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UserPasswordPolicy Class Reference

Check if a user's password complies with any password policies that apply to that user, based on the user's group membership. More...

Public Member Functions

 __construct (array $policies, array $checks)
 checkUserPassword (User $user, $password, $purpose= 'login')
 Check if a passwords meets the effective password policy for a User. More...
 checkUserPasswordForGroups (User $user, $password, array $groups)
 Check if a passwords meets the effective password policy for a User, using a set of groups they may or may not belong to. More...
 getPoliciesForUser (User $user, $purpose= 'login')
 Get the policy for a user, based on their group membership. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static getPoliciesForGroups (array $policies, array $userGroups, array $defaultPolicy)
 Utility function to get the effective policy from a list of policies, based on a list of groups. More...
static maxOfPolicies (array $p1, array $p2)
 Utility function to get a policy that is the most restrictive of $p1 and $p2. More...

Private Member Functions

 checkPolicies (User $user, $password, $policies, $policyCheckFunctions)

Private Attributes

array $policies
array $policyCheckFunctions
 Mapping of statements to the function that will test the password for compliance. More...

Detailed Description

Check if a user's password complies with any password policies that apply to that user, based on the user's group membership.


Definition at line 28 of file UserPasswordPolicy.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

UserPasswordPolicy::__construct ( array  $policies,
array  $checks 
array$checksmapping statement to its checking function. Checking functions are called with the policy value for this user, the user object, and the password to check.

Definition at line 48 of file UserPasswordPolicy.php.

References $policies, and as.

Member Function Documentation

UserPasswordPolicy::checkPolicies ( User  $user,

Definition at line 115 of file UserPasswordPolicy.php.

References $policies, $policyCheckFunctions, $status, $value, as, and Status\newGood().

Referenced by checkUserPassword(), and checkUserPasswordForGroups().

UserPasswordPolicy::checkUserPassword ( User  $user,
  $purpose = 'login' 

Check if a passwords meets the effective password policy for a User.

User$userwho's policy we are checking
string$passwordthe password to check
string$purposeone of 'login', 'create', 'reset'
Status error to indicate the password didn't meet the policy, or fatal to indicate the user shouldn't be allowed to login.

Definition at line 74 of file UserPasswordPolicy.php.

References checkPolicies(), and getPoliciesForUser().

UserPasswordPolicy::checkUserPasswordForGroups ( User  $user,
array  $groups 

Check if a passwords meets the effective password policy for a User, using a set of groups they may or may not belong to.

This function does not use the DB, so can be used in the installer.

User$userwho's policy we are checking
string$passwordthe password to check
array$groupslist of groups to which we assume the user belongs
Status error to indicate the password didn't meet the policy, or fatal to indicate the user shouldn't be allowed to login.

Definition at line 94 of file UserPasswordPolicy.php.

References checkPolicies().

static UserPasswordPolicy::getPoliciesForGroups ( array  $policies,
array  $userGroups,
array  $defaultPolicy 

Utility function to get the effective policy from a list of policies, based on a list of groups.

array$policieslist of policies to consider
array$userGroupsthe groups from which we calculate the effective policy
array$defaultPolicythe default policy to start from
array effective policy

Definition at line 163 of file UserPasswordPolicy.php.

References as.

Referenced by UserPasswordPolicyTest\testGetPoliciesForGroups().

UserPasswordPolicy::getPoliciesForUser ( User  $user,
  $purpose = 'login' 

Get the policy for a user, based on their group membership.

Public so UI elements can access and inform the user.

string$purposeone of 'login', 'create', 'reset'
array the effective policy for $user

Definition at line 140 of file UserPasswordPolicy.php.

References User\getEffectiveGroups(), and Hooks\run().

Referenced by checkUserPassword().

static UserPasswordPolicy::maxOfPolicies ( array  $p1,
array  $p2 

Utility function to get a policy that is the most restrictive of $p1 and $p2.

For simplicity, we setup the policy values so the maximum value is always more restrictive.

array containing the more restrictive values of $p1 and $p2

Definition at line 186 of file UserPasswordPolicy.php.

References $keys, $ret, and as.

Referenced by UserPasswordPolicyTest\testMaxOfPolicies().

Member Data Documentation

array UserPasswordPolicy::$policies

Definition at line 33 of file UserPasswordPolicy.php.

Referenced by __construct(), and checkPolicies().

array UserPasswordPolicy::$policyCheckFunctions

Mapping of statements to the function that will test the password for compliance.

The checking functions take the policy value, the user, and password, and return a Status object indicating compliance.

Definition at line 41 of file UserPasswordPolicy.php.

Referenced by checkPolicies().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: