MediaWiki  master
Block Class Reference
Collaboration diagram for Block:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($options=[])
 Create a new block with specified parameters on a user, IP or IP range. More...
 delete ()
 Delete the row from the IP blocks table. More...
 deleteIfExpired ()
 Check if a block has expired. More...
 doAutoblock ($autoblockIP)
 Autoblocks the given IP, referring to this Block. More...
 equals (Block $block)
 Check if two blocks are effectively equal. More...
 fromMaster ($x=null)
 Get/set a flag determining whether the master is used for reads. More...
 getBlocker ()
 Get the user who implemented this block. More...
 getBy ()
 Get the user id of the blocking sysop. More...
 getByName ()
 Get the username of the blocking sysop. More...
 getExpiry ()
 getId ()
 Get the block ID. More...
 getPermissionsError (IContextSource $context)
 Get the key and parameters for the corresponding error message. More...
 getRangeEnd ()
 Get the IP address at the end of the range in Hex form. More...
 getRangeStart ()
 Get the IP address at the start of the range in Hex form. More...
 getRedactedName ()
 Get the block name, but with autoblocked IPs hidden as per standard privacy policy. More...
 getTarget ()
 Get the target for this particular Block. More...
 getTargetAndType ()
 Get the target and target type for this particular Block. More...
 getType ()
 Get the type of target for this particular block. More...
 insert ($dbw=null)
 Insert a block into the block table. More...
 isAutoblocking ($x=null)
 isExpired ()
 Has the block expired? More...
 isHardblock ($x=null)
 Get/set whether the Block is a hardblock (affects logged-in users on a given IP/range) More...
 isValid ()
 Is the block address valid (i.e. More...
 prevents ($action, $x=null)
 Get/set whether the Block prevents a given action. More...
 setBlocker ($user)
 Set the user who implemented (or will implement) this block. More...
 setTarget ($target)
 Set the target for this block, and update $this->type accordingly. More...
 update ()
 Update a block in the DB with new parameters. More...
 updateTimestamp ()
 Update the timestamp on autoblocks. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static chooseBlock (array $blocks, array $ipChain)
 From a list of multiple blocks, find the most exact and strongest Block. More...
static getAutoblockExpiry ($timestamp)
 Get a timestamp of the expiry for autoblocks. More...
static getBlocksForIPList (array $ipChain, $isAnon, $fromMaster=false)
 Get all blocks that match any IP from an array of IP addresses. More...
static getRangeCond ($start, $end=null)
 Get a set of SQL conditions which will select rangeblocks encompassing a given range. More...
static isWhitelistedFromAutoblocks ($ip)
 Checks whether a given IP is on the autoblock whitelist. More...
static newFromID ($id)
 Load a blocked user from their block id. More...
static newFromRow ($row)
 Create a new Block object from a database row. More...
static newFromTarget ($specificTarget, $vagueTarget=null, $fromMaster=false)
 Given a target and the target's type, get an existing Block object if possible. More...
static parseTarget ($target)
 From an existing Block, get the target and the type of target. More...
static purgeExpired ()
 Purge expired blocks from the ipblocks table. More...
static selectFields ()
 Return the list of ipblocks fields that should be selected to create a new block. More...

Public Attributes

bool $mAuto
string $mExpiry
bool $mHideName
int $mParentBlockId
string $mReason
string $mTimestamp
const TYPE_AUTO = 4
const TYPE_ID = 5
const TYPE_IP = 2
const TYPE_RANGE = 3
const TYPE_USER = 1

Protected Member Functions

 doRetroactiveAutoblock ()
 Retroactively autoblocks the last IP used by the user (if it is a user) blocked by this Block. More...
 getAutoblockUpdateArray ()
 getDatabaseArray ($db=null)
 Get an array suitable for passing to $dbw->insert() or $dbw->update() More...
 initFromRow ($row)
 Given a database row from the ipblocks table, initialize member variables. More...
 newLoad ($vagueTarget=null)
 Load a block from the database which affects the already-set $this->target: 1) A block directly on the given user or IP 2) A rangeblock encompassing the given IP (smallest first) 3) An autoblock on the given IP. More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static defaultRetroactiveAutoblock (Block $block, array &$blockIds)
 Retroactively autoblocks the last IP used by the user (if it is a user) blocked by this Block. More...
static getIpFragment ($hex)
 Get the component of an IP address which is certain to be the same between an IP address and a rangeblock containing that IP address. More...

Protected Attributes

User $blocker
int $forcedTargetID
 Hack for foreign blocking (CentralAuth) More...
bool $isAutoblocking
bool $isHardblock
bool $mBlockEmail
bool $mCreateAccount
bool $mDisableUsertalk
bool $mFromMaster
int $mId
User string $target
int $type
 Block::TYPE_ constant. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 22 of file Block.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Block::__construct (   $options = [])

Create a new block with specified parameters on a user, IP or IP range.

array$optionsParameters of the block: address string|User Target user name, User object, IP address or IP range user int Override target user ID (for foreign users) by int User ID of the blocker reason string Reason of the block timestamp string The time at which the block comes into effect auto bool Is this an automatic block? expiry string Timestamp of expiration of the block or 'infinity' anonOnly bool Only disallow anonymous actions createAccount bool Disallow creation of new accounts enableAutoblock bool Enable automatic blocking hideName bool Hide the target user name blockEmail bool Disallow sending emails allowUsertalk bool Allow the target to edit its own talk page byText string Username of the blocker (for foreign users)
1.26 accepts $options array instead of individual parameters; order of parameters above reflects the original order

Definition at line 103 of file Block.php.

References $options, DB_SLAVE, isAutoblocking(), isHardblock(), User\newFromId(), prevents(), setBlocker(), setTarget(), TS_MW, wfDeprecated(), wfGetDB(), and wfTimestamp().

Member Function Documentation

static Block::chooseBlock ( array  $blocks,
array  $ipChain 

From a list of multiple blocks, find the most exact and strongest Block.

The logic for finding the "best" block is:

  • Blocks that match the block's target IP are preferred over ones in a range
  • Hardblocks are chosen over softblocks that prevent account creation
  • Softblocks that prevent account creation are chosen over other softblocks
  • Other softblocks are chosen over autoblocks
  • If there are multiple exact or range blocks at the same level, the one chosen is random This should be used when $blocks where retrieved from the user's IP address and $ipChain is populated from the same IP address information.
array$blocksArray of Block objects
array$ipChainList of IPs (strings). This is used to determine how "close" a block is to the server, and if a block matches exactly, or is in a range. The order is furthest from the server to nearest e.g., (Browser, proxy1, proxy2, local-squid, ...)
Block|null The "best" block from the list

Definition at line 1177 of file Block.php.

References as, false, isHardblock(), prevents(), and IP\toHex().

Referenced by User\getBlockedStatus(), and BlockTest\testBlocksOnXff().

static Block::defaultRetroactiveAutoblock ( Block  $block,
array $blockIds 

Retroactively autoblocks the last IP used by the user (if it is a user) blocked by this Block.

This will use the recentchanges table.


Definition at line 640 of file Block.php.

References $dbr, $options, $res, $wgPutIPinRC, as, DB_SLAVE, doAutoblock(), getTarget(), global, string, wfDebug(), and wfGetDB().

Block::delete ( )

Delete the row from the IP blocks table.


Definition at line 435 of file Block.php.

References DB_MASTER, getId(), wfGetDB(), and wfReadOnly().

Block::deleteIfExpired ( )

Check if a block has expired.

Delete it if it is.


Definition at line 795 of file Block.php.

References isExpired(), and wfDebug().

Block::doAutoblock (   $autoblockIP)

Autoblocks the given IP, referring to this Block.

string$autoblockIPThe IP to autoblock.
int|bool Block ID if an autoblock was inserted, false if not.

Definition at line 725 of file Block.php.

References $mHideName, $mId, $status, $timestamp, getAutoblockExpiry(), getBlocker(), getTarget(), isAutoblocking(), newFromTarget(), prevents(), Hooks\run(), wfDebug(), wfMessage(), and wfTimestampNow().

Referenced by defaultRetroactiveAutoblock().

Block::doRetroactiveAutoblock ( )

Retroactively autoblocks the last IP used by the user (if it is a user) blocked by this Block.

array Block IDs of retroactive autoblocks made

Definition at line 617 of file Block.php.

References getTarget(), getType(), isAutoblocking(), Hooks\run(), and wfDebug().

Referenced by insert(), and update().

Block::equals ( Block  $block)

Check if two blocks are effectively equal.

Doesn't check irrelevant things like the blocking user or the block timestamp, only things which affect the blocked user


Definition at line 218 of file Block.php.

References isAutoblocking(), isHardblock(), and prevents().

Block::fromMaster (   $x = null)

Get/set a flag determining whether the master is used for reads.

bool | null$x

Definition at line 930 of file Block.php.

References wfSetVar().

static Block::getAutoblockExpiry (   $timestamp)

Get a timestamp of the expiry for autoblocks.

string | int$timestamp

Definition at line 1010 of file Block.php.

References $timestamp, $wgAutoblockExpiry, global, TS_MW, TS_UNIX, and wfTimestamp().

Referenced by doAutoblock(), and updateTimestamp().

Block::getAutoblockUpdateArray ( )

Definition at line 600 of file Block.php.

References $mReason, getBy(), getByName(), and prevents().

Referenced by update().

Block::getBlocker ( )

Get the user who implemented this block.

User|string Local User object or string for a foreign user

Definition at line 1382 of file Block.php.

References $blocker.

Referenced by doAutoblock(), getBy(), getByName(), getPermissionsError(), and BlockTest\testCrappyCrossWikiBlocks().

static Block::getBlocksForIPList ( array  $ipChain,
  $fromMaster = false 

Get all blocks that match any IP from an array of IP addresses.

array$ipChainList of IPs (strings), usually retrieved from the X-Forwarded-For header of the request
bool$isAnonExclude anonymous-only blocks if false
bool$fromMasterWhether to query the master or slave database
array Array of Blocks

Definition at line 1097 of file Block.php.

References as, DB_MASTER, DB_SLAVE, IP\isTrustedProxy(), IP\isValid(), LIST_OR, selectFields(), IP\toHex(), and wfGetDB().

Referenced by User\getBlockedStatus(), and BlockTest\testBlocksOnXff().

Block::getBy ( )

Get the user id of the blocking sysop.

int (0 for foreign users)

Definition at line 897 of file Block.php.

References $blocker, getBlocker(), and User\getId().

Referenced by getAutoblockUpdateArray(), ApiQueryUserInfo\getBlockInfo(), getDatabaseArray(), and BlockTest\testCrappyCrossWikiBlocks().

Block::getByName ( )
Block::getDatabaseArray (   $db = null)

Get an array suitable for passing to $dbw->insert() or $dbw->update()


Definition at line 562 of file Block.php.

References $forcedTargetID, $mAuto, $mParentBlockId, $mReason, DB_SLAVE, getBy(), getByName(), User\getId(), getRangeEnd(), getRangeStart(), isAutoblocking(), isHardblock(), prevents(), string, and wfGetDB().

Referenced by insert(), and update().

Block::getExpiry ( )

Definition at line 1366 of file Block.php.

References $mExpiry.

Referenced by ApiQueryUserInfo\getBlockInfo().

Block::getId ( )

Get the block ID.


Definition at line 920 of file Block.php.

References $mId.

Referenced by delete(), ApiQueryUserInfo\getBlockInfo(), getPermissionsError(), update(), and updateTimestamp().

static Block::getIpFragment (   $hex)

Get the component of an IP address which is certain to be the same between an IP address and a rangeblock containing that IP address.

string$hexHexadecimal IP representation

Definition at line 378 of file Block.php.

References $wgBlockCIDRLimit, and global.

Block::getPermissionsError ( IContextSource  $context)

Get the key and parameters for the corresponding error message.


Definition at line 1401 of file Block.php.

References $blocker, $lang, $link, $mReason, getBlocker(), getByName(), getId(), IContextSource\getLanguage(), IContextSource\getRequest(), getTarget(), IContextSource\getUser(), User\getUserPage(), IContextSource\msg(), and string.

Referenced by UserBlockedError\__construct().

static Block::getRangeCond (   $start,
  $end = null 

Get a set of SQL conditions which will select rangeblocks encompassing a given range.

string$startHexadecimal IP representation
string$endHexadecimal IP representation, or null to use $start = $end

Definition at line 345 of file Block.php.

References $dbr, DB_SLAVE, LIST_AND, and wfGetDB().

Referenced by SpecialBlockList\getBlockListPager().

Block::getRangeEnd ( )

Get the IP address at the end of the range in Hex form.

string IP in Hex form

Definition at line 878 of file Block.php.

References list, IP\parseRange(), IP\toHex(), and type.

Referenced by getDatabaseArray().

Block::getRangeStart ( )

Get the IP address at the start of the range in Hex form.

string IP in Hex form

Definition at line 859 of file Block.php.

References list, IP\parseRange(), IP\toHex(), and type.

Referenced by getDatabaseArray().

Block::getRedactedName ( )

Get the block name, but with autoblocked IPs hidden as per standard privacy policy.

string Text is escaped

Definition at line 992 of file Block.php.

References getTarget(), Html\rawElement(), and wfMessage().

Block::getTarget ( )

Get the target for this particular Block.

Note that for autoblocks, this returns the unredacted name; frontend functions need to call $block->getRedactedName() in this situation.


Definition at line 1357 of file Block.php.

References $target.

Referenced by defaultRetroactiveAutoblock(), doAutoblock(), doRetroactiveAutoblock(), getPermissionsError(), getRedactedName(), getTargetAndType(), isValid(), BlockTest\testCrappyCrossWikiBlocks(), BlockTest\testDeprecatedConstructor(), and LoginFormPreAuthManager\userBlockedMessage().

Block::getTargetAndType ( )

Get the target and target type for this particular Block.

Note that for autoblocks, this returns the unredacted name; frontend functions need to call $block->getRedactedName() in this situation.

array( User|String, Block::TYPE_ constant )
FIXME: This should be an integral part of the Block member variables

Definition at line 1347 of file Block.php.

References getTarget(), and getType().

Block::getType ( )

Get the type of target for this particular block.

int Block::TYPE_ constant, will never be TYPE_ID

Definition at line 1334 of file Block.php.

References $type.

Referenced by ApiBase\dieBlocked(), doRetroactiveAutoblock(), getTargetAndType(), isAutoblocking(), isHardblock(), and LoginFormPreAuthManager\userBlockedMessage().

Block::initFromRow (   $row)

Given a database row from the ipblocks table, initialize member variables.

stdClass$rowA row from the ipblocks table

Definition at line 392 of file Block.php.

References DB_SLAVE, isAutoblocking(), isHardblock(), User\newFromId(), prevents(), setBlocker(), setTarget(), TS_MW, wfGetDB(), and wfTimestamp().

Referenced by newFromRow(), and newLoad().

Block::insert (   $dbw = null)

Insert a block into the block table.

Will fail if there is a conflicting block (same name and options) already in the database.

IDatabase$dbwIf you have one available
bool|array False on failure, assoc array on success: ('id' => block ID, 'autoIds' => array of autoblock IDs)

Definition at line 459 of file Block.php.

References $mId, DB_MASTER, doRetroactiveAutoblock(), getDatabaseArray(), purgeExpired(), wfDebug(), and wfGetDB().

Referenced by LocalIdLookupTest\addDBData(), BlockTest\addXffBlocks(), BlockTest\testBlockedUserCanNotCreateAccount(), BlockTest\testCrappyCrossWikiBlocks(), and BlockTest\testDeprecatedConstructor().

Block::isAutoblocking (   $x = null)
null | bool$x

Definition at line 952 of file Block.php.

References getType(), and wfSetVar().

Referenced by __construct(), BlockTest\addXffBlocks(), doAutoblock(), doRetroactiveAutoblock(), equals(), getDatabaseArray(), initFromRow(), and update().

Block::isExpired ( )

Has the block expired?


Definition at line 813 of file Block.php.

References $mExpiry, $timestamp, wfDebug(), and wfTimestampNow().

Referenced by deleteIfExpired().

Block::isHardblock (   $x = null)

Get/set whether the Block is a hardblock (affects logged-in users on a given IP/range)

bool | null$x

Definition at line 939 of file Block.php.

References $isHardblock, getType(), and wfSetVar().

Referenced by __construct(), BlockTest\addXffBlocks(), chooseBlock(), equals(), getDatabaseArray(), and initFromRow().

Block::isValid ( )

Is the block address valid (i.e.

not a null string?)


Definition at line 828 of file Block.php.

References getTarget().

static Block::isWhitelistedFromAutoblocks (   $ip)

Checks whether a given IP is on the autoblock whitelist.

TODO: this probably belongs somewhere else, but not sure where...

string$ipThe IP to check

Definition at line 681 of file Block.php.

References $cache, $line, $lines, as, ObjectCache\getMainWANInstance(), IP\isInRange(), wfDebug(), wfMemcKey(), and wfMessage().

static Block::newFromID (   $id)

Load a blocked user from their block id.

int$idBlock id to search for

Definition at line 170 of file Block.php.

References $dbr, $res, DB_SLAVE, and wfGetDB().

Referenced by newFromTarget(), BlockTest\testCrappyCrossWikiBlocks(), and BlockTest\testINewFromIDReturnsCorrectBlock().

static Block::newFromRow (   $row)

Create a new Block object from a database row.

stdClass$rowRow from the ipblocks table

Definition at line 423 of file Block.php.

References initFromRow().

Referenced by CleanupBlocks\execute().

static Block::newFromTarget (   $specificTarget,
  $vagueTarget = null,
  $fromMaster = false 

Given a target and the target's type, get an existing Block object if possible.

string | User | int$specificTargetA block target, which may be one of several types:
  • A user to block, in which case $target will be a User
  • An IP to block, in which case $target will be a User generated by using User::newFromName( $ip, false ) to turn off name validation
  • An IP range, in which case $target will be a String "" etc
  • The ID of an existing block, in the format "#12345" (since pure numbers are valid usernames Calling this with a user, IP address or range will not select autoblocks, and will only select a block where the targets match exactly (so looking for blocks on will not select or even
string | User | int$vagueTargetAs above, but we will search for any block which affects that target (so for an IP address, get ranges containing that IP; and also get any relevant autoblocks). Leave empty or blank to skip IP-based lookups.
bool$fromMasterWhether to use the DB_MASTER database
Block|null (null if no relevant block could be found). The target and type of the returned Block will refer to the actual block which was found, which might not be the same as the target you gave if you used $vagueTarget!

Definition at line 1057 of file Block.php.

References $target, $type, list, newFromID(), TYPE_AUTO, TYPE_ID, TYPE_IP, TYPE_RANGE, and TYPE_USER.

Referenced by BlockTest\addDBData(), SpecialContributions\contributionsSub(), doAutoblock(), ApiUnblock\execute(), ApiBlock\execute(), SpecialUnblock\execute(), User\getBlockedStatus(), MediaWiki\Auth\CheckBlocksSecondaryAuthenticationProviderTest\getBlockedUser(), Article\getRobotPolicy(), DeletedContributionsPage\getSubTitle(), User\isBlockedFromCreateAccount(), SpecialBlock\maybeAlterFormDefaults(), SpecialBlock\processForm(), SpecialUnblock\processUnblock(), EditPage\showIntro(), Article\showMissingArticle(), User\spreadBlock(), BlockTest\testBlockedUserCanNotCreateAccount(), BlockTest\testBug29116NewFromTargetWithEmptyIp(), MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManagerTest\testCheckAccountCreatePermissions(), BlockTest\testCrappyCrossWikiBlocks(), BlockTest\testDeprecatedConstructor(), BlockTest\testINewFromTargetReturnsCorrectBlock(), and ApiBlockTest\testMakeNormalBlock().

Block::newLoad (   $vagueTarget = null)

Load a block from the database which affects the already-set $this->target: 1) A block directly on the given user or IP 2) A rangeblock encompassing the given IP (smallest first) 3) An autoblock on the given IP.

User | string$vagueTargetAlso search for blocks affecting this target. Doesn't make any sense to use TYPE_AUTO / TYPE_ID here. Leave blank to skip IP lookups.
bool Whether a relevant block was found

Definition at line 244 of file Block.php.

References $res, $target, $type, as, DB_MASTER, DB_SLAVE, initFromRow(), list, LIST_OR, IP\parseRange(), prevents(), string, IP\toHex(), type, and wfGetDB().

static Block::parseTarget (   $target)

From an existing Block, get the target and the type of target.

Note that, except for null, it is always safe to treat the target as a string; for User objects this will return User::__toString() which in turn gives User::getName().

string | int | User | null$target
array( User|String|null, Block::TYPE_ constant|null )

Definition at line 1279 of file Block.php.

References $target, User\getName(), IP\isValid(), IP\isValidBlock(), User\newFromName(), IP\sanitizeIP(), IP\sanitizeRange(), TYPE_AUTO, TYPE_IP, TYPE_RANGE, and TYPE_USER.

Referenced by BlockListPager\formatValue(), SpecialBlockList\getBlockListPager(), SpecialBlock\getTargetAndType(), and SpecialBlock\setParameter().

Block::prevents (   $action,
  $x = null 
static Block::purgeExpired ( )

Purge expired blocks from the ipblocks table.

Definition at line 1019 of file Block.php.

References $fname, IDatabase\addQuotes(), DeferredUpdates\addUpdate(), DB_MASTER, IDatabase\delete(), IDatabase\timestamp(), wfGetDB(), and wfReadOnly().

Referenced by ApiQueryBlocks\execute(), and insert().

static Block::selectFields ( )

Return the list of ipblocks fields that should be selected to create a new block.


Definition at line 190 of file Block.php.

Referenced by getBlocksForIPList().

Block::setBlocker (   $user)

Set the user who implemented (or will implement) this block.

User | string$userLocal User object or username string for foreign users

Definition at line 1390 of file Block.php.

References $user.

Referenced by __construct(), BlockTest\addXffBlocks(), User\getBlockedStatus(), and initFromRow().

Block::setTarget (   $target)

Set the target for this block, and update $this->type accordingly.


Definition at line 1374 of file Block.php.

References $target, list, and type.

Referenced by __construct(), BlockTest\addXffBlocks(), User\getGlobalBlock(), and initFromRow().

Block::update ( )

Update a block in the DB with new parameters.

The ID field needs to be loaded first.

bool|array False on failure, array on success: ('id' => block ID, 'autoIds' => array of autoblock IDs)

Definition at line 515 of file Block.php.

References $mId, DB_MASTER, doRetroactiveAutoblock(), getAutoblockUpdateArray(), getDatabaseArray(), getId(), isAutoblocking(), wfDebug(), and wfGetDB().

Block::updateTimestamp ( )

Update the timestamp on autoblocks.

Definition at line 835 of file Block.php.

References DB_MASTER, getAutoblockExpiry(), getId(), wfGetDB(), and wfTimestamp().

Member Data Documentation

User Block::$blocker

Definition at line 66 of file Block.php.

Referenced by getBlocker(), getBy(), getByName(), and getPermissionsError().

int Block::$forcedTargetID

Hack for foreign blocking (CentralAuth)

Definition at line 60 of file Block.php.

Referenced by getDatabaseArray().

bool Block::$isAutoblocking

Definition at line 72 of file Block.php.

bool Block::$isHardblock

Definition at line 69 of file Block.php.

Referenced by isHardblock().

bool Block::$mAuto

Definition at line 30 of file Block.php.

Referenced by getDatabaseArray().

bool Block::$mBlockEmail

Definition at line 48 of file Block.php.

bool Block::$mCreateAccount

Definition at line 54 of file Block.php.

bool Block::$mDisableUsertalk

Definition at line 51 of file Block.php.

string Block::$mExpiry

Definition at line 33 of file Block.php.

Referenced by getExpiry(), and isExpired().

bool Block::$mFromMaster

Definition at line 45 of file Block.php.

bool Block::$mHideName

Definition at line 36 of file Block.php.

Referenced by doAutoblock().

int Block::$mId

Definition at line 42 of file Block.php.

Referenced by doAutoblock(), getId(), insert(), and update().

int Block::$mParentBlockId

Definition at line 39 of file Block.php.

Referenced by getDatabaseArray().

string Block::$mReason

Definition at line 24 of file Block.php.

Referenced by getAutoblockUpdateArray(), getDatabaseArray(), and getPermissionsError().

string Block::$mTimestamp

Definition at line 27 of file Block.php.

User string Block::$target

Definition at line 57 of file Block.php.

Referenced by getTarget(), newFromTarget(), newLoad(), parseTarget(), and setTarget().

int Block::$type

Block::TYPE_ constant.

Can only be USER, IP or RANGE internally

Definition at line 63 of file Block.php.

Referenced by getType(), newFromTarget(), and newLoad().

const Block::TYPE_ID = 5

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: