MediaWiki  REL1_24
README File Reference

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The various manual files
contains special mappings not
included in the unihan 
The various manual files
contains special mappings not
included in the unihan and
phrases not included in the
SCIM package simp2trad 《语文建设通讯》1997 
The various manual files
contains special mappings not
included in the unihan and
phrases not included in the
SCIM package simp2trad 
The various manual files
contains special mappings not
included in the unihan and
phrases not included in the
SCIM package simp2trad 

Variable Documentation

The various manual files contains special mappings not included in the unihan database

Definition at line 2 of file README.

The various manual files contains special mappings not included in the unihan and phrases not included in the SCIM package simp2trad 《语文建设通讯》1997 http
The various manual files contains special mappings not included in the unihan and phrases not included in the SCIM package simp2trad 《语文建设通讯》1997 toSimp toCN manual

Definition at line 2 of file README.

The various manual files contains special mappings not included in the unihan and phrases not included in the SCIM package simp2trad “非对称繁简字”对照表

Definition at line 2 of file README.