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FauxRequest Class Reference

WebRequest clone which takes values from a provided array. More...

Inheritance diagram for FauxRequest:
Collaboration diagram for FauxRequest:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($data=[], $wasPosted=false, $session=null, $protocol= 'http')
 checkUrlExtension ($extWhitelist=[])
 getCookie ($key, $prefix=null, $default=null)
 getMethod ()
 getProtocol ()
 getQueryValues ()
 getRawInput ()
 FauxRequests shouldn't depend on raw request data (but that could be implemented here) More...
 getRawPostString ()
 FauxRequests shouldn't depend on raw request data (but that could be implemented here) More...
 getRawQueryString ()
 FauxRequests shouldn't depend on raw request data (but that could be implemented here) More...
 getRequestURL ()
 getSessionArray ()
 getText ($name, $default= '')
 getValues ()
 setCookie ($key, $value, $prefix=null)
 setCookies ($cookies, $prefix=null)
 setHeader ($name, $val)
 setHeaders ($headers)
 setRequestURL ($url)
 wasPosted ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from WebRequest
 __construct ()
 appendQueryArray ($array)
 Appends or replaces value of query variables. More...
 appendQueryValue ($key, $value)
 checkSessionCookie ()
 Returns true if the request has a persistent session. More...
 checkUrlExtension ($extWhitelist=[])
 Check if Internet Explorer will detect an incorrect cache extension in PATH_INFO or QUERY_STRING. More...
 getAcceptLang ()
 Parse the Accept-Language header sent by the client into an array. More...
 getAllHeaders ()
 Get an array containing all request headers. More...
 getArray ($name, $default=null)
 Fetch an array from the input or return $default if it's not set. More...
 getBool ($name, $default=false)
 Fetch a boolean value from the input or return $default if not set. More...
 getCheck ($name)
 Return true if the named value is set in the input, whatever that value is (even "0"). More...
 getCookie ($key, $prefix=null, $default=null)
 Get a cookie from the $_COOKIE jar. More...
 getElapsedTime ()
 Get the number of seconds to have elapsed since request start, in fractional seconds, with microsecond resolution. More...
 getFileName ($key)
 Return the original filename of the uploaded file, as reported by the submitting user agent. More...
 getFileTempname ($key)
 Return the path to the temporary file where PHP has stored the upload. More...
 getFloat ($name, $default=0.0)
 Fetch a floating point value from the input or return $default if not set. More...
 getFullRequestURL ()
 Return the request URI with the canonical service and hostname, path, and query string. More...
 getFuzzyBool ($name, $default=false)
 Fetch a boolean value from the input or return $default if not set. More...
 getHeader ($name, $flags=0)
 Get a request header, or false if it isn't set. More...
 getInt ($name, $default=0)
 Fetch an integer value from the input or return $default if not set. More...
 getIntArray ($name, $default=null)
 Fetch an array of integers, or return $default if it's not set. More...
 getIntOrNull ($name)
 Fetch an integer value from the input or return null if empty. More...
 getIP ()
 Work out the IP address based on various globals For trusted proxies, use the XFF client IP (first of the chain) More...
 getLimitOffset ($deflimit=50, $optionname= 'rclimit')
 Check for limit and offset parameters on the input, and return sensible defaults if not given. More...
 getMethod ()
 Get the HTTP method used for this request. More...
 getProtocol ()
 Get the current URL protocol (http or https) More...
 getQueryValues ()
 Get the values passed in the query string. More...
 getRawInput ()
 Return the raw request body, with no processing. More...
 getRawPostString ()
 Return the contents of the POST with no decoding. More...
 getRawQueryString ()
 Return the contents of the Query with no decoding. More...
 getRequestURL ()
 Return the path and query string portion of the request URI. More...
 getSession ()
 Return the session for this request. More...
 getSessionData ($key)
 Get data from the session. More...
 getSessionId ()
 Get the session id for this request, if any. More...
 getText ($name, $default= '')
 Fetch a text string from the given array or return $default if it's not set. More...
 getUpload ($key)
 Return a WebRequestUpload object corresponding to the key. More...
 getUploadError ($key)
 Return the upload error or 0. More...
 getVal ($name, $default=null)
 Fetch a scalar from the input or return $default if it's not set. More...
 getValueNames ($exclude=[])
 Returns the names of all input values excluding those in $exclude. More...
 getValues ()
 Extracts the given named values into an array. More...
 hasSafeMethod ()
 Check if this request uses a "safe" HTTP method. More...
 interpolateTitle ()
 Check for title, action, and/or variant data in the URL and interpolate it into the GET variables. More...
 isSafeRequest ()
 Whether this request should be identified as being "safe". More...
 markAsSafeRequest ()
 Mark this request as identified as being nullipotent even if it is a POST request. More...
 normalizeUnicode ($data)
 Recursively normalizes UTF-8 strings in the given array. More...
 response ()
 Return a handle to WebResponse style object, for setting cookies, headers and other stuff, for Request being worked on. More...
 setIP ($ip)
 setSessionData ($key, $data)
 Set session data. More...
 setSessionId (SessionId $sessionId)
 Set the session for this request. More...
 setVal ($key, $value)
 Set an arbitrary value into our get/post data. More...
 unsetVal ($key)
 Unset an arbitrary value from our get/post data. More...
 wasPosted ()
 Returns true if the present request was reached by a POST operation, false otherwise (GET, HEAD, or command-line). More...

Protected Member Functions

 getRawIP ()
 initHeaders ()
 Initialise the header list. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WebRequest
 doSecurityRedirect ($url)
 Attempt to redirect to a URL with a QUERY_STRING that's not dangerous in IE 6. More...
 getRawIP ()
 Fetch the raw IP from the request. More...
 initHeaders ()
 Initialise the header list. More...

Protected Attributes

 $cookies = []
- Protected Attributes inherited from WebRequest
bool $markedAsSafe = false
 Whether this HTTP request is "safe" (even if it is an HTTP post) More...
string $protocol
 Cached URL protocol. More...
float $requestTime
 The timestamp of the start of the request, with microsecond precision. More...
SessionId null $sessionId = null
 Session ID to use for this request. More...

Private Attributes

 $wasPosted = false

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from WebRequest
static detectProtocol ()
 Detect the protocol from $_SERVER. More...
static detectServer ()
 Work out an appropriate URL prefix containing scheme and host, based on information detected from $_SERVER. More...
static extractTitle ($path, $bases, $key=false)
 URL rewriting function; tries to extract page title and, optionally, one other fixed parameter value from a URL path. More...
static getGlobalRequestURL ()
 Return the path and query string portion of the main request URI. More...
static getPathInfo ($want= 'all')
 Extract relevant query arguments from the http request uri's path to be merged with the normal php provided query arguments. More...
static getRequestId ()
 Get the unique request ID. More...
static overrideRequestId ($id)
 Override the unique request ID. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from WebRequest
 $headers = []
 Flag to make WebRequest::getHeader return an array of values. More...

Detailed Description

WebRequest clone which takes values from a provided array.

Definition at line 33 of file FauxRequest.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FauxRequest::__construct (   $data = [],
  $wasPosted = false,
  $session = null,
  $protocol = 'http' 
array$dataArray of non-urlencoded key => value pairs, the fake GET/POST values
bool$wasPostedWhether to treat the data as POST
MediaWiki\\Session\\Session | array | null$sessionSession, session data array, or null
string$protocol'http' or 'https'

Definition at line 47 of file FauxRequest.php.

References WebRequest\$data, WebRequest\$protocol, $value, $wasPosted, as, data, and wasPosted().

Member Function Documentation

FauxRequest::checkUrlExtension (   $extWhitelist = [])

Definition at line 232 of file FauxRequest.php.

FauxRequest::getCookie (   $key,
  $prefix = null,
  $default = null 

Definition at line 118 of file FauxRequest.php.

References $name, $wgCookiePrefix, cookies, and global.

FauxRequest::getMethod ( )

Definition at line 107 of file FauxRequest.php.

References wasPosted().

FauxRequest::getProtocol ( )

Definition at line 171 of file FauxRequest.php.

References WebRequest\$protocol.

FauxRequest::getQueryValues ( )

Definition at line 99 of file FauxRequest.php.

References WebRequest\$data, and wasPosted().

FauxRequest::getRawInput ( )

FauxRequests shouldn't depend on raw request data (but that could be implemented here)


Definition at line 224 of file FauxRequest.php.

FauxRequest::getRawIP ( )

Definition at line 239 of file FauxRequest.php.

FauxRequest::getRawPostString ( )

FauxRequests shouldn't depend on raw request data (but that could be implemented here)


Definition at line 216 of file FauxRequest.php.

FauxRequest::getRawQueryString ( )

FauxRequests shouldn't depend on raw request data (but that could be implemented here)


Definition at line 208 of file FauxRequest.php.

FauxRequest::getRequestURL ( )
1.25 MWException( "getRequestURL not implemented" ) no longer thrown.

Definition at line 164 of file FauxRequest.php.

References $requestUrl.

FauxRequest::getSessionArray ( )

Definition at line 197 of file FauxRequest.php.

References WebRequest\getSession().

FauxRequest::getText (   $name,
  $default = '' 

Definition at line 84 of file FauxRequest.php.

References $name, and WebRequest\getVal().

FauxRequest::getValues ( )

Definition at line 92 of file FauxRequest.php.

References WebRequest\$data.

FauxRequest::initHeaders ( )

Initialise the header list.

Definition at line 75 of file FauxRequest.php.

FauxRequest::setCookie (   $key,
  $prefix = null 
string$nameUnprefixed name of the cookie to set
string | null$valueValue of the cookie to set
string | null$prefixCookie prefix. Defaults to $wgCookiePrefix

Definition at line 133 of file FauxRequest.php.

References $value, and setCookies().

FauxRequest::setCookies (   $cookies,
  $prefix = null 
string | null$prefixCookie prefix. Defaults to $wgCookiePrefix

Definition at line 142 of file FauxRequest.php.

References $cookies, $name, $value, $wgCookiePrefix, as, cookies, and global.

Referenced by setCookie().

FauxRequest::setHeader (   $name,

Definition at line 179 of file FauxRequest.php.

References $name, and setHeaders().

FauxRequest::setHeaders (   $headers)

Definition at line 187 of file FauxRequest.php.

References WebRequest\$headers, $name, as, and headers.

Referenced by setHeader().

FauxRequest::setRequestURL (   $url)

Definition at line 156 of file FauxRequest.php.

FauxRequest::wasPosted ( )

Definition at line 114 of file FauxRequest.php.

References $wasPosted.

Referenced by __construct(), getMethod(), and getQueryValues().

Member Data Documentation

FauxRequest::$cookies = []

Definition at line 36 of file FauxRequest.php.

Referenced by setCookies().


Definition at line 35 of file FauxRequest.php.

Referenced by getRequestURL().

FauxRequest::$wasPosted = false

Definition at line 34 of file FauxRequest.php.

Referenced by DerivativeRequest\__construct(), __construct(), and wasPosted().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: