MediaWiki  REL1_24
ParserOutput Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for ParserOutput:
Collaboration diagram for ParserOutput:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($text= '', $languageLinks=array(), $categoryLinks=array(), $containsOldMagic=false, $titletext= '')
 __sleep ()
 Save space for for serialization by removing useless values.
 addCategory ($c, $sort)
 addExternalLink ($url)
 addHeadItem ($section, $tag=false)
 Add some text to the "<head>".
 addImage ($name, $timestamp=null, $sha1=null)
 Register a file dependency for this output.
 addInterwikiLink ($title)
 addJsConfigVars ($keys, $value=null)
 Add one or more variables to be set in mw.config in JavaScript.
 addLanguageLink ($t)
 addLink (Title $title, $id=null)
 Record a local or interwiki inline link for saving in future link tables.
 addModuleMessages ($modules)
 addModules ($modules)
 addModuleScripts ($modules)
 addModuleStyles ($modules)
 addOutputHook ($hook, $data=false)
 addOutputPageMetadata (OutputPage $out)
 Copy items from the OutputPage object into this one.
 addSecondaryDataUpdate (DataUpdate $update)
 Adds an update job to the output.
 addTemplate ($title, $page_id, $rev_id)
 Register a template dependency for this output.
 addWarning ($s)
getCategories ()
 getCategoryLinks ()
 getDisplayTitle ()
 Get the title to be used for display.
 getEditSectionTokens ()
 getExtensionData ($key)
 Gets extensions data previously attached to this ParserOutput using setExtensionData().
getExternalLinks ()
getFileSearchOptions ()
 getFlag ($flag)
 getHeadItems ()
 getHideNewSection ()
getImages ()
 getIndexPolicy ()
 getInterwikiLinks ()
 getJsConfigVars ()
getLanguageLinks ()
 getLimitReportData ()
getLinks ()
 getModuleMessages ()
 getModules ()
 getModuleScripts ()
 getModuleStyles ()
 getNewSection ()
 getNoGallery ()
 getOutputHooks ()
 getProperties ()
 getProperty ($name)
 getSecondaryDataUpdates (Title $title=null, $recursive=true)
 Returns any DataUpdate jobs to be executed in order to store secondary information extracted from the page's content, including a LinksUpdate object for all links stored in this ParserOutput object.
 getSections ()
getTemplateIds ()
getTemplates ()
 getText ()
 getTimeSinceStart ($clock)
 Returns the time since resetParseStartTime() was last called.
 getTimestamp ()
 getTitleText ()
 getTOCEnabled ()
 getTOCHTML ()
 getUsedOptions ()
 Returns the options from its ParserOptions which have been taken into account to produce this output or false if not available.
 getWarnings ()
 hideNewSection ($value)
 preventClickjacking ($flag=null)
 Get or set the prevent-clickjacking flag.
 recordOption ($option)
 Tags a parser option for use in the cache key for this parser output.
 resetParseStartTime ()
 Resets the parse start timestamps for future calls to getTimeSinceStart()
 setCategoryLinks ($cl)
 setDisplayTitle ($text)
 Override the title to be used for display.
 setEditSectionTokens ($t)
 setExtensionData ($key, $value)
 Attaches arbitrary data to this ParserObject.
 setFlag ($flag)
 Fairly generic flag setter thingy.
 setIndexPolicy ($policy)
 setLanguageLinks ($ll)
 setLimitReportData ($key, $value)
 Sets parser limit report data for a key.
 setNewSection ($value)
 setProperty ($name, $value)
 Set a property to be stored in the page_props database table.
 setSections ($toc)
 setText ($text)
 setTimestamp ($timestamp)
 setTitleText ($t)
 setTOCEnabled ($flag)
 setTOCHTML ($tochtml)
 unsetProperty ($name)

Static Public Member Functions

static isLinkInternal ($internal, $url)
 Checks, if a url is pointing to the own server.

Public Attributes

 $mEditSectionTokens = false
 $mExternalLinks = array()
 $mFileSearchOptions = array()
 $mHeadItems = array()
 $mHideNewSection = false
 $mImages = array()
 $mInterwikiLinks = array()
 $mJsConfigVars = array()
 $mLinks = array()
 $mModuleMessages = array()
 $mModules = array()
 $mModuleScripts = array()
 $mModuleStyles = array()
 $mNewSection = false
 $mNoGallery = false
 $mOutputHooks = array()
 $mProperties = array()
 $mSections = array()
 $mTemplateIds = array()
 $mTemplates = array()
 $mTOCEnabled = true
 $mTOCHTML = ''
 $mWarnings = array()

Static Private Member Functions

static getTimes ($clock=null)

Private Attributes

 $mAccessedOptions = array()
 $mExtensionData = array()
 $mIndexPolicy = ''
 $mLimitReportData = array()
 $mParseStartTime = array()
 $mPreventClickjacking = false
 $mSecondaryDataUpdates = array()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 24 of file ParserOutput.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ParserOutput::__construct ( text = '',
languageLinks = array(),
categoryLinks = array(),
containsOldMagic = false,
titletext = '' 

Definition at line 64 of file ParserOutput.php.

Member Function Documentation

Save space for for serialization by removing useless values.


Definition at line 812 of file ParserOutput.php.

References array().

ParserOutput::addCategory ( c,

Definition at line 266 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $sort.

Definition at line 313 of file ParserOutput.php.

References global.

ParserOutput::addHeadItem ( section,
tag = false 

Add some text to the "<head>".

If $tag is set, the section with that tag will only be included once in a given page.

string | bool$tag

Definition at line 416 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $section.

ParserOutput::addImage ( name,
timestamp = null,
sha1 = null 

Register a file dependency for this output.

string$nameTitle dbKey
string$timestampMW timestamp of file creation (or false if non-existing)
string$sha1Base 36 SHA-1 of file (or false if non-existing)

Definition at line 367 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $name, $timestamp, and array().

Title$titleTitle object, must be an interwiki link
MWExceptionIf given invalid input

Definition at line 398 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $title, and array().

ParserOutput::addJsConfigVars ( keys,
value = null 

Add one or more variables to be set in mw.config in JavaScript.

string | array$keysKey or array of key/value pairs.
mixed$value[optional] Value of the configuration variable.

Definition at line 447 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $key, $keys, $value, and as.

Definition at line 270 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $t.

ParserOutput::addLink ( Title title,
id = null 

Record a local or interwiki inline link for saving in future link tables.

int | null$idOptional known page_id so we can skip the lookup

Definition at line 332 of file ParserOutput.php.

References array(), Title\getArticleID(), Title\getDBkey(), Title\getNamespace(), and Title\isExternal().

Referenced by WikitextContent\fillParserOutput().

Definition at line 436 of file ParserOutput.php.

References array().

ParserOutput::addModules ( modules)

Definition at line 424 of file ParserOutput.php.

References array().

Definition at line 428 of file ParserOutput.php.

References array().

Definition at line 432 of file ParserOutput.php.

References array().

Referenced by JsonContent\fillParserOutput(), and WikitextContent\fillParserOutput().

ParserOutput::addOutputHook ( hook,
data = false 

Definition at line 278 of file ParserOutput.php.

References array().

Adds an update job to the output.

Any update jobs added to the output will eventually be executed in order to store any secondary information extracted from the page's content. This is triggered by calling getSecondaryDataUpdates() and is used for forward links updates on edit and backlink updates by jobs.


Definition at line 634 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::addTemplate ( title,

Register a template dependency for this output.


Definition at line 381 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $title, and array().

Definition at line 274 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $s.

Definition at line 129 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 125 of file ParserOutput.php.

Get the title to be used for display.


Definition at line 491 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $t.

Definition at line 141 of file ParserOutput.php.

Gets extensions data previously attached to this ParserOutput using setExtensionData().

Typically, such data would be set while parsing the page, e.g. by a parser function.

string$keyThe key to look up.
mixed|null The value previously set for the given key using setExtensionData() or null if no value was set for this key.

Definition at line 723 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $key.

Definition at line 165 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 161 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::getFlag ( flag)

Definition at line 507 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 173 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 288 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 157 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 206 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 121 of file ParserOutput.php.


Definition at line 194 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 117 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 218 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 145 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 189 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 177 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 181 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 185 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 291 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 169 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 198 of file ParserOutput.php.

References array().

Definition at line 591 of file ParserOutput.php.

References array().

string$nameThe property name to look up.
mixed|bool The value previously set using setProperty(). False if null or no value was set for the given property name.
You need to use getProperties() to check for boolean and null properties.

Definition at line 583 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $name.

ParserOutput::getSecondaryDataUpdates ( Title title = null,
recursive = true 

Returns any DataUpdate jobs to be executed in order to store secondary information extracted from the page's content, including a LinksUpdate object for all links stored in this ParserOutput object.

Avoid using this method directly, use ContentHandler::getSecondaryDataUpdates() instead! The content handler may provide additional update objects.
Title$titleThe title of the page we're updating. If not given, a title object will be created based on $this->getTitleText()
bool$recursiveQueue jobs for recursive updates?
array An array of instances of DataUpdate

Definition at line 654 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $linksUpdate, $title, array(), and Title\newFromText().

Definition at line 137 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 153 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 149 of file ParserOutput.php.

static ParserOutput::getTimes ( clock = null) [static, private]

Definition at line 731 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $ret, array(), and wfGetRusage().

Returns the time since resetParseStartTime() was last called.

Clocks available are:

  • wall: Wall clock time
  • cpu: CPU time (requires getrusage)

Definition at line 765 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 214 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 133 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 222 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 210 of file ParserOutput.php.

Returns the options from its ParserOptions which have been taken into account to produce this output or false if not available.


Definition at line 603 of file ParserOutput.php.

References array().

Definition at line 202 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 285 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $value.

static ParserOutput::isLinkInternal ( internal,
) [static]

Checks, if a url is pointing to the own server.

string$internalThe server to check against
string$urlThe url to check

Definition at line 302 of file ParserOutput.php.

References check, http, https, in, is, of, query, and server.

Referenced by ParserOutputTest\testIsLinkInternal().

Get or set the prevent-clickjacking flag.

bool | null$flagNew flag value, or null to leave it unchanged
bool Old flag value

Definition at line 804 of file ParserOutput.php.

References wfSetVar().

Tags a parser option for use in the cache key for this parser output.

Registered as a watcher at ParserOptions::registerWatcher() by Parser::clearState().

See also:

Definition at line 620 of file ParserOutput.php.

Resets the parse start timestamps for future calls to getTimeSinceStart()


Definition at line 750 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 234 of file ParserOutput.php.

References wfSetVar().

Override the title to be used for display.

-- this is assumed to have been validated (check equal normalisation, etc.)

string$textDesired title text

Definition at line 481 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 246 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $t, and wfSetVar().

ParserOutput::setExtensionData ( key,

Attaches arbitrary data to this ParserObject.

This can be used to store some information in the ParserOutput object for later use during page output. The data will be cached along with the ParserOutput object, but unlike data set using setProperty(), it is not recorded in the database.

This method is provided to overcome the unsafe practice of attaching extra information to a ParserObject by directly assigning member variables.

To use setExtensionData() to pass extension information from a hook inside the parser to a hook in the page output, use this in the parser hook:

    $parser->getOutput()->setExtensionData( 'my_ext_foo', '...' );

And then later, in OutputPageParserOutput or similar:

    $output->getExtensionData( 'my_ext_foo' );

In MediaWiki 1.20 and older, you have to use a custom member variable within the ParserOutput object:

    $parser->getOutput()->my_ext_foo = '...';
string$keyThe key for accessing the data. Extensions should take care to avoid conflicts in naming keys. It is suggested to use the extension's name as a prefix.
mixed$valueThe value to set. Setting a value to null is equivalent to removing the value.

Definition at line 704 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $key, and $value.

ParserOutput::setFlag ( flag)

Fairly generic flag setter thingy.


Definition at line 503 of file ParserOutput.php.

Definition at line 250 of file ParserOutput.php.

References wfSetVar().

Definition at line 230 of file ParserOutput.php.

References wfSetVar().

ParserOutput::setLimitReportData ( key,

Sets parser limit report data for a key.

The key is used as the prefix for various messages used for formatting:

  • $key: The label for the field in the limit report
  • $key-value-text: Message used to format the value in the "NewPP limit report" HTML comment. If missing, uses $key-format.
  • $key-value-html: Message used to format the value in the preview limit report table. If missing, uses $key-format.
  • $key-value: Message used to format the value. If missing, uses "$1".

Note that all values are interpreted as wikitext, and so should be encoded with htmlspecialchars() as necessary, but should avoid complex HTML for sanity of display in the "NewPP limit report" comment.

string$keyMessage key
mixed$valueAppropriate for Message::params()

Definition at line 793 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $key, and $value.

Definition at line 282 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $value.

ParserOutput::setProperty ( name,

Set a property to be stored in the page_props database table.

page_props is a key value store indexed by the page ID. This allows the parser to set a property on a page which can then be quickly retrieved given the page ID or via a DB join when given the page title.

Since 1.23, page_props are also indexed by numeric value, to allow for efficient "top k" queries of pages wrt a given property.

setProperty() is thus used to propagate properties from the parsed page to request contexts other than a page view of the currently parsed article.

Some applications examples:

* To implement hidden categories, hiding pages from category listings by storing a property.

* Overriding the displayed article title.

See also:

* To implement image tagging, for example displaying an icon on an image thumbnail to indicate that it is listed for deletion on Wikimedia Commons. This is not actually implemented, yet but would be pretty cool.

Do not use setProperty() to set a property which is only used in a context where the ParserOutput object itself is already available, for example a normal page view. There is no need to save such a property in the database since the text is already parsed. You can just hook OutputPageParserOutput and get your data out of the ParserOutput object.

If you are writing an extension where you want to set a property in the parser which is used by an OutputPageParserOutput hook, you have to associate the extension data directly with the ParserOutput object. Since MediaWiki 1.21, you can use setExtensionData() to do this:

    $parser->getOutput()->setExtensionData( 'my_ext_foo', '...' );

And then later, in OutputPageParserOutput or similar:

    $output->getExtensionData( 'my_ext_foo' );

In MediaWiki 1.20 and older, you have to use a custom member variable within the ParserOutput object:

    $parser->getOutput()->my_ext_foo = '...';

Definition at line 571 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $name, and $value.

Definition at line 242 of file ParserOutput.php.

References wfSetVar().

ParserOutput::setTimestamp ( timestamp)

Definition at line 258 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $timestamp, and wfSetVar().

Definition at line 238 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $t, and wfSetVar().

Definition at line 262 of file ParserOutput.php.

References wfSetVar().

ParserOutput::setTOCHTML ( tochtml)

Definition at line 254 of file ParserOutput.php.

References wfSetVar().

Definition at line 587 of file ParserOutput.php.

References $name.

Member Data Documentation

ParserOutput::$mAccessedOptions = array() [private]

Definition at line 54 of file ParserOutput.php.


Definition at line 25 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mEditSectionTokens = false

Definition at line 48 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mExtensionData = array() [private]

Definition at line 56 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mExternalLinks = array()

Definition at line 34 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mFileSearchOptions = array()

Definition at line 33 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mHeadItems = array()

Definition at line 39 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mHideNewSection = false

Definition at line 37 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mImages = array()

Definition at line 32 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mIndexPolicy = '' [private]

Definition at line 53 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mInterwikiLinks = array()

Definition at line 35 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mJsConfigVars = array()

Definition at line 44 of file ParserOutput.php.


Definition at line 25 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mLimitReportData = array() [private]

Definition at line 57 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mLinks = array()

Definition at line 29 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mModuleMessages = array()

Definition at line 43 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mModules = array()

Definition at line 40 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mModuleScripts = array()

Definition at line 41 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mModuleStyles = array()

Definition at line 42 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mNewSection = false

Definition at line 36 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mNoGallery = false

Definition at line 38 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mOutputHooks = array()

Definition at line 45 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mParseStartTime = array() [private]

Definition at line 58 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mPreventClickjacking = false [private]

Definition at line 59 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mProperties = array()

Definition at line 49 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mSecondaryDataUpdates = array() [private]

Definition at line 55 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mSections = array()

Definition at line 47 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mTemplateIds = array()

Definition at line 31 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mTemplates = array()

Definition at line 30 of file ParserOutput.php.


Definition at line 25 of file ParserOutput.php.


Definition at line 50 of file ParserOutput.php.


Definition at line 25 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mTOCEnabled = true

Definition at line 52 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mTOCHTML = ''

Definition at line 50 of file ParserOutput.php.

ParserOutput::$mWarnings = array()

Definition at line 46 of file ParserOutput.php.

Initial value:
        '#<(?:mw:)?editsection page="(.*?)" section="(.*?)"(?:/>|>(.*?)(</(?:mw:)?editsection>))#'

Definition at line 61 of file ParserOutput.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: