MediaWiki  master
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
3 require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../maintenance/dumpTextPass.php";
19  // We'll add several pages, revision and texts. The following variables hold the
20  // corresponding ids.
22  private static $numOfPages = 4;
28  private static $numOfRevs = 8;
30  function addDBData() {
31  $this->tablesUsed[] = 'page';
32  $this->tablesUsed[] = 'revision';
33  $this->tablesUsed[] = 'text';
35  $this->mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( 'wgContentHandlers', [
36  "BackupTextPassTestModel" => "BackupTextPassTestModelHandler"
37  ] );
39  $ns = $this->getDefaultWikitextNS();
41  try {
42  // Simple page
43  $title = Title::newFromText( 'BackupDumperTestP1', $ns );
45  list( $this->revId1_1, $this->textId1_1 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
46  "BackupDumperTestP1Text1", "BackupDumperTestP1Summary1" );
47  $this->pageId1 = $page->getId();
49  // Page with more than one revision
50  $title = Title::newFromText( 'BackupDumperTestP2', $ns );
52  list( $this->revId2_1, $this->textId2_1 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
53  "BackupDumperTestP2Text1", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary1" );
54  list( $this->revId2_2, $this->textId2_2 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
55  "BackupDumperTestP2Text2", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary2" );
56  list( $this->revId2_3, $this->textId2_3 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
57  "BackupDumperTestP2Text3", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary3" );
58  list( $this->revId2_4, $this->textId2_4 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
59  "BackupDumperTestP2Text4 some additional Text ",
60  "BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra " );
61  $this->pageId2 = $page->getId();
63  // Deleted page.
64  $title = Title::newFromText( 'BackupDumperTestP3', $ns );
66  list( $this->revId3_1, $this->textId3_1 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
67  "BackupDumperTestP3Text1", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary1" );
68  list( $this->revId3_2, $this->textId3_2 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
69  "BackupDumperTestP3Text2", "BackupDumperTestP2Summary2" );
70  $this->pageId3 = $page->getId();
71  $page->doDeleteArticle( "Testing ;)" );
73  // Page from non-default namespace and model.
74  // ExportTransform applies.
76  if ( $ns === NS_TALK ) {
77  // @todo work around this.
78  throw new MWException( "The default wikitext namespace is the talk namespace. "
79  . " We can't currently deal with that." );
80  }
82  $title = Title::newFromText( 'BackupDumperTestP1', NS_TALK );
84  list( $this->revId4_1, $this->textId4_1 ) = $this->addRevision( $page,
85  "Talk about BackupDumperTestP1 Text1",
86  "Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1",
87  "BackupTextPassTestModel" );
88  $this->pageId4 = $page->getId();
89  } catch ( Exception $e ) {
90  // We'd love to pass $e directly. However, ... see
91  // documentation of exceptionFromAddDBData in
92  // DumpTestCase
93  $this->exceptionFromAddDBData = $e;
94  }
95  }
97  protected function setUp() {
98  parent::setUp();
100  // Since we will restrict dumping by page ranges (to allow
101  // working tests, even if the db gets prepopulated by a base
102  // class), we have to assert, that the page id are consecutively
103  // increasing
104  $this->assertEquals(
105  [ $this->pageId2, $this->pageId3, $this->pageId4 ],
106  [ $this->pageId1 + 1, $this->pageId2 + 1, $this->pageId3 + 1 ],
107  "Page ids increasing without holes" );
108  }
110  function testPlain() {
111  // Setting up the dump
112  $nameStub = $this->setUpStub();
113  $nameFull = $this->getNewTempFile();
114  $dumper = new TextPassDumper( [ "--stub=file:" . $nameStub,
115  "--output=file:" . $nameFull ] );
116  $dumper->reporting = false;
117  $dumper->setDB( $this->db );
119  // Performing the dump
120  $dumper->dump( WikiExporter::FULL, WikiExporter::TEXT );
122  // Checking for correctness of the dumped data
123  $this->assertDumpStart( $nameFull );
125  // Page 1
126  $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId1, NS_MAIN, "BackupDumperTestP1" );
127  $this->assertRevision( $this->revId1_1, "BackupDumperTestP1Summary1",
128  $this->textId1_1, false, "0bolhl6ol7i6x0e7yq91gxgaan39j87",
129  "BackupDumperTestP1Text1" );
130  $this->assertPageEnd();
132  // Page 2
133  $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId2, NS_MAIN, "BackupDumperTestP2" );
134  $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_1, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary1",
135  $this->textId2_1, false, "jprywrymfhysqllua29tj3sc7z39dl2",
136  "BackupDumperTestP2Text1" );
137  $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_2, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary2",
138  $this->textId2_2, false, "b7vj5ks32po5m1z1t1br4o7scdwwy95",
139  "BackupDumperTestP2Text2", $this->revId2_1 );
140  $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_3, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary3",
141  $this->textId2_3, false, "jfunqmh1ssfb8rs43r19w98k28gg56r",
142  "BackupDumperTestP2Text3", $this->revId2_2 );
143  $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_4, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra",
144  $this->textId2_4, false, "6o1ciaxa6pybnqprmungwofc4lv00wv",
145  "BackupDumperTestP2Text4 some additional Text", $this->revId2_3 );
146  $this->assertPageEnd();
148  // Page 3
149  // -> Page is marked deleted. Hence not visible
151  // Page 4
152  $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId4, NS_TALK, "Talk:BackupDumperTestP1" );
153  $this->assertRevision( $this->revId4_1, "Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1",
154  $this->textId4_1, false, "nktofwzd0tl192k3zfepmlzxoax1lpe",
156  false,
157  "BackupTextPassTestModel",
158  "text/plain" );
159  $this->assertPageEnd();
161  $this->assertDumpEnd();
162  }
164  function testPrefetchPlain() {
165  // The mapping between ids and text, for the hits of the prefetch mock
166  $prefetchMap = [
167  [ $this->pageId1, $this->revId1_1, "Prefetch_________1Text1" ],
168  [ $this->pageId2, $this->revId2_3, "Prefetch_________2Text3" ]
169  ];
171  // The mock itself
172  $prefetchMock = $this->getMock( 'BaseDump', [ 'prefetch' ], [], '', false );
173  $prefetchMock->expects( $this->exactly( 6 ) )
174  ->method( 'prefetch' )
175  ->will( $this->returnValueMap( $prefetchMap ) );
177  // Setting up of the dump
178  $nameStub = $this->setUpStub();
179  $nameFull = $this->getNewTempFile();
181  $dumper = new TextPassDumper( [ "--stub=file:" . $nameStub,
182  "--output=file:" . $nameFull ] );
184  $dumper->prefetch = $prefetchMock;
185  $dumper->reporting = false;
186  $dumper->setDB( $this->db );
188  // Performing the dump
189  $dumper->dump( WikiExporter::FULL, WikiExporter::TEXT );
191  // Checking for correctness of the dumped data
192  $this->assertDumpStart( $nameFull );
194  // Page 1
195  $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId1, NS_MAIN, "BackupDumperTestP1" );
196  // Prefetch kicks in. This is still the SHA-1 of the original text,
197  // But the actual text (with different SHA-1) comes from prefetch.
198  $this->assertRevision( $this->revId1_1, "BackupDumperTestP1Summary1",
199  $this->textId1_1, false, "0bolhl6ol7i6x0e7yq91gxgaan39j87",
200  "Prefetch_________1Text1" );
201  $this->assertPageEnd();
203  // Page 2
204  $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId2, NS_MAIN, "BackupDumperTestP2" );
205  $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_1, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary1",
206  $this->textId2_1, false, "jprywrymfhysqllua29tj3sc7z39dl2",
207  "BackupDumperTestP2Text1" );
208  $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_2, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary2",
209  $this->textId2_2, false, "b7vj5ks32po5m1z1t1br4o7scdwwy95",
210  "BackupDumperTestP2Text2", $this->revId2_1 );
211  // Prefetch kicks in. This is still the SHA-1 of the original text,
212  // But the actual text (with different SHA-1) comes from prefetch.
213  $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_3, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary3",
214  $this->textId2_3, false, "jfunqmh1ssfb8rs43r19w98k28gg56r",
215  "Prefetch_________2Text3", $this->revId2_2 );
216  $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_4, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra",
217  $this->textId2_4, false, "6o1ciaxa6pybnqprmungwofc4lv00wv",
218  "BackupDumperTestP2Text4 some additional Text", $this->revId2_3 );
219  $this->assertPageEnd();
221  // Page 3
222  // -> Page is marked deleted. Hence not visible
224  // Page 4
225  $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId4, NS_TALK, "Talk:BackupDumperTestP1" );
226  $this->assertRevision( $this->revId4_1, "Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1",
227  $this->textId4_1, false, "nktofwzd0tl192k3zfepmlzxoax1lpe",
229  false,
230  "BackupTextPassTestModel",
231  "text/plain" );
232  $this->assertPageEnd();
234  $this->assertDumpEnd();
235  }
244  private function checkpointHelper( $checkpointFormat = "file" ) {
245  // Getting temporary names
246  $nameStub = $this->getNewTempFile();
247  $nameOutputDir = $this->getNewTempDirectory();
249  $stderr = fopen( 'php://output', 'a' );
250  if ( $stderr === false ) {
251  $this->fail( "Could not open stream for stderr" );
252  }
254  $iterations = 32; // We'll start with that many iterations of revisions
255  // in stub. Make sure that the generated volume is above the buffer size
256  // set below. Otherwise, the checkpointing does not trigger.
257  $lastDuration = 0;
258  $minDuration = 2; // We want the dump to take at least this many seconds
259  $checkpointAfter = 0.5; // Generate checkpoint after this many seconds
261  // Until a dump takes at least $minDuration seconds, perform a dump and check
262  // duration. If the dump did not take long enough increase the iteration
263  // count, to generate a bigger stub file next time.
264  while ( $lastDuration < $minDuration ) {
266  // Setting up the dump
267  wfRecursiveRemoveDir( $nameOutputDir );
268  $this->assertTrue( wfMkdirParents( $nameOutputDir ),
269  "Creating temporary output directory " );
270  $this->setUpStub( $nameStub, $iterations );
271  $dumper = new TextPassDumper();
272  $dumper->loadWithArgv( [ "--stub=file:" . $nameStub,
273  "--output=" . $checkpointFormat . ":" . $nameOutputDir . "/full",
274  "--maxtime=1" /*This is in minutes. Fixup is below*/,
275  "--buffersize=32768", // The default of 32 iterations fill up 32KB about twice
276  "--checkpointfile=checkpoint-%s-%s.xml.gz" ] );
277  $dumper->setDB( $this->db );
278  $dumper->maxTimeAllowed = $checkpointAfter; // Patching maxTime from 1 minute
279  $dumper->stderr = $stderr;
281  // The actual dump and taking time
282  $ts_before = microtime( true );
283  $dumper->execute();
284  $ts_after = microtime( true );
285  $lastDuration = $ts_after - $ts_before;
287  // Handling increasing the iteration count for the stubs
288  if ( $lastDuration < $minDuration ) {
289  $old_iterations = $iterations;
290  if ( $lastDuration > 0.2 ) {
291  // lastDuration is big enough, to allow an educated guess
292  $factor = ( $minDuration + 0.5 ) / $lastDuration;
293  if ( ( $factor > 1.1 ) && ( $factor < 100 ) ) {
294  // educated guess is reasonable
295  $iterations = (int)( $iterations * $factor );
296  }
297  }
299  if ( $old_iterations == $iterations ) {
300  // Heuristics were not applied, so we just *2.
301  $iterations *= 2;
302  }
304  $this->assertLessThan( 50000, $iterations,
305  "Emergency stop against infinitely increasing iteration "
306  . "count ( last duration: $lastDuration )" );
307  }
308  }
310  // The dump (hopefully) did take long enough to produce more than one
311  // checkpoint file.
312  // We now check all the checkpoint files for validity.
314  $files = scandir( $nameOutputDir );
315  $this->assertTrue( asort( $files ), "Sorting files in temporary directory" );
316  $fileOpened = false;
317  $lookingForPage = 1;
318  $checkpointFiles = 0;
320  // Each run of the following loop body tries to handle exactly 1 /page/ (not
321  // iteration of stub content). $i is only increased after having treated page 4.
322  for ( $i = 0; $i < $iterations; ) {
324  // 1. Assuring a file is opened and ready. Skipping across header if
325  // necessary.
326  if ( !$fileOpened ) {
327  $this->assertNotEmpty( $files, "No more existing dump files, "
328  . "but not yet all pages found" );
329  $fname = array_shift( $files );
330  while ( $fname == "." || $fname == ".." ) {
331  $this->assertNotEmpty( $files, "No more existing dump"
332  . " files, but not yet all pages found" );
333  $fname = array_shift( $files );
334  }
335  if ( $checkpointFormat == "gzip" ) {
336  $this->gunzip( $nameOutputDir . "/" . $fname );
337  }
338  $this->assertDumpStart( $nameOutputDir . "/" . $fname );
339  $fileOpened = true;
340  $checkpointFiles++;
341  }
343  // 2. Performing a single page check
344  switch ( $lookingForPage ) {
345  case 1:
346  // Page 1
347  $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId1 + $i * self::$numOfPages, NS_MAIN,
348  "BackupDumperTestP1" );
349  $this->assertRevision( $this->revId1_1 + $i * self::$numOfRevs, "BackupDumperTestP1Summary1",
350  $this->textId1_1, false, "0bolhl6ol7i6x0e7yq91gxgaan39j87",
351  "BackupDumperTestP1Text1" );
352  $this->assertPageEnd();
354  $lookingForPage = 2;
355  break;
357  case 2:
358  // Page 2
359  $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId2 + $i * self::$numOfPages, NS_MAIN,
360  "BackupDumperTestP2" );
361  $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_1 + $i * self::$numOfRevs, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary1",
362  $this->textId2_1, false, "jprywrymfhysqllua29tj3sc7z39dl2",
363  "BackupDumperTestP2Text1" );
364  $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_2 + $i * self::$numOfRevs, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary2",
365  $this->textId2_2, false, "b7vj5ks32po5m1z1t1br4o7scdwwy95",
366  "BackupDumperTestP2Text2", $this->revId2_1 + $i * self::$numOfRevs );
367  $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_3 + $i * self::$numOfRevs, "BackupDumperTestP2Summary3",
368  $this->textId2_3, false, "jfunqmh1ssfb8rs43r19w98k28gg56r",
369  "BackupDumperTestP2Text3", $this->revId2_2 + $i * self::$numOfRevs );
370  $this->assertRevision( $this->revId2_4 + $i * self::$numOfRevs,
371  "BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra",
372  $this->textId2_4, false, "6o1ciaxa6pybnqprmungwofc4lv00wv",
373  "BackupDumperTestP2Text4 some additional Text",
374  $this->revId2_3 + $i * self::$numOfRevs );
375  $this->assertPageEnd();
377  $lookingForPage = 4;
378  break;
380  case 4:
381  // Page 4
382  $this->assertPageStart( $this->pageId4 + $i * self::$numOfPages, NS_TALK,
383  "Talk:BackupDumperTestP1" );
384  $this->assertRevision( $this->revId4_1 + $i * self::$numOfRevs,
385  "Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1",
386  $this->textId4_1, false, "nktofwzd0tl192k3zfepmlzxoax1lpe",
388  false,
389  "BackupTextPassTestModel",
390  "text/plain" );
391  $this->assertPageEnd();
393  $lookingForPage = 1;
395  // We dealt with the whole iteration.
396  $i++;
397  break;
399  default:
400  $this->fail( "Bad setting for lookingForPage ($lookingForPage)" );
401  }
403  // 3. Checking for the end of the current checkpoint file
404  if ( $this->xml->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT
405  && $this->xml->name == "mediawiki"
406  ) {
407  $this->assertDumpEnd();
408  $fileOpened = false;
409  }
410  }
412  // Assuring we completely read all files ...
413  $this->assertFalse( $fileOpened, "Currently read file still open?" );
414  $this->assertEmpty( $files, "Remaining unchecked files" );
416  // ... and have dealt with more than one checkpoint file
417  $this->assertGreaterThan(
418  1,
419  $checkpointFiles,
420  "expected more than 1 checkpoint to have been created. "
421  . "Checkpoint interval is $checkpointAfter seconds, maybe your computer is too fast?"
422  );
424  $this->expectETAOutput();
425  }
433  function testCheckpointPlain() {
434  $this->checkpointHelper();
435  }
452  function testCheckpointGzip() {
453  $this->checkHasGzip();
454  $this->checkpointHelper( "gzip" );
455  }
470  private function setUpStub( $fname = null, $iterations = 1 ) {
471  if ( $fname === null ) {
472  $fname = $this->getNewTempFile();
473  }
474  $header = '<mediawiki xmlns="" '
475  . 'xmlns:xsi="" '
476  . 'xsi:schemaLocation=" '
477  . '" version="0.10" xml:lang="en">
478  <siteinfo>
479  <sitename>wikisvn</sitename>
480  <base>http://localhost/wiki-svn/index.php/Main_Page</base>
481  <generator>MediaWiki 1.21alpha</generator>
482  <case>first-letter</case>
483  <namespaces>
484  <namespace key="-2" case="first-letter">Media</namespace>
485  <namespace key="-1" case="first-letter">Special</namespace>
486  <namespace key="0" case="first-letter" />
487  <namespace key="1" case="first-letter">Talk</namespace>
488  <namespace key="2" case="first-letter">User</namespace>
489  <namespace key="3" case="first-letter">User talk</namespace>
490  <namespace key="4" case="first-letter">Wikisvn</namespace>
491  <namespace key="5" case="first-letter">Wikisvn talk</namespace>
492  <namespace key="6" case="first-letter">File</namespace>
493  <namespace key="7" case="first-letter">File talk</namespace>
494  <namespace key="8" case="first-letter">MediaWiki</namespace>
495  <namespace key="9" case="first-letter">MediaWiki talk</namespace>
496  <namespace key="10" case="first-letter">Template</namespace>
497  <namespace key="11" case="first-letter">Template talk</namespace>
498  <namespace key="12" case="first-letter">Help</namespace>
499  <namespace key="13" case="first-letter">Help talk</namespace>
500  <namespace key="14" case="first-letter">Category</namespace>
501  <namespace key="15" case="first-letter">Category talk</namespace>
502  </namespaces>
503  </siteinfo>
504 ';
505  $tail = '</mediawiki>
506 ';
508  $content = $header;
509  $iterations = intval( $iterations );
510  for ( $i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++ ) {
512  $page1 = ' <page>
513  <title>BackupDumperTestP1</title>
514  <ns>0</ns>
515  <id>' . ( $this->pageId1 + $i * self::$numOfPages ) . '</id>
516  <revision>
517  <id>' . ( $this->revId1_1 + $i * self::$numOfRevs ) . '</id>
518  <timestamp>2012-04-01T16:46:05Z</timestamp>
519  <contributor>
520  <ip></ip>
521  </contributor>
522  <comment>BackupDumperTestP1Summary1</comment>
523  <model>wikitext</model>
524  <format>text/x-wiki</format>
525  <text id="' . $this->textId1_1 . '" bytes="23" />
526  <sha1>0bolhl6ol7i6x0e7yq91gxgaan39j87</sha1>
527  </revision>
528  </page>
529 ';
530  $page2 = ' <page>
531  <title>BackupDumperTestP2</title>
532  <ns>0</ns>
533  <id>' . ( $this->pageId2 + $i * self::$numOfPages ) . '</id>
534  <revision>
535  <id>' . ( $this->revId2_1 + $i * self::$numOfRevs ) . '</id>
536  <timestamp>2012-04-01T16:46:05Z</timestamp>
537  <contributor>
538  <ip></ip>
539  </contributor>
540  <comment>BackupDumperTestP2Summary1</comment>
541  <model>wikitext</model>
542  <format>text/x-wiki</format>
543  <text id="' . $this->textId2_1 . '" bytes="23" />
544  <sha1>jprywrymfhysqllua29tj3sc7z39dl2</sha1>
545  </revision>
546  <revision>
547  <id>' . ( $this->revId2_2 + $i * self::$numOfRevs ) . '</id>
548  <parentid>' . ( $this->revId2_1 + $i * self::$numOfRevs ) . '</parentid>
549  <timestamp>2012-04-01T16:46:05Z</timestamp>
550  <contributor>
551  <ip></ip>
552  </contributor>
553  <comment>BackupDumperTestP2Summary2</comment>
554  <model>wikitext</model>
555  <format>text/x-wiki</format>
556  <text id="' . $this->textId2_2 . '" bytes="23" />
557  <sha1>b7vj5ks32po5m1z1t1br4o7scdwwy95</sha1>
558  </revision>
559  <revision>
560  <id>' . ( $this->revId2_3 + $i * self::$numOfRevs ) . '</id>
561  <parentid>' . ( $this->revId2_2 + $i * self::$numOfRevs ) . '</parentid>
562  <timestamp>2012-04-01T16:46:05Z</timestamp>
563  <contributor>
564  <ip></ip>
565  </contributor>
566  <comment>BackupDumperTestP2Summary3</comment>
567  <model>wikitext</model>
568  <format>text/x-wiki</format>
569  <text id="' . $this->textId2_3 . '" bytes="23" />
570  <sha1>jfunqmh1ssfb8rs43r19w98k28gg56r</sha1>
571  </revision>
572  <revision>
573  <id>' . ( $this->revId2_4 + $i * self::$numOfRevs ) . '</id>
574  <parentid>' . ( $this->revId2_3 + $i * self::$numOfRevs ) . '</parentid>
575  <timestamp>2012-04-01T16:46:05Z</timestamp>
576  <contributor>
577  <ip></ip>
578  </contributor>
579  <comment>BackupDumperTestP2Summary4 extra</comment>
580  <model>wikitext</model>
581  <format>text/x-wiki</format>
582  <text id="' . $this->textId2_4 . '" bytes="44" />
583  <sha1>6o1ciaxa6pybnqprmungwofc4lv00wv</sha1>
584  </revision>
585  </page>
586 ';
587  // page 3 not in stub
589  $page4 = ' <page>
590  <title>Talk:BackupDumperTestP1</title>
591  <ns>1</ns>
592  <id>' . ( $this->pageId4 + $i * self::$numOfPages ) . '</id>
593  <revision>
594  <id>' . ( $this->revId4_1 + $i * self::$numOfRevs ) . '</id>
595  <timestamp>2012-04-01T16:46:05Z</timestamp>
596  <contributor>
597  <ip></ip>
598  </contributor>
599  <comment>Talk BackupDumperTestP1 Summary1</comment>
600  <model>BackupTextPassTestModel</model>
601  <format>text/plain</format>
602  <text id="' . $this->textId4_1 . '" bytes="35" />
603  <sha1>nktofwzd0tl192k3zfepmlzxoax1lpe</sha1>
604  </revision>
605  </page>
606 ';
607  $content .= $page1 . $page2 . $page4;
608  }
609  $content .= $tail;
610  $this->assertEquals( strlen( $content ), file_put_contents(
611  $fname, $content ), "Length of prepared stub" );
613  return $fname;
614  }
615 }
619  public function __construct() {
620  parent::__construct( 'BackupTextPassTestModel' );
621  }
623  public function exportTransform( $text, $format = null ) {
624  return strtoupper( $text );
625  }
627 }
644  function testBufferSizeSetting( $expected, $size, $msg ) {
645  $dumper = new TextPassDumperAccessor();
646  $dumper->loadWithArgv( [ "--buffersize=" . $size ] );
647  $dumper->execute();
648  $this->assertEquals( $expected, $dumper->getBufferSize(), $msg );
649  }
656  function bufferSizeProvider() {
657  // expected, bufferSize to initialize with, message
658  return [
659  [ 512 * 1024, 512 * 1024, "Setting 512KB is not effective" ],
660  [ 8192, 8192, "Setting 8KB is not effective" ],
661  [ 4096, 2048, "Could set buffer size below lower bound" ]
662  ];
663  }
664 }
684  public function getBufferSize() {
685  return $this->bufferSize;
686  }
688  function dump( $history, $text = null ) {
689  return true;
690  }
691 }
static factory(Title $title)
Create a WikiPage object of the appropriate class for the given title.
Definition: WikiPage.php:101
mergeMwGlobalArrayValue($name, $values)
Merges the given values into a MW global array variable.
deferred txt A few of the database updates required by various functions here can be deferred until after the result page is displayed to the user For updating the view updating the linked to tables after a etc PHP does not yet have any way to tell the server to actually return and disconnect while still running these but it might have such a feature in the future We handle these by creating a deferred update object and putting those objects on a global list
Definition: deferred.txt:11
Accessor for internal state of TextPassDumper.
const NS_MAIN
Definition: Defines.php:69
Broken per T70653.
wfMkdirParents($dir, $mode=null, $caller=null)
Make directory, and make all parent directories if they don't exist.
Asserts that the xml reader is at the final closing tag of an xml file and closes the reader...
div flags Integer display flags(NO_ACTION_LINK, NO_EXTRA_USER_LINKS) 'LogException'returning false will NOT prevent logging $e
Definition: hooks.txt:1980
Ensures that setting the buffer size is effective.
assertPageStart($id, $ns, $name)
Asserts that the xml reader is at the start of a page element and skips over the first tags...
static newFromText($text, $defaultNamespace=NS_MAIN)
Create a new Title from text, such as what one would find in a link.
Definition: Title.php:256
Obtains a new temporary file name.
Returns the ID of a namespace that defaults to Wikitext.
dump($history, $text=null)
addRevision(Page $page, $text, $summary, $model=CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT)
Adds a revision to a page, while returning the resuting revision's id.
Tests for TextPassDumper that rely on the database.
exportTransform($text, $format=null)
gunzips the given file and stores the result in the original file name
MediaWiki exception.
Definition: MWException.php:26
Base class that store and restore the Language objects.
assertDumpStart($fname, $skip_siteinfo=true)
Opens an XML file to analyze and optionally skips past siteinfo.
Gets the bufferSize.
Allows to change the fields on the form that will be generated are created Can be used to omit specific feeds from being outputted You must not use this hook to add use OutputPage::addFeedLink() instead.&$feedLinks conditions will AND in the final query as a Content object as a Content object $title
Definition: hooks.txt:312
assertRevision($id, $summary, $text_id, $text_bytes, $text_sha1, $text=false, $parentid=false, $model=CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, $format=CONTENT_FORMAT_WIKITEXT)
Asserts that the xml reader is at a revision and checks its representation before skipping over it...
tests for working checkpoint generation in gzip format work.
injection txt This is an overview of how MediaWiki makes use of dependency injection The design described here grew from the discussion of RFC T384 The term dependency this means that anything an object needs to operate should be injected from the the object itself should only know narrow no concrete implementation of the logic it relies on The requirement to inject everything typically results in an architecture that based on two main types of and essentially stateless service objects that use other service objects to operate on the value objects As of the beginning MediaWiki is only starting to use the DI approach Much of the code still relies on global state or direct resulting in a highly cyclical dependency which acts as the top level factory for services in MediaWiki which can be used to gain access to default instances of various services MediaWikiServices however also allows new services to be defined and default services to be redefined Services are defined or redefined by providing a callback the instantiator that will return a new instance of the service When it will create an instance of MediaWikiServices and populate it with the services defined in the files listed by thereby bootstrapping the DI framework Per $wgServiceWiringFiles lists includes ServiceWiring php
Definition: injection.txt:35
if(!defined( 'MEDIAWIKI')) $fname
This file is not a valid entry point, perform no further processing unless MEDIAWIKI is defined...
Definition: Setup.php:36
Ensures that checkpoint dumps are used and written, by successively increasing the stub size and dump...
this hook is for auditing only RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist RecentChangesLinked and Watchlist e g Watchlist removed from all revisions and log entries to which it was applied This gives extensions a chance to take it off their books as the deletion has already been partly carried out by this point or something similar the user will be unable to create the tag set and then return false from the hook function Ensure you consume the ChangeTagAfterDelete hook to carry out custom deletion actions as context called by AbstractContent::getParserOutput May be used to override the normal model specific rendering of page content $content
Definition: hooks.txt:1020
Base content handler implementation for flat text contents.
Remove a directory and all its content.
Skip the test if 'gzip' is not in $PATH.
Base TestCase for dumps.
Definition: DumpTestCase.php:6
obtains a new temporary directory
const NS_TALK
Definition: Defines.php:70
testBufferSizeSetting($expected, $size, $msg)
Ensures that setting the buffer size is effective.
setUpStub($fname=null, $iterations=1)
Creates a stub file that is used for testing the text pass of dumps.
Checks for test output consisting only of lines containing ETA announcements.
do that in ParserLimitReportFormat instead use this to modify the parameters of the image and a DIV can begin in one section and end in another Make sure your code can handle that case gracefully See the EditSectionClearerLink extension for an example zero but section is usually empty its values are the globals values before the output is cached $page
Definition: hooks.txt:2376
Asserts that the xml reader is at the page's closing element and skips to the next element...
Tests for TextPassDumper that do not rely on the database.