MediaWiki  master
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
60 $fallback = 'zh-hans';
62 $fallback8bitEncoding = 'windows-950';
65  NS_MEDIA => '媒體',
66  NS_SPECIAL => '特殊',
67  NS_TALK => '討論',
68  NS_USER => '用戶',
69  NS_USER_TALK => '用戶討論',
70  NS_PROJECT_TALK => '$1討論',
71  NS_FILE => '檔案',
72  NS_FILE_TALK => '檔案討論',
73  NS_MEDIAWIKI => 'MediaWiki',
74  NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => 'MediaWiki討論',
75  NS_TEMPLATE => '模板',
76  NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => '模板討論',
77  NS_HELP => '幫助',
78  NS_HELP_TALK => '幫助討論',
79  NS_CATEGORY => '分類',
80  NS_CATEGORY_TALK => '分類討論',
81 ];
84  "媒體" => NS_MEDIA,
85  "特殊" => NS_SPECIAL,
86  "對話" => NS_TALK,
87  "討論" => NS_TALK,
88  "用戶" => NS_USER,
89  "用戶對話" => NS_USER_TALK,
90  "用戶討論" => NS_USER_TALK,
91  # This has never worked so it's unlikely to annoy anyone if I disable it -- TS
92  # "{{SITENAME}}_對話" => NS_PROJECT_TALK
93  "圖像" => NS_FILE,
94  "檔案" => NS_FILE,
95  "文件" => NS_FILE,
96  'Image' => NS_FILE,
97  'Image_talk' => NS_FILE_TALK,
98  "圖像對話" => NS_FILE_TALK,
99  "圖像討論" => NS_FILE_TALK,
100  "檔案對話" => NS_FILE_TALK,
101  "檔案討論" => NS_FILE_TALK,
102  "文件對話" => NS_FILE_TALK,
103  "文件討論" => NS_FILE_TALK,
104  "樣板" => NS_TEMPLATE,
105  "模板" => NS_TEMPLATE,
106  "樣板對話" => NS_TEMPLATE_TALK,
107  "樣板討論" => NS_TEMPLATE_TALK,
108  "模板對話" => NS_TEMPLATE_TALK,
109  "模板討論" => NS_TEMPLATE_TALK,
110  "幫助" => NS_HELP,
111  "幫助對話" => NS_HELP_TALK,
112  "幫助討論" => NS_HELP_TALK,
113  "分類" => NS_CATEGORY,
114  "分類對話" => NS_CATEGORY_TALK,
115  "分類討論" => NS_CATEGORY_TALK,
116 ];
119  'Activeusers' => [ '活躍使用者' ],
120  'Allmessages' => [ '所有訊息' ],
121  'AllMyUploads' => [ '所有我的上傳', '所有我的檔案', '所有本人上載', '所有本人檔案' ],
122  'Allpages' => [ '所有頁面' ],
123  'ApiHelp' => [ 'Api使用說明' ],
124  'Ancientpages' => [ '最舊頁面', '最早頁面' ],
125  'Badtitle' => [ '無效標題' ],
126  'Blankpage' => [ '空白頁面' ],
127  'Block' => [ '封鎖', '封鎖IP', '封鎖使用者', '封禁', '封禁IP', '封禁使用者' ],
128  'Booksources' => [ '書籍來源', '網路書源' ],
129  'BrokenRedirects' => [ '損壞的重新導向', '損壞的重定向頁' ],
130  'Categories' => [ '分類', '頁面分類' ],
131  'ChangeEmail' => [ '更改信箱', '修改郵箱' ],
132  'ChangePassword' => [ '更改密碼', '修改密碼', '密碼重設' ],
133  'ComparePages' => [ '頁面比較' ],
134  'Confirmemail' => [ '確認信箱', '確認電郵' ],
135  'Contributions' => [ '使用者貢獻', '用戶貢獻' ],
136  'CreateAccount' => [ '建立帳號', '建立帳戶' ],
137  'Deadendpages' => [ '無連結頁面', '斷鏈頁面' ],
138  'DeletedContributions' => [ '已刪除的貢獻', '已刪除的用戶貢獻' ],
139  'Diff' => [ '編輯差異' ],
140  'DoubleRedirects' => [ '雙重的重新導向', '雙重重定向頁面' ],
141  'EditWatchlist' => [ '編輯監視清單', '編輯監視列表' ],
142  'Emailuser' => [ '寄信給使用者', '寄信', '電郵使用者' ],
143  'ExpandTemplates' => [ '展開模板' ],
144  'Export' => [ '匯出', '匯出頁面' ],
145  'Fewestrevisions' => [ '最少修訂頁面' ],
146  'FileDuplicateSearch' => [ '重複檔案搜尋', '搜尋重複檔案' ],
147  'Filepath' => [ '檔案路徑' ],
148  'Import' => [ '匯入', '匯入頁面' ],
149  'Invalidateemail' => [ '無效的信箱' ],
150  'JavaScriptTest' => [ 'JavaScript測試' ],
151  'BlockList' => [ '封鎖清單', 'IP封鎖清單', '封禁列表', 'IP封禁列表' ],
152  'LinkSearch' => [ '連結搜尋', '搜尋網頁連結' ],
153  'Listadmins' => [ '管理員清單', '管理員列表' ],
154  'Listbots' => [ '機器人清單', '機械人列表' ],
155  'Listfiles' => [ '檔案清單', '圖片清單', '檔案列表', '圖像列表' ],
156  'Listgrouprights' => [ '群組權限清單', '使用者群組權限', '群組權限列表' ],
157  'Listredirects' => [ '重新導向清單', '重定向頁面列表' ],
158  'ListDuplicatedFiles' => [ '重複檔案清單', '重複檔案列表' ],
159  'Listusers' => [ '使用者清單', '使用者列表' ],
160  'Lockdb' => [ '鎖定資料庫', '鎖定數據庫' ],
161  'Log' => [ '日誌' ],
162  'Lonelypages' => [ '孤立頁面' ],
163  'Longpages' => [ '過長的頁面', '長頁面' ],
164  'MediaStatistics' => [ '媒體統計' ],
165  'MergeHistory' => [ '合併歷史' ],
166  'MIMEsearch' => [ 'MIME搜尋' ],
167  'Mostcategories' => [ '最多分類的頁面', '最多分類頁面' ],
168  'Mostimages' => [ '被連結最多的檔案', '最多連結檔案' ],
169  'Mostinterwikis' => [ '最多_Interwiki_連結的頁面', '最多跨wiki連結' ],
170  'Mostlinked' => [ '被連結最多的頁面', '最多連結頁面' ],
171  'Mostlinkedcategories' => [ '被連結最多的分類', '最多連結分類' ],
172  'Mostlinkedtemplates' => [ '被引用最多的頁面', '被連結最多的模板', '被使用最多的模板' ],
173  'Mostrevisions' => [ '最多修訂的頁面', '最多修訂頁面' ],
174  'Movepage' => [ '移動頁面' ],
175  'Mycontributions' => [ '我的貢獻' ],
176  'MyLanguage' => [ '我的語言' ],
177  'Mypage' => [ '我的使用者頁面', '我的用戶頁' ],
178  'Mytalk' => [ '我的對話', '我的討論頁' ],
179  'Myuploads' => [ '我的上傳', '我的上載', '我的檔案' ],
180  'Newimages' => [ '新增檔案', '新增圖片' ],
181  'Newpages' => [ '新增頁面', '新頁面' ],
182  'PagesWithProp' => [ '擁有屬性的頁面', '帶屬性頁面' ],
183  'PageLanguage' => [ '頁面語言' ],
184  'PasswordReset' => [ '重設密碼' ],
185  'PermanentLink' => [ '靜態連結', '永久連結' ],
186  'Preferences' => [ '偏好設定' ],
187  'Prefixindex' => [ '字首索引', '前綴索引' ],
188  'Protectedpages' => [ '受保護頁面', '已保護頁面' ],
189  'Protectedtitles' => [ '受保護標題', '已保護標題' ],
190  'Randompage' => [ '隨機頁面' ],
191  'RandomInCategory' => [ '隨機分類頁面', '於分類中隨機' ],
192  'Randomredirect' => [ '隨機重新導向', '隨機重定向頁面' ],
193  'Randomrootpage' => [ '隨機根頁面' ],
194  'Recentchanges' => [ '最近變更', '最近更改' ],
195  'Recentchangeslinked' => [ '已連結的最近變更', '相關變更', '連出更改' ],
196  'Redirect' => [ '重新導向', '重定向' ],
197  'ResetTokens' => [ '重設密鑰', '覆寫令牌' ],
198  'Revisiondelete' => [ '修訂刪除', '刪除或恢復版本' ],
199  'RunJobs' => [ '執行作業', '運行工作' ],
200  'Search' => [ '搜尋' ],
201  'Shortpages' => [ '過短的頁面', '短頁面' ],
202  'Specialpages' => [ '特殊頁面' ],
203  'Statistics' => [ '統計資訊' ],
204  'Tags' => [ '標籤' ],
205  'TrackingCategories' => [ '追蹤分類', '跟蹤分類' ],
206  'Unblock' => [ '解除封鎖', '解除封禁', '解禁' ],
207  'Uncategorizedcategories' => [ '未分類的分類', '未歸類分類' ],
208  'Uncategorizedimages' => [ '未分類的檔案', '未分類的圖片', '未歸類檔案' ],
209  'Uncategorizedpages' => [ '未分類的頁面', '未歸類頁面' ],
210  'Uncategorizedtemplates' => [ '未分類的模板', '未歸類模板' ],
211  'Undelete' => [ '取消刪除' ],
212  'Unlockdb' => [ '解除鎖定資料庫', '解除資料庫鎖定' ],
213  'Unusedcategories' => [ '未使用的分類', '未使用分類' ],
214  'Unusedimages' => [ '未使用的檔案', '未使用檔案' ],
215  'Unusedtemplates' => [ '未使用的模板', '未使用模板' ],
216  'Unwatchedpages' => [ '未監視的頁面', '未被監視的頁面' ],
217  'Upload' => [ '上傳', '上載檔案' ],
218  'UploadStash' => [ '上傳儲藏庫' ],
219  'Userlogin' => [ '使用者登入' ],
220  'Userlogout' => [ '使用者登出' ],
221  'Userrights' => [ '使用者權限' ],
222  'Version' => [ '版本', '版本資訊' ],
223  'Wantedcategories' => [ '需要的分類', '待撰分類' ],
224  'Wantedfiles' => [ '需要的檔案' ],
225  'Wantedpages' => [ '需要的頁面', '待撰頁面' ],
226  'Wantedtemplates' => [ '需要的模板' ],
227  'Watchlist' => [ '監視清單' ],
228  'Whatlinkshere' => [ '連入頁面' ],
229  'Withoutinterwiki' => [ '無跨wiki連結頁面', '無跨維基連結頁面' ],
230 ];
232 $magicWords = [
233  'redirect' => [ '0', '#重新導向', '#重定向', '#REDIRECT' ],
234  'notoc' => [ '0', '__無目錄__', '__无目录__', '__NOTOC__' ],
235  'nogallery' => [ '0', '__無圖庫__', '__无图库__', '__NOGALLERY__' ],
236  'forcetoc' => [ '0', '__強制目錄__', '__强显目录__', '__FORCETOC__' ],
237  'toc' => [ '0', '__目錄__', '__目录__', '__TOC__' ],
238  'noeditsection' => [ '0', '__無段落編輯__', '__无编辑段落__', '__无段落编辑__', '__NOEDITSECTION__' ],
239  'currentmonth' => [ '1', '本月', '本月2', 'CURRENTMONTH', 'CURRENTMONTH2' ],
240  'currentmonthabbrev' => [ '1', '本月縮寫', '本月简称', 'CURRENTMONTHABBREV' ],
241  'currentday' => [ '1', '今天', 'CURRENTDAY' ],
242  'currenttime' => [ '1', '目前時間', '当前时间', '此时', 'CURRENTTIME' ],
243  'numberofpages' => [ '1', '頁面數', '页面数', 'NUMBEROFPAGES' ],
244  'numberofarticles' => [ '1', '文章數', '条目数', 'NUMBEROFARTICLES' ],
245  'numberoffiles' => [ '1', '檔案數', '文件数', 'NUMBEROFFILES' ],
246  'numberofusers' => [ '1', '使用者人數量', '用户数', 'NUMBEROFUSERS' ],
247  'numberofactiveusers' => [ '1', '活躍使用者人數', '活跃用户数', 'NUMBEROFACTIVEUSERS' ],
248  'pagename' => [ '1', '頁面名稱', '页名', '页面名', '页面名称', 'PAGENAME' ],
249  'namespace' => [ '1', '命名空間', '名字空间', 'NAMESPACE' ],
250  'namespacenumber' => [ '1', '命名空間數', '名字空间编号', 'NAMESPACENUMBER' ],
251  'talkspace' => [ '1', '對話空間', '讨论空间', '讨论名字空间', 'TALKSPACE' ],
252  'rootpagename' => [ '1', '根頁面名稱', 'ROOTPAGENAME' ],
253  'rootpagenamee' => [ '1', '根頁面名稱E', 'ROOTPAGENAMEE' ],
254  'msg' => [ '0', '訊息:', 'MSG:' ],
255  'subst' => [ '0', '替換:', '替代:', 'SUBST:' ],
256  'safesubst' => [ '0', '安全替換:', '安全替代:', 'SAFESUBST:' ],
257  'img_thumbnail' => [ '1', '縮圖', '缩略图', 'thumbnail', 'thumb' ],
258  'img_manualthumb' => [ '1', '縮圖=$1', '缩略图=$1', 'thumbnail=$1', 'thumb=$1' ],
259  'img_right' => [ '1', '右', 'right' ],
260  'img_left' => [ '1', '左', 'left' ],
261  'img_none' => [ '1', '無', '无', 'none' ],
262  'img_width' => [ '1', '$1像素', '$1px' ],
263  'img_center' => [ '1', '置中', '居中', 'center', 'centre' ],
264  'img_framed' => [ '1', '有框', 'framed', 'enframed', 'frame' ],
265  'img_frameless' => [ '1', '無框', '无框', 'frameless' ],
266  'img_lang' => [ '1', '語言=$1', 'lang=$1' ],
267  'img_page' => [ '1', '頁=$1', '$1頁', '页数=$1', '$1页', 'page=$1', 'page $1' ],
268  'img_border' => [ '1', '邊框', '边框', 'border' ],
269  'img_sub' => [ '1', '下標', 'sub' ],
270  'img_super' => [ '1', '上標', 'super', 'sup' ],
271  'img_top' => [ '1', '垂直置頂', 'top' ],
272  'img_text_top' => [ '1', '文字置頂', 'text-top' ],
273  'img_middle' => [ '1', '垂直置中', 'middle' ],
274  'img_bottom' => [ '1', '垂直置底', 'bottom' ],
275  'img_text_bottom' => [ '1', '文字置底', 'text-bottom' ],
276  'img_link' => [ '1', '連結=$1', '链接=$1', 'link=$1' ],
277  'img_alt' => [ '1', '替代文字', '替代=$1', '替代文本=$1', 'alt=$1' ],
278  'img_class' => [ '1', '類別=$1', '类=$1', 'class=$1' ],
279  'sitename' => [ '1', '網站名稱', '站点名称', 'SITENAME' ],
280  'ns' => [ '0', '命名空間:', '名字空间:', 'NS:' ],
281  'nse' => [ '0', '命名空間E:', '名字空间E:', 'NSE:' ],
282  'localurl' => [ '0', '本地URL:', 'LOCALURL:' ],
283  'localurle' => [ '0', '本地URLE:', 'LOCALURLE:' ],
284  'pageid' => [ '0', '頁面ID', '页面ID', 'PAGEID' ],
285  'server' => [ '0', '伺服器', '服务器', 'SERVER' ],
286  'servername' => [ '0', '伺服器名稱', '服务器名', 'SERVERNAME' ],
287  'gender' => [ '0', '性別:', '性:', '性别:', 'GENDER:' ],
288  'notitleconvert' => [ '0', '__不轉換標題__', '__不转换标题__', '__NOTITLECONVERT__', '__NOTC__' ],
289  'nocontentconvert' => [ '0', '__不轉換內容__', '__不转换内容__', '__NOCONTENTCONVERT__', '__NOCC__' ],
290  'revisionuser' => [ '1', '修訂使用者', 'REVISIONUSER' ],
291  'displaytitle' => [ '1', '顯示標題', '显示标题', 'DISPLAYTITLE' ],
292  'currentversion' => [ '1', '目前版本', '当前版本', 'CURRENTVERSION' ],
293  'language' => [ '0', '#語言:', '#语言:', '#LANGUAGE:' ],
294  'contentlanguage' => [ '1', '內容語言', '内容语言', 'CONTENTLANGUAGE', 'CONTENTLANG' ],
295  'numberofadmins' => [ '1', '管理員數', '管理员数', 'NUMBEROFADMINS' ],
296  'hiddencat' => [ '1', '__隱藏分類__', '__隐藏分类__', '__HIDDENCAT__' ],
297  'staticredirect' => [ '1', '__靜態重新導向__', '__静态重定向__', '__STATICREDIRECT__' ],
298  'url_query' => [ '0', '查詢', 'QUERY' ],
299  'pagesincategory_pages' => [ '0', '頁面', 'pages' ],
300  'pagesincategory_files' => [ '0', '檔案', 'files' ],
301 ];
303 $bookstoreList = [
304  '博客來書店' => '$1',
305  '三民書店' => '$1',
306  '天下書店' => '$1',
307  '新絲路書店' => '$1'
308 ];
Definition: MessagesAb.php:57
Definition: Defines.php:79
Definition: Defines.php:78
Definition: Defines.php:74
const NS_MEDIA
Definition: Defines.php:57
Definition: MessagesBe.php:47
Definition: Defines.php:83
const NS_FILE
Definition: Defines.php:75
Definition: Defines.php:76
Definition: Defines.php:77
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition: injection.txt:35
Definition: Defines.php:84
const NS_HELP
Definition: Defines.php:81
Definition: Defines.php:82
const NS_TALK
Definition: Defines.php:70
Definition: Defines.php:72
Definition: Defines.php:80
magicword txt Magic Words are some phrases used in the wikitext They are used for two that looks like templates but that don t accept any parameter *Parser functions(like{{fullurl:...}},{{#special:...}}) $magicWords['en']
Definition: magicword.txt:33