Directories | |
directory | actions |
directory | api |
directory | auth |
directory | cache |
directory | changes |
directory | changetags |
directory | clientpool |
directory | collation |
directory | compat |
directory | composer |
directory | config |
directory | content |
directory | context |
directory | dao |
directory | db |
directory | debug |
directory | deferred |
directory | diff |
directory | exception |
directory | export |
directory | externalstore |
directory | filebackend |
directory | filerepo |
directory | gallery |
directory | htmlform |
directory | import |
directory | installer |
directory | interwiki |
directory | jobqueue |
directory | json |
directory | libs |
directory | linker |
directory | logging |
directory | |
directory | media |
directory | objectcache |
directory | page |
directory | pager |
directory | parser |
directory | password |
directory | poolcounter |
directory | profiler |
directory | rcfeed |
directory | registration |
directory | resourceloader |
directory | revisiondelete |
directory | search |
directory | Services |
directory | session |
directory | site |
directory | skins |
directory | specialpage |
directory | specials |
directory | templates |
directory | tidy |
directory | title |
directory | upload |
directory | user |
directory | utils |
directory | widget |
Files | |
file | AjaxDispatcher.php [code] |
Handle ajax requests and send them to the proper handler. | |
file | AjaxResponse.php [code] |
Response handler for Ajax requests. | |
file | AuthPlugin.php [code] |
Authentication plugin interface. | |
file | AutoLoader.php [code] |
This defines autoloading handler for whole MediaWiki framework. | |
file | Autopromote.php [code] |
Automatic user rights promotion based on conditions specified in $wgAutopromote. | |
file | Block.php [code] |
Blocks and bans object. | |
file | Category.php [code] |
Representation for a category. | |
file | CategoryFinder.php [code] |
Recent changes filtering by category. | |
file | CategoryViewer.php [code] |
List and paging of category members. | |
file | DefaultSettings.php [code] |
Default values for MediaWiki configuration settings. | |
file | Defines.php [code] |
A few constants that might be needed during LocalSettings.php. | |
file | DeprecatedGlobal.php [code] |
Delayed loading of deprecated global objects. | |
file | DerivativeRequest.php [code] |
Deal with importing all those nasty globals and things. | |
file | DummyLinker.php [code] |
file | EditPage.php [code] |
User interface for page editing. | |
file | EventRelayerGroup.php [code] |
file | FauxRequest.php [code] |
Deal with importing all those nasty globals and things. | |
file | Feed.php [code] |
Basic support for outputting syndication feeds in RSS, other formats. | |
file | FeedUtils.php [code] |
Helper functions for feeds. | |
file | FileDeleteForm.php [code] |
File deletion user interface. | |
file | ForkController.php [code] |
Class for managing forking command line scripts. | |
file | FormOptions.php [code] |
Helper class to keep track of options when mixing links and form elements. | |
file | GitInfo.php [code] |
A class to help return information about a git repo MediaWiki may be inside This is used by Special:Version and is also useful for the LocalSettings.php of anyone working on large branches in git to setup config that show up only when specific branches are currently checked out. | |
file | GlobalFunctions.php [code] |
Global functions used everywhere. | |
file | HistoryBlob.php [code] |
Efficient concatenated text storage. | |
file | Hooks.php [code] |
A tool for running hook functions. | |
file | Html.php [code] |
Collection of methods to generate HTML content. | |
file | HtmlFormatter.php [code] |
Stub for extensions that haven't switched to Composer-based version of this class. | |
file | HttpFunctions.php [code] |
Various HTTP related functions. | |
file | Licenses.php [code] |
License selector for use on Special:Upload. | |
file | Linker.php [code] |
Methods to make links and related items. | |
file | LinkFilter.php [code] |
Functions to help implement an external link filter for spam control. | |
file | ListToggle.php [code] |
Class for generating clickable toggle links for a list of checkboxes. | |
file | MagicWord.php [code] |
See docs/magicword.txt. | |
file | MagicWordArray.php [code] |
See docs/magicword.txt. | |
file | MediaWiki.php [code] |
Helper class for the index.php entry point. | |
file | MediaWikiServices.php [code] |
Service locator for MediaWiki core services. | |
file | MediaWikiVersionFetcher.php [code] |
file | MergeHistory.php [code] |
Created on Dec 29, 2015. | |
file | Message.php [code] |
Fetching and processing of interface messages. | |
file | MimeMagic.php [code] |
Module defining helper functions for detecting and dealing with MIME types. | |
file | MovePage.php [code] |
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | |
file | MWNamespace.php [code] |
Provide things related to namespaces. | |
file | MWTimestamp.php [code] |
Creation and parsing of MW-style timestamps. | |
file | NoLocalSettings.php [code] |
Display an error page when there is no LocalSettings.php file. | |
file | OutputHandler.php [code] |
Functions to be used with PHP's output buffer. | |
file | OutputPage.php [code] |
Preparation for the final page rendering. | |
file | PageProps.php [code] |
Access to properties of a page. | |
file | PathRouter.php [code] |
Parser to extract query parameters out of REQUEST_URI paths. | |
file | PHPVersionCheck.php [code] |
Check PHP Version, as well as for composer dependencies in entry points, and display something vaguely comprehensible in the event of a totally unrecoverable error. | |
file | Pingback.php [code] |
Send information about this MediaWiki instance to | |
file | Preferences.php [code] |
Form to edit user preferences. | |
file | PrefixSearch.php [code] |
Prefix search of page names. | |
file | ProtectionForm.php [code] |
Page protection. | |
file | Revision.php [code] |
Representation of a page version. | |
file | RevisionList.php [code] |
Holders of revision list for a single page. | |
file | Sanitizer.php [code] |
HTML sanitizer for MediaWiki. | |
file | ServiceWiring.php [code] |
Default wiring for MediaWiki services. | |
file | Setup.php [code] |
Include most things that are needed to make MediaWiki work. | |
file | SiteConfiguration.php [code] |
Configuration holder, particularly for multi-wiki sites. | |
file | SiteStats.php [code] |
Accessors and mutators for the site-wide statistics. | |
file | Status.php [code] |
Generic operation result. | |
file | StreamFile.php [code] |
Functions related to the output of file content. | |
file | StubObject.php [code] |
Delayed loading of global objects. | |
file | TemplateParser.php [code] |
Handles compiling Mustache templates into PHP rendering functions. | |
file | Title.php [code] |
Representation of a title within MediaWiki. | |
file | TitleArray.php [code] |
Class to walk into a list of Title objects. | |
file | TitleArrayFromResult.php [code] |
Class to walk into a list of Title objects. | |
file | WatchedItem.php [code] |
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | |
file | WatchedItemQueryService.php [code] |
Class performing complex database queries related to WatchedItems. | |
file | WatchedItemStore.php [code] |
file | WebRequest.php [code] |
Deal with importing all those nasty globals and things. | |
file | WebRequestUpload.php [code] |
Object to access the $_FILES array. | |
file | WebResponse.php [code] |
Classes used to send headers and cookies back to the user. | |
file | WebStart.php [code] |
This does the initial set up for a web request. | |
file | WikiMap.php [code] |
Tools for dealing with other locally-hosted wikis. | |
file | Xml.php [code] |
Methods to generate XML. | |
file | XmlSelect.php [code] |
Class for generating HTML <select> elements. | |