MediaWiki  REL1_24
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00030 require_once __DIR__ . '/Maintenance.php';
00037 class RefreshImageMetadata extends Maintenance {
00042     protected $dbw;
00044     function __construct() {
00045         parent::__construct();
00047         $this->mDescription = 'Script to update image metadata records';
00048         $this->setBatchSize( 200 );
00050         $this->addOption(
00051             'force',
00052             'Reload metadata from file even if the metadata looks ok',
00053             false,
00054             false,
00055             'f'
00056         );
00057         $this->addOption(
00058             'broken-only',
00059             'Only fix really broken records, leave old but still compatible records alone.'
00060         );
00061         $this->addOption(
00062             'verbose',
00063             'Output extra information about each upgraded/non-upgraded file.',
00064             false,
00065             false,
00066             'v'
00067         );
00068         $this->addOption( 'start', 'Name of file to start with', false, true );
00069         $this->addOption( 'end', 'Name of file to end with', false, true );
00071         $this->addOption(
00072             'mime',
00073             '(Inefficient!) Only refresh files with this MIME type. Can accept wild-card image/*',
00074             false,
00075             true
00076         );
00077         $this->addOption(
00078             'metadata-contains',
00079             '(Inefficient!) Only refresh files where the img_metadata field '
00080                 . 'contains this string. Can be used if its known a specific '
00081                 . 'property was being extracted incorrectly.',
00082             false,
00083             true
00084         );
00085     }
00087     public function execute() {
00088         $force = $this->hasOption( 'force' );
00089         $brokenOnly = $this->hasOption( 'broken-only' );
00090         $verbose = $this->hasOption( 'verbose' );
00091         $start = $this->getOption( 'start', false );
00092         $this->setupParameters( $force, $brokenOnly );
00094         $upgraded = 0;
00095         $leftAlone = 0;
00096         $error = 0;
00098         $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
00099         if ( $this->mBatchSize <= 0 ) {
00100             $this->error( "Batch size is too low...", 12 );
00101         }
00103         $repo = RepoGroup::singleton()->getLocalRepo();
00104         $conds = $this->getConditions( $dbw );
00106         // For the WHERE img_name > 'foo' condition that comes after doing a batch
00107         $conds2 = array();
00108         if ( $start !== false ) {
00109             $conds2[] = 'img_name >= ' . $dbw->addQuotes( $start );
00110         }
00112         $options = array(
00113             'LIMIT' => $this->mBatchSize,
00114             'ORDER BY' => 'img_name ASC',
00115         );
00117         do {
00118             $res = $dbw->select(
00119                 'image',
00120                 '*',
00121                 array_merge( $conds, $conds2 ),
00122                 __METHOD__,
00123                 $options
00124             );
00126             if ( $res->numRows() > 0 ) {
00127                 $row1 = $res->current();
00128                 $this->output( "Processing next {$this->mBatchSize} rows starting with {$row1->img_name}.\n" );
00129                 $res->rewind();
00130             } else {
00131                 $this->error( "No images to process.", 4 );
00132             }
00134             foreach ( $res as $row ) {
00135                 $file = $repo->newFileFromRow( $row );
00136                 if ( $file->getUpgraded() ) {
00137                     // File was upgraded.
00138                     $upgraded++;
00139                     $newLength = strlen( $file->getMetadata() );
00140                     $oldLength = strlen( $row->img_metadata );
00141                     if ( $newLength < $oldLength - 5 ) {
00142                         // If after updating, the metadata is smaller then
00143                         // what it was before, that's probably not a good thing
00144                         // because we extract more data with time, not less.
00145                         // Thus this probably indicates an error of some sort,
00146                         // or at the very least is suspicious. Have the - 5 just
00147                         // to weed out any inconsequential changes.
00148                         $error++;
00149                         $this->output( "Warning: File:{$row->img_name} used to have " .
00150                             "$oldLength bytes of metadata but now has $newLength bytes.\n" );
00151                     } elseif ( $verbose ) {
00152                         $this->output( "Refreshed File:{$row->img_name}.\n" );
00153                     }
00154                 } else {
00155                     $leftAlone++;
00156                     if ( $force ) {
00157                         $file->upgradeRow();
00158                         $newLength = strlen( $file->getMetadata() );
00159                         $oldLength = strlen( $row->img_metadata );
00160                         if ( $newLength < $oldLength - 5 ) {
00161                             $error++;
00162                             $this->output( "Warning: File:{$row->img_name} used to have " .
00163                                 "$oldLength bytes of metadata but now has $newLength bytes. (forced)\n" );
00164                         }
00165                         if ( $verbose ) {
00166                             $this->output( "Forcibly refreshed File:{$row->img_name}.\n" );
00167                         }
00168                     } else {
00169                         if ( $verbose ) {
00170                             $this->output( "Skipping File:{$row->img_name}.\n" );
00171                         }
00172                     }
00173                 }
00174             }
00175             $conds2 = array( 'img_name > ' . $dbw->addQuotes( $row->img_name ) );
00176             wfWaitForSlaves();
00177         } while ( $res->numRows() === $this->mBatchSize );
00179         $total = $upgraded + $leftAlone;
00180         if ( $force ) {
00181             $this->output( "\nFinished refreshing file metadata for $total files. "
00182                 . "$upgraded needed to be refreshed, $leftAlone did not need to "
00183                 . "be but were refreshed anyways, and $error refreshes were suspicious.\n" );
00184         } else {
00185             $this->output( "\nFinished refreshing file metadata for $total files. "
00186                 . "$upgraded were refreshed, $leftAlone were already up to date, "
00187                 . "and $error refreshes were suspicious.\n" );
00188         }
00189     }
00195     function getConditions( $dbw ) {
00196         $conds = array();
00198         $end = $this->getOption( 'end', false );
00199         $mime = $this->getOption( 'mime', false );
00200         $like = $this->getOption( 'metadata-contains', false );
00202         if ( $end !== false ) {
00203             $conds[] = 'img_name <= ' . $dbw->addQuotes( $end );
00204         }
00205         if ( $mime !== false ) {
00206             list( $major, $minor ) = File::splitMime( $mime );
00207             $conds['img_major_mime'] = $major;
00208             if ( $minor !== '*' ) {
00209                 $conds['img_minor_mime'] = $minor;
00210             }
00211         }
00212         if ( $like ) {
00213             $conds[] = 'img_metadata ' . $dbw->buildLike( $dbw->anyString(), $like, $dbw->anyString() );
00214         }
00216         return $conds;
00217     }
00223     function setupParameters( $force, $brokenOnly ) {
00224         global $wgUpdateCompatibleMetadata;
00226         if ( $brokenOnly ) {
00227             $wgUpdateCompatibleMetadata = false;
00228         } else {
00229             $wgUpdateCompatibleMetadata = true;
00230         }
00232         if ( $brokenOnly && $force ) {
00233             $this->error( 'Cannot use --broken-only and --force together. ', 2 );
00234         }
00235     }
00236 }
00238 $maintClass = 'RefreshImageMetadata';
00239 require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;