MediaWiki  REL1_24


class  ApiBase
 This abstract class implements many basic API functions, and is the base of all API classes. More...
class  ApiBlock
 API module that facilitates the blocking of users. More...
class  ApiClearHasMsg
 API module that clears the hasmsg flag for current user. More...
class  ApiCreateAccount
 Unit to authenticate account registration attempts to the current wiki. More...
class  ApiDelete
 API module that facilitates deleting pages. More...
class  ApiDisabled
 API module that dies with an error immediately. More...
class  ApiEditPage
 A module that allows for editing and creating pages. More...
class  ApiEmailUser
 API Module to facilitate sending of emails to users. More...
class  ApiExpandTemplates
 API module that functions as a shortcut to the wikitext preprocessor. More...
class  ApiFeedContributions
class  ApiFeedRecentChanges
 Recent changes feed. More...
class  ApiFeedWatchlist
 This action allows users to get their watchlist items in RSS/Atom formats. More...
class  ApiFileRevert
class  ApiFormatBase
 This is the abstract base class for API formatters. More...
class  ApiFormatDbg
 API PHP's var_export() output formatter. More...
class  ApiFormatDump
 API PHP's var_dump() output formatter. More...
class  ApiFormatFeedWrapper
 This printer is used to wrap an instance of the Feed class. More...
class  ApiFormatJson
 API JSON output formatter. More...
class  ApiFormatNone
 API Serialized PHP output formatter. More...
class  ApiFormatPhp
 API Serialized PHP output formatter. More...
class  ApiFormatRaw
 Formatter that spits out anything you like with any desired MIME type. More...
class  ApiFormatTxt
 API Text output formatter. More...
class  ApiFormatWddx
 API WDDX output formatter. More...
class  ApiFormatXml
 API XML output formatter. More...
class  ApiFormatYaml
 API YAML output formatter. More...
class  ApiHelp
 This is a simple class to handle action=help. More...
class  ApiImport
 API module that imports an XML file like Special:Import does. More...
class  ApiImportReporter
 Import reporter for the API. More...
class  ApiLogin
 Unit to authenticate log-in attempts to the current wiki. More...
class  ApiLogout
 API module to allow users to log out of the wiki. More...
class  ApiMain
 This is the main API class, used for both external and internal processing. More...
class  ApiModuleManager
 This class holds a list of modules and handles instantiation. More...
class  ApiMove
 API Module to move pages. More...
class  ApiOpenSearch
class  ApiOptions
 API module that facilitates the changing of user's preferences. More...
class  ApiPageSet
 This class contains a list of pages that the client has requested. More...
class  ApiParamInfo
class  ApiParse
class  ApiPatrol
 Allows user to patrol pages. More...
class  ApiProtect
class  ApiPurge
 API interface for page purging. More...
class  ApiQuery
 This is the main query class. More...
class  ApiQueryAllCategories
 Query module to enumerate all categories, even the ones that don't have category pages. More...
class  ApiQueryAllImages
 Query module to enumerate all available pages. More...
class  ApiQueryAllLinks
 Query module to enumerate links from all pages together. More...
class  ApiQueryAllMessages
 A query action to return messages from site message cache. More...
class  ApiQueryAllPages
 Query module to enumerate all available pages. More...
class  ApiQueryAllUsers
 Query module to enumerate all registered users. More...
class  ApiQueryBacklinks
 This is a three-in-one module to query: * backlinks - links pointing to the given page, * embeddedin - what pages transclude the given page within themselves, * imageusage - what pages use the given image. More...
class  ApiQueryBacklinksprop
 This implements prop=redirects, prop=linkshere, prop=catmembers, prop=transcludedin, and prop=fileusage. More...
class  ApiQueryBase
 This is a base class for all Query modules. More...
class  ApiQueryBlocks
 Query module to enumerate all user blocks. More...
class  ApiQueryCategories
 A query module to enumerate categories the set of pages belong to. More...
class  ApiQueryCategoryInfo
 This query adds the "<categories>" subelement to all pages with the list of categories the page is in. More...
class  ApiQueryCategoryMembers
 A query module to enumerate pages that belong to a category. More...
class  ApiQueryContributions
 This query action adds a list of a specified user's contributions to the output. More...
class  ApiQueryContributors
 A query module to show contributors to a page. More...
class  ApiQueryDeletedrevs
 Query module to enumerate all deleted revisions. More...
class  ApiQueryDisabled
 API module that does nothing. More...
class  ApiQueryDuplicateFiles
 A query module to list duplicates of the given file(s) More...
class  ApiQueryExternalLinks
 A query module to list all external URLs found on a given set of pages. More...
class  ApiQueryExtLinksUsage
class  ApiQueryFilearchive
 Query module to enumerate all deleted files. More...
class  ApiQueryFileRepoInfo
 A query action to return meta information about the foreign file repos configured on the wiki. More...
class  ApiQueryGeneratorBase
class  ApiQueryImageInfo
 A query action to get image information and upload history. More...
class  ApiQueryImages
 This query adds an "<images>" subelement to all pages with the list of images embedded into those pages. More...
class  ApiQueryInfo
 A query module to show basic page information. More...
class  ApiQueryIWBacklinks
 This gives links pointing to the given interwiki. More...
class  ApiQueryIWLinks
 A query module to list all interwiki links on a page. More...
class  ApiQueryLangBacklinks
 This gives links pointing to the given interwiki. More...
class  ApiQueryLangLinks
 A query module to list all langlinks (links to corresponding foreign language pages). More...
class  ApiQueryLinks
 A query module to list all wiki links on a given set of pages. More...
class  ApiQueryLogEvents
 Query action to List the log events, with optional filtering by various parameters. More...
class  ApiQueryPagePropNames
 A query module to list used page props. More...
class  ApiQueryPageProps
 A query module to show basic page information. More...
class  ApiQueryPagesWithProp
 A query module to enumerate pages that use a particular prop. More...
class  ApiQueryPrefixSearch
class  ApiQueryProtectedTitles
 Query module to enumerate all create-protected pages. More...
class  ApiQueryQueryPage
 Query module to get the results of a QueryPage-based special page. More...
class  ApiQueryRandom
 Query module to get list of random pages. More...
class  ApiQueryRecentChanges
 A query action to enumerate the recent changes that were done to the wiki. More...
class  ApiQueryRevisions
 A query action to enumerate revisions of a given page, or show top revisions of multiple pages. More...
class  ApiQuerySearch
 Query module to perform full text search within wiki titles and content. More...
class  ApiQuerySiteinfo
 A query action to return meta information about the wiki site. More...
class  ApiQueryStashImageInfo
 A query action to get image information from temporarily stashed files. More...
class  ApiQueryTags
 Query module to enumerate change tags. More...
class  ApiQueryTokens
 Module to fetch tokens via action=query&meta=tokens. More...
class  ApiQueryUserInfo
 Query module to get information about the currently logged-in user. More...
class  ApiQueryUsers
 Query module to get information about a list of users. More...
class  ApiQueryWatchlist
 This query action allows clients to retrieve a list of recently modified pages that are part of the logged-in user's watchlist. More...
class  ApiQueryWatchlistRaw
 This query action allows clients to retrieve a list of pages on the logged-in user's watchlist. More...
class  ApiResult
 This class represents the result of the API operations. More...
class  ApiRevisionDelete
 API interface to RevDel. More...
class  ApiRollback
class  ApiRsd
 API module for sending out RSD information. More...
class  ApiSetNotificationTimestamp
 API interface for setting the wl_notificationtimestamp field. More...
class  ApiTokens
class  ApiUnblock
 API module that facilitates the unblocking of users. More...
class  ApiUndelete
class  ApiUpload
class  ApiUserrights
class  ApiWatch
 API module to allow users to watch a page. More...
class  UsageException
 This exception will be thrown when dieUsage is called to stop module execution. More...


file  ApiQueryORM.php

Base query module for querying results from ORMTables.