1-->
jkl!result< p > asdf</p >< p >
jkl</p >!end!test Comment
test!input asdf<!--comment 1-->
<!--comment2--> jkl!result< p >
asdf jkl</p >!end!test
Comment test!input asdf
<!--comment 1--> jkl!result< p >
asdfjkl</p >!end!test Comment
spacing!input a<!--foo--> b
<!--bar--> c!result< p > a</p >
< pre > b</pre >< p > c</p >
!end!test Comment
whitespace!input<!--returns a
single newline, not nothing,
since the newline after > is
not stripped!result!end!test
Comment semantics and
Comment semantics and
redux!input<!--In SGML every"foo"here
would actually show up in the
text--foo--bar--foo--funky huh?...-->
!result!end!test Comment
semantics and that wouldn t be
valid XML 
</p >!end!test href = &quot
</p >!end!test i
font id = "bug" /&gt
published in in Madrid In the
first edition of the
Vocabolario for 
with space after!input< div
style="width:50% ! important">
important</div >!result< div
style="width:50% ! important">
important</div >!end!test
HTML bullet 
doesn t work & lt
!article Main Page!text blah
blah!endarticle!article still
stripped b a<!--foo-->
<!----><!--bar--> b a<!--foo-->
b a<!--foo--> b a<!--foo--> b
a<!--foo--> b!result< hr/>< p >
a b</p >< hr/>< p > a b</p >
< hr/>< p > a b</p >< hr/>< p >
a</p >< p > b</p >< hr/>< p >
a</p >< p > b</p >< hr/>< p >
a</p >< p >< br/> b</p >< hr/>
< p > a</p >< p >< br/> b</p >
< hr/>!end!test Paragraphs
with newline spacing with non
empty white space lines in
between!input a b a b!result
< hr/>< p > a</p >< p > b</p >
< hr/>< p > a</p >< p >< br/>
b</p >< hr/>!end!test
Paragraphs with newline
spacing with non empty mixed
comment and white space lines
in between!input a<!--foo--> b
b a<!--foo--><!--bar--> b a
<!--foo--><!--bar--> b!result
< hr/>< p > a b</p >< hr/>< p >
a b</p >< hr/>< p > a</p >< p >
b</p >< hr/>< p > a</p >< p >
< br/> b</p >< hr/>!end!test
!result< p ></p >!end!test
< nowiki > unordered
list!input< nowiki > *This is
not an unordered list item
</nowiki >!result< p > *This
is not an unordered list item
</p >!end!test< nowiki >
spacing!input< nowiki > Lorem
ipsum dolor sed abit sed 
published in in Madrid In the
first edition of the
Vocabolario for was published
In in Rotterdam was the
Dictionnaire Universel!result
< p > The first monolingual
dictionary written in a
Romance language was< i >
Sebastián Covarrubias</i >
< i > Tesoro de la lengua
castellana o published in in
Madrid In the first edition of
the< i > Vocabolario dell
< ahref="/index.php?title=Accademia_della_Crusca&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1"class="new"title="AccademiadellaCrusca(pagedoesnotexist)">
Accademia della Crusca</a >
</i > for was published In in
Rotterdam was the< i >
Dictionnaire Universel</i >
</p >!end!test Italics
and!input foo!result< p >< i >
foo</i ></p >!end!test
Italics and!input foo!result
< p >< i > foo</i ></p >
!end!test Italics and!input
foo!result< p >< i > foo</i >
</p >!end!test Italics and
php!options php!input
foo!result< p >< i > foo</i >
</p >!end!test Italics and
parsoid!options parsoid!input
foo!result< p >< i > foo</i >
< b ></b ></p >!end!test
Italics and!input foo!result
< p >< i > foo</i ></p >
!end!test Italics and!input
foo!result< p >< b > foo</b >
</p >!end!test Italics
and!input foo!result< p >< b >
foo</b ></p >!end!test
Italics and php!options
php!input foo!result< p >< b >
foo</b ></p >!end!test
Italics and parsoid!options
parsoid!input foo!result< p >
< b > foo</b >< i ></i ></p >
!end!test Italics and!input
foo!result< p >< i > foo</i >
</p >!end!test Italics
and!input foo!result< p >< b >
foo</b ></p >!end!test
Italics and!input foo!result
< p >< b > foo</b ></p >
!end!test Italics and
php!options php!input
foo!result< p >< b > foo</b >
</p >!end!test Italics and
parsoid!options parsoid!input
foo!result< p >< b > foo</b >
< i ></i ></p >!end!test
Italics and!options!input
foo!result< p >< b >< i > foo
</i ></b ></p >!end!test
Italics and!input foo!result
< p >< i >< b > foo</b ></i >
</p >!end!test Italics
and!input foo!result< p >< i >
< b > foo</b ></i ></p >
!end!test Italics and!input
foo!result< p >< i >< b > foo
</b ></i ></p >!end!test
Italics and!input foo
bar!result< p >< i > foo< b >
bar</b ></i ></p >!end!test
Italics and!input foo
bar!result< p >< i > foo< b >
bar</b ></i ></p >!end!test
Italics and!input foo
bar!result< p >< i > foo< b >
bar</b ></i ></p >!end!test
Italics and php!options
php!input foo bar!result< p >
< b > foo</b > bar</p >
!end!test Italics and
parsoid!options parsoid!input
foo bar!result< p >< b > foo
</b > bar< i ></i ></p >
!end!test Italics and
php!options php!input foo
bar!result< p >< b > foo</b >
bar</p >!end!test Italics and
parsoid!options parsoid!input
foo bar!result< p >< b > foo
</b > bar< b ></b ></p >
!end!test Italics and!input
this is about foo s
family!result< p >< i > this
is about< b > foo s family</b >
</i ></p >!end!test Italics
and!input this is about foo s
family!result< p >< i > this
is about< b > foo s</b >
family</i ></p >!end!test
Italics and!input this is
about foo s family!result< p >
< b > this is about< i > foo
</i ></b >< i > s family</i >
</p >!end!test Italics
and!options!input this is
about foo s family!result< p >
< i > this is about</i > foo
< b > s family</b ></p >
!end!test Italics and!input
this is about foo s
family!result< p >< b > this
is about< i > foo s</i >
family</b ></p >!end!test
Italicized possessive!input
The[[Main Page]] s talk
page!result< p > The< i >
< ahref="/wiki/Main_Page"title="MainPage">
Main Page</a ></i > s talk
page</p >!end!test Parsoid 
</p >!end!test params
published in in Madrid In the
first edition of the
Vocabolario for was published
In in Rotterdam was 
published in in Madrid In the
first edition of the
Vocabolario for was published
In in Rotterdam was 
In div text</div >!end!test Punctuation
 redlink = ">[</span><a href="/index.php?title=Parser_test&amp
</p >!end!test Comment semantics
!article Main Page!text blah
</p >!end!test Templates

Function Documentation

sub ID</p> ! end ! test Bare pipe character ( bug  52363)

Definition at line 945 of file parserTests.txt.

Referenced by Title::getTitleInvalidRegex(), UtfNormal::quickIsNFCVerify(), and tags().

</pre> ! end ! test<nowiki> and<pre> preference ( first one  wins)
with space after!input< div style="width:50% ! important"> important</div >!result< div style="width:50% ! important"> important</div >!end!test HTML bullet closed unclosed closed unclosed closed tags ( bug  5497)

Definition at line 12212 of file parserTests.txt.

References action, always, amp, any, are, article, as, at, begin(), block, bold, broken, bug, Bug, character(), characters, check, code, content, conversion, data, empty, example, following, format, from, functions, gt, http, https, i, in, is, it, like, line, list, lt, manual, message, messages, n, name, needed, newlines, normal(), of, on, only, options(), order, output(), page, pages, params, PHP, php, processing, rule(), sanity, section, some, Special, specific, start, support, system(), t(), table, tables, Template, text, that, them, then, title, URL, view(), well, and wiki.

Referenced by Exif::__construct(), SpecialRevisionDelete::buildCheckBoxes(), ProtectionForm::buildForm(), ChangeTags::buildTagFilterSelector(), SpecialRecentChanges::doHeader(), SpecialTags::doTagRow(), SpecialTags::execute(), CategoryPager::formatRow(), SpecialStatistics::formatRowHeader(), ChangeTags::formatSummaryRow(), PreferencesForm::getButtons(), SpecialStatistics::getEditStats(), SpecialProtectedtitles::getLevelMenu(), SpecialProtectedpages::getLevelMenu(), SpecialStatistics::getMostViewedPages(), SpecialStatistics::getPageStats(), CategoryPager::getStartForm(), SpecialProtectedpages::getTypeMenu(), SpecialStatistics::getUserStats(), SpecialStatistics::getViewsStats(), UserrightsPage::groupCheckboxes(), WebInstaller::label(), DjVuImage::parseFormDjvu(), Sanitizer::removeHTMLtags(), Linker::revDeleteLink(), Linker::revDeleteLinkDisabled(), UserrightsPage::showEditUserGroupsForm(), SpecialRevisionDelete::showForm(), TraditionalImageGallery::toHTML(), PreferencesForm::wrapForm(), and TableDiffFormatter::wrapLine().

</pre> ! end ! test<pre> with forbidden attribute values ( bug  3202)

Variable Documentation

Definition at line 1481 of file parserTests.txt.

Definition at line 1506 of file parserTests.txt.

published in in Madrid In the first edition of the Vocabolario for was published In in Rotterdam was the Dictionnaire Universel!result< p > The first monolingual dictionary written in a Romance language was< i > Sebastián Covarrubias</i >< i > Tesoro de la lengua castellana o published in in Madrid In the first edition of the< i > Vocabolario dell< ahref="/index.php?title=Accademia_della_Crusca&ampaction=edit&ampredlink=1"class="new"title="AccademiadellaCrusca(pagedoesnotexist)"> Accademia della Crusca</a ></i > for was published In in Rotterdam was the< i > Dictionnaire Universel</i ></p >!end!test Italics and!input foo!result< p >< i > foo</i ></p >!end!test Italics and!input foo!result< p >< i > foo</i ></p >!end!test Italics and!input foo!result< p >< i > foo</i ></p >!end!test Italics and php!options php!input foo!result< p >< i > foo</i ></p >!end!test Italics and parsoid!options parsoid!input foo!result< p >< i > foo</i >< b ></b ></p >!end!test Italics and!input foo!result< p >< i > foo</i ></p >!end!test Italics and!input foo!result< p >< b > foo</b ></p >!end!test Italics and!input foo!result< p >< b > foo</b ></p >!end!test Italics and php!options php!input foo!result< p >< b > foo</b ></p >!end!test Italics and parsoid!options parsoid!input foo!result< p >< b > foo</b >< i ></i ></p >!end!test Italics and!input foo!result< p >< i > foo</i ></p >!end!test Italics and!input foo!result< p >< b > foo</b ></p >!end!test Italics and!input foo!result< p >< b > foo</b ></p >!end!test Italics and php!options php!input foo!result< p >< b > foo</b ></p >!end!test Italics and parsoid!options parsoid!input foo!result< p >< b > foo</b >< i ></i ></p >!end!test Italics and!options!input foo!result< p >< b >< i > foo</i ></b ></p >!end!test Italics and!input foo!result< p >< i >< b > foo</b ></i ></p >!end!test Italics and!input foo!result< p >< i >< b > foo</b ></i ></p >!end!test Italics and!input foo!result< p >< i >< b > foo</b ></i ></p >!end!test Italics and!input foo bar!result< p >< i > foo< b > bar</b ></i ></p >!end!test Italics and!input foo bar!result< p >< i > foo< b > bar</b ></i ></p >!end!test Italics and!input foo bar!result< p >< i > foo< b > bar</b ></i ></p >!end!test Italics and php!options php!input foo bar!result< p >< b > foo</b > bar</p >!end!test Italics and parsoid!options parsoid!input foo bar!result< p >< b > foo</b > bar< i ></i ></p >!end!test Italics and php!options php!input foo bar!result< p >< b > foo</b > bar</p >!end!test Italics and parsoid!options parsoid!input foo bar!result< p >< b > foo</b > bar< b ></b ></p >!end!test Italics and!input this is about foo s family!result< p >< i > this is about< b > foo s family</b ></i ></p >!end!test Italics and!input this is about foo s family!result< p >< i > this is about< b > foo s</b > family</i ></p >!end!test Italics and!input this is about foo s family!result< p >< b > this is about< i > foo</i ></b >< i > s family</i ></p >!end!test Italics and!options!input this is about foo s family!result< p >< i > this is about</i > foo< b > s family</b ></p >!end!test Italics and bold

Definition at line 387 of file parserTests.txt.

Referenced by tags().

</pre> ! end ! test Regression with preformatted in<center> ! input<center> Blah</center> ! result<center><pre> Blah</pre></center> ! end ! test Bug

Definition at line 1479 of file parserTests.txt.

Referenced by UsersPager::formatRow(), and tags().

</span ></p >!end!test Comments and Indent Pre!input<!--comment 1--> asdf<!--comment 1--> asdf<!--comment 2--><!--comment1--> asdf<!--comment 2--> xyz<!--comment 1--> asdf<!--comment 2--> xyz!result< pre > asdf</pre >< pre > asdf</pre >< pre > asdf</pre >< p > xyz</p >< pre > asdf xyz</pre >!end!test Comment test!input asdf<!--comment 1--> jkl!result< p > asdf jkl</p >!end!test Comment test!input asdf<!--comment 1--> jkl!result< p > asdf</p >< p > jkl</p >!end!test Comment test!input asdf<!--comment 1--><!--comment2--> jkl!result< p > asdf jkl</p >!end!test Comment test!input asdf<!--comment 1--> jkl!result< p > asdfjkl</p >!end!test Comment spacing!input a<!--foo--> b<!--bar--> c!result< p > a</p >< pre > b</pre >< p > c</p >!end!test Comment whitespace!input<!--returns a single newline, not nothing, since the newline after > is not stripped!result!end!test Comment semantics and delimiters!input<!----><!----><!-----><!------>!result!end!test Comment semantics and redux!input<!--In SGML every"foo"here would actually show up in the text--foo--bar--foo--funky huh?...-->!result!end!test Comment semantics and delimiters

Definition at line 1045 of file parserTests.txt.

published in in Madrid In the first edition of the Vocabolario dell[[Accademia della Crusca]]

Definition at line 387 of file parserTests.txt.

published in in Madrid In the first edition of the Vocabolario for was published In in Rotterdam was the Dictionnaire Universel ! result<p> The first monolingual dictionary written in a Romance language was<i> Sebastián Covarrubias</i><i> Tesoro de la lengua castellana o española</i >

Definition at line 387 of file parserTests.txt.

a & gt

Definition at line 387 of file parserTests.txt.

Referenced by tags().

</span></p> ! end ! test Comments and Indent Pre ! input<!-- comment 1 --> asdf<!-- comment 1 --> asdf<!-- comment 2 --><!--comment1--> asdf<!-- comment 2 --> xyz<!-- comment 1 --> asdf<!-- comment 2 --> xyz ! result<pre> asdf</pre><pre> asdf</pre><pre> asdf</pre><p> xyz</p><pre> asdf xyz</pre> ! end ! test Comment test ! input asdf<!-- comment 1 --> jkl ! result<p> asdf jkl</p> ! end ! test Comment test ! input asdf<!-- comment 1 --> jkl ! result<p> asdf</p><p> jkl</p> ! end ! test Comment test ! input asdf<!-- comment 1 --><!--comment2--> jkl ! result<p> asdf jkl</p> ! end ! test Comment test ! input asdf<!-- comment 1 --> jkl ! result<p> asdfjkl</p> ! end ! test Comment spacing ! input a<!-- foo --> b<!-- bar --> c ! result<p> a</p><pre> b</pre><p> c</p> ! end ! test Comment whitespace ! input<!-- returns a single newline, not nothing, since the newline after > is not stripped ! result ! end ! test Comment semantics and delimiters ! input<!-- --><!----><!-----><!------> ! result ! end ! test Comment semantics and redux ! input<!-- In SGML every "foo" here would actually show up in the text -- foo -- bar-- foo -- funky huh? ... --> ! result ! end ! test Comment semantics and that wouldn t be valid XML however

Definition at line 1045 of file parserTests.txt.

</p> ! end !test i

Definition at line 1857 of file parserTests.txt.

Referenced by DatabasePostgres::indexAttributes(), and tags().

font id = "bug" /&gt
published in in Madrid In the first edition of the Vocabolario for was published In in Rotterdam was the Dictionnaire Universel!result< p > The first monolingual dictionary written in a Romance language was< i > Sebastián Covarrubias</i >< i > Tesoro de la lengua castellana o published in in Madrid In the first edition of the< i > Vocabolario dell< ahref="/index.php?title=Accademia_della_Crusca&ampaction=edit&ampredlink=1"class="new"title="AccademiadellaCrusca(pagedoesnotexist)"> Accademia della Crusca</a ></i > for Italian

Definition at line 387 of file parserTests.txt.

with space after ! input<div style="width:50% ! important"> important</div> ! result<div style="width:50% ! important"> important</div> !end ! test HTML bullet list

Definition at line 12144 of file parserTests.txt.

Centered text</center><div> & lt

Definition at line 931 of file parserTests.txt.

! article Main Page ! text blah blah ! endarticle !article still stripped b a<!--foo--><!----><!--bar--> b a<!--foo--> b a<!--foo--> b a<!--foo--> b a<!--foo--> b ! result<hr /><p> a b</p><hr/><p> a b</p><hr/><p> a b</p><hr/><p> a</p><p> b</p><hr/><p> a</p><p> b</p><hr/><p> a</p><p><br/> b</p><hr/><p> a</p><p><br/> b</p><hr/> ! end ! test Paragraphs with newline spacing with non empty white space lines in between ! input a b a b ! result<hr /><p> a</p><p> b</p><hr/><p> a</p><p><br/> b</p><hr/> ! end ! test Paragraphs with newline spacing with non empty mixed comment and white space lines in between ! input a<!--foo--> b a<!--foo--><!--Morethan1commentdoesn'tdisablestrippingofthisline!--> b a<!--foo--><!--bar--> b a<!--foo--><!--bar--> b ! result<hr /><p> a b</p><hr/><p> a b</p><hr/><p> a</p><p> b</p><hr/><p> a</p><p><br/> b</p><hr/> ! end ! test Extra newlines

Definition at line 200 of file parserTests.txt.

Referenced by tags().

! result<p></p> ! end ! test<nowiki> unordered list ! input<nowiki>* This is not an unordered list item</nowiki> ! result<p>* This is not an unordered list item</p> ! end ! test<nowiki> spacing ! input<nowiki> Lorem ipsum dolor sed abit sed nullum

Definition at line 1032 of file parserTests.txt.

published in in Madrid In the first edition of the Vocabolario for was published In in Rotterdam was the Dictionnaire Universel ! result<p> The first monolingual dictionary written in a Romance language was<i> Sebastián Covarrubias</i><i> Tesoro de la lengua castellana o published in in Madrid In the first edition of the<i> Vocabolario dell<ahref="/index.php?title=Accademia_della_Crusca&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1"class="new"title="AccademiadellaCrusca(pagedoesnotexist)"> Accademia della Crusca</a></i> for was published In in Rotterdam was the<i> Dictionnaire Universel</i></p> ! end ! test Italics and ! input foo ! result<p><i> foo</i></p> !end ! test Italics and ! input foo ! result<p><i> foo</i></p> !end ! test Italics and ! input foo ! result<p><i> foo</i></p> !end ! test Italics and php ! options php ! input foo ! result<p><i> foo</i></p> !end ! test Italics and parsoid ! options parsoid ! input foo ! result<p><i> foo</i><b></b></p> !end ! test Italics and ! input foo ! result<p><i> foo</i></p> !end ! test Italics and ! input foo ! result<p><b> foo</b></p> !end ! test Italics and ! input foo ! result<p><b> foo</b></p> !end ! test Italics and php ! options php ! input foo ! result<p><b> foo</b></p> !end ! test Italics and parsoid ! options parsoid ! input foo ! result<p><b> foo</b><i></i></p> !end ! test Italics and ! input foo ! result<p><i> foo</i></p> !end ! test Italics and ! input foo ! result<p><b> foo</b></p> !end ! test Italics and ! input foo ! result<p><b> foo</b></p> !end ! test Italics and php ! options php ! input foo ! result<p><b> foo</b></p> !end ! test Italics and parsoid ! options parsoid ! input foo ! result<p><b> foo</b><i></i></p> !end ! test Italics and ! options ! input foo ! result<p><b><i> foo</i></b></p> !end ! test Italics and ! input foo ! result<p><i><b> foo</b></i></p> !end ! test Italics and ! input foo ! result<p><i><b> foo</b></i></p> !end ! test Italics and ! input foo ! result<p><i><b> foo</b></i></p> !end ! test Italics and ! input foo bar ! result<p><i> foo<b> bar</b></i></p> !end ! test Italics and ! input foo bar ! result<p><i> foo<b> bar</b></i></p> !end ! test Italics and ! input foo bar ! result<p><i> foo<b> bar</b></i></p> !end ! test Italics and php ! options php ! input foo bar ! result<p><b> foo</b> bar</p> !end ! test Italics and parsoid ! options parsoid ! input foo bar ! result<p><b> foo</b> bar<i></i></p> !end ! test Italics and php ! options php ! input foo bar ! result<p><b> foo</b> bar</p> !end ! test Italics and parsoid ! options parsoid ! input foo bar ! result<p><b> foo</b> bar<b></b></p> !end ! test Italics and ! input this is about foo s family ! result<p><i> this is about<b> foo s family</b></i></p> !end ! test Italics and ! input this is about foo s family ! result<p><i> this is about<b> foo s</b> family</i></p> !end ! test Italics and ! input this is about foo s family ! result<p><b> this is about<i> foo</i></b><i> s family</i></p> !end ! test Italics and ! options ! input this is about foo s family ! result<p><i> this is about</i> foo<b> s family</b></p> !end ! test Italics and ! input this is about foo s family ! result<p><b> this is about<i> foo s</i> family</b></p> !end ! test Italicized possessive ! input The [[Main Page]] s talk page ! result<p> The<i><ahref="/wiki/Main_Page"title="MainPage"> Main Page</a></i> s talk page</p> ! end ! test Parsoid only
published in in Madrid In the first edition of the Vocabolario for was published In in Rotterdam was the Dictionnaire Universel!result< p > The first monolingual dictionary written in a Romance language was< i > Sebastián Covarrubias</i >< i > Tesoro de la lengua castellana o published in in Madrid In the first edition of the< i > Vocabolario dell< ahref="/index.php?title=Accademia_della_Crusca&ampaction=edit&ampredlink=1"class="new"title="AccademiadellaCrusca(pagedoesnotexist)"> Accademia della Crusca</a ></i > for was published In in Rotterdam was posthumously

Definition at line 387 of file parserTests.txt.

published in in Madrid In the first edition of the Vocabolario for was published In in Rotterdam was the Dictionnaire Universel!result< p > The first monolingual dictionary written in a Romance language was< i > Sebastián Covarrubias</i >< i > Tesoro de la lengua castellana o published in in Madrid In the first edition of the< i > Vocabolario dell< ahref="/index.php?title=Accademia_della_Crusca&ampaction=edit&ampredlink=1"class="new"title="AccademiadellaCrusca(pagedoesnotexist)"> Accademia della Crusca</a ></i > for was published In in Rotterdam was published

Definition at line 387 of file parserTests.txt.

</p >!end!test Punctuation

Definition at line 12120 of file parserTests.txt.

Referenced by KkConverter::loadRegs().

redlink = ">[</span><a href="/index.php?title=Parser_test&amp

Definition at line 370 of file parserTests.txt.

</p >!end!test Comment semantics

Definition at line 1181 of file parserTests.txt.

! article Main Page ! text blah blah ! endarticle !article Template

Definition at line 200 of file parserTests.txt.

Referenced by tags().

</p> ! end !test Templates

Definition at line 1857 of file parserTests.txt.