Database abstraction object. More...
Public Member Functions | |
__construct ($params=null) | |
Constructor. | |
__destruct () | |
Run a few simple sanity checks. | |
__sleep () | |
Called by serialize. | |
__toString () | |
addIdentifierQuotes ($s) | |
Quotes an identifier using `backticks` or "double quotes" depending on the database type. | |
addQuotes ($s) | |
Adds quotes and backslashes. | |
aggregateValue ($valuedata, $valuename= 'value') | |
Return aggregated value alias. | |
anyChar () | |
Returns a token for buildLike() that denotes a '_' to be used in a LIKE query. | |
anyString () | |
Returns a token for buildLike() that denotes a '' to be used in a LIKE query. | |
begin ($fname=__METHOD__) | |
Begin a transaction. | |
bitAnd ($fieldLeft, $fieldRight) | |
bitNot ($field) | |
bitOr ($fieldLeft, $fieldRight) | |
bufferResults ($buffer=null) | |
Turns buffering of SQL result sets on (true) or off (false). | |
buildConcat ($stringList) | |
Build a concatenation list to feed into a SQL query. | |
buildGroupConcatField ($delim, $table, $field, $conds= '', $join_conds=array()) | |
Build a GROUP_CONCAT or equivalent statement for a query. | |
buildLike () | |
LIKE statement wrapper, receives a variable-length argument list with parts of pattern to match containing either string literals that will be escaped or tokens returned by anyChar() or anyString(). | |
cascadingDeletes () | |
Returns true if this database supports (and uses) cascading deletes. | |
cleanupTriggers () | |
Returns true if this database supports (and uses) triggers (e.g. | |
clearFlag ($flag) | |
Clear a flag for this connection. | |
clearViewsCache () | |
Reset the views process cache set by listViews() | |
close () | |
Closes a database connection. | |
commit ($fname=__METHOD__, $flush= '') | |
Commits a transaction previously started using begin(). | |
conditional ($cond, $trueVal, $falseVal) | |
Returns an SQL expression for a simple conditional. | |
connectionErrorHandler ($errno, $errstr) | |
dbSchema ($schema=null) | |
Get/set the db schema. | |
deadlockLoop () | |
Perform a deadlock-prone transaction. | |
debug ($debug=null) | |
Boolean, controls output of large amounts of debug information. | |
decodeBlob ($b) | |
Some DBMSs return a special placeholder object representing blob fields in result objects. | |
decodeExpiry ($expiry, $format=TS_MW) | |
Decode an expiry time into a DBMS independent format. | |
delete ($table, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
DELETE query wrapper. | |
deleteJoin ($delTable, $joinTable, $delVar, $joinVar, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
DELETE where the condition is a join. | |
doneWrites () | |
Returns true if the connection may have been used for write queries. | |
dropTable ($tableName, $fName=__METHOD__) | |
Delete a table. | |
duplicateTableStructure ($oldName, $newName, $temporary=false, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Creates a new table with structure copied from existing table Note that unlike most database abstraction functions, this function does not automatically append database prefix, because it works at a lower abstraction level. | |
encodeBlob ($b) | |
Some DBMSs have a special format for inserting into blob fields, they don't allow simple quoted strings to be inserted. | |
encodeExpiry ($expiry) | |
Encode an expiry time into the DBMS dependent format. | |
endAtomic ($fname=__METHOD__) | |
Ends an atomic section of SQL statements. | |
errorCount ($count=null) | |
Get/set the number of errors logged. | |
estimateRowCount ($table, $vars= '*', $conds= '', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=array()) | |
Estimate the number of rows in dataset. | |
execute ($prepared, $args=null) | |
Execute a prepared query with the various arguments. | |
fieldExists ($table, $field, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Determines whether a field exists in a table. | |
fieldNamesWithAlias ($fields) | |
Gets an array of aliased field names. | |
fieldNameWithAlias ($name, $alias=false) | |
Get an aliased field name e.g. | |
fillPrepared ($preparedQuery, $args) | |
For faking prepared SQL statements on DBs that don't support it directly. | |
freeResult ($res) | |
Free a result object returned by query() or select(). | |
functionalIndexes () | |
Returns true if this database can use functional indexes. | |
getDBname () | |
Get the current DB name. | |
getDelimiter () | |
getFlag ($flag) | |
Returns a boolean whether the flag $flag is set for this connection. | |
getInfinity () | |
Find out when 'infinity' is. | |
getLag () | |
Get slave lag. | |
getLBInfo ($name=null) | |
Get properties passed down from the server info array of the load balancer. | |
getMasterPos () | |
Get the position of this master. | |
getProperty ($name) | |
General read-only accessor. | |
getSchemaPath () | |
Return a path to the DBMS-specific schema file, otherwise default to tables.sql. | |
getSearchEngine () | |
Get search engine class. | |
getServer () | |
Get the server hostname or IP address. | |
getServerInfo () | |
A string describing the current software version, and possibly other details in a user-friendly way. | |
getServerUptime () | |
Determines how long the server has been up STUB. | |
getSlavePos () | |
Get the replication position of this slave. | |
getUpdateKeysPath () | |
Return a path to the DBMS-specific update key file, otherwise default to update-keys.sql. | |
getWikiID () | |
ignoreErrors ($ignoreErrors=null) | |
Turns on (false) or off (true) the automatic generation and sending of a "we're sorry, but there has been a database error" page on database errors. | |
implicitGroupby () | |
Returns true if this database does an implicit sort when doing GROUP BY. | |
implicitOrderby () | |
Returns true if this database does an implicit order by when the column has an index For example: SELECT page_title FROM page LIMIT 1. | |
indexExists ($table, $index, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Determines whether an index exists Usually throws a DBQueryError on failure If errors are explicitly ignored, returns NULL on failure. | |
indexUnique ($table, $index) | |
Determines if a given index is unique. | |
insert ($table, $a, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=array()) | |
INSERT wrapper, inserts an array into a table. | |
insertSelect ($destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $insertOptions=array(), $selectOptions=array()) | |
INSERT SELECT wrapper. | |
isOpen () | |
Is a connection to the database open? | |
isQuotedIdentifier ($name) | |
Returns if the given identifier looks quoted or not according to the database convention for quoting identifiers . | |
isView ($name) | |
Differentiates between a TABLE and a VIEW. | |
isWriteQuery ($sql) | |
Determine whether a query writes to the DB. | |
lastDoneWrites () | |
Returns the last time the connection may have been used for write queries. | |
lastQuery () | |
Return the last query that went through DatabaseBase::query() | |
limitResult ($sql, $limit, $offset=false) | |
Construct a LIMIT query with optional offset. | |
listTables ($prefix=null, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
List all tables on the database. | |
listViews ($prefix=null, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Lists all the VIEWs in the database. | |
lock ($lockName, $method, $timeout=5) | |
Acquire a named lock. | |
lockIsFree ($lockName, $method) | |
Check to see if a named lock is available. | |
lockTables ($read, $write, $method, $lowPriority=true) | |
Lock specific tables. | |
lowPriorityOption () | |
A string to insert into queries to show that they're low-priority, like MySQL's LOW_PRIORITY. | |
makeGroupByWithHaving ($options) | |
Returns an optional GROUP BY with an optional HAVING. | |
makeList ($a, $mode=LIST_COMMA) | |
Makes an encoded list of strings from an array. | |
makeOrderBy ($options) | |
Returns an optional ORDER BY. | |
makeSelectOptions ($options) | |
Returns an optional USE INDEX clause to go after the table, and a string to go at the end of the query. | |
makeWhereFrom2d ($data, $baseKey, $subKey) | |
Build a partial where clause from a 2-d array such as used for LinkBatch. | |
masterPosWait (DBMasterPos $pos, $timeout) | |
Wait for the slave to catch up to a given master position. | |
maxListLen () | |
Return the maximum number of items allowed in a list, or 0 for unlimited. | |
nextSequenceValue ($seqName) | |
Returns an appropriately quoted sequence value for inserting a new row. | |
onTransactionIdle ($callback) | |
Run an anonymous function as soon as there is no transaction pending. | |
onTransactionPreCommitOrIdle ($callback) | |
Run an anonymous function before the current transaction commits or now if there is none. | |
patchPath ($patch) | |
Get the full path of a patch file. | |
ping () | |
Ping the server and try to reconnect if it there is no connection. | |
query ($sql, $fname=__METHOD__, $tempIgnore=false) | |
Run an SQL query and return the result. | |
realTimestamps () | |
Returns true if this database uses timestamps rather than integers. | |
replace ($table, $uniqueIndexes, $rows, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
REPLACE query wrapper. | |
reportConnectionError ($error= 'Unknown error') | |
reportQueryError ($error, $errno, $sql, $fname, $tempIgnore=false) | |
Report a query error. | |
resultObject ($result) | |
Take the result from a query, and wrap it in a ResultWrapper if necessary. | |
rollback ($fname=__METHOD__, $flush= '') | |
Rollback a transaction previously started using begin(). | |
searchableIPs () | |
Returns true if this database can do a native search on IP columns e.g. | |
select ($table, $vars, $conds= '', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=array(), $join_conds=array()) | |
Execute a SELECT query constructed using the various parameters provided. | |
selectDB ($db) | |
Change the current database. | |
selectField ($table, $var, $cond= '', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=array()) | |
A SELECT wrapper which returns a single field from a single result row. | |
selectRow ($table, $vars, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=array(), $join_conds=array()) | |
Single row SELECT wrapper. | |
selectRowCount ($table, $vars= '*', $conds= '', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=array()) | |
Get the number of rows in dataset. | |
selectSQLText ($table, $vars, $conds= '', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=array(), $join_conds=array()) | |
The equivalent of DatabaseBase::select() except that the constructed SQL is returned, instead of being immediately executed. | |
setBigSelects ($value=true) | |
Allow or deny "big selects" for this session only. | |
setFakeMaster ($enabled=true) | |
Make this connection a fake master. | |
setFakeSlaveLag ($lag) | |
Set lag time in seconds for a fake slave. | |
setFileHandle ($fh) | |
Set the filehandle to copy write statements to. | |
setFlag ($flag) | |
Set a flag for this connection. | |
setLBInfo ($name, $value=null) | |
Set the LB info array, or a member of it. | |
setSchemaVars ($vars) | |
Set variables to be used in sourceFile/sourceStream, in preference to the ones in $GLOBALS. | |
setSessionOptions (array $options) | |
Override database's default behavior. | |
sourceFile ($filename, $lineCallback=false, $resultCallback=false, $fname=false, $inputCallback=false) | |
Read and execute SQL commands from a file. | |
sourceStream ($fp, $lineCallback=false, $resultCallback=false, $fname=__METHOD__, $inputCallback=false) | |
Read and execute commands from an open file handle. | |
startAtomic ($fname=__METHOD__) | |
Begin an atomic section of statements. | |
streamStatementEnd (&$sql, &$newLine) | |
Called by sourceStream() to check if we've reached a statement end. | |
strictIPs () | |
Returns true if this database is strict about what can be put into an IP field. | |
strreplace ($orig, $old, $new) | |
Returns a comand for str_replace function in SQL query. | |
tableExists ($table, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Query whether a given table exists. | |
tableName ($name, $format= 'quoted') | |
Format a table name ready for use in constructing an SQL query. | |
tableNames () | |
Fetch a number of table names into an array This is handy when you need to construct SQL for joins. | |
tableNamesN () | |
Fetch a number of table names into an zero-indexed numerical array This is handy when you need to construct SQL for joins. | |
tableNamesWithAlias ($tables) | |
Gets an array of aliased table names. | |
tableNameWithAlias ($name, $alias=false) | |
Get an aliased table name e.g. | |
tablePrefix ($prefix=null) | |
Get/set the table prefix. | |
textFieldSize ($table, $field) | |
Returns the size of a text field, or -1 for "unlimited". | |
timestamp ($ts=0) | |
Convert a timestamp in one of the formats accepted by wfTimestamp() to the format used for inserting into timestamp fields in this DBMS. | |
timestampOrNull ($ts=null) | |
Convert a timestamp in one of the formats accepted by wfTimestamp() to the format used for inserting into timestamp fields in this DBMS. | |
trxLevel () | |
Gets the current transaction level. | |
unionQueries ($sqls, $all) | |
Construct a UNION query This is used for providing overload point for other DB abstractions not compatible with the MySQL syntax. | |
unionSupportsOrderAndLimit () | |
Returns true if current database backend supports ORDER BY or LIMIT for separate subqueries within the UNION construct. | |
unlock ($lockName, $method) | |
Release a lock. | |
unlockTables ($method) | |
Unlock specific tables. | |
update ($table, $values, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=array()) | |
UPDATE wrapper. | |
upsert ($table, array $rows, array $uniqueIndexes, array $set, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE wrapper, upserts an array into a table. | |
useIndexClause ($index) | |
USE INDEX clause. | |
wasDeadlock () | |
Determines if the last failure was due to a deadlock STUB. | |
wasErrorReissuable () | |
Determines if the last query error was something that should be dealt with by pinging the connection and reissuing the query. | |
wasLockTimeout () | |
Determines if the last failure was due to a lock timeout STUB. | |
wasReadOnlyError () | |
Determines if the last failure was due to the database being read-only. | |
writesOrCallbacksPending () | |
Returns true if there is a transaction open with possible write queries or transaction pre-commit/idle callbacks waiting on it to finish. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | factory ($dbType, $p=array()) |
Given a DB type, construct the name of the appropriate child class of DatabaseBase. | |
static | generalizeSQL ($sql) |
Removes most variables from an SQL query and replaces them with X or N for numbers. | |
Public Attributes | |
$mDBname | |
$mPassword | |
$mUser | |
const | DEADLOCK_DELAY_MAX = 1500000 |
Maximum time to wait before retry. | |
const | DEADLOCK_DELAY_MIN = 500000 |
Minimum time to wait before retry, in microseconds. | |
const | DEADLOCK_TRIES = 4 |
Number of times to re-try an operation in case of deadlock. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
closeConnection () | |
Closes underlying database connection. | |
doBegin ($fname) | |
Issues the BEGIN command to the database server. | |
doCommit ($fname) | |
Issues the COMMIT command to the database server. | |
doQuery ($sql) | |
The DBMS-dependent part of query() | |
doRollback ($fname) | |
Issues the ROLLBACK command to the database server. | |
escapeLikeInternal ($s) | |
fillPreparedArg ($matches) | |
preg_callback func for fillPrepared() The arguments should be in $this->preparedArgs and must not be touched while we're doing this. | |
freePrepared ($prepared) | |
Free a prepared query, generated by prepare(). | |
getDefaultSchemaVars () | |
Get schema variables to use if none have been set via setSchemaVars(). | |
getSchemaVars () | |
Get schema variables. | |
indexName ($index) | |
Get the name of an index in a given table. | |
indexNameCallback ($matches) | |
Index name callback. | |
installErrorHandler () | |
makeInsertOptions ($options) | |
Helper for DatabaseBase::insert(). | |
makeUpdateOptions ($options) | |
Make UPDATE options for the DatabaseBase::update function. | |
makeUpdateOptionsArray ($options) | |
Make UPDATE options array for DatabaseBase::makeUpdateOptions. | |
nativeReplace ($table, $rows, $fname) | |
REPLACE query wrapper for MySQL and SQLite, which have a native REPLACE statement. | |
prepare ($sql, $func= 'DatabaseBase::prepare') | |
Intended to be compatible with the PEAR::DB wrapper functions. | |
replaceSchemaVars ($ins) | |
Database independent variable replacement. | |
replaceVars ($ins) | |
Replace variables in sourced SQL. | |
restoreErrorHandler () | |
runOnTransactionIdleCallbacks () | |
Actually any "on transaction idle" callbacks. | |
runOnTransactionPreCommitCallbacks () | |
Actually any "on transaction pre-commit" callbacks. | |
tableNameCallback ($matches) | |
Table name callback. | |
tableNamesWithUseIndexOrJOIN ($tables, $use_index=array(), $join_conds=array()) | |
Get the aliased table name clause for a FROM clause which might have a JOIN and/or USE INDEX clause. | |
Protected Attributes | |
string[] | $allViews = null |
$delimiter = ';' | |
resource | $fileHandle = null |
$htmlErrors | |
resource | $mConn = null |
Database connection *. | |
$mDefaultBigSelects = null | |
$mDoneWrites = false | |
$mErrorCount = 0 | |
$mFlags | |
$mForeign | |
$mLastQuery = '' | |
$mLBInfo = array() | |
$mOpened = false | |
$mPHPError = false | |
$mSchema | |
$mSchemaVars = false | |
$mServer | |
$mTablePrefix | |
callable[] | $mTrxIdleCallbacks = array() |
* | |
int | $mTrxLevel = 0 |
Either 1 if a transaction is active or 0 otherwise. | |
callable[] | $mTrxPreCommitCallbacks = array() |
* | |
string | $mTrxShortId = '' |
Either a short hexidecimal string if a transaction is active or "". | |
$preparedArgs | |
Private Member Functions | |
getSqlFilePath ($filename) | |
Return a path to the DBMS-specific SQL file if it exists, otherwise default SQL file. | |
Private Attributes | |
SplStack | $mTrxAtomicLevels |
Array of levels of atomicity within transactions. | |
bool | $mTrxAutomatic = false |
Record if the current transaction was started implicitly due to DBO_TRX being set. | |
bool | $mTrxAutomaticAtomic = false |
Record if the current transaction was started implicitly by DatabaseBase::startAtomic. | |
bool | $mTrxDoneWrites = false |
Record if possible write queries were done in the last transaction started. | |
string | $mTrxFname = null |
Remembers the function name given for starting the most recent transaction via begin(). |
Database abstraction object.
Definition at line 219 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::__construct | ( | $ | params = null | ) |
FIXME: It is possible to construct a Database object with no associated connection object, by specifying no parameters to __construct(). This feature is deprecated and should be removed.
DatabaseBase subclasses should not be constructed directly in external code. DatabaseBase::factory() should be used instead.
array | $params | Parameters passed from DatabaseBase::factory() |
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle, DatabaseSqlite, and DatabaseTestHelper.
Definition at line 751 of file Database.php.
Run a few simple sanity checks.
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 4252 of file Database.php.
Called by serialize.
Throw an exception when DB connection is serialized. This causes problems on some database engines because the connection is not restored on unserialize.
Definition at line 819 of file Database.php.
References $user, and DatabaseType\open().
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqli.
Definition at line 4245 of file Database.php.
Quotes an identifier using `backticks` or "double quotes" depending on the database type.
MySQL uses `backticks` while basically everything else uses double quotes. Since MySQL is the odd one out here the double quotes are our generic and we implement backticks in DatabaseMysql.
string | $s |
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle, DatabaseMssql, DatabaseMysqlBase, and DatabaseTestHelper.
Definition at line 2590 of file Database.php.
Referenced by DatabaseMysqlBaseTest\testAddIdentifierQuotes().
DatabaseBase::addQuotes | ( | $ | s | ) |
Adds quotes and backslashes.
string | $s |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseOracle, DatabaseMssql, and DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 2569 of file Database.php.
Referenced by PopulateRecentChangesSource\buildUpdateCondition(), and RefreshImageMetadata\execute().
DatabaseBase::aggregateValue | ( | $ | valuedata, |
$ | valuename = 'value' |
) |
Return aggregated value alias.
array | $valuedata | |
string | $valuename |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, and DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 2174 of file Database.php.
Returns a token for buildLike() that denotes a '_' to be used in a LIKE query.
Definition at line 2654 of file Database.php.
Returns a token for buildLike() that denotes a '' to be used in a LIKE query.
Definition at line 2663 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::begin | ( | $ | fname = __METHOD__ | ) | [final] |
Begin a transaction.
If a transaction is already in progress, that transaction will be committed before the new transaction is started.
Note that when the DBO_TRX flag is set (which is usually the case for web requests, but not for maintenance scripts), any previous database query will have started a transaction automatically.
Nesting of transactions is not supported. Attempts to nest transactions will cause a warning, unless the current transaction was started automatically because of the DBO_TRX flag.
string | $fname |
DBError |
Definition at line 3461 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::bitAnd | ( | $ | fieldLeft, |
$ | fieldRight | ||
) |
string | $fieldLeft | |
string | $fieldRight |
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 2191 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::bitNot | ( | $ | field | ) |
string | $field |
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 2182 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::bitOr | ( | $ | fieldLeft, |
$ | fieldRight | ||
) |
string | $fieldLeft | |
string | $fieldRight |
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 2200 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::bufferResults | ( | $ | buffer = null | ) |
Turns buffering of SQL result sets on (true) or off (false).
Default is "on".
Unbuffered queries are very troublesome in MySQL:
If you want to limit client-side memory, it's almost always better to split up queries into batches using a LIMIT clause than to switch off buffering.
null | bool | $buffer |
Definition at line 374 of file Database.php.
Referenced by DatabaseMysql\doQuery(), and DatabaseMysqli\doQuery().
DatabaseBase::buildConcat | ( | $ | stringList | ) |
Build a concatenation list to feed into a SQL query.
array | $stringList | List of raw SQL expressions; caller is responsible for any quoting |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseMssql, and DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 2210 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::buildGroupConcatField | ( | $ | delim, |
$ | table, | ||
$ | field, | ||
$ | conds = '' , |
$ | join_conds = array() |
) |
Build a GROUP_CONCAT or equivalent statement for a query.
This is useful for combining a field for several rows into a single string. NULL values will not appear in the output, duplicated values will appear, and the resulting delimiter-separated values have no defined sort order. Code using the results may need to use the PHP unique() or sort() methods.
string | $delim | Glue to bind the results together |
string | array | $table | Table name |
string | $field | Field name |
string | array | $conds | Conditions |
string | array | $join_conds | Join conditions |
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle, DatabaseMssql, and DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 2230 of file Database.php.
LIKE statement wrapper, receives a variable-length argument list with parts of pattern to match containing either string literals that will be escaped or tokens returned by anyChar() or anyString().
Alternatively, the function could be provided with an array of aforementioned parameters.
Example: $dbr->buildLike( 'My_page_title/', $dbr->anyString() ) returns a LIKE clause that searches for subpages of 'My page title'. Alternatively: $pattern = array( 'My_page_title/', $dbr->anyString() ); $query .= $dbr->buildLike( $pattern );
Reimplemented in DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 2629 of file Database.php.
Returns true if this database supports (and uses) cascading deletes.
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseOracle, and DatabaseMssql.
Definition at line 506 of file Database.php.
Returns true if this database supports (and uses) triggers (e.g.
on the page table)
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseOracle, and DatabaseMssql.
Definition at line 515 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::clearFlag | ( | $ | flag | ) |
Clear a flag for this connection.
int | $flag | DBO_* constants from Defines.php:
Definition at line 655 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::clearViewsCache | ( | ) | [final] |
Reset the views process cache set by listViews()
Definition at line 3683 of file Database.php.
Closes a database connection.
if it is open : commits any open transactions
MWException |
Definition at line 952 of file Database.php.
Referenced by DatabaseOracle\getType(), DatabaseMssql\open(), and DatabasePostgres\open().
DatabaseBase::closeConnection | ( | ) | [abstract, protected] |
Closes underlying database connection.
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseOracle, DatabaseTestHelper, DatabaseSqlite, DatabaseMssql, DatabaseMysqli, DatabaseMysql, and FakeDatabaseMysqlBase.
DatabaseBase::commit | ( | $ | fname = __METHOD__ , |
$ | flush = '' |
) | [final] |
Commits a transaction previously started using begin().
If no transaction is in progress, a warning is issued.
Nesting of transactions is not supported.
string | $fname | |
string | $flush | Flush flag, set to 'flush' to disable warnings about explicitly committing implicit transactions, or calling commit when no transaction is in progress. This will silently break any ongoing explicit transaction. Only set the flush flag if you are sure that it is safe to ignore these warnings in your context. |
DBUnexpectedError |
Definition at line 3538 of file Database.php.
Referenced by endAtomic().
DatabaseBase::conditional | ( | $ | cond, |
$ | trueVal, | ||
$ | falseVal | ||
) |
Returns an SQL expression for a simple conditional.
This doesn't need to be overridden unless CASE isn't supported in your DBMS.
string | array | $cond | SQL expression which will result in a boolean value |
string | $trueVal | SQL expression to return if true |
string | $falseVal | SQL expression to return if false |
Definition at line 3117 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::connectionErrorHandler | ( | $ | errno, |
$ | errstr | ||
) |
int | $errno | |
string | $errstr |
Definition at line 941 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::dbSchema | ( | $ | schema = null | ) |
Get/set the db schema.
string | $schema | The database schema to set, or omitted to leave it unchanged. |
Definition at line 433 of file Database.php.
Perform a deadlock-prone transaction.
This function invokes a callback function to perform a set of write queries. If a deadlock occurs during the processing, the transaction will be rolled back and the callback function will be called again.
Usage: $dbw->deadlockLoop( callback, ... );
Extra arguments are passed through to the specified callback function.
Returns whatever the callback function returned on its successful, iteration, or false on error, for example if the retry limit was reached.
Reimplemented in DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 3208 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::debug | ( | $ | debug = null | ) |
Boolean, controls output of large amounts of debug information.
bool | null | $debug |
Definition at line 349 of file Database.php.
Referenced by DatabaseMssql\doQuery().
DatabaseBase::decodeBlob | ( | $ | b | ) |
Some DBMSs return a special placeholder object representing blob fields in result objects.
Pass the object through this function to return the original string.
string | $b |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseOracle, and DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 3829 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::decodeExpiry | ( | $ | expiry, |
$ | format = TS_MW |
) |
Decode an expiry time into a DBMS independent format.
string | $expiry | DB timestamp field value for expiry |
int | $format | TS_* constant, defaults to TS_MW |
Definition at line 4222 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::delete | ( | $ | table, |
$ | conds, | ||
$ | fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
DELETE query wrapper.
array | $table | Table name |
string | array | $conds | Array of conditions. See $conds in DatabaseBase::select() for the format. Use $conds == "*" to delete all rows |
string | $fname | Name of the calling function |
DBUnexpectedError |
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle, and DatabaseMssql.
Definition at line 2972 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::deleteJoin | ( | $ | delTable, |
$ | joinTable, | ||
$ | delVar, | ||
$ | joinVar, | ||
$ | conds, | ||
$ | fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
DELETE where the condition is a join.
MySQL overrides this to use a multi-table DELETE syntax, in other databases we use sub-selects
For safety, an empty $conds will not delete everything. If you want to delete all rows where the join condition matches, set $conds='*'.
DO NOT put the join condition in $conds.
string | $delTable | The table to delete from. |
string | $joinTable | The other table. |
string | $delVar | The variable to join on, in the first table. |
string | $joinVar | The variable to join on, in the second table. |
array | $conds | Condition array of field names mapped to variables, ANDed together in the WHERE clause |
string | $fname | Calling function name (use __METHOD__) for logs/profiling |
DBUnexpectedError |
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase, and DatabaseMssql.
Definition at line 2907 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::doBegin | ( | $ | fname | ) | [protected] |
Issues the BEGIN command to the database server.
string | $fname |
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle, DatabaseMssql, and DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 3519 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::doCommit | ( | $ | fname | ) | [protected] |
Issues the COMMIT command to the database server.
string | $fname |
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle, DatabaseMssql, and DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 3582 of file Database.php.
Returns true if the connection may have been used for write queries.
Should return true if unsure.
Definition at line 590 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::doQuery | ( | $ | sql | ) | [abstract, protected] |
The DBMS-dependent part of query()
string | $sql | SQL query. |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseOracle, DatabaseSqlite, DatabaseTestHelper, DatabaseMssql, FakeDatabaseMysqlBase, DatabaseMysqli, and DatabaseMysql.
DatabaseBase::doRollback | ( | $ | fname | ) | [protected] |
Issues the ROLLBACK command to the database server.
string | $fname |
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle, DatabaseMssql, and DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 3639 of file Database.php.
References Profiler\instance().
DatabaseBase::dropTable | ( | $ | tableName, |
$ | fName = __METHOD__ |
) |
Delete a table.
string | $tableName | |
string | $fName |
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase, and DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 4170 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::duplicateTableStructure | ( | $ | oldName, |
$ | newName, | ||
$ | temporary = false , |
$ | fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
Creates a new table with structure copied from existing table Note that unlike most database abstraction functions, this function does not automatically append database prefix, because it works at a lower abstraction level.
The table names passed to this function shall not be quoted (this function calls addIdentifierQuotes when needed).
string | $oldName | Name of table whose structure should be copied |
string | $newName | Name of table to be created |
bool | $temporary | Whether the new table should be temporary |
string | $fname | Calling function name |
MWException |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseMysqlBase, DatabaseSqlite, and DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 3661 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::encodeBlob | ( | $ | b | ) |
Some DBMSs have a special format for inserting into blob fields, they don't allow simple quoted strings to be inserted.
To insert into such a field, pass the data through this function before passing it to DatabaseBase::insert().
string | $b |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseOracle, and DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 3817 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::encodeExpiry | ( | $ | expiry | ) |
Encode an expiry time into the DBMS dependent format.
string | $expiry | Timestamp for expiry, or the 'infinity' string |
Definition at line 4209 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::endAtomic | ( | $ | fname = __METHOD__ | ) | [final] |
Ends an atomic section of SQL statements.
Ends the next section of atomic SQL statements and commits the transaction if necessary.
string | $fname |
DBError |
Definition at line 3431 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::errorCount | ( | $ | count = null | ) |
Get/set the number of errors logged.
Only useful when errors are ignored
int | $count | The count to set, or omitted to leave it unchanged. |
Definition at line 415 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::escapeLikeInternal | ( | $ | s | ) | [protected] |
DatabaseBase::estimateRowCount | ( | $ | table, |
$ | vars = '*' , |
$ | conds = '' , |
$ | fname = __METHOD__ , |
$ | options = array() |
) |
Estimate the number of rows in dataset.
MySQL allows you to estimate the number of rows that would be returned by a SELECT query, using EXPLAIN SELECT. The estimate is provided using index cardinality statistics, and is notoriously inaccurate, especially when large numbers of rows have recently been added or deleted.
For DBMSs that don't support fast result size estimation, this function will actually perform the SELECT COUNT(*).
Takes the same arguments as DatabaseBase::select().
string | $table | Table name |
string | $vars | Unused |
array | string | $conds | Filters on the table |
string | $fname | Function name for profiling |
array | $options | Options for select |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseMssql, and DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 1762 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::execute | ( | $ | prepared, |
$ | args = null |
) |
Execute a prepared query with the various arguments.
string | $prepared | The prepared sql |
mixed | $args | Either an array here, or put scalars as varargs |
Definition at line 1245 of file Database.php.
static DatabaseBase::factory | ( | $ | dbType, |
$ | p = array() |
) | [static, final] |
Given a DB type, construct the name of the appropriate child class of DatabaseBase.
This is designed to replace all of the manual stuff like: $class = 'Database' . ucfirst( strtolower( $dbType ) ); as well as validate against the canonical list of DB types we have
This factory function is mostly useful for when you need to connect to a database other than the MediaWiki default (such as for external auth, an extension, et cetera). Do not use this to connect to the MediaWiki database. Example uses in core:
string | $dbType | A possible DB type |
array | $p | An array of options to pass to the constructor. Valid options are: host, user, password, dbname, flags, tablePrefix, schema, driver |
MWException | If the database driver or extension cannot be found |
Definition at line 846 of file Database.php.
Referenced by MysqlInstaller\openConnection(), MssqlInstaller\openConnection(), PostgresInstaller\openConnectionWithParams(), MysqlInstaller\setupUser(), MssqlInstaller\submitSettingsForm(), and MysqlInstaller\submitSettingsForm().
DatabaseBase::fieldExists | ( | $ | table, |
$ | field, | ||
$ | fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
Determines whether a field exists in a table.
string | $table | Table name |
string | $field | Filed to check on that table |
string | $fname | Calling function name (optional) |
Reimplemented in DatabaseMssql.
Definition at line 1844 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::fieldNamesWithAlias | ( | $ | fields | ) |
Gets an array of aliased field names.
array | $fields | Array( [alias] => field ) |
Definition at line 2468 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::fieldNameWithAlias | ( | $ | name, |
$ | alias = false |
) |
Get an aliased field name e.g.
fieldName AS newFieldName
string | $name | Field name |
string | bool | $alias | Alias (optional) |
Definition at line 2454 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::fillPrepared | ( | $ | preparedQuery, |
$ | args | ||
) |
For faking prepared SQL statements on DBs that don't support it directly.
string | $preparedQuery | A 'preparable' SQL statement |
array | $args | Array of Arguments to fill it with |
Definition at line 1264 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::fillPreparedArg | ( | $ | matches | ) | [protected] |
preg_callback func for fillPrepared() The arguments should be in $this->preparedArgs and must not be touched while we're doing this.
array | $matches |
DBUnexpectedError |
Definition at line 1281 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::freePrepared | ( | $ | prepared | ) | [protected] |
Free a prepared query, generated by prepare().
string | $prepared |
Definition at line 1234 of file Database.php.
References array().
DatabaseBase::freeResult | ( | $ | res | ) |
Free a result object returned by query() or select().
It's usually not necessary to call this, just use unset() or let the variable holding the result object go out of scope.
mixed | $res | A SQL result |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseOracle, DatabaseSqlite, DatabaseMssql, and DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 1319 of file Database.php.
Returns true if this database can use functional indexes.
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, and DatabaseMssql.
Definition at line 572 of file Database.php.
static DatabaseBase::generalizeSQL | ( | $ | sql | ) | [static] |
Removes most variables from an SQL query and replaces them with X or N for numbers.
It's only slightly flawed. Don't use for anything important.
string | $sql | A SQL Query |
Definition at line 1814 of file Database.php.
Get the current DB name.
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, and DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 2260 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::getDefaultSchemaVars | ( | ) | [protected] |
Get schema variables to use if none have been set via setSchemaVars().
Override this in derived classes to provide variables for tables.sql and SQL patch files.
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 4075 of file Database.php.
Definition at line 336 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::getFlag | ( | $ | flag | ) |
Returns a boolean whether the flag $flag is set for this connection.
int | $flag | DBO_* constants from Defines.php:
Definition at line 673 of file Database.php.
Find out when 'infinity' is.
Most DBMSes support this. This is a special keyword for timestamps in PostgreSQL, and works with CHAR(14) as well because "i" sorts after all numbers.
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 4199 of file Database.php.
Get slave lag.
Currently supported only by MySQL.
Note that this function will generate a fatal error on many installations. Most callers should use LoadBalancer::safeGetLag() instead.
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 3795 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::getLBInfo | ( | $ | name = null | ) |
Get properties passed down from the server info array of the load balancer.
string | $name | The entry of the info array to get, or null to get the whole array |
Definition at line 455 of file Database.php.
Get the position of this master.
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 3281 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::getProperty | ( | $ | name | ) |
General read-only accessor.
string | $name |
Definition at line 683 of file Database.php.
Return a path to the DBMS-specific schema file, otherwise default to tables.sql.
Definition at line 721 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::getSchemaVars | ( | ) | [protected] |
Get schema variables.
If none have been set via setSchemaVars(), then use some defaults from the current object.
Definition at line 4059 of file Database.php.
Get search engine class.
All subclasses of this need to implement this if they wish to use searching.
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseOracle, DatabaseMssql, DatabaseMysqlBase, and DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 4188 of file Database.php.
Get the server hostname or IP address.
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, and DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 2268 of file Database.php.
A string describing the current software version, and possibly other details in a user-friendly way.
Will be listed on Special:Version, etc. Use getServerVersion() to get machine-friendly information.
Implements DatabaseType.
Reimplemented in DatabaseSqlite, and DatabaseTestHelper.
Definition at line 329 of file Database.php.
References DatabaseType\getServerVersion().
Determines how long the server has been up STUB.
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 3145 of file Database.php.
Get the replication position of this slave.
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 3271 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::getSqlFilePath | ( | $ | filename | ) | [private] |
Return a path to the DBMS-specific SQL file if it exists, otherwise default SQL file.
string | $filename |
Definition at line 705 of file Database.php.
Return a path to the DBMS-specific update key file, otherwise default to update-keys.sql.
Definition at line 731 of file Database.php.
Definition at line 690 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::ignoreErrors | ( | $ | ignoreErrors = null | ) |
Turns on (false) or off (true) the automatic generation and sending of a "we're sorry, but there has been a database error" page on database errors.
Default is on (false). When turned off, the code should use lastErrno() and lastError() to handle the situation as appropriate.
Do not use this function outside of the Database classes.
null | bool | $ignoreErrors |
Definition at line 394 of file Database.php.
Referenced by reportQueryError(), and ORMTableTest\testIgnoreErrorsOverride().
Returns true if this database does an implicit sort when doing GROUP BY.
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseOracle, DatabaseSqlite, and DatabaseMssql.
Definition at line 543 of file Database.php.
Returns true if this database does an implicit order by when the column has an index For example: SELECT page_title FROM page LIMIT 1.
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseOracle, and DatabaseMssql.
Definition at line 553 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::indexExists | ( | $ | table, |
$ | index, | ||
$ | fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
Determines whether an index exists Usually throws a DBQueryError on failure If errors are explicitly ignored, returns NULL on failure.
string | $table | |
string | $index | |
string | $fname |
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 1860 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::indexName | ( | $ | index | ) | [protected] |
Get the name of an index in a given table.
string | $index |
Reimplemented in DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 2548 of file Database.php.
Referenced by lockIsFree().
DatabaseBase::indexNameCallback | ( | $ | matches | ) | [protected] |
Index name callback.
array | $matches |
Definition at line 4095 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::indexUnique | ( | $ | table, |
$ | index | ||
) |
Determines if a given index is unique.
string | $table | |
string | $index |
Definition at line 1897 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::insert | ( | $ | table, |
$ | a, | ||
$ | fname = __METHOD__ , |
$ | options = array() |
) |
INSERT wrapper, inserts an array into a table.
$a may be either:
Usually throws a DBQueryError on failure. If errors are explicitly ignored, returns success.
$options is an array of options, with boolean options encoded as values with numeric keys, in the same style as $options in DatabaseBase::select(). Supported options are:
string | $table | Table name. This will be passed through DatabaseBase::tableName(). |
array | $a | Array of rows to insert |
string | $fname | Calling function name (use __METHOD__) for logs/profiling |
array | $options | Array of options |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseMssql, DatabaseSqlite, and DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 1950 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::insertSelect | ( | $ | destTable, |
$ | srcTable, | ||
$ | varMap, | ||
$ | conds, | ||
$ | fname = __METHOD__ , |
$ | insertOptions = array() , |
$ | selectOptions = array() |
) |
Takes data from a SELECT query and inserts it into another table.
string | $destTable | The table name to insert into |
string | array | $srcTable | May be either a table name, or an array of table names to include in a join. |
array | $varMap | Must be an associative array of the form array( 'dest1' => 'source1', ...). Source items may be literals rather than field names, but strings should be quoted with DatabaseBase::addQuotes() |
array | $conds | Condition array. See $conds in DatabaseBase::select() for the details of the format of condition arrays. May be "*" to copy the whole table. |
string | $fname | The function name of the caller, from __METHOD__ |
array | $insertOptions | Options for the INSERT part of the query, see DatabaseBase::insert() for details. |
array | $selectOptions | Options for the SELECT part of the query, see DatabaseBase::select() for details. |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseOracle, and DatabaseMssql.
Definition at line 3016 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::installErrorHandler | ( | ) | [protected] |
Definition at line 913 of file Database.php.
Referenced by DatabasePostgres\open().
Is a connection to the database open?
Reimplemented in DatabaseTestHelper.
Definition at line 621 of file Database.php.
Referenced by DatabaseSqlite\__construct().
DatabaseBase::isQuotedIdentifier | ( | $ | name | ) |
Returns if the given identifier looks quoted or not according to the database convention for quoting identifiers .
string | $name |
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle, DatabaseMssql, and DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 2601 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::isView | ( | $ | name | ) |
Differentiates between a TABLE and a VIEW.
string | $name | Name of the database-structure to test. |
MWException |
Definition at line 3709 of file Database.php.
Referenced by DatabaseMysqlBaseTest\testIsView().
DatabaseBase::isWriteQuery | ( | $ | sql | ) |
Determine whether a query writes to the DB.
Should return true if unsure.
string | $sql |
Reimplemented in DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 1013 of file Database.php.
Returns the last time the connection may have been used for write queries.
Should return a timestamp if unsure.
Definition at line 601 of file Database.php.
Return the last query that went through DatabaseBase::query()
Definition at line 580 of file Database.php.
Referenced by MockDatabaseSqlite\query().
DatabaseBase::limitResult | ( | $ | sql, |
$ | limit, | ||
$ | offset = false |
) |
Construct a LIMIT query with optional offset.
This is used for query pages. The SQL should be adjusted so that only the first $limit rows are returned. If $offset is provided as well, then the first $offset rows should be discarded, and the next $limit rows should be returned. If the result of the query is not ordered, then the rows to be returned are theoretically arbitrary.
$sql is expected to be a SELECT, if that makes a difference.
The version provided by default works in MySQL and SQLite. It will very likely need to be overridden for most other DBMSes.
string | $sql | SQL query we will append the limit too |
int | $limit | The SQL limit |
int | bool | $offset | The SQL offset (default false) |
DBUnexpectedError |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseMssql, and DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 3075 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::listTables | ( | $ | prefix = null , |
$ | fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
List all tables on the database.
string | $prefix | Only show tables with this prefix, e.g. mw_ |
string | $fname | Calling function name |
MWException |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseMysqlBase, DatabaseSqlite, and DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 3675 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::listViews | ( | $ | prefix = null , |
$ | fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
Lists all the VIEWs in the database.
For caching purposes the list of all views should be stored in $this->allViews. The process cache can be cleared with clearViewsCache()
string | $prefix | Only show VIEWs with this prefix, eg. unit_test_ |
string | $fname | Name of calling function |
MWException |
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 3698 of file Database.php.
Referenced by DatabaseMysqlBaseTest\testListviews().
DatabaseBase::lock | ( | $ | lockName, |
$ | method, | ||
$ | timeout = 5 |
) |
Acquire a named lock.
Abstracted from Filestore::lock() so child classes can implement for their own needs.
string | $lockName | Name of lock to aquire |
string | $method | Name of method calling us |
int | $timeout |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseSqlite, and DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 4122 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::lockIsFree | ( | $ | lockName, |
$ | method | ||
) |
Check to see if a named lock is available.
This is non-blocking.
string | $lockName | Name of lock to poll |
string | $method | Name of method calling us |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, and DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 4107 of file Database.php.
References $matches, and indexName().
DatabaseBase::lockTables | ( | $ | read, |
$ | write, | ||
$ | method, | ||
$ | lowPriority = true |
) |
Lock specific tables.
array | $read | Array of tables to lock for read access |
array | $write | Array of tables to lock for write access |
string | $method | Name of caller |
bool | $lowPriority | Whether to indicate writes to be LOW PRIORITY |
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 4149 of file Database.php.
A string to insert into queries to show that they're low-priority, like MySQL's LOW_PRIORITY.
If no such feature exists, return an empty string and nothing bad should happen.
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 2958 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::makeGroupByWithHaving | ( | $ | options | ) |
Returns an optional GROUP BY with an optional HAVING.
array | $options | Associative array of options |
Definition at line 1456 of file Database.php.
Referenced by DatabaseMssql\makeSelectOptions().
DatabaseBase::makeInsertOptions | ( | $ | options | ) | [protected] |
Helper for DatabaseBase::insert().
array | $options |
Reimplemented in DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 1913 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::makeList | ( | $ | a, |
$ | mode = LIST_COMMA |
) |
Makes an encoded list of strings from an array.
array | $a | Containing the data |
int | $mode | Constant
MWException|DBUnexpectedError |
Definition at line 2082 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::makeOrderBy | ( | $ | options | ) |
Returns an optional ORDER BY.
array | $options | Associative array of options |
Definition at line 1482 of file Database.php.
Referenced by DatabaseMssql\makeSelectOptions().
DatabaseBase::makeSelectOptions | ( | $ | options | ) |
Returns an optional USE INDEX clause to go after the table, and a string to go at the end of the query.
array | $options | Associative array of options to be turned into an SQL query, valid keys are listed in the function. |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseOracle, DatabaseMssql, and DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 1372 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::makeUpdateOptions | ( | $ | options | ) | [protected] |
Make UPDATE options for the DatabaseBase::update function.
array | $options | The options passed to DatabaseBase::update |
Definition at line 2032 of file Database.php.
Referenced by DatabaseMssql\update().
DatabaseBase::makeUpdateOptionsArray | ( | $ | options | ) | [protected] |
Make UPDATE options array for DatabaseBase::makeUpdateOptions.
array | $options |
Reimplemented in DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 2008 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::makeWhereFrom2d | ( | $ | data, |
$ | baseKey, | ||
$ | subKey | ||
) |
Build a partial where clause from a 2-d array such as used for LinkBatch.
The keys on each level may be either integers or strings.
array | $data | Organized as 2-d array(baseKeyVal => array(subKeyVal => [ignored], ...), ...) |
string | $baseKey | Field name to match the base-level keys to (eg 'pl_namespace') |
string | $subKey | Field name to match the sub-level keys to (eg 'pl_title') |
Definition at line 2147 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::masterPosWait | ( | DBMasterPos $ | pos, |
$ | timeout | ||
) |
Wait for the slave to catch up to a given master position.
DBMasterPos | $pos | |
int | $timeout | The maximum number of seconds to wait for synchronisation |
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 3261 of file Database.php.
Return the maximum number of items allowed in a list, or 0 for unlimited.
Definition at line 3804 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::nativeReplace | ( | $ | table, |
$ | rows, | ||
$ | fname | ||
) | [protected] |
REPLACE query wrapper for MySQL and SQLite, which have a native REPLACE statement.
string | $table | Table name |
array | string | $rows | Row(s) to insert |
string | $fname | Caller function name |
Reimplemented in DatabaseTestHelper.
Definition at line 2775 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::nextSequenceValue | ( | $ | seqName | ) |
Returns an appropriately quoted sequence value for inserting a new row.
MySQL has autoincrement fields, so this is just NULL. But the PostgreSQL subclass will return an integer, and save the value for insertId()
Any implementation of this function should *not* involve reusing sequence numbers created for rolled-back transactions. See for details.
string | $seqName |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, and DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 2678 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::onTransactionIdle | ( | $ | callback | ) | [final] |
Run an anonymous function as soon as there is no transaction pending.
If there is a transaction and it is rolled back, then the callback is cancelled. Queries in the function will run in AUTO-COMMIT mode unless there are begin() calls. Callbacks must commit any transactions that they begin.
This is useful for updates to different systems or when separate transactions are needed. For example, one might want to enqueue jobs into a system outside the database, but only after the database is updated so that the jobs will see the data when they actually run. It can also be used for updates that easily cause deadlocks if locks are held too long.
callable | $callback |
Definition at line 3300 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::onTransactionPreCommitOrIdle | ( | $ | callback | ) | [final] |
Run an anonymous function before the current transaction commits or now if there is none.
If there is a transaction and it is rolled back, then the callback is cancelled. Callbacks must not start nor commit any transactions.
This is useful for updates that easily cause deadlocks if locks are held too long but where atomicity is strongly desired for these updates and some related updates.
callable | $callback |
Definition at line 3318 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::patchPath | ( | $ | patch | ) |
Get the full path of a patch file.
Originally based on archive() from Keep in mind this always returns a patch, as it fails back to MySQL if no DB-specific patch can be found
string | $patch | The name of the patch, like patch-something.sql |
Definition at line 3897 of file Database.php.
Ping the server and try to reconnect if it there is no connection.
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 3781 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::prepare | ( | $ | sql, |
$ | func = 'DatabaseBase::prepare' |
) | [protected] |
Intended to be compatible with the PEAR::DB wrapper functions.
? = scalar value, quoted as necessary ! = raw SQL bit (a function for instance) & = filename; reads the file and inserts as a blob (we don't use this though...)
string | $sql | |
string | $func |
Definition at line 1222 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::query | ( | $ | sql, |
$ | fname = __METHOD__ , |
$ | tempIgnore = false |
) |
Run an SQL query and return the result.
Normally throws a DBQueryError on failure. If errors are ignored, returns false instead.
In new code, the query wrappers select(), insert(), update(), delete(), etc. should be used where possible, since they give much better DBMS independence and automatically quote or validate user input in a variety of contexts. This function is generally only useful for queries which are explicitly DBMS-dependent and are unsupported by the query wrappers, such as CREATE TABLE.
However, the query wrappers themselves should call this function.
string | $sql | SQL query |
string | $fname | Name of the calling function, for profiling/SHOW PROCESSLIST comment (you can use __METHOD__ or add some extra info) |
bool | $tempIgnore | Whether to avoid throwing an exception on errors... maybe best to catch the exception instead? |
MWException |
Reimplemented in DatabaseTestHelper, and MockDatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 1039 of file Database.php.
Referenced by DatabaseSqlite\checkForEnabledSearch(), DatabaseMssql\fieldExists(), DatabaseMssql\fieldInfo(), DatabasePostgres\getSearchPath(), DatabaseMssql\indexInfo(), DatabasePostgres\indexInfo(), DatabaseMssql\insert(), DatabasePostgres\lockIsFree(), DatabaseMysql\mysqlSetCharset(), DatabaseMysqli\mysqlSetCharset(), DatabasePostgres\open(), PostgreSqlLockManager\releaseAllLocks(), DatabaseMssql\select(), DatabaseMssql\selectDB(), DatabaseMssql\tableExists(), DatabaseMssql\textFieldSize(), DatabasePostgres\textFieldSize(), and DatabaseMssql\update().
Returns true if this database uses timestamps rather than integers.
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseOracle, and DatabaseMssql.
Definition at line 534 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::replace | ( | $ | table, |
$ | uniqueIndexes, | ||
$ | rows, | ||
$ | fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
REPLACE query wrapper.
REPLACE is a very handy MySQL extension, which functions like an INSERT except that when there is a duplicate key error, the old row is deleted and the new row is inserted in its place.
We simulate this with standard SQL with a DELETE followed by INSERT. To perform the delete, we need to know what the unique indexes are so that we know how to find the conflicting rows.
It may be more efficient to leave off unique indexes which are unlikely to collide. However if you do this, you run the risk of encountering errors which wouldn't have occurred in MySQL.
string | $table | The table to replace the row(s) in. |
array | $uniqueIndexes | Is an array of indexes. Each element may be either a field name or an array of field names |
array | $rows | Can be either a single row to insert, or multiple rows, in the same format as for DatabaseBase::insert() |
string | $fname | Calling function name (use __METHOD__) for logs/profiling |
Reimplemented in DatabaseSqlite, and DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 2718 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::replaceSchemaVars | ( | $ | ins | ) | [protected] |
Database independent variable replacement.
Replaces a set of variables in an SQL statement with their contents as given by $this->getSchemaVars().
Supports '{$var}' `{$var}` and / *$var* / (without the spaces) style variables.
string | $ins | SQL statement to replace variables in |
Definition at line 4019 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::replaceVars | ( | $ | ins | ) | [protected] |
Replace variables in sourced SQL.
string | $ins |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseSqlite, and MockDatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 4039 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::reportConnectionError | ( | $ | error = 'Unknown error' | ) |
string | $error | Fallback error message, used if none is given by DB |
DBConnectionError |
Definition at line 987 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::reportQueryError | ( | $ | error, |
$ | errno, | ||
$ | sql, | ||
$ | fname, | ||
$ | tempIgnore = false |
) |
Report a query error.
Log the error, and if neither the object ignore flag nor the $tempIgnore flag is set, throw a DBQueryError.
string | $error | |
int | $errno | |
string | $sql | |
string | $fname | |
bool | $tempIgnore |
DBQueryError |
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle, and DatabasePostgres.
Definition at line 1192 of file Database.php.
References $error, $fname, $ignore, ignoreErrors(), wfDebug(), and wfLogDBError().
DatabaseBase::restoreErrorHandler | ( | ) | [protected] |
Definition at line 922 of file Database.php.
Referenced by DatabasePostgres\open().
DatabaseBase::resultObject | ( | $ | result | ) |
Take the result from a query, and wrap it in a ResultWrapper if necessary.
Boolean values are passed through as is, to indicate success of write queries or failure.
Once upon a time, DatabaseBase::query() returned a bare MySQL result resource, and it was necessary to call this function to convert it to a wrapper. Nowadays, raw database objects are never exposed to external callers, so this is unnecessary in external code. For compatibility with old code, ResultWrapper objects are passed through unaltered.
bool | ResultWrapper | resource | $result |
Reimplemented in DatabaseMssql.
Definition at line 3763 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::rollback | ( | $ | fname = __METHOD__ , |
$ | flush = '' |
) | [final] |
Rollback a transaction previously started using begin().
If no transaction is in progress, a warning is issued.
No-op on non-transactional databases.
string | $fname | |
string | $flush | Flush flag, set to 'flush' to disable warnings about calling rollback when no transaction is in progress. This will silently break any ongoing explicit transaction. Only set the flush flag if you are sure that it is safe to ignore these warnings in your context. |
Definition at line 3602 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::runOnTransactionIdleCallbacks | ( | ) | [protected] |
Actually any "on transaction idle" callbacks.
Definition at line 3331 of file Database.php.
References array(), and wfGetCaller().
DatabaseBase::runOnTransactionPreCommitCallbacks | ( | ) | [protected] |
Actually any "on transaction pre-commit" callbacks.
Definition at line 3363 of file Database.php.
Returns true if this database can do a native search on IP columns e.g.
this works as expected: .. WHERE rc_ip = '';
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, and DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 563 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::select | ( | $ | table, |
$ | vars, | ||
$ | conds = '' , |
$ | fname = __METHOD__ , |
$ | options = array() , |
$ | join_conds = array() |
) |
Execute a SELECT query constructed using the various parameters provided.
See below for full details of the parameters.
string | array | $table | Table name |
string | array | $vars | Field names |
string | array | $conds | Conditions |
string | $fname | Caller function name |
array | $options | Query options |
array | $join_conds | Join conditions |
string | array | $table | May be either an array of table names, or a single string holding a table name. If an array is given, table aliases can be specified, for example: |
array( 'a' => 'user' )
This includes the user table in the query, with the alias "a" available for use in field names (e.g. a.user_name).
All of the table names given here are automatically run through DatabaseBase::tableName(), which causes the table prefix (if any) to be added, and various other table name mappings to be performed.
string | array | $vars | May be either a field name or an array of field names. The field names can be complete fragments of SQL, for direct inclusion into the SELECT query. If an array is given, field aliases can be specified, for example: |
array( 'maxrev' => 'MAX(rev_id)' )
This includes an expression with the alias "maxrev" in the query.
If an expression is given, care must be taken to ensure that it is DBMS-independent.
string | array | $conds | May be either a string containing a single condition, or an array of conditions. If an array is given, the conditions constructed from each element are combined with AND. |
Array elements may take one of two forms:
Note that expressions are often DBMS-dependent in their syntax. DBMS-independent wrappers are provided for constructing several types of expression commonly used in condition queries. See:
string | array | $options | Optional: Array of query options. Boolean options are specified by including them in the array as a string value with a numeric key, for example: |
array( 'FOR UPDATE' )
The supported options are:
And also the following boolean MySQL extensions, see the MySQL manual for documentation:
string | array | $join_conds | Optional associative array of table-specific join conditions. In the most common case, this is unnecessary, since the join condition can be in $conds. However, it is useful for doing a LEFT JOIN. |
The key of the array contains the table name or alias. The value is an array with two elements, numbered 0 and 1. The first gives the type of join, the second is an SQL fragment giving the join condition for that table. For example:
array( 'page' => array( 'LEFT JOIN', 'page_latest=rev_id' ) )
Reimplemented in DatabaseMssql.
Definition at line 1634 of file Database.php.
Referenced by RefreshImageMetadata\execute().
DatabaseBase::selectDB | ( | $ | db | ) |
Change the current database.
string | $db |
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle, DatabaseMssql, DatabasePostgres, DatabaseMysqli, and DatabaseMysql.
Definition at line 2247 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::selectField | ( | $ | table, |
$ | var, | ||
$ | cond = '' , |
$ | fname = __METHOD__ , |
$ | options = array() |
) |
A SELECT wrapper which returns a single field from a single result row.
Usually throws a DBQueryError on failure. If errors are explicitly ignored, returns false on failure.
If no result rows are returned from the query, false is returned.
string | array | $table | Table name. See DatabaseBase::select() for details. |
string | $var | The field name to select. This must be a valid SQL fragment: do not use unvalidated user input. |
string | array | $cond | The condition array. See DatabaseBase::select() for details. |
string | $fname | The function name of the caller. |
string | array | $options | The query options. See DatabaseBase::select() for details. |
Definition at line 1339 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::selectRow | ( | $ | table, |
$ | vars, | ||
$ | conds, | ||
$ | fname = __METHOD__ , |
$ | options = array() , |
$ | join_conds = array() |
) |
Single row SELECT wrapper.
Equivalent to DatabaseBase::select(), except that a single row object is returned. If the query returns no rows, false is returned.
string | array | $table | Table name |
string | array | $vars | Field names |
array | $conds | Conditions |
string | $fname | Caller function name |
string | array | $options | Query options |
array | string | $join_conds | Join conditions |
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 1722 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::selectRowCount | ( | $ | table, |
$ | vars = '*' , |
$ | conds = '' , |
$ | fname = __METHOD__ , |
$ | options = array() |
) |
Get the number of rows in dataset.
This is useful when trying to do COUNT(*) but with a LIMIT for performance.
Takes the same arguments as DatabaseBase::select().
string | $table | Table name |
string | $vars | Unused |
array | string | $conds | Filters on the table |
string | $fname | Function name for profiling |
array | $options | Options for select |
Definition at line 1791 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::selectSQLText | ( | $ | table, |
$ | vars, | ||
$ | conds = '' , |
$ | fname = __METHOD__ , |
$ | options = array() , |
$ | join_conds = array() |
) |
The equivalent of DatabaseBase::select() except that the constructed SQL is returned, instead of being immediately executed.
This can be useful for doing UNION queries, where the SQL text of each query is needed. In general, however, callers outside of Database classes should just use select().
string | array | $table | Table name |
string | array | $vars | Field names |
string | array | $conds | Conditions |
string | $fname | Caller function name |
string | array | $options | Query options |
string | array | $join_conds | Join conditions |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, and DatabaseMssql.
Definition at line 1657 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::setBigSelects | ( | $ | value = true | ) |
Allow or deny "big selects" for this session only.
This is done by setting the sql_big_selects session variable.
This is a MySQL-specific feature.
bool | string | $value | True for allow, false for deny, or "default" to restore the initial value |
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 4237 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::setFakeMaster | ( | $ | enabled = true | ) |
Make this connection a fake master.
bool | $enabled |
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 498 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::setFakeSlaveLag | ( | $ | lag | ) |
Set lag time in seconds for a fake slave.
mixed | $lag | Valid values for this parameter are determined by the subclass, but should be a PHP scalar or array that would be sensible as part of $wgLBFactoryConf. |
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 490 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::setFileHandle | ( | $ | fh | ) |
Set the filehandle to copy write statements to.
resource | $fh | File handle |
Definition at line 442 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::setFlag | ( | $ | flag | ) |
Set a flag for this connection.
int | $flag | DBO_* constants from Defines.php:
Definition at line 636 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::setLBInfo | ( | $ | name, |
$ | value = null |
) |
Set the LB info array, or a member of it.
If called with one parameter, the LB info array is set to that parameter. If it is called with two parameters, the member with the given name is set to the given value.
string | $name | |
array | $value |
Definition at line 475 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::setSchemaVars | ( | $ | vars | ) |
Set variables to be used in sourceFile/sourceStream, in preference to the ones in $GLOBALS.
If an array is set here, $GLOBALS will not be used at all. If it's set to false, $GLOBALS will be used.
bool | array | $vars | Mapping variable name to value. |
Definition at line 3915 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::setSessionOptions | ( | array $ | options | ) |
Override database's default behavior.
$options include: 'connTimeout' : Set the connection timeout value in seconds. May be useful for very long batch queries such as full-wiki dumps, where a single query reads out over hours or days.
array | $options |
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 3843 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::sourceFile | ( | $ | filename, |
$ | lineCallback = false , |
$ | resultCallback = false , |
$ | fname = false , |
$ | inputCallback = false |
) |
Read and execute SQL commands from a file.
Returns true on success, error string or exception on failure (depending on object's error ignore settings).
string | $filename | File name to open |
bool | callable | $lineCallback | Optional function called before reading each line |
bool | callable | $resultCallback | Optional function called for each MySQL result |
bool | string | $fname | Calling function name or false if name should be generated dynamically using $filename |
bool | callable | $inputCallback | Optional function called for each complete line sent |
Exception|MWException |
Definition at line 3862 of file Database.php.
Referenced by DatabaseSqliteTest\prepareDB().
DatabaseBase::sourceStream | ( | $ | fp, |
$ | lineCallback = false , |
$ | resultCallback = false , |
$ | fname = __METHOD__ , |
$ | inputCallback = false |
) |
Read and execute commands from an open file handle.
Returns true on success, error string or exception on failure (depending on object's error ignore settings).
resource | $fp | File handle |
bool | callable | $lineCallback | Optional function called before reading each query |
bool | callable | $resultCallback | Optional function called for each MySQL result |
string | $fname | Calling function name |
bool | callable | $inputCallback | Optional function called for each complete query sent |
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 3932 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::startAtomic | ( | $ | fname = __METHOD__ | ) | [final] |
Begin an atomic section of statements.
If a transaction has been started already, just keep track of the given section name to make sure the transaction is not committed pre-maturely. This function can be used in layers (with sub-sections), so use a stack to keep track of the different atomic sections. If there is no transaction, start one implicitly.
The goal of this function is to create an atomic section of SQL queries without having to start a new transaction if it already exists.
Atomic sections are more strict than transactions. With transactions, attempting to begin a new transaction when one is already running results in MediaWiki issuing a brief warning and doing an implicit commit. All atomic levels *must* be explicitly closed using DatabaseBase::endAtomic(), and any database transactions cannot be began or committed until all atomic levels are closed. There is no such thing as implicitly opening or closing an atomic section.
string | $fname |
DBError |
Definition at line 3410 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::streamStatementEnd | ( | &$ | sql, |
&$ | newLine | ||
) |
Called by sourceStream() to check if we've reached a statement end.
string | $sql | SQL assembled so far |
string | $newLine | New line about to be added to $sql |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, and DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 3990 of file Database.php.
Returns true if this database is strict about what can be put into an IP field.
Specifically, it uses a NULL value instead of an empty string.
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseOracle, and DatabaseMssql.
Definition at line 525 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::strreplace | ( | $ | orig, |
$ | old, | ||
$ | new | ||
) |
Returns a comand for str_replace function in SQL query.
string | $orig | Column to modify |
string | $old | Column to seek |
string | $new | Column to replace with |
Definition at line 3135 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::tableExists | ( | $ | table, |
$ | fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
Query whether a given table exists.
string | $table | |
string | $fname |
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle, DatabaseMssql, and DatabaseTestHelper.
Definition at line 1880 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::tableName | ( | $ | name, |
$ | format = 'quoted' |
) |
Format a table name ready for use in constructing an SQL query.
This does two important things: it quotes the table names to clean them up, and it adds a table prefix if only given a table name with no quotes.
All functions of this object which require a table name call this function themselves. Pass the canonical name to such functions. This is only needed when calling query() directly.
string | $name | Database table name |
string | $format | One of: quoted - Automatically pass the table name through addIdentifierQuotes() so that it can be used in a query. raw - Do not add identifier quotes to the table name |
Reimplemented in DatabaseMssql, DatabasePostgres, DatabaseOracle, and DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 2289 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::tableNameCallback | ( | $ | matches | ) | [protected] |
Table name callback.
array | $matches |
Definition at line 4085 of file Database.php.
Fetch a number of table names into an array This is handy when you need to construct SQL for joins.
Example: extract( $dbr->tableNames( 'user', 'watchlist' ) ); $sql = "SELECT wl_namespace,wl_title FROM $watchlist,$user WHERE wl_user=user_id AND wl_user=$nameWithQuotes";
Definition at line 2379 of file Database.php.
Fetch a number of table names into an zero-indexed numerical array This is handy when you need to construct SQL for joins.
Example: list( $user, $watchlist ) = $dbr->tableNamesN( 'user', 'watchlist' ); $sql = "SELECT wl_namespace,wl_title FROM $watchlist,$user WHERE wl_user=user_id AND wl_user=$nameWithQuotes";
Definition at line 2401 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::tableNamesWithAlias | ( | $ | tables | ) |
Gets an array of aliased table names.
array | $tables | Array( [alias] => table ) |
Definition at line 2434 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::tableNamesWithUseIndexOrJOIN | ( | $ | tables, |
$ | use_index = array() , |
$ | join_conds = array() |
) | [protected] |
Get the aliased table name clause for a FROM clause which might have a JOIN and/or USE INDEX clause.
array | $tables | ( [alias] => table ) |
array | $use_index | Same as for select() |
array | $join_conds | Same as for select() |
Definition at line 2489 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::tableNameWithAlias | ( | $ | name, |
$ | alias = false |
) |
Get an aliased table name e.g.
tableName AS newTableName
string | $name | Table name, see tableName() |
string | bool | $alias | Alias (optional) |
Definition at line 2420 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::tablePrefix | ( | $ | prefix = null | ) |
Get/set the table prefix.
string | $prefix | The table prefix to set, or omitted to leave it unchanged. |
Definition at line 424 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::textFieldSize | ( | $ | table, |
$ | field | ||
) |
Returns the size of a text field, or -1 for "unlimited".
string | $table | |
string | $field |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseOracle, DatabaseMssql, and DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 2933 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::timestamp | ( | $ | ts = 0 | ) |
Convert a timestamp in one of the formats accepted by wfTimestamp() to the format used for inserting into timestamp fields in this DBMS.
The result is unquoted, and needs to be passed through addQuotes() before it can be included in raw SQL.
string | int | $ts |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, and DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 3724 of file Database.php.
References wfTimestamp().
DatabaseBase::timestampOrNull | ( | $ | ts = null | ) |
Convert a timestamp in one of the formats accepted by wfTimestamp() to the format used for inserting into timestamp fields in this DBMS.
If NULL is input, it is passed through, allowing NULL values to be inserted into timestamp fields.
The result is unquoted, and needs to be passed through addQuotes() before it can be included in raw SQL.
string | int | $ts |
Definition at line 3741 of file Database.php.
Gets the current transaction level.
Historically, transactions were allowed to be "nested". This is no longer supported, so this function really only returns a boolean.
Definition at line 406 of file Database.php.
References wfSetBit().
DatabaseBase::unionQueries | ( | $ | sqls, |
$ | all | ||
) |
Construct a UNION query This is used for providing overload point for other DB abstractions not compatible with the MySQL syntax.
array | $sqls | SQL statements to combine |
bool | $all | Use UNION ALL |
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle, and DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 3102 of file Database.php.
Returns true if current database backend supports ORDER BY or LIMIT for separate subqueries within the UNION construct.
Reimplemented in DatabaseSqlite, and DatabaseMssql.
Definition at line 3090 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::unlock | ( | $ | lockName, |
$ | method | ||
) |
Release a lock.
string | $lockName | Name of lock to release |
string | $method | Name of method calling us |
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseSqlite, and DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 4136 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::unlockTables | ( | $ | method | ) |
Unlock specific tables.
string | $method | The caller |
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 4159 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::update | ( | $ | table, |
$ | values, | ||
$ | conds, | ||
$ | fname = __METHOD__ , |
$ | options = array() |
) |
UPDATE wrapper.
Takes a condition array and a SET array.
string | $table | Name of the table to UPDATE. This will be passed through DatabaseBase::tableName(). |
array | $values | An array of values to SET. For each array element, the key gives the field name, and the value gives the data to set that field to. The data will be quoted by DatabaseBase::addQuotes(). |
array | $conds | An array of conditions (WHERE). See DatabaseBase::select() for the details of the format of condition arrays. Use '*' to update all rows. |
string | $fname | The function name of the caller (from __METHOD__), for logging and profiling. |
array | $options | An array of UPDATE options, can be:
Reimplemented in DatabaseOracle, and DatabaseMssql.
Definition at line 2056 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::upsert | ( | $ | table, |
array $ | rows, | ||
array $ | uniqueIndexes, | ||
array $ | set, | ||
$ | fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE wrapper, upserts an array into a table.
This updates any conflicting rows (according to the unique indexes) using the provided SET clause and inserts any remaining (non-conflicted) rows.
$rows may be either:
It may be more efficient to leave off unique indexes which are unlikely to collide. However if you do this, you run the risk of encountering errors which wouldn't have occurred in MySQL.
Usually throws a DBQueryError on failure. If errors are explicitly ignored, returns success.
string | $table | Table name. This will be passed through DatabaseBase::tableName(). |
array | $rows | A single row or list of rows to insert |
array | $uniqueIndexes | List of single field names or field name tuples |
array | $set | An array of values to SET. For each array element, the key gives the field name, and the value gives the data to set that field to. The data will be quoted by DatabaseBase::addQuotes(). |
string | $fname | Calling function name (use __METHOD__) for logs/profiling |
Exception |
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase, and DatabaseOracle.
Definition at line 2833 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::useIndexClause | ( | $ | index | ) |
USE INDEX clause.
Unlikely to be useful for anything but MySQL. This is only needed because a) MySQL must be as efficient as possible due to its use on Wikipedia, and b) MySQL 4.0 is kind of dumb sometimes about which index to pick. Anyway, other databases might have different indexes on a given table. So don't bother overriding this unless you're MySQL.
string | $index |
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 2692 of file Database.php.
Determines if the last failure was due to a deadlock STUB.
Reimplemented in DatabasePostgres, DatabaseMysqlBase, DatabaseOracle, and DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 3155 of file Database.php.
Determines if the last query error was something that should be dealt with by pinging the connection and reissuing the query.
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase, and DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 3176 of file Database.php.
Determines if the last failure was due to a lock timeout STUB.
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase.
Definition at line 3165 of file Database.php.
Determines if the last failure was due to the database being read-only.
Reimplemented in DatabaseMysqlBase, and DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 3186 of file Database.php.
Returns true if there is a transaction open with possible write queries or transaction pre-commit/idle callbacks waiting on it to finish.
Definition at line 611 of file Database.php.
string [] DatabaseBase::$allViews = null [protected] |
Definition at line 315 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$delimiter = ';' [protected] |
Definition at line 258 of file Database.php.
Referenced by DatabasePostgres\streamStatementEnd().
resource DatabaseBase::$fileHandle = null [protected] |
Definition at line 310 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$htmlErrors [protected] |
Definition at line 256 of file Database.php.
resource DatabaseBase::$mConn = null [protected] |
Database connection *.
Reimplemented in DatabaseSqlite.
Definition at line 239 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$mDBname |
Definition at line 237 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$mDefaultBigSelects = null [protected] |
Definition at line 251 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$mDoneWrites = false [protected] |
Definition at line 234 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$mErrorCount = 0 [protected] |
Definition at line 249 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$mFlags [protected] |
Definition at line 247 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$mForeign [protected] |
Definition at line 248 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$mLastQuery = '' [protected] |
Definition at line 233 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$mLBInfo = array() [protected] |
Definition at line 250 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$mOpened = false [protected] |
Definition at line 240 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$mPassword |
Definition at line 237 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$mPHPError = false [protected] |
Definition at line 235 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$mSchema [protected] |
Definition at line 246 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$mSchemaVars = false [protected] |
Definition at line 252 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$mServer [protected] |
Definition at line 237 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$mTablePrefix [protected] |
Definition at line 245 of file Database.php.
SplStack DatabaseBase::$mTrxAtomicLevels [private] |
Array of levels of atomicity within transactions.
Definition at line 299 of file Database.php.
bool DatabaseBase::$mTrxAutomatic = false [private] |
Record if the current transaction was started implicitly due to DBO_TRX being set.
Definition at line 293 of file Database.php.
bool DatabaseBase::$mTrxAutomaticAtomic = false [private] |
Record if the current transaction was started implicitly by DatabaseBase::startAtomic.
Definition at line 305 of file Database.php.
bool DatabaseBase::$mTrxDoneWrites = false [private] |
Record if possible write queries were done in the last transaction started.
Definition at line 286 of file Database.php.
string DatabaseBase::$mTrxFname = null [private] |
Remembers the function name given for starting the most recent transaction via begin().
Used to provide additional context for error reporting.
Definition at line 279 of file Database.php.
callable [] DatabaseBase::$mTrxIdleCallbacks = array() [protected] |
Definition at line 242 of file Database.php.
int DatabaseBase::$mTrxLevel = 0 [protected] |
Either 1 if a transaction is active or 0 otherwise.
The other Trx fields may not be meaningfull if this is 0.
Definition at line 265 of file Database.php.
callable [] DatabaseBase::$mTrxPreCommitCallbacks = array() [protected] |
Definition at line 243 of file Database.php.
string DatabaseBase::$mTrxShortId = '' [protected] |
Either a short hexidecimal string if a transaction is active or "".
Definition at line 271 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$mUser |
Definition at line 237 of file Database.php.
DatabaseBase::$preparedArgs [protected] |
Definition at line 254 of file Database.php.
const DatabaseBase::DEADLOCK_DELAY_MAX = 1500000 |
Maximum time to wait before retry.
Definition at line 227 of file Database.php.
const DatabaseBase::DEADLOCK_DELAY_MIN = 500000 |
Minimum time to wait before retry, in microseconds.
Definition at line 224 of file Database.php.
const DatabaseBase::DEADLOCK_TRIES = 4 |
Number of times to re-try an operation in case of deadlock.
Definition at line 221 of file Database.php.