MediaWiki  master
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
11  protected $select;
13  protected function setUp() {
14  parent::setUp();
15  $this->select = new XmlSelect();
16  }
18  protected function tearDown() {
19  parent::tearDown();
20  $this->select = null;
21  }
26  public function testConstructWithoutParameters() {
27  $this->assertEquals( '<select></select>', $this->select->getHTML() );
28  }
35  public function testConstructParameters( $name, $id, $default, $expected ) {
36  $this->select = new XmlSelect( $name, $id, $default );
37  $this->assertEquals( $expected, $this->select->getHTML() );
38  }
48  public static function provideConstructionParameters() {
49  return [
55  # $name $id $default
56  [ false, false, false, '<select></select>' ],
57  [ false, false, 'foo', '<select></select>' ],
58  [ false, 'id', 'foo', '<select id="id"></select>' ],
59  [ false, 'id', false, '<select id="id"></select>' ],
60  [ 'name', 'id', false, '<select name="name" id="id"></select>' ],
61  [ 'name', 'id', 'foo', '<select name="name" id="id"></select>' ],
62  [ 'name', false, 'foo', '<select name="name"></select>' ],
63  [ 'name', false, false, '<select name="name"></select>' ],
64  ];
65  }
70  public function testAddOption() {
71  $this->select->addOption( 'foo' );
72  $this->assertEquals(
73  '<select><option value="foo">foo</option></select>',
74  $this->select->getHTML()
75  );
76  }
81  public function testAddOptionWithDefault() {
82  $this->select->addOption( 'foo', true );
83  $this->assertEquals(
84  '<select><option value="1">foo</option></select>',
85  $this->select->getHTML()
86  );
87  }
92  public function testAddOptionWithFalse() {
93  $this->select->addOption( 'foo', false );
94  $this->assertEquals(
95  '<select><option value="foo">foo</option></select>',
96  $this->select->getHTML()
97  );
98  }
103  public function testAddOptionWithValueZero() {
104  $this->select->addOption( 'foo', 0 );
105  $this->assertEquals(
106  '<select><option value="0">foo</option></select>',
107  $this->select->getHTML()
108  );
109  }
114  public function testSetDefault() {
115  $this->select->setDefault( 'bar1' );
116  $this->select->addOption( 'foo1' );
117  $this->select->addOption( 'bar1' );
118  $this->select->addOption( 'foo2' );
119  $this->assertEquals(
120  '<select><option value="foo1">foo1</option>' . "\n" .
121  '<option value="bar1" selected="">bar1</option>' . "\n" .
122  '<option value="foo2">foo2</option></select>', $this->select->getHTML() );
123  }
132  $this->select->addOption( 'foo1' );
133  $this->select->addOption( 'bar1' );
134  $this->select->addOption( 'foo2' );
135  $this->select->setDefault( 'bar1' ); # setting default after adding options
136  $this->assertEquals(
137  '<select><option value="foo1">foo1</option>' . "\n" .
138  '<option value="bar1" selected="">bar1</option>' . "\n" .
139  '<option value="foo2">foo2</option></select>', $this->select->getHTML() );
140  }
146  public function testGetAttributes() {
147  # create some attributes
148  $this->select->setAttribute( 'dummy', 0x777 );
149  $this->select->setAttribute( 'string', 'euro €' );
150  $this->select->setAttribute( 1911, 'razor' );
152  # verify we can retrieve them
153  $this->assertEquals(
154  $this->select->getAttribute( 'dummy' ),
155  0x777
156  );
157  $this->assertEquals(
158  $this->select->getAttribute( 'string' ),
159  'euro €'
160  );
161  $this->assertEquals(
162  $this->select->getAttribute( 1911 ),
163  'razor'
164  );
166  # inexistent keys should give us 'null'
167  $this->assertEquals(
168  $this->select->getAttribute( 'I DO NOT EXIT' ),
169  null
170  );
172  # verify string / integer
173  $this->assertEquals(
174  $this->select->getAttribute( '1911' ),
175  'razor'
176  );
177  $this->assertEquals(
178  $this->select->getAttribute( 'dummy' ),
179  0x777
180  );
181  }
182 }
testConstructParameters($name, $id, $default, $expected)
Parameters are $name (false), $id (false), $default (false) provideConstructionParameters XmlSelect::...
Class for generating HTML <select> or <datalist> elements.
Definition: XmlSelect.php:26
skin txt MediaWiki includes four core it has been set as the default in MediaWiki since the replacing Monobook it had been the default skin since before being replaced by Vector largely rewritten in while keeping its appearance Several legacy skins were removed in the as the burden of supporting them became too heavy to bear Those in etc for skin dependent CSS etc for skin dependent JavaScript These can also be customised on a per user by similarly to how extensions are installed You can then make that skin the default by adding
Definition: skin.txt:57
We ve cleaned up the code here by removing clumps of infrequently used code and moving them off somewhere else It s much easier for someone working with this code to see what s _really_ going and make changes or fix bugs In we can take all the code that deals with the little used title reversing options(say) and put it in one place.Instead of having little title-reversing if-blocks spread all over the codebase in showAnArticle
XmlSelect $select
We use the convention $dbr for read and $dbw for write to help you keep track of whether the database object is a the world will explode Or to be a subsequent write query which succeeded on the master may fail when replicated to the slave due to a unique key collision Replication on the slave will stop and it may take hours to repair the database and get it back online Setting read_only in my cnf on the slave will avoid this but given the dire we prefer to have as many checks as possible We provide a but the wrapper functions like select() and insert() are usually more convenient.They take care of things like table prefixes and escaping for you.If you really need to make your own SQL
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition: injection.txt:35
Adding default later on should set the correct selection or raise an exception.
static provideConstructionParameters()
Provide parameters for testConstructParameters() which use three parameters:
XmlSelect::setAttribute XmlSelect::getAttribute.
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated $name
Definition: hooks.txt:310