Annotation: office.sign_in

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION office.sign_in(office_id integer_strict, user_name text, password text, browser text, ip_address text, remote_user text, culture text, challenge text, OUT login_id bigint, OUT message text)
RETURNS record

Information: office.sign_in

Schema office
Function Name sign_in
Arguments office_id integer_strict, user_name text, password text, browser text, ip_address text, remote_user text, culture text, challenge text, OUT login_id bigint, OUT message text
Owner postgres
Result Type record

Implementation: office.sign_in

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION office.sign_in(office_id integer_strict, user_name text, password text, browser text, ip_address text, remote_user text, culture text, challenge text, OUT login_id bigint, OUT message text)
 RETURNS record
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
    DECLARE _user_id            integer;
    DECLARE _lock_out_till      TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE;
    DECLARE result              boolean;
    _user_id        :=office.get_user_id_by_user_name($2);
    login_id        := 0;
    IF _user_id IS NULL THEN
        INSERT INTO audit.failed_logins(user_name,browser,ip_address,remote_user,details)
        SELECT $2, $4, $5, $6, 'Invalid user name.';
        message := 'Invalid login attempt.';

        IF NOT ((_lock_out_till IS NOT NULL) AND (_lock_out_till>NOW())) THEN
            IF(office.validate_login($2,$3, $8)) THEN

                SELECT * FROM office.can_login(_user_id,$1) 
                INTO result, message;

                IF(result) THEN
                    INSERT INTO audit.logins(office_id,user_id,browser,ip_address,remote_user, culture)
                    SELECT $1, _user_id, $4, $5, $6, $7;

                    login_id := currval('audit.logins_login_id_seq')::bigint;
                    IF(COALESCE(message, '') = '') THEN
                        message := format('A user from %1$s cannot login to %2$s.', office.get_office_name_by_id(office.get_office_id_by_user_id(_user_id)), office.get_office_name_by_id($1));
                    END IF;

                    INSERT INTO audit.failed_logins(office_id,user_id,user_name,browser,ip_address,remote_user,details)
                    SELECT $1, _user_id, $2, $4, $5, $6, message;
                END IF;
                IF(COALESCE(message, '') = '') THEN
                    message := 'Invalid login attempt.';
                END IF;
                INSERT INTO audit.failed_logins(office_id,user_id,user_name,browser,ip_address,remote_user,details)
                SELECT $1, _user_id, $2, $4, $5, $6, message;
            END IF;
             message        := format('You are locked out till %1$s.', _lock_out_till);

            INSERT INTO audit.failed_logins(office_id,user_id,user_name,browser,ip_address,remote_user,details)
            SELECT $1, _user_id, $2, $4, $5, $6, message;
        END IF;
    END IF;
