MediaWiki  master
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
12  private $database;
14  protected function setUp() {
15  parent::setUp();
16  $this->database = new DatabaseTestHelper( __CLASS__ );
17  }
19  protected function assertLastSql( $sqlText ) {
20  $this->assertEquals(
21  $this->database->getLastSqls(),
22  $sqlText
23  );
24  }
30  public function testSelect( $sql, $sqlText ) {
31  $this->database->select(
32  $sql['tables'],
33  $sql['fields'],
34  isset( $sql['conds'] ) ? $sql['conds'] : [],
35  __METHOD__,
36  isset( $sql['options'] ) ? $sql['options'] : [],
37  isset( $sql['join_conds'] ) ? $sql['join_conds'] : []
38  );
39  $this->assertLastSql( $sqlText );
40  }
42  public static function provideSelect() {
43  return [
44  [
45  [
46  'tables' => 'table',
47  'fields' => [ 'field', 'alias' => 'field2' ],
48  'conds' => [ 'alias' => 'text' ],
49  ],
50  "SELECT field,field2 AS alias " .
51  "FROM table " .
52  "WHERE alias = 'text'"
53  ],
54  [
55  [
56  'tables' => 'table',
57  'fields' => [ 'field', 'alias' => 'field2' ],
58  'conds' => [ 'alias' => 'text' ],
59  'options' => [ 'LIMIT' => 1, 'ORDER BY' => 'field' ],
60  ],
61  "SELECT field,field2 AS alias " .
62  "FROM table " .
63  "WHERE alias = 'text' " .
64  "ORDER BY field " .
65  "LIMIT 1"
66  ],
67  [
68  [
69  'tables' => [ 'table', 't2' => 'table2' ],
70  'fields' => [ 'tid', 'field', 'alias' => 'field2', '' ],
71  'conds' => [ 'alias' => 'text' ],
72  'options' => [ 'LIMIT' => 1, 'ORDER BY' => 'field' ],
73  'join_conds' => [ 't2' => [
74  'LEFT JOIN', 'tid ='
75  ] ],
76  ],
77  "SELECT tid,field,field2 AS alias, " .
78  "FROM table LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON ((tid = " .
79  "WHERE alias = 'text' " .
80  "ORDER BY field " .
81  "LIMIT 1"
82  ],
83  [
84  [
85  'tables' => [ 'table', 't2' => 'table2' ],
86  'fields' => [ 'tid', 'field', 'alias' => 'field2', '' ],
87  'conds' => [ 'alias' => 'text' ],
88  'options' => [ 'LIMIT' => 1, 'GROUP BY' => 'field', 'HAVING' => 'COUNT(*) > 1' ],
89  'join_conds' => [ 't2' => [
90  'LEFT JOIN', 'tid ='
91  ] ],
92  ],
93  "SELECT tid,field,field2 AS alias, " .
94  "FROM table LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON ((tid = " .
95  "WHERE alias = 'text' " .
96  "GROUP BY field HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 " .
97  "LIMIT 1"
98  ],
99  [
100  [
101  'tables' => [ 'table', 't2' => 'table2' ],
102  'fields' => [ 'tid', 'field', 'alias' => 'field2', '' ],
103  'conds' => [ 'alias' => 'text' ],
104  'options' => [
105  'LIMIT' => 1,
106  'GROUP BY' => [ 'field', 'field2' ],
107  'HAVING' => [ 'COUNT(*) > 1', 'field' => 1 ]
108  ],
109  'join_conds' => [ 't2' => [
110  'LEFT JOIN', 'tid ='
111  ] ],
112  ],
113  "SELECT tid,field,field2 AS alias, " .
114  "FROM table LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON ((tid = " .
115  "WHERE alias = 'text' " .
116  "GROUP BY field,field2 HAVING (COUNT(*) > 1) AND field = '1' " .
117  "LIMIT 1"
118  ],
119  [
120  [
121  'tables' => [ 'table' ],
122  'fields' => [ 'alias' => 'field' ],
123  'conds' => [ 'alias' => [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ],
124  ],
125  "SELECT field AS alias " .
126  "FROM table " .
127  "WHERE alias IN ('1','2','3','4')"
128  ],
129  ];
130  }
136  public function testUpdate( $sql, $sqlText ) {
137  $this->database->update(
138  $sql['table'],
139  $sql['values'],
140  $sql['conds'],
141  __METHOD__,
142  isset( $sql['options'] ) ? $sql['options'] : []
143  );
144  $this->assertLastSql( $sqlText );
145  }
147  public static function provideUpdate() {
148  return [
149  [
150  [
151  'table' => 'table',
152  'values' => [ 'field' => 'text', 'field2' => 'text2' ],
153  'conds' => [ 'alias' => 'text' ],
154  ],
155  "UPDATE table " .
156  "SET field = 'text'" .
157  ",field2 = 'text2' " .
158  "WHERE alias = 'text'"
159  ],
160  [
161  [
162  'table' => 'table',
163  'values' => [ 'field = other', 'field2' => 'text2' ],
164  'conds' => [ 'id' => '1' ],
165  ],
166  "UPDATE table " .
167  "SET field = other" .
168  ",field2 = 'text2' " .
169  "WHERE id = '1'"
170  ],
171  [
172  [
173  'table' => 'table',
174  'values' => [ 'field = other', 'field2' => 'text2' ],
175  'conds' => '*',
176  ],
177  "UPDATE table " .
178  "SET field = other" .
179  ",field2 = 'text2'"
180  ],
181  ];
182  }
188  public function testDelete( $sql, $sqlText ) {
189  $this->database->delete(
190  $sql['table'],
191  $sql['conds'],
192  __METHOD__
193  );
194  $this->assertLastSql( $sqlText );
195  }
197  public static function provideDelete() {
198  return [
199  [
200  [
201  'table' => 'table',
202  'conds' => [ 'alias' => 'text' ],
203  ],
204  "DELETE FROM table " .
205  "WHERE alias = 'text'"
206  ],
207  [
208  [
209  'table' => 'table',
210  'conds' => '*',
211  ],
212  "DELETE FROM table"
213  ],
214  ];
215  }
221  public function testUpsert( $sql, $sqlText ) {
222  $this->database->upsert(
223  $sql['table'],
224  $sql['rows'],
225  $sql['uniqueIndexes'],
226  $sql['set'],
227  __METHOD__
228  );
229  $this->assertLastSql( $sqlText );
230  }
232  public static function provideUpsert() {
233  return [
234  [
235  [
236  'table' => 'upsert_table',
237  'rows' => [ 'field' => 'text', 'field2' => 'text2' ],
238  'uniqueIndexes' => [ 'field' ],
239  'set' => [ 'field' => 'set' ],
240  ],
241  "BEGIN; " .
242  "UPDATE upsert_table " .
243  "SET field = 'set' " .
244  "WHERE ((field = 'text')); " .
245  "INSERT IGNORE INTO upsert_table " .
246  "(field,field2) " .
247  "VALUES ('text','text2'); " .
248  "COMMIT"
249  ],
250  ];
251  }
257  public function testDeleteJoin( $sql, $sqlText ) {
258  $this->database->deleteJoin(
259  $sql['delTable'],
260  $sql['joinTable'],
261  $sql['delVar'],
262  $sql['joinVar'],
263  $sql['conds'],
264  __METHOD__
265  );
266  $this->assertLastSql( $sqlText );
267  }
269  public static function provideDeleteJoin() {
270  return [
271  [
272  [
273  'delTable' => 'table',
274  'joinTable' => 'table_join',
275  'delVar' => 'field',
276  'joinVar' => 'field_join',
277  'conds' => [ 'alias' => 'text' ],
278  ],
279  "DELETE FROM table " .
280  "WHERE field IN (" .
281  "SELECT field_join FROM table_join WHERE alias = 'text'" .
282  ")"
283  ],
284  [
285  [
286  'delTable' => 'table',
287  'joinTable' => 'table_join',
288  'delVar' => 'field',
289  'joinVar' => 'field_join',
290  'conds' => '*',
291  ],
292  "DELETE FROM table " .
293  "WHERE field IN (" .
294  "SELECT field_join FROM table_join " .
295  ")"
296  ],
297  ];
298  }
304  public function testInsert( $sql, $sqlText ) {
305  $this->database->insert(
306  $sql['table'],
307  $sql['rows'],
308  __METHOD__,
309  isset( $sql['options'] ) ? $sql['options'] : []
310  );
311  $this->assertLastSql( $sqlText );
312  }
314  public static function provideInsert() {
315  return [
316  [
317  [
318  'table' => 'table',
319  'rows' => [ 'field' => 'text', 'field2' => 2 ],
320  ],
321  "INSERT INTO table " .
322  "(field,field2) " .
323  "VALUES ('text','2')"
324  ],
325  [
326  [
327  'table' => 'table',
328  'rows' => [ 'field' => 'text', 'field2' => 2 ],
329  'options' => 'IGNORE',
330  ],
331  "INSERT IGNORE INTO table " .
332  "(field,field2) " .
333  "VALUES ('text','2')"
334  ],
335  [
336  [
337  'table' => 'table',
338  'rows' => [
339  [ 'field' => 'text', 'field2' => 2 ],
340  [ 'field' => 'multi', 'field2' => 3 ],
341  ],
342  'options' => 'IGNORE',
343  ],
344  "INSERT IGNORE INTO table " .
345  "(field,field2) " .
346  "VALUES " .
347  "('text','2')," .
348  "('multi','3')"
349  ],
350  ];
351  }
357  public function testInsertSelect( $sql, $sqlText ) {
358  $this->database->insertSelect(
359  $sql['destTable'],
360  $sql['srcTable'],
361  $sql['varMap'],
362  $sql['conds'],
363  __METHOD__,
364  isset( $sql['insertOptions'] ) ? $sql['insertOptions'] : [],
365  isset( $sql['selectOptions'] ) ? $sql['selectOptions'] : []
366  );
367  $this->assertLastSql( $sqlText );
368  }
370  public static function provideInsertSelect() {
371  return [
372  [
373  [
374  'destTable' => 'insert_table',
375  'srcTable' => 'select_table',
376  'varMap' => [ 'field_insert' => 'field_select', 'field' => 'field2' ],
377  'conds' => '*',
378  ],
379  "INSERT INTO insert_table " .
380  "(field_insert,field) " .
381  "SELECT field_select,field2 " .
382  "FROM select_table"
383  ],
384  [
385  [
386  'destTable' => 'insert_table',
387  'srcTable' => 'select_table',
388  'varMap' => [ 'field_insert' => 'field_select', 'field' => 'field2' ],
389  'conds' => [ 'field' => 2 ],
390  ],
391  "INSERT INTO insert_table " .
392  "(field_insert,field) " .
393  "SELECT field_select,field2 " .
394  "FROM select_table " .
395  "WHERE field = '2'"
396  ],
397  [
398  [
399  'destTable' => 'insert_table',
400  'srcTable' => 'select_table',
401  'varMap' => [ 'field_insert' => 'field_select', 'field' => 'field2' ],
402  'conds' => [ 'field' => 2 ],
403  'insertOptions' => 'IGNORE',
404  'selectOptions' => [ 'ORDER BY' => 'field' ],
405  ],
406  "INSERT IGNORE INTO insert_table " .
407  "(field_insert,field) " .
408  "SELECT field_select,field2 " .
409  "FROM select_table " .
410  "WHERE field = '2' " .
411  "ORDER BY field"
412  ],
413  ];
414  }
420  public function testReplace( $sql, $sqlText ) {
421  $this->database->replace(
422  $sql['table'],
423  $sql['uniqueIndexes'],
424  $sql['rows'],
425  __METHOD__
426  );
427  $this->assertLastSql( $sqlText );
428  }
430  public static function provideReplace() {
431  return [
432  [
433  [
434  'table' => 'replace_table',
435  'uniqueIndexes' => [ 'field' ],
436  'rows' => [ 'field' => 'text', 'field2' => 'text2' ],
437  ],
438  "DELETE FROM replace_table " .
439  "WHERE ( field='text' ); " .
440  "INSERT INTO replace_table " .
441  "(field,field2) " .
442  "VALUES ('text','text2')"
443  ],
444  [
445  [
446  'table' => 'module_deps',
447  'uniqueIndexes' => [ [ 'md_module', 'md_skin' ] ],
448  'rows' => [
449  'md_module' => 'module',
450  'md_skin' => 'skin',
451  'md_deps' => 'deps',
452  ],
453  ],
454  "DELETE FROM module_deps " .
455  "WHERE ( md_module='module' AND md_skin='skin' ); " .
456  "INSERT INTO module_deps " .
457  "(md_module,md_skin,md_deps) " .
458  "VALUES ('module','skin','deps')"
459  ],
460  [
461  [
462  'table' => 'module_deps',
463  'uniqueIndexes' => [ [ 'md_module', 'md_skin' ] ],
464  'rows' => [
465  [
466  'md_module' => 'module',
467  'md_skin' => 'skin',
468  'md_deps' => 'deps',
469  ], [
470  'md_module' => 'module2',
471  'md_skin' => 'skin2',
472  'md_deps' => 'deps2',
473  ],
474  ],
475  ],
476  "DELETE FROM module_deps " .
477  "WHERE ( md_module='module' AND md_skin='skin' ); " .
478  "INSERT INTO module_deps " .
479  "(md_module,md_skin,md_deps) " .
480  "VALUES ('module','skin','deps'); " .
481  "DELETE FROM module_deps " .
482  "WHERE ( md_module='module2' AND md_skin='skin2' ); " .
483  "INSERT INTO module_deps " .
484  "(md_module,md_skin,md_deps) " .
485  "VALUES ('module2','skin2','deps2')"
486  ],
487  [
488  [
489  'table' => 'module_deps',
490  'uniqueIndexes' => [ 'md_module', 'md_skin' ],
491  'rows' => [
492  [
493  'md_module' => 'module',
494  'md_skin' => 'skin',
495  'md_deps' => 'deps',
496  ], [
497  'md_module' => 'module2',
498  'md_skin' => 'skin2',
499  'md_deps' => 'deps2',
500  ],
501  ],
502  ],
503  "DELETE FROM module_deps " .
504  "WHERE ( md_module='module' ) OR ( md_skin='skin' ); " .
505  "INSERT INTO module_deps " .
506  "(md_module,md_skin,md_deps) " .
507  "VALUES ('module','skin','deps'); " .
508  "DELETE FROM module_deps " .
509  "WHERE ( md_module='module2' ) OR ( md_skin='skin2' ); " .
510  "INSERT INTO module_deps " .
511  "(md_module,md_skin,md_deps) " .
512  "VALUES ('module2','skin2','deps2')"
513  ],
514  [
515  [
516  'table' => 'module_deps',
517  'uniqueIndexes' => [],
518  'rows' => [
519  'md_module' => 'module',
520  'md_skin' => 'skin',
521  'md_deps' => 'deps',
522  ],
523  ],
524  "INSERT INTO module_deps " .
525  "(md_module,md_skin,md_deps) " .
526  "VALUES ('module','skin','deps')"
527  ],
528  ];
529  }
535  public function testNativeReplace( $sql, $sqlText ) {
536  $this->database->nativeReplace(
537  $sql['table'],
538  $sql['rows'],
539  __METHOD__
540  );
541  $this->assertLastSql( $sqlText );
542  }
544  public static function provideNativeReplace() {
545  return [
546  [
547  [
548  'table' => 'replace_table',
549  'rows' => [ 'field' => 'text', 'field2' => 'text2' ],
550  ],
551  "REPLACE INTO replace_table " .
552  "(field,field2) " .
553  "VALUES ('text','text2')"
554  ],
555  ];
556  }
562  public function testConditional( $sql, $sqlText ) {
563  $this->assertEquals( trim( $this->database->conditional(
564  $sql['conds'],
565  $sql['true'],
566  $sql['false']
567  ) ), $sqlText );
568  }
570  public static function provideConditional() {
571  return [
572  [
573  [
574  'conds' => [ 'field' => 'text' ],
575  'true' => 1,
576  'false' => 'NULL',
577  ],
578  "(CASE WHEN field = 'text' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)"
579  ],
580  [
581  [
582  'conds' => [ 'field' => 'text', 'field2' => 'anothertext' ],
583  'true' => 1,
584  'false' => 'NULL',
585  ],
586  "(CASE WHEN field = 'text' AND field2 = 'anothertext' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)"
587  ],
588  [
589  [
590  'conds' => 'field=1',
591  'true' => 1,
592  'false' => 'NULL',
593  ],
594  "(CASE WHEN field=1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)"
595  ],
596  ];
597  }
603  public function testBuildConcat( $stringList, $sqlText ) {
604  $this->assertEquals( trim( $this->database->buildConcat(
605  $stringList
606  ) ), $sqlText );
607  }
609  public static function provideBuildConcat() {
610  return [
611  [
612  [ 'field', 'field2' ],
613  "CONCAT(field,field2)"
614  ],
615  [
616  [ "'test'", 'field2' ],
617  "CONCAT('test',field2)"
618  ],
619  ];
620  }
626  public function testBuildLike( $array, $sqlText ) {
627  $this->assertEquals( trim( $this->database->buildLike(
628  $array
629  ) ), $sqlText );
630  }
632  public static function provideBuildLike() {
633  return [
634  [
635  'text',
636  "LIKE 'text'"
637  ],
638  [
639  [ 'text', new LikeMatch( '%' ) ],
640  "LIKE 'text%'"
641  ],
642  [
643  [ 'text', new LikeMatch( '%' ), 'text2' ],
644  "LIKE 'text%text2'"
645  ],
646  [
647  [ 'text', new LikeMatch( '_' ) ],
648  "LIKE 'text_'"
649  ],
650  ];
651  }
657  public function testUnionQueries( $sql, $sqlText ) {
658  $this->assertEquals( trim( $this->database->unionQueries(
659  $sql['sqls'],
660  $sql['all']
661  ) ), $sqlText );
662  }
664  public static function provideUnionQueries() {
665  return [
666  [
667  [
668  'sqls' => [ 'RAW SQL', 'RAW2SQL' ],
669  'all' => true,
670  ],
672  ],
673  [
674  [
675  'sqls' => [ 'RAW SQL', 'RAW2SQL' ],
676  'all' => false,
677  ],
679  ],
680  [
681  [
682  'sqls' => [ 'RAW SQL', 'RAW2SQL', 'RAW3SQL' ],
683  'all' => false,
684  ],
686  ],
687  ];
688  }
693  public function testTransactionCommit() {
694  $this->database->begin( __METHOD__ );
695  $this->database->commit( __METHOD__ );
696  $this->assertLastSql( 'BEGIN; COMMIT' );
697  }
702  public function testTransactionRollback() {
703  $this->database->begin( __METHOD__ );
704  $this->database->rollback( __METHOD__ );
705  $this->assertLastSql( 'BEGIN; ROLLBACK' );
706  }
711  public function testDropTable() {
712  $this->database->setExistingTables( [ 'table' ] );
713  $this->database->dropTable( 'table', __METHOD__ );
714  $this->assertLastSql( 'DROP TABLE table' );
715  }
720  public function testDropNonExistingTable() {
721  $this->assertFalse(
722  $this->database->dropTable( 'non_existing', __METHOD__ )
723  );
724  }
730  public function testMakeList( $list, $mode, $sqlText ) {
731  $this->assertEquals( trim( $this->database->makeList(
732  $list, $mode
733  ) ), $sqlText );
734  }
736  public static function provideMakeList() {
737  return [
738  [
739  [ 'value', 'value2' ],
741  "'value','value2'"
742  ],
743  [
744  [ 'field', 'field2' ],
746  "field,field2"
747  ],
748  [
749  [ 'field' => 'value', 'field2' => 'value2' ],
750  LIST_AND,
751  "field = 'value' AND field2 = 'value2'"
752  ],
753  [
754  [ 'field' => null, "field2 != 'value2'" ],
755  LIST_AND,
756  "field IS NULL AND (field2 != 'value2')"
757  ],
758  [
759  [ 'field' => [ 'value', null, 'value2' ], 'field2' => 'value2' ],
760  LIST_AND,
761  "(field IN ('value','value2') OR field IS NULL) AND field2 = 'value2'"
762  ],
763  [
764  [ 'field' => [ null ], 'field2' => null ],
765  LIST_AND,
766  "field IS NULL AND field2 IS NULL"
767  ],
768  [
769  [ 'field' => 'value', 'field2' => 'value2' ],
770  LIST_OR,
771  "field = 'value' OR field2 = 'value2'"
772  ],
773  [
774  [ 'field' => 'value', 'field2' => null ],
775  LIST_OR,
776  "field = 'value' OR field2 IS NULL"
777  ],
778  [
779  [ 'field' => [ 'value', 'value2' ], 'field2' => [ 'value' ] ],
780  LIST_OR,
781  "field IN ('value','value2') OR field2 = 'value'"
782  ],
783  [
784  [ 'field' => [ null, 'value', null, 'value2' ], "field2 != 'value2'" ],
785  LIST_OR,
786  "(field IN ('value','value2') OR field IS NULL) OR (field2 != 'value2')"
787  ],
788  [
789  [ 'field' => 'value', 'field2' => 'value2' ],
790  LIST_SET,
791  "field = 'value',field2 = 'value2'"
792  ],
793  [
794  [ 'field' => 'value', 'field2' => null ],
795  LIST_SET,
796  "field = 'value',field2 = NULL"
797  ],
798  [
799  [ 'field' => 'value', "field2 != 'value2'" ],
800  LIST_SET,
801  "field = 'value',field2 != 'value2'"
802  ],
803  ];
804  }
805 }
testConditional($sql, $sqlText)
provideConditional DatabaseBase::conditional
design txt This is a brief overview of the new design More thorough and up to date information is available on the documentation wiki at etc Handles the details of getting and saving to the user table of the database
Definition: design.txt:12
testSelect($sql, $sqlText)
provideSelect DatabaseBase::select
testUnionQueries($sql, $sqlText)
provideUnionQueries DatabaseBase::unionQueries
Definition: Defines.php:196
static provideBuildConcat()
static provideUnionQueries()
static provideInsertSelect()
testDeleteJoin($sql, $sqlText)
provideDeleteJoin DatabaseBase::deleteJoin
testNativeReplace($sql, $sqlText)
provideNativeReplace DatabaseBase::nativeReplace
testBuildConcat($stringList, $sqlText)
provideBuildConcat DatabaseBase::buildConcat
static provideDeleteJoin()
const LIST_AND
Definition: Defines.php:194
Definition: Defines.php:193
Helper for testing the methods from the DatabaseBase class.
testUpdate($sql, $sqlText)
provideUpdate DatabaseBase::update
testBuildLike($array, $sqlText)
provideBuildLike DatabaseBase::buildLike
Used by DatabaseBase::buildLike() to represent characters that have special meaning in SQL LIKE claus...
testDelete($sql, $sqlText)
provideDelete DatabaseBase::delete
static provideSelect()
const LIST_SET
Definition: Defines.php:195
const LIST_OR
Definition: Defines.php:197
static provideConditional()
static provideNativeReplace()
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition: injection.txt:35
static provideMakeList()
testUpsert($sql, $sqlText)
provideUpsert DatabaseBase::upsert
DatabaseTestHelper $database
static provideBuildLike()
testInsert($sql, $sqlText)
provideInsert DatabaseBase::insert
testReplace($sql, $sqlText)
provideReplace DatabaseBase::replace
testMakeList($list, $mode, $sqlText)
provideMakeList DatabaseBase::makeList
Test the abstract database layer This is a non DBMS depending test.
testInsertSelect($sql, $sqlText)
provideInsertSelect DatabaseBase::insertSelect