MediaWiki  master
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
10  protected function setUp() {
11  parent::setUp();
13  $server = '';
15  $this->setMwGlobals( [
16  'wgServer' => $server,
17  'wgCanonicalServer' => $server,
18  ] );
19  }
25  public function testMinify( $code, $expectedOutput ) {
26  $minified = CSSMin::minify( $code );
28  $this->assertEquals(
29  $expectedOutput,
30  $minified,
31  'Minified output should be in the form expected.'
32  );
33  }
35  public static function provideMinifyCases() {
36  return [
37  // Whitespace
38  [ "\r\t\f \v\n\r", "" ],
39  [ "foo, bar {\n\tprop: value;\n}", "foo,bar{prop:value}" ],
41  // Loose comments
42  [ "/* foo */", "" ],
43  [ "/*******\n foo\n *******/", "" ],
44  [ "/*!\n foo\n */", "" ],
46  // Inline comments in various different places
47  [ "/* comment */foo, bar {\n\tprop: value;\n}", "foo,bar{prop:value}" ],
48  [ "foo/* comment */, bar {\n\tprop: value;\n}", "foo,bar{prop:value}" ],
49  [ "foo,/* comment */ bar {\n\tprop: value;\n}", "foo,bar{prop:value}" ],
50  [ "foo, bar/* comment */ {\n\tprop: value;\n}", "foo,bar{prop:value}" ],
51  [ "foo, bar {\n\t/* comment */prop: value;\n}", "foo,bar{prop:value}" ],
52  [ "foo, bar {\n\tprop: /* comment */value;\n}", "foo,bar{prop:value}" ],
53  [ "foo, bar {\n\tprop: value /* comment */;\n}", "foo,bar{prop:value }" ],
54  [ "foo, bar {\n\tprop: value; /* comment */\n}", "foo,bar{prop:value; }" ],
56  // Keep track of things that aren't as minified as much as they
57  // could be (bug 35493)
58  [ 'foo { prop: value ;}', 'foo{prop:value }' ],
59  [ 'foo { prop : value; }', 'foo{prop :value}' ],
60  [ 'foo { prop: value ; }', 'foo{prop:value }' ],
61  [ 'foo { font-family: "foo" , "bar"; }', 'foo{font-family:"foo" ,"bar"}' ],
62  [ "foo { src:\n\turl('foo') ,\n\turl('bar') ; }", "foo{src:url('foo') ,url('bar') }" ],
64  // Interesting cases with string values
65  // - Double quotes, single quotes
66  [ 'foo { content: ""; }', 'foo{content:""}' ],
67  [ "foo { content: ''; }", "foo{content:''}" ],
68  [ 'foo { content: "\'"; }', 'foo{content:"\'"}' ],
69  [ "foo { content: '\"'; }", "foo{content:'\"'}" ],
70  // - Whitespace in string values
71  [ 'foo { content: " "; }', 'foo{content:" "}' ],
72  ];
73  }
82  public function testRemap( $message, $params, $expectedOutput ) {
83  $remapped = call_user_func_array( 'CSSMin::remap', $params );
85  $messageAdd = " Case: $message";
86  $this->assertEquals(
87  $expectedOutput,
88  $remapped,
89  'CSSMin::remap should return the expected url form.' . $messageAdd
90  );
91  }
93  public static function provideRemapCases() {
94  // Parameter signature:
95  // CSSMin::remap( $code, $local, $remote, $embedData = true )
96  return [
97  [
98  'Simple case',
99  [ 'foo { prop: url(bar.png); }', false, '', false ],
100  'foo { prop: url(; }',
101  ],
102  [
103  'Without trailing slash',
104  [ 'foo { prop: url(../bar.png); }', false, '', false ],
105  'foo { prop: url(; }',
106  ],
107  [
108  'With trailing slash on remote (bug 27052)',
109  [ 'foo { prop: url(../bar.png); }', false, '', false ],
110  'foo { prop: url(; }',
111  ],
112  [
113  'Guard against stripping double slashes from query',
114  [ 'foo { prop: url(bar.png?corge=//grault); }', false, '', false ],
115  'foo { prop: url(; }',
116  ],
117  [
118  'Expand absolute paths',
119  [ 'foo { prop: url(/w/skin/images/bar.png); }', false, '', false ],
120  'foo { prop: url(; }',
121  ],
122  ];
123  }
131  public function testRemapRemapping( $message, $input, $expectedOutput ) {
132  $localPath = __DIR__ . '/../../data/cssmin/';
133  $remotePath = 'http://localhost/w/';
135  $realOutput = CSSMin::remap( $input, $localPath, $remotePath );
136  $this->assertEquals( $expectedOutput, $realOutput, "CSSMin::remap: $message" );
137  }
139  public static function provideIsRemoteUrl() {
140  return [
141  [ true, 'http://localhost/w/red.gif?123' ],
142  [ true, '' ],
143  [ true, '//' ],
144  [ true, '//localhost/styles.css?query=yes' ],
145  [ true, '' ],
146  [ false, 'x.gif' ],
147  [ false, '/x.gif' ],
148  [ false, './x.gif' ],
149  [ false, '../x.gif' ],
150  ];
151  }
157  public function testIsRemoteUrl( $expect, $url ) {
158  $this->assertEquals( CSSMinTestable::isRemoteUrl( $url ), $expect );
159  }
161  public static function provideIsLocalUrls() {
162  return [
163  [ false, 'x.gif' ],
164  [ true, '/x.gif' ],
165  [ false, './x.gif' ],
166  [ false, '../x.gif' ],
167  ];
168  }
174  public function testIsLocalUrl( $expect, $url ) {
175  $this->assertEquals( CSSMinTestable::isLocalUrl( $url ), $expect );
176  }
178  public static function provideRemapRemappingCases() {
179  // red.gif and green.gif are one-pixel 35-byte GIFs.
180  // large.png is a 35K PNG that should be non-embeddable.
181  // Full paths start with http://localhost/w/.
182  // Timestamps in output are replaced with 'timestamp'.
184  // data: URIs for red.gif, green.gif, circle.svg
185  $red = '';
186  $green = '';
187  $svg = 'data:image/svg+xml,%3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%20encoding%3D%22UTF-8%22%3F%3E%0A'
188  . ''
189  . '%228%22%3E%0A%3Ccircle%20cx%3D%224%22%20cy%3D%224%22%20r%3D%222%22%2F%3E%0A%3C%2Fsvg%3E%0A';
191  // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart Generic.Files.LineLength
192  return [
193  [
194  'Regular file',
195  'foo { background: url(red.gif); }',
196  'foo { background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6); }',
197  ],
198  [
199  'Regular file (missing)',
200  'foo { background: url(theColorOfHerHair.gif); }',
201  'foo { background: url(http://localhost/w/theColorOfHerHair.gif); }',
202  ],
203  [
204  'Remote URL',
205  'foo { background: url(; }',
206  'foo { background: url(; }',
207  ],
208  [
209  'Protocol-relative remote URL',
210  'foo { background: url(//; }',
211  'foo { background: url(//; }',
212  ],
213  [
214  'Remote URL with query',
215  'foo { background: url(; }',
216  'foo { background: url(; }',
217  ],
218  [
219  'Protocol-relative remote URL with query',
220  'foo { background: url(//; }',
221  'foo { background: url(//; }',
222  ],
223  [
224  'Domain-relative URL',
225  'foo { background: url(/static/foo.png); }',
226  'foo { background: url(; }',
227  ],
228  [
229  'Domain-relative URL with query',
230  'foo { background: url(/static/foo.png?query=yes); }',
231  'foo { background: url(; }',
232  ],
233  [
234  'Remote URL (unnecessary quotes not preserved)',
235  'foo { background: url(""); }',
236  'foo { background: url(; }',
237  ],
238  [
239  'Embedded file',
240  'foo { /* @embed */ background: url(red.gif); }',
241  "foo { background: url($red); background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6)!ie; }",
242  ],
243  [
244  'Embedded file, other comments before the rule',
245  "foo { /* Bar. */ /* @embed */ background: url(red.gif); }",
246  "foo { /* Bar. */ background: url($red); /* Bar. */ background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6)!ie; }",
247  ],
248  [
249  'Can not re-embed data: URIs',
250  "foo { /* @embed */ background: url($red); }",
251  "foo { background: url($red); }",
252  ],
253  [
254  'Can not remap data: URIs',
255  "foo { background: url($red); }",
256  "foo { background: url($red); }",
257  ],
258  [
259  'Can not embed remote URLs',
260  'foo { /* @embed */ background: url(; }',
261  'foo { background: url(; }',
262  ],
263  [
264  'Embedded file (inline @embed)',
265  'foo { background: /* @embed */ url(red.gif); }',
266  "foo { background: url($red); "
267  . "background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6)!ie; }",
268  ],
269  [
270  'Can not embed large files',
271  'foo { /* @embed */ background: url(large.png); }',
272  "foo { background: url(http://localhost/w/large.png?e3d1f); }",
273  ],
274  [
275  'SVG files are embedded without base64 encoding and unnecessary IE 6 and 7 fallback',
276  'foo { /* @embed */ background: url(circle.svg); }',
277  "foo { background: url($svg); }",
278  ],
279  [
280  'Two regular files in one rule',
281  'foo { background: url(red.gif), url(green.gif); }',
282  'foo { background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6), '
283  . 'url(http://localhost/w/green.gif?13651); }',
284  ],
285  [
286  'Two embedded files in one rule',
287  'foo { /* @embed */ background: url(red.gif), url(green.gif); }',
288  "foo { background: url($red), url($green); "
289  . "background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6), "
290  . "url(http://localhost/w/green.gif?13651)!ie; }",
291  ],
292  [
293  'Two embedded files in one rule (inline @embed)',
294  'foo { background: /* @embed */ url(red.gif), /* @embed */ url(green.gif); }',
295  "foo { background: url($red), url($green); "
296  . "background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6), "
297  . "url(http://localhost/w/green.gif?13651)!ie; }",
298  ],
299  [
300  'Two embedded files in one rule (inline @embed), one too large',
301  'foo { background: /* @embed */ url(red.gif), /* @embed */ url(large.png); }',
302  "foo { background: url($red), url(http://localhost/w/large.png?e3d1f); "
303  . "background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6), "
304  . "url(http://localhost/w/large.png?e3d1f)!ie; }",
305  ],
306  [
307  'Practical example with some noise',
308  'foo { /* @embed */ background: #f9f9f9 url(red.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; }',
309  "foo { background: #f9f9f9 url($red) 0 0 no-repeat; "
310  . "background: #f9f9f9 url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6) 0 0 no-repeat!ie; }",
311  ],
312  [
313  'Does not mess with other properties',
314  'foo { color: red; background: url(red.gif); font-size: small; }',
315  'foo { color: red; background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6); font-size: small; }',
316  ],
317  [
318  'Spacing and miscellanea not changed (1)',
319  'foo { background: url(red.gif); }',
320  'foo { background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6); }',
321  ],
322  [
323  'Spacing and miscellanea not changed (2)',
324  'foo {background:url(red.gif)}',
325  'foo {background:url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6)}',
326  ],
327  [
328  'Spaces within url() parentheses are ignored',
329  'foo { background: url( red.gif ); }',
330  'foo { background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6); }',
331  ],
332  [
333  '@import rule to local file (should we remap this?)',
334  '@import url(/styles.css)',
335  '@import url(',
336  ],
337  [
338  '@import rule to URL (should we remap this?)',
339  '@import url(//localhost/styles.css?query=yes)',
340  '@import url(//localhost/styles.css?query=yes)',
341  ],
342  [
343  'Simple case with comments before url',
344  'foo { prop: /* some {funny;} comment */ url(bar.png); }',
345  'foo { prop: /* some {funny;} comment */ url(http://localhost/w/bar.png); }',
346  ],
347  [
348  'Simple case with comments after url',
349  'foo { prop: url(red.gif)/* some {funny;} comment */ ; }',
350  'foo { prop: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6)/* some {funny;} comment */ ; }',
351  ],
352  [
353  'Embedded file with comment before url',
354  'foo { /* @embed */ background: /* some {funny;} comment */ url(red.gif); }',
355  "foo { background: /* some {funny;} comment */ url($red); background: /* some {funny;} comment */ url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6)!ie; }",
356  ],
357  [
358  'Embedded file with comments inside and outside the rule',
359  'foo { /* @embed */ background: url(red.gif) /* some {foo;} comment */; /* some {bar;} comment */ }',
360  "foo { background: url($red) /* some {foo;} comment */; background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6) /* some {foo;} comment */!ie; /* some {bar;} comment */ }",
361  ],
362  [
363  'Embedded file with comment outside the rule',
364  'foo { /* @embed */ background: url(red.gif); /* some {funny;} comment */ }',
365  "foo { background: url($red); background: url(http://localhost/w/red.gif?34ac6)!ie; /* some {funny;} comment */ }",
366  ],
367  [
368  'Rule with two urls, each with comments',
369  '{ background: /*asd*/ url(something.png); background: /*jkl*/ url(something.png); }',
370  '{ background: /*asd*/ url(http://localhost/w/something.png); background: /*jkl*/ url(http://localhost/w/something.png); }',
371  ],
372  [
373  'Sanity check for offending line from jquery.ui.theme.css (bug 60077)',
374  '.ui-state-default, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-default, .ui-widget-header .ui-state-default { border: 1px solid #d3d3d3/*{borderColorDefault}*/; background: #e6e6e6/*{bgColorDefault}*/ url(images/ui-bg_glass_75_e6e6e6_1x400.png)/*{bgImgUrlDefault}*/ 50%/*{bgDefaultXPos}*/ 50%/*{bgDefaultYPos}*/ repeat-x/*{bgDefaultRepeat}*/; font-weight: normal/*{fwDefault}*/; color: #555555/*{fcDefault}*/; }',
375  '.ui-state-default, .ui-widget-content .ui-state-default, .ui-widget-header .ui-state-default { border: 1px solid #d3d3d3/*{borderColorDefault}*/; background: #e6e6e6/*{bgColorDefault}*/ url(http://localhost/w/images/ui-bg_glass_75_e6e6e6_1x400.png)/*{bgImgUrlDefault}*/ 50%/*{bgDefaultXPos}*/ 50%/*{bgDefaultYPos}*/ repeat-x/*{bgDefaultRepeat}*/; font-weight: normal/*{fwDefault}*/; color: #555555/*{fcDefault}*/; }',
376  ],
377  ];
378  // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
379  }
387  public function testBuildUrlValue( $message, $input, $expectedOutput ) {
388  $this->assertEquals(
389  $expectedOutput,
390  CSSMin::buildUrlValue( $input ),
391  "CSSMin::buildUrlValue: $message"
392  );
393  }
395  public static function provideBuildUrlValueCases() {
396  return [
397  [
398  'Full URL',
399  'scheme://user@domain:port/~user/fi%20le.png?query=yes&really=y+s',
400  'url(scheme://user@domain:port/~user/fi%20le.png?query=yes&really=y+s)',
401  ],
402  [
403  'data: URI',
404  '',
405  'url()',
406  ],
407  [
408  'URL with quotes',
409  "'s",
410  "url(\"'s\")",
411  ],
412  [
413  'URL with parentheses',
414  '',
415  'url("")',
416  ],
417  ];
418  }
427  public function testMinifyWithCSSStringValues( $code, $expectedOutput ) {
428  $this->testMinifyOutput( $code, $expectedOutput );
429  }
431  public static function provideStringCases() {
432  return [
433  // String values should be respected
434  // - More than one space in a string value
435  [ 'foo { content: " "; }', 'foo{content:" "}' ],
436  // - Using a tab in a string value (turns into a space)
437  [ "foo { content: '\t'; }", "foo{content:'\t'}" ],
438  // - Using css-like syntax in string values
439  [
440  'foo::after { content: "{;}"; position: absolute; }',
441  'foo::after{content:"{;}";position:absolute}'
442  ],
443  ];
444  }
445 }
447 class CSSMinTestable extends CSSMin {
448  // Make some protected methods public
449  public static function isRemoteUrl( $maybeUrl ) {
450  return parent::isRemoteUrl( $maybeUrl );
451  }
452  public static function isLocalUrl( $maybeUrl ) {
453  return parent::isLocalUrl( $maybeUrl );
454  }
455 }
static provideStringCases()
Definition: CSSMinTest.php:431
testRemapRemapping($message, $input, $expectedOutput)
This tests basic functionality of CSSMin::remap.
Definition: CSSMinTest.php:131
processing should stop and the error should be shown to the user * false
Definition: hooks.txt:189
testMinify($code, $expectedOutput)
provideMinifyCases CSSMin::minify
Definition: CSSMinTest.php:25
static provideMinifyCases()
Definition: CSSMinTest.php:35
This file test the CSSMin library shipped with Mediawiki.
Definition: CSSMinTest.php:8
static isLocalUrl($maybeUrl)
Definition: CSSMinTest.php:452
testMinifyWithCSSStringValues($code, $expectedOutput)
Seperated because they are currently broken (bug 35492)
Definition: CSSMinTest.php:427
testIsLocalUrl($expect, $url)
provideIsLocalUrls CSSMin::isLocalUrl
Definition: CSSMinTest.php:174
testBuildUrlValue($message, $input, $expectedOutput)
This tests basic functionality of CSSMin::buildUrlValue.
Definition: CSSMinTest.php:387
this hook is for auditing only or null if authentication failed before getting that far or null if we can t even determine that probably a stub it is not rendered in wiki pages or galleries in category pages allow injecting custom HTML after the section Any uses of the hook need to handle escaping see BaseTemplate::getToolbox and BaseTemplate::makeListItem for details on the format of individual items inside of this array or by returning and letting standard HTTP rendering take place modifiable or by returning false and taking over the output modifiable & $code
Definition: hooks.txt:776
static remap($source, $local, $remote, $embedData=true)
Remaps CSS URL paths and automatically embeds data URIs for CSS rules or url() values preceded by an ...
Definition: CSSMin.php:229
testIsRemoteUrl($expect, $url)
provideIsRemoteUrl CSSMin::isRemoteUrl
Definition: CSSMinTest.php:157
static isRemoteUrl($maybeUrl)
Definition: CSSMinTest.php:449
static buildUrlValue($url)
Build a CSS 'url()' value for the given URL, quoting parentheses (and other funny characters) and esc...
Definition: CSSMin.php:207
static provideRemapRemappingCases()
Definition: CSSMinTest.php:178
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition: injection.txt:35
static provideIsLocalUrls()
Definition: CSSMinTest.php:161
static minify($css)
Removes whitespace from CSS data.
Definition: CSSMin.php:453
testRemap($message, $params, $expectedOutput)
This tests funky parameters to CSSMin::remap.
Definition: CSSMinTest.php:82
static provideIsRemoteUrl()
Definition: CSSMinTest.php:139
setMwGlobals($pairs, $value=null)
Transforms CSS data.
Definition: CSSMin.php:30
static provideRemapCases()
Definition: CSSMinTest.php:93
static provideBuildUrlValueCases()
Definition: CSSMinTest.php:395