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ZhConversion.php File Reference

Simplified / Traditional Chinese conversion tables. More...

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Detailed Description

Simplified / Traditional Chinese conversion tables.

Automatically generated using code and data in maintenance/language/zhtable/ Do not modify directly!

Definition in file ZhConversion.php.

Variable Documentation


Definition at line 18785 of file ZhConversion.php.

Referenced by ZhConverter\loadDefaultTables().


Definition at line 16507 of file ZhConversion.php.

Referenced by ZhConverter\loadDefaultTables().

Initial value:
'『' => '‘',
'』' => '’',
'「' => '“',
'」' => '”',
'住房' => '住屋',
'凉菜' => '冷菜',
'冷盤' => '冷菜',
'民乐' => '华乐',
'夜校' => '夜学',
'房价' => '屋价',
'即食麵' => '快速面',
'速食麵' => '快速面',
'泡麵' => '快速面',
'方便面' => '快速面',
'零钱' => '散钱',
'散紙' => '散钱',
'榴莲' => '榴梿',
'榴蓮' => '榴梿',
'笨豬跳' => '绑紧跳',
'蹦极跳' => '绑紧跳',
'笑星' => '谐星',

Definition at line 19063 of file ZhConversion.php.

Referenced by ZhConverter\loadDefaultTables().


Definition at line 16104 of file ZhConversion.php.

Referenced by ZhConverter\loadDefaultTables().