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file  Profiler.php
 Base class for profiling.
file  ProfilerFunctions.php
 Core profiling functions.
file  ProfilerOutput.php
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
file  ProfilerOutputDb.php
 Profiler storing information in the DB.
file  ProfilerOutputDump.php
 Profiler dumping output in xhprof dump file.
file  ProfilerOutputStats.php
 ProfilerOutput class that flushes profiling data to the profiling context's stats buffer.
file  ProfilerOutputText.php
 Profiler showing output in page source.
file  ProfilerStub.php
 Stub profiling functions.
file  ProfileSection.php
 Function scope profiling assistant.
file  SectionProfiler.php
 Arbitrary section name based PHP profiling.
file  TransactionProfiler.php
 Transaction profiling for contention.


class  Profiler
 Profiler base class that defines the interface and some trivial functionality. More...
class  ProfilerOutputDb
 Logs profiling data into the local DB. More...
class  ProfilerOutputDump
 Profiler dumping output in xhprof dump file. More...
class  ProfilerOutputStats
 ProfilerOutput class that flushes profiling data to the profiling context's stats buffer. More...
class  ProfilerOutputText
 The least sophisticated profiler output class possible, view your source! :) More...
class  ProfilerSectionOnly
 Profiler that only tracks explicit profiling sections. More...
class  ProfilerStub
 Stub profiler that does nothing. More...
class  ProfilerXhprof
 Profiler wrapper for XHProf extension. More...

Detailed Description