Helper class to handle automatically marking connections as reusable (via RAII pattern) as well handling deferring the actual network connection until the handle is used. More...
Public Member Functions | |
__call ($name, array $arguments) | |
__construct (LoadBalancer $lb, $conn) | |
__destruct () | |
Clean up the connection when out of scope. More... | |
addQuotes ($s) | |
Adds quotes and backslashes. More... | |
affectedRows () | |
Get the number of rows affected by the last write query. More... | |
anyChar () | |
Returns a token for buildLike() that denotes a '_' to be used in a LIKE query. More... | |
anyString () | |
Returns a token for buildLike() that denotes a '' to be used in a LIKE query. More... | |
begin ($fname=__METHOD__) | |
Begin a transaction. More... | |
bitAnd ($fieldLeft, $fieldRight) | |
bitNot ($field) | |
bitOr ($fieldLeft, $fieldRight) | |
bufferResults ($buffer=null) | |
Turns buffering of SQL result sets on (true) or off (false). More... | |
buildConcat ($stringList) | |
Build a concatenation list to feed into a SQL query. More... | |
buildGroupConcatField ($delim, $table, $field, $conds= '', $join_conds=[]) | |
Build a GROUP_CONCAT or equivalent statement for a query. More... | |
buildLike () | |
LIKE statement wrapper, receives a variable-length argument list with parts of pattern to match containing either string literals that will be escaped or tokens returned by anyChar() or anyString(). More... | |
clearFlag ($flag) | |
Clear a flag for this connection. More... | |
close () | |
Closes a database connection. More... | |
commit ($fname=__METHOD__, $flush= '') | |
Commits a transaction previously started using begin(). More... | |
conditional ($cond, $trueVal, $falseVal) | |
Returns an SQL expression for a simple conditional. More... | |
dataSeek ($res, $row) | |
Change the position of the cursor in a result object. More... | |
dbSchema ($schema=null) | |
Get/set the db schema. More... | |
decodeBlob ($b) | |
Some DBMSs return a special placeholder object representing blob fields in result objects. More... | |
decodeExpiry ($expiry, $format=TS_MW) | |
Decode an expiry time into a DBMS independent format. More... | |
delete ($table, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
DELETE query wrapper. More... | |
deleteJoin ($delTable, $joinTable, $delVar, $joinVar, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
DELETE where the condition is a join. More... | |
doAtomicSection ($fname, callable $callback) | |
Run a callback to do an atomic set of updates for this database. More... | |
doneWrites () | |
Returns true if the connection may have been used for write queries. More... | |
encodeBlob ($b) | |
Some DBMSs have a special format for inserting into blob fields, they don't allow simple quoted strings to be inserted. More... | |
encodeExpiry ($expiry) | |
Encode an expiry time into the DBMS dependent format. More... | |
endAtomic ($fname=__METHOD__) | |
Ends an atomic section of SQL statements. More... | |
estimateRowCount ($table, $vars= '*', $conds= '', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[]) | |
Estimate the number of rows in dataset. More... | |
fetchObject ($res) | |
Fetch the next row from the given result object, in object form. More... | |
fetchRow ($res) | |
Fetch the next row from the given result object, in associative array form. More... | |
fieldExists ($table, $field, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Determines whether a field exists in a table. More... | |
fieldInfo ($table, $field) | |
mysql_fetch_field() wrapper Returns false if the field doesn't exist More... | |
fieldName ($res, $n) | |
Get a field name in a result object. More... | |
freeResult ($res) | |
Free a result object returned by query() or select(). More... | |
getDBname () | |
Get the current DB name. More... | |
getFlag ($flag) | |
Returns a boolean whether the flag $flag is set for this connection. More... | |
getInfinity () | |
Find out when 'infinity' is. More... | |
getLag () | |
Get slave lag. More... | |
getLBInfo ($name=null) | |
Get properties passed down from the server info array of the load balancer. More... | |
getMasterPos () | |
Get the position of this master. More... | |
getProperty ($name) | |
General read-only accessor. More... | |
getScopedLockAndFlush ($lockKey, $fname, $timeout) | |
Acquire a named lock, flush any transaction, and return an RAII style unlocker object. More... | |
getServer () | |
Get the server hostname or IP address. More... | |
getServerInfo () | |
A string describing the current software version, and possibly other details in a user-friendly way. More... | |
getServerUptime () | |
Determines how long the server has been up STUB. More... | |
getServerVersion () | |
A string describing the current software version, like from mysql_get_server_info(). More... | |
getSessionLagStatus () | |
Get the slave lag when the current transaction started or a general lag estimate if not transaction is active. More... | |
getSlavePos () | |
Get the replication position of this slave. More... | |
getSoftwareLink () | |
Returns a wikitext link to the DB's website, e.g., return "[ MySQL]"; Should at least contain plain text, if for some reason your database has no website. More... | |
getType () | |
Get the type of the DBMS, as it appears in $wgDBtype. More... | |
getWikiID () | |
implicitGroupby () | |
Returns true if this database does an implicit sort when doing GROUP BY. More... | |
implicitOrderby () | |
Returns true if this database does an implicit order by when the column has an index For example: SELECT page_title FROM page LIMIT 1. More... | |
indexExists ($table, $index, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Determines whether an index exists Usually throws a DBQueryError on failure If errors are explicitly ignored, returns NULL on failure. More... | |
indexUnique ($table, $index) | |
Determines if a given index is unique. More... | |
insert ($table, $a, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[]) | |
INSERT wrapper, inserts an array into a table. More... | |
insertId () | |
Get the inserted value of an auto-increment row. More... | |
insertSelect ($destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $insertOptions=[], $selectOptions=[]) | |
INSERT SELECT wrapper. More... | |
isOpen () | |
Is a connection to the database open? More... | |
isReadOnly () | |
lastDoneWrites () | |
Returns the last time the connection may have been used for write queries. More... | |
lastErrno () | |
Get the last error number. More... | |
lastError () | |
Get a description of the last error. More... | |
lastQuery () | |
Return the last query that went through IDatabase::query() More... | |
listTables ($prefix=null, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
List all tables on the database. More... | |
lock ($lockName, $method, $timeout=5) | |
Acquire a named lock. More... | |
lockIsFree ($lockName, $method) | |
Check to see if a named lock is available (non-blocking) More... | |
makeList ($a, $mode=LIST_COMMA) | |
Makes an encoded list of strings from an array. More... | |
makeWhereFrom2d ($data, $baseKey, $subKey) | |
Build a partial where clause from a 2-d array such as used for LinkBatch. More... | |
masterPosWait (DBMasterPos $pos, $timeout) | |
Wait for the slave to catch up to a given master position. More... | |
maxListLen () | |
Return the maximum number of items allowed in a list, or 0 for unlimited. More... | |
namedLocksEnqueue () | |
Check to see if a named lock used by lock() use blocking queues. More... | |
nextSequenceValue ($seqName) | |
Returns an appropriately quoted sequence value for inserting a new row. More... | |
numFields ($res) | |
Get the number of fields in a result object. More... | |
numRows ($res) | |
Get the number of rows in a result object. More... | |
onTransactionIdle (callable $callback) | |
Run a callback as soon as there is no transaction pending. More... | |
onTransactionPreCommitOrIdle (callable $callback) | |
Run a callback before the current transaction commits or now if there is none. More... | |
onTransactionResolution (callable $callback) | |
Run a callback as soon as the current transaction commits or rolls back. More... | |
open ($server, $user, $password, $dbName) | |
Open a connection to the database. More... | |
pendingWriteCallers () | |
Get the list of method names that did write queries for this transaction. More... | |
pendingWriteQueryDuration () | |
Get the time spend running write queries for this transaction. More... | |
ping () | |
Ping the server and try to reconnect if it there is no connection. More... | |
query ($sql, $fname=__METHOD__, $tempIgnore=false) | |
Run an SQL query and return the result. More... | |
replace ($table, $uniqueIndexes, $rows, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
REPLACE query wrapper. More... | |
reportConnectionError ($error= 'Unknown error') | |
reportQueryError ($error, $errno, $sql, $fname, $tempIgnore=false) | |
Report a query error. More... | |
rollback ($fname=__METHOD__, $flush= '') | |
Rollback a transaction previously started using begin(). More... | |
select ($table, $vars, $conds= '', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[], $join_conds=[]) | |
Execute a SELECT query constructed using the various parameters provided. More... | |
selectDB ($db) | |
Change the current database. More... | |
selectField ($table, $var, $cond= '', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[]) | |
A SELECT wrapper which returns a single field from a single result row. More... | |
selectFieldValues ($table, $var, $cond= '', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[]) | |
A SELECT wrapper which returns a list of single field values from result rows. More... | |
selectRow ($table, $vars, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[], $join_conds=[]) | |
Single row SELECT wrapper. More... | |
selectRowCount ($tables, $vars= '*', $conds= '', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[], $join_conds=[]) | |
Get the number of rows in dataset. More... | |
selectSQLText ($table, $vars, $conds= '', $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[], $join_conds=[]) | |
The equivalent of IDatabase::select() except that the constructed SQL is returned, instead of being immediately executed. More... | |
serverIsReadOnly () | |
setBigSelects ($value=true) | |
Allow or deny "big selects" for this session only. More... | |
setFlag ($flag) | |
Set a flag for this connection. More... | |
setLBInfo ($name, $value=null) | |
Set the LB info array, or a member of it. More... | |
setSchemaVars ($vars) | |
Set variables to be used in sourceFile/sourceStream, in preference to the ones in $GLOBALS. More... | |
setSessionOptions (array $options) | |
Override database's default behavior. More... | |
startAtomic ($fname=__METHOD__) | |
Begin an atomic section of statements. More... | |
strreplace ($orig, $old, $new) | |
Returns a comand for str_replace function in SQL query. More... | |
tableExists ($table, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
Query whether a given table exists. More... | |
tablePrefix ($prefix=null) | |
Get/set the table prefix. More... | |
timestamp ($ts=0) | |
Convert a timestamp in one of the formats accepted by wfTimestamp() to the format used for inserting into timestamp fields in this DBMS. More... | |
timestampOrNull ($ts=null) | |
Convert a timestamp in one of the formats accepted by wfTimestamp() to the format used for inserting into timestamp fields in this DBMS. More... | |
trxLevel () | |
Gets the current transaction level. More... | |
trxTimestamp () | |
Get the UNIX timestamp of the time that the transaction was established. More... | |
unionQueries ($sqls, $all) | |
Construct a UNION query This is used for providing overload point for other DB abstractions not compatible with the MySQL syntax. More... | |
unionSupportsOrderAndLimit () | |
Returns true if current database backend supports ORDER BY or LIMIT for separate subqueries within the UNION construct. More... | |
unlock ($lockName, $method) | |
Release a lock. More... | |
update ($table, $values, $conds, $fname=__METHOD__, $options=[]) | |
UPDATE wrapper. More... | |
upsert ($table, array $rows, array $uniqueIndexes, array $set, $fname=__METHOD__) | |
INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE wrapper, upserts an array into a table. More... | |
wasDeadlock () | |
Determines if the last failure was due to a deadlock STUB. More... | |
wasErrorReissuable () | |
Determines if the last query error was something that should be dealt with by pinging the connection and reissuing the query. More... | |
wasLockTimeout () | |
Determines if the last failure was due to a lock timeout STUB. More... | |
wasReadOnlyError () | |
Determines if the last failure was due to the database being read-only. More... | |
writesOrCallbacksPending () | |
Returns true if there is a transaction open with possible write queries or transaction pre-commit/idle callbacks waiting on it to finish. More... | |
writesPending () | |
Private Attributes | |
DatabaseBase null | $conn |
LoadBalancer | $lb |
array null | $params |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
const | TRIGGER_COMMIT = 2 |
const | TRIGGER_IDLE = 1 |
const | TRIGGER_ROLLBACK = 3 |
Helper class to handle automatically marking connections as reusable (via RAII pattern) as well handling deferring the actual network connection until the handle is used.
Definition at line 10 of file DBConnRef.php.
DBConnRef::__construct | ( | LoadBalancer | $lb, |
$conn | |||
) |
LoadBalancer | $lb | |
DatabaseBase | array | $conn | Connection or (server index, group, wiki ID) array |
Definition at line 24 of file DBConnRef.php.
DBConnRef::__destruct | ( | ) |
Clean up the connection when out of scope.
Definition at line 547 of file DBConnRef.php.
DBConnRef::__call | ( | $name, | |
array | $arguments | ||
) |
Definition at line 33 of file DBConnRef.php.
References $name, $params, and list.
Referenced by addQuotes(), affectedRows(), anyChar(), anyString(), begin(), bitAnd(), bitNot(), bitOr(), bufferResults(), buildConcat(), buildGroupConcatField(), buildLike(), clearFlag(), close(), commit(), conditional(), dataSeek(), dbSchema(), decodeBlob(), decodeExpiry(), delete(), deleteJoin(), doAtomicSection(), doneWrites(), encodeBlob(), encodeExpiry(), endAtomic(), estimateRowCount(), fetchObject(), fetchRow(), fieldExists(), fieldInfo(), fieldName(), freeResult(), getDBname(), getFlag(), getInfinity(), getLag(), getLBInfo(), getMasterPos(), getProperty(), getScopedLockAndFlush(), getServer(), getServerInfo(), getServerUptime(), getServerVersion(), getSessionLagStatus(), getSlavePos(), getSoftwareLink(), getType(), getWikiID(), implicitGroupby(), implicitOrderby(), indexExists(), indexUnique(), insert(), insertId(), insertSelect(), isOpen(), isReadOnly(), lastDoneWrites(), lastErrno(), lastError(), lastQuery(), listTables(), lock(), lockIsFree(), makeList(), makeWhereFrom2d(), masterPosWait(), maxListLen(), namedLocksEnqueue(), nextSequenceValue(), numFields(), numRows(), onTransactionIdle(), onTransactionPreCommitOrIdle(), onTransactionResolution(), open(), pendingWriteCallers(), pendingWriteQueryDuration(), ping(), query(), replace(), reportConnectionError(), reportQueryError(), rollback(), select(), selectDB(), selectField(), selectFieldValues(), selectRow(), selectRowCount(), selectSQLText(), serverIsReadOnly(), setBigSelects(), setFlag(), setLBInfo(), setSchemaVars(), setSessionOptions(), startAtomic(), strreplace(), tableExists(), tablePrefix(), timestamp(), timestampOrNull(), trxLevel(), trxTimestamp(), unionQueries(), unionSupportsOrderAndLimit(), unlock(), update(), upsert(), wasDeadlock(), wasErrorReissuable(), wasLockTimeout(), wasReadOnlyError(), writesOrCallbacksPending(), and writesPending().
DBConnRef::addQuotes | ( | $s | ) |
Adds quotes and backslashes.
string | Blob | $s |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 325 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::affectedRows | ( | ) |
Get the number of rows affected by the last write query.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 182 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::anyChar | ( | ) |
Returns a token for buildLike() that denotes a '_' to be used in a LIKE query.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 333 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::anyString | ( | ) |
Returns a token for buildLike() that denotes a '' to be used in a LIKE query.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 337 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::begin | ( | $fname = __METHOD__ | ) |
Begin a transaction.
If a transaction is already in progress, that transaction will be committed before the new transaction is started.
Note that when the DBO_TRX flag is set (which is usually the case for web requests, but not for maintenance scripts), any previous database query will have started a transaction automatically.
Nesting of transactions is not supported. Attempts to nest transactions will cause a warning, unless the current transaction was started automatically because of the DBO_TRX flag.
string | $fname |
DBError |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 448 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::bitAnd | ( | $fieldLeft, | |
$fieldRight | |||
) |
string | $fieldLeft | |
string | $fieldRight |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 295 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::bitNot | ( | $field | ) |
string | $field |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 291 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::bitOr | ( | $fieldLeft, | |
$fieldRight | |||
) |
string | $fieldLeft | |
string | $fieldRight |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 299 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::bufferResults | ( | $buffer = null | ) |
Turns buffering of SQL result sets on (true) or off (false).
Default is "on".
Unbuffered queries are very troublesome in MySQL:
If you want to limit client-side memory, it's almost always better to split up queries into batches using a LIMIT clause than to switch off buffering.
null | bool | $buffer |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 46 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::buildConcat | ( | $stringList | ) |
Build a concatenation list to feed into a SQL query.
array | $stringList | List of raw SQL expressions; caller is responsible for any quoting |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 303 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::buildGroupConcatField | ( | $delim, | |
$table, | |||
$field, | |||
$conds = '' , |
$join_conds = [] |
) |
Build a GROUP_CONCAT or equivalent statement for a query.
This is useful for combining a field for several rows into a single string. NULL values will not appear in the output, duplicated values will appear, and the resulting delimiter-separated values have no defined sort order. Code using the results may need to use the PHP unique() or sort() methods.
string | $delim | Glue to bind the results together |
string | array | $table | Table name |
string | $field | Field name |
string | array | $conds | Conditions |
string | array | $join_conds | Join conditions |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 307 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::buildLike | ( | ) |
LIKE statement wrapper, receives a variable-length argument list with parts of pattern to match containing either string literals that will be escaped or tokens returned by anyChar() or anyString().
Alternatively, the function could be provided with an array of aforementioned parameters.
Example: $dbr->buildLike( 'My_page_title/', $dbr->anyString() ) returns a LIKE clause that searches for subpages of 'My page title'. Alternatively: $pattern = array( 'My_page_title/', $dbr->anyString() ); $query .= $dbr->buildLike( $pattern );
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 329 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::clearFlag | ( | $flag | ) |
Clear a flag for this connection.
int | $flag | DBO_* constants from Defines.php:
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 118 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::close | ( | ) |
Closes a database connection.
if it is open : commits any open transactions
MWException |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 194 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::commit | ( | $fname = __METHOD__ , |
$flush = '' |
) |
Commits a transaction previously started using begin().
If no transaction is in progress, a warning is issued.
Nesting of transactions is not supported.
string | $fname | |
string | $flush | Flush flag, set to 'flush' to disable warnings about explicitly committing implicit transactions, or calling commit when no transaction is in progress. |
This will trigger an exception if there is an ongoing explicit transaction.
Only set the flush flag if you are sure that these warnings are not applicable, and no explicit transactions are open.
DBUnexpectedError |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 452 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::conditional | ( | $cond, | |
$trueVal, | |||
$falseVal | |||
) |
Returns an SQL expression for a simple conditional.
This doesn't need to be overridden unless CASE isn't supported in your DBMS.
string | array | $cond | SQL expression which will result in a boolean value |
string | $trueVal | SQL expression to return if true |
string | $falseVal | SQL expression to return if false |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 380 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::dataSeek | ( | $res, | |
$row | |||
) |
Change the position of the cursor in a result object.
mixed | $res | A SQL result |
int | $row |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 166 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::dbSchema | ( | $schema = null | ) |
Get/set the db schema.
string | $schema | The database schema to set, or omitted to leave it unchanged. |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 62 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::decodeBlob | ( | $b | ) |
Some DBMSs return a special placeholder object representing blob fields in result objects.
Pass the object through this function to return the original string.
string | Blob | $b |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 492 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::decodeExpiry | ( | $expiry, | |
$format = TS_MW |
) |
Decode an expiry time into a DBMS independent format.
string | $expiry | DB timestamp field value for expiry |
int | $format | TS_* constant, defaults to TS_MW |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 532 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::delete | ( | $table, | |
$conds, | |||
$fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
DELETE query wrapper.
array | $table | Table name |
string | array | $conds | Array of conditions. See $conds in IDatabase::select() for the format. Use $conds == "*" to delete all rows |
string | $fname | Name of the calling function |
DBUnexpectedError |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 361 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::deleteJoin | ( | $delTable, | |
$joinTable, | |||
$delVar, | |||
$joinVar, | |||
$conds, | |||
$fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
DELETE where the condition is a join.
MySQL overrides this to use a multi-table DELETE syntax, in other databases we use sub-selects
For safety, an empty $conds will not delete everything. If you want to delete all rows where the join condition matches, set $conds='*'.
DO NOT put the join condition in $conds.
string | $delTable | The table to delete from. |
string | $joinTable | The other table. |
string | $delVar | The variable to join on, in the first table. |
string | $joinVar | The variable to join on, in the second table. |
array | $conds | Condition array of field names mapped to variables, ANDed together in the WHERE clause |
string | $fname | Calling function name (use METHOD) for logs/profiling |
DBUnexpectedError |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 355 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::doAtomicSection | ( | $fname, | |
callable | $callback | ||
) |
Run a callback to do an atomic set of updates for this database.
The $callback takes the following arguments:
If any exception occurs in the callback, then rollback() will be called and the error will be re-thrown. It may also be that the rollback itself fails with an exception before then. In any case, such errors are expected to terminate the request, without any outside caller attempting to catch errors and commit anyway. Note that any rollback undoes all prior atomic section and uncommitted updates, which trashes the current request, requiring an error to be displayed.
This can be an alternative to explicit startAtomic()/endAtomic() calls.
string | $fname | Caller name (usually METHOD) |
callable | $callback | Callback that issues DB updates |
DBError | |
RuntimeException | |
UnexpectedValueException |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 444 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::doneWrites | ( | ) |
Returns true if the connection may have been used for write queries.
Should return true if unsure.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 86 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::encodeBlob | ( | $b | ) |
Some DBMSs have a special format for inserting into blob fields, they don't allow simple quoted strings to be inserted.
To insert into such a field, pass the data through this function before passing it to IDatabase::insert().
string | $b |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 488 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::encodeExpiry | ( | $expiry | ) |
Encode an expiry time into the DBMS dependent format.
string | $expiry | Timestamp for expiry, or the 'infinity' string |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 528 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::endAtomic | ( | $fname = __METHOD__ | ) |
Ends an atomic section of SQL statements.
Ends the next section of atomic SQL statements and commits the transaction if necessary.
string | $fname |
DBError |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 440 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::estimateRowCount | ( | $table, | |
$vars = '*' , |
$conds = '' , |
$fname = __METHOD__ , |
$options = [] |
) |
Estimate the number of rows in dataset.
MySQL allows you to estimate the number of rows that would be returned by a SELECT query, using EXPLAIN SELECT. The estimate is provided using index cardinality statistics, and is notoriously inaccurate, especially when large numbers of rows have recently been added or deleted.
For DBMSs that don't support fast result size estimation, this function will actually perform the SELECT COUNT(*).
Takes the same arguments as IDatabase::select().
string | $table | Table name |
string | $vars | Unused |
array | string | $conds | Filters on the table |
string | $fname | Function name for profiling |
array | $options | Options for select |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 247 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::fetchObject | ( | $res | ) |
Fetch the next row from the given result object, in object form.
Fields can be retrieved with $row->fieldname, with fields acting like member variables. If no more rows are available, false is returned.
ResultWrapper | stdClass | $res | Object as returned from IDatabase::query(), etc. |
DBUnexpectedError | Thrown if the database returns an error |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 142 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::fetchRow | ( | $res | ) |
Fetch the next row from the given result object, in associative array form.
Fields are retrieved with $row['fieldname']. If no more rows are available, false is returned.
ResultWrapper | $res | Result object as returned from IDatabase::query(), etc. |
DBUnexpectedError | Thrown if the database returns an error |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 146 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::fieldExists | ( | $table, | |
$field, | |||
$fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
Determines whether a field exists in a table.
string | $table | Table name |
string | $field | Filed to check on that table |
string | $fname | Calling function name (optional) |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 259 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::fieldInfo | ( | $table, | |
$field | |||
) |
DBConnRef::fieldName | ( | $res, | |
$n | |||
) |
Get a field name in a result object.
mixed | $res | A SQL result |
int | $n |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 158 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::freeResult | ( | $res | ) |
DBConnRef::getDBname | ( | ) |
Get the current DB name.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 317 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::getFlag | ( | $flag | ) |
Returns a boolean whether the flag $flag is set for this connection.
int | $flag | DBO_* constants from Defines.php:
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 122 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::getInfinity | ( | ) |
Find out when 'infinity' is.
Most DBMSes support this. This is a special keyword for timestamps in PostgreSQL, and works with CHAR(14) as well because "i" sorts after all numbers.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 524 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::getLag | ( | ) |
Get slave lag.
Currently supported only by MySQL.
Note that this function will generate a fatal error on many installations. Most callers should use LoadBalancer::safeGetLag() instead.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 476 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::getLBInfo | ( | $name = null | ) |
Get properties passed down from the server info array of the load balancer.
string | $name | The entry of the info array to get, or null to get the whole array |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 66 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::getMasterPos | ( | ) |
Get the position of this master.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 416 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::getProperty | ( | $name | ) |
General read-only accessor.
string | $name |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 126 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::getScopedLockAndFlush | ( | $lockKey, | |
$fname, | |||
$timeout | |||
) |
Acquire a named lock, flush any transaction, and return an RAII style unlocker object.
This is suitiable for transactions that need to be serialized using cooperative locks, where each transaction can see each others' changes. Any transaction is flushed to clear out stale REPEATABLE-READ snapshot data. Once the returned object falls out of PHP scope, any transaction will be committed and the lock will be released.
If the lock acquisition failed, then no transaction flush happens, and null is returned.
string | $lockKey | Name of lock to release |
string | $fname | Name of the calling method |
int | $timeout | Acquisition timeout in seconds |
DBUnexpectedError |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 516 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::getServer | ( | ) |
Get the server hostname or IP address.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 321 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::getServerInfo | ( | ) |
A string describing the current software version, and possibly other details in a user-friendly way.
Will be listed on Special:Version, etc. Use getServerVersion() to get machine-friendly information.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 42 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::getServerUptime | ( | ) |
Determines how long the server has been up STUB.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 388 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::getServerVersion | ( | ) |
A string describing the current software version, like from mysql_get_server_info().
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 190 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::getSessionLagStatus | ( | ) |
Get the slave lag when the current transaction started or a general lag estimate if not transaction is active.
This is useful when transactions might use snapshot isolation (e.g. REPEATABLE-READ in innodb), so the "real" lag of that data is this lag plus transaction duration. If they don't, it is still safe to be pessimistic. In AUTO-COMMIT mode, this still gives an indication of the staleness of subsequent reads.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 480 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::getSlavePos | ( | ) |
Get the replication position of this slave.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 412 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::getSoftwareLink | ( | ) |
Returns a wikitext link to the DB's website, e.g., return "[ MySQL]"; Should at least contain plain text, if for some reason your database has no website.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 186 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::getType | ( | ) |
Get the type of the DBMS, as it appears in $wgDBtype.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 134 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::getWikiID | ( | ) |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 130 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::implicitGroupby | ( | ) |
Returns true if this database does an implicit sort when doing GROUP BY.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 74 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::implicitOrderby | ( | ) |
Returns true if this database does an implicit order by when the column has an index For example: SELECT page_title FROM page LIMIT 1.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 78 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::indexExists | ( | $table, | |
$index, | |||
$fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
Determines whether an index exists Usually throws a DBQueryError on failure If errors are explicitly ignored, returns NULL on failure.
string | $table | |
string | $index | |
string | $fname |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 263 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::indexUnique | ( | $table, | |
$index | |||
) |
Determines if a given index is unique.
string | $table | |
string | $index |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 271 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::insert | ( | $table, | |
$a, | |||
$fname = __METHOD__ , |
$options = [] |
) |
INSERT wrapper, inserts an array into a table.
$a may be either:
Usually throws a DBQueryError on failure. If errors are explicitly ignored, returns success.
$options is an array of options, with boolean options encoded as values with numeric keys, in the same style as $options in IDatabase::select(). Supported options are:
string | $table | Table name. This will be passed through DatabaseBase::tableName(). |
array | $a | Array of rows to insert |
string | $fname | Calling function name (use METHOD) for logs/profiling |
array | $options | Array of options |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 275 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::insertId | ( | ) |
Get the inserted value of an auto-increment row.
The value inserted should be fetched from nextSequenceValue()
Example: $id = $dbw->nextSequenceValue( 'page_page_id_seq' ); $dbw->insert( 'page', array( 'page_id' => $id ) ); $id = $dbw->insertId();
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 162 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::insertSelect | ( | $destTable, | |
$srcTable, | |||
$varMap, | |||
$conds, | |||
$fname = __METHOD__ , |
$insertOptions = [] , |
$selectOptions = [] |
) |
Takes data from a SELECT query and inserts it into another table.
string | $destTable | The table name to insert into |
string | array | $srcTable | May be either a table name, or an array of table names to include in a join. |
array | $varMap | Must be an associative array of the form array( 'dest1' => 'source1', ...). Source items may be literals rather than field names, but strings should be quoted with IDatabase::addQuotes() |
array | $conds | Condition array. See $conds in IDatabase::select() for the details of the format of condition arrays. May be "*" to copy the whole table. |
string | $fname | The function name of the caller, from METHOD |
array | $insertOptions | Options for the INSERT part of the query, see IDatabase::insert() for details. |
array | $selectOptions | Options for the SELECT part of the query, see IDatabase::select() for details. |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 365 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::isOpen | ( | ) |
Is a connection to the database open?
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 110 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::isReadOnly | ( | ) |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 540 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::lastDoneWrites | ( | ) |
Returns the last time the connection may have been used for write queries.
Should return a timestamp if unsure.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 90 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::lastErrno | ( | ) |
Get the last error number.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 170 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::lastError | ( | ) |
Get a description of the last error.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 174 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::lastQuery | ( | ) |
Return the last query that went through IDatabase::query()
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 82 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::listTables | ( | $prefix = null , |
$fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
List all tables on the database.
string | $prefix | Only show tables with this prefix, e.g. mw_ |
string | $fname | Calling function name |
MWException |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 460 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::lock | ( | $lockName, | |
$method, | |||
$timeout = 5 |
) |
Acquire a named lock.
Named locks are not related to transactions
string | $lockName | Name of lock to aquire |
string | $method | Name of the calling method |
int | $timeout | Acquisition timeout in seconds |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 508 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::lockIsFree | ( | $lockName, | |
$method | |||
) |
Check to see if a named lock is available (non-blocking)
string | $lockName | Name of lock to poll |
string | $method | Name of method calling us |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 504 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::makeList | ( | $a, | |
$mode = LIST_COMMA |
) |
Makes an encoded list of strings from an array.
array | $a | Containing the data |
int | $mode | Constant
MWException|DBUnexpectedError |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 283 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::makeWhereFrom2d | ( | $data, | |
$baseKey, | |||
$subKey | |||
) |
Build a partial where clause from a 2-d array such as used for LinkBatch.
The keys on each level may be either integers or strings.
array | $data | Organized as 2-d array(baseKeyVal => array(subKeyVal => [ignored], ...), ...) |
string | $baseKey | Field name to match the base-level keys to (eg 'pl_namespace') |
string | $subKey | Field name to match the sub-level keys to (eg 'pl_title') |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 287 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::masterPosWait | ( | DBMasterPos | $pos, |
$timeout | |||
) |
Wait for the slave to catch up to a given master position.
DBMasterPos | $pos | |
int | $timeout | The maximum number of seconds to wait for synchronisation |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 408 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::maxListLen | ( | ) |
Return the maximum number of items allowed in a list, or 0 for unlimited.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 484 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::namedLocksEnqueue | ( | ) |
Check to see if a named lock used by lock() use blocking queues.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 520 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::nextSequenceValue | ( | $seqName | ) |
Returns an appropriately quoted sequence value for inserting a new row.
MySQL has autoincrement fields, so this is just NULL. But the PostgreSQL subclass will return an integer, and save the value for insertId()
Any implementation of this function should not involve reusing sequence numbers created for rolled-back transactions. See for details.
string | $seqName |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 341 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::numFields | ( | $res | ) |
Get the number of fields in a result object.
mixed | $res | A SQL result |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 154 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::numRows | ( | $res | ) |
Get the number of rows in a result object.
mixed | $res | A SQL result |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 150 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::onTransactionIdle | ( | callable | $callback | ) |
Run a callback as soon as there is no transaction pending.
If there is a transaction and it is rolled back, then the callback is cancelled. Queries in the function will run in AUTO-COMMIT mode unless there are begin() calls. Callbacks must commit any transactions that they begin.
This is useful for updates to different systems or when separate transactions are needed. For example, one might want to enqueue jobs into a system outside the database, but only after the database is updated so that the jobs will see the data when they actually run. It can also be used for updates that easily cause deadlocks if locks are held too long.
Updates will execute in the order they were enqueued.
The callback takes one argument: How the transaction ended (IDatabase::TRIGGER_COMMIT or IDatabase::TRIGGER_IDLE)
callable | $callback |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 428 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::onTransactionPreCommitOrIdle | ( | callable | $callback | ) |
Run a callback before the current transaction commits or now if there is none.
If there is a transaction and it is rolled back, then the callback is cancelled. Callbacks must not start nor commit any transactions. If no transaction is active, then a transaction will wrap the callback.
This is useful for updates that easily cause deadlocks if locks are held too long but where atomicity is strongly desired for these updates and some related updates.
Updates will execute in the order they were enqueued.
callable | $callback |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 432 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::onTransactionResolution | ( | callable | $callback | ) |
Run a callback as soon as the current transaction commits or rolls back.
An error is thrown if no transaction is pending. Queries in the function will run in AUTO-COMMIT mode unless there are begin() calls. Callbacks must commit any transactions that they begin.
This is useful for combining cooperative locks and DB transactions.
The callback takes one argument: How the transaction ended (IDatabase::TRIGGER_COMMIT or IDatabase::TRIGGER_ROLLBACK)
callable | $callback |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 424 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::open | ( | $server, | |
$user, | |||
$password, | |||
$dbName | |||
) |
Open a connection to the database.
Usually aborts on failure
string | $server | Database server host |
string | $user | Database user name |
string | $password | Database user password |
string | $dbName | Database name |
DBConnectionError |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 138 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::pendingWriteCallers | ( | ) |
Get the list of method names that did write queries for this transaction.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 106 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::pendingWriteQueryDuration | ( | ) |
Get the time spend running write queries for this transaction.
High times could be due to scanning, updates, locking, and such
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 102 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::ping | ( | ) |
Ping the server and try to reconnect if it there is no connection.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 472 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::query | ( | $sql, | |
$fname = __METHOD__ , |
$tempIgnore = false |
) |
Run an SQL query and return the result.
Normally throws a DBQueryError on failure. If errors are ignored, returns false instead.
In new code, the query wrappers select(), insert(), update(), delete(), etc. should be used where possible, since they give much better DBMS independence and automatically quote or validate user input in a variety of contexts. This function is generally only useful for queries which are explicitly DBMS-dependent and are unsupported by the query wrappers, such as CREATE TABLE.
However, the query wrappers themselves should call this function.
string | $sql | SQL query |
string | $fname | Name of the calling function, for profiling/SHOW PROCESSLIST comment (you can use METHOD or add some extra info) |
bool | $tempIgnore | Whether to avoid throwing an exception on errors... maybe best to catch the exception instead? |
MWException |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 202 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::replace | ( | $table, | |
$uniqueIndexes, | |||
$rows, | |||
$fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
REPLACE query wrapper.
REPLACE is a very handy MySQL extension, which functions like an INSERT except that when there is a duplicate key error, the old row is deleted and the new row is inserted in its place.
We simulate this with standard SQL with a DELETE followed by INSERT. To perform the delete, we need to know what the unique indexes are so that we know how to find the conflicting rows.
It may be more efficient to leave off unique indexes which are unlikely to collide. However if you do this, you run the risk of encountering errors which wouldn't have occurred in MySQL.
string | $table | The table to replace the row(s) in. |
array | $uniqueIndexes | Is an array of indexes. Each element may be either a field name or an array of field names |
array | $rows | Can be either a single row to insert, or multiple rows, in the same format as for IDatabase::insert() |
string | $fname | Calling function name (use METHOD) for logs/profiling |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 345 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::reportConnectionError | ( | $error = 'Unknown error' | ) |
string | $error | Fallback error message, used if none is given by DB |
DBConnectionError |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 198 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::reportQueryError | ( | $error, | |
$errno, | |||
$sql, | |||
$fname, | |||
$tempIgnore = false |
) |
Report a query error.
Log the error, and if neither the object ignore flag nor the $tempIgnore flag is set, throw a DBQueryError.
string | $error | |
int | $errno | |
string | $sql | |
string | $fname | |
bool | $tempIgnore |
DBQueryError |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 206 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::rollback | ( | $fname = __METHOD__ , |
$flush = '' |
) |
Rollback a transaction previously started using begin().
If no transaction is in progress, a warning is issued.
No-op on non-transactional databases.
string | $fname | |
string | $flush | Flush flag, set to 'flush' to disable warnings about calling rollback when no transaction is in progress. This will silently break any ongoing explicit transaction. Only set the flush flag if you are sure that it is safe to ignore these warnings in your context. |
DBUnexpectedError |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 456 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::select | ( | $table, | |
$vars, | |||
$conds = '' , |
$fname = __METHOD__ , |
$options = [] , |
$join_conds = [] |
) |
Execute a SELECT query constructed using the various parameters provided.
See below for full details of the parameters.
string | array | $table | Table name |
string | array | $vars | Field names |
string | array | $conds | Conditions |
string | $fname | Caller function name |
array | $options | Query options |
array | $join_conds | Join conditions |
string | array | $table | May be either an array of table names, or a single string holding a table name. If an array is given, table aliases can be specified, for example: |
array( 'a' => 'user' )
This includes the user table in the query, with the alias "a" available for use in field names (e.g. a.user_name).
All of the table names given here are automatically run through DatabaseBase::tableName(), which causes the table prefix (if any) to be added, and various other table name mappings to be performed.
Do not use untrusted user input as a table name. Alias names should not have characters outside of the Basic multilingual plane.
string | array | $vars | May be either a field name or an array of field names. The field names can be complete fragments of SQL, for direct inclusion into the SELECT query. If an array is given, field aliases can be specified, for example: |
array( 'maxrev' => 'MAX(rev_id)' )
This includes an expression with the alias "maxrev" in the query.
If an expression is given, care must be taken to ensure that it is DBMS-independent.
Untrusted user input must not be passed to this parameter.
string | array | $conds | May be either a string containing a single condition, or an array of conditions. If an array is given, the conditions constructed from each element are combined with AND. |
Array elements may take one of two forms:
Note that expressions are often DBMS-dependent in their syntax. DBMS-independent wrappers are provided for constructing several types of expression commonly used in condition queries. See:
Untrusted user input is safe in the values of string keys, however untrusted input must not be used in the array key names or in the values of numeric keys. Escaping of untrusted input used in values of numeric keys should be done via IDatabase::addQuotes()
string | array | $options | Optional: Array of query options. Boolean options are specified by including them in the array as a string value with a numeric key, for example: |
array( 'FOR UPDATE' )
The supported options are:
And also the following boolean MySQL extensions, see the MySQL manual for documentation:
string | array | $join_conds | Optional associative array of table-specific join conditions. In the most common case, this is unnecessary, since the join condition can be in $conds. However, it is useful for doing a LEFT JOIN. |
The key of the array contains the table name or alias. The value is an array with two elements, numbered 0 and 1. The first gives the type of join, the second is the same as the $conds parameter. Thus it can be an SQL fragment, or an array where the string keys are equality and the numeric keys are SQL fragments all AND'd together. For example:
array( 'page' => array( 'LEFT JOIN', 'page_latest=rev_id' ) )
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 226 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::selectDB | ( | $db | ) |
Change the current database.
string | $db |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 313 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::selectField | ( | $table, | |
$var, | |||
$cond = '' , |
$fname = __METHOD__ , |
$options = [] |
) |
A SELECT wrapper which returns a single field from a single result row.
Usually throws a DBQueryError on failure. If errors are explicitly ignored, returns false on failure.
If no result rows are returned from the query, false is returned.
string | array | $table | Table name. See IDatabase::select() for details. |
string | $var | The field name to select. This must be a valid SQL fragment: do not use unvalidated user input. |
string | array | $cond | The condition array. See IDatabase::select() for details. |
string | $fname | The function name of the caller. |
string | array | $options | The query options. See IDatabase::select() for details. |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 214 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::selectFieldValues | ( | $table, | |
$var, | |||
$cond = '' , |
$fname = __METHOD__ , |
$options = [] |
) |
A SELECT wrapper which returns a list of single field values from result rows.
Usually throws a DBQueryError on failure. If errors are explicitly ignored, returns false on failure.
If no result rows are returned from the query, false is returned.
string | array | $table | Table name. See IDatabase::select() for details. |
string | $var | The field name to select. This must be a valid SQL fragment: do not use unvalidated user input. |
string | array | $cond | The condition array. See IDatabase::select() for details. |
string | $fname | The function name of the caller. |
string | array | $options | The query options. See IDatabase::select() for details. |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 220 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::selectRow | ( | $table, | |
$vars, | |||
$conds, | |||
$fname = __METHOD__ , |
$options = [] , |
$join_conds = [] |
) |
Single row SELECT wrapper.
Equivalent to IDatabase::select(), except that a single row object is returned. If the query returns no rows, false is returned.
string | array | $table | Table name |
string | array | $vars | Field names |
array | $conds | Conditions |
string | $fname | Caller function name |
string | array | $options | Query options |
array | string | $join_conds | Join conditions |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 240 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::selectRowCount | ( | $tables, | |
$vars = '*' , |
$conds = '' , |
$fname = __METHOD__ , |
$options = [] , |
$join_conds = [] |
) |
Get the number of rows in dataset.
This is useful when trying to do COUNT(*) but with a LIMIT for performance.
Takes the same arguments as IDatabase::select().
array | string | $tables | Table names |
string | $vars | Unused |
array | string | $conds | Filters on the table |
string | $fname | Function name for profiling |
array | $options | Options for select |
array | $join_conds | Join conditions (since 1.27) |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 253 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::selectSQLText | ( | $table, | |
$vars, | |||
$conds = '' , |
$fname = __METHOD__ , |
$options = [] , |
$join_conds = [] |
) |
The equivalent of IDatabase::select() except that the constructed SQL is returned, instead of being immediately executed.
This can be useful for doing UNION queries, where the SQL text of each query is needed. In general, however, callers outside of Database classes should just use select().
string | array | $table | Table name |
string | array | $vars | Field names |
string | array | $conds | Conditions |
string | $fname | Caller function name |
string | array | $options | Query options |
string | array | $join_conds | Join conditions |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 233 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::serverIsReadOnly | ( | ) |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 420 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::setBigSelects | ( | $value = true | ) |
Allow or deny "big selects" for this session only.
This is done by setting the sql_big_selects session variable.
This is a MySQL-specific feature.
bool | string | $value | True for allow, false for deny, or "default" to restore the initial value |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 536 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::setFlag | ( | $flag | ) |
Set a flag for this connection.
int | $flag | DBO_* constants from Defines.php:
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 114 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::setLBInfo | ( | $name, | |
$value = null |
) |
Set the LB info array, or a member of it.
If called with one parameter, the LB info array is set to that parameter. If it is called with two parameters, the member with the given name is set to the given value.
string | $name | |
array | $value |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 70 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::setSchemaVars | ( | $vars | ) |
Set variables to be used in sourceFile/sourceStream, in preference to the ones in $GLOBALS.
If an array is set here, $GLOBALS will not be used at all. If it's set to false, $GLOBALS will be used.
bool | array | $vars | Mapping variable name to value. |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 500 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::setSessionOptions | ( | array | $options | ) |
Override database's default behavior.
$options include: 'connTimeout' : Set the connection timeout value in seconds. May be useful for very long batch queries such as full-wiki dumps, where a single query reads out over hours or days.
array | $options |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 496 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::startAtomic | ( | $fname = __METHOD__ | ) |
Begin an atomic section of statements.
If a transaction has been started already, just keep track of the given section name to make sure the transaction is not committed pre-maturely. This function can be used in layers (with sub-sections), so use a stack to keep track of the different atomic sections. If there is no transaction, start one implicitly.
The goal of this function is to create an atomic section of SQL queries without having to start a new transaction if it already exists.
Atomic sections are more strict than transactions. With transactions, attempting to begin a new transaction when one is already running results in MediaWiki issuing a brief warning and doing an implicit commit. All atomic levels must be explicitly closed using IDatabase::endAtomic(), and any database transactions cannot be began or committed until all atomic levels are closed. There is no such thing as implicitly opening or closing an atomic section.
string | $fname |
DBError |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 436 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::strreplace | ( | $orig, | |
$old, | |||
$new | |||
) |
Returns a comand for str_replace function in SQL query.
string | $orig | Column to modify |
string | $old | Column to seek |
string | $new | Column to replace with |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 384 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::tableExists | ( | $table, | |
$fname = __METHOD__ |
) |
Query whether a given table exists.
string | $table | |
string | $fname |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 267 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::tablePrefix | ( | $prefix = null | ) |
Get/set the table prefix.
string | $prefix | The table prefix to set, or omitted to leave it unchanged. |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 58 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::timestamp | ( | $ts = 0 | ) |
Convert a timestamp in one of the formats accepted by wfTimestamp() to the format used for inserting into timestamp fields in this DBMS.
The result is unquoted, and needs to be passed through addQuotes() before it can be included in raw SQL.
string | int | $ts |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 464 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::timestampOrNull | ( | $ts = null | ) |
Convert a timestamp in one of the formats accepted by wfTimestamp() to the format used for inserting into timestamp fields in this DBMS.
If NULL is input, it is passed through, allowing NULL values to be inserted into timestamp fields.
The result is unquoted, and needs to be passed through addQuotes() before it can be included in raw SQL.
string | int | $ts |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 468 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::trxLevel | ( | ) |
Gets the current transaction level.
Historically, transactions were allowed to be "nested". This is no longer supported, so this function really only returns a boolean.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 50 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::trxTimestamp | ( | ) |
Get the UNIX timestamp of the time that the transaction was established.
This can be used to reason about the staleness of SELECT data in REPEATABLE-READ transaction isolation level.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 54 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::unionQueries | ( | $sqls, | |
$all | |||
) |
Construct a UNION query This is used for providing overload point for other DB abstractions not compatible with the MySQL syntax.
array | $sqls | SQL statements to combine |
bool | $all | Use UNION ALL |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 376 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::unionSupportsOrderAndLimit | ( | ) |
Returns true if current database backend supports ORDER BY or LIMIT for separate subqueries within the UNION construct.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 372 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::unlock | ( | $lockName, | |
$method | |||
) |
Release a lock.
Named locks are not related to transactions
string | $lockName | Name of lock to release |
string | $method | Name of the calling method |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 512 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::update | ( | $table, | |
$values, | |||
$conds, | |||
$fname = __METHOD__ , |
$options = [] |
) |
UPDATE wrapper.
Takes a condition array and a SET array.
string | $table | Name of the table to UPDATE. This will be passed through DatabaseBase::tableName(). |
array | $values | An array of values to SET. For each array element, the key gives the field name, and the value gives the data to set that field to. The data will be quoted by IDatabase::addQuotes(). |
array | $conds | An array of conditions (WHERE). See IDatabase::select() for the details of the format of condition arrays. Use '*' to update all rows. |
string | $fname | The function name of the caller (from METHOD), for logging and profiling. |
array | $options | An array of UPDATE options, can be:
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 279 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE wrapper, upserts an array into a table.
This updates any conflicting rows (according to the unique indexes) using the provided SET clause and inserts any remaining (non-conflicted) rows.
$rows may be either:
It may be more efficient to leave off unique indexes which are unlikely to collide. However if you do this, you run the risk of encountering errors which wouldn't have occurred in MySQL.
Usually throws a DBQueryError on failure. If errors are explicitly ignored, returns success.
string | $table | Table name. This will be passed through DatabaseBase::tableName(). |
array | $rows | A single row or list of rows to insert |
array | $uniqueIndexes | List of single field names or field name tuples |
array | $set | An array of values to SET. For each array element, the key gives the field name, and the value gives the data to set that field to. The data will be quoted by IDatabase::addQuotes(). |
string | $fname | Calling function name (use METHOD) for logs/profiling |
Exception |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 349 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::wasDeadlock | ( | ) |
Determines if the last failure was due to a deadlock STUB.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 392 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::wasErrorReissuable | ( | ) |
Determines if the last query error was something that should be dealt with by pinging the connection and reissuing the query.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 400 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::wasLockTimeout | ( | ) |
Determines if the last failure was due to a lock timeout STUB.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 396 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::wasReadOnlyError | ( | ) |
Determines if the last failure was due to the database being read-only.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 404 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::writesOrCallbacksPending | ( | ) |
Returns true if there is a transaction open with possible write queries or transaction pre-commit/idle callbacks waiting on it to finish.
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 98 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
DBConnRef::writesPending | ( | ) |
Implements IDatabase.
Definition at line 94 of file DBConnRef.php.
References __call().
private |
Definition at line 15 of file DBConnRef.php.
Referenced by __construct().
private |
Definition at line 12 of file DBConnRef.php.
Referenced by __construct().
private |
Definition at line 18 of file DBConnRef.php.
Referenced by __call().