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HashBagOStuff Class Reference

Simple store for keeping values in an associative array for the current process. More...

Inheritance diagram for HashBagOStuff:
Collaboration diagram for HashBagOStuff:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($params=[])
 clear ()
 delete ($key)
 set ($key, $value, $exptime=0, $flags=0)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BagOStuff
 __construct (array $params=[])
 $params include: More...
 add ($key, $value, $exptime=0)
 clearLastError ()
 Clear the "last error" registry. More...
 decr ($key, $value=1)
 Decrease stored value of $key by $value while preserving its TTL. More...
 delete ($key)
 Delete an item. More...
 deleteObjectsExpiringBefore ($date, $progressCallback=false)
 Delete all objects expiring before a certain date. More...
 get ($key, $flags=0, $oldFlags=null)
 Get an item with the given key. More...
 getLastError ()
 Get the "last error" registered; clearLastError() should be called manually. More...
 getMulti (array $keys, $flags=0)
 Get an associative array containing the item for each of the keys that have items. More...
 getScopedLock ($key, $timeout=6, $expiry=30, $rclass= '')
 Get a lightweight exclusive self-unlocking lock. More...
 getWithSetCallback ($key, $ttl, $callback, $flags=0)
 Get an item with the given key, regenerating and setting it if not found. More...
 incr ($key, $value=1)
 Increase stored value of $key by $value while preserving its TTL. More...
 incrWithInit ($key, $ttl, $value=1, $init=1)
 Increase stored value of $key by $value while preserving its TTL. More...
 lock ($key, $timeout=6, $expiry=6, $rclass= '')
 Acquire an advisory lock on a key string. More...
 makeGlobalKey ()
 Make a global cache key. More...
 makeKey ()
 Make a cache key, scoped to this instance's keyspace. More...
 makeKeyInternal ($keyspace, $args)
 Construct a cache key. More...
 merge ($key, callable $callback, $exptime=0, $attempts=10, $flags=0)
 Merge changes into the existing cache value (possibly creating a new one) More...
 modifySimpleRelayEvent (array $event)
 Modify a cache update operation array for EventRelayer::notify() More...
 set ($key, $value, $exptime=0, $flags=0)
 Set an item. More...
 setDebug ($bool)
 setLogger (LoggerInterface $logger)
 setMulti (array $data, $exptime=0)
 Batch insertion. More...
 unlock ($key)
 Release an advisory lock on a key string. More...

Public Attributes

const KEY_EXP = 1
const KEY_VAL = 0
- Public Attributes inherited from BagOStuff
const ERR_NONE = 0
 Possible values for getLastError() More...
const READ_LATEST = 1
 Bitfield constants for get()/getMulti() More...
const WRITE_SYNC = 1
 Bitfield constants for set()/merge() More...
- Public Attributes inherited from IExpiringStore
const TTL_DAY = 86400
const TTL_HOUR = 3600
const TTL_MINUTE = 60
const TTL_MONTH = 2592000
const TTL_PROC_LONG = 30
const TTL_PROC_SHORT = 3
const TTL_WEEK = 604800
const TTL_YEAR = 31536000

Protected Member Functions

 doGet ($key, $flags=0)
 expire ($key)
 hasKey ($key)
 Does this bag have a non-null value for the given key? More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BagOStuff
 cas ($casToken, $key, $value, $exptime=0)
 Check and set an item. More...
 convertExpiry ($exptime)
 Convert an optionally relative time to an absolute time. More...
 convertToRelative ($exptime)
 Convert an optionally absolute expiry time to a relative time. More...
 debug ($text)
 doGet ($key, $flags=0)
 getWithToken ($key, &$casToken, $flags=0)
 isInteger ($value)
 Check if a value is an integer. More...
 mergeViaCas ($key, $callback, $exptime=0, $attempts=10)
 mergeViaLock ($key, $callback, $exptime=0, $attempts=10, $flags=0)
 setLastError ($err)
 Set the "last error" registry. More...

Protected Attributes

mixed[] $bag = []
integer $maxCacheKeys
 Max entries allowed. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from BagOStuff
callback null $asyncHandler
string $keyspace = 'local'
integer $lastError = self::ERR_NONE
array[] $locks = []
 Lock tracking. More...
LoggerInterface $logger

Detailed Description

Simple store for keeping values in an associative array for the current process.

Data will not persist and is not shared with other processes.

Definition at line 32 of file HashBagOStuff.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HashBagOStuff::__construct (   $params = [])
array$paramsAdditional parameters include:
  • maxKeys : only allow this many keys (using oldest-first eviction)

Definition at line 45 of file HashBagOStuff.php.

References $params.

Member Function Documentation

HashBagOStuff::clear ( )

Definition at line 114 of file HashBagOStuff.php.

Referenced by Title\clearCaches().

HashBagOStuff::delete (   $key)

Definition at line 108 of file HashBagOStuff.php.

HashBagOStuff::doGet (   $key,
  $flags = 0 

Definition at line 74 of file HashBagOStuff.php.

References expire(), and hasKey().

HashBagOStuff::expire (   $key)

Definition at line 52 of file HashBagOStuff.php.

Referenced by doGet().

HashBagOStuff::hasKey (   $key)

Does this bag have a non-null value for the given key?


Definition at line 70 of file HashBagOStuff.php.

Referenced by CachedBagOStuff\doGet(), and doGet().

HashBagOStuff::set (   $key,
  $exptime = 0,
  $flags = 0 

Definition at line 91 of file HashBagOStuff.php.

References $value, BagOStuff\convertExpiry(), and key.

Referenced by Title\newFromTextThrow().

Member Data Documentation

mixed [] HashBagOStuff::$bag = []

Definition at line 34 of file HashBagOStuff.php.

integer HashBagOStuff::$maxCacheKeys

Max entries allowed.

Definition at line 36 of file HashBagOStuff.php.

const HashBagOStuff::KEY_EXP = 1

Definition at line 39 of file HashBagOStuff.php.

const HashBagOStuff::KEY_VAL = 0

Definition at line 38 of file HashBagOStuff.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: