MediaWiki  REL1_24
MessagesCy.php File Reference

Welsh (Cymraeg) More...

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 $defaultDateFormat = 'dmy'
 $linkTrail = "/^([àáâèéêìíîïòóôûŵŷa-z]+)(.*)$/sDu"

Detailed Description

Welsh (Cymraeg)

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Definition in file MessagesCy.php.

Variable Documentation

Initial value:
    "AddALL" => "$1&type=ISBN",
    "Barnes & Noble" => "$1",
    "" => "$1",
    "" => "$1"

Definition at line 98 of file MessagesCy.php.

$defaultDateFormat = 'dmy'

Definition at line 96 of file MessagesCy.php.

$linkTrail = "/^([àáâèéêìíîïòóôûŵŷa-z]+)(.*)$/sDu"

Definition at line 105 of file MessagesCy.php.


Definition at line 30 of file MessagesCy.php.

Initial value:
    NS_MEDIA            => 'Media',
    NS_SPECIAL          => 'Arbennig',
    NS_TALK             => 'Sgwrs',
    NS_USER             => 'Defnyddiwr',
    NS_USER_TALK        => 'Sgwrs_Defnyddiwr',
    NS_PROJECT_TALK     => 'Sgwrs_$1',
    NS_FILE             => 'Delwedd',
    NS_FILE_TALK        => 'Sgwrs_Delwedd',
    NS_MEDIAWIKI        => 'MediaWici',
    NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK   => 'Sgwrs_MediaWici',
    NS_TEMPLATE         => 'Nodyn',
    NS_TEMPLATE_TALK    => 'Sgwrs_Nodyn',
    NS_HELP             => 'Cymorth',
    NS_HELP_TALK        => 'Sgwrs_Cymorth',
    NS_CATEGORY         => 'Categori',
    NS_CATEGORY_TALK    => 'Sgwrs_Categori',

Definition at line 11 of file MessagesCy.php.