MediaWiki  master
WikiPageTest Class Reference

ContentHandler Database ^— important, causes temporary tables to be used instead of the real database medium. More...

Inheritance diagram for WikiPageTest:
Collaboration diagram for WikiPageTest:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($name=null, array $data=[], $dataName= '')
 broken_testDoRollback ()
 dataReplaceSection ()
 testDoDeleteArticle ()
 WikiPage::doDeleteArticle. More...
 testDoDeleteUpdates ()
 WikiPage::doDeleteUpdates. More...
 testDoEdit ()
 WikiPage::doEdit. More...
 testDoEditContent ()
 WikiPage::doEditContent. More...
 testDoQuickEditContent ()
 WikiPage::doQuickEditContent. More...
 testDoRollback ()
 testDoRollbackFailureSameContent ()
 WikiPage::doRollback More...
 testExists ()
 WikiPage::exists. More...
 testGetAutoDeleteReason ($edits, $expectedResult, $expectedHistory)
 provideGetAutoDeleteReason WikiPage::getAutoDeleteReason More...
 testGetAutosummary ($old, $new, $flags, $expected)
 provideGetAutoSummary WikiPage::getAutosummary More...
 testGetContent ()
 WikiPage::getContent. More...
 testGetContentHandler ()
 WikiPage::getContentHandler. More...
 testGetContentModel ()
 WikiPage::getContentModel. More...
 testGetParserOutput ($model, $text, $expectedHtml)
 provideGetParserOutput WikiPage::getParserOutput More...
 testGetParserOutput_badrev ()
 WikiPage::getParserOutput More...
 testGetParserOutput_nonexisting ()
 WikiPage::getParserOutput More...
 testGetRedirectTarget ($title, $model, $text, $target)
 provideGetRedirectTarget WikiPage::getRedirectTarget More...
 testGetRevision ()
 WikiPage::getRevision. More...
 testGetText ()
 WikiPage::getText. More...
 testHasViewableContent ($title, $viewable, $create=false)
 provideHasViewableContent WikiPage::hasViewableContent More...
 testIsCountable ($title, $model, $text, $mode, $expected)
 provideIsCountable WikiPage::isCountable More...
 testIsRedirect ($title, $model, $text, $target)
 provideGetRedirectTarget WikiPage::isRedirect More...
 testReplaceSectionAtRev ($title, $model, $text, $section, $with, $sectionTitle, $expected)
 dataReplaceSection WikiPage::replaceSectionAtRev More...
 testReplaceSectionContent ($title, $model, $text, $section, $with, $sectionTitle, $expected)
 dataReplaceSection WikiPage::replaceSectionContent More...
 testWikiPageFactory ()
 WikiPage::factory. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MediaWikiTestCase
 __call ($func, $args)
 __construct ($name=null, array $data=[], $dataName= '')
 __destruct ()
 addDBData ()
 Stub. More...
 addDBDataOnce ()
 Stub. More...
 dbPrefix ()
 getCliArg ($offset)
 hideDeprecated ($function)
 Don't throw a warning if $function is deprecated and called later. More...
 needsDB ()
 run (PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult $result=null)
 setCliArg ($offset, $value)
 setContentLang ($lang)
 setupAllTestDBs ()
 Set up all test DBs. More...
 setUserLang ($lang)
 testMediaWikiTestCaseParentSetupCalled ()
 Make sure MediaWikiTestCase extending classes have called their parent setUp method. More...
 usesTemporaryTables ()

Static Public Member Functions

static provideGetAutoDeleteReason ()
static provideGetAutosummary ()
static provideGetParserOutput ()
static provideGetRedirectTarget ()
static provideHasViewableContent ()
static provideIsCountable ()
static providePreSaveTransform ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MediaWikiTestCase
static assertNotTag ($matcher, $actual, $message= '', $isHtml=true)
static assertTag ($matcher, $actual, $message= '', $isHtml=true)
 Note: we are overriding this method to remove the deprecated error. More...
static getMutableTestUser ($groups=[])
 Convenience method for getting a mutable test user. More...
static getTestSysop ()
 Convenience method for getting an immutable admin test user. More...
static getTestUser ($groups=[])
 Convenience method for getting an immutable test user. More...
static listTables ($db)
static prepareServices (Config $bootstrapConfig)
 Prepare service configuration for unit testing. More...
static setUpBeforeClass ()
static setupTestDB (DatabaseBase $db, $prefix)
 Creates an empty skeleton of the wiki database by cloning its structure to equivalent tables using the given $prefix. More...
static teardownTestDB ()
 Restores MediaWiki to using the table set (table prefix) it was using before setupTestDB() was called. More...
static wfResetOutputBuffersBarrier ($buffer)
 Used as a marker to prevent wfResetOutputBuffers from breaking PHPUnit. More...

Static Public Attributes

static $sections
- Static Public Attributes inherited from MediaWikiTestCase
static TestUser[] $users

Protected Member Functions

 createPage ($page, $text, $model=null)
 newPage ($title, $model=null)
 setUp ()
 tearDown ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MediaWikiLangTestCase
 setUp ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MediaWikiTestCase
 addTmpFiles ($files)
 arrayWrap (array $elements)
 Utility method taking an array of elements and wrapping each element in its own array. More...
 assertArrayEquals (array $expected, array $actual, $ordered=false, $named=false)
 Assert that two arrays are equal. More...
 assertHTMLEquals ($expected, $actual, $msg= '')
 Put each HTML element on its own line and then equals() the results. More...
 assertSelect ($table, $fields, $condition, array $expectedRows)
 Asserts that the given database query yields the rows given by $expectedRows. More...
 assertType ($type, $actual, $message= '')
 Asserts the type of the provided value. More...
 assertTypeOrValue ($type, $actual, $value=false, $message= '')
 Asserts that the provided variable is of the specified internal type or equals the $value argument. More...
 assertValidHtmlDocument ($html)
 Asserts that the given string is valid HTML document. More...
 assertValidHtmlSnippet ($html)
 Asserts that the given string is a valid HTML snippet. More...
 checkDbIsSupported ()
 checkPHPExtension ($extName)
 Check if $extName is a loaded PHP extension, will skip the test whenever it is not loaded. More...
 getDefaultWikitextNS ()
 Returns the ID of a namespace that defaults to Wikitext. More...
 getNewTempDirectory ()
 obtains a new temporary directory More...
 getNewTempFile ()
 Obtains a new temporary file name. More...
 insertPage ($pageName, $text= 'Sample page for unit test.')
 Insert a new page. More...
 isWikitextNS ($ns)
 Returns true if the given namespace defaults to Wikitext according to $wgNamespaceContentModels. More...
 markTestSkippedIfNoDiff3 ()
 Check, if $wgDiff3 is set and ready to merge Will mark the calling test as skipped, if not ready. More...
 mergeMwGlobalArrayValue ($name, $values)
 Merges the given values into a MW global array variable. More...
 objectAssociativeSort (array &$array)
 Does an associative sort that works for objects. More...
 overrideMwServices (Config $configOverrides=null, array $services=[])
 Stashes the global instance of MediaWikiServices, and installs a new one, allowing test cases to override settings and services. More...
 setLogger ($channel, LoggerInterface $logger)
 Sets the logger for a specified channel, for the duration of the test. More...
 setMwGlobals ($pairs, $value=null)
 setService ($name, $object)
 Sets a service, maintaining a stashed version of the previous service to be restored in tearDown. More...
 setUp ()
 stashMwGlobals ($globalKeys)
 Stashes the global, will be restored in tearDown() More...
 tearDown ()

Protected Attributes

- Protected Attributes inherited from MediaWikiTestCase
DatabaseBase $db
 Primary database. More...
array $supportedDBs
array $tablesUsed = []

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from MediaWikiTestCase
const DB_PREFIX = 'unittest_'
 Table name prefixes. More...
const ORA_DB_PREFIX = 'ut_'
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from MediaWikiTestCase
static getExternalStoreDatabaseConnections ()
 Gets master database connections for all of the ExternalStoreDB stores configured in $wgDefaultExternalStore. More...
static isUsingExternalStoreDB ()
 Check whether ExternalStoreDB is being used. More...
static resetGlobalServices (Config $bootstrapConfig=null)
 Reset global services, and install testing environment. More...
static setupDatabaseWithTestPrefix (DatabaseBase $db, $prefix)
 Setups a database with the given prefix. More...
static setupExternalStoreTestDBs ($testPrefix)
 Clones the External Store database(s) for testing. More...
static stripStringKeys (&$r)
 Utility function for eliminating all string keys from an array. More...

Detailed Description

ContentHandler Database ^— important, causes temporary tables to be used instead of the real database medium.

Definition at line 9 of file WikiPageTest.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

WikiPageTest::__construct (   $name = null,
array  $data = [],
  $dataName = '' 

Definition at line 13 of file WikiPageTest.php.

References $name.

Member Function Documentation

WikiPageTest::broken_testDoRollback ( )
FIXME: this is a better rollback test than the one below, but it keeps failing in jenkins for some reason.

Definition at line 862 of file WikiPageTest.php.

WikiPageTest::dataReplaceSection ( )

Definition at line 722 of file WikiPageTest.php.

WikiPageTest::newPage (   $title,
  $model = null 
static WikiPageTest::provideGetAutoDeleteReason ( )

Definition at line 1114 of file WikiPageTest.php.

static WikiPageTest::provideGetAutosummary ( )

Definition at line 1057 of file WikiPageTest.php.

static WikiPageTest::provideGetParserOutput ( )

Definition at line 653 of file WikiPageTest.php.


static WikiPageTest::provideGetRedirectTarget ( )

Definition at line 462 of file WikiPageTest.php.


static WikiPageTest::provideHasViewableContent ( )

Definition at line 435 of file WikiPageTest.php.

References false, and true.

static WikiPageTest::provideIsCountable ( )

Definition at line 503 of file WikiPageTest.php.

References CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, false, and true.

static WikiPageTest::providePreSaveTransform ( )

Definition at line 1219 of file WikiPageTest.php.

WikiPageTest::setUp ( )

Definition at line 35 of file WikiPageTest.php.

References cached, etc, redirect, and LinkCache\singleton().

WikiPageTest::tearDown ( )

Definition at line 42 of file WikiPageTest.php.

References as.

WikiPageTest::testDoEdit ( )
WikiPageTest::testDoEditContent ( )
WikiPageTest::testDoQuickEditContent ( )
WikiPageTest::testDoRollback ( )
FIXME: the above rollback test is better, but it keeps failing in jenkins for some reason. WikiPage::doRollback

Definition at line 931 of file WikiPageTest.php.

WikiPageTest::testDoRollbackFailureSameContent ( )


Definition at line 987 of file WikiPageTest.php.

WikiPageTest::testExists ( )
WikiPageTest::testGetAutoDeleteReason (   $edits,

provideGetAutoDeleteReason WikiPage::getAutoDeleteReason

Definition at line 1180 of file WikiPageTest.php.

WikiPageTest::testGetAutosummary (   $old,

provideGetAutoSummary WikiPage::getAutosummary

Definition at line 1103 of file WikiPageTest.php.

WikiPageTest::testGetContent ( )
WikiPageTest::testGetContentHandler ( )
WikiPageTest::testGetContentModel ( )
WikiPageTest::testGetParserOutput (   $model,

provideGetParserOutput WikiPage::getParserOutput

Definition at line 664 of file WikiPageTest.php.

References $page, and createPage().

WikiPageTest::testGetParserOutput_badrev ( )


Definition at line 697 of file WikiPageTest.php.

WikiPageTest::testGetParserOutput_nonexisting ( )


Definition at line 682 of file WikiPageTest.php.

WikiPageTest::testGetRedirectTarget (   $title,

provideGetRedirectTarget WikiPage::getRedirectTarget

Definition at line 478 of file WikiPageTest.php.

References $page, $t, $title, createPage(), and MediaWikiTestCase\setMwGlobals().

WikiPageTest::testGetRevision ( )
WikiPageTest::testGetText ( )
WikiPageTest::testHasViewableContent (   $title,
  $create = false 

provideHasViewableContent WikiPage::hasViewableContent

Definition at line 449 of file WikiPageTest.php.

References $page, $title, CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, createPage(), and newPage().

WikiPageTest::testIsCountable (   $title,
WikiPageTest::testIsRedirect (   $title,

provideGetRedirectTarget WikiPage::isRedirect

Definition at line 498 of file WikiPageTest.php.

References $page, $title, and createPage().

WikiPageTest::testReplaceSectionAtRev (   $title,

dataReplaceSection WikiPage::replaceSectionAtRev

Definition at line 789 of file WikiPageTest.php.

WikiPageTest::testReplaceSectionContent (   $title,

dataReplaceSection WikiPage::replaceSectionContent

Definition at line 774 of file WikiPageTest.php.

WikiPageTest::testWikiPageFactory ( )


Definition at line 1233 of file WikiPageTest.php.

Member Data Documentation


Definition at line 11 of file WikiPageTest.php.

Initial value:
== stuff ==
hello world
== test ==
just a test
== foo ==
more stuff

Definition at line 708 of file WikiPageTest.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: