Class for an OpenStack Swift (or Ceph RGW) based file backend. More...
Public Member Functions | |
__construct (array $config) | |
getDirectoryListInternal ($fullCont, $dir, array $params) | |
getDirListPageInternal ($fullCont, $dir, &$after, $limit, array $params) | |
Do not call this function outside of SwiftFileBackendFileList. More... | |
getFeatures () | |
getFileHttpUrl (array $params) | |
getFileListInternal ($fullCont, $dir, array $params) | |
getFileListPageInternal ($fullCont, $dir, &$after, $limit, array $params) | |
Do not call this function outside of SwiftFileBackendFileList. More... | |
isPathUsableInternal ($storagePath) | |
loadListingStatInternal ($path, array $val) | |
Do not call this function outside of SwiftFileBackendFileList. More... | |
onError ($status, $func, array $params, $err= '', $code=0, $desc= '') | |
Log an unexpected exception for this backend. More... | |
![]() | |
__construct (array $config) | |
clearCache (array $paths=null) | |
concatenate (array $params) | |
copyInternal (array $params) | |
Copy a file from one storage path to another in the backend. More... | |
createInternal (array $params) | |
Create a file in the backend with the given contents. More... | |
deleteInternal (array $params) | |
Delete a file at the storage path. More... | |
describeInternal (array $params) | |
Alter metadata for a file at the storage path. More... | |
directoryExists (array $params) | |
executeOpHandlesInternal (array $fileOpHandles) | |
Execute a list of FileBackendStoreOpHandle handles in parallel. More... | |
fileExists (array $params) | |
getDirectoryList (array $params) | |
getDirectoryListInternal ($container, $dir, array $params) | |
Do not call this function from places outside FileBackend. More... | |
getFileContentsMulti (array $params) | |
getFileHttpUrl (array $params) | |
getFileList (array $params) | |
getFileListInternal ($container, $dir, array $params) | |
Do not call this function from places outside FileBackend. More... | |
getFileProps (array $params) | |
getFileSha1Base36 (array $params) | |
getFileSize (array $params) | |
getFileStat (array $params) | |
getFileTimestamp (array $params) | |
getFileXAttributes (array $params) | |
getLocalCopyMulti (array $params) | |
getLocalReferenceMulti (array $params) | |
getOperationsInternal (array $ops) | |
Return a list of FileOp objects from a list of operations. More... | |
getPathsToLockForOpsInternal (array $performOps) | |
Get a list of storage paths to lock for a list of operations Returns an array with LockManager::LOCK_UW (shared locks) and LockManager::LOCK_EX (exclusive locks) keys, each corresponding to a list of storage paths to be locked. More... | |
getScopedLocksForOps (array $ops, Status $status) | |
isPathUsableInternal ($storagePath) | |
Check if a file can be created or changed at a given storage path. More... | |
isSingleShardPathInternal ($storagePath) | |
Check if a storage path maps to a single shard. More... | |
maxFileSizeInternal () | |
Get the maximum allowable file size given backend medium restrictions and basic performance constraints. More... | |
moveInternal (array $params) | |
Move a file from one storage path to another in the backend. More... | |
nullInternal (array $params) | |
No-op file operation that does nothing. More... | |
preloadCache (array $paths) | |
preloadFileStat (array $params) | |
storeInternal (array $params) | |
Store a file into the backend from a file on disk. More... | |
streamFile (array $params) | |
![]() | |
__construct (array $config) | |
Create a new backend instance from configuration. More... | |
clean (array $params) | |
Delete a storage directory if it is empty. More... | |
clearCache (array $paths=null) | |
Invalidate any in-process file stat and property cache. More... | |
concatenate (array $params) | |
Concatenate a list of storage files into a single file system file. More... | |
copy (array $params, array $opts=[]) | |
Performs a single copy operation. More... | |
create (array $params, array $opts=[]) | |
Performs a single create operation. More... | |
delete (array $params, array $opts=[]) | |
Performs a single delete operation. More... | |
describe (array $params, array $opts=[]) | |
Performs a single describe operation. More... | |
directoryExists (array $params) | |
Check if a directory exists at a given storage path. More... | |
doOperation (array $op, array $opts=[]) | |
Same as doOperations() except it takes a single operation. More... | |
doOperations (array $ops, array $opts=[]) | |
This is the main entry point into the backend for write operations. More... | |
doQuickOperation (array $op) | |
Same as doQuickOperations() except it takes a single operation. More... | |
doQuickOperations (array $ops, array $opts=[]) | |
Perform a set of independent file operations on some files. More... | |
fileExists (array $params) | |
Check if a file exists at a storage path in the backend. More... | |
getContainerStoragePath ($container) | |
Get the storage path for the given container for this backend. More... | |
getDirectoryList (array $params) | |
Get an iterator to list all directories under a storage directory. More... | |
getFeatures () | |
Get the a bitfield of extra features supported by the backend medium. More... | |
getFileContents (array $params) | |
Get the contents of a file at a storage path in the backend. More... | |
getFileContentsMulti (array $params) | |
Like getFileContents() except it takes an array of storage paths and returns a map of storage paths to strings (or null on failure). More... | |
getFileHttpUrl (array $params) | |
Return an HTTP URL to a given file that requires no authentication to use. More... | |
getFileList (array $params) | |
Get an iterator to list all stored files under a storage directory. More... | |
getFileProps (array $params) | |
Get the properties of the file at a storage path in the backend. More... | |
getFileSha1Base36 (array $params) | |
Get a SHA-1 hash of the file at a storage path in the backend. More... | |
getFileSize (array $params) | |
Get the size (bytes) of a file at a storage path in the backend. More... | |
getFileStat (array $params) | |
Get quick information about a file at a storage path in the backend. More... | |
getFileTimestamp (array $params) | |
Get the last-modified timestamp of the file at a storage path. More... | |
getFileXAttributes (array $params) | |
Get metadata about a file at a storage path in the backend. More... | |
getJournal () | |
Get the file journal object for this backend. More... | |
getLocalCopy (array $params) | |
Get a local copy on disk of the file at a storage path in the backend. More... | |
getLocalCopyMulti (array $params) | |
Like getLocalCopy() except it takes an array of storage paths and returns a map of storage paths to TempFSFile objects (or null on failure). More... | |
getLocalReference (array $params) | |
Returns a file system file, identical to the file at a storage path. More... | |
getLocalReferenceMulti (array $params) | |
Like getLocalReference() except it takes an array of storage paths and returns a map of storage paths to FSFile objects (or null on failure). More... | |
getName () | |
Get the unique backend name. More... | |
getReadOnlyReason () | |
Get an explanatory message if this backend is read-only. More... | |
getRootStoragePath () | |
Get the root storage path of this backend. More... | |
getScopedFileLocks (array $paths, $type, Status $status, $timeout=0) | |
Lock the files at the given storage paths in the backend. More... | |
getScopedLocksForOps (array $ops, Status $status) | |
Get an array of scoped locks needed for a batch of file operations. More... | |
getTopDirectoryList (array $params) | |
Same as FileBackend::getDirectoryList() except only lists directories that are immediately under the given directory. More... | |
getTopFileList (array $params) | |
Same as FileBackend::getFileList() except only lists files that are immediately under the given directory. More... | |
getWikiId () | |
Get the wiki identifier used for this backend (possibly empty). More... | |
hasFeatures ($bitfield) | |
Check if the backend medium supports a field of extra features. More... | |
isReadOnly () | |
Check if this backend is read-only. More... | |
lockFiles (array $paths, $type, $timeout=0) | |
Lock the files at the given storage paths in the backend. More... | |
move (array $params, array $opts=[]) | |
Performs a single move operation. More... | |
preloadCache (array $paths) | |
Preload persistent file stat cache and property cache into in-process cache. More... | |
preloadFileStat (array $params) | |
Preload file stat information (concurrently if possible) into in-process cache. More... | |
prepare (array $params) | |
Prepare a storage directory for usage. More... | |
publish (array $params) | |
Remove measures to block web access to a storage directory and the container it belongs to. More... | |
quickCopy (array $params) | |
Performs a single quick copy operation. More... | |
quickCreate (array $params) | |
Performs a single quick create operation. More... | |
quickDelete (array $params) | |
Performs a single quick delete operation. More... | |
quickDescribe (array $params) | |
Performs a single quick describe operation. More... | |
quickMove (array $params) | |
Performs a single quick move operation. More... | |
quickStore (array $params) | |
Performs a single quick store operation. More... | |
secure (array $params) | |
Take measures to block web access to a storage directory and the container it belongs to. More... | |
store (array $params, array $opts=[]) | |
Performs a single store operation. More... | |
streamFile (array $params) | |
Stream the file at a storage path in the backend. More... | |
unlockFiles (array $paths, $type) | |
Unlock the files at the given storage paths in the backend. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
addMissingMetadata (array $objHdrs, $path) | |
Fill in any missing object metadata and save it to Swift. More... | |
authTokenHeaders (array $creds) | |
convertSwiftDate ($ts, $format=TS_MW) | |
Convert dates like "Tue, 03 Jan 2012 22:01:04 GMT"/"2013-05-11T07:37:27.678360Z". More... | |
createContainer ($container, array $params) | |
Create a Swift container. More... | |
deleteContainer ($container, array $params) | |
Delete a Swift container. More... | |
directoriesAreVirtual () | |
doCleanInternal ($fullCont, $dir, array $params) | |
doCopyInternal (array $params) | |
doCreateInternal (array $params) | |
doDeleteInternal (array $params) | |
doDescribeInternal (array $params) | |
doDirectoryExists ($fullCont, $dir, array $params) | |
doExecuteOpHandlesInternal (array $fileOpHandles) | |
doGetFileContentsMulti (array $params) | |
doGetFileSha1base36 (array $params) | |
doGetFileStat (array $params) | |
doGetFileStatMulti (array $params) | |
doGetFileXAttributes (array $params) | |
doGetLocalCopyMulti (array $params) | |
doMoveInternal (array $params) | |
doPrepareInternal ($fullCont, $dir, array $params) | |
doPrimeContainerCache (array $containerInfo) | |
doPublishInternal ($fullCont, $dir, array $params) | |
doSecureInternal ($fullCont, $dir, array $params) | |
doStoreInternal (array $params) | |
doStreamFile (array $params) | |
getAuthentication () | |
getContainerStat ($container, $bypassCache=false) | |
Get a Swift container stat array, possibly from process cache. More... | |
getCustomHeaders (array $rawHeaders) | |
getMetadata (array $rawHeaders) | |
getMetadataHeaders (array $rawHeaders) | |
getStatFromHeaders (array $rhdrs) | |
headersFromParams (array $params) | |
Get headers to send to Swift when reading a file based on a FileBackend params array, e.g. More... | |
resolveContainerPath ($container, $relStoragePath) | |
sanitizeHdrs (array $params) | |
Sanitize and filter the custom headers from a $params array. More... | |
setContainerAccess ($container, array $readGrps, array $writeGrps) | |
Set read/write permissions for a Swift container. More... | |
storageUrl (array $creds, $container=null, $object=null) | |
![]() | |
deleteContainerCache ($container) | |
Delete the cached info for a container. More... | |
deleteFileCache ($path) | |
Delete the cached stat info for a file path. More... | |
directoriesAreVirtual () | |
Is this a key/value store where directories are just virtual? Virtual directories exists in so much as files exists that are prefixed with the directory path followed by a forward slash. More... | |
doClean (array $params) | |
doCleanInternal ($container, $dir, array $params) | |
doClearCache (array $paths=null) | |
Clears any additional stat caches for storage paths. More... | |
doConcatenate (array $params) | |
doCopyInternal (array $params) | |
doCreateInternal (array $params) | |
doDeleteInternal (array $params) | |
doDescribeInternal (array $params) | |
doDirectoryExists ($container, $dir, array $params) | |
doExecuteOpHandlesInternal (array $fileOpHandles) | |
doGetFileContentsMulti (array $params) | |
doGetFileSha1Base36 (array $params) | |
doGetFileStat (array $params) | |
doGetFileStatMulti (array $params) | |
Get file stat information (concurrently if possible) for several files. More... | |
doGetFileXAttributes (array $params) | |
doGetLocalCopyMulti (array $params) | |
doGetLocalReferenceMulti (array $params) | |
doMoveInternal (array $params) | |
doOperationsInternal (array $ops, array $opts) | |
doPrepare (array $params) | |
doPrepareInternal ($container, $dir, array $params) | |
doPrimeContainerCache (array $containerInfo) | |
Fill the backend-specific process cache given an array of resolved container names and their corresponding cached info. More... | |
doPublish (array $params) | |
doPublishInternal ($container, $dir, array $params) | |
doQuickOperationsInternal (array $ops) | |
doSecure (array $params) | |
doSecureInternal ($container, $dir, array $params) | |
doStoreInternal (array $params) | |
doStreamFile (array $params) | |
fullContainerName ($container) | |
Get the full container name, including the wiki ID prefix. More... | |
getContainerHashLevels ($container) | |
Get the sharding config for a container. More... | |
getContainerShard ($container, $relPath) | |
Get the container name shard suffix for a given path. More... | |
getContainerSuffixes ($container) | |
Get a list of full container shard suffixes for a container. More... | |
getContentType ($storagePath, $content, $fsPath) | |
Get the content type to use in HEAD/GET requests for a file. More... | |
primeContainerCache (array $items) | |
Do a batch lookup from cache for container stats for all containers used in a list of container names or storage paths objects. More... | |
primeFileCache (array $items) | |
Do a batch lookup from cache for file stats for all paths used in a list of storage paths or FileOp objects. More... | |
resolveContainerName ($container) | |
Resolve a container name, checking if it's allowed by the backend. More... | |
resolveContainerPath ($container, $relStoragePath) | |
Resolve a relative storage path, checking if it's allowed by the backend. More... | |
resolveStoragePath ($storagePath) | |
Splits a storage path into an internal container name, an internal relative file name, and a container shard suffix. More... | |
resolveStoragePathReal ($storagePath) | |
Like resolveStoragePath() except null values are returned if the container is sharded and the shard could not be determined or if the path ends with '/'. More... | |
sanitizeOpHeaders (array $op) | |
Normalize and filter HTTP headers from a file operation. More... | |
setConcurrencyFlags (array $opts) | |
Set the 'concurrency' option from a list of operation options. More... | |
setContainerCache ($container, array $val) | |
Set the cached info for a container. More... | |
setFileCache ($path, array $val) | |
Set the cached stat info for a file path. More... | |
![]() | |
doClean (array $params) | |
doOperationsInternal (array $ops, array $opts) | |
doPrepare (array $params) | |
doPublish (array $params) | |
doQuickOperationsInternal (array $ops) | |
doSecure (array $params) | |
getScopedPHPBehaviorForOps () | |
Enter file operation scope. More... | |
resolveFSFileObjects (array $ops) | |
Convert FSFile 'src' paths to string paths (with an 'srcRef' field set to the FSFile) More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
array | $authCreds |
int | $authErrorTimestamp = null |
UNIX timestamp. More... | |
int | $authSessionTimestamp = 0 |
UNIX timestamp. More... | |
int | $authTTL |
TTL in seconds. More... | |
ProcessCacheLRU | $containerStatCache |
Container stat cache. More... | |
MultiHttpClient | $http |
bool | $isRGW = false |
Whether the server is an Ceph RGW. More... | |
string | $rgwS3AccessKey |
S3 access key (RADOS Gateway) More... | |
string | $rgwS3SecretKey |
S3 authentication key (RADOS Gateway) More... | |
BagOStuff | $srvCache |
string | $swiftAuthUrl |
Authentication base URL (without version) More... | |
string | $swiftKey |
Secret key for user. More... | |
string | $swiftTempUrlKey |
Shared secret value for making temp URLs. More... | |
string | $swiftUser |
Swift user (account:user) to authenticate as. More... | |
![]() | |
ProcessCacheLRU | $cheapCache |
Map of paths to small (RAM/disk) cache items. More... | |
ProcessCacheLRU | $expensiveCache |
Map of paths to large (RAM/disk) cache items. More... | |
$maxFileSize = 4294967296 | |
WANObjectCache | $memCache |
callable | $mimeCallback |
Method to get the MIME type of files. More... | |
array | $shardViaHashLevels = [] |
Map of container names to sharding config. More... | |
![]() | |
int | $concurrency |
How many operations can be done in parallel. More... | |
FileJournal | $fileJournal |
LockManager | $lockManager |
string | $name |
Unique backend name. More... | |
string | $parallelize |
When to do operations in parallel. More... | |
string | $readOnly |
Read-only explanation message. More... | |
string | $wikiId |
Unique wiki name. More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
buildFileObjectListing (array $params, $dir, array $objects) | |
Build a list of file objects, filtering out any directories and extracting any stat info if provided in $objects (for CF_Objects) More... | |
getCredsCacheKey ($username) | |
Get the cache key for a container. More... | |
objectListing ($fullCont, $type, $limit, $after=null, $prefix=null, $delim=null) | |
Get a list of objects under a container. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static | extensionFromPath ($path, $case= 'lowercase') |
Get the final extension from a storage or FS path. More... | |
static | isPathTraversalFree ($path) |
Check if a relative path has no directory traversals. More... | |
static | isStoragePath ($path) |
Check if a given path is a "mwstore://" path. More... | |
static | makeContentDisposition ($type, $filename= '') |
Build a Content-Disposition header value per RFC 6266. More... | |
static | normalizeStoragePath ($storagePath) |
Normalize a storage path by cleaning up directory separators. More... | |
static | parentStoragePath ($storagePath) |
Get the parent storage directory of a storage path. More... | |
static | splitStoragePath ($storagePath) |
Split a storage path into a backend name, a container name, and a relative file path. More... | |
![]() | |
const | CACHE_CHEAP_SIZE = 500 |
const | CACHE_TTL = 10 |
![]() | |
const | ATTR_HEADERS = 1 |
Bitfield flags for supported features. More... | |
const | ATTR_METADATA = 2 |
const | ATTR_UNICODE_PATHS = 4 |
![]() | |
static | isValidContainerName ($container) |
Check if a full container name is valid. More... | |
static | isValidShortContainerName ($container) |
Check if a short container name is valid. More... | |
static | normalizeXAttributes (array $xattr) |
Normalize file headers/metadata to the FileBackend::getFileXAttributes() format. More... | |
![]() | |
static | normalizeContainerPath ($path) |
Validate and normalize a relative storage path. More... | |
Class for an OpenStack Swift (or Ceph RGW) based file backend.
Status messages should avoid mentioning the Swift account name. Likewise, error suppression should be used to avoid path disclosure.
Definition at line 35 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
SwiftFileBackend::__construct | ( | array | $config | ) |
Definition at line 106 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References CACHE_NONE, ObjectCache\getLocalClusterInstance(), ObjectCache\getLocalServerInstance(), and http.
protected |
Fill in any missing object metadata and save it to Swift.
array | $objHdrs | Object response headers |
string | $path | Storage path to object |
Definition at line 701 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $path, $status, authTokenHeaders(), FileBackendStore\deleteFileCache(), getAuthentication(), getCustomHeaders(), FileBackend\getLocalCopy(), getMetadataHeaders(), FileBackend\getScopedFileLocks(), http, Profiler\instance(), list, LockManager\LOCK_UW, Status\newGood(), FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePathReal(), storageUrl(), and wfDebugLog().
Referenced by doGetFileStatMulti().
protected |
array | $creds | From getAuthentication() |
Definition at line 1726 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
Referenced by addMissingMetadata(), createContainer(), deleteContainer(), doExecuteOpHandlesInternal(), doGetFileContentsMulti(), doGetFileStatMulti(), doGetLocalCopyMulti(), doStreamFile(), getContainerStat(), objectListing(), and setContainerAccess().
Build a list of file objects, filtering out any directories and extracting any stat info if provided in $objects (for CF_Objects)
array | $params | Parameters for getDirectoryList() |
string | $dir | Resolved container directory path |
array | $objects | List of CF_Object items or object names |
Definition at line 979 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References as, convertSwiftDate(), and TS_MW.
Referenced by getFileListPageInternal().
protected |
Convert dates like "Tue, 03 Jan 2012 22:01:04 GMT"/"2013-05-11T07:37:27.678360Z".
Dates might also come in like "2013-05-11T07:37:27.678360" from Swift listings, missing the timezone suffix (though Ceph RGW does not appear to have this bug).
string | $ts | |
int | $format | Output format (TS_* constant) |
FileBackendError |
Definition at line 684 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $e, and $timestamp.
Referenced by buildFileObjectListing(), and getStatFromHeaders().
protected |
Create a Swift container.
string | $container | Container name |
array | $params |
Definition at line 1416 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $status, $swiftUser, authTokenHeaders(), getAuthentication(), http, list, name, Status\newGood(), onError(), and storageUrl().
Referenced by doPrepareInternal().
protected |
Delete a Swift container.
string | $container | Container name |
array | $params |
Definition at line 1461 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $status, authTokenHeaders(), getAuthentication(), http, list, name, Status\newGood(), onError(), and storageUrl().
Referenced by doCleanInternal().
protected |
Definition at line 1233 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
protected |
Definition at line 638 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $dir, $status, deleteContainer(), getContainerStat(), name, Status\newGood(), and wfDebugLog().
protected |
Definition at line 367 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $handler, $request, $status, array(), doExecuteOpHandlesInternal(), list, Status\newGood(), onError(), FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePathReal(), sanitizeHdrs(), and use.
protected |
Definition at line 254 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $handler, $request, $status, array(), doExecuteOpHandlesInternal(), FileBackendStore\getContentType(), list, Status\newGood(), onError(), FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePathReal(), sanitizeHdrs(), and use.
protected |
Definition at line 474 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $handler, $request, $status, array(), doExecuteOpHandlesInternal(), list, Status\newGood(), onError(), FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePathReal(), and use.
protected |
Definition at line 514 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $handler, FileBackend\$name, $request, $status, $value, array(), as, doExecuteOpHandlesInternal(), doGetFileStat(), FileBackendStore\getFileStat(), list, Status\newGood(), onError(), FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePathReal(), sanitizeHdrs(), and use.
protected |
Definition at line 802 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $dir, $status, and objectListing().
protected |
FileBackendStoreOpHandle[] | $fileOpHandles |
Definition at line 1259 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $req, $s, as, authTokenHeaders(), getAuthentication(), http, list, name, Status\newFatal(), Status\newGood(), and storageUrl().
Referenced by doCopyInternal(), doCreateInternal(), doDeleteInternal(), doDescribeInternal(), doMoveInternal(), and doStoreInternal().
protected |
Definition at line 753 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $path, as, authTokenHeaders(), getAuthentication(), headersFromParams(), http, list, onError(), FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePathReal(), and storageUrl().
protected |
Definition at line 1030 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References FileBackendStore\clearCache(), and FileBackendStore\getFileStat().
protected |
Definition at line 666 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $params, and doGetFileStatMulti().
Referenced by doDescribeInternal().
protected |
Definition at line 1559 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $path, addMissingMetadata(), as, authTokenHeaders(), getAuthentication(), getContainerStat(), getStatFromHeaders(), headersFromParams(), http, list, onError(), FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePathReal(), and storageUrl().
Referenced by doGetFileStat().
protected |
Definition at line 1015 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References FileBackendStore\clearCache(), and FileBackendStore\getFileStat().
protected |
Definition at line 1111 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $ext, $path, as, authTokenHeaders(), FileBackend\extensionFromPath(), TempFSFile\factory(), getAuthentication(), getStatFromHeaders(), headersFromParams(), http, list, onError(), FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePathReal(), and storageUrl().
protected |
Definition at line 415 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $handler, $request, $status, array(), doExecuteOpHandlesInternal(), list, Status\newGood(), onError(), FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePathReal(), sanitizeHdrs(), and use.
protected |
Definition at line 570 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $status, createContainer(), getContainerStat(), name, Status\newGood(), and wfDebugLog().
protected |
Definition at line 1553 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References as.
protected |
Definition at line 617 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $status, getContainerStat(), name, Status\newGood(), setContainerAccess(), and wfDebugLog().
protected |
Definition at line 593 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $status, getContainerStat(), name, Status\newGood(), setContainerAccess(), and wfDebugLog().
protected |
Definition at line 303 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $handler, $request, $status, array(), doExecuteOpHandlesInternal(), FileBackendStore\getContentType(), list, Status\newGood(), onError(), FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePathReal(), sanitizeHdrs(), and use.
protected |
Definition at line 1045 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $flags, $status, as, authTokenHeaders(), FileBackendStore\clearCache(), FileBackendStore\deleteFileCache(), FileBackendStore\fileExists(), getAuthentication(), getContainerStat(), headersFromParams(), http, list, Status\newGood(), onError(), FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePathReal(), StreamFile\send404Message(), storageUrl(), StreamFile\STREAM_HEADLESS, and wfResetOutputBuffers().
protected |
Definition at line 1646 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $authCreds, $authSessionTimestamp, getCredsCacheKey(), http, list, and onError().
Referenced by addMissingMetadata(), createContainer(), deleteContainer(), doExecuteOpHandlesInternal(), doGetFileContentsMulti(), doGetFileStatMulti(), doGetLocalCopyMulti(), doStreamFile(), getContainerStat(), getFileHttpUrl(), objectListing(), and setContainerAccess().
protected |
Get a Swift container stat array, possibly from process cache.
Use $reCache if the file count or byte count is needed.
string | $container | Container name |
bool | $bypassCache | Bypass all caches and load from Swift |
Definition at line 1365 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References authTokenHeaders(), getAuthentication(), http, Profiler\instance(), list, onError(), FileBackendStore\primeContainerCache(), FileBackendStore\setContainerCache(), and storageUrl().
Referenced by doCleanInternal(), doGetFileStatMulti(), doPrepareInternal(), doPublishInternal(), doSecureInternal(), doStreamFile(), and isPathUsableInternal().
private |
Get the cache key for a container.
string | $username |
Definition at line 1736 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $username.
Referenced by getAuthentication(), and onError().
protected |
array | $rawHeaders |
Definition at line 192 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References FileBackend\$name, $value, and as.
Referenced by addMissingMetadata(), and sanitizeHdrs().
SwiftFileBackend::getDirectoryListInternal | ( | $fullCont, | |
$dir, | |||
array | $params | ||
) |
string | $fullCont | |
string | $dir | |
array | $params |
Definition at line 819 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $dir.
SwiftFileBackend::getDirListPageInternal | ( | $fullCont, | |
$dir, | |||
& | $after, | ||
$limit, | |||
array | $params | ||
) |
Do not call this function outside of SwiftFileBackendFileList.
string | $fullCont | Resolved container name |
string | $dir | Resolved storage directory with no trailing slash |
string | null | $after | Resolved container relative path to list items after |
int | $limit | Max number of items to list |
array | $params | Parameters for getDirectoryList() |
FileBackendError |
Definition at line 845 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $dir, $dirs, $limit, $path, $status, as, false, Profiler\instance(), and objectListing().
SwiftFileBackend::getFeatures | ( | ) |
Definition at line 150 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References FileBackend\ATTR_HEADERS, FileBackend\ATTR_METADATA, and FileBackend\ATTR_UNICODE_PATHS.
SwiftFileBackend::getFileHttpUrl | ( | array | $params | ) |
Definition at line 1179 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References getAuthentication(), list, FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePathReal(), storageUrl(), and wfAppendQuery().
SwiftFileBackend::getFileListInternal | ( | $fullCont, | |
$dir, | |||
array | $params | ||
) |
string | $fullCont | |
string | $dir | |
array | $params |
Definition at line 830 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $dir.
SwiftFileBackend::getFileListPageInternal | ( | $fullCont, | |
$dir, | |||
& | $after, | ||
$limit, | |||
array | $params | ||
) |
Do not call this function outside of SwiftFileBackendFileList.
string | $fullCont | Resolved container name |
string | $dir | Resolved storage directory with no trailing slash |
string | null | $after | Resolved container relative path of file to list items after |
int | $limit | Max number of items to list |
array | $params | Parameters for getDirectoryList() |
FileBackendError |
Definition at line 925 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $dir, $files, $limit, $status, buildFileObjectListing(), Profiler\instance(), and objectListing().
protected |
array | $rawHeaders |
Definition at line 245 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References FileBackend\$name, $value, as, and getMetadataHeaders().
Referenced by getStatFromHeaders().
protected |
array | $rawHeaders |
Definition at line 229 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References FileBackend\$name, $value, and as.
Referenced by addMissingMetadata(), and getMetadata().
protected |
array | $rhdrs |
Definition at line 1625 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References convertSwiftDate(), getMetadata(), sanitizeHdrs(), and TS_MW.
Referenced by doGetFileStatMulti(), and doGetLocalCopyMulti().
protected |
Get headers to send to Swift when reading a file based on a FileBackend params array, e.g.
that of getLocalCopy(). $params is currently only checked for a 'latest' flag.
array | $params |
Definition at line 1245 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
Referenced by doGetFileContentsMulti(), doGetFileStatMulti(), doGetLocalCopyMulti(), and doStreamFile().
SwiftFileBackend::isPathUsableInternal | ( | $storagePath | ) |
Definition at line 165 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References getContainerStat(), list, and FileBackendStore\resolveStoragePathReal().
SwiftFileBackend::loadListingStatInternal | ( | $path, | |
array | $val | ||
) |
Do not call this function outside of SwiftFileBackendFileList.
string | $path | Storage path |
array | $val | Stat value |
Definition at line 1011 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $path.
private |
Get a list of objects under a container.
Either just the names or a list of stdClass objects with details can be returned.
string | $fullCont | |
string | $type | ('info' for a list of object detail maps, 'names' for names only) |
int | $limit | |
string | null | $after | |
string | null | $prefix | |
string | null | $delim |
Definition at line 1502 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $limit, $params, $query, $status, $type, authTokenHeaders(), FormatJson\decode(), getAuthentication(), http, list, name, Status\newGood(), onError(), and storageUrl().
Referenced by doDirectoryExists(), getDirListPageInternal(), and getFileListPageInternal().
SwiftFileBackend::onError | ( | $status, | |
$func, | |||
array | $params, | ||
$err = '' , |
$code = 0 , |
$desc = '' |
) |
Log an unexpected exception for this backend.
This also sets the Status object to have a fatal error.
Status | null | $status | |
string | $func | |
array | $params | |
string | $err | Error string |
int | $code | HTTP status |
string | $desc | HTTP status description |
Definition at line 1751 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $code, $status, FormatJson\encode(), getCredsCacheKey(), name, and wfDebugLog().
Referenced by createContainer(), deleteContainer(), doCopyInternal(), doCreateInternal(), doDeleteInternal(), doDescribeInternal(), doGetFileContentsMulti(), doGetFileStatMulti(), doGetLocalCopyMulti(), doMoveInternal(), doStoreInternal(), doStreamFile(), getAuthentication(), getContainerStat(), and objectListing().
protected |
Definition at line 155 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
protected |
Sanitize and filter the custom headers from a $params array.
Only allows certain "standard" Content- and X-Content- headers.
array | $params |
Definition at line 181 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References getCustomHeaders().
Referenced by doCopyInternal(), doCreateInternal(), doDescribeInternal(), doMoveInternal(), doStoreInternal(), and getStatFromHeaders().
Set read/write permissions for a Swift container.
In general, we don't allow listings to end-users. It's not useful, isn't well-defined (lists are truncated to 10000 item with no way to page), and is just a performance risk.
string | $container | Resolved Swift container |
array | $readGrps | List of the possible criteria for a request to have access to read a container. Each item is one of the following formats:
array | $writeGrps | A list of the possible criteria for a request to have access to write to a container. Each item is of the following format:
Definition at line 1330 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
References $status, authTokenHeaders(), getAuthentication(), http, list, name, Status\newGood(), storageUrl(), and wfDebugLog().
Referenced by doPublishInternal(), and doSecureInternal().
protected |
array | $creds | From getAuthentication() |
string | $container | |
string | $object |
Definition at line 1710 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
Referenced by addMissingMetadata(), createContainer(), deleteContainer(), doExecuteOpHandlesInternal(), doGetFileContentsMulti(), doGetFileStatMulti(), doGetLocalCopyMulti(), doStreamFile(), getContainerStat(), getFileHttpUrl(), objectListing(), and setContainerAccess().
protected |
Definition at line 67 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
Referenced by getAuthentication().
protected |
UNIX timestamp.
Definition at line 73 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
protected |
UNIX timestamp.
Definition at line 70 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
Referenced by getAuthentication().
protected |
TTL in seconds.
Definition at line 40 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
protected |
Container stat cache.
Definition at line 64 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
protected |
Definition at line 37 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
protected |
Whether the server is an Ceph RGW.
Definition at line 76 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
protected |
S3 access key (RADOS Gateway)
Definition at line 55 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
protected |
S3 authentication key (RADOS Gateway)
Definition at line 58 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
protected |
Definition at line 61 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
protected |
Authentication base URL (without version)
Definition at line 43 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
protected |
Secret key for user.
Definition at line 49 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
protected |
Shared secret value for making temp URLs.
Definition at line 52 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
protected |
Swift user (account:user) to authenticate as.
Definition at line 46 of file SwiftFileBackend.php.
Referenced by createContainer().