| __construct ($file, $cmpLevel=4) |
| closeAndRename ($newname, $open=false) |
| setup7zCommand ($file) |
| __construct ($command, $file=null) |
| closeAndRename ($newname, $open=false) |
| closeRenameAndReopen ($newname) |
| startCommand ($command) |
| writeCloseStream ($string) |
| __construct ($file) |
| checkRenameArgCount ($newname) |
| closeAndRename ($newname, $open=false) |
| closeRenameAndReopen ($newname) |
| getFilenames () |
| renameOrException ($newname) |
| write ($string) |
| writeCloseStream ($string) |
| closeAndRename ($newname, $open=false) |
| Close the old file, and move it to a specified name. More...
| closeRenameAndReopen ($newname) |
| Close the old file, move it to a specified name, and reopen new file with the old name. More...
| getFilenames () |
| Returns the name of the file or files which are being written to, if there are any. More...
| write ($string) |
| Override to write to a different stream type. More...
| writeClosePage ($string) |
| writeCloseStream ($string) |
| writeLogItem ($rev, $string) |
| writeOpenPage ($page, $string) |
| writeOpenStream ($string) |
| writeRevision ($rev, $string) |
Definition at line 29 of file Dump7ZipOutput.php.